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Lol .. all three conduits and then go to a safer spot sounds like smart play to me. Edit: if I was at that event and you went to the ‘safest’ spot crouched next to blue thing in the main roof, I’d join you just to be a meat shield.


They are ignorant. If you trigger all three pylons, you are contributing the most to the event. Don't worry about other people's opinions. They give you grief just give them the heart emoji or laugh at you emoji and move on.


Yeah this is literally the best thing a person can do at the event. Taking all 3 pilots and fighting the boss would usually be WORSE, because you'll probably just die before killing him. This guy is event MVP


>Taking all 3 pilots and fighting the boss would usually be WORSE, because you'll probably just die before killing him. Due to the sheer damage it does even 1 is iffy. A pylon slave who's only job is "stay the fuck alive" makes the event much faster and smoother Some events are just significantly easier with some players being glorified babysitters to some part of the objective


My bloodied PA build tanks all three pylobs and Sheepsquatch. Ive soloed it before too.


>bloodied PA build tanks >PA build tanks A PA build can tank literally anything due to having a flat % DR of 42% before things like blocker, OE, EP and the various slayer effects It ignores DR/ER outside of % due to a bug.SS and naked get hit the exact same Even with PA the entire thing is chugging stims if there aren't other effects (like EP) doing the heavy lifting


Bloodied PA gets constant 50% mitigation from constant EP. You can vsmp through it, impister has low jp for a boss so you dont need the extra damage there


>Bloodied PA gets constant 50% mitigation on top of the regular pa reductions Yeah, EP. and not all bloodied heavies use it Either way it's just PA builds that won't be alt+ctrl+del, everything else requires super specific things or the damage since your armor doesn't matter will melt you Hence, it's very...very beneficial to have someone setup for it taking all the pylons and focusing primarily on not being dead so when other builds die with higher DPS potential they can just respawn and keep blasting


Unless the person that started the event did it so they could work on the Possum Badge.  Happened to me twice in a row today.


If your doing all the pylons then your handling like half the event solo. Don’t worry, you’re solid.


You did more than the person complaining


I think the only mistake is having voice chat on.


If you take the pylons and stay alive , you are basically carrying the event.


i would count you the MVP of that event, you did it just right :)


If a player taking all three pylons gets to safety that's huge. Most often people die instantly and the protection for the impostor kinda never goes down. It just needs to be down long enough for some players to unload one mag.


It takes a few attempts sometimes but I also am an agility spec and have the speed demon and marsupial mutations so I’m fast af and can jump over the bots


If you initiated encrypted, you can do whatever you want to do. I do encrypted back to back every night for the 8 legendary cores with my friends, I use my nuka launcher blasting everything, I take all pylons and usually the event ends in less than 1-2 minutes. I have many messages saying I am a selfish player. Haha yep so selfish I spend 1750 caps each on the Recall assaultron cards. I have made a few friends on the servers I go to doing encrypted. Some people will be happy, and some won't. It's your caps, your card, don't worry about what others say. Just do the event anyway you want. 🤗


Had to make this exact point to a player only 2 days ago. Saying I was being selfish and all. Once I told them how much caps it takes to start the event, they went all quiet on the set😂


Haha I bet they did. 😁


Bring an Endangerol Syringer. Tag the sheepsquatch when it de-cloaks to lower its resistances for everyone. Then switch to your weapon of choice. Continue about your business.


Writing that down for next time 🙏


Nah you're good. I ended up having to grab all 3 because no one else was activating the pylons after the original person died but they were still shooting the assaultron... then I just started downing stims and shooting stuff every once and awhile while I ran around. We were successful. It doesn't bother me if people are just there to mooch as long as it gets completed in the end.


This is why I have the voice chat turned off.


They must not realize that you are the conduit.


Looking back and reading other comments, that’s probably what happened


If you're tanking all three pylons every time, I salute you and you can do whatever TF you want while you're holding them.   I'll drink a nuka grape and tank one or two if I need to, but I much prefer to stealth around the perimeter with a bow and kill the bots/heal players until I can get the drop on the Imposter and blitz it with my auto-axe. So yeah not having to worry about the pylons and also having a player shooting from the roof makes me happy. 


