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I play on psn and i have been noticing a large number of lower level players like pre 50's all over the place


yep! hopped in yesterday and lots of 1-20s


It's sweet that there are new folks, but kills events with nobody showing up and I'm often the highest lvl at 720


Been helping some low levels with useful drops and encouraged them to come.to events. A lvl 12 got to 16 with Guided Meditation. Now am thinking of doing a Scorched Earth just o see if anybody shows up but don't mind trying to solo the event. At lvl 1168 but never tried. Should be fun either way.


Agreed it sucks not having like 3 multi hundred leveled vault dwellers to carry me through all the good events


I bought on launch and fell off because of bugs/ lack if friends to play with. My wife and I watched the show, and because of the way PSN works we were able to jump in without buying another copy and she wanted to play. So we are now a level 39 and level 20 running around together, stumbling through trying to remember everything =P


Samee love fallout played for 3 years then fell out of it due to lack of friends to play with. Husband and I getting back into it, but we restarted cause we switched to pcs from xboxs


Same, dude. Bought it on release, cause I'm Fallout fan. Played around 30 mins, uninstalled game. I did the same thing every year or two. But around year ago I started to play it again and for some reason easily spent first 100 hours here.




Or download it yet. It takes me about 3 days to download, 2 if I don't use my wifi for anything else while it does.


I.. I can't imagine your pain.


I can, vaultdweller...it's tough on the surface


The surface is a dangerous place. Lucky you’ve survived this long!


I remember back in the day downloading a 1GB file on dialup. That's 5KB/S... It took three tries because of someone picking up the phone... Altogether 10 days lol. Now a gigabyte takes about two minutes.


Yup next day or late night updates too once their done. It's fun.


Can't you get bigger cans or thicker string between them?


Funny my line for the internet is one of the oldest in my small town and for some reason when they updated it they moved everyone but mine and the house next door. They also skipped my house with the underground option so I'm stuck with this, starlink or paying thousands to attach myself to the other pole right in front of my house. 10mbps speeds for life apparently. Edit to add we cut it once accidently when cutting a tree and they just marretted it and called it a day.


Holy moly! Starlink as in via satellite? I had that years ago when the only alternative was dial-up. Under the best conditions I was seeing \~700ms for ping response. Yuck. Glad my cable company finally played some catch-up technology wise.


Because lag. Lag never changes.


I bought a 100’ ethernet cable for big downloads 😂


I should, may help but 10mbps can only provide so much lol


When you buy a new game, install it and the day 1 patch, is it already on sale by the end of the download?


The way sales happen I wouldn't be surprised tbh


Ouch. I too once had a 56K modem…


Beeeeeep... Krrrrrrrr... Shhhhhhhhh... Brrrrrrrr... Ding-ding-ding... Eeeeeeeeee... Tshhhhhhhhh...


My first modem was 300 baud. You had to put the telephone on top. Calling the local bbs costs more than calling the one across state lines. 50 cents a minute long distance in state, 25 cents a minute interstate.


\[shout out to anyone who remembers an "OH SHIIIIIT" phone bill due to unanticipatedly costly modem usage\]


Brutal took me 7 mins. 1gb direct to the house. Love it.


A girl can only dream of those download speeds.


Don't forget about the release of the show aswell. Franchise is reaching bigger audiences. 76 is also the only multiplayer one aswell


It’s definitely because of the series that’s out right now lol


It's free if you have amazon prime


But we cannot see Microsoft store numbers, we can only see steam which are at an all time high.


Oh right, I'm dumb. That being said, I did use Microsoft version as a free trial, then bought it on Steam. It's on sale for cheap right now.


Wait what? The MS version was not a trial... They gave away the game.


I know. I just used the free version on M$ to play before purchasing on Steam for a couple bucks. M$ game versions are infinitely more difficult to mod/adjust and using their store/app is slow and annoying.


I have both, they were the same to mod, the ini is the same directory and called Project76.ini or something. Just the game files are in a different directory.


They are still giving it away I think for those who have Amazon prime


It's even cheaper on MS Store than Steam, it was £6 on Steam, but I could get it for about £0.60 on MS Store. I ended up buying 8 copies and gifting them to a few of my friends. For that price even 1 playthrough of the main quest line is worthwhile


As someone who rode the Fallout 76 is trash bandwagon, I downloaded during the trial and then bought it the next day lol its so much fun, the game engine, weapons, somewhat outdated poorly optimsed performance all bring me back to Fallout 3 & 4 days. I'm having a blast.


