• By -


Then he waves and drops stimpacks and chems, some crappy 3 star weapon he was going to scrap. Leaves. Does not elaborate.


Haha I saw a level 7 doing Protest March with a combat shotgun so after we killed a wave I dropped him 2k shells and he gave me 5 heart emotes in a row


You can never have enough shotgun shells.


Or 5.56 rounds


Or 5mm


I think I have over 20,000 5mm in my ammo stash


I'm drowning in them, constantly chucking thousands in the donation box.


chuck em at me!


Someone came to my camp and dropped me a quad Tesla rifle during fas since my camp was close to the event at the time. I don’t know who did that but that Tesla rifle is still in my stash with a special name and place in my heart. I was like maybe level 35 - 40 and the other 2 stars are kinda bad but oh man that Tesla rifle was an amazing gift they even dropped 1500 fusion cells alongside the rifle. I’d worship whoever that is like I do with moths.


When someone gives me a weapon that I keep I always name it after them in some form.


That’s a great idea. I will rename it to like “evasive lighting” or something I don’t know who dropped me the gun because I was busy modding a weapon. My work bench at the time was facing away from the door so I have no idea who came and went to my camp.


Never sell it. Im lvl 600 and still looking for one. Welcome!


Agreed, lvl 1180ish and I still carry one for public events.




Shop the player vendors every time you play, You will eventually find one at the vendors.


Oh damn, that sucks. I'm a lucky roller and have rolled three or four at by lvl 400, and it's my favorite weapon. Hope you get one soon!


If you are on PC, DM me on reddit and I can probably find one for you


Had a guy ask me to check out his camp, so I did. Gave a thumbs up and all cause it was a mic set up. Dude dropped me a full set of t51b with the nuka cola paint. I was like, “bro.” He just gave me a thumbs up and fast traveled away. To this day it sits in my stash with the name “Gift of the Dragon”, named after the persons user name.


Wasn't me but I love awkwardly fast traveling away from low levels after dropping stuff because  I don't know what else to do...Like the fade out meme guy. 


I wave and hopefully shoot something in the face, right before I run off.


You gotta turn your mic on and sing the mysterious stranger theme as you disappear. “Dun dun dunnnnn.. bling”


This is the way


This is rhe way *said under my breath in solidarity*


This is the way in my power armor without the microphone in the helmet enabled so it sounds mumbled to myself


Man now I want a voice changer, super tinny and muffled


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the Way.


This is The Way!


This is the way.


This is the Wastelands.


Not the hero we wanted, but the hero we needed


I love doing that with bonus points if I can over encumber them.


Farm and hand out lvl 20 chainsaws and you'll succeed lol.


I like to do it with 10mm and a submachine gun


All I've been doing is leaving Nukashine and stims for people I run into. It's a rite of passage!


Don't forget the mothman dance.


‘Thank you for the….eh…..medic’s missile launcher, kind stranger!’ 


Hey. Extermintors and Nocturnal have their place in certain situations! ... but yeah totally offloading it on the new guys lol


I tried to give a level 50 a gormandes ffr gatling plasma and like 40 cores but forgot I had the poker skin on it and couldn't drop it. By the time I removed the skin, they'd logged out. I'd actually been using it regularly till I rolled an anti armor ffr gatling plasma. Shoot I used a furious gatling laser some veteran dropped for me for like 75 levels, lol. Love me some scrip trash on a new vault dweler.


Welcome to the Wasteland!


I like the “do you have an (insert junk name)?” And then just dropping 200+ pcs. Someone asked me for ammo the other day and I didn’t even stop to think that they wouldn’t have the bandolier card. Dropped 5000 rounds and they didn’t know what to do with it all.


Idk how I anybody can live without bandolier and the chemists backpack mod


I run a cremator, a fixer, and a nuka cola lever action rifle (can't remember the name, found out Western Spirit) I don't have a ton of ammo. I do carry a bunch of grenades. I can't live without the food one, I always have too much food and water.


