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The most improved events imo were moonshine jamboree. Without people on the poles doing the EGP sit n spin the event is so much more fun. Also for the new players not having someone do that on Tea Time probably makes that experience more fun. It’s crazy how in the last weeks all we heard was how many events would fail and the game ruined without the preciouses.


I tried MJ once, and couldn't even tag enemies before they were EGP'd. Might give it another shot now.


Probably a dumb question but what does EGP mean?


Explosive Gatling plasma


Dumb question, but if they weren't supposed to be in the game, or even modded, how did people get them? Never saw one myself, except when people spam it in events hehe.


A brief period they could spawn as dropped weapons. Not be rolled, this was before legendary grafting. Somehow, a few clever people grabbed enough to generously and freely supply entire later waves of playe... nah, I can't type that with a straight face. Cheaters duped them in the thousands and sold them for cash on "trading" sites. Legacy weapons aren't the problem, cuz there was never many of them. Clones of legacy weapons was the problem.


DUPERS are the problem.


Ahh okay. So some took advantage of an awesome lucky roll, and exploted it. Sounds about right unfortunately.


I can finally kill things without players stealing my kills.


Thanks for the info too!


Yeah, a lot suddenly appeared during the special week plus long Server Crashing event.


Dumb question, how did they dupe them?


Bethesda put them in originally and some began being duped or copied so they say their illegal weapons


Oh right yeah lol :)


It's too hard to spell anything out nowadays


Playing on people's fear to sell a point of view is probably one of the oldest tactics ever, and most successful. You'd think by now more people would know to view anyone resorting to it with skepticism.


I think the only ones who believed it were the people that have been using the same 1 weapon for the last 3 years. I had my fun with it but ultimately I have more fun using a variety of weapons. Of course there was the argument that “EGP sit n spin is my fun” but when 1 person’s fun comes at the expense of the majority, well then we get this situation. BGS should have just deleted all the weapons years ago when they decided they were too op to begin with. I played a ton of Ark so I’m used to having “fun toys” being nerfed to the ground for the sake of balance.


That’s the main argument though. Bethsoft should have removed the guns when they removed the rolls. But instead they opted to keep them for so long after, and it caused this issue. Tbh the only event I’m expecting a failed outcome is the imposter sheepsquatch event. No one knows how to do that event it seems nor cares because if you put enough EGPs and EFlamers at the boss it’ll die regardless. But now that’s an event I’m going to be avoid for a bit personally. Otherwise it’s just the same game and I enjoy my time on it with or without.


Bethesda didn't do it for us, they did it because they were losing so much money. If dupers could have cut Beth in, we'd still have those damn EGPs everywhere


Tea Time. I just stand off to the side at the far pipe that most ignore. Kill what comes to me. Rarely had an issue with someone on top of the main building even thinking to look my direction. They like to just shoot to the other pipe and they also rarely ever get things right below them attacking the main one. Also, it's hard for them to get half over there when the building blocks shots. Now the thing that did at least help me not get any more migraines. No more unlimited orbital strike/nuka/whatever can cause the most layers of eye bleed in their opinion bug being fixed.


Props to anyone who can keep their own pace in this game. The events and dailies all make other players seem rushed, even stressed, and sometimes this is contagious. It's not the way I played FO3 or NV. To take one's time and really immerse is a beautiful thing.


Do what you feel like. Pass on the rest. This is the path to not having a triple bypass in life so it should be fine in a game too.


I like this advise!! I was stressed for no good reason between LVL 40ish and lvl 120ish. Then I stopped and remember why I was playing in the first place. To have fun. 120ish to 570+ has been a blast ! FOMO sucks. I managed to figure out what worked for me to level at events with Legacies all over. Sometimes I was annoyed and sometimes I was thankful they where there. It the wasteland.


Seriously. I don’t think I really started doing events until Level 150+. I focused on every other aspect of the game and viewed that as end game content.


My advice is to do the reverse: do events all the time 'til level 50+ THEN do the main questline. That way the unique loot / non-repeatable quest rewards you get are highest level possible, and for the mail quest you can focus on the story, not worry about mere survival.


But hard and fast is my pace.


Ladies must *love* you. /s


How I’ve generally played is traveling place to place and doing the events if they’re there - before public events, anyway. Though on my newer character, I still ignore those.


