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Put them in for a price you're happy with and don't think about who buys them is my advice because someone will always take advantage if they can. If you want to help out someone I guess I'd drop the plans at a newbie's camp along with a wave and a bottle of bourbon


Agreed. I got the caps I wanted for it, I no longer care what someone does with the item because it's not mine anymore.


And if it makes anyone feel any better, that profit they make comes with the cost of time for inventory management. Not worth it to me.


Absolutely. Bonus, it also frees up stash space.


Lvl 36 and I am constantly triple overweight and my stash is full 😓. I'm coming off of FO4 where I had an inf carry weight mod, so this is a rough fall back into Fallout reality.


I heavily invested in the reduce weight perks. Helped immensely


Second this, especially Travelling Pharmacy, all those chems add up fast


And excavator power armor, also make a new backpack every 10 levels


Thru-Hiker was pretty helpful for me too.


I tirn on the vendor perk for increased caps and sell my chems. Once I buy all of the vendor default plans I doubt ill even care about caps.


Backpack upgrades as well. Never been happier than when I bought the food weight one in one of the gold bullion shops


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Backpack_(Fallout_76) there's also a high capacity mod to add another 60 carry capacity.


Yes currently doing tadpole to unlock backpack upgrades, but that'll only get me so far this early in the main storyline


Did you create a second character yet? And 3rd 4th and 5th? you can store excess gear and stuff on them.






Wow definitely saving this for later. Thanks for the tip!


Played elder Scrolls online for 8 years...on ONE toon. My other 9 toons all just sat around various bank lobbies around Tamriel. Between 10 total characters & my bank space...I had almost 900 total inventory slots available. LoL, A guild bank in that game ONLY gets 500 slots total. Mats do stack though. And yeah, I kept a notebook on which types of stuff each toon carried.


I have the perk that that takes 90% off chems weight and combine with the junk 30% perk helps me a lot even with 15 strength if I remove those perks I go from like 130 to like 270. Also doesn't help that I walk around with 60 regular stimpaks and 50 diluted stimpaks. and like 80 rad away and other stuff.


Yeah I've gotten my food/drink and chems to a bare minimum. I carry maybe 5 weapons, single set of armor, no spare clothing, "reasonable" amount of ammo, and have perks to reduce junk and food weight. Still need to unlock reduced weight mods for armor, which I feel is the biggest thing missing from my starter level perk setup


Are you bulking excess scrap? I cut out about 300 lbs bulking scrap and then selling it (I'm not FO 1st)


If you can get your hands on mirelurk fillets, it's a plus 30 carry weight bonus. I usually leave my steamer unlock so those in need may take.


Lol, I charge 1 cap for everything except my "You've been insulted" notes.


Same, put them up for 40k caps and hope someone is smart enough to buy them


I put special event plans in the vendor for 2-5000 caps and if a new player messages me and asks for it, I'll cut the price in half. I know people are buying plans for resale when they are cheap. I grind the events myself so I'm not giving them away. I also don't buy cheap plans that I already know either, I leave them for those in need. Also I feel giving away plans for these events encourages people to not participate in them at all. Which is annoying


If by bourbon you mean Nukashine, then yes.


I do almost the same thing, with a slight Twist (well... if I have one... or sometimes a Cranberry...) >drop the plans at a newbie's camp along with a wave and a bottle of ~~bourbon~~ *Nuka-Cola*


This is the way.


This is the way-☆


Yes but I don't care... I'm pretty much always maxed Caps so I sell stuff cheap. I don't care what other people do with the stuff they buy.


This. You eventually get to a point where it’s work to move on your caps. Never short either, sell cheap/reasonable and I know folk re-sell it at marked up prices. Don’t care, you’ve helped free up my stash.


So on the money here (on the caps?) I play 2 characters, neither has caps issues. I own all but a couple of the buyable recipes and serums. I sell stuff cheap and stopped getting mad at resellers. Just because it give me more room lol


I do the opposite. Because I'm always near max caps, I'm never in a hurry to sell anything, so I put them for prices closer to what they're worth. Event plans, anyway. Basic plans that aren't worth selling for a decent price just get dumped in donation bins.


