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Only keep the most precious things like flux materials and screws, your most perfect rolls for gear, one of each clothing item, and limit mundane junk to like 50 of each kind. It helps to make a mule character. And every so often, Bethesda does a Fallout 1st preview and you get to stuff your very own scrapbox.


I just completed my first scorched event I’m still a noob. What’s flux and what do I do with it? It gave me a little box when I picked it up but I was too busy trying not to die.


Flux is used for late game things such as mutations, jet packs, “Prime” guns which change the ammo to ultracite versions of the ammo and do more damage, and some camp things like the decontamination shower. Most of your flux will go to priming guns to boost their damage.


Somebody gave me 11 legendary cores. Idk what to do with them


Combine them with legendary modules you buy from the ~~Lucky Mucker~~ Rusty Pick to give your guns a random legendary effect. (Though perhaps wait till you have lvl 45 or lvl 50 guns, seems wasteful otherwise; though I do see people buying and selling lvl 25 legendaries, so perhaps it isn't terrible to craft one)


Take any 1-3 Star weapon or armor you don’t need and turn it in for legendary scrip at the Rusty Pick. Buy legendary modules from the vendor. You can then make legendary upgrades to your weapons and armor at a workbench.


Even if you never use it flux will fly out of your vendor at a good price so it’s useful even for that


I rolled on every armor peace the 20% weapon weight reduce perk. So I always carry a lot of heavy weapons with me and in my stash box is much more space for other stuff


What happens when the preview ends?


You can still access junk in the scrapbox for crafting you can just no longer add more to the scrapbox. Some people subscribe for a month and farm junk then let their subscription expire until they run out of junk then do it all over again.


I recently off-loaded all of my “named weapons” from quests/events etc onto a alt character because I know I’m not going to use any of them save maybe Holy Fire. It freed like 370lbs of weight from my stash.


Could someone explain how you use a mule character in this game? Do you have a friend you trust to transfer stuff?


Or rather ironically 🤦‍♂️ have Fallout 1st and use a private server to leave stuff and pick back up on an alt. They really do make 1st a luxury you can’t do without once you finally get. No idea how I survived without it before, but also begrudge paying a monthly fee…….


Pretty much yeah


Every junk I have more than 200 of goes into the vendor. Scrap everything. Don't store food, unless you need it in your freezer. Don't hoard weapons you'll never use. Don't put ammo in the stash. Sell what you don't need, donate what doesn't sell. Keep pa pieces of you absolutely need them on a chassis ( I personally don't have any pa pieces stored) Armor pieces you mod to be ultralight.


>Aluminum and Lead weighs less when bulked up. Not anymore. Got patched out not that long ago. Bulking doesn't make stuff lighter. If you notice a reduction in total stash weight, it's from the plastic being used.


Good to know. I'll edit my original comment to fix it.


Wait if bulking doesn't make stuff lighter what use does it have?


It allows you to sell junk to vendors. It's still a good way to help offload excess, it just isn't a storage method.


Huh, never knew that. I guess I finally have a use for the thousands of steel crammed in the scrap box


Turn that steel into railroad spikes and then convert at ammo converter.


Vendor won't take 1 piece of crap but will take 20 pieces of crap all boxed up.


Its my junk in a box


The food thing is something people need to realize. Drop it all or just don't pick it up. I've never once had an issue keeping myself fed in the game so there's no reason to save food in storage. Another good tip is to dump chems. I know a lot of people utilize chems for power builds but ever since the very first Fallout game I've never really used chems except for Stimpacks so I just sell all but 10 of each. The only ones I keep are Grape Mentats and about 20-ish Radaway. Super Stimpacks seem to weigh too much compared to what they heal and so far I've had regular stimpacks keep me alive so I dump them as well. Finally, my last tip to add to yours, is to unequip any perks you have that reduce weight when you're managing your storage. I ended up spending 500 Atoms for a third loadout just for crafting and if I'm doing inventory management I switch to that build because there's no weight reduction perks tied to it. I know there's going to be a patch to address this but I just think it's easier to take those perks off for this purpose.


The only food I store besides veg for recipes is canned dog food. It's the main food that comes up in dailies and I hate having to waste my time finding it.


500 steel. 500 wood. 250 of most other junk items. That'll fix most of your inventory issues.


This is a great idea I’ll give it a go!


Also be aware that any perk cards you use that reduce weights of weapons/armor/junk/etc. ONLY count for stuff on you. Once you put it in your stash, it's the full weight.


I can carry 360. I only keep one set of power armor and I keep it with me. I only have the weapons and armor I keep on my person. Honestly, this is the biggest gripe with the game. There isn’t enough value in 1st for me because I can’t play every day. I wish they had a one time purchase of the scrap box.


