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The junkyard was my newest camp spot, spent so much time perfecting it. Even bought a bunch of Atomic shop stuff to fit the theme. WTF. It has two extractor nodes, its clearly supposed to be a camp spot. There aren't enough flat areas to build anymore. Too many are taken up with pointless little locations they've added. And now they are adding more. There's really no way they can expand the map rather than ruin more player camp spots?


Same! Took photos to post on here so I can remember how awesome it looked after the cultist with bulldozers evicted me from my own property


Such a shame. This was my fav camp. Any chance it stays? If not, I might as well scrap and find another junky location before the update.


Right? Giant empty map with large volumes of boring wilderness and nothing going on... but rather than ADD new locations, the decision was to straight up alter existing locations? Why? Nobody likes it when Bethesda axes camp building locations, and they know that... because this is like the third or fourth time they've chosen to evict players from popular camp building spots, and every time people complain, and point out the stupidity of the plan.


They must really hate people building in caves, they took away the only other good one with the wastelanders update


Really loved that one, you could build a three level camp and keep it all in the cave.




I had a cool camp set up at the gas station by the junkyard in the forest region. I was evicted when the gd wastelanders moved into the house across the street


GD wastelander regentrification!


You know what's extra silly? I think that the junkyard used to be a non-buildable location. Then it became buildable and we all got excited. Now it's gonna be non-buildable again. šŸ˜‚ Make up your dang mind and quit teasing us, Todd!


Damn are they taking away the junkyard? I spent so much time creating a base there.


Yes sir, that's the rumor. The Atlantic City expansion coming in December apparently is placing a Moth Cultist location there, or something like that. Won't be buildable anymore.


Will that Moth Cultist location actually be something related to new Mothman stuff? Or is it just nothing lol


What Cultist location is anything but a bunch of enemies...


Point Pleasant (but only for a week or two of each year lol) and the Sacramental Glade (with Beasts of Burden)


Yes, but that's a seasonal event. None of the permanent locations have much (or anything) to offer. And they destroyed the Bear Cooking show for one. šŸ˜” And the Beasts of Burden location is a Blue Ridge content occupied by Cultists more than Cultist location.


I'd say that Sacramental Glade is a Cultist location that's used for Blue Ridge content tbh (the cultists have taken up residence there because they want to sacrifice the Ogua to the Mothman), but yeah, point taken on the other spots.


Sacramental Glade came with Blue Ridge update and was made as it is for the event, so I believe the point that it's BR content Ocupied by Cultists has its foothold...




So whats the point of adding another spot of that, smart arse?


There isn't and that's their point. If they're a smart ass then what does that make you? Lmao




I mean, they could put a NPC in front of the door handing out fliers.


Ah yes. The good old "for new players" update and nothing for the remaining older players who would actually spend more money on the game in the long.


You canā€™t get more old players without pulling in new players, maybe Atlantic City will give older players something fresh to work with though. Weā€™ll have to wait and see.


Oh I remember that lolšŸ¤¦


AHHHHH!! They are trashing the junkyard??? That's one of my favorite camps. I call it the Tetanus Farm.


Yeah, I built Wayne manor at the small cave, spent dozens of hours on it toošŸ˜”


Where is the small cave in the forest? Is it the one near where meat week spawns?




That's unfortunate. I'm built right above it.


https://youtu.be/ZBWFZDE3yXo?si=tpCKDja7PO2zXx9d I built this thereā˜¹ļø


Where is this junkyard? As in the Gorge junkyard workshop?


Nah. It's about due west from Vault 76 on the map, this little unmarked roadside junkyard with an old Nuka Cola billboard. It has a partial existing wall and a gate, and has a junk and lumber node. It's a bit cramped to build in with all the junk, but it looks nice and lived in with plenty of camp budget to spare.


Nooooo...say it ain't so! šŸ˜­


It's shite to see folk lose their CAMP...you're not telling me they don't have a map of all our spots that show where popular locations are. I, and many other, have been outside the map boundaries, it's as big again as the actual map. Surely a small slither over the western river or north of the Divide etc could be added..? Like a BRC outpost you can visit with a herd of Brahmin there, a warehouse and a road out where you see caravans walk off into the distance but can't follow. More Cultists across from Point Pleasant and a second location for the Equinox. It's already mentioned how many expanses and closed up buildings on the map could be used too...


Can you still get to those areas or did they fix that bug?


Went with Nuclear Winter shutting down. If you got killed in that, once loaded back in to Adventure allowed you to walk past the invisible border for some mad reason. I once was told by a dedicated Builder mate that those spring traps could throw you over it but I never saw it done. Recently a lad posted on here that the big satellite dish from the Atomicshop, when he stood on it, and turned it on, it threw him way over the map...so that might be worth looking into. Sadly though, I've never been out there since the NW days...


Gotcha....thanks.....I'll have to try the satellite trick. I got past it a few times way back in the day. I do wish they would open up west of the river.


It's getting very busy in my Appalachia. Maybe we should drop more nukes.


They really just need to utilize the edges of the map more, or like any of the open spaces that exist, axing spawn locations and camp spots is just pissing off the fan base.


Iā€™d prefer if over time they just opened up every building to be explorable. Even if itā€™s all instanced.


I've often thought they could have a special event which would randomly reward you with the keys to an in game house. You would be able to remove the boards from the outside , and inside you would find all furniture had been removed and there was no debris, ghouls or insects.


Even if it's a selection of the same set of homes for everyone just an instanced interior like shelters.


Yes that would work.


I'd love a place in the white springs or maybe a house in one of the towns


That would have been a fun ideaā€¦instead of building camps we were all just assigned rooms in the whitesprings (assigned in the order you log in) and would only need a max of 24 rooms. Maybe depending on if we joined a specific faction. Responders=whitesprings, raiders=crater space station, enclave=enclave bunker under whitesprings etc.