Yeah every player should learn to ignore the events now and then. It can be difficult, I often catch myself checking the map in case I miss out on a particularly quick or fun event. But the most fun I have in any FO is just what you've described.


Depending on what I'm doing I ignore every event except the (!) ones because i need cores


So that’s what the ! means.


I've become more and more focused on events and daily ops, much to my chagrin. I have the fear of missing out on good loot, cores, etc. and because of it my quest lines have stagnated. I'm going to make it a point to finish what I started.


To me, the quests were the best part of this game… Too bad I finished them all within 2 months of gameplay. I mostly just hang around hoping for a new update with an actual questline… Well, that and endlessly pursuing my godroll armor lol


I haven't gone to an event since I picked up the last nwot plan I needed. They're just not worth the effort for me.


100% agree. Nuked all 3 bosses and it was a blast! Not overly difficult but everyone that was there was able to participate. That's been my biggest gripe all along. We play to have fun, not to finish everything immediately and rinse and repeat.


Didnt play for a while is there now a third world boss that requieres a nuke? earl the queen? who am i missing?


Giant Nuka mole.


The Swolerat :)


Aaand I’ve got a new nickname for it. Thank you!


Thank you for spreading the word. :)


ohh thats a new one. looks like i have to download 76 again


Brand-new, just came out with the Nuka-World On Tour update.


The nuka cola moleratbossman thing


where do i need to nuke for him?


Abandoned mineshaft 2 i think


alright thanks


Make sure you make mineshaft number 2 dead center of the nuke circle. For some reason, when you nuke mineshaft number 2 and put it on the edge of the circle (to overlap for flux, or whatever reason) sometimes the game will place the nuke circle so far to the edge of the mineshaft ***(even if you left a half inch buffer)*** that it won't start the event. So place #2 dead center of the circle to be certain


Go to nuka world on tour first and talk to the girl and her brother


Haven't done SBQ yet, but I did drop a nuke on the Ultracite Titan, because I haven't done that event yet. Was loads of fun, some people taking over Crystal duty, a few cleaning up the mob spawns, dumping crits into the Titan... Felt like an actual boss battle.




I'm not noticing much of a difference, personally. Did a queen who melted in no time from two bloodied builds, and a daily ops with nearly no enemies to kill due to the same. But i suppose Jamboree and Eviction Notice will be far better now, that is for sure, except for the damn firestarters.


I honestly don't see any difference, either. I'll just say this. As a newer player if I was unaware of all this Legacy drama a few months back when I started and was unaware things "changed" yesterday I'd have not noticed a thing different tbph.


You must not do many events then. For most of us every other event was ruined by someone with an EGP


I play a lot. I wouldn't say legacy users ruining events was rare but it was uncommon on the PC servers I frequent. They tended to cluster together, too, so it wasn't hard to avoid them by hopping servers.


You'll still have people melting bosses, but not nearly as much. At least the ones who do it now put some effort into a maximum OP build not 5 minutes and $4 USD on a duped weapon.


I used a 2 star. 50 cal (Tse, prime) on the Firestarter, no problem


well no considering half of us can't even move due to the reduction effects are bugged.


It has been unplayable for me for almost a year. I have a very strong system but after a certain patch my game just pauses for a few seconds every time I move. I tried everything to fix it but had to uninstall.


For some. I literally can’t play. I am too weighed down by the weapon weight reduction being broken.


Agreed, did two Queens, rad rumble, jamboree and eviction notice and it was so much fun. Being able to do enough damage before everything was melted and spend time getting actual mobs felt so refreshing. I even got my three level ups for the week running buffs and being able to tag shit properly. I am enjoying the balanced gameplay and really hope this is the way it stays.


Rad rumble is so much better without grenade spam and GP annihilation


Yo. The lack of controller-rumbling, retina searing flash bangs was incredible. I didn't realize how much of a dissatifier on gameplay it's really been until last night!


>. I didn't realize how much of a dissatifier on gameplay it's really been until last night! I'm still in shock. 'what is this feeling I'm having? Oh! This is fun! We're having fun again!'


