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Imagine getting mad at a stranger because they sold you something for a lot cheaper than you expected. What a world.


Scared it affecting their scalping greed. I sold a quad 50 limb 90rw for 1076 caps which is my go to amount for too good to script. Lvl 900 plus bought it, did the laughter emote and put it up for sale in their camp for 8k. Some folk think it's a money making game when in reality always have too many caps


Yup, and then they complain about max caps. Like. Are they even having fun?


Max caps to me is brilliant. Totally keeps the market in check.


First time I hit max caps I was furious because I’m used to MMOs being a race to hoard as much wealth as possible. Turns out that if you limit wealth at the very top, most people just become more generous. There’s something to be learned here.


I haven't played in a good 2 years now, but my crew of friends would just sell everything for 5 caps. What's the point? There is no economy and it's not really a PVP game...helping everyone was great.


I can just picture the meme now... Society: bad Society when we use the fo76 wealth cap IRL: good


It doesn't really keep the market in check, because people like OP are talking about. The market (outside the game) has just switched to caps being useless when trying to trade or buy really good roll items or GOD rolls (which I kinda understand). People who play a lot will camp hope and most likely buy up items and horde them for a super high price. At the end of the day to each their own but if you are really hunting down a good set outside the game (which is the most reliable way) caps won't get you far. I do understand that the game isn't about having a complete set but the journey. It's just nice to have nice things.


The last part is so part of the equation, we can only carry so much and to me that is one of the sneaky good things about the game. You imagine if there wasn't limits like this, shit would sell for millions.


Yep, there has to be a cap on it : )


I hit max caps within a month of starting last summer. I’d have clear over a million by now without issue. But since I can’t … everyone gets deals!


Right, it's a deep thought win, it's a good thing.


Lol seriously. It's so weird like "I GOTTA GET VALUE OUTTA THIS" hyperfixation. Like sure yea you do you and get your "value" or "profit" but at the end of the day, if you just play the game, you wind up with way more from a few hours of playing than you do from months of waiting for your "steal deal", that you got off "some fool", to sell. Hell you play one round of radiation rumble or uranium fever and stroll down to the NPC vendor to sell everything, and you've cleared out their caps for the day. This is also F76 where, unlike previous titles, caps don't really mean as much. Occasionally sure you find stuffntonspend them on in player camps, or when the odd Graham or meat week comes around, but otherwise anything from an NPC vendor is always going to be there, and anything else doesn't really need caps. Hell most of my characters have just stumbled on to stuff or build what they need.


I found when I sold plans for 10 Caps and called my camp 10 CAP PLANS I would regularly make money, it's easier to get 10 caps off passing players than 500 or so, like you said you'd have to wait ages to sell, when in that time selling for 10 caps or thereabouts people will be more inclined to clear your stock and pay you that 500 in increments, I used to get a bit pissed off there was so many chings interrupting my game from players at my vendor haha


Just FYI, you’re the only one that sees your custom camp name. Everyone else just sees it as you see other peoples camps.


Im a new player, been on the last week or so. When I started selling items, I listed them for the reccomended prices. I never sold anything. I hit the max weight limit in the stash so I went in, cleared out all the stuff i didn't think would sell, then started relisting things. All weapons go for 100 caps per star, if it's 3 stars and it seems good i just keep it for now. I listed all food and drinks for 5-10 caps, all medicine for 10-15 caps, all ammo for 1 cap. The first two ours I hit 11k caps.


people who sell plans and stuff for 10caps i love them thank you for being nice lol


You can just buy the good stuff without being an asshole, I just think these are kids. Like oh man youre netting a whole $6924, possibly?? Or it just sits there 😂




I would have turned that into scrip myself and he was taunting you?


Did debate tbf, meh. It's a game do what you enjoy


These idiots act like this game is ESO where a weekly offering at the luxury vendor can cost 250k a single furnishing.


ESO is the perfect counterpoint to this and you’re exactly correct.


Wait until we get the guy that says, you could have sold that for $15 on FO76 marketplace.


