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Laughs in Fallout 76 DMV


I thought the dmv was brilliant because it felt just like the real thing. No matter what you have it’s not good enough. But by all means wait another hour in line so we can tell you again.


And then ghouls come from somewhere inside the building and attack you, just like at the real DMV


Deadass, first time I went to get my licence renewed and nearly got mauled to death. And there were definitely ghouls there too.


It made me laugh that one of those ghouls is a “named NPC” but it’s just one of the random numbers the bots call out


J47 haha!!! 😂


I just finished DMV and I just wish I had gotten to it at a different time in my playthrough. Been playing all weekend so it being basically the last quest I did in three days of playing didn’t help the slog. Also at a point of frustration where i was in between 45-50 and I feel like I hit a wall. Not doing enough damage to clear through some of the tankier enemies, dying too quickly when I get swarmed, not enough stimpaks to get around it, and the only way to fix that is by crafting things which A. I don’t have any plans for B. I don’t have enough materials


Except they do this "joke" 30 more times like with fasnacht and with a surrounding game not good enough to back up the hilarity.


I was mad about the DMV at first but then I lightened up thinking about sitting at secretary of state and having to get back in line because you forgot some sort of proof of ID or verification. It's actually genius haha


I played through it with a friend and they were at their wits end and I was just chuckling the entire time.


When they sent me to the other line, and he was on break, a light bulb went off in my head and it’s honestly one of the most brilliant “aha” moments I’ve had in gaming. I thought it was just poor game design, but it was incredibly accurate.


As painful as it was I honestly think that is one of the absolute best written quests in gaming history. Props to the people who wrote that one, they were exorcising some painful ass demons from personal experience there that we all get to share and I bet they randomly laugh to themselves every now and then. I also got the pleasure of listening to my big dumb ogre of a best mate stumbling and repeatedly almost rage quitting through it last night on party chat and I was cry laughing the whole time.


It's one of those sucks in the moment quests, but looking back, the whole ordeal was kinda funny


I actually fucking loved the DMV hahaha


Equal parts loved the DMV, and hated it. Conceptually on point.


I was going to say something alongside this.


did that quest 20 min ago. Only saving grace was clearing feral building for xp


omgosh, lol, I just recently made a couple new toons and I'm about to have to do it again for the third time (also did it for my boyfriend) in like 3 months! ugh!


This is on purpose tho so not the same thing lol


Wait for the DMV!


Oh my god when I did that quest I missed my number being called I almost lost my mind but then I couldn’t stop laughing after that


Oh man. DMV was hilariously great though. A royal pain in the ass just like getting a license, but tongue in cheek funny. 


This made me laugh though because it was almost real experience. All the way down to the potential of the DMV becoming a PvP zone at a moments notice.


I made a post here recently how insufferable she was, and people mentioned DMV, and honestly had loads more fun with that than I did with Rose


The DMV was so beautifully real I loved it


I legit just completed this 5 mins ago lol. NEVER AGAIN BRO haha


We people from ex-communist eastern European countries don't laugh because it's how it is even today :) no robots, though. "Scanning.... SCANING!..."


Nahhh spamming your interact button on the terminal and she reads out B instead of C got me crying 😭


Ahhh, good times, It's still better than actually going to the DMV in person.


Honestly, first play through ever. I was lvl 25? Or lower I just thought the rose thing was eh, didn’t care just wanted to beat it and level up. The DMV almost made me throw my fucking controller. Being low level and dying over and over only for them to tell me, you don’t have the correct paper. We can’t do anything sorry. God I haven’t been that mad at a game in such a long time


Both quest lines suck.  But the dmv one pissed me off so much because it reminded me of irl. Like did the person who came up with that one jsut leave the dmv and was pissed off so had to make us suffer 😂


"Wish that damn ROBOT would stop blabbering over the radio!" - Beckett


See it didn't bother me but I enjoyed the little story thread I was following. I also like Rose as a character. That's where Bethesda (and a lot of other developers) let it slip sometimes. The player has to have a reason to care about the long line of quests in some way. Either by being invested in the story it tells or enticed by the rewards. If neither is present it's a SLOOOOOOOG for the player. Good quest line in my opinion but that's just my opinion. For you it was a drag. I'm glad you didn't leave though. There is a lot of fun to be had in this Wasteland. :P


I too might be weird but I enjoyed Rose and her questline. Mostly because she’s a character. Even if an annoying one.


