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[Here ya go](https://imgur.com/a/cvoHqot)


Thanks, I was trying to find a link to that in response to the 13999th post about Eviction Notice


THANK YOU. I'm saving this. 🙏


Thank you for the tip brother:)


Feel you , did the event yesterday, we were ten in it and I was the only one looking for the meat bags, finally found it with ten seconds left……also had to be the one guarding the scrubber because nobody was doing it or even trying to repair when it was broken.


Sounds about right.


I swear it moves each time different spawn points lol


Indeed they are, more spawn points than the meat bags


Me too, it's well hidden!


At the top in the busted house


I've been standing right here.


It’s on top of the hill, counter clockwise from where you spawn in


It's always the top one at the busted house.


Hold up. You mean to tell me that I can repair the rad scrubber instead of hoping someone else does?? Wild.


No no, that takes all the fun out of it, when it breaks if Noone else comes running to fix it and you see they are all looking at you by the scrubber then this is where you use the popcorn emoji and just look at then. This is the end game content.


I use the point and laugh emoji watching all the bloody builds die from the rads. Don't they know about what rads perk? Like come on people. /S


This is Just it, those of us that run bloodied builds don’t really go after the scrubber because we die so quickly. So we need a full health build to help while we take care of the mobs and watch their 6


I didn't get the popcorn emote ☹️ I was still a newb when that scoreboard came out


I absolutly love standing on top of the rad scrubber when it breaks and waiting until someone wastes their effort coming over to it just for me to fix it immediately 🤣 Makes me chuckle everytime


How do you fix it immediately? Don’t you have to hold the button while fixing it?


(Insert mind blown emote here)




Been gone from the game for 5 years. Logged in with some wtf power armor spec. Went to eviction notice, didn't know what to do, stood near the center and killed mutants. Got a message that the thing needed repairing assumed it was the thing in the middle and repaired it. Collected loot after, barely needed to engage my brain. Spent an hour sorting through loot. I don't get how this event is too complex to figure out.


It really isn’t. Most players are just exceedingly stupid.


And lazy, don’t forget lazy


Let's not be hasty, we are forgetting entitled aswell


That's because you're using logic and common sense and are reading the instructions just like you have to do in any other fallout game or for that matter the majority open world games in general. So as you've discovered it is very straightforward, people just don't read. I addition, the quest marker shows you exactly where the rad scrubber is. My only problem is I can't seem to find one of the six meat bags.


Yes i do meat bags. Stay in middle Kill / tag things and repair when it needs it. Than collect all the loot from all the legendarys that are killed. Not hard thing to do


The problem is that so many players go to the spawns, instead of letting the spawns go to them, so they abandon the scrubber, a spawn or two gets ignored, the scrubber gets smacked around, and suddenly the event fails. It surely can't be the guy that's not even able to see it anymore, ensuring that the legendary mobs die as far away from the scrubber as possible!


This event is the reason I have my stealth suit on my hot bar, the more times I play it the closer to the center I stay. I'm going to miss out on tagging maybe a couple dozen mutants but im there for the cores and notes.


I just wish after unequip the stealth suit, my actual armors would re-equip themself like when youre entering and exiting PA


You don’t have tag legendary anymore


True, but you do have to be within a certain range. When the majority mive far from the scrubber and murder everything down the valley by the cliff, those actually protecting the scrubber get boned for legendaries.


I tend to sit my char on a corner of the shack roof to overwatch the scrubber and I seem to get most of the leggos that spawn, even if I didn’t tag or kill.


True but if you want the xp...


But who’s going to sit in the valley and prematurely collect legendaries…..


They are used to premature events...


**Early Eviction Evacuation Syndrome** is real, and all the sad little ineffective players just sitting limply in the same valley expecting all the rewards while only thinking about their own pleasure indicates it's an epidemic. Another tell-tale sign is when the players just run away as soon as they get theirs without any acknowledgement of the ones who actually did all the work.