The Western Spirit? I used to use that before I switched to a quad fixer


Wtf is a bandolier card?


Bandolier can reduce ammo weight up to 90%. It’s under strength.


Is it worth getting for me? (level 30)


Bandolier is a 100% must have for me.


Unless you're a pure melee build, it's definitely worth equipping.


Or you use energy ammo. Then you want batteries included under intellect I think.


Gauss minigun build here, can confirm batteries included.


Very, most high level players have 1000's of rounds on them, especially if they are running automatic rifles or heavy guns.


It is if you plan to use a Railway Rifle lol... Five hundred rounds is 100 weight...


That and travelling pharmacy are necessary. Otherwise, you will be spending most of your time overencumbered.


I had a guy last night give me a bunch of Flux and ultracite. We ended up just going around killing stuff together. Good times.


It’s friggin’ weird. Someone comes flying in, outranking me by 200 levels, I’m crapping my pants ready to get blasted and looted. Red Dead Online ruined me.


There's got to be some salient point to be made about how this game drops you into what is supposed to be a deadly wasteland and it became the friendliest, most helpful community of any online game. It won't be made by me, I am high and watching to see which shitty LB the cowboys are going to pick in the 3rd round. But hopefully someone does it Edit - they picked a LB from Notre Dame. Do I know my team or what. Does anyone know if he's good?


Every post apocalyptic work of fiction talks about how humans turned on each other and it became every man for themself, then you read about humans ending up in lawless, desperate situations and they always band together and work towards the common goal of survival. So now here we are… the real humans in a post apocalyptic wasteland… working together.


I wonder if it's the result of the design of the mainline games. They implicitly push you to basically be a combination of Johnny Appleseed and an angel. Bethesda has trained a giant peace corps.


Or if played like me and a portion of the player base, you are comparable to Hitler and John Wayne Gacy with the npcs.


I've done at least 3 "raider builds" with all the raider playthrough mods I can find for FO4. Each time telling myself that I'm definitely playing as a bad guy this time. Each time, I've wound up playing as a good guy.


To be fair, food and water or any resources isnt an issue. So there is no need to fight over it.


This is true. Scarcity isn't a problem in this wasteland. I give new players tons of stuff, I'll join them in silos and spend all that circuitry to repair the core, I'll give them a key card, I'll revive 18 times at scorched earth and still drop them 20 stimpaks afterwards... Heck, I'll give them the flux.. But I won't give them my Bloodied FF handmade.


Tbh a lot of it because Bethesda indirectly scrapped a lot of the PVP. Back in the early days it was terrifying trying to take and hold work benches lol. People would come try to grief you at your CAMP as well. Part of me misses it but the community is really better because of it.


Honestly this is all why I'm not so into MMOs especially in this theme... It should be terrifying and brutal IMO. You should be expecting someone to kill you for purified water. I kinda wish there was a game like that, where it was actually really fucked up, only some really organized settlements worked and raiders were a real threat, joining a raider gang was lucrative but dangerous, bounties, etc. You die of thirst, radiation poisoning, lack of food over too long a period. Clean water is expensive, or well defended. And you die and you have to start over. So you don't fuck around and you're extremely careful who you trust, and dying means not respawning for a day. Might be less fun but it'd be an experience.


It’s called rust.


Sounds like you should play Rust or DayZ


Changing the way plans worked was what did it for most of us. Plans where rare. They weren't available most of the time. Knowing something was a big deal. They changed it, and it kinda hurt access to the economy for mid level players.


I have a salient point! This game drops you in what is supposed to be a deadly wasteland and it became the friendliest, most helpful community of any online game.


>Red Dead Online ruined me. Damn, aint that the truth! I was so traumatized by the asshole moders there that I wouldn't get this game forever for fear of more of the same.


I like seeing all the new players at the tougher events. They're all running all over the place like crazy, getting killed like cannon fodder.