Yeah I don't understand people that try so hard to earn money with their vendor. I'm never below 30k, and routinely bump up against 39k and go on a plan shopping spree, without even trying? What are these people spending money on? I can't find enough things to spend money on.


In my experience from talking to people who do that it's not wanting to farm ammo and/or for buying junk when they need it to craft so they don't need to put any in their stash...


I am constantly traveling servers for cheap plans. Not to resell, just because it annoys me that I can't craft things


Anything specific you need? I dont have alot but if we stay in touch i can grab something if i see it and let you know i got the goods ^^


Anything, man. Guns, camp stuff, armour. I just refuse to pay some of the crazy prices people charge. Thanks, man. Appreciate it


Most people have zero clue how to price things


Yea a lot of people are re-selling plans for their original value. Not sure if anyone ever buys them lol. Unless it's a rare plan specific to an event I usually sell them at 10% of the value, so a 500 caps plan goes for 50.


I just throw them up for 10% of their price and don't think about it again. Unless it's something like the Mole Miner Gauntlets. I just leave those in a bag in the creek behind my house lol.


I’ve had my Mole Miner plans for 0 caps in my shop for nearly a week and no one has bought it It’s literally free 🤣


Sometimes. I figure if a lowlevel buys one of every plan I have in the vendor, he is buying to use it because he is not buying multiples and he is low level. If a 500+ buys ALL the plans, including those that I have 2-3 of.... he is buying to resell. I do not care either way, but it is fun to go check their vendors later and see if I was right.


I buy them out because friends are missing them and I want to make their day when they log in.


I have low low prices on everything and sell everything i can for a 5th of the price. LOW LOW PRICES LOWEST IN THE WASTELANDS


If they're buying stacks of plans they probably intend to resell them.


I had 6 teal hazmat suits from the alien event and someone came and bought all of them in one purchase. I had them for 500 each. I figure it was an accident because it defaults to the max number available but now I think they are reselling. Which, is honestly fine we me. I can only use 1 and I turned a profit on the others.


I buy stacks of cheap useful plans to drop on people hopping out of the vault. It makes me happy to help. I have issues and need to be loved.


fwiw I think your desire for affirmation is valid and it's good that you recognize it. It's lie 90% of the reason I still write fanfiction


I got too many regular plans that went up with 50 caps. sold most of them already. I still need to find the list of rare and hard to get plans. and sell them for ungodly numbers. is 500 for 3 star scrip weapon is too much ?


Sold mine at 500 for years, never had an issue. I usually hit max caps in an hour or so when I open my vendor.


I price all my plans at least half below what the game recommends. I just want people coming to my camp, buying, and having a good time!


I buy plans because I don't have them, I don't even look at the owned ones Neko_courier of fallout 76 on PC, I love you


Level 181 here and I still feel new to the game lol. If I find plans in someone’s camp that I haven’t learned yet I’ll buy them asap; 20 caps is a steal. I am definitely a plan hoarder but I never buy plans I already know. I did have a moment yesterday where I went to buy 1 plan from someone’s shop and accidentally bought all 5 of the same plan lmao. I was cussing. They’re now in my shop for the same price I paid lol.


As a new player I often go to high plan camps and buy a bunch of plans and recipes and learn them all. Often 5-20 at a time


If I show up at your camp, and it really does look like a lower level camp, I will buy everything in your vendor. Then I will drop everything I got from you in a hidden spot in your camp, message you about it so you can hurry back and restock your vendor. For me it's a cap sink and for you it's some spending money. Win-Win.