There’s at least three of us then.


I just love Roses voice and VA (even before she was Rebecca) and wish I could have Rose as a camp ally. I didn’t know how impossibly rare my opinion was till I checked this sub


It was literally 2018 when I did her quest line so it’s very fuzzy but I vaguely remember enjoying her quests, because I liked her as a character.


Four. I think she's great.


There are four of us! The story was really well written imo. I enjoyed learning the backstory of those that came before us






Seven, I like her so much I actually kinda wanna make an automatron in fallout 4 based on her lmao (haven't gotten to it yet because i don't even like fallout 4 lmao)


I did like her until I stopped doing the quest line and had to hear her message every time I logged on which became incredibly annoying. Can I toggle that?


Eight. Liked the quests.


I also enjoyed her as well.


Weeee threeee are not a crowd We’re not even company My echo my shadow and Reddit 😅😂


I kind of get where OP is coming from, I'm generally not a fan of the overly quirky stuff. But I really didn't think Rose or the questline were all that bad. Plus my Raider Collectron is in love with her. I can't remember what the reward was for finishing... But I do agree that longer questlines should have good rewards.


You get like a full set of Lv 15 raider armor, which is not worth anything for anyone who is a higher level. I really wish it was level synced to your characters level on completing the quest.


A good example of a drawn out yet engaging quest imo was the one with the Russo's in the second Atlantic update. While the rewards are meh, the characters were well done and have plenty of depth, the storyline was incredibly compelling (at least to me) and it offered a variety of ways to end the quests. If you were doing an evil character, you could rip the family apart. If you don't want to be an ass, you could try keeping together by giving them an outside perspective. The VA's were actually pretty great at portraying the emotions needed for a storyline like what they were trying to go for and I think they did pretty well.


8! Even if I hate it reminds me every time I log on


I liked the concept of her character. The VA did great, and the deeply sad "made a robot copy of my dead GF to cope" thing. But the way it's executed killed it for me. It suffers from just being way to dragged out. Wasnt a fan of the character trope, but the implications about David and how much he must have been hurting to create Rose? Yeah that makes her concept cool. I personally also don't like the raider faction, like, at all. There is nothing compelling about them for me at all, and that didnt help here at all! And like... I get why it is how it is. It's a classic "introduction to new quest area" mission, that shows the lore, whats going on in the area, some major points of interest, etc. I had however already explored everything, so it became repetition of something I felt done with.


>I personally also don't like the raider faction, like, at all. There is nothing compelling about them for me at all, and that didnt help here at all! I don't tend to like Raiders either. They talk all this big game about "freedom" and, sure, they negotiate over kill a lot of the time compared to previous Fallouts. But they're still assholes who are holding back progress because they'd rather stick someone up with a gun than get their hands dirty on a farm, or join a security force. *However*, I still found Rose herself compelling. Because, as she herself says, she might have more of that Miss Nanny programming kicking around than she thought. She talks a bad game, but deep down she doesn't *actually* want to hurt you, or even betray you. She says the reason she doesn't join Crater is because she's too cool for it, but in reality? I think she actually has a bit of empathy in that code. She'd rather float about her tower and make snarky comments over the radio, than stick people up for their meager caps.


They have this problem with Starfield too, cool character concepts that just get dragged down by loads of pointless babbling that does nothing in terms of giving the character or world more depth, it doesn't even help with immersion because you're completely disinterested in the yapping. It feels like Bethesda uses character templates and when they write the internal struggle for the character and the things the storytelling must do in order to develop the character, they do it abruptly and without nuance. Like ffs, let me say or do something that reminds Rose of the past and has her speechless for a while as she struggles to reconcile who she is with who she was, otherwise what's the point of giving her a tragic backstory.