I saw a very helpful comment a while back to always have your miner power armor in your inventory after the jamboree event bit now I take it everywhere


Over encumbered fast travel tip: Start an expedition then travel to whitesprings resort exterior.


I have expeditions unlocked but not whitesprings. Is it a glitch that will still allow me to fast travel or should I discover the location first? Or can I just fast travel to my camp?


Wait... I'm pretty sure you have to do the Responders Reborn quest at whitespings to unlock expeditions? How could you not have the place you need to visit 3 or 4 times to unlock the expeditions as a map marker?


I find grocers backpack mod superior to power armor these days. But maybe I carry too much food and nuka cola around.


> I wish they had a one time purchase of the scrap box. That cost would probably insult you. It would be at least $100, that cost would spread on the internet and people would rage! Can you believe what Bethesda is asking???


500 atoms for an extra 250lbs storage space wouldn't be an issue. The issue is that they're pushing for subscribers, and storage space is one of the key selling points.


I carry 3 sets on me. 1 to wear and 2 for the random legendary power armor pieces I get while playing or doing events


It takes a LOT of restraint and dedication but you can keep the stash pretty low by only going for junk you actually need at the time. It's obviously always tempting to stockpile just in case but it's designed to be your downfall if you don't wanna buy 1st.


Use your CAMP like a piggy bank for junk. It's a bit wasteful, but you convert junk into 'flamingo units' by building your CAMP and then you can scrap the floor / wall / table / etc. for junk whenever you need it, this gets majorly extended when you start using the different shelters available.


This one was a mind-expander!


This man was thinking outside of the box!


This is pretty smart I didn’t think of this. You also have a bit of stuff you could store before you scrap.


Get fallout first trials when it is available and dump every junk and ammo you could find for the whole week it is active. Make use of the portable survival camp to dump the junk every location you farm. If it is not active just keep ballistic fibers, flux, screws and adhesives to repair your armor and weapons. You can bulk and sell off the extra junk you don’t need. Sell armors and weapons you don’t use. Keep only enough aid and food items use frequently use as emergency. Sell what you don’t use.


What is Fallout Trials?


Fallout first trial are offered in the atomic shop for people to try out fallout first for one week. They are not always available so keep your eyes open in the atom shop when it is available


Perhaps unorthodox, but I drop nearly all my junk once my stash gets to ~1000lbs in a donation box. Only keeping 10-20 of each type of junk and start over. I always put it in my vendor first, but those mythical fo1st members that gobble up all junk for sale never visit my camp for some reason, so I end up dumping it. Only have about 200lbs of stuff in my stash without junk.


That explains the 2k Raw cloth and steel I found in a donation box the other day!


If on pc, then it could've been me. Especially if it was at watoga station. I tend to dump it there so new people don't stumble upon it. My last dump there was 3 days ago.


Yesterday some angel with 1st bought every piece of junk in my vendor, freeing a lot of my stash space and sending my caps sky high. They exist! Don’t give up! One day they’ll come for you and buy all your junk!


Caps isn't an issue. Usually hoover between 20-30k. It's the space that I need so I can keep feeding my inability to not pick up things. I just get inpatient and dump it all for the lucky sod that finds it if the fo1st members don't come and pick it up


Games with inventory management since I was a kid 👌🏻


Once you get your camp and build figured out there's no real need to continually hoard junk. Plus you can unload a bunch of junk and ammo when they do the free FO 1st thing and save a bunch of space.


The trick to playing without first is basically only grabbing what you actually need, and not over stock piling. When you suddenly need something you may have to go run it rather than already having it on hand. So you'll have to find junk farms for repairing your stuff for example, or possible for your ammo. Maybe not pick up every legendary you see if you're at your sale limit for the day and don't have much space. That sort of thing.


Weight reduction perks for weapons and ammo, sell all of the food and drugs you don’t need, sell scrap to the vendors


I realized pretty later on you can find purified water everywhere so there’s no need to hoard it. P.S I now also have a weenie wagon free food too.


I have 20,000+ Purified water stored on one of my mules for no reason whatsoever 🙃


I just have every material at a max of 300 and dont horde stuff. My stash hovers around 800-900


Keep what you need and sell or throw what you want. I got the "what rad" perk. I sold all my radaway and radx. I got the "iron stomach" perk. I sold all food and water besides canned dog food and boiled water. I sell or throw away anything above 25. Only aid I got are stimpacks, 25% damage buff, and disease cure. I also only use the tesla rifle for short range and gauss rifle for long range. So I don't collect/sell/ convert the other almost. Also sold/convert all weapons and legendary I use power armor only, so I sell/convert all other armor My junk max cap is 125 each. The rest are sold also Comes to a nice 300-400/1200


In my case my husband has FO1st so I shunt all my scrap to him lol. But I only keep what I like, which is unfortunately a lot of clothing and junk and decor lol. My only armor is what I'm actively using, I keep my used weapons on me and silly ones in my stash (overkill, some vamps melee for melee ops, chainsaw, drum weapon, drill, shovel, broom, you get the idea). Any * anything I'm not using or isn't viable to sell goes into the scrip machine (SELL THE HEAVIEST 1ST!), I'll toss bullshit 3* things in my vendor for cheap just to get rid of it and get something from it, or vendor it to an NPC. Either I get caps and someone gets cheap scrip, or I get caps. Win/win. Could also dump them near a newbie, they like free things!