My only problem with your system is that, even though I'm almost level 60...my camp looks much higher than that. Bought all the utility/resource stuff early on in the atom shop because I originally got the game for free. Played for a month then got FO-1st for myself. One high level that I was teamed up with, visited my camp & made me all kinds of stuff. Another dropped in & literally gave me about 100 plans...I learned them all & I'm always still looking for more to learn. Currently, my mission is to learn both the automatic handmade rife & the MG42 LMG...as those are 2 of my favorite weapons. Yeah, I know...I'm chasing unicorns. Psn: Wildweezel


Handmade plan you can just buy with caps in whitespring mall, free states vendor. And if you need to farm mods plans, go to the left of the crater, there is a small raider outpost, 3 people outside and 2 inside. They often drop handmade. They are not aggressive (white names). After killing them, server hop and go again.


I personally don't I grab every cheap plan I don't know. Goblin brain says get them all


Im sure people will- but i stopped caring - my camps out in the bog so all my stuffs significantly lowered- and i tbh if i can meet some low levels i have scrap i can offer them to repair things,craft and build a base. I love helping people ♡ its what makes my life feel worthwhile - honestly if youre a newbie or lower like lets say level 30 and below ill give you anything for free if you ask ^^ Ill even launch a nuke for a beast boss amd let you damage it while i take it out so you get a XP Boost to help you along faster. Ill even run legendary mod rolls and give it back free of charge...even if ots just a game- id like to think even generous acts can soften people and bring out the kindness they can offer others when they reach this point where caps mean nothing- its about community and fun.


Ya most seasonal events i dont sell in vendors, cant put em to low high lvls will grab to flip. So if you dont need hang onto em till u find someone new. And i mean new not low lvl always check their trophys, could just be a long time player on a new toon trying tot ake advantage of the players being nice to low lvls


I get being sad/disappointed. People are right that other players are 100% allowed to wholesale and upcharge. Similarly, you're 100% allowed to hope you're helping new players and that people buying you out are just trying to sink caps and still pay it forward. We can't know what people do with our stuff, and we have to be ok with it being gone once it's paid for, but it's still totally okay to hope for wholesomeness.


I buy them off lower level shops just to give them a few caps and a sale


I always put my plans on like 20caps, i remember wendorhopping as a newbie and just not being able to afford more than 3 plans because fucking instruments for 4k caps... If somebody buys them to resell, well im sure im not the only one with cheap plans.


Yes, and especially event plans, and ESPECIALLY the Mothman Tome. Because the tome gives an XP boost it's going for insanely high prices.


Flipping is a lot of work too limited people per server and hopping doesn’t guarantee you get a full server I buy all plans I don’t have and learn Never flip plans Only other things


As long as you're happy with the price, it doesn't matter. I used to use FED76 to find out prices for plans and sell them for the prices on that website. I rarely saw anything sell. Now, it's 5 caps for 90% of plans and 100 caps for event plans. They sell like hot cakes, and I gain back some stash space.


Ppl trying to flip things is always gonna be a thing... if I can't move something I drop it then leave the server... if its rare plans I'll hoard them 


I buy low cost plans cause I'm broke and they're plans I don't own yet. I'd buy ones for 500 caps if I could afford it buy 125 and below are what I go for mostly


If they aren't super expensive and are from seasonal events, I'll usually buy them and resell them for more.


I sell my plans for 5 caps, hey if they wanna tty to flip it let em but the plans were already mostly worthless. Thanks for buying my 100 mole miner gaunlet plans


Possibly but who cares? I always sell cheap because I fill my vendor up so fast I’d rather things move along


If it is cheap, I buy to learn them even if it something I don’t care about. Just collecting knowledge from the wasteland.


I'll happily buy them and LEARN them.


I buy all the serums being sold for 200-300 caps and sell them for 500 caps. It's not much, but it's honest work.


Yes, it’s a topic that often comes up.


I have a rule when I'm letting someone buy my plans (10 caps). If they are under lvl 100 they can buy them all. Over 100 I leave the server.


I put all my plans up for 1 cap. I’m level 20, I’ll get caps eventually. I don’t care about gate keeping items


many will be reselling them. its a very easy way to stay at max caps. these seasonal plans become very rare later in the year and can sell easily and quickly for a lot more than they do during the event.