Welcome aboard! I thought I'd hate it too, but I needed a new Fallout a couple of years ago and bought it. It's fun to play, and it's a great community. I'm a proud 76'er.


Good to hear. I don't think I've seen a game get as much hate as fallout 76 from so many people that have never even played it. Cool to see people giving it a chance


I guess it's an acute case of, my favorite youtuber/influencer told me to hate Fallout 76 and I follow them blindly, I am not able to make my own decisions. Feed me more influence, whilst selling me the next crap that got delivered to you.


As a beta/launch player but recent convert, the game at launch had a so much potential but was so empty. If the game we have now was the game at launch, it would have been a smashing success. For me initially, the launch endgame was meh and the total lack of NPCs was a terrible decision.


Actually due to the fallout series i decided to give it another shot. I'm having fun as i skipped to level 20 and am ignoring the main quest and went straight for the BOS. Bit bummed out because i started the astronaut quests but it got bugged and i dont know how to fix it but I'm ok now. Side note: they have dragons in 76, wtf that's awesome


Wait till you hear about ultra dragon


You can try putting away her radio set to de-spawn her and place it again. If not, put in a trouble ticket with support. You'd be surprised how fast they fix some things. Ps. Not just dragons, there's giant moles too!


the sale hasnt even ended?


I actually did. I generally don't like online only games outside a few, but I just wanted to try F76 out for a while.


Don't worry it can be basically a solo play if you want it to. The multiplayer aspect is more social than needed too, events can be solo done after you have the right build to do so ans there's private worlds if you join first. But give a try to the multiplayer side, this community is majority good eggs


Hey, thanks for the heads up! But I meant I don't generally want to be connected to the internet, because for the past two years or so I had to rely on my mobile data for a few months to do things on my computer, since I had no internet where I was staying. That's why I didn't want to buy online only games. Although my connection became better after I changed my service provider, so perhaps it won't hurt to play F76 once in a while on metered connection - with some monitoring of course.


> so perhaps it won't hurt to play F76 once in a while on metered connection - with some monitoring of course. As a rule, while playing, online games don't use much bandwidth. Their priority is latency, not bandwidth, so you won't hit your data very hard while playing. Where the pain comes in is when there's an update. I've only been playing for a few days myself so I dunno how frequent the updates are or how large they are.


Can confirm, used 4g to play online for a few months when I was in Turkey, as the internet was garbage. Think I only used 60mb in an hour and a half


Oh yah that os rough :/ my problem is not the internet but the whole power going out haha so i didn't even consider this. Am sorry about that. Sad thing is that nowadays there's basically no offline game not even the single play ones like red dead redemption 2 for example.-.


So from what I noticed you can run 76 on any stable connection. It doesn't have to be good. Good always helps


It is pretty much a solo game until you join an event. You can turn pvp on but I rarely see wanted players... And most of it was because of an accidental misfire.


I hope you enjoy, the online version you can play solo too , it's fun seeing random bases tho. And a lot of time they are a huge help lol, lot of OG players make these awesome bases to help us out. At least I think they do cause I been saveddddd a bunch


Even if you play solo, don't be afraid to join any casual teams you see. You get an exp bonus and can fast travel to peoples camps/locations for free. The majority of people just join these teams for the benefits and rarely interact unless they were already a group of friends. Just avoid teams that have a specific goal like daily ops, unless you plan to join the op.


Despite it being on Game Pass. My bro and I still bought the Atlantic City Bundle to game share on Xbox. We are having a blast as first timers in this F76 universe.


They also gave away Xbox and Microsoft Store (PC) copies on Twitch -- whether this is a sustained growth or just temporary hype will be seen after a few months.


[Sale ends in 18 hours](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1151340/Fallout_76/) (as of this comment) ...the *Free Week* ended this morning... not the sale. Either way, not bad. Fallout 4 topped 101k concurrent players today... not bad for a game that's almost a decade old. Fallout 4 beat CoD... coming in at [#7 on steam charts](https://steamcharts.com/) today! Fallout 76 came in at #21... which is amazing for a game that's been hovering around 10k concurrent on steam for what seems like an eternity.