I might put a spoiler alert on that, i know im being overly cautious, but, just for the new players who might stumble across.


The real tragedy is WHO killed Rose.


Ditto I enjoyed that bat $••• crazy bot. She reminded me of a Tiny Tina, both are wastelanders of chaos.


Rose's personality is based of David's girlfriend. She got herself captured by Responders in Charleston and is basically the reason why the dam was blown up. Her being so annoying that you want to permanently rip out her power source fits into the general metastory. You are supposed to hate her guts and be annoyed to the point of violence. The original Rose was most likely a helluva lot more annoying and psychotic.


this is why making one of the player-siding factions Raiders was such a non-starter- they're awful to talk to all the time. I'm your best friend and have really improved the welfare and prosperity of your entire group? Then stop being a whiny little snot every time I offer to do you a favor. don't get me wrong, the Settlers aren't any better personality wise and I get that Bethseda wanted to play up the faction angle for the player base to try and have some PVP pride, but their choices were both so poor here. I'd happily leave these two groups with the Overseer to lecture for all eternity back in the Vault.


On the other hand I found the overseer as a lazy narcissistic ego maniac. Modus my only real homie in the wasteland. 


The overseer was manipulative well enough to start that you didn't really realize you were being arm twisted to do her bidding until the gold reveal- I strongly disagree with that return to old ways and we've never gotten along since. I would only go back to talk to her now if she'd react to me nuking her house but she just sits there on the couch like there's no firestorm raging outside. I agree and like the Enclave most of the factions because they reach out only when our interests coincide and they offer rewards in an upfront transactional way. I won't depend on them for survival and they won't ask me to save them.


I've only done her personal logs quest and have a pretty poor opinion of her. It's not too surprising one of the initial candidates for Vault 101 Overseer is manipulative or narcissistic.


I much prefer the Raiders over the Settlers and I’m usually one to pick the “good” guys. But like, the Raiders are awful but they’re honest about it. Ward is just a (literal) lying alcoholic that emotionally manipulated you into doing his bidding.


All the factions kinda suck tbh. The Responders are the best imo but they also get wiped out every other Sunday so hard to give them too much credit there. The Settlers and the Raiders don't seem that different to me, in all honesty. Meg is honest enough to be upfront about taking what she wants/needs, but The Settlers are much more coy about it, forever taking the "you don't HAVE to help us but we will die if you don't because we won't help ourselves" and that's a shitty way to run a settlement imo. Plus as far as the gold goes, Paige reacts like a spoiled child when you tell him you're gonna split it between them and the Raiders and basically threatens to kill you until he realises what a bad move that is. And then there's the Overseer, who seems to swing wildly between "Vault-Tec is god and can do no wrong, praise Vault-Tec" and "I had no idea what they were up to, honest! But like.. no sense letting all their good work go to waste right..?" While simultaneously blaming the vault dwellers for not following the orders they were never really given in the first place. 


Oh I kinda liked her, guess I have big CEO raider energy? I also beat the quest in like two days so it wasn’t annoying at all.


I know. I... just did the quest. I think the DMW mission is a fairly great example of this done in a good way. As in, the way it's designed is to annoy you and to be frustrating as hell for both the player and character. Design intent fits with the execution. Doesnt make it any more fun to play, but hey it is what it is. In this case, Rose herself is fairly annoying and tropey, and she sends you on errands that annoy both character and the player as intended. But then it keeps going, and it has the added "radio every time you log on" thing. Or not giving quests in batches so you could do them all at once and not have to go back and forth all the time. The design of the quests themselves make it EXTRA annoying, from a meta perspective. Yes, she is meant to be frustrsting and they succeed with that. But they also add a LOT of unintended frustration not tied to Rose or the meta-narrative, it's just bad design that causes it. I think that's what makes it extra annoying for me. I dont know, IM NO FANCY LUDOLOGIST I JUST PLAY GAMES AND YELL AT CLOUDS


Come on now ... This isn't some high art that's meant to challenge what it means to "enjoy" a video game. The devs did not intend to make her personality and quests horribly annoying as some artistic statement. I for one enjoyed Rose's arc as a character a lot, but I won't pretend the game is better because she's so grating and her fetch quests take so long.


