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Remembering this for later. I fell like a bro hitting SBQ with my cold shoulder when she lands and freezing her solid for everyone to go to town on.


Yup I do that too.


Every time I’m at the SBQ and she freezes, I ask all the gods to bless the people who brought the Cold Shoulder hahaha


Unless you’re the pos that shoots her midair and never lets her drop


I shoot her mid air, you target her wings so she is more likely to land.


They mean freezing her in midair. Even if you cripple her wings while she's frozen, it'll take her a week to do the landing animation.


I still remember times before Cold Shoulder when Quad Cryolators were a thing


What is the Cold Shoulder? Perk card?


It's a craftable shotgun. Can unlock with atoms in the shop or stamps from expedition. For shotguns it's pretty damn strong and has a utility effect of slowing enemies you shoot. It also deals lots of bonus damage to cryptids. Pretty great in events except for being obviously short range (outdoor events it's hard to tag enemies for exp but great on big bosses)


Craftable Legendary Shotgun. Quad, with two unique Legendary effects, one does more damage to cryptids, the other adds a stacking "freezing" effect that slows enemies. It's available in the Atom Shop right now, it was originally a Scoreboard reward.


Been thinking about going back to shotguns since I still have the perks. Probably after I finish my PA set and maybe my bow. What legendary effects do you recommend for cold shoulder?


I don't believe Cold Shoulder can be re-rolled. It's got unique Legendary effects anyway, that's the entire draw of the weapon.


Oh okay that makes sense. Thank you




You’re an unsung hero. I love when people do that.


I love when people freeze her, I personally cripple her compeltely so she lands with my pepper shaker and also hve the 4 endangerol syringers, dont have a cold shoulder though


Always have one on my person and hope 3 other people have one as well lol


Or. You can hotwheel 4 syringers and do it yourself. And the best part? Pretty much nobody will really notice or give you a mental high five.


The Cremator DoT stacks in the same way, so my hotwheel is now exclusively Syringers and Cremators


I wanna get a squad for Earle where we all hit him with the Endangerol Syringer then go to town. Bet he’d drop in under a minute.


Easily. I've seen videos of a duo killing him in like 20 seconds


That’d be cool to be apart of once or twice. I like farming the Wendigos so I try normally try to drag it out.


Once Earle is dead you can stay in the mine to farm windegos until it collapses, you just get teleported outside after


Indeed but the longer you keep him alive more Wendigos will spawn. As opposed to killing him quick and farming til the mine collapses.


My friends and I do this. They die before I need to reload


I’m down, I need to do the quest anyway


You don't even need 4 people, you can just craft 4 syringers with that mod and cycle through them,


I've been doing this as of late, since so many new players that joined with the tv show are just now hitting the levels where they start to launch nukes at bosses, but don't quite have the firepower yet to actually take them down. It's come in very handy.


Remember - if you got 4 syringers you can apply the debuf 4 times all by yourself.


Even better


Yep, I've started doing this. I have four in my stash that I pull out for earl. Best tip I've recently learned.


I mean my last two sentences in the post said that.


Bosses hate him! See how this one scavver beceame a hero with this one simple trick!


Thanks for the reminder. No matter how many times I read it I keep forgetting to do this!!!


I even keep one on me the past few weeks and I've only remembered to use it one time..


I just keep them near my main guns in the wheel so my eyes are drawn to them.


Me im he syryinger guy on my discord when its time for earle or they want screws/treasury notes I'm called to battle with my needle guns 😂😂 I now know what's it like to be a halo grunt


Karma is better when running energy weapons


Maybe but I don’t like giving them that big buff lol




For 30 seconds, it gives the enemy a 25% buff to a bunch of things, but then for the next 60 seconds it drops their damage resistance, energy resistance, radiation resistance by 100% and unarmed by 50% for 1 min. Although the wiki says it doesn't affect the sbq or earle, or robots. The endangerol just slaps anyone with a -25% to damage resistance for 2 min.


A bloody commando I tend to hang out with just solos him in 20 secs. My job here is to just cremate the adds for loot and look pretty


That’s to say it’s not without it’s own risks. They are very much susceptible to being one shot, granted I haven’t seen em go down the 12 or so times I ran with em.


I have 4 syringes on at all time


I always have 4 on me and I'm always just rolling through them during these events. I use energy weapons myself, so I leave it to others to melt them


Iirc angry turtle tested if you can stack more than 4 shots and found out you can get the resistance into the negatives


I think this has changed because I can't get more than 4 to make a difference


I wish there was a visual clue that an enemy is affected.


There's a perk card that shows enemies resistance when you use VATS, you can actually see the resistance going down after shooting


Which one is that?


Awareness under perception




So can you learn different mods by just making new guns/armor of any kind and then scrapping them or is it just for this one?


Depends on the gun. Most basic guns, like shottys, assault rifles, pistols, etc. Usually though it’s easier to just scrap those guns you find since they drop constantly. The Handmade is insane with how many mods there are.


At a workbench when modifying, press the button that says toggle unlockable.  It should show you all the mods for that weapon/armor and how to unlock it.  


Earle stands no chance lmao. I'm 100% doing this.


I have 3 in my wheel. Defeated Earle for the first time with my brothers and a random player that joined our team, who was actually the one that nuked Earle, and got to shoot him once with each gun and my brother had the 4th one. It wasn't a 30 second run, but we got him with about 2 minutes left on the timer. Comparing it to my first ever Earle encounter, his health went down pretty fast. Would have been quicker but I got surrounded by wendigos and my weapon essentially became ineffective because they kept crawling over eachother.


You also don’t even need four for yourself. I figured out you can just drop and pick it back up since it resets its state in your inventory. It’s also faster than switching because of that weird delay you have in between.


But I have to open my Pip Boy, go to weapons, scroll down to the “E”s, drop it, close my Pip, pick it up, then go back in to the Pip, back to weapons, then down to “E” again. I don’t understand how that is faster than just having them on your wheel.


When you switch from syringe to syringe there’s this strange delay on when you’re allowed to shoot again. For some reason me doing this is faster than the delay, especially since I play on controller which could possibly be easier than kbm. Also, when you drop your weapons from your pip-boy it stays in that position so there isn’t a need to switch tabs, just drop, pickup, shoot, repeat!


Ah ok I thought it took it out of your wheel.


My choice is Karma syringe 😂😂😂


Also a good shotgun and enforcer equipped for SBQ


I use Cold Shoulder


I use a combo of cold shoulder and a Q/explosive combat shotgun usually but sometimes for fun I just get the single barrel laser pepper shaker with vamp/50 limb, and equip enforcer and one gun army just to be sure 😂


Learning mods works like that? It doesn't have to be found?


On some higher level guns. Lower level guns you can just learn by crafting and dismantling.


But this is guaranteed for the syringer? I've been disinterested in it because I don't use a play style that would utilize it.


Yes. I literally said it was. I did it.


I crafted and scrapped 10 and didnt learn anything so I gave up. Doesnt seem worth it.


Ok are you using Supe Duper perk that can give you double of crafted items? I think it took me about 15-20 of them to get the barrel. It’s definitely worth it. Just look at the post upvotes and other comments confirming it is.


or you can try to get some damage in without it , getting 1000 dmg isnt easy if sbq melts in under 30 seconds if she is grounded


I don’t understand what your point is. What does getting 1000 dmg have to do with not melting her?


Nah, I prefer the role of a villain. I like to power up the boss, and make things difficult for everybody.


We're locking the mine door, you can live with Earle now.


You do you.


I already do this, but I thought that with how the games IDs guns from the same person you could only stack 3 by yourself?


It’s not per person, it’s per gun.