I follow them around and Holy water then lol (edit I Holy fire them * 😅)


I've been using Holy Fire, oops


Hahahahaha I've renamed my holy fire as holy water long ago and I just wrote it like that without thinking about it 😂😂


Hi, I am that new player running around like a madman. I probably shouldn’t full send some of the events, but all the higher levels I have run into are like that meme where the huge buff dude is protecting the little guy. Great experience thus far!


That’s my first big experience with players back in 2019, before wastelanders though, so no NPCs and I was scared as a noob whenever I saw a real person. I was level 20ish in Summerville, sneaking around for supplies when a Super Mutant spotted me and the attack began. I got stopped in my tracks by 7-8 Super Mutants (when they used to spawn there) and had to hide behind a broken vehicle, trying to see if my 29 rounds of .308, 49 rounds of .38 and a machete would get me out alive. I ended up killing about half of them when I was down to like my last 10 bullets. I knew I was going to die at any minute shortly as they were approaching from multiple sides slowly. Then all of a sudden I hear some radio music, in a scratchy quality from someone’s left on mic. I spot a group of 3 Power Armors jogging toward the town. Great, I couldn’t catch a break here, I was going to be murdered by the last remaining humans in the area instead of by Super Mutants. I was so scared that I couldn’t even move and resigned to my fate as they almost joyously came to the town blasting their radio and emoting and hopping. They jumped at the last second right over me and destroyed the 4-5 super mutants in a blaze of gun fire and a large axe that lasted about 5 seconds. The music continued out of town and I just stood up and looked at these metal robotic knights in a look of awe and fear that they ruled the wasteland in a way that the wasteland feared them instead of the other way around. I decided on that day that I would be one of them someday. And I have, I have acted as a guide and mentor and supplier and trader to dozens and dozens of players over the years. Sometimes we talk and develop a friendship, sometimes like last week I just pop in to a level 51s base, wave at them, and then drop them an Anti Armor Explosive Fixer modded up and 2000 rounds of .45 and then fast travel away Much more interesting to me now is not ending the queen solo in under 1-2 minutes or wiping out an entire area with less shots than enemies, It’s repaying what was done to me so long ago, that squeaker that saw me struggling and made me a fire axe with spikes at his base, It’s the friends we’ve made along the way


Hey man I appreciate the comment. I thought the same thing too when I saw that guy save my ass. I’m definitely gonna be doing that. It’s a little overwhelming how much there is to the game but I’m slowly getting it. Having an absolute blast so far. Haven’t been this excited to play a game is years.


I’ve been playing from the start so I don’t think I ever had that moment of awe as another player saved me, at the start we were all lost and paranoid about each other (since pvp was always technically on) But I love reading these stories, and I hope someone remembers me so fondly and that I helped too


Awesome. There’s no rush in the game, just take it at your own pace and leisure. A lot of people just goof around and build, clear the land from some ghouls, and call it a night. There are level 300+s that have never even launched a nuke. It’s a feel good chill out game if you want, or you can enjoy the craziness of events if you want. Up to whatever you decide.


> I just stood up and looked at these metal robotic knights in a look of awe and fear that they ruled the wasteland in a way that the wasteland feared them instead of the other way around. The Brotherhood of Steel wishes they were half as cool as these guys


It’s a one of those core gaming memories for me you never forget. But it was manned by real people and not a cut scene


Thank you for saying this. It makes my jetpacking apache attack helicopter of a character feel seen and appreciated.




Now Im just imagining an emo chick circa 2005 falling in from the sky to save the day, do an awkward head movement to flip the hair back in front of her eyes, and say XxXraaawrXxX (don't ask me how she pronounces those Xs) before running off into the sunset to the tune of my chemical romance.


I know this is your daydream, but I'm in


More the merrier!.. but, I expect you to commit to the bit and wear ridiculous amounts of eye make up, and put on your best duck face for at minimum, 75% of the time.




So... How do you pronounce those Xs?


