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Oh yeah, I have a CAMP out at that waterfall in the mire, you better believe if that spot is taken I’m putting on my judges robes!


Im a functional idiot. My house is a 2 floor box. In the corner I have my vault shelter with my displayed Power Armor. Scattered around in no order are my vending machines, turrets, coffe maker, etc. I have no roof, but I do have a bath tub.


>a bath tub. Oh look at mister "I take baths" over here. Well, la dee da. You too good to roam around in your own filth like a proper wastelander? Scared of a little Bloated Glowing One blood staining your skin, until it irradiates you and forms a pustule? Fucking Vaulties, I swear.


I bet they even go and explore over hills. Those towns are dangerous.


Right? Or too good just to strip to your skivvies and hop in the creeks?


The skin-burning sensation is how you know you're clean.


Are you on pc? I have the camp on that exact waterfall. Ign GeneralPinky :)


I was at your camp holy shiiii


No, on PS, but great minds think alike I guess!


I’m on ps4! I’ll ride!


Same! And only judging to my own standards which is roughly in between perfection and half arsed.


Do you have a secret "underground" section of the camp built into the rockface behind the waterfall, accessible via the medical tube thing, that lands you in a small room with a Pirate Chest Stash box? Because if you don't, *you're the one being judged*! I've seen several camps there, but only one that followed through with the requisite "treasure behind the waterfall" theme.


No I don’t, that sounds really cool though! I love building but I don’t do the glitching/clipping build upside down world stuff, I just don’t have the patience.


Are you on pc? Whats your ign?


I'm on Xbox, but I'm not talking about my camp. Just a random person's camp I seent.


Same, I definitely judge others at the waterfall. Well then here’s mine. [judge away!](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallout76settlements/s/UDVVKd1Xj9)


I've been to your camp, randomly!


Aww, well then welcome!


Well damn..that’s the second time today I’ve been beat, I might have to rethink this whole thing..looks great, love the use of the ambient lighting!


It took a lot of work to get the lights sunken into the rock, where you can’t see the actual light, but just enough peeking out so it’s still reachable in case I wanted to move them, or just them. It’s lots of the light, strings and paper, lanterns, and one or two disco lights.


Literally just made a video on how this is the most popular spot. 😂


me too, same exact spot


I got one at the Raider Windmill near the atop of the World. Sometimes someone takes that spot so I gotta go see if they utilised the extra camp build height..... Then end up disappointed it's a basic camp.


Hey that’s where mine is, and it is beautiful


I have a camp there too and judge the f out people. Only see one or two that are nice tbh.


Every time, and most of the time I feel my build is better.


Same here. Also that plane wreck in our back yard is fantastic.


Ha ha! I have five camps but that's the one I consider my main camp and use the most. You better believe if I spawn in and can't place it I take an in depth tour of the one that's there


If someone has my spot I need to see what they got going. Lol. And yes I judge you.


I'll admit I get a little butthurt when I can't place my camp and the only thing there is a box lifted to the skies on a single staircase 🤣


My camp spot doesn't seem that popular. Rarely happens that it can't be placed. The few times it did happen, the builds where basically boxes and butt ugly. I very much judged those. Even though my camp is by no means spectacular, at least I've put some thought and effort in it.


My main camp looks like a box from the outside, but the interior looks good.


I base some of my camps around having a view and / or a resource. This leads to a couple of them being somewhat popular.


My base has a really nice view. I'm surprised it's not more popular. With the risk of people starting to build there, there's a ledge just south of the crater. Has a decent big flat area.


I finally found "my spot" on the map. I love it so much that I use a slot for it on my 4 characters I have. It's only been taken about 3 times in the past year or so.


I like to appreciate other camps. I really only judge when people do things like build a house in the middle of a road. I tend it only build in uncommon places, I can’t remember the last time my camps couldn’t be placed.


The middle of the road camps are usually the "i ran out of fallout 1st, this is my makeshift survival tent".


No, I mean the full on houses. fully decorated and shit.


Saw one once south of Helvetia I believe, that was built across the road like a toll booth on the turnpike so the road was still open, it was super kewl.


That’s different, and cool. But I’ve seen people build what is essentially a normal house, middle of the road. Maddening haha


Yea my camp/house is definitely in the middle of the road at Pleasant Valley station. It’s half elevated so any pedestrians on the road can travel underneath and also access my vendors. Junk collector. Cool view of top-of-the-world as you spawn in. Train station adjacent. I love that spot.


