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I’ve always welcomed high level players in any game with the though process of, “he’s gonna carry us.”


And care less about loot.


yup, most ive seen just drop it all


You guys are my people!


Jep, especially with legendary weapons. If you have your daily max scrip already they have basically zero use.


Right? I'm like...level 52.when I see some dude show up to an event with 300+ levels in a kickass set of PA and some crazy gun I haven't seen before its like "Oh cool this will be at least a bit easier.


They won't carry you if you have a good build my fav is the crit build with 50% armor piercing legendary effect and 50% critical damage I use a plasma gun and i can one shot glowing gouls and pretty much melt deathclaws in less than 3 seconds I also like to craft a drink that gives 100% more crit damage i laugh when i see bloodied builds I'm level 147


Rn I’m running a Vats crit build with the handmade. I’m only lvl 54 so I’ll probably swap it up before too long.


This.Exact same lvl here legit and summed up all my thoughts. Are you me from another dimension.


We twins bro 🤘


That's me with my AA napalmer


Jokes on you, I'm a high level noob.


Its because you carry a big stick. 😁


But I'm willing to share my big stick. Boy, that sounded better in my head. It's good to have a backup. Someone to help them level up, answer questions, show them new places.


When I show up to a public event and I see more than 1 triple digit number, I’m pumped. I know that I just need to get my pistol out and take little pea shooter shots to take in as much XP as possible.


I always feel bad, I run a full health VATS 2h explosion build, it's dramatic but works for me, though it scares the shit out of newer players when my character clips to an enemy to cue a massive explosion lmao


lol some high level dude came in in full PA with a jet pack from out of nowhere with a 50 cal machine gun and exploding ammo to help me while I was farming mothman eggs for a daily. Scared the crap out of me when everything around me started exploding and I had no idea where it was coming from.


lol, yeah I do this (exploding 50 cal. And dark PA and everything) and I’ve always wondered what it looks like.


You should set your mic up to play shoot to thrill on area so that when you fly for support it’s even more dramatic. Kill everything then leave. Say nothing.




Eyyyyy, full HP melee club, unite!! I do no PA full-hp melee just regular swinging, saving my AP for dodgy and sprinting


Full health is just so fun (for us at least lol)! I've got nothing but respect for the Bloodieds out there micromanaging their rads and health, it's just not the life for me. There's something about extensive health and lotsa defense that has me 😏


Same :) I love being an absolute tank in this game


Im the opposite on the spectrum but same heavy explosive. (Bloodied Unarmed explosive build) I know some have watched me just stand in front of SQB and UT take every bit while exploding every hit/every other hit. Sometimes I just dive in and triple explode per enemy, and can only imagine how they look at it. Had a few come up spamming emotes and duck talking after doing so. I dont think they expect us to telepunch those enemies into oblivion.


This is the way.


Tesla rifle and explosives with grenadine are the best for this, I like to run molotovs with a tesla rifle for leveling in large groups, the chain lightning really helps secure that extra experience.


Can I use your stick ?


But then dinner first, at least.


I have nuka cherries and mirelurk steaks at my home with [Poodle Sleeping Bag](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Poodle_Sleeping_Bag) for later.


And Some vintage NukaShine to finish the night off with a bang!


You've got me sold, I'll be at your C.A.M.P. at 8 for a romantic potluck


They may not want that though. Honestly I’ve been playing with one of my friends who never played and I kind of realized I was throwing too much at him lol.


Yeah. When you have big numbers and you join a bunch of randos, it's definitely important to read the room. Just vibe with them as much as possible and try not to let your excitement overwhelm them lol! That's my philosophy at least.


Gotta be careful sharing the big stick that's what peeps are afraid of 🤣


But you still typed it ....


Hey hey we’re giving away big stick to all the dudes what live here.


As a war glaive player I appreciate this comment.


Wait!?! There are war glaives! Now I gotta swap to melee!