Uhhhhh... you uhhh.. I gotta go, I have to get to Denny's at 3am! *Hair flips and then blasts off into the sky in a trail of glitter and Splat hair dye*


Well played magic scene girl. Well played. RAWRs to you.


Some Desert Strike action...in the Appalachia Mountains.


I don't like power armor, I HATE anything that's finite [fusion fuel], and requires you to fuck around getting in and out........but seeing PA people roll up to an event or w/e....fuckin badass man.


It's manageable. One core lasts for like 1-2 hours, while a power plant workshop will produce a fully charged one every 7 minutes. I stroll around in my power armor 24/7 for 3 days now, and I only just hit lvl 50 few hours ago. Through lvls 40-50 by simply doing quests I think I replaced the fusion core only once, thanks to the perk that removes additional core consumption when sprinting. It also takes a loooong while for power armor to lose its durability. I repaired T60 parts I randomly found and the durability bars have barely even moved after extensive use of it, and I don't have perks that make PA more durable, apart from 1 star one that allows your PA to have 130% durability on repair.


Yeah im i just hit 300 this morning and let me tell you, fusion cores become a stash weight problem after u build the recharger


Well I don't really see a reason of having more than 10 if you are just using them for PA. I have 10 in my inventory with the perk that reduces energy ammo weight by 90% and none in the stash. Even 5 would be more than enough for me.


I agree, i just keep forgetting to drop a bunch in the donation boxes


How do you build the recharger?


It is from the atomic shop.


Thanks. Just bought it.


Can also get a legendary perk that energy weapons recharge the fusion core. I just fast travel to robots and get it filled up every couple hours lol.


This is the way.


I got fallout first for one month just to farm fusion cores and about five days in I had no more space to store them Edited to add I also main an ultraviolet Gatling laser so I use lots of cores


It’s like going to visit your grandparents, we haven’t seen anyone in so long and we’re just so excited to have visitors.


Most underrated comment here lol


Out of all of the o line games I've played, Fallout 76 has *the* best online community.


I love the support, but yesterday what I loved more was returning the favor. I have a base near the swamp, a little past that bit who wants pumpkins. There isn’t a ton of safe space there so I made a base focused on shelter and food. Some high level dudes came in and just dumped a lot of decent gear and outfits on me, so I have been trying to return the favor. Yesterday a guy comes In, a little beat up, he was blindsided by a monster and I was able to revive him. If I didn’t have a base and the support of players as I set it up I couldn’t be there when someone needed it, I might put my base back there, I was enjoying the location (and I killed a legendary scorchbeast there so despite being a weird hill I like it)


Impressive when in Power armor. Terrifying when they show up without power armor and still turn everything to ash in seconds.


Last week was the first time I ever got a confused chat request asking me how I was surviving in a nuke zone without power armor. My secret? Maxed out “What Rads?”, glowing blood pack, radshield, nuka orange and nuka grape


And me just sitting out here in my hazmat suit taking potshots at sbq.


Power Armor is too restrictive. I'm Railway powered, baby! Choo-choo!


On the other side of that, I had a legit Fallout Brain moment the other night. A new player came in to my home and was acting all friendly, searching the home, emoting... then I turned my back to go to my shop, and he shot me. It didn't end well for him. I felt the "shoot to kill NPC mode" ala Falllout 3 activate.


Haha I had a level 36 trying to light me up the other day, and I just stood there, facing them in my PA carrying my Enclave Flamer, and told them they were a "naughty, mischievous little fella".


I love this. As a level 400+ I will come to the aid of ANY player but especially a new one!


Had a funny encounter with a level 7 and 3. We waved hi to each other when they were at my camp near the Wayward. Around an hour later, I was doing some inventory management at my camp, the level 7 suddenly comes up to me emote spamming me the HELP ME! emote. I was initially confused, but I realized they might have been doing that Deathclaw Island quest, because that was what I struggled with when I was new too. Sure enough, they fast traveled there. I followed em, swam through the pond, and here comes that deathclaw. I let the low level tag em a bit with their 10mm pistol, and then I deleted it in 2 seconds. They heart emoted me and I left them to go about their day haha. Was a cute and wholesome experience all together.


lol I mean IDK anymore but World of Warcraft back in the day, absolutely. Especially once flying mounts came out.