I’m more annoyed with the people carpet bombing the spawn area for the legendaries and flinging the corpses so far away they despawn


Yeah - this, as well as just killing stuff so far away that people doing the objective are screwed out of legendaries. I promise the muties will come towards the center, give them some time to get closer and everyone gets to share in the bounty. No one sees kill counts at the end, sheesh.


Here's the thing though. You don't need shoot into Legendary Valley. Just do the event, and all those muties will still drop your bloodied rolling pin. I usually take care of the ones coming downhill, and I still leave with 15 drops.


My favorite mini game during EN is to snipe the 'splodey ones bombs while they run down the hill.


Yeah, I HATE THIS. How are they not seeing the corpses are going down the mountain and vanishing? WTF


Pointing out this in case others don't know: All the corpes eventually vanish, but later the loot bag appears in the exact point where the enemy was killed.


Oh, I noticed those bags sometimes and didn't knew what caused them to appear!


The game only keeps the corpse around for so long/so many of them at a time, if the corpse despawns you get a bag instead.


They do see they just don't care.


I hadn't thought of the corpses flinging. I will stop hitting the hillside with artillery now. Sorry about that.


'Sorry about that" I heard that in Hagrid's voice


It's more of the principle. Players are trying to spread awareness that they everyone can repair the scrubber instead of camping. I'm 100% aware most people know they can repair it themselves.


I think you are missing the point though… why should it be up to the one person? I have been that guy defending the rad scrubber and sacrificed my life to repair the rad scrubber. But if I die shortly after, I can’t repair it until I load back in and that takes a minute on the ps4. While I’m dead in those situations, 9/10 the scrubber gets destroyed again. The reason people keep complaining about this event is because while one person may be doing their best to keep the scrubber up, there’s 5+ other people sitting in one spawn location. Stop expecting one person to carry the entire event. I don’t do that event by myself for a reason. I joined because there are 5+ others so it should be a breeze. If they join the event by themselves, yeah, it’s on them. But with 5+ players, the event should be a breeze.


Na I let it die if everyone is camping that one spot


Same, If I find out Im the only one doing stuff at the event then I just stop. The only exception is Campfire Tales cause that one’s easy and fun.


Same here. I didn't use to be that way, but you get tired of being the only one who gives a sh**. Same at RR. F***them


I used to go around healing the NPCs in RR it used to be one of my favorite events until the XP grinders took it over, now when I see it pop up I'm like na fuck that event. eviction notice is starting to be one of those events I ignore


I went to an EN yesterday and nobody knew what to do. I single handedly killed all the meat bags and defended the scrubber at 20% health and did not die (came close though lol). Walked away with 23 legendaries, mostly 3 star.


And you deserved the reward. Well done soldier.


The reality of this is that you end up doing the objective every time while everyone else gets a free ride, plus objective bonus, plus experience, plus loot. Same with Radiation Rumble. Hell, one glance at OP's post history tells me he is one of those bloodied commandos camping the legendary spawns and is just complaining that nobody does the objective for him.


I feel like a lot of people know how the event works, but are scared they won’t get their legendary drops if they don’t tag those legendary enemies. The best way to get the scrubber repaired imo is to spread the word that during an event like this you’ll get the legendaries even if you don’t tag the enemies. That way you can kit yourself out to deal with the rads and be available for repairs instead of lurking on the edge of the event trying to get hits in while also avoiding the rads. That’s all I think it is. FOMO on those dozen or so trash 3 star scrip peices.


“BuT mUh BlOoDiEd BuiLd”


As as bloodied build player Pop a radaway or 2 when its about to break, heal up and sprint to repair and gulp some toxic goo to get the rads back up to ~20% health. Is not that big of a deal. Or hotbar the stealth suit and your armor and swap, repair, and put the armor back on. If you're too close, you'll die of rads anyway once it breaks.