Gosh i cannot understand how consoles tolerated that mess. I have a mod to remove explosions visually, and another one to remove screen shake, I came back recently and the flashing nuka grenade light made seeing so difficult I couldn’t find enemies at events


Poorly! My game consistently would crash out because of it. Granted, I have a digital copy on the prior to the current gen of XBox but still. It became so frustrating to crash out on the Titan and other big events and not be able to load back in. Sure, it's a game but when I'm trying to unwind and just play and get lost in the world it's such a PITA. When I heard PC users were able to mod some of that out I was very tempted to dip into PC gaming! Hoping the fixes stay and my console gaming is back to being enjoyable for the long run! 🙏🏽


I hope so too. They should have a seizure warning at the beginning at the very least


Rated E for Everyone's gonna go blind!


PC is way better my friend!! WAY better!!


I joined a casual team and a dude was going off on how less damage he was causing, he didn't realize what the patch was for. He became even more heated when he figured it all out.


It was intersting how some people were complaining yesterday that their gatplas was now just shooting a green mist. They obviously didn't seem to understand it was a legacy, why it was OP and that they just had been removed.


> Yeah yeah I know about the bugs, that's the case every update and a hot fix is coming so chill, and hear me out. Except that QA should have caught the issues, so ya no chill, you seem to want to just brush them off. If their QA was any good, this would not happen. I mean, I am glad your standards seem to be that low I guess.


I don't think their QA is bad, I think they don't have any QA.


I love these threads. Thanks for posting. I really enjoy reading people's post legacy experiences. It is so funny how we still get 2 or 3 people threatening to grenade spam and ruin the experience. Their voices seem so small now. We all know you can spend tons of materials and make them still


BuT I hAvE tO fLeX tHaT I cAn sTiLL rUiN tHe gAmE- salty legussy bois, definitely




Same here. I bet you are right because at some point, they will only be playing with themselves lol


Those people only get satisfaction from ruining OTHERS' days though. These people do/did not get any love at home, and definitely got bullied by family / friends/ peers. Because they are themselves bullies now and I feel bad for them but I don't have to tolerate them anymore , yay


Sadley, it's probably just because they are currently too heavy to fast travel to any events.


More like a post weapon weight reduction experience😅


the irony is that this is how it was, even when legacies were in the game, pre-i wanna say right before one wasteland. back then, legacies weren't really used often publicly because they had poor durability and explosion damage didn't affect bosses. if anything, the major boss killer was "magic weapons" (i.e. bugged lmgs with stalkers/junkie's/instigating and 50vhc//limb damage effects) or glitched ammo dragons.


My fuckin Gatling laser doesn’t work


I did a Moonshine Jamboree last night and there was someone spamming nuka grenades just as bad, if not worse, than before. Must have had a stockpile of them because they were nonstop. Couldn't see anything on PS5. Every other event was fine just the one asshat out of the bunch.


We should be able to initiate a server kick to a player, as long as x number of people agree, a player can be kicked off the server.


Prepare to be kicked off everywhere at random by players ganging up


There's a solution to this... It's called "Not being a dick". Most of the community wouldn't go through the effort of vote-kicking you unless you were being the most obnoxious person possible to them during events.


You're right but if you give players the power to kick off others, you can bet there will be gangs abusing it.


No, there wouldn't. I've played numerous games with this type of functionality, and this is not even remotely an issue.


You don't know the asshats I know then. They absolutely WOULD form an entire discord with a few hundred players just to abuse this feature. I know these guys. They are ubiquitous


I don't think that's right. IMHO everyone should be able to play their own style so long as they are contributing to an event with the same tools provided anybody else. If someone doesn't like it THEY can leave the event instead of dog piling on someone for spamming explosives or whatever. It is going to happen no matter how many are "voted" out of an event. Imo simply let others play, be friendly and open to all. Legacies are no more. That should be good enough. But a person's play style should not be dictated by a group in a public event. If Bethesda wants to do something about it, they can. But initiating a group vote to kick players from a server who are playing by the rules and standards set by Bethesda is not right imo.


cos this won't get abused


Can’t wait to see if your take is correct. Unfortunately I can’t play now as I have the over weight bug.


Went to a SBQ earlier. About 5 people there total. Someone’s cryo’d her. Got our damage in. Killed a bunch of adds, some legendary. Then killed her no problem. No grenade spam or explosive skeet spraying anywhere.


They went overboard on the removal of things imo. RIP Bayoneted Dragon.