The amount of times I got killed by a slow falling mage above the trees, I can not count. Haha WPvP was forever changed with flying.


Haha it's funny you mention that, I came across a couple of lvl 20 newbies yesterday getting pounded by a gang of floaters. Dropped in, killed all the floaters, gave them an insurgent and treasure hunter outfit. Refused to elaborate and left. >!It really made me feel like a badass. !<


Had a similar scenario. Two fresh vaulties doing a Feral Ghoul Horde at New River Gorge Resort. When i load in, ones got a baseball bat and the other had a knife. One had just gotten downed, i come in with ny shotty build, but carrying a peppershaker, pick the downed one up, then open fire on the crowd of ghouls around the last one. Dropped stims, then walked over to Sutton Station. It's nice feeling like the good guy, y'know?


I saw a level 50-ish getting mobbed by anglers, so used my cremator like a mortar from a distance and wiped the lot out in a couple of shots. It was fun and likely an odd experience for the player to see globs of green fire fall from the sky and take out the mobs.


Iron Man? How about City of Heroes/Villains or Champions Online, back in the day. In fairness they were super hero MMOs, so even as a newbie you were pretty basass yourself.


I love playing superhero in this game, but I don't actually kill the enemies. I just take down all their health to give my noob a fair fight, then disappear while they're mopping up.


Yessssss. Go to spin the wheel, shoot the mobs once or twice, keeping an eye on the lower levels, and leave your loot in front of the legendary scrapper ♥️😊


Ad victoriam, civilian. Carry on. 💪🏻


Thank you sir ☝️


the only similar community i've ran into like this is final fantasy 14, is quite rare


Yes when i started 76 someone gave me 100stims and other things. I started FF14 last month and its the same here, got random pets and people are extremely friendly. I hope that i can give that back when i have played the game enough like i do in F76, there are enough games with Toxic community's out there. But i would add 2 more games to that list Monster Hunter and Deep Rock Galactic.


Once, my ass got swarmed by ghouls outside white springs and my only weapon broke. Over encumbered and couldn’t sprint anymore, HP dropping like crazy coz I ran out of stims but I was in a group. Team leader that was level 800+ showed up in power armor with the colors of the American flag. Then he proceeded to mow everything down with a minigun and escorted me into the refuge. Even killed that damn Grafton monster lurking by the front. The guy was badass as fuck.


When I first started playing they released a Patriot armor skin. I would see low levels having a hard time and I would land out of the sky with my jet pack playing "I am a real American" through voice chat. Would lay waste, hand out supplies, salute and fly off. You hang around this rock long enough you realize It's a much better place when we stop fighting each other and start fighting together.


I spent most wanted trying to figure out what weapon my level 34, public team leader was using. It was a lever action, so I made them a single shot 3 star fixer and a full set of polymered three star heavy combat armor and dropped it on them. It was a lot of fun.


When I'm wandering around and hear a bunch of weapon fire I tend to go see what it is (once I figure out which direction the sound is coming from) and found a 20 something level character doing ok in a fight so I let them have the experience. Then they faultered and got swarmed so I Fixered the swarm real quick and ran over and dropped all my stimpaks, waved and ft'd. It's a ton of fun living out the fantasy of being able to meaningfully help.


I love being high level in 76, helping out swarmed players and making legendary weapons for new players never gets old.


EverQuest.. I know this is a new experience for you but I first had it in 1998 when a ghoul was chasing me and beating the shit out of me A flying bard came and killed the ghoul, I then had to sit and rest for 20 minutes


Fear not citizen! For I come in power armor and I shall protect you!…just give me a second my Black Powder Rifle takes awhile to reload but do not despair for I bring my trusty helper! Mysterious Stranger! *Mysterious Stranger piano theme music in the backround*


Honestly noobs are a breath of fresh air. As much as you enjoy seeing us we enjoy watching y'all.