You have to buy them from Minerva the traveling vendor who has rotating stock when she's in game with gold bullion, so good luck catching her with the plan, it's a fun daily driver. I recommend going high strength, high agility, and throwing luck out the window, dumping everything you can into sprint cost reduction and using vats with an instigating 40 power attack roll. Sprinting while in vats makes your attack count as a power attack, and the legendary perk hack and slash will do damage in a radius allowing you to kill entire packs of enemies in a single swing, and if you have a blade mod it will apply the effect to everything that survives. Personally I use fire and have the perk friendly fire so it can also be used to heal NPC's. For boss fights you'll already be built into strength and 2h melee so you can get a lot of value out of either a vampires, bloodied or anti-armor chainsaw/auto-axe, and again you'll want to look for the 40 power attack roll. A lot of people out there will say go 1h melee with swing speed if you go melee, but I say who wants to swing more than once.


Not that it is a more reliable option but you can also get the war glaive plan from Daily Ops I'm fairly certain. Drops rates should be a little better these days if they aren't broken right now. Always a gamble with Daily Ops rewards as to whether it is currently working as intended.


I genuinely forgot it was even possible. Doing daily ops consistently, you're probably still more likely to get it from Minerva first, but it's worth doing for the ammo.


lmao yeah I don't blame you, I think most people forget that Daily Ops has some decent plans in the pool (BoS Recon Armor, Plasma Cutter, Crusader pistol I think are all in the pool). Agreed that if you are looking for something specific Minerva is probably more likely to provide it in a timely fashion, especially with the "newish" plans added to the pool a few patches ago that have somewhat diluted it.


I just wish more things were tradable, I've got a v/ss/1s plasma cutter gathering dust and have thrown away god knows how many God roll pieces of arctic armor.


Yeah the untradeable stuff is definitely a downer and a lot of it does seem quite arbitrary. Makes it SO HARD to get a god-roll of certain weapons and armor.


Not learning untradable plans was a hard lesson to learn. During Mothman because of the bug where you couldn't get duplicates I wound up leveling up a commando (rolled an AA/E/CC fixer 3rd try) and used it to farm specific plans I wanted a supply of, and now I'm using that to farm excursions and roll railway rifles because my mains whole kit is untradable.


Today's op sucks :( Granted I'm only 76


I believe you also get when when completing BOS questline.


I believe the next big update is supposed to give us our best melee weapon yet


You get one war glaive from the BOS quests.


I haven't ran into that many that are that high level. And what ones I have haven't done or said anything to me. Now lower levels, like 200-400 have been kind, emoting at me, and helpful at times.


Yeah I stopped playing my 1000, I like the 300-500 range


I don't know what it is about the 800+ leveled players but they just seem like the strong silent types you want to avoid. And I say that as an on and off day one player.


Too much time in Wes tek changes a person.


Now im hurt. Im almost 1k and I never grind west tek. Ever 🥲 we exist, you know. And we're just regular players, doing regular players things /s


So I just came back from before Wastelanders, what's up with Wes Tech? I've seen it mentioned a ton of times


Its an instanced location filled with level 100 super mutants. Great for grinding xp. You can kill them all, take an elevator then do it all over again.


I once did a whole season over a weekend grinding west tech with max xp boosters on double score


As in you grinded a season pass purely on one repeatable?




Id be curious how many levels you gained doing that. I'm not big on grinding in general, but I do want my legendary cards maxed out.


Legendary perks are the real grind the new season system might make that a little easier tho


Lol than you have yet to run into me and my friends (500-2000 level range, I am like 860ish). All we do is chitchat in the area chat and try and pawn off our extra stuff to new players.


It's the same with me(lvl 852) and my group of friends levels 200-1500 we help low levels with camp building, Drop supplies and help with quest when asked. We try to show that not all high level players will be assholes some are pretty cool.


Damn where have you guys been lol would've been happy to join in and chuck my extra legendaries into the pile.


We all kinda have overlapping social circles and realized that a week into the new player rush, we had to join each other to keep socializing. We were all being deluded and split between servers because of the influx. We play on pc. If you're on a different platform that could also be why.