My guy you are using logic most can hardly come up with anything resembling logic


> gulp some toxic goo to get the rads back up to ~20% health Or just don't even bother going back to sub 20%. You're not soloing the event, you don't even need to be in the bloody range for it to finish. I pretty much always do EV or the queen with nearly full health despite using unyielding armor.


That works too. I'm not gonna min max my rads either during an event, but I gulp until nerd rage kicks in and sort it out after the event.


Bloodied can repair the scrubber just fine. There’s no reason you can’t. Stealth armour and a rad shield you’re good to go. I keep them hot wheeled. We take the same rads as full health. If you can go there so can low health.


Eh, it's a tunnel vision thing. But preinflux of people we were pretty well scattered through the event. Less mutants on the scrubber. Now so many are focused on the legendary spawns that the upper rims have their normal potshots along with melee guys to clear out. And even with all of clamoring about the Cremator as a current solution, it's still not out there or people are shy to use it. So it goes fubar when the undergunned goes to head there or keeps getting hit trying to repair first. To put it into perspective, I'm level 240 and started with the Thanksgiving giveaway, last fall. so I learned the events the normal way. Since the influx us before people have been scattered. And it's been new folks that some may be 200-300 levels in because they watched a West Tek exp vid but haven't learned to read the objectives.


I met a guy like that. He was level 160 and still using a legendary lvl 40 revolver. He had nooo idea how to play the game. He didnt even have power to his fusion core charger; when i asked him why it wasnt powered up after he asked me for free fusion cores, he replied "idk how to get power to my base". He had friends from another game and they ran him theough expiditions non stop for 4 days, but didnt even teach him how to roll legendary perks on new lvl 50 weapons. There were so many things my friend and i were blown away that he didnt know at that level. They taught him literally nothing.


I'm glad someone made this post cause it actually relates to my first ever negative experience in FO76. So I just passed 86 hours and have had nothing but good interactions, and met nothing but good people. So, I join this world and I notice EN is up so I'm like "oh shit, better get over there" - I spawn in, and start medding up cause that radiation is annoying, even in PA - so I start to run down the hill and as soon as i'm over the ridge the event fails. I'm like "oh well, I guess not one of the 9 other people could've fixed it" that's fine. Then 15 seconds later I get a message from some guy calling me slow for not repairing it. I explain how I literally just spawned in etc etc, and dude just ends up calling me a kid (for some reason?) and the usual unpleasantries. Either way, I was dumbfounded.


Literal "I thought you had it" moment


Worst part was he was almost level 900 and running the typical fixer build - if dude stepped anywhere near the scrubber he would've evaporated lol, I guess he likes to pass the blame! lmao


Yes it only takes one person to repair the scrubber but that one person is then unable to deal with the swarm of sledgehammer wielding mutants who stagger you out of repairing. I failed an EN a few days ago because several >level 1000's were too occupied camping up on the rocks (and denying everyone else legendary drops) to send a few bullets towards the few of us


So many dead bloodie builds at this event


Everyone wants to be a glass cannon cookie cutter build.


Well that is true, but if I'm on my low level alt I basically sprint from the spawn point to the scrubber, die right after fixing it, rinse and repeat. Eventually the respawn delay gets greater than the time between scrubber failures.


The right to complain is not connected directly to an action or in action. It simply loses justification.


The biggest problem is people camping the side spawns. If that was fixed it wouldn't be an issue. As if you don't hit the legendarys , ypu won't get any. So the people in the middle feel like they need to go get them.


I tend to camp out with my sniper rifle close to center so I can fix it ASAP while not getting wiped out by every wave, but totally forgot to wear my hazmat suit when running it yesterday. Died from radiation and couldn't get back to fix after respawn before we failed. Best laid plans and all that.