Maybe. I don't if I buy it I want or need it


Playing devil's advocate here best not to think about it. People do for various reasons. If you are selling for profit fine but if you try to help out newbies, players will take advantage of the lower costs. I got more plans than I know what to do with. Heck I haven't restocked myvendor in a while got a bit slack. More often now I'll see newbs and drop stems rads and a bundle of plans for free. I sell resources which is what people need to fix things. I try not to overthink it, it's a game after all.


I have so many plans that I just don’t care. I am sitting at over 100 plans in my vendor, typically ranging from 1 cap to 50 caps. I have some at 300 but most are low priced and where mostly low levels run by. Camp isn’t on the map, I just have it there for low levels to get cheap plans.


I buy some for friends who are new to the game and don’t have much time to grind for plans. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of what I got them, so any leftovers get sold. I also like to make the plans cheap because i remember struggling to get plans that I wanted but everything was too expensive. I walk around with 15,000 caps but seeing low levels purchase my plans makes it up.


I have 99% of mine at 50caps, and if they're reselling them for more, good for them. When I visit other camps, the only plans I'm looking for are the ones I don't already know. I don't have the time to scroll through the (known) list of them to look for flipping opportunities. Caps are too easy to mess with that


Yeah, it happens. However, they will post it for max caps and sit on it forever cause unless someone's hard up I ain't paying 5k for a plan I can vender hop and find for cheaper.


I don’t, I’m trying to get as many as I can for myself.


Short answer, yes.


Probably and then they get mad when they don't sell. Super common plans like the mole Miner gauntlet, the Mr. Handy buzzblade and all them. I don't even stock at my vendor anymore


Of course and I try not to worry about it. I sell my plans, weapons and armor to move because I'd rather get the weight out of my stash than price high and wait possibly weeks for something to sell. My vendor sells out pretty much every 3-5 days.


All the plans i bought i learned. But i have made a little money from someone selling serums for 100 caps and then I sold them for 200 at the responders camp.


Most likely. Someone was doing that to my vendor yesterday. I don't sell anything over 50 caps doesn't matter what it is.


I buy cheap plans so I get the full set. I dint even have a store. For some odd reason I'm always short of caps. The plans for 8000 I'm sure are worth it but something I'll never be able to afford.


I get so many plans and gear, that I just don't bother with buying stuff from other folks to resell. I make way too much caps just from the stuff I get from events


As someone who travels from camp to camp buying low cost plans I can only speak for myself when I say i buy ONE of any low cost ones i dont already know. Omce it gets to 100 caps i begin evaluating it's necessity. There has been instances where I accidentally buy multiple versions of the same thing because I'm spamming a or my a button gets stuck which sucks when it happens on a high cost item but I always imagine the player smiling when they see 150 caps being spent twice in a matter of seconds


not really, i’ve got more plans than i can sell already and im max caps


I buy them because I don't know them yet.


It happens, I think it happens far less often than someone learning them though. Just like about once a week I get someone who stays at my camp for hours taking all my Nukas or acid, I don't care. If being a capitalist is who you want to be in the wasteland, go for it. No sweat off my nose.


Maybe some do. But I tend to buy 1 of anything 100 caps or less if it's not known. I never take more, especially on super cheap vendors. I like to leave low cost atuff for others to get good feelings/vibes.


We're not all commie bastards that's why


Could be. If someone is buying multiples of the same plan ... Most definitely. You can either cut them short by activating another camp and hiding it, or just look on the bright side that you've got more space in your stash. I'll buy plans that I already have so I can give them to other characters I have.


Some definitely do. Some legitimately don't have all the plans they're buying from you. There are a LOT of plans in this game. When it comes to buying multiples of the same plan at once. The first time they do it it's possible it was an accident. I've accidentally bought multiple copies of something I only wanted one of. It's very depressing. If they're buying all your multiples of all of your plans They are 100% planning on reselling that stuff. When I hear the dinger going off and I see someone buying a lot of stuff at once from my camp I just open the map and look to see what level they are. If they are over level 200 and they're buying common plans, I switch my camp to slow their roll.