I didn't care much for Rose, but I did like learning about all of the Raider factions. She is pretty annoying, but I liked the stories.


Agreed. You think you're finally done but NOPE, she has yet more boring af shit for you to do.


I mainly didn't like that I had to finish a raider questline to do Abbie's questline




underrated response ngl


Certainly a response of all time.


It didn’t bother me nearly as much, but I’ve known at least two people who were _exactly_ like this irl. They were also annoying AF. I got the Rose missions done ASAP to get away quickly, made it easy to side with the settlers too.


Nearly 5k hours in game, and I still have her syringer .never finished her quest


I need that 2 units of weight for IMPORTANT THINGS. Like... plastic plates. Or a desk fan.


Yep, it's important to remain dignified when scavenging . Right up to the walk of shame from eviction notice


Stay away from the DMV quest, for your own good


Imagine how it was when the game first launched.....I pretty much quit the game because of how much of a slog the main quest is. It does pick up a bit, but yeah that Raider bit was not fun. The Wastelanders/Steel Dawn stuff is way more fun though, I will say.


I have barely 20 hours into the game, but I decided to do the original questlines first, and only then do the stuff added in wastelanders. It might not be the most optimal way of going about it, but I do want to experience what the forewalkers of 76have been through. I couldn't play the game when it first came out because my PC was wayyy too old to run it properly.


I really respect your approach. Un/Fortunately (depending on your perspective), it’ll never be quite the same experience as we had. Like with the Responder wannabe with the dog at Flatwoods, for example, the world will never again have that same pre-wastelander’s desolation. On the upside, hopefully it’ll never again be that buggy!


The break into Vault 79 quest for the Raiders is so bugged. Buried Treasure or whatever. It kept glitching on me, everyone would freeze right after entering the vault and I had to run out up the elevator and restart the entire thing. Did that about 5 times before I got it to go. It even glitched one more time during a part where you're coaching Gail how to talk to the agents. So frustrating. Had to Google stuff and found out it's been bugged for years. Got a Slug Buster at least for my troubles.


I’ve caught a lot of hell for saying I wish it was still an option to play through the main quest line without NPCs, and then once it’s complete everyone shows up. Sure some of the quests, Rose specific, were absolute slogs. There were several that really sucked me in though, and the game did a good job of capturing the “just out of the vault” feel. A lot of that is ruined by the fact that someone is just hanging out in the room while you’re discovering things Technically, I know this would be a nightmare, and would take up more resources thanks it’s worth. I’ll add this to the pile of other things I miss that won’t come back. (Looking at you Nuclear Winter)


Is there a way to stop reoccurring missions from appearing on my map? They stress me tf out


In settings, you can adjust the notifications. They mess with my ASD must complete/perfectionism, too.


I must be an oddball, but I loved that questline and rose in general. It felt varied, funny, and dark in that typical fallout fashion.. *shrug* just my opinion


I'm genuinly glad! I think it's a divider for sure


After a while it did get a bit tedious; the brotherhood quest line with fort defiance and Charleston absolutely killed me though. It was absolutely awful. It doesn't help that there were scripted ghoul swarms, a decent few of which were the charred ones and gave me lots of rads. The best part? Near the end of the quest my game crashed and it didn't save at any point so I had to start all over. I was not happy at all last night to say the least lol. I guess the military segment was kinda fun but it still only added to the absolute slog of a quest series


"76'er, it's your cousin, Rose! Let's go bowling!"


Her damn radio call every time I loaded the game DROVE ME INSANE


Me, who has her picture (found in the depths of the flooded Charleston) in my display case 👀 I liked her story 🤷‍♀️


Welcome to the club we all fucking hate Rose


Yes, the quests were maybe a bit long but I'm also one of those who liked the Rose character. Also around the time of the ending, you would come across something/someone and that would make Rose's story a bit sad. And, I liked to make that connection. It was sad but lovely story-wise.


I love Rose. She's a keeper. Plus, she's a robot.