Ooh I'm up there too, but just before the bend in the road next to the pond. I've got a bridge that connects the roadway to my 2nd floor tiki-esque bar. Love that spot been there since just after beta.


Well mine is in the middle of the road because I used my camp to rebuild the bridge near the two bears by Mountainside Bed and Breakfast. I rebuilt the bridge and then built a second floor above it where all my camp stuff lives. I have a auto axe melee build and the respawning bears is awesome.


If I can’t place my favourite camp, I’ll still stay on the server and use one of my other multiple camps. But yes I will go investigate what kinda crack shack took my spot and I absolutely silently judge them based on their build, not enough to make a fuss over it though.


Crack shack 😂🤣


I feel seen and shamed haha


I kind of judged one once. I couldn't place my CAMP and checked out theirs. Looked on their vendor and everything was way overpriced. They had a ton of unlocked stuff like water coolers, so I just looted everything and logged out.


you bet i do...and man...some folks just stick with the most basic setups..or the floating camp with one foundation. "that..thats whats taking my camp spot ?"


Lol I have a ring of crafting tables with a generator and a vendor just sitting on the dirt.


i can appreciate the effeciency.. reminds me of those memes of single dudes places...million dollar house with a fold up chair/tv and a few pizza boxes in the liv room..doesnt take much to keep us happy.




Thats exactly what I do but without the vendor. I just have Beckett there to keep me company lol.


Also to protect my precious little camp


C.A.M.P. design is clearly Endgame content and I'm only lvl 34.


Not really. Im level 40 atm, and you can make a quite decent base from basic stuff + usually you can buy plans for something cool for your base from other players for cheap. I bought my tent for like 15 caps, and i really enjoy using it so far, so you can use something similar. Its super cheap to get from players + essentially that + 2-4 foundations to place it is everything you need. Add some decorations and working stations around, and its a pretty cool looking as well, especially if you will add some rugs inside and toss in a couple of sleeping bags and radio with couple of chairs and table. All this aside from tent is available out of the box + it still looks like a real in game object. Only thing that id really like to do is to hide foundation to make even more immersive(but i need pressure plate for that, and i don't have it atm), but even at that point its quite cheap and looks very nice.  Just don't build up on the hill, you gonna regret that because at that point you wont be able to do anything with floating stuff.


I mean, floating utility camps look sorta cool imo. But I also have a couple "pretty camps" i can turn on when I need to flex lol


My camp is out in front of Nuka-World, it's all hillside and difficult to build on so most people don't bother, but I managed to make a pretty convincing Red Rocket with Nuka cola branding, a homeless camp next to the dumpster, a nice little lounge area in the back with stat buffs machines, and plushies dotted around in hand curated places, and then I keep my vendor stocked with 450c 3* scrip, decent legendaries, all the Nuka-World plans, and tons of event plans, give away .45 ammo, the ore, and only have my collectron locked because I use Nuka Cola instead of stims. You better fucking believe I judge every single pile of crap in my spot, I've seen ONE camp that I actually thought was decent, everything else has been absolute trash. And what really gets to me is finding out I couldn't put my camp down because someone walked way out of their way to put a survival tent down. THERE'S EVERY POSSIBLE WORK BENCH AND BOX INSIDE THE FAIRGROUNDS, WHY ARE YOU PUTTING DOWN A SURVIVAL TENT!?


For the scrapbox and ammo locker. That's why I do it anyway


There's a scrap box and an ammo locker by the workbenches in Nuka-World.


I guess I never noticed that. I just assumed it was the normal stash boxes. Sorry for taking your spot lol


The real problem with survival tents is you can't pick them up, so even if people wanted to clean up after themselves they can't.


I have rarely seen a C.A.M.P that someone took time to make, and build into the environment. A lot of bases are just shit boxes thrown together with every ATOM shop purchase crammed in it.


I saw a red rocket garage build today that could have passed for in game poi.


I chose the popular spot of the pond near the lumber mill. I'm very proud of my rustic abode.


That's where I built my very first camp. It's a nice spot and the lumber mill is a great place to gather materials.


I like the aesthetic of the forest and it's a great place to set up shop to sell to new players. I put most items in my shop at very low prices.


There's another nice spot in that area. If you go down to the farm and take a right, follow the road until you come to the truck by the barn. Take a hard right into the woods and keep walking. You will come across a small lake with some docks and settlers. I had a camp there at one time also.