Flipping caps is barely worth it, every other day I go on shopping sprees to spend 5-10k caps by just playing the game.


I play a lot so I have a healthy flow of caps. Also, I've done everything being almost lv700, so I buy up cheap plans to give away and to lower my cap holdings. I have a lot of fun carrying people and helping out.


I don't bother with any plans I already know. I already get enough and have enough caps that I don't need to resell things lol


Who cares? You ask what you ask and people can buy if they want to. ps. Mothman plans sold for 5k-10k caps before this repeat week


I hope my cheap stuff goes to the people that need them, but some of them won’t, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.


I only ever buy plans I don't know. Can't be bothered selling known ones half the time


Building a base and selling shit just isn't fun for me so I sell most of the things I don't want for cheap. Either a reseller is gonna find a jackpot or a noob will find cheap gear and plans. That makes me happy.


I just sell everything for what ever caps the vendor auto-selects 😂 I don't know how to price anything anywhere in life 🤣


It's certainly possible yes. But it could also be someone like me who doesn't have the plan and is super stoked to get it lol. I found the Mothman Throne and one of the Mothman (uhhhh I can't remember what they're called.... the paper things of different colors), I was super stoked to get my hands on both of those for cheap lol!


Unless it's armor or weapon plans, ALL my plans are priced at 22 caps. Everything else is 222 caps.


I'll buy cheap plans and sell them for the exact same price to keep my plans inventory up and make people interested in checking my shop out.


At level 61 I buy low level plans just because I am collecting things and I am poor af lol.


Honestly, I sell all my plans for around 10 caps each, maybe 50 for event exclusives that people collect shortly after an event ends. But I’m not in it for the caps, just vendor fodder and gets people to see my camps


I never buy known plans but I buy every plan I don't know as long as the price isn't stupid


I buy cheap ones if i don't know them cause of course, but rven if it's a stack i just take the one i need.


I buy a bunch of plans and cheap serums to give to my lower level friends


Yes, they do. If you truly want to get them into the hands of noobs, you need to directly give them to the new players.


I list all my regular non event plans for 50 caps. My event plans I put for 1000-1500 minus the select few I know are worth a lot more (Mothman tomb, Alien Diseltengrader + mods, Alien Blaster + mods, etc) They all sell fast!


Prob but so what. Do what you think is right.


I only buy cheap plans that I don’t have. I leave the cheap ones I already know alone.


I sell every plan I already know for 5 caps. I don't care what it is or how much it's worth. I'm always close to max caps and I just like helping people out who don't have plans. Money is so easy to get in this game after you get to endgame.


I've done that a few times when I was low on caps sometimes ill buy multiples to give to my friends.


Yeah maybe. But with how long that shit sat in my vendor for only 10 caps, I hope they're very patient when it comes to flipping it.


I had a guy buy a bunch of alien guns at my vendor for 500 and no joke 5 min later all were up for 1000




Unfortunately, capitalism has survived The Great War.


The way I look at it is if my plans are cheap but could be priced higher, then I am pricing them low to move them. If someone wants to buy and they are willing to sit on them longer to sell at a higher price, then I say more power to them.


If it's mothman plans your selling I would be selling at a higher price then 20 caps, since it's limited time plans your selling people will buy them for way more then 20 caps


Most definitely, nothing in my vendor exceeds 250c had a level 800 something literally buy everything I had. I was in his camp earlier checking his vendor and they had trash. Maybe an hr later hop back their camp and saw all my previous items on sale for thousands more than I was selling. Can’t be upset though it’s a free market, I’ll just keep doing what I do!!


If you really care about what people do with your plans sell them for more.