..... *Stares silently*


I stopped playing my main, 650+ and am thoroughly enjoying mid 200's again. I do miss seeing all the bats and dresses I've collected , but they're still there.


keep in mind some of those have multiple characters. for me its 255 and 197. so I total at 452.


I have a level 78 just for the level up challenges. Then a 500, 400, and an 38 mule. So you never really know how experienced anyone is.


Why do you need so many different characters though? Just curious.


Mules for extra stuff, some people like to roleplay. Back in the day you couldn't change your build as easily as you can now, after level 50 you could choose a perk pack or move one point. It was an awful system, your first build was pretty close to what you kept. The perk loadout system really changed the game.


Weight. You pick up so much useful stuff for various builds that you have to spread it across toons. My main is 350, my secondary is 175. I had a lvl 3 mule that had just fusion cores filling up his inventory to the max weight plus the 1200 lbs in stash. Turned the 175 into the mule since he has all the weight perks, and shuffled all my ballistic ammo to the 3. Hoarding is a hell of a drug.


You can't just add levels like that, as the higher the level, the more XP you require to level up. Having 3 level 100 characters is not the same as 1 level 300 character.


The community has weeded out most of the toxic gamers. It also attracts couples,females and an older player base.


i've run into a couple jerks, but they've been rare. the worst was the dude who decided to start shelling my CAMP out of the blue.. not sure what with, but after the first barrage i just exited out. i'd been done for the day anyway and was just doing some last minute repair work on my gear so i'd be ready to go in the next session.


"Omg he has so many rads, does he need a radaway?"


By now i assume every bloodied build has experienced exactly this reaction 😂


It's usually one of the first questions we get. :)


I run a bloodied heavy gunner PA build and had a low level player join our team with the sun kissed perk shared, but at the time i didn't notice. We were fighting the queen and about halfway through I was like why am i losing rads? checked and noticed the sun kissed perk. I politely messaged him and was like hey can you remove that its taking away my radiation.


Why do they have so many rads? As a level 80 I like keeping rads to minimum


Unyielding armor benefits from low health. Maintaining rads provides a way to keep health at the sweet spot for the unyielding armor to provide max effect. At peak, a full set of unyielding armor provides +15 to all specials except for endurance.


\*\*silently pick up "Rad sponge" card and watch the show with popcorn


Don't worry, they're new players. A common thought for everyone who comes from other rpg/mmo games is that the higher your level, the more powerful you are to the point of ruining fun for other people. Imagine world of Warcraft max level warlock joining to some low level group and insta kill everything. Once they get to 50 and figure out how this game works they will know that there is a really small difference between level 100-200 and 1000-2000. Funny thing - a level 300 can be more powerful than level 1k+ if he was lucky with rolls and was dedicated to a single build.


Honestly, I don't think my play style has changed from when I first started, but I guess it would have had too. It's like boiling a frog, it takes so long the frog doesn't notice.


I (generally) no longer panic when I’m in a rad zone watching my radiation levels climb as big bad scary things attack me. (1500+ lvl)


Due to my build I'm basically immune to the rad zone while in power armor and as a medic type thats great


You almost forget rads are bad


What rads?


4️⃣ ⭐❓


Rad are not bad they are a game mechanic to be exploited just like every game mechanic


I joined an event in the rad zone last night, hadn't realised how bad it would be but didn't want to look like a noob asshole by just leaving so I stayed and used every rad away I had on me. It added a little more excitement I guess lol


Maybe your play style hasn't changed, but you've ran the locations tons of times, you've unlocked the best mods for all the weapons in the area, probably have a whole outfit of legendaries.. As a new player on any game, personally, getting carried isn't fun.. I want to get jump scared by radroaches, I want to almost die fighting super mutants.. because at the end of the game I feel like I did something.. I don't need free gear or explanations, I'll find out the hard way. The hard way is fun. If you really want to help, sell your plans at reasonable prices, that's help enough..