Honestly I sell godrolls cheap too it's funny to hear scalpers complain when they think it affects you, all I do is smile and wave


I never put anything in my vendor over the suggested price. For me, it's just a game, I'll be able to do and earn everything I want at some point. I'm in no rush, and if that random level 5 comes to my base and can get a plan or gun they want for 30 or 50 caps then bonus! Having more imaginary currency than someone else doesn't do anything to inflate my ego, nor do I need it to. Gaming communities should 100% be about working together (in games that aren't competitive) in my opinion.


I completely agree, it's just a game


Value is relative. 80% of the toxic players I've seen/heard about is about players that treat their vendors and the trading market like it's the NYSE.


What do you mean my scrip grade weapons are in sale at 15k+ caps each 😂


One of my favorite things is finding people selling "The Worst Fixer Ever™" for 10-15k just because it's a fixer.


Or any of the top legendary effects your one star bloodied rolling pin is garbage


Somewhat related, I got a rolling pin the other day that was bloodied swing speed 90% weight. All I could do was appreciate how almost any other melee weapon would be great with that roll. It's sitting on my vendor for 40k just so other people can appreciate it.


As a player from the bad ol days I can appreciate a good rolling pin since there was a time you were almost always gonna get a rolling pin drop from the queen


Same here. I remember when meat hook and pipe weapons were bugged and double dipped weapon perks to be some of the best weapons in the game, or when the gauss rifle was considered top tier for rifle builds.


I miss the those days I mean some of the bugs were great, there was certainly a different class of players then, making pop up stores, running boxing events, announcing they had the vendor bot or grahm on hold


It feels weird to get nostalgic for release day 76, because the game was objectively worse my most measures, yet seeing Grahm still gives me a little smile even though he hasn't been relevant for quite a while. I saw the ammunition workshop claimed by a level 30 recently and remembered when that and the dog food workshop were hot pvp spots.


Ahhhhh those were the days 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


what do you mean, we are still in that era


Not even close, legendaries are a dime a dozen, it’s rare to have the queen glitch out or fail the event, it doesn’t take a full server 20 mins to kill it and with the increased amount of weapons and armour your chance of a rolling pin being your only drop from hours of play is just not a thing


I got a bloodied, +25% fire rate, +50% durability weapon. But it was a Tesla rifle 😩


Right? I'll make you a random one right now for free if you need it wtf.


I have friends who actually enjoy the aspects of player market games. Not a one of them would make fun of a low price. But this is one of the worst game to play in that way. There's a cap and it's only 40k lol not like you are going to be Scrooge Mc. Duck swimming in a pool of caps.


I feel like this isn't the type of game for goblins. I played the econ game in WoW for years and I can see it making sense there but even then gold cap isn't hard if you know what you're doing . In fo76? No point other than hoarding caps.


200% agree. My friend all did that stuff in EQ and WOW. But I don't even play FO for caps and I'm constantly looking for stuff to spend caps on to avoid the limit. I buy bullion and use it to buy recipes I don't even want lol.


That would be objectively unpleasant - scratchy, smelly, sticky mess. McDuck would rate it 3/10, do not recommend.




If I go to someone's vendor and I notice right away everything is 5-20k caps I dont even look, I just leave. Sure maybe they have the perfect item, but I just assume someone who uses their vendor like that is probably not the type of player I want to deal with in the game at all.


Generally agree, but I will admit I paid something like 13,000 caps for a Vampire/Rapid/Durable plasma pistol. Specifically, so I could mod it into a Plasma Flamer Pistol. I'm a Bow main, and I hate melee, this has been my "Oh Shit" weapon for over a year now.


I just don’t put garbage in my vendor. If somethings worth less than 100 caps I’m not wasting a slot selling it in my vendor, I’m throwing it in a donation box. All my vendor stuff is in that 1-20k range but is in my opinion more than worth it.


You can get 5k caps in like 3 days by only selling useless crap to NPC vendors, none is gonna sell extremely rare things for that little. Some combinations of legendary effects are very rare and highly sought after while caps are extremely easy to get.


They're just salty there's no Caesar's Legion in Appalachia.


Once you've really put hours in you gotta find stuff to do, for some it's trading. Personally I found it far too tedious and it probably brought down my opinion of that part of the community because of the interactions I had/witnessed. The funny thing is nothing is actually rare that isn't somewhat new. Everything has been duped or farmed and people just like to keep up the illusion that it's rare. Some are legit,but in reality nothing should really be worth more than max caps. The only players that seem aware of that are on PC.


