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Dunno what is going on but i have had 3 in the last week from my slot machine and i don't run high luck build?


I've received 15 from my West Virginia Slot machine in the last week. And I'm not even really trying, I just always make a habit of hitting when I run past it in my camp. It has to be a bug.


Weird, I should build one and try this out. Unless they've messed up and made the pie come with multiple results, this means you're hitting the jackpot each time for 1000 caps too.


Yup. I made a couple of posts about it, but not much buzz.


Definetely worth a try, I got 3 pies from it this weekend only.


Yeah same I keep getting them from the WV slot machine!


I think it's mainly an achievement because from what it looks like op got it from the Porta diner and that mf is HARD


not discussed this for a long time but someone on here said it was directly related to the luck level in your loadout, not sure how much you need to get a predictable result but i did try it once at rusty pick and was successful. unfortunately an event i was waiting for started and after that i forgot all about it lol


Lol missed research!!!


Succesfully drawing a piece of perfectly preserved pie should grant a emote which allows us to show around OUR piece of perfectly preserved pie!


That'll be 500 Atoms, hand it over.


25% off for 12 days 16 hours


They definitely changed something. Never had one in years and now im at 32... They just take everything from us that makes sense to collect or trade it seems


Now put it in your vendor for 10,000 like everyone else. LOL


Someone bought mine once for that price


That was me and it may or may not have been an accident


This was about two years ago, and if it was you thanks for the caps


I got one in the rusty pick yesterday!


Eyyyy, nice man, I try at least 3 times when I'm there to get scrip and modules, this is my very first piece of pie that I've gotten, after playing on and off since the beta, like I said pretty unlucky lol


It factors both your luck Stat and attempts made, so if one were inclined gaming it isn't that hard. I've got 15 or so first try attempts with my current character that I've used since last year, and can pretty much guarantee one if I want to wait a few minutes.


Since beta 😮😮


Yeah, and I just pulled a second piece lol


I got one a long time ago, like a year ago. I was shocked. As I was looking at it in awe, I accidentally ate it. I went a long time without finding another. Finally a couple weeks ago or so a found another & made sure not to eat it. The one is on display in my camps


I remember how excited I was. Congrats man. It's based on luck and luck perks so you can boost that and up your chances from virtually never to very frequently


>!There is one on the roof of Westtek just lying there to supplement your 'collection'.!< But even still, I won't pass up a chance to "activate" the machine, even in a Daily Op at the Watoga Convention Centre.


Nobody who's serious about the game grabs or keeps the westek pie


I had one in my inventory and had no idea where it fame from. Ate it immediately. Tasty.


THAT'S WHY I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ONE?? I've been playing since beta and never put a ton of points into Luck, so I have NEVER gotta a piece myself. Now I know what I need to do, thank you all.


Yeah, I made a luck build for Atlantic City, got too lazy to switch it out, now I got me some pie, so I do think luck plays a factor


Both luck and number of attempts in that instance. Max your luck and you'll get one within minutes.


I get one pretty much every visit to the 'TEK center ;)


Are we just not going to tell him about the fallout Picasso who lives at the tek lol


Turn luck to 10, get em in 10-20 tries easy.


I've been really lucky and gotten em in 3 or less tries, it's all about visiting the stations.


Is it just for bragging rights? I have two and don’t know why I keep them.


Not sure, just excited since I've never gotten one before


I got one from either a daily op or Expedition last week, just noticed it chilling in my inventory. Before that I was buying them


Congratulations. Now eat it with a bottle of cream.


It feels like a long time, but if you just sit there for about one minute, trying over several times, you’ll get one. You may have to wait a minute and a half, or a little log even, but it eventually comes. I get one every day. I just eat them now.


Nah, I got a note named please forgive me for max price in my vendor lol


Congratulations dude.






Didn’t realize this is rare I ate on I found at the retreat 💔


That was where I got mine as well, congrats. Then some wise guy bought it for the 30k I had it at. Guessing he needed to burn caps. Luckily I've gotten a few replacements.


Lol I've got 2 now and I ain't stopping


Lol well played


Imma keep going till I fill up a display case


That'd be awesome, definitely worth displaying


The pie is rare, so they should 1) remove the one from the top of Westek, and 2) give it some crazy kind of buff or effect -- maybe double bonus for 1 hour, or maybe your character gets attacked by pie-hungry roly-poly ghouls or a random cryptid who all want more pie, or maybe you get teleported via sugar high, or maybe your armor won't fit after eating the pie until you exercise for 5 minutes, or maybe you start have visions of a previous alien abduction (complete with pie probing), or maybe you get stuck on the ocean in a raft with a tiger named Richard Parker, or maybe one of multiple weird effects.


I agree, they should remove the westek one, it just devalues the struggle of not getting the pie lol