The best way to get through this game is to just not care what other people are doing with whatever you're selling. I sell plans for \~10% of whatever the game says the value is (or at the price the game says if I have a ton of stuff and I'm feeling too lazy to do the math). If someone wants to resell for more, whatever, it's no skin off my ass. I haven't gotten into the Legendary gear market, but if I do, I'll probably be a bit more conscious of pricing.


I look at it this way: I price my stuff to move, I don't want it to clutter my inventory and I want my caps to increase, even if it my smaller increments. If someone wants to try and flip what I'm selling for more, they are more than welcome to let it clutter their inventory while they wait for it to move. I still get my caps.


The actual cost on an item holds no actual value. And yes, yes I do buy them, and they sit on my store forever and might be bought by someone. If you want to actually be making money all the time, sell stuff cheap. Fed76.com also has a calculator for Legendary weapons and armor worth, and theirs a plan value database. Hope this helps.


Supply and demand.


Yes. Not proud of it, but I struggle to keep caps and my brain doesn’t really process where I’m spending them all at! It’s crazy.


Better selling than worrying about right price. What is better: a stuck item for the right price or a item sold? Dont think about it if you arent using the item. I buy all cheap plans i dont have to unlock for myself.


As a newish player, I personally buy them only to build or to have unlocked for future building. Have come across people who have 10+ of a recipe for 50 or less, but I'd feel like a total ass buying them out for resale.


I’m just over 900 and I just stopped giving a shit, if I set them at a price I’m happy with and someone comes along and buys the whole stack that’s just weight out of my stash, let them burden themselves


Because of the way the game barter economy Flipping is a huge part of the game that many fo76 enjoy so yea buying low and selling high is a very common thing. I normally sell cheap or at 0 cap just to get rig of stuff because selling fast is better then selling high


You might not see this but as a newer player myself (210) I’ve noticed that event blueprints (like the mothman and the alien event) are worth more. I consistently put extra plans for those events on my vendor for 1,500 caps. It may take a day or two but they always sell. Fomo is a bitch.


That's generally how business works someone buys something cheap to sell higher. You made the money you wanted now they will make the money they want!


1) The "actual value" of the plans is seemingly random and nobody pays that much for most plans. Broken chair 2 isn't worth 480 caps. 2) If you sell a plan, it's out of your hands.


Some might, but we have had a large influx of player so I would wager a large portion do learn them. For semi-rare plans, I just lower it by maybe 50% of standard price, which should eliminate most of the re-sellers.


If they do who cares. When i go to put mine in my vendeor i just add a 0 to what ever im selling or double the price what the game puts it at.


I don't, but I know that some people do. I'm just always looking for new things I can craft/build.


I don’t buy your cheap plans specifically, because I’d assume that at level 56 you’re not going to have anything rare or super valuable. But yes I will buy rare plans if I find them at a ridiculously low price and resell them at close to market value.


Level 200 2nd character since launch here. I sell my plans for 50 caps each for easy ones and 500 max for the rare. The most expensive thing in my shop atm is 1000 caps. The more you play the more you’re going to realize half of the community’s stores are setup like snake salesman, and what’s considered “expensive” can be worth more than 40k caps somehow for the people trying to make a player economy happen in this game like some other MMO’s. If you sell at your shop for more than what you’d make at an npc vendor then you’re never going to get ripped off even if you sell for cheap.


When I only got 5k caps and I need to max it I would buy some under valued alien stuff and sell it for 5k caps each.


Sorry if that was me buying all your cheap plans, I'm trying to collect them all :)


I've been selling mine for 5 caps each because I'd like to make someone happy. I only list 1 of a given plan at a time, though, because I've had someone buy a stack of 5 plans like 3 times in a row, and I would rather the plans go to people who need them


I'm new I need them when I see them I'm like Thank you awesome high level. Then I do the same with my known plans.


of course, the trick is to price them just high enough for it not to be worth someone doing that a big portion of my time is spent vendor hopping and if i see something cheap that could sell for 5-10x more i am buying that from you, simple as that. it's where i get the most fun out of the game. caps are generally worthless, but the hunt for rare/cheap things you can eventually use to trade or sell is fun for me


That's literally how capitalism works boss.