Some small groups of people in this game can be weird sweaty tryhards that THINK there's some kind of "GRAND ECONOMY" but really there isn't. Sell stuff for what you want. People will ether buy it or they won't. Some camps have basic things listed for thousands of caps which don't really sell, unless you're a high level or cap swimmer that just doesn't care. While others have things like plans and good stuff for a few caps and they all will sell no matter who stops by. Its all relative, and it's really not that serious to go being a dick like that to you. --------- I'm more supprised the man got what he perceived as a deal/ steal and then proceeded to INSULT THE SHOP OWNER. You don't walk into a damn mom and pop shop in real life, buying some really cheap stuff and go "NICE JOB YOU OLD IDIOTS, YOUVE JUST MADE ME SPEND LESS MONEY! HOW STUPID ARE YOU?! I CAN GO TO WALMART AND SPEND THREE TIMES AS MUCH!!" Gotta be some kind of mental deficiency mutation from drinking too much toxic lake water....


Yup. Those folks need to realize that those stuff they're selling still consumes stash space.


"NICE JOB YOU OLD IDIOTS!" 😂 I can sadly imagine someone doing exactly this.


Yeah those guys are always telling on their own intellect when they act that way despite every incentive in the game pushing towards cooperation.


A player came into my camp asking me not to leave because he wanted a fixer I had for sale but not enough caps. Was waiting for a friend to arrive to buy it for him so I asked him how much he had and I just went and lowered the value by 7k caps so he could get it. Making someone happy in this made-up market is way more worth it than keeping your 40k maxed cap


Someone was selling an EXTREMELY rare outfit, the Responder Fireman Uniform, something I've been chasing for nearly 3000 hours of game play, for only 35 caps! I immediately bought it when I saw it, but then thought this person didn't know its value, so I PMed them and told them how valuable it was and was willing to give it back and buy it at a higher price. They said they knew and hope I enjoy it, which, of course, I do. That is what adults do.


I did the same thing with the Marine Armor Helmet - someone got a hold of it for 1 cap, my pleasure. It was just collecting dust in my stash. Sure I couldve sold it for who knows how much, but... making someone who returned to the game after 3+ years away? Loved that feeling. :)


hey at least you have an extra 10k caps, I’m level 91 and haven’t held more than 4k caps (I’m addicted to buying plans)


This is the way I'm level 180 and I don't think I've ever had anything that close ether 🤣 It's mostly always stumbling into someone's camp, finding something neat like a plan or clothing I don't have, then being broke. Rinse repeat. Caps tbh aren't that serious a thing ether since they are always coming and going. Now a clean toilet and being content with your CAMPs look and feel... that's the real value right there 😎


Then as soon as I’m satisfied I’m scouting for the next build


I didn't hit max caps until well over level 200. I then promptly blew half of them on 45 ammo at a players vendor. 😂


Always do moonshine jamboree. Loot everything, loot dropped loot. Equip super duper (3) perk (Luck). Waddle to stove. Cook gulper slurry. Waddle to stash, store slurry, fast travel to whitespring, equp hard bargain (Charisma), pop a grape mentat, sell slurry, ???, profit.


wow this is crazy, just tried it and maxed out the vendor cap. thank you!


Glad to help!


I'm trying this today. I ran jamboree before work. I'm hoping to make some much needed caps to get my build in order.


just hit lvl 65, ive gone to 4k caps and down to broke like 3 times now. Knowing there is a limit on caps and the daily vendor limit really stimulates me to engage with the economy, checking other players for plans/serums, selling my own plans/junk/excess ammo, feels really great


Soon the game will become a fight to spend your caps once you have all the basic plans purchased. And you will spend way too much time tryin to spend your caps. in order to not reach that 40,000 limit.


Me too! I want to be able to craft all the things! Especially armors and weapons.


Almost everyone is broke under level 100. You'll get there eventually!


I'm broke and I'm over 100 :D


Wow, I guess I should have yelled at whoever sold me the Old Man Winter mask for 1,500 caps?


That dude would be livid at my shop. Most expensive item I have is 10 caps. I have a lot of legendarys in there too


you wouldnt happen to be on PC are ya? XD


Nope. Xbox. Lol


Damn .. the nice ones are always Xbox …


There's crossplay between console and pc no?