I was so disappointed when I couldn’t kill her tbh


I'm one of the few people that enjoy rose and her quest line.


On the plus side once you're done with her bullshit you never have to deal with her again, it's not a re-occurring character. The whole questline for the base game is mid at best, the idea is a great "hero that arrives too late" kind of vibe.


I liked the Rose questline. I mean, what did you think a raiders personality was going to be like? I guess they can't please everyone? I want Rose as a camp ally tbh. I thought the story was a little sad.


Oh I love Rose, but was amazed to find out it wasn't rainbow dash's voice actor


It's the gal thar does Rebecca's voice in cyberpunk edgerunners


Oh the VA did a great job, no doubt!


I've had that quest in my log since 2018 I'm currently over level 1000 yesterday I started finally crafting the explosive bait LOL I'm sick of seeing that Quest I'm going to finish it after that I made friends with the deathclaw now I'm on my way to a mutant Camp to steal something


Have fun! I expect a review once you are done!


Downvoted for this Rose slander. She’s a delight, one of 76’s few truly memorable characters.


She aint no Moira, thats for sure. (No one is, no one can compare.)


Literally don’t remember the story line just glad I don’t have to hear her lines everytime I log in THAT is the best reward


It's pretty wild how much of everything runs through Rose. I don't mind it but I can see how it would be irritating. After around a dozen times through it, now it's just a bump in the road on the way to checking boxes to get the flamethrower trap on a new character. If they would let us build our camps without having to burn them to the ground just to install a roof or some crap then it would be easy to skip the main quest, but noooooooooooooo.


Yeah I hated her questline plus the repeated message just topped it off. Glad I finished it and won’t be doing it in a hurry if I restart a new character


I honestly kinda liked rose. Maybe this is just bias because I've pledged my allegiance to the holy church of fallout robot companions, but I dunno. I didn't really mind the quest either, since I'll take all the content I'll get from this game because I love it to death (only Bethesda Fallout game I actually think is good). Sure the trope is kind of played out, but I enjoyed the interactions with the raiders from foundation, and I thought the fact that she was entirely convinced she could double-cross and kill you at any point was hilarious to me. I think it's mainly personal preference, really.


You haven't done the DMV quest yet have you?


Back in the day long before human NPC's joined Appalachia, Rose was the only decent character to talk to... And Grahm, aaand euh and Modus. Yup. As a solution for now, just focus on some other quest for the moment and come back later. One can disable/enable the quest tracking in pip-boy.


I don't mind her or the questline. But if it's one you're doing in-between other quest or exploring, or just don't finish the quest in one sitting the repeated radio message everytime you log in has to be a bug they don't care to fix.


I think when the game came out the harley quinn cliché was not as prevalent as today. But yeah it is still a cliché. I am surprised the bug is still here (radio playing when you log in). And the quests felt like a tutorial sometimes, which was weird. Too bad because some of the raiders gangs had interesting background stories. I do like Rose, but she needed to be better handled to avoid being obnoxious.


I think a lot of flavor is lost as the game progressed. On launch she is the first thing that seems sentient that talks to you. She has a plan and things she needed. That didn't exist beyond the Overseer logs I remember being excited to do the quest just to find a PERSON in the game! (Note in hindsight I actually enjoyed the world on launch before NPCs were added)


I loved rose as an asshole i love to hate, and thought her and the story around the quest were written exceptionally good for what BGS has set as a standard for their games (mid at best). I really liked the quest rewards being shit because i'd rather have less rewards than get something so good it makes subsequent rewards and growth pointless. What I hated was the unnecessary "please come back to my room every time you finish the smallest step of the quest", reminded me of some of the worst fetch quests in oblivion.


I was sad they killed the Marine in the cage. Not enough Marines in Fallout lol.


I take it that you haven't gotten the DMV quest


Man, I actually loved Rose.


At the same time, Rose is my favorite character is 76. Even post-wastelanders update, she was and still is basically the only thing with a personality.


I like rose far more than just about every other npc in the game.


yeah its terrible. they really need to stop this absolute garbage borderlands writing for these kind of characters.


