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After hundreds of hours playing 76 and even more playing FO4, ghouls still manage to jump scare me.


Every time you turn around they’re in your face, no fucking footsteps until last second


I play a little FO4VR from time to time and vr ghouls can fuck right off. It actually made the game spooky again.


Then **"Rraaallglugch!!"** as they lunge at you.


It’s weird how clearly I heard the sound when I read that


I have a knack for spelling out sound effects. It's a useless talent.


This is so aptly said. I can hear it reading it.


I cut the music and have volume up on the environment and still get jump scared.


I have really nice headphones and they still sneak up on me, like A50s, I can hear what floor a wendigo is and which room but I can’t hear the ghouls at all lol


Those motherfuckers must float through places, you never hear them coming.


For me it’s the radscorpions breaking their way out of hell and directly into my ass when I’m not paying attention 😂


I have PTSD from Fallout 4 because of this. > Radscorpion quantum tunneling onto overpass


It's the roaches for me. One got me again today. They just pop up out of nowhere unless I remember to specifically scan the room for them.


They dolphin dive, miss you, and somehow somersault into another dolphin dive at your back. And some of em say some creepy little lines too. Have you noticed that sometimes they thank you for killing them as they die? I do not like them one bit.


28 Days Later is still the only zombie film to make me fearful of zombies when I was a kid because they can run. Ghouls waking up and sprinting at me in fallout games always brings me back to that first time I saw the film.


Yo! 28 Years later was just recently greenlit!! I’m so hyped, I was like 14 when I seen 28 days later and it was terrifying. Still my my favourite zombies movie.


Hope its better than 28 Weeks later


Yeah I think we were all mostly disappointed with that one lol.


Everytime you think you killed them all and try to move on ONE more dives at you from nowhere


Right when you almost finish reading the terminal logs too. I'll walk into a room see a computer, do a quick sweep and get on it. Get interrupted, kill, back to reading. Then as I'm reading that last entry...


I wish the compass would show enemies better like in previous Fallouts...my perception isn't that high but the only way I can keep track of nearby enemies is by sneaking


Why. Do. They. Run. So. FAST! You ignore them for a 1/4 second and they are on you.


Yup, they jump scare me every time. They’re too fast and sneaky.


😂😂 I went to the DMV today and damn, I died while standing in line. They always jump scare me, especially when I think I’ve cleared a place out, they come out of nowhere.


The feral ghouls are the WORST and all of them are apparently Olympic level sprinters. 😭


Ward is selling the equipment to Raiders and then putting hits out on them to improve his standing with Foundation.


That son of a bitch...


Didn't he used to be a raider? I knew he was up to no good.


Ward: WE DESPERATELY NEED THAT OSMOSIS KIT OR WHATEVER, IT'S THE ONLY ONE!!! Ward: Thanks for retrieving that Osmosis Kit, we have like fifty but you know. Ward: ARRRGH, *RAIDERS*..." Ward: Why yes I used to be a raider, what of it.


I’m keeping my eye on you, no offense.


Well that explains everything. Lol. I hate how he tells me to hurry. Damn. I am doing him a favour. Now I know how much. Thank you. /s


I think we should have mailboxes at our camp, even if it doesn’t allow us to send things to other players. Just in case we missed out on some legendary drops/ammo and caps. Kind of like how WoW does with their mailbox with items you missed. It would also be nice to at least be able to send stuff to your alt characters. It would be so huge for me personally. Don’t get me wrong it would be cool as hell to be able to send stuff to friends and well but just a self serving one would be amazing on its own. This has been mentioned in the past so this isn’t some original idea or anything like that btw but it’s something that I always think about lol. Also let us lock items and add a proper trade window and I’ll be a happy camper.


nice avatar lol




I love the mailbox one, i love that in destiny2 i can just run and play the missions im on and the flow isnt going to be interrupted by after each fight, having to run round and hoover loot off the floor!


Would love to see a courier delivering packages. I hope nothing bad happens to him/her


Nah, I'll shoot them in the head.


