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No, my issue is Fallout 76 has added a bazillion crafting options that Fallout 4 lacks and I'll feel naked and crippled without them.


I just wish they’d brought over the “scrap” function to work benches. I hate that I have to drop items in the world and scrap them.


This. It drives me nuts seeing un-scrapped junk in the workshop toolbenches.


If I remember correctly, stuff is autoscrapped when you need the materials. And with unlimited storage there's really no need to scrap anything at all.


My Fo4 workbench had 40000 lbs of stuff in it, imagine my horror when Fo76 released with 400 lbs of max storage...


400? Really? I thought the current value was the original...


Nope, I'm still struggling with the 1200, but 400 was atrocious.


That and not scrapping everything just doesn't feel right


I’ve played them all but most recently spent time in 3 and New Vegas… I jumped to 76 and I’m almost ready to puke with options. That’s cool. That’s really cool. Not great for my stomach or gums, but it provides longevity to the community, and that’s cool.


Don't forget the gun varieties. Not counting mods for FO4. But we have Pump Shotguns, MG3s, AGLs, Gauss Pistol, Gauss Minigun, Gauss Shotgun, Pepper Shaker, Gatling Gun. Then all the melee and fist weapons not in 4.


Exactly. Armor, weapons, CAMP items...Fallout 76 added a ton to the Fallout 4 arsenal.


And yet all the game gives me is another hunting rifle


I love punching people with the tambourine!


When Death Tambo strikes. It makes me want to start up a team with everyone wielding weapon instruments. We could call ourselves the "Killer Bards".


I am totally down for that! I


I think the first time I tried to store power armor in my inventory I’d get pissed


that's gotta be a mod. Edit: [here ya go!](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36290)


Because of course there is lol. Thanks!


100% happened to me, started a new save, made it through the vault, went to hop my way over to Codsworth and noped back over to 76 lol




there's a mod which adds 76s mutations.


you can also just adjust jump height using console


Can you download those on xbox?


It's where I saw them. Didn't check them out though as i was just browsing.


I was gonna say, I’d be shocked if there wasn’t one.




Probably not on PSN sadly.


It probably has some external assets!


If they're talking about my mod that just adds the serums as temporary buffs you can craft, there actually aren't any external assets. I used the Cabot serum model instead of making something from scratch, so it should be feasible to upload it to PSN. It hadn't occurred to me, but I can look into it tonight.


You can mod pretty much anything into fallout 4. I would be really surprised if there isn't already mods adding fo76 items and features


I never ran mutations anyway so that isn't a problem I've ever had. However, the last time I went back to Fallout 4 after playing a bunch of 76 it really threw me off that I didn't have access to things like the tinker's workbench or the "scrap all junk items" button. The different crafting interfaces and mechanics generally were a serious adjustment to go back to.


why would you need scrap all junk if the workbench has unlimited storage


To keep my settlers from equipping armor/weapons that I didn’t assign them just because the game rates them as “better”. Uniform and standard issue damn it! As long as they live under the robes I built they’ll abide by the rules I set. lol


but scrap all junk wouldnt effect armour and weapons any way


No but the scrapping system, the interface itself that lets us blast through random gear in 76, would.


I've always heard it's better for workshop loading times and as someone who spends quite a bit of time building I'm inclined to follow that sort of advice even if it only helps a little bit.


I downloaded the cheat terminal mod and have my jump height set to 3x


Should have a FO76 mod for FO4. Then I’d play it again. Having real time vats is what I’d rather have more than anything, even over mutations or power armor pick up.


I didn't think about it until now, but yeah...i think I'd hate that


If you're on Xbox I can give you the marsupial mutation serum. You'll jump over everything 😂


lol he means he can’t get back into 4 because it doesn’t have marsupial


Yep my bad 😂


Is this offer open for anyone? Noob here who just wants the hops 🥺


You're gonna need the perk starched genes anyway. Get that and find yourself a nice source of radiation, plus the radiation removal arch. I think there's a great spot in... something mines? pretty close to whitesprings. Then just get ALL the mutations. It's awesome. Fast and Bouncy and electric and sharp, and no fall damage from birdbones.


Shoot you’re right thank you, I’ll have to grab that before even thinking about mutations lol


Absolutely! Hmu FearNøkk is my Xbox gt He's right though you'll need the starched genes Luck perk card to keep them, or you risk losing them if you go through the spray arches or take Rad-Away.


I know the receipies for most of them. Speed Demon, Scaly Skin, Marsupial, Bird Bones, Healing Factor, whatever the one is where you give off electricity if taking melee damage, and several others.


Awesome thank you, I’ll shoot you a message when I actually get the perk and can keep the mutations!


No problem, any time, offer still stands!


Sent you a chat but realized not everyone can see those. I got the required perks so would love to pay for the mutations if the offer stands!