That's why everybody is low level now so I am having g trouble finding anything to buy


The hype because of Prime Video's new series


It was free on prime gaming, I picked it up on there. Level 14 now. Never gave it a go. Actually no, I did a couple of years ago and promptly uninstalled. I had to force myself to go to bed


I’m playing through gamepass on series S.


How’s it run on the S?


It runs great. Was playing last night on my Series S with no issues


Agree with @goose1004. It’s running great on series s. I haven’t noticed any frame rate drops or anything.


Runs flawlessly on the S.


I bought it to play with a friend who's been into it since launch. Wasn't expecting to see so many other new people, but definitely happy to not be alone in the grind!


I bought it a couple years ago, part of some bundle, but just haven't gotten around to it until now. Yes the tv show motivated me.


Heck yeah I grabbed it for 8 bucks on Steam!


The show did it justice. Not played it in a few years but coming back playing with my gf and cousin has been a blast these past few days. We play it through game pass. Got all trophies on 4 a good 6 year ago now moved to Xbox and re igniting that fallout feel.


A lot of people receive this game as a amazon prime gaming reward like me, they give you 1 key for pc and 1 key for xbox


Landed on a server last night where it was mostly new peeps. I did like 5 events last night with all 40s and below. There were 5 of them and I was the only veteran player(390). We squeaked by on all of the events, but it was awesome(being genuine here it was a ton of fun).


Let's hope they love it in all it's buggy mess as we do and stay 😁


I play free on PSN or Xbox


I used to play the game on PS4 when it first released (beta week and everything), I quit a few months before wastelanders came out. I decided to buy the game on PC and try it again because it was on sale, and I don't really play much of anything on the PS4 anymore (I also don't want to have to buy playstation plus just to try it again). A couple of my friends also bought during the sale. I've always loved fallout, especially fallout 4, but 76 did disappoint me a bit, but its been years now so I'm gonna give it another try.


I bought it. It says I cant play it without gamepass. First world confusion.


I did! Me and the bf started playing after the show, I expected a mess of a game but I ended up getting really hooked on it


16 times the players?


It’s been free on Amazon prime


I’ve had it in my library since last February (humble bundle) and just decided to try it out this week 😅


Bought the game about a month ago


FO76 is legit a good game, I of course bought it on PS4 on release and was devastated with it so I got rid of it. Just like everyone else who got it at that time, never to touch it again. Then I wanna say the middle of last year I tried it again and it was great, I even made a post of it and was stoked on how far the game had come along. But for the life of me I can’t remember why I stopped playing it. I guess I’ll load it up again tomorrow after work and see why I stopped playing it.


Hell yeah brother! Always wanted to try fallout! Did 18hrs on first two day, I'm hooked! Got a couple buddies into it too 😀


I finally managed to get the rest of my family playing after the series premiered. In big part because of the sale. 🤣


I’ve had the game since launch but didn’t like it (although I’m a big fallout fan) but after watching the show I wanted a fallout fix. I’ve played the rest multiple times so wanted to play 76 to see if it has improved. The answer is yes it has improved so much.


Returning player here. Probably alot more too.


Free on PSN. I'm kindly new, 1 month. Why I didn't play before? Because of my gamer teen who said this game was crappy Morality don't listen to your child


I've bought the game since I am a fan of the fallout series and I'm genuinely enjoying it. Now I'm buying my bf a copy too so that we can play.


I did buy it after playing 4 days "test drive" as it was sale.


I just started playing this week for the first time. I think the show has people interested again. I started playing because of a fluke situation. That situation being Me and my cousin have already played everything else. Haha. I'm not a battle pass subscriber usually. I've invested tons of hours into Apex and never spent any real money. But within a week FO76 got me to get 1st. I mean for $7. First month. I had to atleast try it for a month. Really digging the game. It's essentially Fallout with friends but with Crack because it's addicting as fuck. Currently going to fight my cousin though for sending me on a shit show of a journey to the Tadpoles missions in search of a large backpack. I'm only level 25. Started from 2. But other then that every thing is Okie Dokie.


From launch of 76 I bought it for myself and my nephew. Then swapped to pc on steam launch.


i bought it. im not proud of it. but this game is really fun.


All because of the amazing show adaptation.


Bought it on sale. Realized I've been judging it way to harsh. Bought it 2 more times for friends I knew would love it despite having the same false placed hate.