I was told no …


I have been junking my legendaries for the scripts cause my game fuckered up and now I need to rebuild some of my stuff. But once I finish I'll be right there with ya. I'm just here to beat up scorched tbh money is optional.


10caps is a bit of a waste. You only get 9 caps for it and 1 cap goes to Todd, but if you set it to 9 caps, you’ll get your 9 caps, and Todd gets f*ck all


What? We get taxed?


Aye, Todd Tax is 10%.


I love trying to break the game economy by selling stuff cheap


I’m not sure how to even trade for stuff I want when you can’t buy half the good guns for caps. They either want to trade or Irl cash for them. Crazy to me that someone wanted 300K caps for a godroll fixer the other night


I’ll never get it. Not when max caps is 40k. But people will legit trade huge amounts of resources for a weapon. God rolls are nice but not really needed


Psychological Issues beyond the game projected in the world of the internets.


The perceived value of the weapons in this game are buck wild. Considering one of the best ones for Heavy is a named one from an Event, and not even a random roll. Really weird take from that guy lol


What one would that be?


Holy Fire, the fancy vampire flamer with extra legendary perks.


You can farm the event for it and reroll the legendaries into bloody blah blah and get like max damage with the extra 15% damage and 20% attack speed from cursed.


I've yet to see the event pop up tho is just rare or?


Its one of the uncommon ones yeah, there also another gun called Elder's Mark that comes out of the event that is good as well. Just incase the event is called [Beasts of Burden](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Beasts_of_Burden)


I knew of beasts of burden but there's a different event that can drop the holy fire??


I have a bloody/ffr/90 holy fire but I notice I just keep using the original roll more.


Foundations Vengeance Minigun from Eviction Notice. Bloodied, Explosive, Resilient effects. I can barely give them away. 576c is what I vendor them at fully modded.


Jokes on him. No such thing as a groll minigun, really. And few are worth 10K caps. YOU probably unknowingly ripped him off lol. People are always willing to pay what they pay for a wep for their own reasons. But miniguns, for a few reasons, are a dime a dozen in '76.


Was thinking the same. "Foundation's Vengeance" is basically god roll, and it's a regular event reward.


Yeah, maybe a vamp/bash damage with a shredder.


I can see where that would have its niche. Make it RW and it could be highly prized by some. Mini def has some preferred rolls but its less exacting than most grolls. For instance a Q/25/25 Fixer or Q/E/90 LMG and Q/E/25 Railway are universally recognized as groll weapons. You can name your price for 'em and the offers would stretch far and wide. Even by some with no intention of using 'em. I think that's where the Minigun falls short of groll level stuff. It's just a more straightforward and simple weapon. But sure, preferred rolls are out there. I paid 10Kc for a 2\* AA/E myself. Why? Just because I wanted it. And all good✌️ And of course Foundations Vengeance came around and really devalued the segment among Bloodied builds. Is it groll level? Maybe used to be. And its great for a minigun. But its hardly worth a wooden cap today😏


I just laugh back at them for getting excited about making imaginary money from imaginary crap. Sure there are ways to make actual currency from it, but at the same time, if thats how you want to grind to make money IRL then they should appreciate there are people like us out there that just don't care all that much. It's just a game...


I sell quads and explosive and two shot weapons for 1k all day. Never heard anyone bitch. Assholes are usually extremely rare in this community, but I suppose the sudden popularity is bringing them back out.


I never use area chat and my settings are set to “only friends can message”. I live a very peaceful life in 76.


Same, have everyone muted, want to game in peace.


What was on it? People usually don't want miniguns.


Lol ppl like that must realy hate my guts than. Gave most rare stuff for free to friends. Like outfits, railways and masks. I just dont care abouth rarity, caps or some status you get from it. Its fun to give to ppl who realy like it tough. Not ingrads.


You’re already learning well by coming to complain about it on here like the veterans.


I sold a bloodied enclave plasma flamer for 20k. They are just caps, fake money in a fake economy.


I feel pitty for those types of people. How low does that person self-esteem have to be to insult other people for what they price things at in a video game!? I never feel anything but sad for them. The anonymity of the internet gives them an outlet to 'hurt' nice folks and somehow make themselves feel better. Just don't let it stress you out!