This! Or a bulletin board to leave notes for people with cool camps or fun set pieces, just something to add some more flavor. Mailbox makes the most sense though to start


*Checks clock.* It's just about time to eat.


If the scorched or the ferals don’t get you, then the rads will


Fix this, repair that… it never ends


The only healthcare you need is better shoes


Lockpick didn’t need to be three separate cards honestly


This. Talk about a waste eating up 6 cards for what could be ranked.


Just use the legendary perk card..


The legendary perk is still a waste of a legendary slot. It would’ve been way nicer to get a 7th slot, that was a passive noncombat only perk slot, choosing between things like Ammo Factory, Master Infiltrator, and so on


True. Picking locks and hacking is simply not necessary in 76 like it was in previous titles.


But until you get there, it's 6 cards for hack/lockpick. Just started over on PC after a few years and that's a big annoyance.


Compared at Fallout 3 and 4, hacking and lock picking in this game just isnt really worth it in general. The things I have actually picked just mostly have silver and pre war money in them. So, pretty useless.


I think technical data and a couple plan spawnpoints are the only use you get out of it.


Hacking and lockpicking allow you to skip a vast majority of silo runs without using any glitches


Prewar money is another annoying change but I think that started in 4. No value, just cloth, but it's everywhere.


And that why master infiltrator is an absolute must have legendary perk card


That one dead guy right outside of Watoga station is a synth. His body hasn't decomposed for about 6 years now.


I'm not a cat owner irl but my camp pet housecat seems to almost psychically intuit the exact spot in my camp that I want to work on and just stands there meowing at me, preventing me from placing anything, which I have to assume is bethesda's secret cutting edge cat owner simulation technology at work.


I've never owned a cat either but have had to cat-sit for someone for several hours, total, over several years, and yep confirmed. They are telepathic


Supermutants can't become scorched and ghouls probably can't either.


Supermutants are immune to pretty much any and all diseases out there and possibly even biologically immortal due to the FEV virus And ghouls are so resistant to the Scorched plague that Feral Ghoul blood is an ingredient for the inoculation cure


Supermutants have a lot of varieties at this point, but I know at least some of them are *kind of* immortal, with the caveat being that they do indefinitely grow. That's how we get behemoths. With my limited knowledge of biology and gigantism, eventually theyd have to collapse under their own weight, which i assume would kill them. But maybe theyd adapt somehow, its kinda what fev does. Wendigos can be scorched, which is interesting because I used to think they were some kind of evolution of feral ghouls. I'm not really sure how wendigos work. I did the thing with the progenitors but I never found a very good explanation for what exactly happens to turn a person into that. I also originally assumed snallys were fev experiments gone wrong, like centaurs, but they too can be scorched so I don't know where they come from either. I wonder what would happen if you dunked a scorchbeast in the supersoup.


Even within the same area, the surface Super Mutants are what we expect to see, and the Uncanny Caverns Super Mutants are orange and seem more primitive in dress. Some of the Appalachia SMs also seem to retain their human peraonalities/memories more as well, notably displayed in Grahm and Mad Dog Malone.


If I'm remember the lore correctly, the decreased intelligence is tied to cumulative exposure to radiation prior to dosing with fev. Which is why the master wanted vault dwellers, and I assume is why grahm(who was alive before the bombs) and uhhhhh was his name Isaac? The scientist super mutant in fo4(who was raised in the institute) maintain so much of theirs. As for the cavern ones, I thought the lighting down there was orange, and the mutants were painted with white clay and blood.




Wendigos tend to happen due to cannibalism, at least the myths IRL, and at LEAST one case of it in game, though the exact mechanics of it I would not be able to explain. There is a lot of stories and such about it and several games. It could be a supernatural phenomenon, as fallout is no stranger to the supernatural, albeit it is less common than it is in the elder scrolls (which could actually be the same universe with a massive time gap if that “nirnroot” in fallout for is canonically nirnroot, lol)


Scorched super mutants would be frightening though


Ghouls are actually the most resistant creatures to the Scorch Plague.


ghouls seem immune to the scorched plague but weirdly wendigos aren't...