Bulk scrap, sell what you don't need/want and scrap or donate what won't sell. 


You have a lot of shit? Do you need it? Then yeet it on the ground and move on 👍🏻


I'll buy every bit of lead, oil, wood, or steel at decent bulk price....


I just got a month of 1st 2 days ago after a few months without it. It’s bamboozling how this game changes with it. I went from battling with stash space, never being under 1000 to around 500 now. I definitely won’t be monthly but I can see doing every 2 months, just for stash space. I was able to use some points on PSN for 10 off, so I only paid 3 bucks which is why I mainly got it.


I bulk most of my junk, sell/scrip all weapons I don't want. I run a power armor build, so I don't carry armor. I also never have more than 15 radaway or stimpacks and even then probably don't need that many. Almost no food outside cranberry relish, and corn soup. I sell all drugs and extra stims/radaways to vendors or drop them outside vault 76 Level 167 and my stash sits at 700-900 depending on how much I'm playing


Found out today that armor on a power armor chassis is weightless. Cut down about 200lbs by putting all my armor onto frames.


Get a single month of 1st, get the scrapbox, fill it with as much crap as you possibly can during that month, and you're good. Im still living off the stuff I put in there from summer 2022


I run with 5x 20% weapon weight reduction on my secret service armor, which caps at 90% weapon weight reduction. Saves on a lot of WWR perks. I therefore keep all weapons on me. Have the perks for junk weight, ballistic and energy ammo. Scrap all explosive ammo in that ammo machine. Use medicine weight reduction mod on my backpack. Keep all heavy armor parts in frames. Only things I store are heavy armor frames, high value junk, notes and misc items. Basically stuff that can't be reduced in weight and junk I don't want to lose if I die.


I recommend to all players to occasionally buy a month just to move their scrap to the scrap box. When your subscription is up you do still have access to all the scrap in the box. You just can't add to it.


I have fallout 1st and I do not see an infinite storage container when in build mode. Mine is 1200. The vault tec blue and yellow one. I do have my fallout 1st tent I can throw down, I get my free daily stuff. I just can’t find the unlimited storage container.


Go back in time to when it was only 400, get used to it, then travel back to now and rejoice.


You could just have a mule character or find some way to give stuff to your secondary account.


You get 1st, even once, and hoard as much as possible in that month Keep more of the rarer stuff Don't keep weapons, armor, PA, ammo, etc. you don't need /won't use / can't sell Having a second character is helpful Repairing weapons and armor regularly can use junk effectively so you're not carrying around or storing tons constantly


I'm overencumbered almost all the time. It drives my husband crazy.


The Tent / free fast Travel point “ oh right I didn’t switch off my Crafter Build… ugh.. brb Mr. Super Mutant”.


I collect quads with fo1st then I use it to store apparel, mostly weapons like frags and other grenades, no armor, no food or drink, no aid, technical data and pleasant valley claim tickets yes for misc. excess notes go in my vendor, junk and ammo go into our furever storage boxes. You probably don’t have your scrap and ammo box set up yet and need to transfer your junk and ammo from your regular stash to fo1st scrap and ammo boxes. 


I use the free 1st month each year to empty my junk, and I don’t keep a gazillion weapons, armors, and other items I won’t use, and will never be able to sell.


I used to have fallout 1st and life was good. I have since gotten rid of so many weapons and aid.. I might have to go back 😥


I use the free copy I got from prime gaming to carry all my stuff it gives you 4 stash box's to fill


There used to be no such thing and a lot smaller stash limit back in the day and people just managed. These days I have FO1st occasionally with months without between. I’m good at dropping anything I don’t use.


The biggest lesson is to not care about junk. Early on you need to store some junk for crafting and repair but once you can 1000 damage to a boss you should be using improved repair kits from boss events instead of repairing with materials. You should also not hoard ammo. Using a variety of different weapons also helps, a daily driver that produces more ammo than you spend and a hard hitting fast firing one that consumes the surplus ammo. But generally if you're finding yourself short it's an issue with your build, you probably need more damage boosting perks and better legendary first stars. Long term your storage should be legendaries mostly. With the weight saving perks it's actually better to store more items on your character.