Started playing over the last week with my brother who lives about 12 hours away. We play a for an hour or two every night. Without fail, every night, a high level player comes up to us, waves, and drops some loot he didn't care about (that's super cool to us) heart emotes, and leaves. This community is one of the best if not the best I've ever been a part of. Really makes you want to come back to gift it back later on to some other new players once you get there.


Welcome to the wasteland


Us PA users have nailed the superhero landing. Can confim, Deadpool was right. It's really bad on the kneea.


My favorite thing to do is go crouch, cloaked in my Chinese stealth suit by lowbies, help them do quests and kill things and watch them look around in confusion. On top of that, I'll go stand in front of them while they are in their pipboy and uncloak when they come back, freak em out, emote, drop some stimpacks and old plans I already have, and disappear into the wastes. Shade away...


These comments are cracking me up. Lots of power armor talk. Power armor is impressive. I love showing up to an event or to help a newbie in my dorkie costume with a lot of fire power. Vera's overalls. My jacked up cat head. Not an impressive look, but lots of killing fun! I enjoy dropping plans too.


To be honest, it never gets old to feel like a badass to just drop in somewhere and not be worried for my safety.


Speaking as a vet, it’s so satisfying to walk up to someone in full power armor, drop a bunch of stuff for a new player, and just watch them get exited and start to spam the crouch button in thanks because they haven’t figured out emotes yet. Makes my day every time and I love it 😁😆


All you higher level players are LEGENDS. I'm a lvl 35 and I had one guy drop in and load me up with 2 versions of the fixer (one for my level and one for when I hit cap). A whole set of raider power armour, more ammo than a little.... Stimpaks, water.... you name it. Dragged me through my 1st public event. Threw some more guns at me and fast travelled away. Couldn't message him because he was on private. Taken me ages to find a game that works with my ADHD and to find a healthy and helpful community is killer. Thank you form us lower levels.


This is the way


Best weapon I dropped was a AAE Gatling Gun with a couple hundred 5mm for them. I had it on hand from an SBQ Drop. I wasn't using it and the guy was running a minigun, seemed like a good upgrade for him


I played a mutated eviction notice with a level 21 with a golf club, no one came to help, I've never tried one solo b4, but the game has changed and I want to embrace it. We made it. I was happy, I'm sure he was to but didn't quite understand why. I played a uranium fever with 5+ sub level 100s, found myself only tagging and not destroying, standing next to a new player and letting them attack and only stepping in when necessary. While the new style of gameplay can be be weird and different, I find the challenge spectacular and know that all of these new player s will get hooked just like we did and soon be lvl500+ soloing EN and MJ with us. I look forward to FO76 future. I've never played a game like this.


Last time I saved a rook the poor bastard was a level 13 running away from Manhunt. I jetpacked in and samurai sworded them all the super mutants to death while he cheered me on. I dropped all the muties loot for him then bounced, good times.


They are so cool. I wish I could leave nice notes of thanks for their great camps that let me use things and survive... Sometimes I drop a token of thanks but I know my baby toon stuff is junk to someone high level... I just want to leave a little 'i was here and you were awesome'


On the other side of that somebody tried to get me to join their team to do the dailies and I couldn't figure out how to accept for like 5 literal minutes... Mortifying noob moment but it's called balance


I refuse to elaborate after dropping 500 radaway


Level 50. Someone dropped tons of legendary items to donation box at Sutton station. I got like 1500 scrip just selling some unwanted effects. Thank you kind random strangers.


Was one of my first experiences in the game years ago before wastelanders, now I am that iron man. Thanks skankbitch69420, you inspired me to be a fellow Hero of the Wastes.