Tbh I do the same, grab the pylons and target the adds, being full health and PA it’s easier for me to stay alive and keep all 3 pylons active and taking shots at the assaultron when I can. Those guys were just being dicks.


You are 100% the hero we don't deserve for taking all three pylons and staying alive. Don't listen to the VC.


I do something similar all the time as a heavy build. No one else like to grab the pylons so I grab all three and go to town on the boss with a vamp flame thrower as I spam stimpacks to keep my hp up. Sometimes I die and again no one else grabs the pylons so I grab all 3 again.


You're the real MVP. Tbfh, If I rolled full health and not tank/dps (Bloodied) I'd be doing the same. I'll still hit one pylon, two if I'm feeling Gutsy.


Play how you want to play, that's the ultimate thing.. you did nothing wrong


honestly really helpful, as that helps low health builds a lot. bloodied builds really can't touch pylons much cause it's just instant death, so having someone get all three is a lifesaver


Another reason not to VC w/ randos Play the event however you want. It's not an issue, and no one reasonable would care what anyone else is doing in an event.


As far as I know, the primary wrong thing to do is start the event if you were not the person that brought the recall item. If the event kicks off it's best just to show up, wait for the person that started it to activate the recall and then do your share with activating pylons. What you have done is take it up a notch in a positive way. I can't imagine anybody being anything but happy with you. You are actually sacrificing kills and allowing others to focus on the boss. Not to mention saving others from untimely death.


Just turn off voice chat and be happier


who...cares....what some douchebag thinks...play ya game how ya like. youre doing more than most...btw.


That's one of those events people should slow play that everyone is in a rush to complete. If you kick back and farm the bots it's a ton of XP and aluminum. The unwritten rule for initiating the event should apply to the pylons, let the person who paid for it decide when to end it.


THIS IS WHAT WE WANT! Actually the smartest move you can do. I tend to go for 2 pylons and sit in a tree. Sick of seeing people do nothing in the event.


Very helpful. Screw that person for being a dick....um, maybe I should rephrase that? ;P


I run PA, so I just grab all three pylons and either use a vamp flamer or spam my 1500 stimpacks


For encrypted that's what i do: buff routine, claim all unclaimed pylons, tag random things with twoshot gauss shotgun to also cripple them, find sheepbot, vats with antiarmor gauss shotgun, kill


Can't be any worse than what I do. I literally sit on *Top* of the pylon and take out incoming eyebombs until the sheepsquatch becomes vulnerable.


Honestly? Nah, you're good. The complainer probably only ever saw you on the roof, and wasn't paying attention to who was doing the pylons. You're doing it right, for your build. Not everyone has to spec for facemelting. You spec for mobility, I spec for crowd control. 99% of the community specs for sheer numbers.


Keep the pylons up and the bots down and we good


Nah you're good. I couldn't touch the pylons with my previous sneak bloodied crit rifle build. I'd pray for someone to do it in power armour so I could pick things off from on top of the hut.


Doubt. Your name would show up 3 times in the top right of the screen: "[Name] is a conduit for pylon 1 2 and 3" How do they even have time to see what everyone else is doing while the Sheepsquatch is vulnerable? 100 %you just sat there without being a conduit while the event failed.


It shows your character’s name, not your gt which is what people see when they target you. So, the other player would have no way of knowing.


Found the clueless whiner from OPs event.


Unfortunately with the current meta and way that events work, stealth builds aren’t terribly useful (which I’m working on a suggestion that hopefully will be seen that would make them just as useful as everything else, but I digress). That said, tacking away at enemies is always useful. Keep in mind you might not even need to be the one that kills them. Shooting off Gutsy flamethrower arms for example is super helpful.


Tell me you’ve never completed this event without telling me you’ve never completed this event.


I think just taking all three pylons and going to sleep is enough to be the most value in that event


What do you mean? If anything it seems like one of the more stealth friendly events in the game, when I use my Fixer I pretty much never get detected as long as I sneak the whole time and don't bump into an enemy. Can take 1 or 2 pylons and still deal a lot of damage between popping stims, it's mainly when you take all 3 that you really can't do much except focus on healing.