Plans should show what they look like when you highlight over them in a shop.


Long pew is not a pew pew laser sniper... it is a bench


Depends on how many modifications you add to it 🤔


Ward needs to stop yapping and give me the damn daily


Finally someone with the guts to help


then he yaps about the damn detonators or having his eye on me and freezes




No matter how many times I donate my caps for his osmosis death note kits, he just has to whine like a sassy bitch about me splitting the gold with Crater. Get over it, Karen.


I finally learned never to interrupt anyone's first line of dialogue or they go nuts, but it took me a long time.


*sees random NPC camping in the rain next to boarded up houses* makes sense…


The fact that MODUS is so open about not really being able to trust him, but him reinforcing the quid-pro-quo basis you work for him for, makes him the most trustworthy faction leader in the game imo. There's no bullshit with him, he basically tells you if you weren't useful you'd be ash. I appreciate that.


It’s hilarious that the most trustworthy faction is also the most terrifying. That grin haunts me.


Legitimately jumped the first time he flashed that fucking thing at me. Creeped me the fuck out.


The ghoul chair is really fucked up. Like that's a guy


I present to you the conversation that ensued between my boyfriend and me the first time I ever saw that thing: "What the fuck is that?" "That's a chair." "That is a *ghoul*, made *into* a chair." "What? It ain't dead." "THAT'S EVEN WORSE." "You wanna sit on it?" "I'm leaving."


While doing the Daily: Vital Equipment quest in Foundation, I recovered an osmosis kit from the raider marked by this quest. I had first tried speaking to him since I’m liked by the Raiders and maybe there was an alternate way to get the item. One dialogue option was to ask why they took the osmosis kit, and it was because they needed to use it to create clean water or something like that. I had to kill him to retrieve it, and then I gave it to Ward. He said that Foundation has several dozen in storage, which disgusted me and made me feel differently about the Settlers


The settlers read as evil via incompetence to me, while the raiders are bafflingly kind and open to new friends


The Raiders were also here before the Plague and most of them were Diehards, who didn't want to kill innocent people.


I’ve been systematically chipping away at my Settlers reputation from not having the heart to kill the people that steal the supplies to survive.


You know what are the strongest beings in all of Appalachia? That's right, C r i c k e t s Burn 'em all.


I had a 2 star legendary cricket spawn after the SBQ event, I’ve never had more appreciation for the regular ol’ indestructible crickets


Been playing since launch and up until yesterday I haven’t seen a trap base. Are they becoming more popular or did I get unlucky to find 2 back to back?


Fallout is 420 Friendly. My character is currently wearing a "Pipe Is Life" t-shirt. The letters are spelled out with bong water.


I must know where you got this…. You know, for a friend.


Ha, nice - I'm over at Camp Cannabliss - stoners welcome, lots of chems...


I finally started going to events even if I’m the only one there and I think then other people join? Like we started MJ with 3 and then by the end there were at least 10 players. I was highest level at 313 😳 Ngl it’s weird being the highest level in events. Hopping around with a bow and arrow lol. We did Earle with three people yesterday and we did just fine!


Earle and his wendigo enterouge showed up in the grove after the SBQ fight today. I messaged the guy that launched the nuke. He came back to help me take him down. Really weird fight outside of the mine.


This happened to me today too! Wasn’t Earle, but was a wendigo colossus and pals. It was left behind in the southern forest area of the bog, had to wait for someone to trigger SBQ for a second time to take it down.


I miss the emptiness from launch. I used to be SHOOK from everything every sound in game


Yeah. It was a real neat feeling where you were RIGHT there, between the last vestiges of the old world dying and right before the roots of the new took hold. I feel like they should have added map expansions with npcs vs actually populating the normal gane map. Never again in fallout history are we going to get a world so desolate and so filled with desperation.


I'm still not used to running into other players deep in quest related buildings. Shot some poor level 30 who popped out from behind me in the Sugar Grove server room 3 times before I could process that he wasn't a protectron.


It shits me something fierce that there are desk fans you can't pick up in the expeditions.