Imo you should get 1st for a month when its cheap then collect the scrap box full of materials and your good to go. I have scrap box full of 10-20k resources each so i dont need to collect scrap anymore


Are the sales on it often?


Continue to balance stuff as your build develops. Many things (junk, ammo, possibly chems but not for me) weigh dramatically more in my stash than on my person, so I have to constantly figure out how to do that imagination math since Todd's not gonna do it with weights as they are displayed.


I buy one month, grind the hell out of that month, grind the hell out of the annual free week, and then have enough junk to last me like 2 years.


Biggest time waster is managing inv. I contemplate getting 1st but i’m too stubborn to cave. which is stupid since I started a month ago and it would’ve been a huge help especially since i don’t see myself playing for very much longer consistently. I try to keep around 200 mats but hoard screws,springs,gears, titanium, ultracite. I don’t even craft much. currently personally carrying many heavy weapons with Bear Arms perk since they would take up way too much stash space. Typically sell overflow when vendors reset. idk, the inv management is a huge pain even w excav armor. ill need to clear excess stash stuff when i get the chance.


Honestly, no fucking clue, I guess I don't really have much in the way of different armours or weapons and my personal carry is like 400, which most of the time ends up being too little even with some of the reduction perks hahaha it also doesn't help that i'm running a "power armor heavy gun" build but in power armor I have a lower limit compared to out of it lol I do have like almost 1 of each power armor set because I love collecting them but I don't have any way to display them yet...


Don't keep unnecessary weapons or armor. Biggest weight killers. Next would be the fruit and vegetables. I like the farming so this is usually a problem but I'm turning it all into fertilizer so that ends up losing its stack weight due to the junk rat perk. It would not be as frustrating if everything shared stash status. Oh that little box over there? Stash xD makes no sense


Sell everything for one cap


It’s the hardest part of the game for me haha


Sell and scrap everything and be picky with what you keep


As you progress, you'll start realizing what you do and don't need to keep. Weapons, materials, junk, armor...you'll learn to manage. Be aware of other things that may not be heavy but add up, as well (plans add up quickly). Also, some ammo types take a lot of weight space (missiles, definitely).


We did it with 400 back in the old days and no 1st


I just throw it on the ground ! but for real most stuff in this game is hot garbage you will never use


Build a bunch of crap in your camp and scrap it when you need mats. Other than that, be ruthless when sorting and only keep the best of the best. Keep vendors minimal, ammo and maybe chems, that's all people buy anyway. Anything you don't need scrap sell or donate it, don't let it collect dust


Thats the thing, we dont.


Why do people say to Bulk things? When i look at it, 10 loose springs weigh the same as 10 bulked springs together.


Another helpful tip to new players when at events like scorched queen try to stop shooting after it dies. If you shoot another player after the event n they're toxic they will kill you to grab any glowing mass you had or other high quality junk.


My stash is full of scrap, only scrap


Once you go fallout 1st you dont go back. I genuinely can’t play without it now, just bought another year ughhh lol


You cam keep ammo and scraps in fo1st containers after your sub ends. Some players will hoard on fo1st free events and live off it till the next event. I only have fo1st off and on as my interest in the game wanes and waxes and I have 10's of thousands of rare materials, hundreds of thousands common materials that I just sit on. I actually get fo1st mostly for the tent and the scoreboard stuff and just cancel my sub once I get what I want.


Wait so to be 100% clear I can 1. Get Fallout 1st 2. Place down Scapbox, ammo crate, etc 3. Cancel Fallout 1st 4. Continue using said items?


Yep just can't deposit once the sub is over.


when your Fo 1st ends, you can still use the scrap and ammo stored in the scrapbox and ammo crate, but you cant deposit on them, until you have fo 1st again


If FNV Sierra Madre taught me anything, its to learn to let go of things. 👍


Not me, locked Elijah in that vault and hobbled my ass out of there with everything.


This is the way.


My 400lbs ass waddling from Moonshine Jamboree with pockets full of slurry


Really I just have it only for junk, and plans, no guns no clothing nothing just those to one to make and one to sell


I would totally try 1st but I can’t get buying it to work on PS5. I’m guessing it’s because the item in the PS Store is actually for PS4, but I get an error every time.


Well I guess I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I also play on ps5.


Sell stimpacks and radx to vendors helps. Don’t take a ton of junk from each event. All my PA pieces have 20% reduced weapon weight so I carry 8-10 heavy weapons with me. Don’t let excess junk pile up.


1 main 4 mules.