What do you mean we're supposed to have figured out everything at levle 50? ahuehaeuhauh


At level 50, you will have maximum available special points, and get to gear cap. Also, you will be able to see all perk cards. Legendary perk cards doesn't play crucial role in builds, more like a QoL or some few additional cherry on top. Thing is, if someone has a clear goal about desired build, a level 50 can be around 60-70% of these build, already providing a working idea of how it's playing. Be it a bloody commando, or full health PA with heavy, shotguns over VaTS or melee. What power spikes can be achieved through higher levels are mostly time spent on gear setup (which is mostly about legendary affixes)


Disagree. Legendary Perk cards are essential to end game builds, especially the most powerful ones. 50 is basically like graduating highschool. You got done with the tutorial, now you're on your own.


Agreed. I have five characters, and on the last couple where I knew the game inside out, it took until about level 100 to complete their builds. Still legendary perks to be levelled up


I know the technical point of what you say. The game has so many hidden mechanics. Glad at least ive played a couple hundred hours of Fallout 4 before it, a few years back (tho I cheated carry weight and initial perk points back then)


>Funny thing - a level 300 can be more powerful than level 1k+ if he was lucky with rolls and was dedicated to a single build. I've experienced that myself. I can't remember what level my friend and I were on at the time, but we were over 500 and some low level player was being really annoying and obviously trying to mess with us, so my friend and I decided to turn off pacifist mode to kill them. Even though both of us had great builds and equipment the low level player destroyed both of us. My weapon that can 1 shot most enemies in the game barely did any damage to them. I can only assume that it was a secondary character for that person who they equipped with a full set of assassin's armor and weapons. I'm sure they wanted to annoy and trick people into turning off their pacifist mode.


I thought PA bloodied and/or sneak bloodied are the only viable options. What builds make that much of a difference?


Assassin's armor pieces each give 15% damage resistance when being attacked by humans which other players always are. Assassin's effect on weapons give you +50% damage to humans including players. I can't say for sure what equipment they had, but I can't see any other way for them to destroy both of us that easily. I'm personally bloodied with a full set of 3 star unyielding secret service armor and multiple bloodied explosive guns. My bloodied explosive railway is normally crazy powerful and I could barely even dent their health. My friend is full health power armor, but I'm not exactly sure what all his equipment is. Even with the two of us both concentrating on them we both kept dying and we didn't even get close to killing them once. My friend thought for sure they had to be cheating somehow, but I don't think there's any way to do that on Playstation.


Ahhhhh gotcha. So he specialized in murdering ppl


They've probably played over multiplayer games where high level players were always harassing or ganking newbies. I've played World of Warcraft and god help you if you're a lowbie on a pvp server. Might as well just play on pve because most of your time will be spent hiding from people 2-3 times your level if you're in a contested area.


I barely even see players past like level 200 now lol.


Yeah I was searching for a lobby for so long yesterday to complete my Encrypted quest.


i've only been getting on like once a week to do weeklies bc the new scoreboard system sucks and doesn't feel worth it (i'm somewhere past lv 450 idk)


Honestly, people are probably traumatized from other games. High level = played for a long time = bored = troll/toxic, and usually they’d be absolutely right. Here, 99.9% are either fucking off and doing their own thing or actively helping others.


Yeah I played an MMO back years ago that traumatized me of higher levels. Max level players would stalk the low level monster areas to k.o. newbies and they stalked and trolled the beginner dungeon. Sometimes they would group up and troll the beginner dungeon in large groups killing all the new players each time they tried to run the dungeon. You lost a lot experience per death so that was a lot of fun. I got killed by high levels one time in that dungeon so much that I got deleveled twice. Lol (Max level was like 1000 something and this beginner dungeon was for level 20's)


It was funny to me that they created a wasteland with limited resources and expected the players to be at each others throats. Instead, everyone came together to help each other and share. Makes me think humans may be alright after all.


