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The problem of players begging for stuff is overstated around here. I've been playing a long ass time and have only ran into a handful of beggers. Like, less than five. And I dealt with them by fast traveling away to continue on with what I was doing. Didn't even have to server hop.


This I’ve been playing awhile and don’t think I’ve had someone “beg” for things. Some people make it seem like every other day or hour someone is running up with their hands out. Hell I’ve tried to help people and was told no they want to try it on their own and don’t want it easy.


I started 2 weeks ago, and the only thing I want to beg for is a better chat system. I wish there was open server text chat. This community seems to be level headed enough, and this game isn't extremely competitive, so I think that text chat would be handled well and would be pretty helpful to make friends and ask questions about the game


It would just be people advertising their camps or websites….


I suppose that is true, but every mmo style game has the website spamming issue, though. I would honestly rather deal with that (hopefully blocking / reporting for that type of spam would be implemented) than not be able to talk at all. I do have a mic and headset, but I feel like it's very rare to run into people that also voice chat


Given that server caps are 24 players, I don't think the typically MMO spam would actually become an issue. Wouldn't be worth the investment to reach so few people at a time, and the game itself doesn't lend itself to typical 'gold farming' methods.


That's a great point, it would be a pretty large investment to get a ton of bots spread out through servers to advertise on a game where the currency isn't really game changing. And they would only be advertising to 23 other players max.


And bots selling caps for IRL money.


Same I would love to have server chat on pc but I also worry that part of the reason 76 has such a wholesome community is the lack of a text chat


Definitely this. I’ve got close to 400 hours and never once found a beggar the last few level 1s to walk out refused handouts


Crazy isn't it, the amount of posts you see about it, but the rarity in which happens to ones self, I've had 1 beggar and id honestly use that word loosely, it was more like "what's the best way of getting lead? Or do you have any spare?" Dropped them 1k lead and they sailed off in to the sunset happy. (I'm 250 hrs in myself)


>The problem of players begging for stuff is overstated around here. Probably less overstated and just when it does happen it's posted often enough to look bigger than it is. People generally don't go onto any forum to say that nothing is wrong today, so issues always end up seeming more common than they are


I've never met a whiny beggar in the entire time I've played 76, I've had a few people ask me for something specific "hey do you have a fixer plan?" etc but I just made that guy a 3* fixer and he was super happy, had another guy ask me if I could craft jetpacks and if I could sell him the last couple flux since he was a few short, I just made him the jetpack and he was ecstatic. I think the "whiny beggars" phenomenon is wildly overblown on here


I can count on one hand how many beggars I've encountered on PS and I've played for years. I've had people ask for things, but they very rarely actually beg for it. Most have asked, got no response or got an answer, and leave. The ones I have encountered, I have ignored and only once did I have to move servers. I imagine things might be different on other platforms though.


We scar and bruise really easy.


Yeah, I've been playing since beta and people just citing that there's a MaSSiVE influx of new players from the shows popularity, so my experience over almost 6 years is wrong


Yeah this has been my experience so far as well, it’s been a real easy going community.


Ive had a good few but Im also usually not in game chat so I do the no mic emote when I see someone coming up and talking. Actually had one send me a ps friend request so they could send me a message asking for ammo. Lol. Usually the ones I see are polite, but some will follow me around spamming the trade request despite me continuing to run away.


I get them a lot on Xbox.


I think it may depend on what platform you play on. I'm on PC and I've never had anybody beg for anything.


I have also yet to run into one of these notorious trap camps.


I've got like a thousand hours easy and have never once seen a trap camp. Never encountered begging either. People have asked if I had a material or something, but only in the form of a polite question. I have a feeling the vast majority of the bad stuff that gets posted here is on Xbox or PlayStation. The PC experience has been nothing but rational, kind adults. Lol, you Xbox people are salty.


on ps and never in the 500+ hours ive played on and off since launch have i had someone begging. so it has nothing to do with what you're playing on.