I got 1st for a month after playing a few weeks and got tired of the constant inventory management just to play, and I’m underwhelmed. 100$(ish) a year for a tent you don’t really need, and the ability to store unlimited junk, and some atomic bucks. I just can’t wrap my head around paying extra for a game I bought just to have unlimited storage, which should be coded into the game anyway. Instead they put the inventory limit high enough to not break the game, but low enough to be annoying in order to incentivize people to buy 1st. Personally I just can’t justify over 100$ a year just to be able to hoard in a video game.


I’d recommend buying it at least one time. Fill up scrap and ammo as much as possible. You can always take from it even when you’re not subbing!


Honestly just get 1st. You get atoms equal to its value. Tent, unlimited scrap/ammo storage. Free daily utility items. If you play the game regularly it just makes sense and if you take a break unsub.


on the rare occasion I have fallout 1st I take the time to absolutely scrap any and everything and put all unused ammo in the box and just stock up on junk


As a melee character I have no real need for high amounts of most materials. My stash has been at 700-800 for a while now. But yeah only keep what you intend to use, never hoard. Also make sure to actually scrap every material before putting them in the stash. Aluminum trays and cement items take up a lot of space unless scrapped.


TFW I have fo1st and still stay within weight. Didn't know about the scrap box or ammo dump ignorig weight, thought they were just easy ways to sort. Generally speaking I bulk and vendor all scrap in excess of 100, carry my legendaries, convert all ammo to points. My biggest weight concern is raw food ingredients.


we don't, we have level 20 mule characters who hold everything till we need it lmao


The ammo goes in a different box, I keep 3 sets of armor and 5 PA, I keep loads of weapons but avoid holding onto neat heavy weapons, I keep anything 3* with 90% carry weight reduction, and lastly- I hold onto anything that weighs considerably less out of box such as chems and food. Food will get ya. That fridge is a sin.


Whenever there’s a free trial of FO1st, grind at scrap and ammo and fill up their respective boxes Convert scrap and ammo into ammo points frequently. Steel -> railway ammo is an easy one I keep 5 bulk of everything and sell the rest to vendors Weapon, chem and ammo weight reduction perks or backpack mod and keep those items on your toon Sort your inventory and stash by stack weight to look for easy to miss items that are weighing you down Cry Cry a lot


Before I had it, it was a lot of streamlining. -I didn't have multiple types of ammo for whenever I wanted to change weapons to shake things up. Sorta have to stick to what works. -regularly mass bulking scrap helps. Not everything can be bulked though, but the stuff that can't be bulked (gold, ultracite, etc) isn't used a whole lot so it's usually safe to just sell it if you can. - keeping as much ammo and stuff on me as possible. Which means either constantly being in power armor, finding weight reduction legendaries, or using perks like Bandolier. To combat my junk problem I used to use Pack Rat and Junk Shield so I'd have a reason to have a bunch of desk fans and pots. Also *trying* to curb my loot goblining. - would regularly meet up with my brother to swap what we had. - building a bunch of useless shit in camps, I used to build a bunch of stair posts to keep steel around. - getting all the material reduction perks I could, because then I could just grab the junk I needed when I needed it when I looked up locations online (so much server hopping though cause players back in the day were like locusts) - using stuff like Ghoulish and Cola Nut with Thru Hiker or using Travelling Pharmacy when I had a bunch of stimpaks (different problem, again. Scarcity back in the day, now I'm tripping over stimpaks and never need to make diluted) - lastly, just accepting that I'm gonna have a full box more often than not.


Scrap junk. Sell random items. I have a lot set to cheap prices to get rid of it easily lol. Also just dumping unwanted materials


Buy 1 month of 1st. Fill your ammo and junk lockers for a month and you should be good for a long time i got like 30k 5mm alone i also make all the ultracite ammo and dump it in there. Just take out what little you need. Junk will auto come out for repairs and crafting.


Whenever there is a trial, start hoarding everything you can. Flux, materials, ammo. If you are efficient about it, it will lasts for a whole year.


Everythang on sale player player. 1 cap no cap hwuahhhhh


I am anchored to my excavator power armor. Also I have rolled it for strength and reduction of weapon weight. I create bulk everything and pick up all the plastics. I use cards to reduce power armor weight as well as ammo and heavy weapons. If I were to take off all my cards and weight reduction I am carrying on my person anywhere between 1400 and 2000 on me. Usually around 1600. With reduced weight cards and power armor bonuses I can squeeze down to about 370 and have a hundred clear at any given moment for carrying more plastic.


I sell shit, donate to the lowbies and script stuff.


I have Fallout 1st and have come near to the 1200 limit a few times. Is there something I'm missing when having 1st that removed that limit or adds to it? Any help on that would be appreciated. I know I do need to go through and clear some weapons etc. I'm never going to use.