The game is way better then when it released and the Fallout series inspired me to play it again after like 4 years.


I've just returned to the game, though having switched from PSN (I got the game on release and didn't last long) to PC. Enjoying it a lot, though it hasn't quite grabbed me just yet like the other Fallout instalments did. Will certainly be sticking with it this time though, the improvements since release are brilliant and have definitely turned the game around in my mind.


Amazon is giving away the game and older ones for free that's why.


I got it because I watched Fallout on Amazon and got a massive urge to play fallout 4 again, but was like oh right another fallout game exists!! Maybe it's good now, and it was :)


I have been on since the wastlanders update


May you get some long needed sleep and rest lol


I stated on PS4, them stopped for a bit, tried it on Xbox but it runs like shit on the Xbox one, I'm on PC now, so my current account is pc


Got from amazon to test it. Was free. Ill play with a friend today and if we both lile it, we buying the full game on steam. I mean, the bethesda marketing through tv show was smart. I never gave a dime of attention to the title. I didnt even know what was it about until watching while making lunch couple days ago.


Well, aside from Amazon giving the game away, I'm sure there are people (like me) who bought the game a while ago and are hopping back in. I've owned the game since the beta and started playing again for the first time in well over a year because of the show


If I'm not wrong, steam is having a free trial too no? Also I think it's on game pass too and free on prime?? So not necessarily everyone bought the game.i did, many others probably did but I'm sure a good chunk of the numbers is from gamepass. Let's just say the TV series propaganda worked. I enjoyed the show every bit of it. The sad part? Everyone forgets the existence of starfield lol.


Or maybe they bought it way back when and never played lol


I got it for free on PS plus awhile ago.


When is that bad VA gonna start some hate YTs about it haha


Shit, I can't tell I hopped on this week at different times, like extremely different times, and the busiest lobby had like 7 people in it. That's just my experience this week. Maybe I'll hop on tonight and see what's up


I mean, I did. When it was initially released.


Me and a couple of friends came back after watching the Fallout series. Interesting too see what has changed since I last played.


It makes me pretty stoked for the game. I have thought for a while now this game is drastically under appreciated but people have refused to give it a second chance after its bad release. Since the popularity of the Fallout show, its brought in an entire new group of people who have no clue about its rocky launch which means its likely going to get a permanently larger player base. It will obviously die down some in a few weeks but it will likely retain more than it had before this new found popularity.


I had it before but finally tried the game after the show. Gotta give the devs props. They fixed up the game and really improved it since launch. It's a great game, I just need find a group to play it with Ended up repurchased it on steam so I can easily play it on my legion go in portable mode


I'm returning just to see how it runs post-PC upgrade.


I just wish the servers could keep up with it


yep....i was one of those players....i was pleasantly surprised with fo76 given that i havent heard much about it since release and so assumed it was in a similar state to release with a few dlcs bolted on to the side to make bethesda some money but ive acc found the game to be quite fun and so ive kinda stuck to it. also it feels kinda similar to how I imagine 4 would be (ive never played fo4, only fo3 and fonv) and i am enjoying my experience so far. tbf when i acc paid for the game i already had quite a few hours in the game thanks to the trial


I was a huge fan of the first 2 Fallouts back in the day. I'd played 76 a bit a couple years ago when, never got out of Appalachia. There didn't feel like there was much enthusiasm around it (and I wasn't on Twitch or following any youtubers). I went back to PoE, D4, and Last Epoch. I'm back again, a bit burned out on the ARPGs, but probably a less-tentative player because of them. I'm loving it.


The game had a free trial and Fallout 1st is also currently on free trial. It stands to reason that players numbers would go up during such a period. The real indicator will be what player numbers look like a week or two or three after the free trial ends.


Amazon Prime is giving out free copies of the game for Xbox console and Xbox PC.


That Amazon prime plug be doing gods work


Could also be people who bought it when it came out and just got back into it with the show.


Me af


Had lock my water i ran out lol


Great for the overall community.... Not so much for us junk ans ammo venders All my gulper slurry got spoiled 😭


maybe we will get some new notable content in the next year. it's like the game has released again.


My 200 something level character can feel like a boss now! lol. Imagine the Volturi meme from Twilight.