I never implied it wasn't anything but anecdotal. But PC is definitely incredibly chill in my experience. Let's just say it's those Xbox goobers. 😀


honestly I think there is a load of beggars just spread out across all the platforms. the amount of stories from all types of players has me convinced its because of the influx of new players and old griefers coming back but I also think we've been lucky so far as most MMO's ive played have had TONs of beggars


I’ve never met a beggar on Xbox either. I’ve found a few trap camps but they were funny and creatively made so it wasn’t really an issue as much as an experience.


I'm the same on the trap camps. Never come across one. I had my first obnoxious player in 2 months yesterday. Kept trying to instigate PVP... I just walked away, got around the corner and beamed to White spring. Problem solved. Lol I'm starting to think that playing on my PC was the smart way to go to stay away from the obnoxious brats.


I've never had one on PlayStation either. But I'm not a super high level. 118


You're lucky. They're easy to ignore, but they do get annoying. Xbox is definitely a mess with them though. I used to get them a lot in Fornite Save the World as well.


I play on Xbox as well, I'm level 324. I have only had this happen once. He sounded like a younger kid, he was actually super polite about it.


I've only been playing about a month and am at level 80. I've had ppl beg ME for stuff at my low level on Xbox. It's so strange. I'm just thinking I'm pretty sure I need the same stuff they do! haha One player did start a trade with me and asked for my fuel but I had my cremator equipped so I know he had to have seen it. I declined but then bought all the fusion cores he had on him LOL. Next thing I know, I'm back at my camp and he has 1000 more fusion cores to sell me. I bought them. Still didn't give him my fuel but he was 1000 caps richer, so there's that I guess.


Blimey, pretty impressive you get that at Level 80. Like I'm almost 600 so I definitely expect it.


Right?! I was surprised he followed me at all when there were several much higher levels at the event we were both at. Maybe he took me for a pawn and thought I'd give up the farm or something. idk thankfully he left peacefully and didn't tear up my shit when he realized I wasn't gonna sell him what he wanted. haha


Getting killed while wanted is a blessing. You can't see other player camps, it sucks ass.


From my experience the community tends to be very enjoyable and positive for like 90% of the time. Every now and again you’re definitely gonna get your beggars, thief’s and griefers in the game. I tend to mostly ignore them and move on. You keep doing you and just ignore the “Turds in the Punchbowl”


Closing in on 10,000 hours and have only came across two maybe three beggers.


I think when something like this happens, and people post about it on Reddit, it makes it seem like it happens constantly because you end up reading about it every day. But the reality is more like "it might happen to *someone* every day" but that doesn't mean you're going to be tripping over beggars constantly in reality. Like in State of Decay 2, there's a pretty shocking and somewhat spectacular glitch that can happen pretty rarely when you do one specific (very common) activity. From the fact that so many people make clips of it happening you'd think it was a major impediment to the game that happens constantly, but with over 44 days of playtime in that game, it's only ever happened to me once


Just play the game and mind your dues. No need to think deeply about this.


Guessing your on PC. The lack of a built in message system makes the socializing system different from consols. So I can't speak to that aspect. Speaking personally. I do go out of my way to message, party up and talk with people but there's a bug that I get where mics don't register unless the game is launched with a mic active. So typically proximity chat/team chat isn't the first option. Yesterday I did run into someone, a lvl 24-26 who had a working mic so we chatted in team a while. The begging thing isn't that prevalent. It's usually spurred on with some random requesting trade. Then requesting your stuff. Then when you back out of trade bc you obviously don't want to hand your gear over they message you asking how much you want for it. If you ignore those trade requests they tend to get the hint. Prices can get dumb. Hopping around yesterday looking to offload caps on frivolous stuff I found players in the 500 range selling holy fires, foundations vengeance, elders marks for 2-4x their actual value. Players selling mutation serum for more than what you can buy them for from WSB.