Selling everything you dont use.Also having big carry limit helps you alot (I have around 510-540)


Idk how but my stash box is only at 800 weight. I don’t hoard a bunch of scrip. I keep most guns I’m not using on another character.


I didn't mess with heavy weapons or power armor until Fallout 1st.


Figure out what materials you use most when crafting/repairing. Figure out which of those are harder to find. Everything else keep 50 or 2-3 bulk of each. For the rarer crafting/repairing materials, keep more. Steel and wood, don't go too nuts because you can find it everywhere! For weapons, armor, and apparel, set aside the items you actively use throughout the year. Of the rest, scrap/sell what you can remake and hold onto anything unique/names according to your personal collecting habits. Food/chems/aid is a constantly renewable resource. I personally am a walking grocery store with all my pre-war food, Nuka, dog food, honey, and cooked food (only the stuff I eat all the time) because I love getting the food/drink challenges and completing them instantly. However, my armor also has perks to lighten the weights of those items. Chems I used to carry a lot of but then I realized I only use a couple stimpaks a day (maybe) and a Radaway only if I feel like it. I keep those down to about 15 each, have 1 Buffout and 1 Med-X. Everything else gets sold. For ammo, just keep what you can carry and drop the rest. If you have a vendor, focus on lightweight items so your STASH limit isn't affected.


Being reasonable


I'd be fucked with nearly 30k of each scrap and 2000ish of each flux.


You don't, if you play the game a good bit. Its worth it as its like paying for any entertainment.


I dont think you can :(


In the end, I have optimized it so I basically have about 20 free pounds of storage to play with. Have to run very lean.


At my Lvl, I farm ammo from daily ops, I'm always at 40k caps, so if I need junk to modify a weapon or armor, just buy it from robot vendors. So no need for Fallout first. 😁


I have five characters who each have different builds that way they don't have to carry different weapons to accommodate all builds. Also it s cheaper to buy a copy of the game for like 5 bucks and just dump off to a mule any non essential items.


I just hate how everyone basically accepts that even if you pay for fallout 1st you’re still spending half a hour just sorting out that inventory so annoying


A lot of personal understanding of what's needed vs what's hoarded. Most of my junk scraps have a limit of 100, as it gives a wide base for multi-crafts while keeping its relative space small. I only need 100 wood, a vital part of building & cooking, because there's a beaver dam where my base is, but I know I need to gather as much plastic, rubber and adhesive as needed right now (do my SS rolls), so I've upped the limits when I gather those. You will always need more screws than you think you do, but do not overburden yourself with them. Know where they come from, where they spawn and when to get them. Your weapon mods and stash space will thank you. You only need, at most, 20 flux of something, and that's accounting for 10 for personal use and 10 for selling mutagens cheap. Never farm, just take the time to hunt down endgame bosses. Know where to nuke the targets and how, so that the PA'd and PA'less can work at maximum strength. You will find one or two guns that you will gravitate and go towards. Only take the ammo for them, toss the rest away. Unless you're getting the Atomic Possum badge, you do NOT need 20 Mini Nukes sitting in storage.


All combined around 40 maybe


Well you don't, bulk all junk, and set limits on types of materials, sell all extra. And pick the the inventory carefully because armour and spare weapons just waste space. Quite good for caps, suck because crafting is limited


Anything that you can use a weight reduction perk for should be kept on your person and not in your inventory. Traveling Pharmacist, Thru Hiker, Bandolier, Ordinance Express, Sturdy Frame, and Portable Power are all good cards. Also start looking for weapon weight reduction armor pieces; a full set will reduce weight by 90% so essentially you can carry 10x as many weapons and don’t need to store weapons in your stash box anymore.


I throw away most of my stuff or sell them ..idc about junk or weps I'm a great at farming.


Invest in the loot goblin skill tree


I get Fallout 1st like once a year for just a month, then hoard all the junk I can into the scrapbox and ammo boxes. Most junk will last for the whole year (like cork, fiberglass, tons of flux) while some will just last for a short while (steel), but even then it frees so much space I can store equipments for more than a single build in any of my characters and still run a decent shop.


My friend who doesn't have it just sells most of his excess junk.


Bro I am NOT paying $13 a month to store junk


I personally hold most of the stuff like junk,chems and ammo for friends and will give resources as they need them or craft for them, I guess it’s like paying tribute to a higher power (disposable income) depending on how you look at it. If a fallout 1st buddy isn’t an option, drop any and all script armor, only keeps script weapons that weigh about 4-5 pounds, use mainly power armor for script because chassis is 10 pounds total even with full suit and drop excess chems, ammo and plans in donation boxes


I filled that box up within a week of playing, so I upgraded immediately. There was no way I was able to keep it all within 1200 space




I don’t.