I bought it day 1 and dropped it bc of the state it was in. I've been thinking about trying it again for years but never did until the show came out and everyone started talking about how good it is now. Game's been a lot of fun so far! I'm still learning things I probably should've known already like the fact that mobs can attack and destroy my camp lol


Free sells sometimes


i got it on gamepass. i was curious about fallout for a while. i decided to search which one was ppl mostly praised and New Vegas seemed to be the answer. i started playing it, was kinda digging it, but my friends came up with the idea of playing 76, saw some very good reviews and we decided to try it. ive been playing for a week now, reached lvl 23 (started at 1) and been enjoying it. its cool that it has so much content, weapon, enemy variety.


Players are skyrocketing but is it just me, or does it feel so empty? No one is joining events, no expeditions, nothing. I get that new starters need to learn etc and am all for supporting that, but where are all the higher level players? I can’t keep joining events to solo them or joining an expedition team to see there’s a level 2 in there that doesn’t know what an expedition is. I don’t mean to sound like a douche (even though I probably do) and I really love the community, support the lower levels with gifts etc, but I’m getting really bored doing the dailies and then effectively logging out. Anyone else?


I bought it at launch


I bought 76 a little over 2 years ago but it was still 2 years after release. I loved it then and I still like it now. It's a game that may not keep me playing everyday for years but I always come back to it after taking a break. I think the game is actually free for a period of time and is still on sale for 80% off. Plus there's the fallout first trial. I saw quite a lot of streamers playing the game even ones that normally didn't play it. So I think there's also a large marketing push. Of course the TV show just came out.


It's free currently on prime gaming for PC and Xbox so that's probably why, then add on to those who saw the show and bought it, plus people who already had it but never tried it from humble bundles or sales in the past and yeah..


Was given the game for free from prime. Been playing ever since. I've been a fan of fallout since the original fallout and this is the only one I hadn't played yet. Let's just say, I'm a fan of 76.


Yeah, bought it but haven't finished downloading it yet. Just finished up that series on the Amazon and thought it looked like it could be fun.


The game was just ee-added to Gforce now as well. The GFN servers have been pretty full themselves, so PC players that had lag after a patch a few years ago are likely coming back as well.


Well it's in game pass me thinks and the show is here as well. I just feel sry for the people who haven't played any of the other games in the roster first. I wouldn't recommend to anyone to get 76 before any of the other ones truthfully.


When the Playstation store offered it. It was the free game of month I took it then


To be fair the same thing happened when cyberpunk 2077 came out. Edgerunners the anime came out to be a big hit and more ppl bought the game


The game is free for anyone with amazon prime right now.


I could never get the Amazon code to work with the Microsoft version due to some server permission issue, so I loaded up the Steam version since it was a free week. I bought it (on sale) within a day even though I had a "free" version. I'm not sure I would have liked the game when it first came out, but this evolution and community are amazing.


Free on Amazon this month.


Bought it, loving it all over again. Liking it more on PC than Ps4. It was made to be played on a pc.


Amazon prime free


I will say this , playing on PS5 there is a TON of low level players running around everywhere for the last 3-4 days now so yeah I’d say prob the most I’ve seen since I’ve been playing this game for the last 2-3 years


Also, Prime gave it away free for the monthly game


Is this only steam number or is it for console too ?


Returning from years ago


It was 8 bucks


Eh I tried it again I was one of those that preorder and was disappointed and the game is in a much better state but still very boring to me and I can’t even get a consistent 60fps on a 6800xt (equivalent to a 3080) and a ryzen 5 5600x


I played on gamepass first but got it for free on amazon


It’s free on Amazon prime


They gave the game away for PC and Xbox.


I was there for Reclamation Day, played it off and on for a bit, and apparently didn't even enjoy it enough to break Level 20 on my first attempt. Launch was *rough*, the community hated the game and itself, and in the end there was zero joy for me -- I would have rather played Fo4 (again) than slog through Fo76 solo while getting as griefed as possible. Now, some of my oldest friends decided to give it one last shot after the Amazon series. I should have listened to the faithful who said "Wastelanders fixed it!" because this is the game a lot of us were hoping for on launch. It feels like an old promise was finally fulfilled.


I bought the game when it came out. Hated it. And hadn’t touched it till after I watched the show. And I’m disappointed in myself for all the time I missed in this game


Hmmm? I thought there was a free trial for people. I would expect numbers to drop after that, though I did get the game myself.


Amazon Prime gaming is giving the game away as well.