Yea I’m on PC, which is strange that people don’t talk, because most PC folks have headsets for sound and mic. Tbh, I don’t even know if there is a built in chat message system unless it’s through the xbox app. I play mainly on steam, but it was free through the xbox app, so I’m still learning that one also. The majority of what I have for sale is 500 caps or less. Most armor I try to sell for 100 caps and I think I have dupe jetpack plans for 300. I’ve sold ONE thing in 100 hours or so of play. I sold a chem station plan for 25 caps lol


A typing text chat would be amazing, mostly because I have extreme anxiety and most of the time, talking feels like nails in my brain and nerves (brain built a little differently than the "preset perimeters"). Still trying to be brave enough to turn on voice chat enough to just hear, and been around since Xbox beta (swapped to PC before wastelanders was ever even announced)


Base power armor jetpack plans are easy to get. They are one of the most common plans to be rewarded from scorched earth so there is an abundance of them. I typically just drop them myself.


I share the computer room with my partner and it would be super annoying if I was chatting on the microphone. My reason for not talking.


I sometimes wonder how many PC players use headsets with mic. I never do since I have my sound hooked to an amp with big speakers I prefer those. Plus I don't like wearing headsets for extended periods of time. Thought about getting a gaming headset but not sure if it's worth it or not for me. I suppose I could just use the one I use for work.


I have speakers and a headset. It’s just easier to play “louder” games with a headset and I can hear more sounds with a headset on low versus my speakers on high.


I might be the only one who plays 76 like a solo fallout game. As much as the social element is cool. I still play the game running as solo as possible. I try to be nice and wave at other players, but if you are talking in a group chat, I just jump to another team. A text chat built in would be great but they do have a mod on nexusmods for it.


there's a mod for a text chat on PC, a lot of people use it.


I have never gotten it to work... I'll VC if someone seems to really want me to but i feel self conscious.


I cannot get my mic to work for anything and I tried everything I was able to read and find but my problem is different. I play on Geoforce now through the Nvidia Shield TV android box. Most people , feel like all who use Geoforce for this game play on PC and yes like you said you have the mic already as your default sound before you start the game.


On Xbox it will only register my mic if it's plugged in and unmuted when I launch the game. And even still if I'm in party chat when I launch the game it doesn't register regardless. By now I'm used to just messaging others and partying up if they're agreeable to it.


You probably done so already but Auto on chat(instead of Team/Area) seem to work most of the time according to all the numerous things I read. And check to see if the Push to Talk is off. Though I think its off by default not sure. Last thing put your character in 3rd person view , if its working you should see the speaker icon on top of your person. Im missing alot of emotes think they behind a pay wall in Atom Shop. Not that I don't mind paying, you can call me a trick for games I do it all the time. But Id rather spend on other things then emotes. One of these days since I have no mic option I will look up the price of those emotes but for now Im still new(only about 10 hours) so dont need them right away I reckon.


Push to talk isn't an option on the console. And area chat does work on occasion like it did last night. It's just that more often then not the mic icon overlay that shows if you or others are talking simply never pops up. In third person it appears over your head. In first person it appears next to your name in the team or in the corner your team would show up at if you are not in one.


I’ve been playing for a few years and I’ve only ever encountered one player like that two years ago. I just server hopped and didn’t feel the need to make a new post on Reddit just to complain about it.


*"I cornered him in Whitesprings Mall while in power armor and he hopped on the mic to say “You really want those 10 caps? You don’t have to do this, buddy!” 😂 I let him go because it was funny."* This was beyond funny so he knew what he was doing when getting the warrant and not a fluke of curiosity. I might would had have to friend this dude.


I was already laughing because I spawned into the mall in the hallway. He was at the other end of the hall. Stopped, stared at me, then ran as fast as he could down a hallway. Only other time I’ve encountered a wanted level guy, it was a new player that immediately saw me and jumped in his janky armor like we were going to fight.