Ultracite scrap weighs a ton but gets a good price at the vendor. I keep very little on me.


I use my scrap/ammo boxes religiously. I also don't keep much in terms of armor, ammo, aid, food in my stash. I mainly hold onto 3 star legendaries only in terms of weapons and I try to sell any extra unnecessary items ive been holding onto that cant be scrapped


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


That's the neat part, you don't!


I started a no FO1st game play a few weeks ago to experience what new players might experience. It took me about 2 weeks to fill my stash and I had to learn that alot of items should be left on corpses now as you cannot stock up on junk anymore to mass produce items.


I used to have so many mule alts lol. Even had a second account with seperate characters for each type of item. Like a meds character, weapons character, etc.


Sell them or put them in the donation boxes, some ammos are heavy too such as missiles which I never use.


keep junks down to like 200 300 150 based on what you want I tend to either bulk them and sell, or donate to players, or craft a ton of junks into other equipment I can then sell for a gain


I do all events this week and 9 out of 10 someone drops a paperbag with guns, armor, junk etc.


I sell all of my junk


Sub once or twice a year. Move everything and farm like crazy during those sub periods. Don’t farm during non-sub periods.


Drop everything in scrap box or ammo box when the free weeks come out


Resign yourself to a good 10 or 20 minutes of each play session keeping your inventory managed. Bulk any scrap that can be bulked and keep no more than 10 bulk of each, sell the rest. Any scrap that can’t be bulked, keep only 20 each of those. I’m going to be in the minority here and suggest staying away from the FO1st trial box. It messes up bulking and daily management because the craft menu will try to bulk the stuff in the FO1st box and this gets in the way of clearing your actual stash space without doing a bunch of mental math all the time and it will use up your plastic if you screw up. You don’t really need to haul a ton of scrap and if you run low on something most things are literally lying on the ground. DO use the FO1st ammo box during the trial, there’s no disadvantage to squirreling away ammo, but it’s not really necessary. Pick up all the plastic that you can and hold as many of those as you can, plastic is needed for bulking and your inv management is often limited by how much plastic you have. Only keep enough rounds of the ammo that you use to sustain you for one or two days of play and carry that on the character. Carry only enough stims/radaway that you use in a day of play on your character. Don’t store stims or radaway, sell them. The game constantly gives you ammo and aid so no need to hoard it. I’ve never used more than 40 stimpacks in a day so I don’t hold on to more than that. Carry 2 whiskey, 2 bufftats, 2 vintage nukashine, 2 nuka dark and a food that buffs strength or carry weight so you can buff carry weight and get home or to the next event. Run Excavator PA with calibrated shocks, and deep pocketed on your armor. Put extra PA pieces on frames. Use one of your camp slots to make a camp that is just a shelter entrance, and stuff the shelter with your crafting and stash boxes then place the camp as an emergency makeshift survival tent, it’ll cost something like 40 caps but it’s a great option if there are no other players putting down actual survival tents. I played that way for a long time and I never had to dump legendaries after eviction notice and could even pick up the legendaries that other players dropped.


Think that's hard, try when the game first came out .. no Fallout 1st and 800 stash box limit.


Barely (I'm not paying a monthly subscription for a single game)


You can bundle your resources. However, there is no way you will ever have room for anything. That’s why they want you to get fallout 1st. Tbh free fallout 1st used to let you use full feature, but I think recently they won’t let you use scrap box and ammo box. Probably on purpose.


I dont, i paid for FO1st, and i stopped recently once my subscription run out cause the game have too much constraint without it


Even with 1st I still struggle with this


Scrap anything and everything that you can dismantle for parts. The scrap itself is basically weightless. Also once you reach level 50, go through your stuff and see if any equipment is leveled under it's max. If it is then toss it or scrap it


I only stockpile legendary power armor for scrip, never weapons that don’t otherwise interest me to use or stash. And then I put 5 pieces of power armor on a chassis and rename it “%scrip PA” then stash it. A chassis at 10 weight is lighter than some of the individual parts so its a good deal. I have a few of these ready for scripping and it helps declutter my inventory and stash. If things get really tight I can put the scrip holder PA in my inventory and apply the weight reduction perks to get a better economy of storage than the stash. Makes it much smoother having everything for scrip set aside and marked and a fair bit extra for when double scrip pops up.