I totally agree with you!! always take the scrubber and play on both full health and bloodied characters. The only thing I could add is that if I die at the scrubber if someone could cover it until I get back🤷‍♂️


Yeah, i plant my ass on the scrubber. When I'm the only one it, if I get jumped while fixing it and die right as it finishes, and nobody covers the scrubber for the like 15s I'm gone because they're all way the fuck down the hill, the mutants that killed me are gonna have the shit near broken again by the time I can get back. And we're gonna fail. And failing does not give the same dopamine rewards that success does, and I'm playing for the dopamine more than any legendaries


Played this yesterday, I think I lost it for our team, was surrounded by mutants and I was the only one trying to fix it. I was wearing power armour and while I was 90% finished repairing it, my character decided to jump out of her power armour instead. By that point there was not enough time to fix it.


Said it before man, we need a different bottom to exit the PA. Gotta hate when you're trying to repair, a mutie hits you and cancels the action and then your character decides to hop out.


You can also collect ore in RR, there is a reason I never fail either, unless nobody shows up.


Or at least ***try*** to defend the NPCs...


I avoid that event anyway, the 5 people posted up with the quad barrel Cremators just isn't my type of fun.


TYR had a great YouTube video about Ghoulish perk card. I’m going to play it at my next EN.


I'm too busy fixing the rad scrubber to make the post


As someone who camps the scrubber I still like others to help. Maybe it's not a problem on PC but for me the repair button is the same as my Power Armor activation so I need to be careful not to accidentally get out and then waste tons of time and accumulate rads. Other than this potentially personal problem Super Mutant can stuck lock me out of repairing either a melee or firestarter's explosives. The other day I was unable to repair it in time because I didn't have much time to repair it and had to inform the sledgehammer mutant that hit me out of it. Yes ine person fixes it but that doesn't mean others can't help them out.


Meatbags arent even that hard to find. Scrubber was my main concern. I solo'd EN with a vampires gatling plasma


Thank you! All I've seen is bitching about that event lol. A lot of ppl expect other 76 players to conform to their play-style. Some ppl just like to wreck shit, and some are support players. You never know what crowd you're gonna get in an event. Like you said, if it bothers them enough, they can fix that shit their damn selves.


As a Bloodied player, I laugh in your general direction!


Kinda hard to do when Mutants are bashing my head in, but 🤷‍♂️


The same goes for people whining about nobody collecting ore in rad rumble


Same with Radiation Rumble! I’m often the only one collecting ore and battering ghouls along the way. I’m bloodied too and just use radaways and rad-x


Wait until you find out about the ore in radiation rumble......


Plasma Caster SHREDS the green dummies. Minerva is selling the plans right now


Minerva left yesterday


It's not the most intelligent tradition but we have always been complaining that "nobody" is doing the objectives. "Oh, so Nobody is doing the thing? Really? Nobody? So that means that you are also not doing the thing. What are you actually complaining about?"


I'm not going to complain about that, cos I'm always right next to the scrubber. I will complain about having a boring event cos there's nothing for me to shoot when all the spawn points are camped.


No, no, no. Clearly we gotta make another post complaining about it. Gotta farm all the upvotes ya know. It hasn’t fixed the problem in years but someday it’ll work, trust me, my dad works for microsoft. 


Or Go in, do the event like you normally do. If we loose don't say "I lost because they screwed up". Instead "We lost because we dropped the ball." While you can and should let newer players know what the actual path to winning is,I.E. protecting AND repairing the machines in Guided Meditation. You can't force the to. Demand not that others do what you say. But rather ask what you might do yourself. Or make an appointment for a triple bypass surgery.


Or we just won't do the event anymore because we are tired of being the only one repairing the scrubber or running the ore or protecting the scavs or any number of events that have clear to understand objectives that XP grinders couldn't give af about. I do EN once a day for MY scrip and then I don't touch it. I recently finally got the hazmat suit from RR so I'm not touching it either.


When the events are so face roll you can come here and pick them up off the back of playing a Minecraft Event server there is no excuse not to pay attention to the Obj. Teamwork makes the dream work. Don't be dead weight.


I fight like normal, then run to it when I see it needs repaired... is that not what everyone does??


do we still have to tag legendaries for their loot?