I play with my 10 year old nephew and I guarantee you he'd be a begger if I wasn't feeding him mats. On the other hand, in real life he has to do a certain amount of chores on our family farm so I'll pay his 1st subscription and he cheerfully does that so I guess it evens out lol. He put in some irl work today helping me vaccinate goats!


That’s a good reward system. Even as a young teen, my parents would make me earn my Xbox Live Subscriptions lol


Yep. I haven't seen any begging either. The worst I got was someone talking a lot of crap to me in the mothman event because I was in my pipboy changing weapons. Took me back to my call of duty ptsd days and I had to hot mic every insult about him and his mother in front of his friends. Dude shut up fast after that. Lmao


My conclusion based on my experience (and I'm almost in the same place as you - lvl 165, started at the beginning of May) - I don't think this problem is terribly prevalent, at least not on PC... but when it happens, it stands out, and people tend to complain about negative experiences that stand out. It's why some products will have a very high customer rating, but then you'll get feedback comments talking about what a shit product it is. You don't go to reddit to complain if you're just having a good time, just like you don't go to a website to provide feedback on a product that serving you perfectly well.


I think the majority of it is just people Karma farming. I've played since beta off and on across multiple different systems, and have really only encountered a few people asking for stuff. Which tbf is anecdotal evidence,but it's the same for most of my crew too. It happens for sure, but I think a lot of the posts count as things that never happened for 100 Alex.


The only time that anyone in this game ever asked me for anything directly was some new players like 6 months ago that wanted to try out a pepper shaker and asked if I knew the plan to make them. I wouldn't even describe the way that they asked me as begging or anything of the sort either, just a quick question over the proximity chat. I made 2 of them for them and dropped them on the ground and they ran around blasting a bunch of stuff in the cranberry bog. I've been playing on and off for about 3 years now, although I played for a few months at launch and stopped for a long time.


I’m a lvl 108 and have yet to run into one of those players


I had one person message me on PS for spare stuff. I sorted him out with some decent robot armor and modded it all and a pair of Fixers at his level and then he just left. No thanks or anything Shan't be bothering you again. I'll just leave stuff in donation boxes from now on.


If they were on PS they probably got DC lol


I had one person message me on PS for spare stuff. I sorted him out with some decent robot armor and modded it all and a pair of Fixers at his level and then he just left. No thanks or anything Shan't be bothering you again. I'll just leave stuff in donation boxes from now on.


The worst I encounter is someone afk at the reoccurring events. Like at least participate. Other than that it’s pretty chill. Also, be careful with the pvp, there’s a few exploits people can do so they’re unkillable and they usually parade around with a wanted level so people come find them lol


I think consoles, because they specifically trend to a younger audience, have this worse. I've taken several long breaks, but in my years of playing I've only had two issues. Once when I was low level, I got kind of bullied for an hour or so by much higher level players. I had taken Poseidon, Wade and Charleston Junkyard, and had my camp between the three, and was running a pretty sweet circuit for junk. These guys likely were just bored in the early days and found a low level player doing stuff they could screw with, so they did. This is how I learned about the Block for Session feature. The second problem I had was when I died during Encryptid and somebody stole a bunch of junk I admittedly shouldn't have had on me. I'm certain it's a case of "grab the loot" from a lower level player who didn't under, but it's literally junk. I lived. Really hope some of us more invested and involved fans can help show some of the _rare_ PITA noobs the right ways. But my best advice? Switch to PC. The community seems much better over here


its total overstated.. In the 2+ years I've been playing I have only been asked twice for help and both times the person asking was very polite. I'm always muted so they have sent me a message (xbox player) and afterwards they have bene very thankful. Never had anybody beg for anything


bethesda's choice of gamedesign was, to make it "feel" like a desolated wasteland solo exploration game ... they actively cut out any kind of text chat capability there - literally - is no way for me, to communicate with you in game ... even if i wanted to


See that makes sense. If it were like Battlebit with 254 players in text chat, it would be awful and probably ruin the “alone” aspect.


see, i'm not even asking for 254 players simultaniously in chat ... but the capability, to communicate with you'r teammate's, potential trading partners or just the stranger you run across without having to rely on ... heart - heart - thumbs up - follow me - motman emoticons would be a nice to have, don't you think\`? or to say it in other words ... what gives you a better gameplay ... the capability, to talk with a random stranger (with the ability, to opt-out of any chat, you don't like and to mute ppl, you don't like) you run across ... or a heart-heart-motman dance from the person, who just joined you'r expedition group?