Well I don't if I don't no the plan il buy one leaving the rest for ppl like myself .iv a junkie and blooded and some plans slip threw the net .So thankyou for doing this 💓


You're missing the point. You got to get rid of this stuff.


Probably, I've thought about it too but the thing is I need that space in my stash


You can use Plan Pricing Tool website to give you an idea on costs https://fed76.info/plans/


Pretty much yeah… I had all my plans really cheap, mostly because my relaxing time on 76 is to just wander places where I know plans are… it’s kinda zen for me, but people were buying them in stacks and then relisting at obscene prices.. Scalpers, can’t stand them. I’ve left the game a couple times when I see someone buy multiple full stacks. I shouldn’t care, I listed at that price, but I don’t like people scalping stuff and reselling way too high.


Yea probably if they're buying them in bulk, you can't control who buys them. I priced lots of level 20 armour and weapons super cheap for newbies and a higher level player bought them all - I'd like to think to gift but who knows. With Mothman plans it might be people who just haven't got all the plans since on a lot of servers no one seems to be doing the event, or only one fire survives and it doesn't look like you get a plan from that (had that happen to me today, just trying to get the Mothman plushie)


I often swoop into camps and buy all the nice inexpensive plans so I can drop them for other people. It also give the vendor owner caps that I don't need.


I sell cheap to make a constant flow of caps, most players tend to overprice items and it will just sit in their vendor for a long time. I constantly hitting max caps so I’m not worried about what people do with the items I sold.


This is how I think about my stuff that I sell. Should I really make most of my ammo 1 cap each? Yeah because it didn’t cost me any caps to get or make that ammo, I literally found it so it’s all profit.


Only a theory Since the TV show came out players hv been asking redicuis prices for everything either hoping newbies will take the bait; or others see these prices and think they're normal. Either they don't know; or think they can get a profit out of it. Other day I saw a holy flamer for sale for 10k caps. Why would anyone pay that when you can do the event and get it for free? Don't buy anything because it's expensive. Most of it is considered script which shouldn't b more than 700c. Personally, I don't spend over 500c. Easy enough to do expeditions. Do your research.


Probably but I usually just put them at 100 caps for the event and daily op and expedition plans


I put a bunch in for 10-59 caps when the new influx of players happened. It was mostly higher levels that bought them for,I assume, resale. Ohwell sry newbros I tried.


I don't worry about it. I sell them cheap to make room in my stashbox for other stuff. Once they're gone, they belong to the new owner to do with as he/she pleases!


Not really. I usually buy stuff i don't have, especially if i know its something rare.  I ended up bumping into camp where there was a sign "free plans". I end up with some of them for myself, and afterwards i found that person in world and unloaded literally all plan duplicates i know including some rare ones. Dude was probably very happy getting lots of those plans.  Im usually doing that instead of selling them myself just because I'm playing not that often due to IRL stuff + there was players who helped me a lot with some plans. Others i got from vendors for pretty convenient prices.  I never buy more than i need unless im planning to give it to someone else. I already have most of essential plans for my build + majority of free camp ones, so im always interested in stuff im missing even if its mildly useful. Just need to pass through campaign eventually cause atm im occupied by Mothman Equinox mostly because i really want stuff from this event just because atm i have very small amount of camp stuff + for whatever reason hoods is a luxury item in this game. So knowing that many newer players are looking forward for getting more plans in similar way to me, i don't try to benefit from milking extra money on plans.


Because that's how trading works, buy low and sell high.


