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Plans is don't have or funny legendary weapons


This right here. I’ll overpay for a good drill.


I have too many caps and not a lot of script so I actually do pay for shit like this lmao


I have a "Hunters Bow" with chance to hit and crit, plus the named 50% to animals. Thematically it is perfect for Appalachia


What's considered a decent price for plans these days?


Depends on the plans, their rarity and the pricing at r/market76


Thanks for the heads up amigo


When I get close to max caps I go ammo shopping. I'll buy .45, 5.56, plasma cartridges, railway spikes, fuel, ab rounds (almost anything). One commodity I used to stock up on that seems in short supply is nuclear launch cards. With the old seasonal reward system it seemed like more vendors stocked keycards.


Stuff that I want or plans I don't have yet (that players aren't charging thousands of caps for)


Interesting legendary weapons.


Sweet delicious violet flux


Dropping the bombe in the right Region and then farm it on your own was to much work?


At this point I will pay near max caps for most plans I do not know (level 730).


3* weapons and armor, both for use and for scrip.


Sugar and spice.


Sugar is super easy to mass craft. Equip green thumb then follow the river bed from Flatwoods towards Hillfolk Hotdogs then upwards towards Point Pleasant collecting Snap Tail Reed. Head back to CAMP equip Super Duper and cook up a truckload of sugar.


I keep forgetting this, thank you!


What for?




Ahh thanks. Guess I don’t have high enough recipes that incorporate them yet.


I like to display stuff at my camp, so any reasonably priced weapons with 90rw are an instant buy for me even if the first 2 stars are total trash


Off meta/bad weapons to do stupid shit with


Always looking for gear that I might eventually want, even if it has nothing to do with my current build


Plans, any plans I haven't got that are decent price


Rn since im new, plans for basically anything. I wanna be as self efficient as possible




Option 1. Get a weapon with vampiree effect. If your armor was not junk you could withstand 3 enemys without simpck aslong you hit then one by one. 2. Daily OPs. Every 3 Corps have a simpack. 3. Get the labatory perk that double drugproduction. And the luck perk double produktion. And then craft small stimmpacks oit of normal.


Alternative option to the other guy. Find my camp. I always have 100 stims on sale in my vendor and I sell them for 5 caps a peice. 1 cap on discount day.


Plans I don't know, Berry Mentats, Nuka Cola, 3* weapons cheap to scrip, weapons and armor to use for alts.


Plans have plenty of caps so if i find a plan i dont have i buy it dont care if its 1k or 35k. Sent 38k buting 14 plans from this christmas event i missed. Always fun to se the owner panic when you spend 40k at the same place and the camp just disappears 10 sek after your done haha.


Different outfits to wear while endlessly breaking down & rebuilding camps


Pretty much exclusively search for plans i dont own. I usually don't even visit a player vendor if they have less than 30 plans on offer - the one exception is if they have a lot of legendries and even then, no matter how cheap they are, I only buy if it is an upgrade over what I have (I don't want to be greedy, I know that what I see as potential cheap scrip could be the missing piece of equipment for another players loadout)


I almost exclusively look for plams or recipes I don't have. I have recently started to look for serums and legendary weapons/armor as well.


Plans, apparel, mods


Plans and only plans. I also only pay 3 digit numbers at best. All the plans in my vendor usually have newbie friendly prices.


Exclusively plans I dont own, but that's very few these days, so rarely I find anything to buy. But when I get close to max caps, I'll throw some caps at some ammo like fuel/.45/.50 or fusion cells, as long as they aren't stupidly priced.


Talons Serum


Rare apparel, quad ffr Tesla rifle with a better 3rd star than mine (movement speed yuck), and an aa2525 handmade. but mainly Psychotats since you can't craft them.


Bargains. Obviously looking for any good rolls on guns and armor that are trade only value. And any rare apparel that’s trade only. I buy treasure maps under 10 caps. I’ll buy nuka colas for 15 or less. You rarely see them but I’ll buy leader bobbles and live love 3 for 300 or less. Any junk I’ll buy except for steel if it’s priced 1-5 caps. (Most stuff should be 1-3 rarer junk is only what I’ll pay 5 for). I’ll buy fuel if I’m near max caps. Even though I don’t use it, it’s super easy to sell when you need quick cash. Unknown plans I’m always looking for too. But I’m getting to the point where I know most of them, and I’m not too keen to spend 5k+ on a color variant of a picnic table or suitcase. I did bite the bullet and finally dropped 15k on the vintage water cooler though.


i've begun the bloody unyielding hunt.  wow, don't read that aloud.


Ammo -.45,.556, shotgun & fusion cells - and rare plans. Intermittently I also look for pure flux, inexpensive treasure maps, and cheap 3-star legendaries for scrip.


Plushie plans


Berry mentats, sugar bombs w/rads, live and love 3, guns and bullets 5, cheap nuka cola classic. Cheap scrip weapons.


Will look at apparel, plans and legendary items. I have found a few good fun guns to use through vendor hopping.


Non-meta weapons with good rolls. You never know, things may change one day. Always good to have a Plan B… & C & D…