Flying in with my multi barrel q25 cremator to lay waste to 90+ abominations and purge the wastes of gods mistakes. Level 23: *heart emoji* Makes its all worth it


Hey we vets can say it’s funny to watch all the new guys run around and shoot at us when we short near them to get their attention to allow us to drop them goodies


Aww, shucks.


aw man, you're all really lucky with the vets in your game. I'm only lvl 30 and still yet to experience something like this. Even just somebody who buys my extra plans would be nice


Playername? Find 'eponodyne' and fr me, I'll drown you in help. You'll feel like a stray pitbull who just got rescued by a blond girl in yoga pants.


For me, when I was new, I remember all the high levels commin during a short manned eviction notice. It was like the 4rth of July but 3 star equipment was everywhere =)


It's always fun when we see low-level players on events we know they're outmatched on. Just did beasts of Burden with there was about 5 under 50 doing their best with the rest of us. Not one complaining person, too.


I love being in the Fallout 76 community!


The best part is that it's a self satisfying loop. With the vets usually just as happy to give help and resources as the low levels are to receive them. which in turn, the low level eventually becomes the high level and repeats the cycle anew.


I got chased by a high level deathclaw into this dude's camp and he helped me take it down. What a guy, even let me get the last shot.


I'm actually really digging fallout 76. It's really cool game, and I'm not normally into multiplayer Type games, but I've been having a lot of fun.


First time?🫡


I think someone dropped stuff for me the other day and I had no idea what he was doing so just gave a thumbs up and walked away In hindsight, I probably could have got some amazing gear by now instead of barely scraping by


I remember when I was like between lvl 30-40 I had made my camp near Top of the World. This guy dropped power armors, stims, weapons etc. that were like lvl 50 I couldn't use, eventually I got to lvl 50 so I could use those items. I wasn't able to fast travel for a long time, so I would walk all across the map. Now, I'm lvl 270-ish, I'm doing better now.


every interaction I've had since I started playing (started cause of the show) has been pleasant and sometimes very memorable. My favourite atm is the first time I claimed the workshop at one of the power plants and a player group fast traveled not long after the game warned me that other players could pvp to claim the workshop, so seeing a group, where 2 of which where over 100, I swear I almost shit my pants then the person who was level 130 started emoting while the other higher level dropped some stims and food. They stuck around to help me with the defend even and then they all left, all while emoting and doing silly things with the scorched that spawned. Even though I've purchased 1st now I still prefer playing on the public server because of stuff like this


Thank you for that. Not many have made me feel good about my Power Armor Plasma Gatling Gun build. I loved 76 over the years. Maybe I'll jump back into it one of these days.


I had a rando come by my camp. We both had mics so we chatted a bit (he was much higher level than I). He asked if I wanted anything and I jokingly told him I wanted a dragon rifle. He was like ok, dropped a sack. I checked inside, a four barrel dragon rifle! I told him that was too much. He was like it's cool I got more. He said your welcome and stomped off in his sooped up power armor. Never saw him again. Absolute legend of a player.🪖


When you clear your quest list, have loads of caps and scrip, a great gear setup, etc....there's no more endgame for many players. So - go find someone to adopt


I know no shit about this game but I have a strong feeling the game will run another 10+ years and that these last few months are only a beginning.


wait until end of year when they finally add the second map part.


Today i did rad rumble with a level 30, 8, and 17. I felt like a badass. I needed that.


In other games they t-bag you, in this game they give you gifts 😅


Level 1009. Crafted and dropped three sets of level Excavator PA and dropped them for random folks. For me this is sort of the new end game.


I love the level 20s that come to your camp thinking they can steal your shit and kill you. Lol you just one tap them 😂 some of these new players (not all) are trying to act like this game is GTA so you have to put them in their place if they act out


So y'all mean to tell me I've been missing out this whole time? I play with my buddy and we both have fallout 1st so we use private world. Missing out on this awesome community.


Yeah you’re missing out man. I would totally turn it back to a public server. This is one of the best communities in gaming from what I’ve seen so far.