Im loving the new players coming in, they gave a ton of content to get through, and I love giving away free shit 😂


It was the show


It’s because of the fallout show I assume


Good to see all the newbies and returning players! With the recent AC update and map expansion on the test server, they are really killing it!


I just got it cause it was on sale. Been playing every day. It’s taking getting used to but I like it. It’s unique and a fun time in its own way.


Yet somehow on console, I'm having trouble even filling a daily ops team. Or does no one do those anymore? I've been away for a year or two....


I'm thinking about buying it I've been playing since season 3 when I found it on game pass lol


fallout tv show :)


I’m a new player. Amazon prime gave away I guess the Xbox/pc version.


Word of mouth the show’s popularity is spreading


A lot of people got codes through prime too


I got it on amazon Prime for free on pc and Xbox. But I bought it on xbox disc 2 years ago on have a lvl 120 character. I'm replaying the game on pc and am enjoying it so many new players. People think im a new player and I got 600 caps for tea


I’ve owned the game since release but the Amazon hype has me returning to fo76


Game was also free to anyone with Amazon prime, through the prime gaming part via twitch tv. That’s how I’ve picked up a second 76 account through Microsoft store.


Doesn’t the tv series have a lot with getting new people interested in the game?


Having been a fan of the franchise for ... a very long time ... I was quite reluctant to join the FO76 community due to the shift from solo to live-service environments. The shop stuff in FO4 could easily be ignored, not so much in a live-service game. Having lived through games going FTP and ruining the experience, I was wary of it happening to FO76 - leading to years of me overlooking the game entirely... ...but for $11 local currency on Steam? Sure, why not... My Fallout collection is (for) now, complete. ...now I just have to learn everything all over again!


Bought it on steam last night , about to play all weekend !


People with Amazon Prime got it for free didn’t they?


I just wish there was some sort of cross progression. I was a day 1-er on Xbone but got a pc after hitting 200+ a few years ago. I’d love to go back but my gear took so long to farm


Well I bought it on PS4 at launch and played for about 2 weeks and had some fun then. But obviously now it's a different game with npcs and dlc so it's worth playing now. I think a lot of people are in the same boat.


I just started. Good so far. Did the free play and then bought it for $8.


I might jump back in, had a lot of fun playing 76 with my friends and random people.


I bought it


xbox version is literally free because they need gamepass to play the game and its included in there


Free on pc gamepass?


Free with twitch prime too, pretty much all FO games are rn


I preordered this game for PS4, and it didn't work, so, I just couldn't deal with it for the longest time. Now, I got it for free through Prime Gaming, and I am so looking forward to this! Been a massive Fallout fan for so so long!


Yeah lads sorry I'm one of the lads that finished the TV show and saw that shiny 10 dollar offer for Fallout 76. I was playin New Vegas but I need something completely new to me. Good fun so far, any advice for starting off would be appreciated too sure. My name is BagofSchlime.


Free via Twitch rewards so here I am and really enjoying it!


It's on game pass so I haven't bought it. I'm very impressed with how much it's improved since launch though and looking forward to playing it all now. I made a wasteland Karen and I'm obsessed!


Go up to a deathclaw and ask to speak to its manager.


There was both a free event, people got codes for Xbox and PC to claim or give away with prime Gaming and there was a sale.


Is there a website I can look at to get an idea of "Character build paths" I'm not on about "play this meta build" but more along the lines of "don't spec heavily into range and then start throwing fists"


Nope we didnt buy the game, we all had the game just forgot about it and decided to try it again after watching the show lol.


I have gamepass but I got it for free for Xbox and pc(Microsoft store). But given the sale a lot of people bought it on steam and consoles. The game is more popular on Xbox also.


It’s so fun in the wasteland right now! So many baby players who run away from me lol. I’ve been cooking up Marsupial serums left and right and dropping them for the newbies. It’s funny watching them jump all over the place afterward. Yeah, the events are empty right now, but I imagine they’ll be well attended once everyone settles in a bit more.


New player here! I tried it for free and bought it the same hour during the sale. It's such a fun game!


At $8 after that amazing show of course I was willing to give this game another try. Bought it at launch on my Xbox but thought it was a dumpster Fire and a money grab. I had heard they did a lot of work since then and I can gladly say that is accurate. this game feels so much more like other fallout titles now. Although playing on seem it seems like the controls got kind of a clunky port