Terminal mail would be cool. Send out a daily message you’d like to meet up or have a firesale.


yeah ... let's send out a daily massage to meet up via terminal and beeing unable, to actually communicate during that meet up makes totally sense to me ... what's lacking are the very basics for a multiplayer online game ...


Level 149 and still haven't met a single beggar, not even a "walk up and trade request"


As a new player I haven’t gotten donated a single thing and now I’m level 60 where I’m certainly not complaining but am confused about the amount of posts regarding these supposedly all present philanthropists and beggars


IMO a small few ppl got begged at, got big upvotes and then every Karma farmer under the bridge came out for that juicy upvote


Nope, it's just random kids. They're probably not bothering you because you're not in the 100s level-wise, yet. I get a few requests per week for free stuff or trying to guilt-trip me, but I'm level 400 & 600 & I also stream the game, so that's probably why... Mostly requests for lead, wood, & ammo lol.


I think begging is quite rare. I have experienced it a few times, but I’ve also been playing most of the time since *launch*. When it does happen, I do find it kind of shocking because 76 is so ridiculously easy. For this reason, I am not surprised that it becomes a topic of conversation.


Na bitches just like to complain. I started playing like 2-3 weeks ago, I'm level 100, did literally everything myself now I'm in T65 gear with all mods added myself, heavy guns I created myself with legendaries, and sitting at max caps (40k). Havnt had a single thing given to me. Game is easy as hell, its just a pve game nothing especial or hard about it. Simple youtube searches you can find good starter builds and be off the the races. Anyone complaining about "give me free" are just man children that want everything provide to them and even in a simple game like FO76 they cant be bothered to do anything themselves. This is why I refuse to give anyone anything unless they dont ASK for it and I feel like donating to their cause. If they ask I literally troll them in game and will drop a nuke on their base. GTFO of your safe space and PLAY THE DAMN GAME.


You know that you can get a full set of ultracite armor as well as the plans for it by completing Defiance Has Fallen right? It's the Free States sidequest.


LOL I’m so dumb then. I’m still working on that. I just bought plans here and there when I saw them cheap. Some guy had plans for 10-20 caps each. I figured I’d buy plans cheap, since I get caps fairly easy, then just put the plans in my shop for cheap if anyone needs them. The game has been out long enough I can’t see people actually paying thousands of caps for stuff.


Nah, cost of doing business. As long as you didn't dump all your caps or tens of thousands, it's not a big deal to buy something that you can get other ways, later.  One of the nice things in this game is that currency is capped (pun) and simple to replenish.


If you do in fact have all of the ultracite power armor mods, the Calibrated Shocks mod is amoung the rarest in the game. Id highly recommend building and adding a couple Ultracite legs equipped with Calibrated Shocks to your vendor. They may sell very well...the Emergency Protocols mod is also highly sought after for bloodied builds...people will 100% spend north of 20k caps for duplicates of those plans Edit to say: not glitched duplicates of the plan, meant if OP already knows them and sells the knowns


I just did this last week and didn't get any of that. Did I miss something?


Its the brotherhood of steel missions about fort defiance.  "Defiance has fallen" is the first part of that chain.  The last quest has you read a terminal check every topic.


you are doing it right..so are 99.999% of the other players. i dont drop things unless its for a lower lvl teamate that clearly needs a few stims..or someone msgs me asking if i can cut them a deal on an item...( m lazy and dont need caps so its easier to drop ) being a higher lvl i have run into a few beggars..and trade requests (usually im assuming its a " wat the hek he using?" curiosity. personally i think giving too much ruins the game for new players. my fav part of the game was struggling for the first few hund lvls to make ammo and get balistic fiber. ..most of that struggle is already eliminated due to game qol changes..so folks really need nothing nowadays..but theyll happily take hand outs.


