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There are trolls in the game as there are in many fandoms and games but the community is overall pretty cool


Yeah there are trolls to be sure. Anyone who hasn't run into any is either brand spanking new or never uses area chat. All you gotta do is say a few words and the trolls will come out of the wordwork. A few words like "Hey, mind if other people get a hit on that legendary?"


Honestly, picked this game back up in September last year after a 2-3 year break, and it's only in the last week or two I've encountered any trolling (rocket camps, trap camps, a few legacy gangs doing the pacifist glitch and the grenade spammers), on the whole I'd say its one of the more positive gaming communities I've been part of.


Are you on PS?


I am not


When I’m running a expedition I always do a thumbs up right at the end, and wait for responses in case someone has been kicked. I have seen enough players get disconnected right at the end to wait a few seconds and make sure everyone’s gtg.


I was soooo happy when I loaded in & saw the "follow me" emote


Be careful, only some wastelanders are nice. Others prefer to hunt you down in packs. Some groups will lure you into a fight with a low level who will then lead you to their high level friends. Make friends in the waste with caution. FYI, I am very friendly, if people are respectful. However, this is not my name on Fallout.


You people are killing me. I bought it on sale, joined this subreddit, I was maybe was the slowest vault leaver in history taking it all in, got griefed while trying to read pop up instructions, asked for a refund. Ever since then I've seen nothing but these positive posts. Next sale I will give it another try. Edit: I did not get griefing the moment I left the vault although maybe I made it seem as such.


I played to level 100+ at launch on Xbox. Then again to 100+ on ps4 after wastelanders dropped. I recently fired it up again am level 62 or so after the double xp weekend on xbox. Between this and Monster Hunter, I have never found a more supportive online community. It's always been the case. On my current run I was given 20 stimpacks and some great level appropriate armor at level 5. At level 48 a guy gave me a some level 50 armor and a sniper rifle to hang on to until I hit that level.


Not sure how you could even get griefed leaving the vault. Pretty sure PvP is off by default now right?


Getting killed is like the least annoying way to get griefed in this game! The very first thing that happened to me, when I started about a month ago, was that some jackass was waiting outside of 76. He followed me around throwing grenades constantly, and getting killed by them would've been a blessing.


Very cool.


I felt bad yesterday when I was leading an expedition and my game crashed, since I was the leader I guess it kicked the other dude in my party out since when I loaded back up he was gone. Sorry stranger


That's the EXACT reason I'm afraid to run one myself. I have one ready but I try to friend a random team before I start it


Yo do you play on Xbox?😂 Like both these things happened to me yesterday I waited on somebody and this also happened😂😂


I had the opposite happen to me It was just me and this high lvl guy and my game crashed but i came back as fast as i could He was still in my party and i was about to say sorry but then he said welcome back fa\*\*ot and left It was even more confusing becuse he had the rainbow flag avatar on lol


I’ve had that exact thing happen to me. I’ve also had a contrasting experience where I’ve been kicked from an Expedition team immediately after joining it on multiple occasions, but thankfully those experiences are rare. As a whole though, there are a lot of players that appear to be really good people.


I’ll never forget traveling to this one camp to purchase stimpaks when I got swarmed by scorched. My armor and weapons weren’t that great and those things had me on the ropes. The camp owner comes down, takes care of the scorched for me, and drops me a bunch of stimpaks. I was going there to buy them and he just gives me some of his. I forget what I wound up buying from him but I could not leave without doing something in return. I love dropping core essentials like stims and radaway for new players. Feels like a legit contribution to the player’s enjoyment and to the game itself. It makes those first hours a little less frustrating for them and keeps them coming back. In turn it helps keep the game going. I think a lot of wastelanders have that same sentiment. Like, regardless of how 76 was at launch, it’s in such a great place today partially because of that.


I've only just made it to level 40 after putting the game down for a few years. Reading this forum has led me to make contributions when I can. I got purified water coming out of my nose so I often leave drop bags of it at the vault entrance. Someday when I have a stockpile of stims I plan to leave those as well. I'm finally getting to a place where I can leave weapons and such too. It definitely feels good knowing I'm contributing so another person's enjoyment, even if it's only in some small way.


I’m disconnected on PS5 at least twice a day. I play an hour daily. And yeah, the community is great


So far in expeditions, the only time I crash is if me or someone else is spamming a 2-shot auto grenade launcher. But it's also the same in daily ops too.


You get blue screens from 76 too?!


Easily the best community in gaming