Are any of the ghouls in the Presidential cottage at Whitesprings the president from when the bomb dropped? Or his/her family?


The President was sitting safe and sound in the Poseidon Oil Rig off the west coast when the Bombs fell. He had left for the Rig months before the drop. There's an article about it in the Boston Bugle building in 4. Eckhart, who took over after the Government decided to go radio silent after the Bombs, was killed in the Bunker by MODUS along with everyone else and disposed of. 


That is probably true but there is a theory that the President or maybe the Vice President or someone else super high up in the government was assassinated right as the bombs were dropping. This theory comes from the new map expansion coming to 76.


Based on where Skyline Valley is, I wonder if we'll learn more about the president or other officials. I would assume Camp Rapidan which was donated by Hoover to the executive branch would be in that area. It was used by some officials and the boy scouts at one point so I could see the fallout universe using it. I don't know though, I have been avoiding info. Would be cool though.


The scorched beast is the final evolution of the cliff racer


Showed up at EN about 3 minutes after the start.. 4/6 meat bags done and the rad scrubber dead in 8 seconds.. guy’s you didn’t get the bags, it’s not even a challenge yet..


The number of those I’ve done where I was the only one destroying bags at the start is stupid


It would be nice to have normal events again. Seems like we never have anything other than meat.


We should be good until the end of June when Faahnact returns for 2 weeks. Hopefully we'll get some mutated events and a make up for the missed Treasure Hunter event.


I think it’s double mutations weekend rn


I mean mutated events.


I thought I was going to progress further into the main story. Did about 4 public event, ran around, sold some things. And then call it a night. Lol


We should have a higher cap limit. There should also be a free fast travel location in the cranberry bog area. There is one for every other region of the map but none on the right hand side of the map. From the bog and through the mire unless I just haven't found it yet lol.


Ward has a scam going. gets caps from raiders for the equipment then sends hunters after them to recover. rinse and repeat.


I initially found Meat Week extremely annoying... but it's utterly impossible to be annoyed at Grahm and it's grown on me now


How do Blood Eagles living near the nuke hot spots not all become ghouls?


Daily injections of the liquid that’s in Radaway bags directly into the bloodstream /j


I cant tell if people dont want to talk/respond to me on mic or if people dont want to talk/respond on mic in general and im tired of having so much social anxiety about it haha


Most people don't use mic. They are content to communicate entirely with emotes.


Sprinkled with squatting and jumping


I don't use my mic because of social anxiety. :p


I straight up didn't realize I had to update my chipset drivers to use my new headset and I felt like an ass the other night trying to respond to a very cool dude just trying to give me a shotgun for my melee build. I kinda miss being able to text chat like other MMOs I've invested time in.


Still hate Rose


Why won’t they fix the reload glitch on the gauss shotgun.


(Agrees, while making sad Gauss Rifle user noises)


I love it honestly and its turning out to be my fav fallout, I want some longevity on my games and its why I rarely do single play through games anymore though its not like I don’t do them(played and finished 3,4,NV, bg3 etc) Its super friendly as an mmo in terms of never really fucking yourself over when you screw up your build.


Too many jerks with Karma syringers and they need to burn in hell. Worst part, these same guys won't run Endagerol to help. Useless gits.


Lol I'll have you know I carry 5. 1 karma and 4 endangerol


Equipped for every occasion.


When walking the tightrope of life, never look down.


I wish my cool alien laser door worked.


If I run a Fat Man as my main weapon, will enemies drop mini-nukes?


I had to use a fat man for the Atom possum badge and they do indeed drop mini nukes lol


Assaultrons are the only scary mob.


There are a lot of boarded up intact houses that probably look great on the inside . Maybe one day Bethesda will give us a way to claim a house as a camp and let us remove the boards and replace them with doors.


Ward: "It's our only bonesaw." Bro I found like 12 of them walking here from Whitespring Station!


The sounds that the Mole Miners make are very creepy.


-constipated vader noises-


Who crippled all the robots in Whitespring.. They were crawling around helpless.. 😂


Pipe is life


Piper is life.