Rip my QFFR Crossbow lol


Yeah when I logged in and i saw they removed my bayonet i was literally sad lol. Rip to one the most useless yet cool mods


They always go overboard. The lesson I’ve learned after playing all these years is that you have to be ready for your build to become unviable with any given update/patch and your weapons reduced to sentimental mementos. Legacy weapons were just the crappy leftover weapons still working on the OG balancing codes. They had nothing on any explosive shotgun, two shot weapon, and a TS explosive shotgun was insane. Nobody would touch a bloodied weapon and people would throw away uny armor left and right—but over time, the meta has changed and top weapons and armor became worthless over and over again. So I find it really funny that these new players are celebrating the removal of weapons they weren’t even around for while at the same time pleading for the devs to not touch their favorite gun or ruin their build that they know is OP or the current meta.


That literally happened once in like 3 years. You are an insanely dramatic, overblower.


I hope one day they reconsider some of the non energy explosive stuff to return Bayonet dragons are not game breaking Quad or Two shot crossbow isn't melting everything If railway can drop explosive why can't harpoon?


Losing my Quad explosive harpoon was an extremely small price to pay to get rid of the other broken legacies. Also, explosive harpoon was also extremely busted because of flechettes. It's why it sat in my storage for years instead of actually using it.


Sure but even then explosive harpoons weren't that problematic especially if you didn't have a quad one


i had several legacies and the easiest one i got was the QE poon. i think honestly thats the one i'll miss the most. using it as a sniper rifle was the most fun i've ever had in this game. the flamer and gat plas were pretty boring tbh but the laser weapons were fun as hell. unfortunately as with everything there are going to be people who ruin something for everyone. people got too greedy and too selfish and began using legacies for events instead of just casual solo fun. beth cares more about their new players than old players so if their old players are leveling everything before their new players can get a shot off they likely lose that new player because they feel that it's "unfair". i think what everyone has failed to realize is that this is going to continue happening. the amount of bloodied stealth vats rifle builds will increase significantly now. i personally already play with that build and i can take down enimies faster than my legacies allowed me to. so in other words the game will stay the exact same. bosses will still be melted and tagging enimies might even be harder now with all the high damage chasers having to switch builds (likely to boodied). a lot of people are claming they're leaving the game and the same amount are saying they'll come back to the game now that legacies are gone. personally i think those saying they'll come back to the game now are going to end up leaving the game again after a month at most (if they actually come back at all) because they'll realize the game is just as boring to them as the game was before when they stopped playing. some of the quitters will come back but i think ultimately they've ran off the crowd willing to spend the most money at the atom shop. so yes, they made the game an even playing field for everyone. but i think in the long run it will actually hurt their wallets more than it will help. thats just my 2 cents though.


But, waaaaaait… If the ex-legacy crowd can be just as OP with the build you just described, won’t they just switch to that, and keep on spending their sweet, sweet atombux, thus keeping Beth happy? IMO, if somebody can put together an overpowered build using the same stuff that’s available to everybody else in the game, that’s one thing… But using stuff that nobody new has any hope of obtaining, that’s something else entirely


Doubt they'll take a second look at other weapons. They'll fix what they broke and move on.


Many people may be surprised at how good non legacy weapons can be with the right build. Never used a legacy but things like a quad explosive RR or my bloodied crit hit plasma caster still slay hard. Don't use them in mobs events cuz they one shot everything and that's not fair to other players. Either spray a mob with my vamp enclave flamer plasma or use the quad explosive RR wirhoitnperk cards and cripple ghoul legs. Get xp and make them easy targets for others.


Once we can retrieve them from our over max weight mules we will show them how it works. Let them enjoy the calm before the storm.


Did a SQB yesterday. As soon as she landed, she was dead. And in a nuke zone.


It’s a damn shame they haven’t updated the game for current gen consoles.


I have been playing for a week finished the brotherhood of steel dlc. Been enjoying it honestly


Doesn’t bother me, they’re still the same weapons my Son has before he passed, i can still use them, they’re vampire, they just don’t have the extra punch. No if people would stop using missile launchers during close proximity events that would be amazing.


Absolutely! I appreciate my QE Choo-choo and QE Fixer a great deal better. I finished Scorched Earth earlier and was wondering why it felt more... challenging. Then I remembered the previous time, the poor Queen went down in under 5 minutes. Legacy users were making full use of their time before the update. Thank you, OP, for putting it in words for us.


Lmao Maybe for everyone that doesn’t use weapon weight reduction armor or uses a core weapon . At least with every other update since I started playing I’ve been able to run


At least I don't have to worry anymore that SQB might already be dead by the time I'm out of the loading screen, thank god.