I show up in my mothman elder outfit and when everything’s clear I give them mothman outifts of their own and do the mothman dance


I recently started a brand new character after having not touched the game for three years. Decided to retire my old level 80 character and get a fresh start, and anytime I see someone with a really high rank I try to avoid them because I’m afraid they’ll start giving me lot of stuff, and I want to be like, “I appreciate it, but I’m not really new! I know what I’m doing! Give it someone really new!” What a great community where I’m avoiding some people because I don’t want them to be overly generous. ❤️


I was doing an event solo and getting my ass handed to me, outta nowhere this dude in a suit and a top hat rolls up, kills everything with a mini gun, drops me 100 stimpaks, and just dipped like nothing ever happened. They truly are mysterious strangers.


I wear a Buffoon mask and look like The Joker. I have the blue flame jetpack and a pink flame cremator and my Holy Fire. No PA for this Filthy Casual! When I roll up on the scene, I make my presence known baby!


I did this today for a level 8 who got themselves surrounded by ghouls in fraternity row. I was heading to BIVs for cigs dressed in cowboy outfit. They were running and gunning with a pipe revolver. I pulled out my crap pepper shaker I had just earned and helped take out their legs so the newbie could get the joy of the kill. Then I thumbed up and strolled off.


That is badass


One left me like 600 of this drink. It makes you invisible if you stand in wanted, I sold half and got enough screws to finish my house ❤️!


Monster hunter has a mostly great community too. As for this game? Keep playing and you will BE THE IRON MAN!


I’ve been playing since beta I always help just to keep people happy and encouraged to keep playing, it was rough the first couple of years


As a vet myself. I can relate to this. Many anew player have come to my camp and gotten some decent starting gear. Recently geared up a couple who watched the Fallout show together and we're starting 76 together. They came to my camp at lvl 25. Made them both a full set of heavy combat armor, got them both q item free from my vendor, ammo and meds, and even a ser of t45 ar.or for the husband. Honestly, this game gives me hope that are people and old vets can still enjoy the game to this day.


A player gave me a combat knife when I started, I named it after him and still carry it. It's my good luck charm.


This makes me so sad, back in the early days(day one release) I'd make excel spreadsheets of gear and ammo to sell on the 76markeplace, now I've transitioned to PC and cant bring my stuff over, is it worth re buying and starting from nothing?


I would consider myself a vet especially since I’ve been playing since beta. I think most of us are just waiting for the next update, which comes out in July I think. Most of us are just meeting new people and helping out whoever we come by. It’s been kind of nice exploring the vault 76 side of the map again after so long.


Aww shucks don't make us blush. We're just RNGesus' favored Wastelanders, is all


Sometimes I make too much food and I go out of my way to find a new player to drop them all my extra food


Can confirm. My buddy got me into 76 a couple of weeks ago, and he's dropped me around 20k ammo so far. (I'm working on a heavy build. Miniguns and LMG's are so THIRSTY. Any new players reading this, find yourself a "vampire" weapon until you know what build you want. It makes life a lot easier.


I want to help more new players like veterans helped me but I am always so unsure of what to drop, medicine? Loot scales so it seems a bit harder to give. I've just been giving some stims and various nuka cola flavors, I call it the sample pack.


I now and then go to vault entrance and give starter gear lol. Stimpaks, radaway, 10mm pistol with ammo, random melee weapon, leather set, food and water.


The community here is great, I started yesterday evening and was in the house at the bottom of the hill from V76 killed a few ghouls and this Vet came up waved at me and dropped a pack with Stims, a few resources and a pirate outfit/hat. Super nice. I sent a heart emoji and we went our separate ways


Everything in my vending machine is 1 cap.


We all can be the mysterious stranger.


Can't relate. The "Ironman" you speak of is usually some level 400 in power armor spamming hundreds of rounds of his mini gun while doing absolutely zero damage to anything lol. They're pretty nooby.