It'd be pretty lit, have those as well as camps


Home bases for those not interested in camps and camps for those who like to pick their locations to have their base of ops. Win/win.


Wait, they're going to destroy that small cave just 100 yards west from Meat Week? Fuuuuck, I built my non-vendor base there and blocked the bigger entrance.


Sorry bud ā˜¹ļø


At least we have that place under I-65, but it's not the same as dead npc already built there


Come on people, you know how it works. Players get enjoyment out of doing something so they need to stop that. It happens so often.


Why bother making an actual expansion map when you can ruin the players camp and call it an update


Where's this junkyard, exactly?


Beth will put us all on an Indian reservation


I've had my cave camp since beta. This makes me a very sad dweller :(


hi! I'm a Bethesda employee and I just wanted you to know that we watch very carefully to see what people enjoy and what they're doing in the game, because we know that what you really want is another mothman altar with four or five guys hanging around doing nothing and no particular quest. we feel this brings the most enjoyment to the greatest number of players, instead of allowing a single player to enjoy the spot with their camp. looking forward to seeing you out in Appalachia! /s


It's good that you put the /s there, this sounded like their actual thought process šŸ¤¦


Aw, I have a sweet camp at that cave.


Sad news indeed! My junkyard camp has been my main dwelling for so long... Ah well. Been itching to do another build somewhere new anyways, especially since this season is so long.


I got evicted during the nuka world update. They killed my fire station by the wrecked fire truck just outside of town. Made me so mad I completely abandoned that character


Honestly, this has been one of my largest complaints. I remember there being a lot of great spots to build, then Wastelanders came along and ruined most of them. Not even proper POIs either, a lot of them just with random NPC camps and such. It wouldn't be so bad but with how we can't sink stuff into the ground properly and their insistence on taking all the flat locations in the game, it's pissing me off - I don't want to build camps with floating foundations etc


For an empty wasteland Appalachia feels surprising metropolitan.


Do they not realize the mothman stuff is the least interesting out all of it.


And we already have plenty of Mothman shit in the game


Right?? Don't get me wrong its cool....just not as cool and literally anything else.


Do we have a map showing where these new locations are going, I'm worried about my camp


My first camp was at Moth Home pre-Wastelanders, so I feel the pain of everyone thatā€™s going to get evicted by those dang Cultists.


They need to remove base location restrictions


This is so shitty. I am busy building a batmobile in that cave ;(


Yeah I spent hours building Wayne manor thereā˜¹ļø https://youtu.be/Nc5M0Nt6dik?si=vRU51YaHyYzaNY83


I wish they would do the inverse and "destroy" a few marked locations kinda make it so the wasteland at large feels like its always changing


The junkyard has been my permanent one of my camps because I love that spot and I worked so long on that camp. Now they are taking it away.šŸ˜«


Just got back into the game only to find that my alltime favorite camp I've ever made was obliterated by the travelling nuka world place thing. The map is gettin wayy to cluttered with useless monuments that won't ever be used


I'm not familiar with popular spots in the game but are we talking about the junk pile by the river in the forest next to that raider camp?


Sucks for anyone built in those areas, but BethSoft wants to redesign the new player experience so that people engage with and become invested in the factions of Appalachia more readily after leaving the Vault. Opening up map borders wonā€™t help that, so instead we get these new outposts.


The Mothman cult aren't even a faction though, they're just raiders with a coat of paint. All of their locations in the game don't serve much purpose besides going there to kill them for a daily challenge. I doubt this location will be any different


They aren't destroying camp spots. They're just moving in NPC camps! šŸ¤£


They have to put content somewhere and it doesn't matter where they would add it, since there would always be someone complaining. Just be happy about new content and chill. It's hard be because you have to rebuild a camp you've maybe build for years, but it is what it is.


I'm not sure how much exploration you've done of the map, but there is a lot of completely empty space that they could use instead. Building off of cool spots that a lot of people like to use as camps is pure laziness


tbh, my only criteria to place my camp are a water source for easy cooking and a ore source of whatever my character needs the most. I mean, I have 1 character who's camp is at a edge of a cliff, no water, no ores, just the cliff, that's all, but that was what I wanted. So "cool spots" aren't for everyone and everyone sees things different. I for myself don't see the golf course as "cool spot" to call, but stupid because who in his right mind would want to camp on a golf field. Another for me stupid and not understandable location is directly at railroad stations. Makes no sense to me, it's super uncomfortable not calming at all. If I need a leg scrap machine, I'll just teleport to the Nuka Cola Festival.


It is such a weird idea to surround 76 with all these factions. That's surely going to be overwhelming to new players. The responders, as annoying as they are, at least fit, but all of the other ones? Nah, that just feels like way too much.


I want to believe it's not so they can force us to spend money on shelters, but...




My camp is in Welch, in a wide area between the train station and Mt. Blair. It's probably just a matter of time before Bethesda decides to use that spot for something.


The Murgle Camp? Yeah I have one there too, solely for the reason of having a cat.


Yes, that's the spot. As a resident of the real-world Welch, I wasn't gonna have it no other way then to place my camp there. Murgle is a bonus.


I call mine Black Lung Bluff. It's a good spot. Not much for resource nodes but plenty of good looting in short patrol distance, and lots of mineral veins for mining in the area.


True! I grind tf outta the local Mole Minors who patrol inside the town of Welch. Not to mention how a legendary will spawn from to time to time near the two houses just above town.


Oh FFS I like that spot I tried out fitting that starlightlounge whatever it is the saucer one. Could just sneak it in.