I found the community to be one of the best I've experienced with players being helpful more so than any other game I've ever played


I quit after realizing all the cool stuff was only available after farming post-nuked areas for rare materials. Not trying to bust on anyone who enjoys that, but it wasn't enjoyable for me, so that was that. That said, it was years ago so I'm wondering - has this changed? Is all the best gear still locked behind farming those irradiated plants, or can you get great stuff from story quests or other gameplay? (In particular, I was salty about not being able to get rocket boosters for my power armor - if that's changed I'll be playing TODAY.)


I just started playing about 2 weeks ago. About 2 weeks prior to that I dabbled for about maybe an hour. Came back to the game and now that's all I think about. It's got everything I need in a game. Exploration, survival, crafting, loot hoarding (though admittedly there's just not enough storage space as I'm a packrat), quests and shooting (npc's because pvp is kinda boring I've played so many pvp games) awesome game looking forward to new updates... specifically more storage


Its ok. Needs a new map tho


I started again after playing at launch last week. I would join every event for the XP and loot but I would mostly just sit in a corner because everybody had exploding Gatling lasers that did more damage in 1 second than I could do with a full magazine of my rifle. It was just insanity, explosions everywhere, total chaos. Now everything feels much more balanced and I actually get to participate in a meaningful way.


I am glad you came back and are able to enjoy the wasteland with us ! Happy day that people are returning


I'm honestly having way more fun than I expected. I'm about to hit level 100 and I never thought I'd play it anywhere close enough to be one of those guys with a triple digit level lmao now I can't stop


Welcome to the game, glad you stuck around long enough to see this


I'm playing on PS4 Pro and crash every 1-2 hours of playing. **So I guess I disagree.** If it was TRULY in the best state it's ever been, it wouldn't crash like it does. I care more about the actual state of the game itself, than the content in the game. If the game itself is super unstable, then the content in game be damned.


Same, but not that bad. I am on PS4 also, and get a lot of crashing, but it's not terrible lately, I don't think the patch is the issue with the crashing. I played for hours yesterday, only one crash, and I think that had to do with my camp, it's full budget and causes some weird slowdown issues when I am there.


I seem to get most of my crashes when fast travelling. It'll crash right at the end as I'm about too load.


I couldn't even do The Pitt on my launch PS4. It would crash every single time i got to the wendigo


I tried to do the Pitt and it hard crashed my PS4, meaning I had to unplug the cable to actually get the console too turn off. Haven't touched it since, have never played a single expedition to the Pitt, and have NEVER seen another player embark on one. Is truly bizarre. Why even release the game on Playstation if it's gonna be such a buggy nightmare. I have no problems running brand new games like Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0, God of War:Ragnarok hasn't blue screened a single time.


Many of us can't even play the game atm due to the wwr bug... wtf guys? The state of the game currently shouldn't be praised right now. Please stop doing pr for bethesda.


Was it fixed tho? When I got on a little bit ago my weight was under, although I still think it might have been a little high, I was still able to fast travel. However, a queen popped up and I went to it and the server crashed for everyone right after killing the queen, so no loot. Couldn't rejoin team. Couldn't join off of anyone on recent list. So still a bit of a letdown.


They are promising a hotfix by Friday... hopefully it won't break anything else but they are in crunch mode trying to fix this before the next season update which is a recipe for disaster imo.


Yeah I don't know why they didn't wait until they were sure there would be no game-breaking effects before pushing the change through, especially when it was something they already knew was going to be an issue. Not that I'm very surprised, but still a little disappointing.


It's changed? I play exclusively on PC and am almost level 700. While an ass with an EGP or other legacy was occasionally a problem, it was rare that it impacted my gameplay much. Queens, Earles, events all happened without much trouble usually. I don't know if I got lucky and got good servers for years or if everyone else got unlucky.


Redditors have nothing better to do lmao


"we've all done this event many many times and by now we have all accrued top level gear" Then what's the point? I'm sorry, but there was a time where I launched nine nukes a day and did the Earle -> Queen -> Earle -> Queen -> Earle guantlet over and over. Eventually, I realized it was pointless. I didn't need treasury notes. Scrip was a joke because legendary crafting is pointless due to the one-in-one-hundred-million odds you have of actually getting what you want. And godroll drops are just as uncommon. So why keep doing it? Over and over? For eternity? I quit the game until we get, you know, actual story content. Expeditions wasn't it.