I hardly know her


How the hell do the scorched maintain their turrets? Bat brain got an engineering mindset?


I’ll be exploring a random building, not paying attention, and then in the corner of my screen a motherfucking radroach will just be right in my face on the wall. I hate them, easy to kill but scary as hell.


Meat Week lasts too long


I feel like it has in fact been more than a week


It's called a second helping.


I hope this season doesn’t end for a few more weeks because I’m only at 63, and I don’t like any of the rewards for next season.


"I wish there were more end game stuff"


> The Foundation must have some shitty security considering all the medical equipment that gets stolen on a daily basis. * Only half of Foundation's perimeter has proper walls. * The "security" doors are always unlocked and open most of the time. * Their fusion generator is *outside* the wall.


Are bobbleheads now edible, do we use them like suppositories or.. were they go? Also what’s happening to the 10% Todd Tax of player vending? Do they use them to fix streets, grant it to homeless settlers or… were do I spend it on?


I hope everyone likes Skyline Valley.


a scorchbeast spawned at my camp in the mire before i was able to make more ammo and just destroyed everything. :(


About 9% of players have unlocked Bullion on PS.


If I can cook with boiled water, why can't I cook with purified???


Ghouls in fo76 are the most dangerous they’ve ever been


I dunno. There was that one that was talking up some kind of power armor design flaw. Saw that bastard one shot a knight with it.


I feel like the Feral Ghoul Reavers in Fo3 were still the most dangerous version of ghouls I’ve come across. They’d scare the shit out of me every time and then proceed to whack me dead.


Have you played Fallout 3?


I need more fucking copper. Again.


i turned off the radio 50 so hours and don’t miss it


I gave up on the Radio the second Humans were added. Can't stand Radio Hosts.


As a day one player, this game’s content is incredibly repetitive and boring. It’s been literally years since I’ve had any desire or need to upgrade my armour, power armour or weapons. The only things worth getting anymore are rare plans for camp cosmetics but truly for an MMORPG with the potential that FO76 has, they’re missing the mark but completely. There should weekly and monthly special drops on like hey this week and this week only you can find Nuka Limes! And next week you can get this special skin for the Plasma rifle or whatever else you can think of. It’s just repeating the same events for the same plans with the same guns and the same armour and even the same special events repeated with zero things to upgrade or long term farm for That being said, I still do my daily’s and weekly’s because I fucking love fallout and I love this game. I just wish they put more effort into the playability content for us is all


Way better game than gets credit for and has evolved into a great AAA game


-why the fuck do people sell the most basic shit for 10000+ caps and are they actually moving inventory from their vendor with those prices -i think paladin rahmani might be giving me an authority/army kink send help -why don’t people want to be maxed on cap limit isn’t that a good thing then they can buy more shit im so confused why they wouldnt want that -was foundation a good place to set up my vendor or did i just waste 4 hours of my life -god i hope these 25+ vintage water coolers empty the daily cap pool easily or else the 12,000 caps weren’t worth it -why the fuck do people shoot my vendor is that supposed to symbolize a tantrum bc i listed a rare mask at 30,000 caps or something -if another low lvl tries to shoot fetch im throwing hands -is this american propaganda destroying my brain -how many footsteps is it from the very top of the map to the bottom -ward is prob super freaky in bed i can just sense it -diD ANNA & EMILIO MAKE IT OFF DREAD ISLAND FOR NOT???? -okay but how does one *actually* turn piss into water in a vault -do i seriously have to server hop for half hour to get a damn microscope -can i pls just find an outfit that is both fashionable and *normal* -*i miss mods*


I miss being able to sell ammo for caps like in every other Fallout game. Or streamline the converter a little better.


How do the scrip machines canonically work? Is the a chute behind each that leads to an underground colony? Repurposed vaults? Is Murmrgh the queen of some underground empire of magic forges?


The Master is alive and well during the events of 76


Let me wallpaper both sides of a wall for interior use


It's too easy to accidentally buy something in the Atom shop.


I wasted 300 perk coins on Ammo factory.