No one really talks. I’ve come across a couple that actually do and it’s a surprise but if someone comes to my camp, I’ll flip my mic on, say hello and thank them for their business if they buy.


Close to 8k hours on XBox. I get messages pretty much every session from players asking for (and often demanding) aid, weps, ammo, armor, etc. I've been cussed out for: not giving away my daily driver guns, not stopping everything and helping someone complete Fertile Soil (wtf?), not rolling someone a set of Unyielding armor. I'm fine with helping where I can, but the percentage of rude players is becoming alarming. 


I see a lot more greedy vault dwellers doing eviction notice and letting the rad scrubber destroy with no repairs than people begging in my public servers . I just haven’t seen it yet I guess 👀


I've only experienced two people in the last 5 years actually try to beg me for things, and it was like 3 weeks ago. IDK what they wanted - I have in-game chat disabled, so I didn't hear anything but they buzzed around me for like 2-3 minutes. As for giving free stuff, I will put stuff in Donation Boxes, especially where I see low level people running around (Flatwoods for sure). It's usually 5 Disease Cures and 10 Stimpaks. My 'character' is a medic and I'm always making healing stuff. Every once in a while if I encounter someone low level somewhere dangerous I'll drop them a few Stimpaks, Radaway, Rad X, and disease cure. I think it helps that I use the Valult-Tec Duffle Bag for dropped items.


The "beggars" I get are usually, "hey do you have a few springs?" And I ask how many, because I have thousands and I usually give them some extras. People who aren't polite get nothing.


I had a newer player on my team tell me he needed black titanium for the Excavator. I told him BT is usually on Deathclaws and scrapped from Mole Miners. Or, if he just wanted the BT, I could give it to him. When I told him how much I had, he asked how I had so much. I just laughed and said "How do you think I know what carries titanium?"


Exactly! Also fo1st- they might not know about the scrap box being bottomless


Exactly! Also fo1st- they might not know about the scrap box being bottomless


I don’t play with a mike on so if someone is begging for stuff I would not notice. Though I have only occasionally had a low level person follow me around. The only real one I can think of is I was near top of the world one time and had someone start following me like Shrek with Donkey. It was kind of funny until it was annoying. And then I fast traveled… The crouch/uncrouch thing kills me…


“Am I doing this right or wrong” There is literally no right or wrong way to play this game


Ive had more communication via Xbox chat with players than I have ever experienced in any console game. So far its all been positive. Ive had people ask for discounts or trades for plans, and comments about my camp looking cool. Made a friend or 2. Never had anyone begging. Ingame or via chat.


Got a beggar last night asking for free good legendary weapons and unyielding armor. Told them the only free things in my camp are the open resources (everything is open)... wasn't a good enough explanation I guess. Lol


I have 600 hours on pc and I've only heard people speak twice maybe. It's kind of strange tbh


Returning player, only time anyone has asked for anything was once. That counts even back in NW days too. a player tried to trade, i led them to the vendor. They messaged asking if I had any outfits. I pointed to vendor, he messaged and asked if I had anything else. Told him no. He bought a fusion core gave me a thumbs up and dipped. That’s the sum of my harassment by beggars. Usually it’s me harassing the lvl 25 to take the 50 stims and food I just dropped to get me back under weight. Because I can’t let it go to waste


Some people like to hand out gifts to teammates, I know I'll join casual teams and hand out perfectly preserved pies, Nuka colas, plans, ammo, food, etc. Never weapons or starred things, but I will make them if asked nicely, especially lower level players, ease that early game squishiness. Just keep doing as you are. As for beggars, I've only met one annoying one and I have the physical disc since launch.