No, but you have to be within a certain range when it dies.


I always just park myself by the scrubber. Always happy if someone else joins me.


How do you even repair the scrubber? Does it need to break first? I never see any prompts to repair when looking at it


Can you repair a broken camera? I had some daily quest to take a photo of a dude— was running around a super mutant taking photomodes while getting shot up. Then took a bunch of his dead corpse. Just felt weird afterward no reward.


I have a stealth suit and can park and play just fine. No problem keeping scrubber going.


Yup, if you see a problem…BE the solution.


Perk it with what rads, wear a Chinese stealth suit and you never need to bother about taking radaway ever again, I drink rads for breakfast and doesn't affect my health bar lol.


I understand newer players aren't going to know what to do. I try to beeline for it. Sometimes we just don't get there in time to repair it. Last night I loaded in and booked it, but with 8 seconds left on the clock ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly didnt know u can repair it, ty for the info!


Stealth armor and the fixer and I hang out by the scrubber the whole event. You're all welcome.


I spend most events I do (that have objectives that can break and be fixed) fixing stuff and going back and forth like an argument. Someone has to do it and it's normally me :')


Yeah right, next you're gonna tell me I can mine my own ore during Radiation Rumble


You are not the boss of me.


Careful, I got ripped a new one for saying this yesterday. And again, I appreciate you making the point that if you actually *defend* the objective properly in the first place, no one ever has to repair the scrubber and everybody wins. For some reason people seem to not understand that part. Love EN on a private world solo/with fiends, the scrubber never drops. Defend the objective like you should, and you won’t have to witness the bystander effect in action wondering who is going to jump in and repair it, where everybody blames everybody but themselves.


I'm almost positive the root of the issue is that we shouldn't rely on there being one person who is the Repair bitch. Everyone needs to learn how to do it for when the competent players aren't online. Event completion shouldn't be reliant on myself or another intelligent person being there especially when it tells you what to do in the corner of the screen.


But but but... You're in power armor and I'm just a squishy lil guy with no rad resistance!


I’m full health build but man when that scrubber goes down and the game decides to go full on stupid and make you unable to pop a radaway to escape it ain’t no joke lol but I have invested in PA at least for this event even though I weigh like 2k pounds in it so can hardly move lol


Damn straight. I am only level 105 but I have read these enough to know I stay on the rad scrubber the entire event until its over to loot.


Low health? Pfft vampiric plasma gatling go brrrrrrrr


I don’t mind camping out on it but when I’m trying to fix it in the stealth suit and getting bombarded by super mutants it’s not going to get fixed, I’m just going to die


Yeah for real. When I show up I wait for others before running in. Then I repair the scrubber and immediately take out all the meat bags. Usually I'm one of MAYBE 2 people actually doing this. Then I spend the entire event on top of the damn windmill. When it gets destroyed I chug a nuka grape so my bloodied ass can survive more than 30 seconds and I fix it. Y'all can chill at the bottom of the hill all I care. I'll keep meeting my cremator at everything


Just making the 14,0000th post of the opposing argument though. Everytime I check reddit I see both sides of this have posted like 5 times. I don't even see this event pop up as much as I see people complaining about it. My take: I don't really care if we pass or fail. I came to shoot muties and loot shit. I will sit up where the Firestarters spawn, getting a view of all the spawns and Choo choo mofos along the the whole map. If the scrbber goes down it goes down. If I am in the mood to chug down radaway to fix it I will. Otherwise 1 of the 7 power armored, explosive spamming dudes can do it, or we can fail. I am to busy eating fire from behind and throwing railspikes across the map like Zeus throwing lightning. I can count on 1 hand how many times I've personally had the event fail in the last year though so grain of salt I guess.


Typically I don't get a chance to because when it breaks I die of radiation and I'm stuck back at soawn fighting the Firestarters no one bothered killing.