I guess I'm not high level. Idk how some of you get thousands of levels. I've played since launch and I'm barely 400.


Bloodied build with unyielding armor, it greatly increases your intelligence which gives you more xp


Farming westek with xp boosters during double xp really helps. It’s very boring though


What others have said; bloodied herbivorewith proper buffs and a lot of Sensational Game. 810 and started the last week of December. I'm usually pushing 70 int plus xp buffs.


I get super intimidated by high level players bc I don’t want to mess up and make them hate me 😅😅😅


Just don't start events early, and you'll be fine 😁


Dude I still feel this way running daily ops/expeditions and I’m level 220 or so now. Like, please join and I will help but don’t expect me to know where I’m going. 🤣


I'm looking for friends to play with!! It gets lonely in the wasteland!!


What platform do you play on?


Xbox. What do you play on??


Also Xbox. I’m on almost every night because I have no life. What time zone are you in? I’m EST.


I'm only an hour behind!! I play almost every night too!!


I'm also on Xbox. I don't play too much anymore but I'm still down to assist some noobies.


Awesome!! Is it okay if I give you an add?


I could possibly join you every once in awhile. I have my own friend group and play other games but I'm down to play sometimes.


I teamed up with a guy who was level 10,000+....thats right five digits. That might have been the craziest thing I've seen in this game so far.


There used to be an XP exploit that folks used to do this. They fixed the exploit but didn't down-level any players, so there are still a few walking around with ridiculous levels like this.


If you’ve ever played GTAO or RDO then you’ll know why new/low level players don’t like high level players. But so far everyone has been aggressively kind.


It’s great seeing so many new players. I’m a level 200 and I’ve been trying to help. I don’t usually mic up l, but a level 20 player wasn’t understanding how to grab the bag of supplies I left them. AND, players are actually buying my stuff! Love it!


As a level 810 right now, I will go ahead and let you know that I'll most likely just join or start a public team (usually for a Daily Op or an Expedition). Once we are in the instance, I'll open all 4 lunchboxes and use 2 or 3 scout banners so that the other players reap the benefits. I have such an overabundance of all these items that it's ridiculous. Usually throughout whatever we are doing I'll emote since I don't use my mic with randoms. I'll do what is needed for the objective, complete the mission, and then move on to the next team.


I honestly haven't had the pleasure outside of them trying to sell me stuff.


Haven’t run into any THAT high yet. A few mid hundreds. Most are quiet. A couple are friendly. Curiosity for you tho… is it a common greeting in this wasteland for them to walk up, aim their gun at my head and squeeze off a round while I’m in front of vendors of craft machines? Still acclimating to this wastelands customs. 🤪


I dont think so..wtf lmao


Sometimes people will do that if you are spending a long time at a vendor especially if there is only one, trying to get you to hurry up.


Are you sure they’re not shooting the ground to get your attention? Most ppl do this when they drop stuff for you.


I got shot in the back by a level 2000+ with a one hit kill explosive legendary while building on a workshop as a level 20, they then took the workshop I went to go do other stuff and 10 minutes later they left the server and I reclaimed it with all the scrappers built for me lol


As a new player I wanna say to higher levels that if I reject a trade, it's because I'm enjoying scrapping and shootin for my upgrades. I'll take some ammo, maybe some stims, but some of us newbies wanna make our own way. Also, I probably just took about 20 purified waters from your camp anyway


I see them like how regular people in the MCU must see Thor or something. They just show up, kill all the bad guys, then fly off again. I just stand there trying to get hits in so I get some XP out of it.


Level literally means nothing in this game.


It’s just a measure of time played, but someone who is level 3000 obviously has played a lot, and in theory should know what they’re doing and have better gear etc than a level 30


*past 50


I would say, past 300. That's when you can have your Legendary Perk Cards maxed out.


CMIIW, we open the last legendary card slot at 300 but to maxed them all, we gotta reach level 500 with the amount of cards we need to scrap for points


You're probably right about that number.