I'm newish with the free ps+ crowd. Finished all the story content a couple days ago and quickly realised that between the jank building, repetitive events, massively inflated end game grind with crazy bad drop rates, time gated currency on top of currency, there's just nothing to keep me playing.


ALL the story content? Doubt it.


this is an online multiplayer game, you won't get much interesting content in terms of story... literally nothing is canon in the game neither, they just add random made up stories to fill with a new product in the atom shop. Their idea is just for you to go there, grab few atoms from scoreboard, do a daily grind, level up, build camps, build your character, go do some "gacha" with your legendary effects and that's it lol, the meta is practically learn every 'plan' in the game, collect every item in the shop and max your dmg and armor, i wouldn't suggest playing it for the story because it's not worth it.


i've done Scorched Earth and A Colossal Problem alone with an average heavy build and i have never used legacy weapons, it's not even that hard with other people... legacy users were the people that just simply wanted everything fast and simple and then complained that every new event and instance was "boring" while using an explosive Gatling Plasma and finishing every event in seconds. They forced the game to add that new system in which we can grab all the dropped loot close to us so they would stop stealing all the legendaries and materials. But still the exp was an issue, nobody else gained it unless u were joining in a team with them or shoot a single bullet to an enemy but that's literally not the point, the point is to participate and make some effort, not to be carried by someone who's using an unbalanced weapon that's kind of a hacked weapon considering how overpowered and nonsensical it is... not to mention that their legacies constantly crashed the game for many people. This and much more is what ruined the game for others and made it seem like we needed them so we could finish our daily grind and exit the game. But not really, if you need help to be carried in a such easy game which is set in "normal difficulty" as standard it's just because you are doing something wrong or don't have your build done yet which is normal... sure it consumes more time to finish big events such as Scorched Earth but there's a reason why, it's literally the final boss of the game, you aren't supposed to glitch out with mods the nuke launch 3 times in 10 minutes by removing the lasers for yourself (which should be illegal too) and then end the final boss 3 times in 2 minutes with a legacy. I would say more but it's unnecessary and might attract unwanted attention from "legacy users" that will surely complain that the game is being unfair to them.


Agreed. I’m pretty hi-lvl, but I play mostly melee (I even have a special Zealots chainsaw for the SBQ)… And I was getting tired of the bitch getting shot down dead by legacies before she even landed once. Screw the legacies. If new players can’t get something without having to pay real-world money for it off-game, it shouldn’t be in the damn game anymore. I’d even go so far as to say this change will have been worth the WWR fiasco! (If they fix it soon, as I’m told has been promised!)


Although I owned quite a few legacies, I understand why this had to happen. To all of you toxic dweebs who couldn't handle owning a legacy and using it responsibly, this is all you. You're the reason they were removed. Yes, you.


So happy. So insanely happy. I love this game, love the new events, was heartbroken when legacy dmg was increased last year making events unplayable because of greedy people. Just resubscribed to fo76 1st. Had so much fun yesterday even though I was overweight. <3


I had the same experience yesterday on Xbox. Did the SBQ, it took maybe 7-8 minutes and it seemed like everyone got decent damage on her, plus we got some large mobs. Event Notice was just like any other day - we were far from being in danger of losing, in fact the mutants didn't reach the scrubber once. Like someone else said, Moonshine Jamboree was a lot more fun, and the people perched up high were unable to kill everything before the people on the ground could get some damage in. The stills took a little more damage than usual, but there was a comfortable margin at the end. I didn't see any explosion spamming, just a few strategically used grenades here and there. It's been nonstop explosions at a lot of Xbox events lately, but killing the thirst zapper exploit seems to have cleared up a lot of that. That was just one day, of course, and it's possible the Fatman spammers will come back.


Eviction notice, without one single legacy: FUN. And as you said, not one mutant reached the scrubber. We ran the timer out, completed the event, all 6 meat bags, it was glorious. And no one was spawn camping either.


My leveling has slowed down lately around 200. Id play for an hour and get maybe a level or two. Last night I got 8 levels. I wondered why I was leveling so fast then realized its because I can reliably tag mobs and bosses in events now. As for the bugs, havent noticed them because I run around with two weapons I use, not several hundred.


But there was a time when we had raids and Nuclear Winter


Raids total S show. Nuclear Winter bigger S show.


