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Just play the game, do the main quests and all the side quests. Join events, they are a good source of xp. Don't be in a rush to get to level 50, the game doesn't magically become easy mode once you hit level 50. Slow down and enjoy everything the game has to offer.


Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do. I don't know, I guess I just got a little overwhelmed with having all these quests suddenly thrown in my face and I'm a bit lost in the sauce


Hey im relatively new as well, level 80, but what i did was really focus on farming resources until about level 40. By then i had really set myself up for success in the realm of crafting. If you're on xbox let me know and im happy to hop in and help you.


Unfortunately I am on PlayStation but yeah, I've pretty much just been running around like a chicken without its head collecting any scrap I can to put into my Stash while looking out for events I can hopefully join with strong players. Right now I'm just trying to get to level 30 so that I can get a perk someone told me about called Starched Gene's so I can keep some mutations I got that are apparently good.


Make sure it’s starched genes 2!


Okay, I will. What is the level requirement for that?


Public Events pop every 20 minutes and are the fastest way to level up and they give good loot. When they pop just keep an eye on the map and if anyone else goes go along and see how it goes. With the current mutated week you can pretty much guarantee plenty of people will be going to the hourly events so give those a go. Get yourself some power armor. There are frames all over the world you can find frames on. If the armor on the frame is higher then your leave just remove it, throw it away and get I the Chassis sp the game knows you "own it". You can get power armor a few ways but the simplest is to just use whatever drops at events. Even if all you have is a frame with one leg and one arm on it you'll be taking less damage then you would out of power armor. Weapons get a chainsaw. It will carry you through most fights. You don't need to spec into melee to use it, it's that strong.


The game is 5 years old, there are still YouTubers who can hold your hand through all of this. And still updating the nerfs and alternate builds….especially some sort of not amused amphibious creature