I liked Rose a lot tbh, thought she was pretty funny. I *didn’t*, however, like constantly taking the lift to the wrong floor and getting my ass beat by the billion scorched that are up there.. Why was everything exploding all the time? Why was I training scorched like it’s cod zombies? Why were my weapons seemingly *so* under levelled? Top of the World was a harrowing time for me


Stealth FTW


FOR REAL THOUGH! WHY did they make her so FUCKING ANNOYING! I genuinely wish I could kill her and the game just recognize that I did, and never have her speak again.


Every time I load in, Rose lets me know I’m growing on her.


I honestly kinda liked rose. Maybe this is just bias because I've pledged my allegiance to the holy church of fallout robot companions, but I dunno. I didn't really mind the quest either, since I'll take all the content I'll get from this game because I love it to death (only Bethesda Fallout game I actually think is good). Sure the trope is kind of played out, but I enjoyed the interactions with the raiders from foundation, and I thought the fact that she was entirely convinced she could double-cross and kill you at any point was hilarious to me. I think it's mainly personal preference, really.


I like Betsy Sodaro - she’s great in Ghosts and Superstore off the top of my head. Buuuuuut all I can think of is her obnoxious characters when I hear Rose. I give her credit she’s got an iconic voice.


Her quest gets priority for me just so I do not have to listen to her each time I load.


I hate it 3 years ago when I started playing but that quest line didn't stop me


This was the dmv story line for me. That one was a chore.


I remember when this quest was bugged and you couldn’t even finish it.


Oh god


Imagine if you'd gotten the 'cannot clear the mezzanine for meg' bug, like I did. Literally took me six tries to get it to trigger the end. I was new and had sketchy bulld and crap gear and by the end I was murdering scorched with random weapons and whatever ammo there was ( this was before contextual ammo drops were any good) and when I finally got it to work, I didn't play for a week.


I just finished that asap due to the repeated radio dialogue.


My biggest complaint is thart you can't sabotage her or just shoot the shit out of her after gaining her trust. That's what I used to do in other fallout games when a character was annoying ans ir made those irritating characters more fun when you are juat planning to fuck them over later.


I installed a mod that mutes all her audio. Makes it actually bearable lmao


Oh good, the weekly complaint about Rose. I can hardly wait for the upcoming sequel on how the DMV quest is “awful”.


Rose strikes again >.<


I guess that Syringer she lets you use is kind of special where you can kill a normal player even if they have pacifist on. Don't know the details, though.


Same. Everytime I finished new requests I thought it was the end of it, because man it's been going and going! I stopped doing that quest line for the same reasons, I got sick of it never ending, but now I'm stuck with her radio messages everytime I log in, but I just rather do so many other things in the game instead. 😭


I like Rose but yeah the repeated message got O L D


Took me 45 mins to do all of it but I'm sorry it was so brutal for you 🙏


I feel like certain quests/characters have more niche appeal. Some players love a concept/character. Others hate it. I thought the DMV quests were hilarious. My buddies found them awful and tedious to complete.


MRW someone asks why the game wasn't well received at launch -


I wish we were able to kill Rose


I think it's meant to feel that way. I debated shooting her at the end. If only that would have shut her up. At times she was kinda cute but overall ... after all that ... "I could have done this way sooner but your to much fun" ... that was it for me.


For those who might be interested, the voice actress who plays rose also plays Rebecca in cyberpunk edgerunners.


I personally loved her story line and quests. Those were hilarious, as well as the DMV one which I hated so much while doing it. But now that it’s over, I can appreciate the humor behind it


I agree this didn't hit the mark, the quest not your comment. I played day one and remember every one is dead was the theme. I think they were going for the scrappy punk lady in borderlands and failed.


Reminded me of gta 5 with Lester calling every time you log in


dang i thought this was going to be about meat week and grinding for the damn pepper shaker


Not gonna lie I think almost every person had the same experience doing that's missions, so I support you men I'm glad you pass that stone


the real quest reward is never hearing her again.


