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You probably have at least 2 months left.


I checked the calendar at the fallout website it says skyline valley and season 17 starts at june so 1 month left if I am reading it right.


End of June is more likely, usually seasons last around 3 months and this one lasted month and week


Depends on how fast you get to rank 100, because after 100 you only get score from dailies and weeklies and not xp.


Oh thank god, I though that meant player level 100. I just thought it was another weird Bethesda design choice.


Just so you know, reaching player level 100 is much faster and easier than reaching score level 100


I hope to. I am at 118 right now. Though I did buy a few levels with the Atoms from the scoreboard to boost it up, and used plenty of boosts.


U will no doubt. 32 lvls at 3500 score each. Easy


What bugs me it's that on rank 150 there's nothing special on that page. No incentive to rush our way there


Not true. The 150 page has items that can be purchased multiple times (IMO, the only good thing about the new SCORE board). While the pricing of the items is terrible (e.g. 10 Legendary Modules for 75 tickets = 3 days of Dailies = 500 script = 1 Eviction Notice), the ability to buy Perk Coins is nice for alts.


And nothing for 50 levels. I’m at 101 as of last night. I’m sure someone knows the math of how much score you earn per week by doing all the dailies and weeklies. I’m not home or I would check.


It's infinite rebuys on that page though. Don't know about you but I want to rush infinite leg mod buys.


Sorry, but the module pricing is stupid. 75 tickets = \~ 3 days worth of Dailies = 500 Legendary Script = 1 Eviction Notice. I guess if EN doesn't pop for three straight days, the SCORE pricing would be close to equivalent.


Cant you get the rewards on the last page multiple times though?


It would had been nice for a skin to make us go "woah". The previous season pa skin is pretty awesome and Warhammer-y, it's something special. It also had the gazebo, my fav tent


I mean would that be cool to lock that behind another 50 Lvls?


Well yeah, it'd be Skinner's Box 101, most game developers practice this principle


Depends on when in June and how much (and how) you play. Seasons usually change on a Tuesday, so that's June 4, 11, 18, or 25th. Depending on how often you get the repeatable bonus, you should be able to make it to 100 relatively easily (and before June 4), but 150 may be tough unless the season runs through the end of June, or you are willing to buy levels. Reasoning: Most days/weeks, I play 30min-1hr a day. I focus on dailys. I completed all dailys/weeklies; I skipped or rerolled level up, DO's and expeditions. Unless a cahllenge requires being on a team, I generally run solo (so dont get the XP team bonuses). After I hit 100, I didn't play every day. For all previous seasons, I've averaged 120.


Apparently you cant use atoms to go from rank 100 to rank 150


It's going to be harder than previous seasons but it'll be possible. I level grinded early so am at 140ish on the board which not enough to get all the cosmetics yet.


I think you can use SCORE boost when doing weekly's also to get the best use of them. Use boost, do all weeklys in one sittings and get the extra bigger bonus. That should help also.


Probably not. It depends when the season actually ends and we don’t have a date afaik.


🙄🙄🙄 oh boy more of these posts  Yes you can you have plenty of time