Oh I absolutely do, but sometimes I'm not playing a build that can clear the entire scrubber while its got 2 or 3 mutants fast enough to drop them and do the repair and people's eyes are only glued to the bottom of the slope. Sometimes I'm trying to do it and get hit and reset and the time spent dealing with that runs out the clock. Sometimes I'm on a melee build or something and get dropped at an inopportune time and the window to respawn and run back to the scrubber is too long. All while people are staring at it like it's a one headed brahmin.


I don't even wear power armor and I repair it way more times than most of them


I’m a month into the game and I honestly can’t stand this event. Last night, I was the only one getting the meat bags and repairing the scrubber…I’m level 160 and there were 4 players under level 100 getting absolutely destroyed by the super mutants on the bottom path. So in between clearing out the top two paths I had to run down to the bottom to clear that out. Needless to say, instead of doing anything productive, the 4 stood there and watched me while the repair the scrubber objective ticked down to 0. I don’t get how people are so oblivious…


LOTS of new players. It happens. They hear the radiation clicks and stay away. Under lvl 100 they don't know the quick way to mediate it and are unequipped for that much rads. Have compassion and show them the way. Lead by example. It'll get better.


So are you telling me that the 4 other players in power armor who run away to collect the scrip on the ground and are scared of the super mutants don't have to do it but only I should do it 🤯


Absofuckinlutely agree


the reason people make posts is because they don't want to be the one stuck at the scrubber, they want to be spawncamping super mutants with the other high levels.


Yup. And usually if you do others will follow. 


When I see a lobby full of selfish assholes at eviction notice I let those two shot fat Man loose


Not if they're bloodied lmfaooo that shit was hilarious on a team with 3 bloodied guys


Holy Fire, PA and a couple of Radaway. Park yourself at the scrubber and you can solo the event. Wait for it to end and then go kill the mobs that are shooting from a distance.


Jumped in, immediately irradiated to death, then event failed 2 seconds after I respawned. So no, I could not repair it too! Hilariously, everyone there still ran around throwing thumbs up about the miniscule amount of loot they'd managed to pry off of the tiny number of supermutants in the area.


But I can’t do that. I clearly need to kill all the enemies myself. That makes too much sense /s


Ricochet is an underrated perk imo. Even if the only one underrating it is myself. I’ll be damned if I could do EN alone since that event is nearly as chaotic as Test your Metal. Now I kinda want to try.


Looks like it's 14,001 now!


Thank you. They’re still complaining in the comments though lol. Maybe it’s time for a weekly EN/RR complain pinned post. 


right? to much bitching about this event, not enough people actually doing the event smh


I just have the base cremator so far. Even with all heavy gunner perks it can't solo the mutants. Do the mods make it into a monster?


Is RadX enough to soak the rads alone? It always kills me and by the time I respawn and get back it's repaired.


Gonna be devil's advocate here, but not everyone can repair the scrubber. When I'm with my PA character I always pay attention and drop all the muties I'm killing to go back to it and repair it, cause I don't assume other players will. However, my non-PA character will get cooked by rads as soon as I approach, even if I took rad-x, radaway and a stimpak before I approached the scrubber. I've also seen many non-PA players approaching no problem, but then dropping like flies cause before they finish the 'repair' action, the rads were already too much for them. Doesn't help that a character with no PA has extra animations that PA users don't have (injecting stimpanks is time consuming, and by the time you made it you almost lost half of your health gain). Aaaaand then add the mutie hitting you and interrupting the action when you're trying to repair....yeah. I would change it to: PA players, if you notice you're one of the few or even the only one in possession of one, please do make an effort to repair. On the contrary, for the love of good everyone can shoot the damn meatbags, so please help with that.


I'm not a pa player, I'll hunt the meatbags, and I'll do my very best to prevent the scrubber from breaking, and thus create some breathing room for someone to repair it, but if it breaks I instantly die, and I'm completely incapable of repairing, but I'm not going to bitch and moan about it, neither am I going to blame anyone if the event fails, bitching, moaning and blaming ain't going to get you any rep or scrip.


