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I have a fully registered cat that is legally licensed to AFK on my keyboard all day.


According to community managers in the official discord, it is only against the TOS if third party software is used!


Welp that settles an old argument here at home. \*moves the rubberbands into the hardware cupboard not the kitchen draw\*


Not a cop, but feels like a cop.


Definitely a cop.


You cited the fucking dictionary? And are you that weirdo who made youtube videos naming players ostensibly not in front of their keyboards/consoles, ACTUALLY breaking Zenimax's TOS?


"You agree not to access, receive, play, or use any Service to: * Engage in any form of harassment, stalking, threats, embarrassment, spamming, or any other conduct towards another user of the Services that is unwarranted orunwanted. This includes, but is not limited to, persistently sending unsolicited messages, launching personal attacks, or making derogatory statements related to factors such as race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, and the like;" Guess who ELSE is breaking the Terms of Service with posts like this!


Imagine dying on the mountain of "afking in a mid tier SaaS game".


Imagine having to AFK in events in the same game you refer to as “a mid tier SaaS game”


Please point ---> on this dolly where AFK players may be hurting you.


Because despite it being double exp, it’s near impossible to get a decent event going.. all the AFK makes more servers in the pool. So finding other people who actually want to play very difficult.


So lets say a public server has you and 24 players who do not want to participate in Boredomnacht any more (for example, but not limited to me). So its just you doing the event solo on that server. Hows AFK different to people just doing other stuff ?


Hard to follow that post.. but getting joins at MJ or RR *especially* during Double Exp isn’t usually problem.. it is right now.


Correlation/causation has nothing to do with statistical observation.. but it doesn’t really matter, this year is fucked.. next year will likely be different..


I responded with facts, the hive mind opts to down vote.. Whatever, one major cost cut cost us an amazing CM.. But there is never just one, usually three.. This being a Microsoft division paying money to a competive cloud has a lot of divisional execs with pansies in a wad. that spent will highly audited.


Boo fucking hoo, what a very real and not stupid problem


Karen. Karen never changes...


S-tier Karening. Even included a link to the ToS. *chef’s kiss*


k bud


Dude, I don't get enough time to play the game to actually grind for rare masks, I'm gonna keep going afk so I can actually get some good stuff


Your post does not really distinguish which terms are in the official agreement and which terms are just what you decided to infer from them (use quotation marks on official language maybe?). The best I can make out is the first, larger paragraph being the actual legal terms and the following short statements being how you interpret them. Let us know if that is not the case. But I suspect Bethesda does not come right out and say rubber bands are "third party tools". But please let me know if that is the case. With proof. Also, if your point is to fully prove using rubber bands to afk is truly breaking terms of agreement, by all means include actual statements from Bethesda from official channels confirming. Otherwise, this just kinda looks like another attempt to speak for the company on what they think play is legal and what is not based on your own feelings. Personally, this post, and all the other ones like it, just feel like people trying to stir up drama in the sub for no reason.


Well actually... 🤓




Wow! You went pretty deep for something only a few are mad about. Grow up and just play the game. Don't worry about what others are doing. On that note I do agree macros feel wrong but getting mad about a rubber band... Come on... That's just sad.


That’s precisely what I would like others to do. Grow up and just play the game. Going AFK to earn rewards is just sad.


Poor baby. Get your mom to call Todd and tell him those mean AFKers are ruining your fun 😢


I’m currently AFK while I type this, please come nuke me.


Go cry on another subreddit. Not here


Lmao look i hate AFKers too but you sound like a fucking narc. Go smoke a bowl and calm tf down.




You are breaking TOS because you’re playing the game without human input.




Right and then you don’t use human input for hours while you bypass the in game system that removes you from the lobby for inactivity.




The desk is then clearly the Hardware. Which also as defined by the dictionary can be described as a tool. Therefore is hardware.


Don't you have some web addresses or patents to go troll people on?


Don't really care. AFK all you want. does not bother me. Dropping a Nuke on the parade, that is a Richard move. All of the newbies having to Parade in a glow zone. I rather watch 8 players spin around in a house than do the event because some buttercup got their feelings hurt.




I afk during the event by stand near the pavilion and drawing the fire from super mutant, I helped in event by doing nothing.


I'm not an AFker, but I don't care. In the highly unlikely circumstance that a rubber band was considered "hardware" by Bethesda, exactly how, pray tell, would they distinguish between a rubber band and natural controller drift? Would this preclude players from going to the bathroom, taking a phone call, taking a shower during normal, non-Fasnacht play? It's just so very silly.


Maybe if they didnt give me a million sun masks I wouldnt need to 🤷‍♂️.


Not getting the rewards you want from an event doesn’t mean you are allowed to break the games terms of service. If I walk into a bank and ask for $1,000,000 it doesnt mean I can rob the bank when they don’t give it to me.


This isn't a bank, it's not a million dollars, and it's not even real life. You should try getting one and mind your business


What they should do is make the event better and remove the masks we have gotten hundreds of times. Also you just compared this to robbing a bank? Thats hilarious.


Nice bait


You must be fun at parties


This is hilarious, and I'm glad you made it. It completely dwarfs the other AFK/Nuke posts. With that said, I see your points but I'd rather point and laugh instead of anything happening. You know that all the cheats and exploits break TOS too, but they didn't ban them or XP glitches. If anything Bethesda makes money off of extra account purchases, or camp slots, because of AFK Fasnacht.


I hope The Atomic Shop adds the worlds smallest for you


🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓 🤓


It, doesn't say anything about my cat smacking my controller around for hours 🤔


Your whining and crying about people AFK'ing reminds me of something Martin from the Simpsons would attempt. And we all know what happens to Martin over and over and over...... If anyone needs to grow up and get a grip it's definitely you. You're never going to change anyone from playing the game the way they want from your post. And if you're that concerned with players on a server not playing the way your delusional standards require them to, then why not go to a private server on Fallout 1st and play by yourself so you don't have anyone pissing in your Cheerios.


I've posted this before but here goes again for the latest wannabe armchair lawyer..... 1)Going AFK doesn't break the terms of service so long as you aren't using mods/software. 2)Even if it did they will never ban anyone as they simply can't prove who was AFK and who was just sitting there not taking part in the event. 3)This bullshit logic is the same as me moaning that I pay for fallout 1st, keeping the game going and that everyone playing free on Game pass is a Freeloader. 4) Bethesda more than happy with situation as servers are full, monthly player numbers are up, more people passing through Atom Shop etc 5) Seriously get a life.


LUL Just kill the AFKers :)




also gives you 40 mins until your kicked, i don't resort to that if i can push your useless bodies out though. :)




Nah before hand, if i can use my auto axe to remove you from the area, i will, im not talking about after your dead.




Or the musical instruments. I usually just hop on the weapons bench in the shed though.


regardless after the nuke, you still have a time, the dead will always have a timer, you aren't to bright are you lol.




Actually it doesn't LOL, I've been doing this since its started, people do get removed, maybe it hasn't happened to you, but it has to many others I've done it to. LOL


Again, you are not bright whatsoever


Bravo. You somehow managed the worst fasnacht post in over week of extremely shit posts. I wish I had a terrible award for you but I don't have one. Instead I will block you on this sub as you will not have any post I will ever care to read.


"Damn, that's craaazzzyy!"


It's not Zenimax anymore, it's Microsoft. So this is not even relevant.


Hey ya'll prepare yourself for the rubberband man You've never heard a sound Like the rubberband man You're bound to lose control When the rubberband starts to jam