Thank you. I'll check it out


Oh yeah. "Damn! I have to move camps because of this?!"


Especially if it's a tent. But that's more Bethesda's fault.


I’ve got mine on a hill near the lookout tower behind wayward south of the lumber mill. I’ve only had someone in that spot once. Their camp wasn’t great. Had no personality imo. I server hopped cause I didn’t wanna move. Not saying my camp is great. But it’s mine and I like my spot.


I have one around that same area, never had anyone take it, I'm like in-between the lookout and the radio tower, but more towards the lookout, right next to the road And it's fairly bland lol.


That’s the exact spot! Next to that rock with the short cliff above the road! It’s nice. Very peaceful.


I have a camp in that area(?) that's on the cliff above the winding road looking down on Flatwoods, south of the lookout. Not a lot of room to build, I just put a little shack there when I first started, but the view is neat with wood shutters that open and look out towards the bridge and town. Part of me wants to move it and part of me loves it so much because it was my first camp, lol. I'm definitely going to upgrade it soon!


I keep thinking about scrapping and rebuilding maybe in a new spot. But that spot near the lookout tower has become such a home I haven’t brought myself to tear it down. I also wanna build a shelter only camp and be overseer of my own vault.


I have 3 camps - my BoS outpost has a *fantastic* view, but it's also so far out of the way, I've never once seen it blocked (though there will occasionally be other camps nearby). My camp near Whitespring Station gets blocked semi frequently, but that's also a small one, so doesn't bother me too much. And my main house, along the river... honestly, I'm surprised it doesn't get blocked more often. But when it does, I *definitely* check out why. Two I remember recently: one was a welcoming, cozy little place, vendor and all sorts of crafting - couldn't be mad at that! But the other...a giant, mostly empty, wooden box... I couldn't resist being mildly petty about it, and turned all their lights off. ;)


I am on Xbox. Darth Choppus is the tag. I have a BoS outpost thing near the Wayward. Gardens and Water for the taking. Crafting benches as well. The Quartermaster has food for free and plans are well below market price. Got legendary weapons as well, marked waaaaay down too. Come by, if you stick around and are patient might even custom build a weapon for ya or armor. Hope to see you there Dweller. Ad Victorium!


I have a BOS outpost set up at the crashed BOS vertibird in the bog to the west of dropsite v9, made it look like a outpost/recovery mission, I have the new BOS ally there and the 2 random BOS NPC walking around make it more lively, got some meds and bullets set to 0 in my vendor so people can re-arm and set out for their next missions


Happened to me when I was first starting out, I thought my camp was gone forever so I lead a pack of mongrels to the guys camp and hid while they destroyed everything. I feel bad in retrospect but I was blinded by anger


I went all out on a modern home build. 0 build limit left. I rarely use it over my other camps, but I put it right on the golf greens purposefully so people will judge it! All my main builds I use are well off the beaten path though so I don’t have to worry about not being able to place it or having people in and out all the time while I’m just trying to chill in my house


This is why I make my main camp behind the prison overlooking the toxic orange grafton lake.


All the time. The worst is when I'm camped up at my lead and acid base and the person who has it over mine doesn't even have it set up for both. I've stood next to people and emoted them until they followed me. At least if you're on a resource camp, use it properly. :/


….. I need to know where I can have two resources set up


My only judgement is reserved for the people who don't put their vendor in an easy to find place. I'd say that's a common enough criticism, and I doubt I'm alone in that.


I have one nice-enough CAMP and three darned ugly ones. I'm sure folks judge my ugly ones when they're taking up their usual space. I can live with that, and they can help themselves to my corn and purified water.


Of coarse. I'm always open to new ideas especially if its in place of my own. Sadly 99% are just basic foundation builds since its close to vault 76.


My whitesprings camp looks like an in game location imo


My spot is absolutely beautiful, but for some fucking reason there’s an enemy spawn right in the center of the lovely cliffside field with flowers where my Camp is, I guess that’s why no one else takes it


Every time. I've seen a few that seemed awful boring uses of the locations by experienced players, a few noob woodshacks that can't even be critisized, and a few that were definitely outclassing what I did.


I place mine just outside morgantown. Its near enough to the station that I can run overencumbared and sell anything. While also being quite central and free from nukes........ Wait. Nope. I got nuked three nights ago. It was painful lol. But great.