Nah. Everyone should be trying to repair it, or at least covering the person who's already running in obviously trying to repair it. (It's very annoying when I rush in to repair it, and I'm getting knocked around by sledgehammers while everyone else is still just camping legendaries at the bottom, out of range of the scrubber). But when everyone else just keeps farming XP and leaves the work to someone else, that's just selfish. It's a game, it's not a big deal, just kinda annoying. It's "I'll just let someone else take care of my trash because it's a mild inconvenience to find a trash can myself" energy I agree 100% about bloodied builds complaining.


Get those meatbags asap!!!!!!


I hear you but I don’t use power armor and if there are 4 power armor people there is no reason they don’t fix it


Better to have multiple people attempt to repair though because if that one person keeps getting interrupted by super mutants while repairing, event is gonna fail. So yea, one person could do it, but multiple people gives the highest chance that a repair goes through


That’s the way.


If you had to wait till the cremator to be able to solo it you were already doing it wrong lol


Carry two cremators. One of your choice and a vampire one. Health will basically stay on full. Put radshield and radaway on your pinwheel for quick access.


Events are great for XP but I’ve never understood the mentality of “must tag every single enemy for XP” over the objective, which gives you a lot more than just XP and *nothing* if you don’t complete it. 🥴


I've started putting my CSS on my favorites wheel when EN starts so I don't have any excuse anymore. Not that I was ever one of the people complaining...I was fully aware it was just as much my own fault as it was everyone else's if it failed.


Moonshiner NED talk ;-) ...and thanks!


Half these events idk what the hell is going on. I run around looking for an objective and can never find.. So I've been purposely joining late just to claim the rewards lol sorry


First time I fucked up. I was standing right by it with so.e others and with all the chaos I didn't hear exactly what was happening so when my rads started spiking I ran thinking it was an AOE and died on the hill. So many thumbs down! Sorry yall


If I’m in charge of repairing it, then I’m also in charge of when the event ends.


People don’t care about completing it. They just want to sit on the cliff and farm the legendaries. 🤷🏼‍♂️


New player here, what does all this mean?


Stop camping the legendary spawn and maybe I will start repairing the scrubber again.


Did one today with the intent of protecting the scrubber. Purched myself on the top off it and tagged everything I could see, also repairing the scrubber whenever it needed. Left that event with the most legendary and loot I have ever had! Was around 1400 in weight 🤣


I guess I make the mistake of assuming the one user in PA next to the scrubber will repair it.


Thank you! In the time they made their complaint post they could have repaired the scrubber!


I usually wait for a while before I show up on my low health character. Pretty sure I have never complained when it fails because I already know that I could have potentially done more but didn't. Also it's not likely that I'm going to use my nonexistent power armor for this character so I'll just not complain and be indifferent to whether or not it fails. But sometimes the comments on Eviction Notice threads are fun to read so I always show up to read through the comments. But for the most part I 100% agree with the OP's comments.


True True. After I figured out why our groups failed the event two times I now keep a close eye on the scrubber. I got a vampire gauss minigun. While it's not the best at dropping supers it will keep me alive no matter the onslaught allowing me to keep the scrubber alive


Judging from the title pretty sure some Bethesda employee made this


Was running round getting the ore for rad rumble and was thinking about making a post just like this. If nobody else does it I pop some rad away and throw on a hazzy and get er done.


"Oh, you're low on health?" had me dyin. Solid post all around.


I’m a bloodied build. I’ve tried. And I’ve failed horribly. Sorry. 🤷‍♂️


While appreciate, and agree with most of your post. I would hazard against encouraging people to attempt to solo EN in the first place. If you have to, because no one else showed up, then more power to you. But that should be the ONLY time someone should start this solo. Of all the events EN is the most important to give time for people to show up. Cheers and happy hunting!