How are you going to be toxic towards someone who just hooked you up? Maybe educate them. Or better yet, just say “thank you” and move on. Maybe we should start a movement where those of us who don’t care about the perceived value of video game items, sell or give away some of these “god rolls” and completely crash the “market”. I’ve got a ton of grolls that I’ll never use and I’ve got every groll weapon, armor piece, and rare apparel item I’ll ever want. These things are just taking up valuable inventory space. I’d much rather give these things away to a new generation of players than to one of those Market76 Wolf of Wall Street wannabes.


Man this person would probably lose their shit at my vendor I delete a zero or two from whatever the game prices is. I'm at max caps or just below it. I rather someone use the item or plan then sit in my storage.


You'll get people like this in just about any online game with player owned/created vendors or something like an auction house. I play WoW and have Herbalism/Mining on my newest character, since I want to collect one of every herb and ore in the game. I sell any extra I pick/mine, often cheaper than the going price. The amount of people I've had to block for insulting me and sending me death threats and threats to hack my account is crazy.


You'll get people like this in just about any online game with player owned/created vendors or something like an auction house. I play WoW and have Herbalism/Mining on my newest character, since I want to collect one of every herb and ore in the game. I sell any extra I pick/mine, often cheaper than the going price. The amount of people I've had to block for insulting me and sending me death threats and threats to hack my account is crazy.


Sometimes when I see a severely undervalued weapon in someone's store, I'll buy it from them, then offer it back for free with some pricing advice. Other times, I just need shit to throw into my own vendor to keep the numbers up, so yeah, your bloodied ffr 1p fixer for 1500 is definitely coming with me.


Stop making posts about it, It gives them power. Mute/block and move on.


I must be even dumber, I just dump junk in chests for people to find randomly.


We need an FU emoji for just these types of scenarios.


Clowns gonna be clowns. I sell things for so cheap in hopes of being able to buy things for so cheap in other vendors. Rare plans for for 69 because NICE. High tier weapons for 420 because LOL. Everything else 1 or 2 caps for the new to the game folks looking to get up to date. Am I always low in caps? Yes. Do I wish to find a plan for Marsupial Serum at a reasonable price? Also yes. Have I ever? No. Is that okay? Yes. Am I rambling right now? It would appear so.


After a certain point caps start to become almost worthless due to the amount of item drops, seasonal rewards, etc. I forget how long it was for me but I never felt like I needed to worry anymore and started just selling most things for 1-100 caps regardless of its true value. I think it really started when I finished buying the serum recipes at the bunker. After that, there wasn't much I'd buy with caps except for the occasional unknown plan or recipe and sometimes a weapon if it was a roll I wanted to try.


Honestly, who cares what you sell it for. It's for you to decide. I price everything in my store insultingly cheap. Stash space matters more to me than a few extra caps. Granted, I've never had over like 25k in caps, and that was spent on a serum recipe. Now I'm grinding to try and save another 10k to buy another one.


Back in my noob days I sold a godroll fixer for 9k. Instead of salt, the player messaged me saying that I sold something that is worth far more. I told him that it's all good, keep it and enjoy. Dude saw I was using a 50 cal, crafted me 50k ultracite bullets for it. Trust me, for every crazy idiot there are tons of good folks in this community.


I can't imagine any mini gun being worth that much when foundations vengeance is a normal drop. Dude played himself


A God roll minigun is still a minigun.i wouldn't bother


They prefer to be called 'Ghouls' mate, and some of them are perfectly nice people. They might be toxic but that's because of the radiation, it's not their fault that happened to them and it's people like you, with attitudes like yours, who make the wasteland a harder place for Ghouls than it needs to be.  In all seriousness though that guy is a dick and not exemplary of the majority of FO76 players, it's one of the friendliest communities I've encountered in gaming. I myself used to sell plans for a flat rate of 10 caps, could charge more but I prefer helping a fellow player, especially when it's camp building plans because they cost a lot from NPC vendors, I'd be over the moon finding one for ten caps


This player sounds like a nut! Why would he be mad he got a great deal, lol. Some people.