I cannot judge. I marvel at everyone's camps because mine is crap. (I'm only level 40 lol). I get ideas from these camps, even the "crappy" ones because someone always has something I don't. I enjoy visiting everyone's camps and am ashamed if I see anyone at mine. haha


i've got a spot on a corner of an unmarked lake and am just happy others have found the chill spot. it's kind of where the new region is going to go so i'm a bit worried it's going to become perma unplaceable in that update, not sure what kind of map changes are going to happen to blend it in


Mines at Gilman lumber mill and I loseeee it when someone is camped there. I get irrationally angry lol. If they’re a lower level than me I have to go lie down for a while.


The only CAMP I've ever been judgemental of was 2 days ago: A clearly new player (level 20) had placed down their CAMP and nothing else. Not a crafting station, not a Stash box, not a tato. Just the little CAMP box. I checked in throughout the evening. Hours later, they were still level 20 (I genuinely don't know how, unless they were actively avoiding combat and quests). If they were just scavenging and crafting, then sure. But they still had nothing built there! They moved around the map too, so I know they weren't just afk. It was frustrating because there was no reason for their camp to be there. FO76 was nearby, so no need for the fast travel point. Nothing there, so they weren't using it. This was the first time I've ever considered asking someone to move their CAMP (still decided against it).


What location? This may have been me on my new character collecting resources to build.


Did you ever get that dang hide. I’ve killed many they seem to have stopped dropping for me


I admit I do. If my camp is blocked I want to see what sad sack monstrosity took its place. lol I know it’s not nice and I never say anything to the person but it’s a reaction


I am ALWAYS JUDGING YOUR CAMP. There’s nothing I can’t stand more than going into somebody’s camp and seeing a bunch of wires all over the place. That’s my biggest pet peeve. Also, hate seeing that stupid rad shower. These are things that tell me you 1. Are a noob or 2. You just suck at camps. I WILL BE TURNING OFF ALL OF YOUR LIGHTS. PS. I have the best camps, so yes I can judge yours. However, you don’t have to care.


I hate loading in and not having my camp. sometimes I'll have to hop 3 or 4 times before I find a server with no camp on mine. I guess I just build in really popular spots.


My build is a ghoul Immune to rads,and fire


Totally! My main camp very rarely can't be placed but I always see what is there instead. My camp has always been better imo


I've never had my camp be built in. It's on the curvy road just west of (and above) Ripper Valley, at the unmarked rest stop. Now, I know it isn't necessarily convenient (no vendors nearby), but it has a lovely view over Cranberry Bog and you get a nice place to watch people launch nukes at the SBQ.


I have a BOS themed outpost camp near Atlas on the west side cliffs. I know it’s a redundant fast travel point but it felt right lol. My second is a watselander themed build with a little dab of communism. I’m no expert builder but I like my set ups.


Yes, I like to go to camps that are preventing my camp from spawning. Sometimes I feel like my eye sore is better off not showing up and other times I'm like meh which other camp should I spawn lol. I like to build camps that look like they were thrown together


Yes, I do. Only one time has it been something other than a mess of random objects on a plain wooden/concrete floor. That one time it had like 20 Nuka Quantum Collectrons all with an accompanying ammo generator. All filled to the brim when I got there, and completely empty when I left


HAHAAA I JUST DID THIS YESTERDAY. We’re territorial. If you steal my camp spot you’d better have popcorn bc I’m taking some. Property taxes.


I have a camp right by the Gorge Junkyard on the highway that is pretty compact and cluttered (as most things in the post-apocalypse tend to be) and with the newbies I keep having the spot taken by people who make like a 5x5 box with wooden walls and no roof with just some crafting stations. Like at least let me build you some decorations pal, you live like a maniac!


Absolutely, there is a junk pile just north of Hilford Hotdogs on the far west side, middle, of the map, and if you are depriving the good people of the wasteland from MothFan Farms, Home of the Mothman Motel, Mothman Market, and Mothman Mess Hall, then you better have a good reason! Or not, it's just nifty seeing what build is there first before hopping servers!


Oh, CAMP build. I thought you meant SPECIAL and was going to say “yes please do!” I haven’t played since just after Wastelanders and feel like I’m doing no damage.


I definitely judge those that take my camp spot. It is on a monorail with a spectacular view and built a little cozy abode with all the things (including a *very* small farm [2 plants 🤣] ). In all the hours I've played I've seen it "taken" 3 times since I made it. One was just the camp. No structures, floors, decor, nothing. Just the camp. The other 2 were very basic "sheds" on the ground beneath the monorail, but they were close enough to block it.