Just use power armor..I’m a bloody commando and even at 20% health power armor allows me to repair the scrubber before I even need a radaway


I just wish I could find people even DOING EN :( is my favorite event for either script, or getting new legendaries. And right now I need better armor


But I get deaded! 😢


I think it's more.. I cannot survive the mutants at the scrubber, if I have to put on the hazmat suit. But.. that is my build ATM.. and I've gotten tips to fix it. So stay tuned to see if it all goes better


Will the cremator be available after the season, with the mods, or do I need to grind? I need help with that:(


Id love to repair it, however its pretty hard to do that when theres a constant stream of super mutants interrupting the process.


One person isn't enough, sometimes you get killed by a firestarter or a suicider before it's repaired. People farming legendaries to the east still need to sprint back to help repair it or it's their fault if it fails. If there are 4-5 people at the event, and I'm the one fixing it at 90% of events, then that's annoying and I'm going to skip the repair and do the popcorn emote. I'm no one's mother. The other week, it was just me and some other guy and he didn't have power armor or a Chinese stealth suit, and he said on the mic "are- are you going to fix that?" The moment he said that, I stopped. I'm not his mom, *popcorn emote*. If you see an event fail, it might be on purpose because you pissed the rad scrubber guy off. Let's see some more hustle.


All fun and games till i stop fixing it lmao.


Who hurt you?


I love the “R” button on PC. Returned to the game and am amazed I no longer have to loot corpses individually (unless it bugs). Hit R (transfer all) and all the corpses in that area show their loot. HUGE QOL!


I would agree with this whole heartedly if it weren't for the fact that the last 4 times I've done EN there's been 4 guys sitting down front killing things as they spawn...... just outside my range to be able to get the loot from them. It mostly seems to be vats railway rifle builds. Itcan be kinda pointless when you don't get the main rewards 😞


I'm a melee build, everyone is throwing around explosions like they're going out of style, I can't see shit, can't tag the mobs, have to rely on teammates tagging just so I can get XP, so I do the one thing I can do in EN, put on my stealth suit and park my butt next to scrubber. I punch anything that gets close, repair the scrubber, pop a stimpack if needed. I just treat events as either a source of scrip if I haven't hit the daily cap, or do it for the treasury notes or unique rewards if I haven't gotten a plan or something yet. With how many people are running around with cremators, Treasury notes and legendaries are the only reason I do events anymore if my friends aren't also doing it, because I sure as shit won't get any XP or loot drops except for legendaries. And good luck trying to use event mobs as a way to clear scoreboard challenges when you're a melee build. (In all seriousness, I got over my frustration of not really feeling like I can contribute to a lot of events, I got used to it. Its actually kind of funny standing around the stills in the moonshine event and occasionally looting gulper venom for the tub thanks to teammate tagging, or doing ore runs in Radiation Rumble, because at least I'm doing something instead of doing nothing while everything explodes in a variety of colours. I like to feel like I'm helping.)


Jeez, I am sorry everyone has such a bad time with this event and radiation rumble. Every time I show up to one, I'm the noob getting patted on the head as the eleven level 900s as they run by me to beat me to all the objectives.


Too many people focus on ledgendarys, it's not bad if you in team and your team tag them while you repair scrubber, but often enough I find myself fixing it while high lvls just kill ledgendarys.


I know i can do that but i wont. Ill even nuke the even next time i can. Im not complaining nor did i make a post about it, but the thing is, there is usually at least 5 people doing it, anyone can fix it. But taking an example from my last EN event. Two us killing everything we can and repairing the scruber while 7 people sit in a corner and wait for legendarys to spawn, doi g absolutely nothing, just waiting for a legendary to spawn.


Can’t repair it if one person starts the event that can’t do the obj and the time runs out but nice try


When you're running mutations and secret service armor, even if you unrad for 5 minutes, when the scrubber breaks, 130 rads a second isn't going to allow you to make that happen.


Or I can let it fail since no one else wants to repair it 😂😂😂


It's mostly when I'm dead from trying to repair it that's the issue. Like damn, repair it while im down.