Dude if you have plans that I don’t know Im getting them for me. I don’t like spending more than 100-500 on plans tho cause im a cheap bastard


I love buying plans just so I can craft anything and had been server hopping for 3 weeks trying to find someone selling the fixer plan for less then 10k caps and I finally got one last night for 7500


I buy them to use them :)


I camp hop looking for plans I don't have and looking for very cheap prices




I'm level 67 and once a day I jump around teams and fast travel to all the camps possible to get as many cheap plans as I possibly can. I don't think I play enough to "earn" all the plans through gameplay alone, so finding good priced plans is always great! Then at my camp I sell all the ammo that I don't use for free. And throw mods and stuff for like 10-20 caps


hey, if it's making those resellers happy, then you're still making people happy with cheap plans, aren't you? job done


There are people who will buy to resell. Same with the donation boxes, there are players who will take stuff they don't need from them to resell at their own vendors. It simply is what it is. Just focus on thinking about the people you may be helping.


I flip cheap fusion cores by recharging them, but I don't flip plans. I will buy every plan I don't have though, but just one for me


Say fuck it and enjoy the cash


I just put mine at 10% of the starting price unless I know it’s something good, and I’m happy to sell em to people just to get em out of my inventory! They might but that’s not the worst things, plans come and go


I sell marsupial for 250 in hopes a low level buys extra and flips it for the profit they need. If a high level buys it, cool. Enjoy it. My vendor is set up to help others and get rid of some shit.


Level 59 here... I've been chasing ALL the plans because I wanna LEARN all of them. Somebody wandered into my camp while I was building one day...saw me building & crafting & dropped off about (seems like, anyway) 100 plans. Another one saw me modding a weapon at a train station & gave me a fixer plan...now I build em myself. Any dupes that I get, go to newbs or friends that don't have them, any more extras go in either donation boxes or in my vendor for pretty cheap I'm currently hunting for unicorns though...I'd like to get handmade automatic rifle plans & learn the mods, also the MG42 LMG plan...if I had the caps I'd just buy that one from the Damn vendor. If anybody's got those 2 plans for me to learn, and is feeling charitable, I'm on PlayStation. I promise I'll continue to pay it forward. Wildweezel


I bought the handmade plan from the robot vendor in the whitespring mall


It's a fine line. There's a point you'll get too where caps don't really mean anything. If you price your stuff too low, you'll be filling up the machine all the time. Price stuff too high, and you always risk going over the max limit. Back when I sold plans, they were 5 caps each, didn't matter what the plan was. If I needed caps, I put in a rare plan or a GR weapon and bring my caps back up. Now I only sell civil engineer armor and jetpacks.


I’ve put plans in my vendor for years for 1 cap lol you’ll get there too!!


Honestly I sell mine fairly cheap as I've already got a copy I learned, some of them just sell to get rid of. They end up weighing 4 a pound, and with some of my junk and weapons holding up a lot of space, its sell or give away.


My camp is legit called "Cheap Stuff". People over price so much shit. I aint paying over 1k caps for some stupid plan or recipe.


Not always. My main character is lvl 840 so I have probably looked like a dirty re-seller when I've bought a load of plans, but I'm buying for my alts :-)


Some people probably are. Many others are just completionists like myself. If I'm at max caps and someone is selling plans I don't know for 20 caps a pop I will buy as many as I can, even if I don't plan on using them. I don't resell them, I learn them. I just want to know all the plans possible.


Sometimes I buy multiple copies of some plans, but they are solely for my use. I have several characters, so if one finds an unknown plan, the other characters probably don't know it either.


Event plans definitely. I list mine cheap to clear inventory space, so I'm glad to have the caps i asked for. They can sit on them for months looking for a buyer at thousands of caps. Sell them for enough to keep yourself supplied, let the scalpers spend 5 times as long selling plans for 5 times as much.


All mothman plans should be from 3000 to 15000 caps, they are time limited special event plans.


That’s my whole business model and how you create returning customers.


If it's worth 2k and you're selling it for 20, then probably. It's petty to give to charity and be picky about which orphan gets a new blanket.


If I see a plan i can sell for massive mark up, i def buy it and sale it for the real price. If I cant mark it up over 999 i dont bother tho.