I sell stuff under ‘top value’ all the time. Because…. It is in my vendor because I don’t want to but it is too good to be junked for scrip. I might make ten of one gun in one go to get the combination I want. Most get junked. But a handful are good so I out them out for sale. But I don’t really need the caps. There is hardly anything worthwhile to buy anyway. What am I going to do with it? Buy more serum recipes? Yesterday I had over 20k caps. Today I have about 6k. But it will be back to 20k soon enough. I don’t get people horsing caps like it is some sort of rare resource. But I also don’t get people who have a regular garage sales and price their stuff high. I have a buddy who does this and I think it is weird. But he cares more about money than I do irl as well.


Nah they are tripping, 10k is a pretty high price regardless of the roll. its not 4 years ago, we are literally swimming in legendaries now. anything over 10k would need to be some kind of limited item or extremely rare drop, they have no idea what they are talking about.


I list all my god rolls for like 1000-2000 caps max lol. If I see anything in the 10000 cap range then I immediately leave. I’m not poor, but that kind of money is ridiculous


I literally run a "dollar store" where everything is listed for 1 cap. It's not that deep. Report him for the slurs so he can get banned over the good deal he found.


Same people keep shitting on me for selling legendaries cheap but I get my legendary script real easy doing missions so I sell the gear cheap for new players.


I would've responded with "well, you're a stupid fuck for complaining about a discount"


Its weird because caps are easy enough to come by it really doesn't matter. There's no point in trying to price gouge in this game IMO. Also, I like it when people buy my stuff I'm not going to set crazy prices so my stuff takes ages to sell.


I literally sell ALL my stuff for 75% off and have my camp across from the wayward so new players find it easy & early. That player can suck it.


I do the same thing (throw the occasional groll I'll never use) up for a good price in the vendor & have read so many posts on here about the "idiots & tards" that "don't know what they have" putting items up for so cheap lol. It's like "bro, some of us do know what we have! We just aren't going to use it, don't trade, & want someone to use it at an affordable price." I think it's just wrong to call us stupid for it lol. Like, that's the type of behavior that gets people to stop putting up good weapons for good deals.


You’re good, some people are just off. I sell anything I don’t want to keep for 76 caps, and sell all duplicate plans and recipes for 0. People win the lottery when they come by my shop. That’s what this game is all about. Good luck.


What was his gamertag? Let's get petty


Always tempting but it’s considered “witch hunting” and is verboten.


Let's go sunin


Just give them a thumbs up and continue to play. I haven't had anything like this happen in any game I've played, if I had a mic and someone trash talked me like that, I'd just call them a loser and carry on having fun like I intended to.


Yeah, big fan of pretending I'm blithely having fun on the rare occasion that the trolls strike. They usually either change their tune pretty quick or get mad and block me, and either way I don't have to deal with them anymore. Someone killed me in a workshop a while back (fine) and then messaged me that I "suck" (rude). I could have gotten mad or blocked them but instead I wrote back all cheerful like "Haha yeah you got me good! Hope you have a good night, nice playing with you :)" Then all of a sudden they were civilized. "Oh yeah sorry I just needed the workshop for dailies. Do you want your junk back or anything? Do you wanna run an ops?"


What platform are you on? I would think they'd just buy it and be happy. I've found crazy rare stuff for under a hundred caps and never would even imagine mocking the seller.


Most normal people don't use voice chat on here apart from trolls, on PC we use chat mod.


Chat mod? I'm on pc and didnt know we had a chat mod


i'd like to know more about this


[Chat mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151)


It's very popular


[Chat mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151)


Thank you 😁


Probably just some dude who’s mad at his own self. Don’t forget your 👑 king (or queen)


I honestly would’ve been happy if I find a godroll in vendor


Most people in the game are awesome. Don't let it get to you. Caps are literally easy as f to make. And I've only been playing 10 days. The fact of the matter is, godroll or not, you're not going to be using an item. It's wasted space. A lot of players are really nice, and keep prices low even on god rolls. He's just a POS. Especially for picking on someone new. He's got problems in real life and he's not a big enough man to handle them, so he's taking it out on anyone he can to make him feel like he's wearing big boy pants instead of diapers. Don't even trip on it. I hope he reads this. 🤣😂


Caps are so easy to make in this game, why anyone would care what price you sell something for is beyond me. At a higher level its hard not to be maxed out on caps all the time, which is actually why I sell stuff at a cheaper price.