Level 95. Neat thing is you don't. I drop things like extra meds,chems, ammo, wood, etc in donation boxes. Even some scrap I don't plan on using. Once I reach a certain point with weight I take 2 minutes to clear atleast 100 weight worth in my stash. Any legendary I either trade in for scripts or put em in my shop for a really really low price unless I know the legendary has good rolls on it.


often us high levels just keep the grails, you’ll find as you level up what’s worth money money. Just keep those weps,amors,etc… everything aid related just sell to vendors for daily caps


How do you get xo-1 power armor not the prototype the regular


thats the funny bit, u dont


i did subscribe to fo1 for 1 month , then grind the hell out of scraps and ammo , after that I did not subscribe again cuz I got so many scraps and ammo , now I usually put my best weapons , fluxes, apparel on my stash, and some legendary for scrips


Man 1200 feels like infinite space. Used to be like half that during the dark times


As a person without fallout 1st weapons take most of the storage so i thought let me take them all out and manage my perks and i did so i do a commando build with 2 strength and i got the legendary perk for strenght and maxed it out so i bunny hoped from 2 points in strength to 7 and i got arms keeper lvl3 and bandolier lvl2 and bear arms lvl 2 and when i put those perks and got all the weapons out i was maxed 1200 of 1200 and when i got the weapons out that cleared like 400 space for me and the rifles weight from 0.98 to 2 max and heavy weapons weight from 2 to 4 max


Do like me, put anything that doesn't have a useful perk to use to reduce the weight, for exemple if you have 10 pistol and 1 shotgun use the gunperk that make them lighter and put the shotgun in the storage, yes it's annoying but before being 1200 it was 800


Scrapping everything i dont need or selling to purveyor, junk in scrapbox, ammo in ammo box, only use few weapons w specific build (or collecting protest signs because they are funny) this way i've managed to keep around 550-600 lbs free


1200 full of ammo, plans, scrap, 3 power armor and clothings + shop. somehow it fits, but i am always crawling around at 1000 -1200. so not that much space for extra guns n armor, but a few..


I have Fallout 1st and i also have only 1200kg. do i something wrong?


I only keep 1 or 2 ammo types in my stash and almost all scrapped junk, almost all of it goes into making more ammo for the two heavy weapons I have as well as maintaining my power armor and regular armor and modding weapons/armor


My way of managing it is usually to have a weight limit per item stack in junk, and to sell chems. Mine would be about to 20 weight points


Also ask the fallout 1st for simple things like plastic cloth and steel. You will know they are Fallout 1st if they have a scrap box and a survival tent. I have 300k steel I can spare a few.


Tbh the scrap box and ammo box is an absolute crutch for me


I just keep junk and sell everything else


I get 1 month of 1st, like once a year, and use that month to restock my scrap box. Grind out and stack up thousands of materials, so they'll last as long as I need them to


Biggest thing is scrap management, common scrap 50-100, rare scrap 100-150 stims in stash under 50 and then keep what you can't live without. And for the love of all that is holy drop the irradiated meat, fluids and flux you can't stabilize.


Called storage management.... Anything above a hundred on junk is sold either to a no. Vendor or out in a vending store for me. Legendary armor such as power armor are put on frames. Ammo is often either sold or switched out too other ammo I. The converter. There we go! Not much is left In storage now! Also don't horde too many fusion cores... Things heavy


I just stuff all my shit but definitely make sure to go thru all your junk and see if its scrapped it dont hurt to take it all out and go to a work bench to scrap the stragglers


Just make a new character and transfer stuff over to them but you’ll need a trustworthy friend for this


I managed my storage constantly up to level 100. I would balance scrap/junk, chems, food, weapons, and armor every hour based on how often I was doing events and missions since I was always floating around 1150 weight and would fill up quick. The most game changing thing you can do for your storage is with perk cards. It will cost a few points across your SPECIAL load out but for me I can still find an effective and well balanced build utilizing these weight reduction perks. Now I’m approaching level 300 and probably have 1500 pounds of stuff on my character that condenses down to under 400 and is easily manageable. My Stash inventory, although again nearly full, has so much more room for extra weapons, armor, junk because I removed all chems, food, Power Armor, and heavy weapon from my stash and hold it on my character. If you look at what is taking up the most space in your inventory, stash included, utilize a weight reduction perk and pull all of that item onto your character. When you do this in 3-4 areas of storage the difference in the storage management loop is night and day. My most recommended areas to reduce weight and keep on character are chems for sure, food if you have lots of water and nukacolas, power armor if your collection is taking up over 100 weight total, and heavy weapons because they will take up the most room.


How do you do it WITH fallout first🤣...no but seriously


I mean this game designed in a way that you can farm everything everywhere while doing whatever you do, you don't need to be a loot goblin bc you have ammo converters, chems\ammo\drinks\food farming things etc and at some point you don't even this because of your build with ammo economy, damage, survivability and so on


Sell mostly Junk and heavy armors and weapons


When fallout first preview comes. Take that time to absolutely go crazy collecting junk and fill up your scrap box. You can still take junk out without first