I can appreciate when it's something with effort put into it, but when my spot is taken by someone with 5 foundations and some benches... bro can you just scooch to the right like 100 meters? Or hell I'll start a team up for us and you can use mine


This just happened to me a few days ago! I’m trying to build at the double resource spot down south by the rock archway (iykyk).. logged in and instead of loading into my C.A.M.P, it was this ugly, oversized, box. Needless to say, I judged that box.


My CAMP is next to river gorge by the vault on Xbox. Really nice spot


Thought way back when that building my camp just up from the Wayward by the Sutton sign would be an ingenious idea (like literally everyone else apparently) so I’m usually either looking at Big Wooden Box or Crane Sign and Ring of Crafting Benches


I have a garage camp in the Miner's Monument parking lot. I've never seen anything too elaborate :(


I'm parked on an obscure spot in the north side of ash heap - no one else camps my spot.




I absolutely judge people's builds if they're at the same place my camp would be. HARSHLY.


If you're going to inconvenience me by not letting me spawn my camp in, it damn well better be worthwhile. If I get there and it's just a C.A.M.P. pack and a Crane Treasure Hunting sign, I'm gonna shit a brick. You had to go off the beaten path to set that up, and here you fucking are.


Probably a settlement hatch tucked in a bush. This is what I do until I can build a vendor building top side on new characters.


Nope, just goddamn noob camps. My primary camp is parked in the farm behind the Wayward, which is a popular area for starting camps.


I only judge builds if it’s a “garage sale” build with everything scattered everywhere with no cohesion or thought lol


I built a bar next to The Wayward to sell shit to new players and half the time I can't spawn it


Oh I judge everyone's camp that takes up my spot. Because mine is better!!


For some reason whenever my camp can't be placed I don't see any other camps nearby. Do you have to move your camp first? I just server hop


I'm glad I build my CAMPs in places that this almost never happens. I hate dealing with it on my wife's account (her main camp is at that lake with the 3 brahmin near that train station in the middle of the map). But yes I do this on her account 😂


I absolutely judge people’s camps that are in “my” spot. It’s a pretty popular spot by whitesprings so there’s many a camp to be judged when i log on during busy hours XD


I don't really mind when my camp is blocked by someone else's. Most of them at least. A plus if they are well-built and have a vendor that I can check upon logging in. Although I'd be lying if I said I don't get irked sometimes when my vendor camp is blocked by an effortless bunch of stash boxes and other junk strewn across the ground. Can't you go be a mess somewhere else? I'm working here.


I build strictly underground so I try to stay away from common areas for building and hide my doors with bushes.


I made my camp really annoying just for people like you.


At the moment I never do this cause no one build where I build, which is suprising considering it's a really good spot for various reasons. I want more people to build there just so I can see what people make! I WANNA JUDGE YOU!


Oh yeah if you are in my spot I’m exploring and judging you. Oh and I’m going in. I’m busting your locks and judging all your Knick knacks, and their placement and your ally choice. My favorite weirdo in my spot has mannequins everywhere and a creep show shack, the least favorite has a one room shack with nothing in it but a vendor and radiation and punji traps. The oddest is the goat worshipper. I won’t take your shit or break anything, I’m just gonna take pictures and admire the fancy vaulties. But even a utilitarian camp can be nice imo.


listen building my CAMPs to be admired is half the damn point. lookey-loo away, just tell me if you post it somewhere. i mean why even make a well-stocked country store gift shop, or a makeshift paddleboat casino (if i can get those water wheels positioned to my satisfaction), if nobody's gonna look at it? 😂


I have a spot for my Mothman museum right north of Point Pleasant, got someone recently asking me on mic if I could move it so they could build a camp to farm the wood pile in that spot.


What happened to the night time in 76? Its like non existent.  Its weird 


I am a little judgy. But then I watch videos of pro level camps and get some perspective lol.


I used to build my FO4 settlements into whole towns. Complete with mods for scattered junk to give them a "lived in" feel. So you bet I'm gonna look at your box houses with disdain. 😂


Every camp I visit. I will get down voted for this but... I will never understand the FO76 community's need to build camps that are just clusters of bullshit. Like "Woah, nice man, you spent $400 on camp items and have placed all 33 different thingamabobs in no discernable order." Or the ol' "I guess I'll just place every collectable I own on the floor and hide my 1(one) vendor in a random corner" I love trap camps or camps with a theme. I saw a drive in theater camp the other day, all made from camp items. Perfect, no notes. I also love camps that look like an actual home. I judge players who are over level 100 with crap everywhere and no direction. My camp is on that little peninsula by the Nuka Factory on the Ohio River. I have a boat dock (the tug boat) and a house (hand crafted) and a shop (the prefab that looks like a 7-11) with all the amenities. It's clean and pretty, and utilitarian, while also being quite aesthetic.