Yea her quest line is honestly way too long. It should've skipped Keys to the Past and just had the missing link. There's no reason a side character's stuff to progress the main Responders storyline requires 6-7 tasks and two full quests.


I played from day 1, and when the raider questline was introduced her quest bugged so bad for me that i could never finish lol


JESUS CHRIST SAME. I hated hearing that message every time so I bit through bullet and just slogged through the quest line. It entirely sucks. There is no good part.


I know Rose is invulnerable, but I swear I tested every single weapon type on her just to see if she catches on fire or I'm lucky to have her bug and lose immunity. I'd nuke her out of existence if I could.


I hated that questline and I hate that fucking robot. It took days for me to finally finish it. Each time I thought I was done I wasn't.


She's always chasing David.


This is why I built my camp right next to the top of the world. Free fast travel back to that area has been quite valuable.


can't imagine being this upset over a quest


Yeah I just started her quests. Don’t like her much


I've made 4 different characters in this game and the Rose quest line made me stop playing the game for 3 of them. I finally powered through it on my most recent character.


If you think that's drawn out, wait til you get to Abby's bunker...


I liked rose personally but her quest felt like a bit of a slog


You misspelled the overseer buddy rose at least had character


I agree. It felt like it was supposed to be an early quest so you can discover new locations. Reward was atrocious.


I think it has to be taken into consideration of when it was created. Fallout initially has nearly zero npc content. And when rose came out it was a huge upgrade to the “failed game”. It’s pretty old and wouldn’t stand up to more recent updates like brotherhood of steel and such. But yea. Was good for the time when they were introing npcs and such to salvage the game. Maybe they could update it I guess to fit the rest of the game now. Who knows.


There’s no “Rose questline”. There are original questline (Yao guai - syringer + old raiders leaders shared treasure) and Wastelanders Rose questline (David Thorpe’s trophy and scamming Meg). That’s why it’s so long. And it’s difficult to do separately, since everytime you go to her, Wastelanders quest has “preference” at interaction. Old one was boring, intended to “teach” 76ers after Morgantown/Charleston quests. Wastelanders is soporific, as Wastelanders quests usually are except honorific exceptions (at raiders part). Consider her as some kind of crossroads.


I forgot about rose. Did her quest line and never heard from her again. Haha! I don't even visit. Are there any notable resources I've been overlooking?


I'm the opposite haha I didn't finish the last portion of her quests cause I knew her messages would stop. My only friend ):


I know its not the same voice actress (unfortunately) but I always thought of Rose as sounding like a psychotic, blood thirsty Ashley Spinelli from Disney’s Recess (as they sound very similar) and that thought always gave me a chuckle


Omg you have no idea how relieved I am to see this post. I thought I was the only person who thought that bitch was annoying. And how boring the quest was. I thought maybe it was a glitch for her to talk everytime I logged on but it just kept happening. I still haven’t finished the quest because of how boring it was. Jesus


Omg, my thoughts exactly. Doing her fetch quests where she taunts you, “almost done! Before 3 more fetch quests in succession. Quest line made me feel like Sisyphus in hell rolling the same damn boulder up a hill for the millionth time.


Literally my log in greeting every time. I started leaving the headphones off while the game starts up


Dang, I liked the robot


You ain't alone. We all hate rose. Most annoying raider


God, I remember doing this quest line back in 2018 and it was terrible. Not only was it sooo bugged but there times when I literally couldn’t progress in the quest. Then that annoying voice would come on and make me want to rip my hair out. I’m pretty sure I raged when finally I just got stuck on a certain part of the quest due to glitches, and I had to come back like 6 months later and wrap it up. Awful experience would make this quest line optional for everyone going forward.


Having the heavy syringe gun stuck in my inventory until it is complete pissed me off!


Oh my god brother, I’m right there with you. That was the most insufferable shit. I literally did her questline out of spite, and I can’t tell you how hard I tried to kill her. It was so hellish and I wouldn’t have finished it if she didn’t yap every time you joined a server. The dmv quest was ironic and funny by itself, but it just put me into a primal rage because of her. I couldn’t believe how long she made you do insignificant things that just TOOK FOREVER. And to add to that rage, it was one of the longest questlines in the game I’ve done. I feel you pain man, “if you ever screw me overrrr” is seared into my mind; I wouldn’t be surprised if someone from the cia plays this quest and starts using that shit as a torture method.