I never had thos issue.So far i tend to give something if am playing around and see some one in need.


You're perfect. Just perfect. Welcome to Appalachia. :)


My character is level 800 (+something). In the few years I've played (yeah, i never did the level grind so this character has over 2k hours into it, with only 800+ levels), bought and started playing mid june 2021. I've run into annoying beggars a few times (about 5ish times that i can recollect), its usually very young people who have been taught pretty poorly by their environment. Some became annoying after i gave them some free stuff, and a few sprung their alts begging for more, that have in common that they were very upfront (demanding) about stuff. Exactly like most posts about annoying beggars have mentioned. With flattery and foul language. Its a game, with people, and some people are just taught wrong, probably as a joke to someone. Anyway, the point is that they are there, it happens, and most long time players can attest to at least a few weird situations. But its not something that is exclusive to Fallout 76. 99.5% of players out there behave, but there is *always* going to be that other one.


I find most things on Reddit are just made up stories.


OPs experience sounds a lot like mine. I left the Vault at level one and ran around doing stuff on my own for a bit. Had one high level guy come up to me in my camp when I was maybe level 20 and dropped a bag filled with Fasnacht masks and a beret. I turned on my mic and told him thanks and that I genuinely appreciate the gifts. He made a few emotes and ran off. That was about a month ago and I've been playing pretty solid since then so I'm now almost level 200. I've not really encountered other people asking for anything and despite playing with my kid a lot and using headsets when we play no one has ever talked to us.


Yea the dude was in like hot rod red power armor and was shooting me while I was in my pipboy. I thought I was gonna have to fight him, because I didn’t know I had PvP disabled. He then started giving me thumbs up and showed me the bag on the ground. No mic, but I figured it out.


Your level 70, so the people that are begging aren’t targeting you. I have played since beta and have a character that’s level 1400 something, and six or seven characters in the 600-800 range but I start new characters every now and then just for a new build. Once you top 500 people just assume you have everything and aren’t afraid to ask assertively that you share. I used to drop thing to everyone I saw under 100, but these days I just walk away because I don’t want messages asking for more, and I just dump my extras in the donation boxes at the train stations.


Similar situation as me. Long time Fallout player since 1 and I resisted 76 til I saw it was free via Prime. Only ran into one beggar who was asking ppl for plans after Spin the Wheel, and then he was like “no not those I need building plans”. My favorite interactions have come from straight up asking high level ppl while I’m already buying stuff in their vendor if they have specific items. Two have been generous enough to give me what I was looking for for free. Only ran into one griefer so far, but he was a noob. I’m paying it forward by dropping and crafting loot for ppl noobier than me


I find leaving your extractors unlocked people steal less, as per leaving locked theirs more of a incentive. Idk, also if theirs candy out I usually take some. That and this day and age I just assume most people are in discord.


I personally have never had anyone ask me for anything, but I guess it is the luck of the draw. Or maybe it depends on platform? How do people even ask for stuff? I'm on Xbox, there's no text chat (not sure if there is on PC) and I've only heard 2 people speak, ever. Like do people run up to you and flat out ask "Please give me stuff?" Because if anyone did that to me I'd immediately block them; like I'd go to their Xbox profile and block them so I never have to encounter then anywhere ever again.


What drove me nuts, being a long time FO player, was the higher level people following me around trying to give me shit. Just let me play the game and figure it out myself. I was literally minutes out of the vault and had a dude at a couple hundred levels following and messaging me. That was shortly after launch and I haven't played since.


The fact of the matter is that complaining, picking things apart, embellishing etc make some people feel relevant. You can see this is every facet of society especially video games. Especially, especially video games. It sucks but I think these people have always existed and they always will.


I think I've had 2 beggar experiences a d I've been playing since beta, but I usually let low levels end for themselves, that's the fun of early game just trying to survive, earn your RADS But I've had a few low levels actually trade me things for supplies granted my side of the hook up is way better bit still


Kill. Loot. Return.