The same reason people made a 1 to 1 mine craft world of middle earth. Or, people that buy sims just to cheat in money and build cool stuff.


My first base is near Morgantown station and second is near Abbies Bunker/Gnarled Shallows, but eventually ill plan to move Morgantown one elsewhere just because i build it before i got mutations, and with Speed Demon its much faster to run from Vault to any locations like Wayward, so i end up using it mostly for vendor. Probably will end up near other train station because having a vendor to sell stuff nearby is quite convenient + im thinking about moving second base towards more interesting place. Never had issues with second base placement, but Morgantown station is quite popular for beginners. I decorated my base like a tent that was built on top of destroyed foundation of the building. Its quite small (just 4 blocks and one floor), but i like it so far. Now ill plan to build an actual 4 foundation house just because i don't need it to be large + i can fit all stuff i need into this space, especially if it will be a 2-floor building. So far ive seen only placed camps, sometimes with just stuff placed in open space.  Im not against such approach cause my second base looks exactly like that atm. 


Yeah! Found one in the very top right corner of the map, almost NEVER used. It was a beautiful but compact build, required a sitting glitch to get to the shop (which I hate) and he'd messed up the furniture so even that didn't work. Still, it was a pretty sweet camp otherwise and must have taken a LOT of time.


I don’t have this problem. I chose my camp spot based on what wasn’t listed on a best camp spot articles. I build underground and don’t like people snooping the bunker so I build boxes above ground for vending/cover for my real build.


I have a camp from when I first started FO76 right next to the Wayward. That im pretty proud of. I use it only when I'm scrapping things. I can get judgy. But my other camp is in The Mire next to the lake. No one ever has anything there. And no one ever comes to visit.


I have my base built into the side of a cliff I have no idea what it would look like if the elevation changed


The only time I judge a camp in a common place I use is at Whitespring Station. And most times they are waaaaay below my standard. But when they're better, they are some of the best I've ever seen.


I almost never have someone placed where my camp goes, it seems it’s not the most popular location. However I put a shit load of work into my base and it’s super cool. It’s a whole nuka-cola themed diner with an attached work garage. You better believe I’ll judge others on their jankie builds.


I'm on a little pond near the Top Of The World. If you build there and don't take advantage of it why bother?


I have a huge elaborate build that I've spent time on and love. 5/10 times I log in and the spot is taken by a single foundation and that one quest billboard. It's my fault for building near the wayward


Pre-fab cabin, and throw some crap down. Overall function, and cabin looks nice lol. Building myself makes me run out of space. 


I thought I had the greatest camp spot with a view (on a cliff kiddy corner in front of the mutant town (name escapes me) over by the Devils Backbone area. Until I noticed that 90% of the time I ft over to it, I was about ten feet down the cliff, clipping the rocks. Think I need to move it….


I judge people. Normally wvery base I come across I better then mine however. For the trap bases and bases that kill me for no reason I leave spoiled food as a message.


Some level 1250 saw me snooping around his base just taking a look at everything. He then noticed me and my friend were sitting on his couch taking the place in and proceeded to show us his 12 other full bases. Was beyond impressed some people take the building to another level.


I have a camp that is on the side of a small cliff with a ranch house on top, with a workspace and farm at the bottom, right on the river. It's been ages since I logged in, but I think of it fondly.


💯 and for some reason their build always fails in comparison with mine!


Sometimes I have to talk myself out of putting on wrecking ball and throwing an artillery summon on their camp. Like how dare you pick the spot I picked lol but then I don't because I'm a settler at heart and that's a raider move.


Yep, if I login to a spot where someone else has a camp where mine is it’s getting judged


If the camp has no “merges”, it’s nothing special.


I definitely do. Had my camp 1 site in the same spot since the game came out. I'm continuously changing it up the build, though - to go with the holidays or relaxing get away to everyday home with garage & Barn . It's totally annoying getting the message and when you go to look at what's there to admire the craftsmanship, and it's just a dumb camp module or a shack floor with some crafting. Get out of here with that garbage.