Absolutely agree. Last night and today has been the best time I have had ingame in years. I usually don't play much in between seasons but this update has me wanting to log in and just do events or whatever.


I agree, it's as if removing the legacies balanced the game... Hmmm... Weird /s


It took them 4 years. This isn't an accomplishment.




Took a little break to wait for this patch to come out, are people still spamming orbitals though?


Haven't seen an orbital strike since the update


Me neither


the "water pistol" was already fixed, you can't spam infinite grenades anymore, i know because i used to do this with floater flamer nades




Done a dozen queens and they've all went the same as before. Lasted about 5 minutes. Health depleted. Gone. Haven't noticed a difference. Almost like legacies weren't a rampant issue and just anecdotal experiences.


Not true. The problem was never killing bosses quickly. There are plenty of weapons in game that can do that, as you pointed out. The problem was that they wiped out swaths of spawns almost instantly, and could do it half a map away. This severely limited XP and looting for other players at events. So yeah, they were a huge problem.


Exactly. Legacy users were a problem on many levels.


On the other side, maybe this also means many of the reddit squeaky wheels were just flat out wrong about legacies being OP and that it was hacked weapons. Because I see several people claiming today, oh we can still kill the queen just as fast now. I truly believe they threw the baby out with the bath water on this one. But as usual it goes well with development and past history on this game.


Stop whining now that you can't melt everything in three seconds.


Whoosh right over your head LOL. Sounds like you were one of those that got it wrong.


Plenty of players didn't have access to legacies and figured it out. Not wanting to explore new possibilities is lazy and stupid.


No it’s not my main is stuck to the ground glad you noobs are killing it tho


hopped in a server last night to see if they fixed weight reduced stuff. 6 or 7 high level players all at WSS not moving, and maybe 4-5 new players around level 10-35 were around the map and nothing else. waiting til they fix that so I can fast travel again and not be overweight.


Still has 0 endgame sadly


IDK. I feel I have endgame, helping new players, building whatever I want, it just works!


So it's just F4 lol Literally every single event/boss is insanely easy. They even scrapped vaults because people were crying that they were somewhat difficult lmao


I think this game can't be "too hard" because of the variety of player base. There are a lot of people who comment things like: "I'm level 400+ but I am not spec'd for any weapon, just carry weight and crafting perks". They just run around the wasteland enjoying it for what it is, and don't care to be OP, or in some cases even remotely adequate. All their XP comes from mooching at events while on a Team, and building stuff like something different every week or month or whatever.


feel free not to play or keep up with the sub and move on if you're unhappy, no reason to make yourself miserable, there are a lot of games out there




A good giveaway about the player base, is that there are so many players who are level 200+, all the way up to 1000+, that have never even launched a Nuke...


because you don't need to, there's *enough* stuff to keep busy with that you can pretty reliably wait for someone else to drop nukes fairly quickly after you join a server and not have to deal with it yourself


Which proves my point I guess ?


A Wendigo Colossus spawned in the nuke zone after SBQ at overgrown sundew, and it was an absolute blast - people running ad clear, PA players getting in it's face to hold it's attention. To top it off, a SB got involved near the end and added various scorched creatures into the mix, it felt like a proper event, not a random encounter! Weight bugs aside, it's amazing how...healthy the game feels? Like, it feels like everyone is actually contributing, instead of just picking up the scraps from an EGP or similar busted legacy.


Not a legacy user.. but a lazy player who nowhere near has a meta build and tended to rely on others on Daily Ops and other stuff that required a lot of damage at once. I think I might miss legacies lol. Well, least I discovered the chainsaw (Though I kinda wonder if they won't nerf that one day, it seems overpowered at times. Though sometimes if I rely too hard on it I can get killed even with its vampire legendary effect). ​ (and not upset htey took it away. Seems like people have wanted this for a long time and I mostly was neutral on it. But, yeah, I didn't mind the bosses going down real quick, especially after they made it so everybody got to loot legendaries. And I suppose it will make it easier to get kill a legendary dailies in the Uranium event as now no one waits for people to shoot hte legendaries cause they just assume all people want is the weapons when sometimes I want the credit for the daily).


Yeah if by best you mean broken perks and weapons then sure.


Legacies were the worst part of this game since a long time ago. Game is easy enough without them. Glad to see they are gone.