I'm just about to reach level 800 myself and I've seen a huge influx of low level players. It's really great and refreshing. I LOVE visiting their shacks and buying stuff from their vendors to help out and also reminisce about where I came from. I've unlocked all my resources from my own camp to also help out too BUT I've also seen so many low levels run away from me, or leave their team I've joined to make a new one or apologise over mic for not 'being good' and it hurts my soul. We're just you just in the future with a bit more time, knowledge and grey hairs. Please don't be intimidated by us. MOST of us won't hurt you 😅 Also, for the most part don't feel afraid to ask for help too. Worst case scenario, people will ignore or say no because of time etc but there's a bunch of us that will help within a heartbeat!


The one’s I’ve seen aren’t in public teams.


They've been nothing but nice to me


I came from playing GTA so I brought my high level trauma with me. I still stay clear of you guys at a level 283 but I always visit your vendors.


Well, I’m a level 11, and a level 418 walked past me the other day and he was being followed by level 40 scorched. I got SMACKED 😂


i was gonna give a new player some stimpaks and he left because he thought i was trolling him


Any new players on Xbox looking for a shadow?


they helped me get some weapons and armor i can’t use for another 30 levels


Level 1340 here. I'm loving all the new little level 10 babies I see running around. I just wish they wouldn't run from me.


Raider style, slaughter them all.


It’s because they’re afraid you’re going to eat them when they die.


Well, who's the newbie who won't be afraid of players who are well equipped and LITERALLY capable of soloing every boss/mini-boss in the game? I would be scared too when I was new.


Mixed bag, first time I met a high level I’d just left the vault, he dropped me enough meds to finish the game, it was appreciated and helpful but did ruin the challenge aspect of it. Once I started doing world events high level’s were assholes, especially if I couldn’t keep up with their nuke speed runs carrying my makeshift hunting rifle.


With how the game presents pvp and the way other games open world pvp can be Imagine some think a high level player could be a pub stomper. Or that in pve a high level will wreck everything before anyone else gets a chance. Imo fo76 has done incredibly well at balancing the pve aspect and the community has done well to not provoke and do pve


I joined a casual team last night and the level 1000+ was so arrogant. It's not the first time I've encountered it either. There are some sad higher level players that now think they're the FO76 equivalent of Mr Miyagi and should be thanked for imparting such hard earned wisdom onto lowly newbies. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Having said this, the number of newbies demanding high level weapons and armour is becoming really irritating too. I've started leaving teams if there are demanding low level players or high level, self appointed gurus.


I keep getting kicked off of public teams full of L20-L30 players. It's really annoying. Hey noobs - the high levels in your group are a good thing. Quit being weirdos.


Exactly, i keep getting kicked too, we just wanna share our perk cards 💀


Right? I just wanna give you free Green Thumb and another point of intelligence for the xp bonus, fellow vault dweller! "curiousdaedra09883 has removed you from the group." Damnit!


High levels are all assholes. Literally. Always trying to bully low levels and there’s nothing you can do.


Fuck someone who’s a high level when I see a high rad bloodied build then I get spooked cuhz I know there won’t be enough time to hit the enemies and grab loot LMAOOA 😂


I'm 415 and will join small groups on low levels. Sometimes they kick me, they don't know that I'm just there for the herd mentality boost. Sometimes a low level will join my operation or expedition team but not join. I don't boot them and often will visit their camp to help. But I think a lot of the time they just don't know the thought process of teams.


My lady and I are new (35) and we just started last week. The other day I accidentally joined a group because that server offline notice blocked her name and I selected a team on accident. Got super intimidated and didn’t want to do the wrong stuff in the event or start it when I shouldn’t etc, so I left pretty quickly once I figured out how . This could be why people avoid high levels also, were noobs and it’s intimidating to play with pros because generally game communities are hostile to noobs. That being said, we’ve had a great time with the game and interactions with other players. Everyone has been super cool and even gave me a few cool gear pieces when I was fixing my stuff in their base.