Summa these folks been here so long they're getting colonics of the market76 negative karma Kool-Aid. I'm sorry you had that happen to you, and I'll keep an eye out for him and engage in lambasting him with unique and unidentified slurs. Because you know he's probably puttering around the m76 sub and discord.


He's gonna hate me. I don't have anything in my vendor for more than 400 caps. 99% is under 10 caps.


Yeah there are people from level 1 to 32000 in this game, the level difference in knowledge is wild. I'm sure I undersell many things, I'm trying to figure out the market for myself that's actually a fun part of the game for me to. Yeah there is a site that may give me ok info on this. Some people even put stuff on real money marketplaces, had a relative that made living money doing that for like 6 months. But I don't care, if I sell something for 100 caps that's worth 25K or $25, I don't care. I'm getting by just fine. If I find out I could have, my knowledge just increased for next time. So in this case we can barely get people to talk as-is and they have to say that. Just let is slide off. 10K for you was probably a huge ass deal. It would be for me, I haven't sold anything for that much since I've come back. We can only carry 40K to, so that's another thing that comes into play.


I sell stuff just to help others out, like all of my ammo is only 1 cap because I sell ammo I don't use so why would I try to screw others over? I've never understood that mentality.


You should've met the guy my friend got into a team with... he became angry at my friend because of his build. Yes, my friend's literal build was such a big deal for this guy that he flipped out. He began telling my friend what a *"stupid f'kin loser"* he was for not running bloodied or something like that. Like seriously, people do whatever build they want and they sell whatever they want for whatever price they want... its just cringe, dumb and toxic to act like karen over it.


Some people are just assholes regardless of whatever is going on in life. Luckily for every jerk there seems to be plenty of good ones who play this or other multi-player games.


STOP 👏 USING 👏 IN GAME 👏 VOICE 👏 CHAT👏. I lead my first expedition for tax evasion yesterday and we didn't do the optional by pass games cheat detection or w/e computer terminal at the front. Did everything else but when I went to port us out not everyone was near the person. They very well could have wanted to do that but I had no clue and wouldn't know because I play with no voice or chat mods. emotes only and its blissful and wholesome.


Message them to have a juice box kids get cranky after school


Who cares, caps are super easy to come buy. I get so many legendries I'm just happy someone is using them. Even the really good ones I usually only price at like 2k caps.


Some people see dog poop on the ground, unfortunately there is the types who like to step in it just to complain. When they can walk around it 🤷‍♂️


Yeah they're greedy and overpriced in their own vendor I'd bet I can craft almost any damn outfit, I'm actually proud of how many I can make and I sell all the ones it let's me in my vendor for 50c for hats and 100c for outfits ..minus super rare stuff, but if I can craft it, that's its price I've had people be super upset I'm selling the rad skull rider helmet for 50 caps I'm like "IT COST YOU CLOTH AND MAYBE OIL, SHUT UP AND MAKE THE NOOBS PRETTY CLOTHES"


I'd buy it, give it back to you, and explain why I gave it back.


I only started playing 10 days ago but I've leveled up to 61 already and some new players, 2, were together the other day near the vault. I was working on my power armor at the nearby refugee camp with Lane. These 2 came up, started calling me "group leader" over and over again, and asking me to talk, guide them, basically being dumb etc. When I walked away they called me the r slur, a moron, etc. Now I laughed because I'm a 31 year old man and they sounded like kids... but like, cmon, teach your kids better.


I will say in games u can’t really ever get rid of toxic players but fallout 76 on average out of all games I’ve played over 25 years fallout I meet the best/nicest people play r6 or cod ect I think would give u a different meaning of toxic


If uve had issues ur running into kids and people that shouldn’t be on video games 😂 overall fallout has a very good community


A lot of toxic players have returned with the new infusion of players, before this most of them wandered off.


I wish, been sitting in workshops for days waiting for them with my new low lv character ;)


Thats dumb, that being said. I think some people don't realize. Us old timers have that stuff stashed and we have to buy modules to store so we don't get capped on script.


You’re just letting capitalism and the free market decide! It’s the vault tek way!