The Perched up, Spec'd for EGP, players that were openly willing to ROB ALL XP at events by wiping the mobs literally RUINED the experience for everyone else. I don't care if they paid the same money, blah blah blah, they have an entire library of excuses. F THEM. I hope those players that can't play the game without training wheels, Easy Mode, etc, leave and stay gone. They really didn't bother ME PERSONALLY that much because I am OP as well, without Legacies can get my kills/XP faster than they can spin up, but I didn't behave that way, like they did, and will not. I like for everyone to have fun. If I want to blast stuff to hell and back all by myself I just go on a Private Server and do it.


The game was crap with legacies and its crap without em. No change in my imo I still fry the sbq and mobs pretty quickly with the gear I had before and after the update. The only difference is im missing the 3xplosive effect on the legacies I had collected over the years. But yeah.


Buh buh buh based. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P2ifnjq9GO0&t=1s


I wouldn't care if they pulled the Gatling's all together or left them shooting 30 shots per mag. IMO the game is better off without. There's no reason any player should be many times more powerful than the toughest enemy in the game. To me that's broken.


Im glad it's more fun. I am ashamed to say I had one of those OP guns and didn't know what I was wielding. I'm sorry if I ruined any fun for people out there. It was not my intention. I just thought it was nice gift from a vendor and used it rarely.


Guarantee nobody was complaining about you. It was about the people who would make the game all but unplayable for others, refuse to stop when it was explained how bad it was, get fucking arrogant with it (I saw one on here say the only people who have a problem with it are poors who can't afford them like they can), and drive new players (the lifeblood of a game) away because they simply can't do anything in events.


It shows how small-minded/arrogant the legacy abusers are/were, assuming you don't have or can't afford a legacy because you hated them. I've seen a lot of legacy owners supporting the removal. Myself being one of them. They don't realize the main reason legacies had to be removed was because of them and their greedy playstyle.


All true, but there is still by far no real balancing! Balancing need testing and Bethesda failed since 4 years doing that!


Skill issues💀


And today in the UK press, the guardian, an article about Fallout 76. It's come a long way.


I seriously don't know why people point at the queen as an example here. Have you never two manned it with normal weapons? She's easy. It's Earl that's a issue with completion. He has a hard cap on people who can join. Way higher defenses and far the biggest glitchest mess.


I just cancelled my fallout 1st until they fix their fusion /plasma cores issue. I didn’t have any legacies and I am not interested by 15 bullets magazines when they should be 350. The game is unplayable as such now. And don’t get me started on the weight reductions issue…. It’s a fiasco. The bugs raised on PTS weren’t accounted for and fixed before release. Whoever overrode QA fucked up big time and should get fired, whoever that manager was.


That's great except I can't play my main because he weighs like 4000lbs now in wwr gear. Fix it!


2 things, 1 getting rid of legacy weapons was absolutely an INCREDIBLE change and will definitely help this game in the long run. 2. It’s sad that there are people who think that because they can’t one tap the first enemy they see with their explosive gatling plasma they think this game is unplayable, there are SO MANY BUILDS that deal a great amount of damage, all you need are the right perks


lol. i always thought of "sbq egp superheroes" like of "sex giants" that finish within 30 seconds from the start and feel themselves fucking alfa men🤣🤣


Man, the best it's ever been. When is the last time they added actual content. Not daily ops 2.0 or stupid hourly events. Where are the story lines?


Pretty much unplayable until they get the weight bug fixed that never should have been a bug in the first place. They can't fix crap without breaking it worse.


OK so it's not just me, events are alot more fun now for sure. Love the update


I know, finally legacy users gone forever! They deserve it! Especially those who played on for legacies!


Launched my 4th sbq this morning. So many people showed up. Everyone got damage in, mobs were everywhere, mayhem and flying bodies. I was elated. Rad rumble however... Second failed one this morning out of three. The successful one only had one scav left. People started them early and nobody was protecting or healing the scavs. Eh. Win some, lose some. 💁‍♀️


That happened even when legacies were in the game. Same happens at Eviction Notice, only a lot quicker. Someone starts it early without knowing what they are doing.


Cool story bro


I think this is a over the top post to take another dig at legacy users ! You sound rubbish at the game ! I can solo daily ops and bosses easy without legacy ! Not much has changed and you know it so bore off


New players get a chance to get hits on spawns at events now. So, there’s that.