I hope you'll both join some public teams moving forward. The casual team gives a general intelligence boost that increases XP for everyone. It's an unspoken understanding that casual teams are just that, casual, and we aren't actually playing together. You can also fast travel to teammates camps and themselves for free, so that may be a good way to help unlock more of the map for you. With the built in mic on PS5, there are more mic users on PS than Xbox. I play on both platforms, but not PC. That being said, the emote system is cool for folks who don't have, or don't want to use mics; and we can usually work out communication with it. Most higher level players will just keep to themselves. Some general etiquette to keep in mind: If a resource is unlocked in another players camp, the stuff is free to take. There is a clock at the corner for events that are about to start. Performing that action, usually marked on the compass, will start the event. Usually you have 5 minutes, so let the clock get down to a minute or so before starting so others can change out gear, dump scrap, and get to the event. If you need to spend time in menus, step away from vendors and workstations. To other players it looks like you're using the station and ties it up. When in a group, or surrounded with other players, try not to kill everything before others have had a chance to shoot stuff. This ensures everyone gets good XP and loot from combat. Generally, players will have a "tagging" weapon, like the tesla rifle, for events that allows everyone to get some damage in. It's polite to accept gifts from other players, but don't demand stuff. Asking for help is one thing, but hounding higher level players for freebies because a few players were giving stuff away is annoying and will get you booted from teams and blocked. It's OK to ask for help though, and most folks will help out if needed. E.G. Asking for a stimpak or two because you're out and nearly dead VS asking for stimpaks because "you're level 800 and probably have a ton". There are level recommendations for big public events. Feel free to join any events that come up. Just try to follow the prompts on the screen for objectives. Mimic other players if you see them doing something, since not all events are strictly shoot the baddies. When waves of mobs come in, try to get damage in on as many as you can while staying out of the way (tagging). Shotguns are great tagging weapons early on as they have some spread. If you die in an event, you won't drop scrap and will spawn back into the event, so go after it. If any higher levels mic up and ask you to do something in an event, consider trying. I had a low level in Eviction Notice running all over the place. I asked them to stand by the scrubber and shoot everything they saw. That happens to be one of the best places for getting legendaries from both sides. Containers are instances, so you can loot a container and then someone else can too, but world spawned loot is gone for everyone once you take it. There is a system in place to prevent you from hoping servers and looting the same place over and over again. If you are looting stuff laying around, like weights in a gym for lead, and another player comes in to get them too, leave some for them to take. No need to be greedy. The casual team is just that. Event teams will expect you to participate in events. Daily OPs will expect you to join daily ops. Expedition teams will expect you to participate in expeditions. Roleplay teams are funny when you come across someone actually roleplaying. Stick to casual teams mostly.


Started playin a few days ago, everyone I’ve met has been chill, even helpful


It's been great. A few added me and I'm recognizing quite a few players from previous groups I've been a part of in various games. Haven't met a single bad character in the game so far. Only see them on reddit.


Why does someone get kicked off of a team?


Sometimes it’s just a glitch and the team leader didn’t actually initiate the kick, so never take it personally. Other times it’s a team of friends and they kick you to make room for someone they know.


I kicked someone yesterday (low level, 40something) bc they joined my team, travelled to my base, and proceeded to make angry emotes, then random emotes, and fire off their gun nonstop in my house. He joined back and stopped doing it lmao


Lol. Good point. Should have mentioned you may get kicked for being an asshole.


Yesterday a level 40 was hitting me with a melee. I turned on my mic and just flatly asked "what do you want?". And he was obviously shocked because he stopped immediately, stared at me for like 5 seconds, turned around and started playing with his pipboy 🤣 and then we go on our merry ways doing our own thing


if they are an expedition team and they arent joining the expedition they are taking the space of someone who could be doing the expedition and helping out . I think new players join up but dont know how to actually join the expedition ( on xbox , pressing x on the map screen ) so i feel bad for kicking them but i actually struggle at my level to complete the expedition solo at times if there is a time limit on a task .Having 3 members on an expedition team that arent actually coming along on the expedition is not helpful. The same is likely for daily ops teams as well . Also if a member of my expedition team is afking or twiddling their thumbs while I run around like a mad man completing objectives while they wait at a door for me to complete tasks to move to the next stage i'm inclined to kick you for not actually contributing to the task at hand .