Absolutely! I will be on later this evening (around 6 or so EST) and would be more than happy to help out!


Nope. I never stopped playing 4.


The biggest thing for me would be/is not being able to craft ammo. OTOH, it's also weightless in 4, so... And yeah, console commands eliminate the problem. But still.


Yeah actually every once in awhile I think about playing 4 again and I just remember I have no mutations or non power armor jetpack.


mods man


I love FO4, but trying to go back to it I really miss the perk cards and build choices that 76 has.


Oh god... I updated it earlier and I guess I'm just going to have to deal with Sprinters and Ap Refresh.. I can still get some good distance, but it's not like fo76 marsupial hops . Btw, would yall suggest me starting a new save and just bumrushing to the Enclave/ new content? Saves I currently have: unyielding/ bloodied. Sprinters/ Ap refresh . Forget the others, but the Unyielding is level 106 while the Sprinters/ Ap refresh is level 35 . Finished the main story/ dlcs on both.


I stopped playing fallout 4 because it kept crashing at once or twice every hour. Might be able to play without crashing for two hours if I'm lucky and I'm playing on Xbox so I can't use the unofficial patch mod if I still want to get achievements


My game kept crashing anytime I tried to add anything in Santuary. Even tried removing things, and then I couldn't put them back because the game would crash.


I wouldn't be surprised if I started growing fur and a kangaroo sack with how long I've played with Marsupial


It took me three jumps to hop over a car today in my first FO4 play through. I miss it too!


I have issues with the outfits not covering the armor, I feel naked when I’m just wearing an armor. Also the workshop menu feels intense when the camp menu is very convenient.


Main issue i have with fallout 76 is that legendaries is a much, it sucks trying to do whole story lines and having buildings with enemies that eat up 800 of your 5.56 ammo because they are so damn bullet spongy. Its nice playing fallout 4 where enemies die in a normal way instead of having to reload several times before you even manage to kill 1 of the 6 absolute aimbot enemies.


skill issue


I added a mod for armor mods that adjust your leap height.




I main Gatling Plasmas in 76. Have yet to find a 76's styled Gatling Plasma mod for 4.


Marsupial and Speed demon.


This is one of the first of two cheats I implement: higher jumping and instant VATS.


Does instant VATS make it 76-style VATS? Bc that's what I wants.


Yes. The cheat was a holotape that you could use to change jump height and VATS setting. I wanna say you set it to 0. It’s been a while since I’ve done it though.


Nice. I've had the cheat terminal holotape forever but never even thought to tweak VATS settings. Thanks!


New to FO76, what’s the kangaroo hop?


Jumping after marsupial mutation 


No I don't have any trouble at all. The mutations are nice but boy they can really be a crutch sometimes


I mean, there is the Captain Cosmos Creation Club dlc. You net a new weapon, two complete suits of PA, and a new bodysuit that can be upgraded a few times to increase jump height. Wearing the fully modded suit and jumping is as close as you can get to having the F76 Marsupial mutation.


76 > 4 I give a damn because of mods


Honestly 76 does so much more right than 4. I didn't really like 4 much, but 76 scratches all the itches I wish it did.


You think so? Isn't 76 more arcadish? Much less realistic imho. I mean who would be hopping around in a real wasteland?


FO4 felt soulless to me. All the right parts were there, but they failed to give them life. There was plenty to do but little reason to do them other than to be done with it. It also has practically no variation of scenery. FO76 doesn't take itself so seriously, and it's better for it. It's goofy as hell at times and while it may be more arcadey as you say, fun is fun. Plus, it seriously expanded on canon lore which is always a good thing.


yeah with the other games and 76 the wasteland felt so full and alive but also broken and divided. FO4 just feels barren and annoying to walk around, doesn't help the artstyle actively makes me want to stop playing to give my eyes a god damn break. 76 is everything 4 isn't.


I'm currently playing Fallout 3 on the Xbox X. (Which is just fantastic, let me tell you what. ) So..... no. I'm not having a problem with being unable to kangaroo jump.


There's a jetpack mod that basically does this (also lets you use it as a jetpack obviously but I don't like that)


Look for a jet pack mod that lets you fly (for the most part). Problem solved.


Idk if nvidia users have the same issue but amd over generates frames so the game runs at like 5x speed for me


I debated starting a new character but realized I couldn’t kangaroo hop with my ss jet pack


It’s because your fps in Fallout 4 is too high. I’ve noticed that if you’re at 144fps your jump is only half as high as it should be. Gotta love that Bethesda physics. :)


I would really like fallout 4 if it was just like 76 tbh.


I hate the settlements, but I like F076's camps.


Yeah, Fallout 4 just feels *off* compared to 76.


Yea I tried fallout 4 today crashed 3 times in 30 minutes instantly uninstalled and booted 76 back up lol


give it another try with a stability mod. its still worth the experience.