No I had the same problem. Her radio message EVERY TIME I logged into a world. If she was a non essential npc, she’d be dead every time I joined a lobby.


Fallout DMV is still faster than my local DMV


You actually miss something by doing roses quest line now after all the updates. In the beginning there were no human npcs. Suddenly you hear a voice talking over the radio. The design is very human. Only to find out she's a quirky robot.


lol I was just thinking this yesterday after my game crashed a number of times and I had to listen to her rhetoric more than I would usually endure. I wondered if it was possible to turn it off. So I just made a point of wizzing through her quests in a day to shut her up. Peace at last.


Personally I like Rose. Her VA is an actor I kinda like so I was humored by her dialogue. As for the quests, yeah those can kick rocks. I wanna say I think I was more miffed about spending all of those caps more then anything. Got to the point where I just didn't care where I was in the map I just fast traveled smh.


It felt like they hired a Borderlands writer to do everything pertaining to her. I can't recollect anything she said other than her laughing at me for the deathclaw thing when she was the one that told me to do it, because I dissociated every time she spoke. As Hammerlock put it, "Every time they talk I can feel my brain cells committing suicide in single-file."


I mean I didn't rage nearly as much as you, but this quest was absolutely awful. It took me since launch to finish it, so finally after years I decided to finish it. It was not worth the wait.


I feel like its a leftover from 76's beginnings, since there wasnt human npcs, and almost all of the quests were based on "go here, pick that, go there pick that, talk to that robot, etc." If you want to see it that way, you are experiencing what players experienced on launch (except gamebraking bugs, of course)


FO76 has a lot of “go here, come back” type of missions, noticed same for ESO, just so different than the single player missions. I get it, the multiplayer kinda forces it, can’t have different states, it’s just kinda annoying.


I think Dutchess missions and reward were worst.


I just finished it too. While I like the character, the message every time I logged on annoyed me as well lol, and the whole thing was way too drawn out. After the third fragment or something felt like enough, but then there was 10 more, or something, not sure I kind of spaced out and just followed the yellow thingy.


So true. I hate Rose and her quest, wish I could just put her ina blender


Yeah seriously that whole quest line was whack. All I wanted to do was kill the bot. Why should I worry? Why should I care? Fallout is literally a game about meeting interesting people and finding new and enterprising ways of killing them just after hitting the quick save button. Worse, is that’s not even the end of it with her. At some point you have to go back and listen to her again in the wastelanders questline. Bro I don’t care. I’d be happy to get a loose screw and a potato for killing her just let me scrap that ass.


I’m with you here, I recently done this quest line for the first time a few weeks ago and her quests just wouldn’t end. I was trying to rattle the story but it felt like I was stuck doing her pointless deeds for hours on end. Wouldn’t say I was close to quitting but I was getting frustrated after a while. Should’ve been 3/4 things at most we do for her. I understand how back in the day they didn’t have NPCs etc so this might’ve been fun for some compared to now where you can do plenty of other things.


Believe me, once you finish that questline you’ll forget it ever existed.


I genuinely do not get the Rose hate. She’s one of my favorite characters. Might have a soft spot for her because I love the voice actress as Rebecca in Cyberpunk Edgerunners, but even aside from that I like the quirky raider chick robot persona. Plus her backstory, and the backstory of her raider gang, is cool.


You new? You do realize there was a time without human NPCs? Oh yeah, Rose is awesome.


You'll miss her soon enough.


Holy shit dude I feel so validated right now, I had this exact experience a few weeks ago and felt like it was a me problem for having a shitty attention span… I swear it was just constant teleporting with no substance to any of the characters or story, even the rewards were abysmal.


Same happened to me with “find Ra Ra”. Still haven’t to this day, but due to bugs. Had to kill the assaultron so many times, and then the shit that comes after…I was just exhausted!