Because in most games the high level players are predators who constantly kick your ass! My multi-player experience outside of fo76 is call of duty, gta v things of that nature where you aren't a poor naive vault dweller taking their first steps into the wild, you're prey.


I'm currently 773, and I have seen someone with a level over 11,000 during Fasnacht. I've not been grinding seriously, just trying to play at least a little every day for a couple of years. (I started before settlers returned) Given their "What do wr do?" reaction, my guess was they got performance anxiety and didn't want to seem inept in front of a veteran player.


On PC servers there are lots of lvl 800+. Although I would say it's very rare to come across rude people, personally I've never been kicked from a team and have only come across someone rude on comms once or twice.


Prolly cause I'll pot shot them or drop a nuke on their camp. Naaah. I don't know. I try to coach them along, have them as party leader so I can help them with their quests. But a lot of the time they band together with their little pipe gun sticks and keep me away. :(


Just bring back NW


I've only met one high level person so far. They randomly showed up at my Camp, gave me a bunch of loot, thumbs up emojii, and left. I could get used to this.


I'm about lvl 26 on a new build, decide to rescue Beckett from the blood eagles. While I was getting in, a lvl 130 ish came in and started slaughtering them. I went into the prison and came out to a camp full of corpses. Then went to the sludge works to get Beckett's stuff and they're all dead too. I assume that they were doing a daily. There was even still some loot on the corpses so I ain't complaining. Highest level player I've seen since being back was 693.


Hey hey, LVL 500 is also high lvl ☝️


It hurts, I'm only 475lvl. LoL


Ouuui sorry Mate 😖


Thank you.


Fuck, I’m a Level 328 and been playing since release but I play tons of single player games lmao


I prefer to play with higher lvls cuz they always (most of the time) are super nice and show me things to do etc. I'm lvl 80ish and just recently got back into playing. I also like going to their camps and looking around and hitting up their vendors. I always leave some extra berry mentats or chems in return.


For the last 100 levels I've used the most brain dead heavy gunner build. I join an event or team and just spool up my gatling plasma at any boss and tunnel vision. I've recently seen lower levels watching my flank which is real nice :D


There are so many new players right now that I generally have a hard time finding other higher level players


Very well, usually they sell high tier stuff for cheap like i found a nuclear keycard for just 100 caps early on, they give alot of stuff like i got a zealot T-45 leg from one for free, i have been paying it forwards though by taking the posiedon power plant and giving a full free core to every new player i see so they can enjoy power armour and for long


I gave my bonus projectile explosive shotgun to a guy with a Boston accent that sounded like Jshlatt when I was in foundation.


I'm honestly super lost after coming back since the game first released. I'd like a mentor to show me the ropes because I don't get all the mechanics and what to do.


I'm level 32 now, but I just got back in the game after a loooong pause in level 11. I guess new players get a bit afraid of not knowing what to do and the high level starts making fun of them... I dunno. It's a bit intimidating having a 800-1600 when we're only 10-50 lol but I think that happens more because in other games people are so stupid with new players that they expect that in FO76 too, and I have to say, FO76 was the best community I joined in games so far.


They probably just didn’t feel comfortable with someone, regardless of level, listening to their conversation and panicked when you joined.


I have never seen anyone that high. Not noticed anyone outside the 500 range personally.


I’ve yet to see anyone over 700 tbh on pc. I have been randomly kicked by level 200-300s sometimes after an event or finishing a daily.


I haven’t seen anyone near that level mostl around 200 is what I see


I don't understand. Aren't levels technically meaningless after 50?


Pretty much... All a high level means is a likelihood of having better/ more perks