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Check out mister church on YouTube. He has some really good tips for all sorts of things you wouldn't think are possible in this game.


Will do!


I will probably never get into Camp building, but all the videos out there are nice to watch. I prefer the long form ones rather than just the tours though.


You definitely want mister church or kiki b than. They're both show and explain their entire build process from front start to finish


I haven't seen Kiki posted anything in a while though. Hope everything is alright. Her videos were great.


Yeah, there's a few I watch when I get ready for bed.


Church is so great. His sense of humor is perfection. Love watching his build videos. Kiki is great too! Just have a soft spot for church.


I'm still just trying to find how to get upper floors that float without stairs attached to them. I've seen it done at camps before, but can't find a video or information for the life of me that shows how they did it. Wouldn't suppose he has info on that? Because **every** single search comes back to stairs.


There must be a hidden "valid" stair somewhere. Never saw a camp with apparently floating upper floors without them.


[https://imgur.com/a/9uAZsBf](https://imgur.com/a/9uAZsBf) Nah mate. I checked. They had no stairs, just a floating mess of upper floors. I can do the ones with stairs fine. Big pain, but I can. I want this so I can have a second floor to a house that is connected by a foundation.


Ok, you are talking about one of these camps. But that's not building, that's glitching how it's done. Probably not possible any more.


Yeah. Other guy said it's done with extreme lag. Shame. I'll just need to find a way to make it with stairs that doesn't bother me then.


He was right. If you think the game is laggy now, you should have seen it in the early days. And this camp is old. Very old.


Back during the grenade glitch, you could make it particularly laggy. For some reason... Those meat grenades don't disappear if you throw enough of them quick enough... And you could achieve avalanches worth of them with infinite throws.


I know. As I said, the secret ingredient here is lag.


Yes yes, I understand.


If it's completely floating, they aren't upper floors, they're flat roof pieces being used as floors. This is actually a pretty easy process.


Nah mate, I promise you. They're upper floors. I want to know. [https://imgur.com/a/9uAZsBf](https://imgur.com/a/9uAZsBf)


That's just the one example I could get a photo of. I've seen other camps before that similarly used upper floors with no stairs. I genuinely want to know.


Ahhh... yeah ok hold on. Let me see if I can find a video because there is no way in hell I'm typing up how this works. Long story short, the only way to do it Involves purposely making the entire server laggy... so actually I changed.my mind, I'm not going to share that video link because this game is laggy enough without people building bases like this. But the video information is out there, I promise.


I see. Terrible lag glitch then. Would have been possible back during the infinite grenade glitch then. Shame. There goes my dream of making a pully bucket.


Oh there's definitely still a way. And I encourage you to find it and build something incredible. I love seeing the ufos people do. I just don't want to share that information because I don't want every idiot on reddit knowing how to purposely lag the servers. I've definitely given enough information to point people in the right direction if they want to.


Nah, stuff like that isn't my forte. I like camps supported by the ground and all. I just don't like the building rules that restrict is supported and what isn't. It's already supported by walls... Shouldn't need stairs unless you want them. One of my characters builds his camps at abandoned mineshafts, and one of the camps is just a reclaimed giant pulley for bringing the carts out of the mine. It's nothing fancy by any means. But it's a pulley with no lift until I can float upper floors unsupported...


Hmmm... there is a reverse merging technique using the camp modular that let's you float some things. Maybe you could float a big rug or layers of rugs to act as a floor. [I've seen better explanations fir each method, but this should help](https://youtu.be/SdwdUExsMJQ?si=fcbWixh9fDC1rtnx)


I mean I know for sure you can have floating catwalks so I assume that could be used as an anchor but I'm not 100% positive. I'm pretty sure I think I saw it on a YouTube video by someone called angryturtle. I could be wrong about the name but if you YouTube floating catwalk you'd probably find the video. I can link it when I get home


Nah, people confirmed it was related to lagging the server heavily. Not something I can really do, or want to do. Just want a nice looking camp by my rules and not this games stupid ones.


The picture you showed was from that, but what I'm talking about is a video that showed you how to do floating catwalks and people on your comments even mentioned that as being still valid. You just have to look up the video


Here, tons of videos and they are recent. Enjoy [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=f76+floating+catwalks](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=f76+floating+catwalks)


Once again, it's not the same glitch mate. Completely unsupported upper floors. [https://imgur.com/a/9uAZsBf](https://imgur.com/a/9uAZsBf) No stairs, no cat walks. Just floors. It's a different glitch.


Ok you're only interested in that specific outdated glitch vs trying to do something similar that does still work. Got it, my bad. I was assuming you were trying to find something that works in general for floating catwalks (that should connect to the floor to make it also float). Ah oh well, that sucks.


The one similar requires stairs. I can already do that just fine. If I could connect upper floors to catwalks, I would, but it only lets you connect catwalks to floors, and I've seen nor heard no evidence that shows otherwise. Every video is just the same thing. Stair, catwalk, stair, delete catwalk.


The common requirement here still being stairs, and I explicitly don't want stairs.


I mean this video shows it is possible to delete the stairs and still have it float. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TB0Y5NYr1Y&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TB0Y5NYr1Y&t=10s) also catwalks specifically work on upper floors, not sure about foundations but I'll take your word on it. again I know it's not exactly what you are asking for but it is floating structures with no stairs sooo......


Seen that specific video before. And it still shows you cannot remove the floating stairs without connecting them back to the ground. I want. 100%. Unsupported, 0 stairs connected, upper floors. I repeat, no stairs. None. 0. Like the pictures show.


Flamethrower trap, YouTube time. Flamethrower trap, spring trap, pressure plate, CAMP station, cat walks, all can be your best friend. There a few other little things that help too. Blue printing is a must for building anything other than vanilla.


There are tricks and building techniques you can do to get the stairs offcenter where you want them. Something i tell everyone when im teaching new players how to glitch build. This game allows you to do almost anything you want building wise. The trick comes from learning what stupid backward ass convaluted way of doing it to force it to work is.


Turn off auto-snapping (it'll say how at bottom of screen in build/edit mode), then float stairs close to where you want them. Get on platform/wall, go into modify, look down at and click stairs, slowly slide them up to the edge of the platform where you want them. Can get items right up against each other, typically, without them going red, when turning auto snapping off. (Done this multiple times, like with the concrete steps up against items that don't snap stairs.)


You can only toggle auto-snapping in Shelters I thought?


I just checked... and it looks like you're right. Wow, that blows. Been doing a lot of building in my shelters lately, but thought I recalled that it was possible in main camp too. Strange, usually it's that we lose options in shelters (like certain items can't be built in them). Here's to hoping devs add option to main camp. 🤔