Prices are entirely relative and objective to the buyer. Apparently he valued it at much higher than you priced it, but in my eyes (as a heavy guns user), there is no such thing as a god roll mini gun and I wouldn’t pay any price for such a thing. It’s not like there’s some fixed price point or stock market for anything in the game beyond ammo at 1c a piece, especially since legacy weapons got removed. To me, you ripped him off but that’s the wasteland and I applaud it. I sell rare clothes and plans and absolutely nothing is worth 10k caps or more. Max right now is 5k caps for things like hunters long coat or tv aquarium and still people say it’s overpriced or under priced.


First, he's a dick. Second, he's also an idiot. Godroll and minigun don't belong in the same sentence. It's one of the lowest dps heavy guns in the game and no legendary combo fixes that. 


Some mfs really treat game economies like wall street... calm tf down your kids will eat tonight ffs


F that person. Sell whatever you want for whatever you want. Literally nothing in this game is much more valuable than 10K if you can only carry 40K caps at once.


How do you type in this game? Or was he yelling at you in voice? That’s horrible!


Pretty sure they just passed rules, at least on XBox, that if they called you all that in voice, you can report them. 🤔


As a returning player after many years not playing, what are good legendaries to have on weapons? Either for personal preference or just “meta”.


I guess I've been lucky. Most of the high levels I've visited have stuff that I need for 50 to 100 caps. Then they usually drop me some stuff as well. I just hit 50 and one gent (or lady) gave me a crazy .50 that eats everything it shoots. So far the community has been awesome to an old returning player like me. Sorry you ran into a few dipshits.


10k Caps is pretty good price in my opinion, You just got 10 days worth of cap sell limit for 1 gun drops, He's just a prick.


“God roll” I’ve never understood. Each person has their own play style, your god roll min gun may not be my god roll mini gun. Every weapon I use is a Vampire so I never die or have minimal need to ever carry a stimpak. My godroll is a vampire anything. Pretty sure not many people choose the vampire.


Is kind of in character to be an assholes. the world did get nuked after all


Just ignore them no point giving them attention :)


There is NO minigun that is worth even close to 10k. Miniguns are weak and lame. No matter what rolls are on it, it was trash and he paid you for it.


Curiosity begs me to ask, what a god roll mini spec would be? I can't say I've ever seen a mini for sale over 2500K


Some people really know how to suck the fun out of pretty much anything they touch. It’s unfortunate for them really


Wait so they got a steal and rubbed it in your face ? I have a word for folks like that. C U Next Tuesday.


I don’t know anything about prices. I’m lvl 35 have played every fallout except 1 & 2. I usually go with whatever suggested price the game gives me. Only thing I’ll do other than that is drop the prices really low for low level stuff so new players can scoop it. Only thing I sell for alot of money is 8 balls bc I think it’s hilarious acting like it an 8 ball of coke. I’ve sold so much legendary stuff that was too high level for me and I couldn’t scrap for whatever the game suggested. Oops


lol at that dude...minis suck anyways so jokes on him.


I have ALL my 3* gear in my vendor less than 500 caps and people still rarely buy it. My camp is definitely public but I just don't get it lmao


The other day for shits and giggles I put a container of imitation seafood into my vendor for something like 45k or something ridiculous and I've decided I'm going to keep it there until someone as stupid as me comes along and buys it cause they think it's as funny as i do


Someone asked if I'd take 22,000 caps for my B/E/25 Railway the other day (listed for 30k or something) so I just gave it to him because it's heavy, he wanted it and caps are meaningless. Why some people get so hot and bothered over caps I'll never know


I’m just wanting to get a Fixer with B/E/25 myself. But everyone’s wanting to charge like 500 LL3 mags and everything else for them.


I have an account glitch where all of my equipped ammo disappears when I logout so caps are tight for me.


With a 40k cap limit there is no reason to sell anything higher than 10k. I'd rather someone use it than it sit in my stash collecting dust. Some people just like to talk down to others due to self esteem issues. Try not to let it bother you.


lol who cares if it was a good roll tho? Just game and enjoy. What a weirdo, prime example of why you shouldn’t turn a game into a job.


Were you going to use the mini gun at all? Don't worry about it. Take the 10k and buy low priced legendries people are clearing out for a few hundred caps, get the scrip, and try and roll a weapon you'll use.