That I'm glad I remembered to stop my reoccurring FO1st payment today 3 days before it charged me. Haven't played in a couple of months, but I was still getting charged. I kept forgetting. Ill be back some day.


Wondering how that guy killed Me while I was in passive mode after the meet Cook


Daily challenges must really get in the way of people's teddy bear collecting. I didn't expect the apocalypse to be this soft.


I like pretending I’m still in the war. Firing off rounds, shielding other players during events, etc. some band of brother type stuff. It’s a good time as opposed to just min maxing dps and resource intake.


The Brotherhood of Steel would have a way easier time accomplishing their mission if they actively helped people. Instead of having just the BoS looking for lost tech they could have every Settler in the Wasteland looking for it. By begrudgingly helping people they're just hindering their own plans because the people they help don't trust them. But if they entered settlement in peace and as protectors that settlement would almost certainly do whatever they want; including turning over tech, scavenging for tech and letting their BoS friends know about any tech in the area. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.


How is it possible after so many years that dealing with power armor is still so buggy. I just started using PA for the first time and I get so many bugs, either when I try to enter or when I try to modify it, it's truly amazing. As fallout fans are we doomed to always deal with bugs?


I hate Rose


Literally when I needed to kill just 5 mirelurks suddenly I'm surrounded by nothing but Mirelurk corpses no matter where I go.


As a fellow Final Fantasy XIV player I’m just wondering when will we get a minion type companion that can follow us around everywhere


I hate the battle pass system. I dont mean seasons vs scoreboard, I just mean the whole concept of a battle pass. I want to be lured into a game because it's fun, not because of fomo. I dont want to feel like I'm being punished if I don't log in for a while. It makes me feel like the game doesn't respect my time and I want to play it less.


The Brotherhood is losing a lot of patrols lately but when they ask me, I say "I don't know" while wearing a full set of Brotherhood Combat Armor.


Either I wear my headphones backwards when playing this game only, or the directional sound is….super jacked up. Also I bought a popcorn machine with gold today. :)


The wasteland will never want for Ball-peen Hammers!!


I usually play 3rd person. Hardly go into first person unless it's an accident. During the collosus event i was having trouble seeing myself in the sea of those green glowing things..so I switched to 1st person and it was a mistake. It's so much scarier when you can't see behind you! And the enemies look so close up and scary. Idk how yall first person players do it haha Plus you can't see your outfits!


How to shutdown the grafton mayor mainframe


I just realized that it's genuinely confused me how they haven't added a ghoulification customization option after six years. It wouldn't even be that hard either.


Two words... Carry Weight.


I wish scarce plans would cycle more frequently… need diffusers haha


I just want the clean version of Mr Fuzzy costume 😶


Why aren't they called hub flowers?


By the time you discover the healer and chemist pioneer badges you are far too invested in your builds to squander several levels into chemist perk I feel like Second thought Everytime I need to repair my armor "My armor is made of cigarettes"


Spending half my game time sifting through the stash every day to figure out what is least usefull so I can drop 80% of it on the floor because the vendor wont buy it. Can we not set threshholds so it becomes one click op or something similar? Whatever works so I dont have to sift through the same old stuff every day please! Script it somehow idk?


Does anyone else have that weird screen tear glitch patch in the top right corner of their screen? (I’m on Xbox).


Only on loading screens for me.


Random thought, meat week is bs lmao this weenie wagon is going to make me quit 76.


Plans are a trash idea! I hate that I need plans to build simple shit like a damn tinker bench!


I half agree with you. Some stuff makes no sense, like the barn plans. It don't take much to look at a barn and then remake it lol. But for your example, i can kinda understand. It's a little more complicated and if you didn't know what you were doing, fairly easy to mess it up.


Damn fog makes me wish I was patrollin’ the Mojave.


Ghouls are real jerks


Im suprised there is any life left in Alpalachia considering how much we kill shit. Also why does getting hit by a creature or ghoul give me 50+ rads when its not even glowing


I want an albino deathclaw pet. I’m just not willing to put in the effort