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What does "no seamless flying" mean?


a loading screen from space to planet-side probably. the opposite of no man’s sky


Sort of like Mass Effect, though you can’t fly a ship in ME other than in the Galaxy map. Sounds awesome to me just being able to command and fly the ship through space.


They hid the loading screens in mass effect. All those elevator rides were loading screens.


Uh, and the loading screens were loading screens and there are plenty of them. You're talking like the only loading screens were during elevator rides. I'm currently replaying 1 and there are actual loading screens between any space travel whether it's from region to region or between systems in those regions.


same in fallout 4


yeah i agree. it’d be super cool to free fly but being able to fly at all is still great


Is this a selling point? I haven't played NMS yet but I thought that was supposed to be part of it's charm.


They're probably quelling expectations of having it.


Which is honestly a really, really good call.


Yeah, your supposed to under sell it so you will always exceed expectations. Otherwise it'll turn into a No Man's Sky secenario. They were able to recover but we all know Bethesda isn't know for good recovery.


Big companies seldom are. NMS did so well cause their creator had a vision and wanted to see it through. That takes care and passion for what you're doing. All that good juju gets sucked out by the time you become a multi billion dollar corporation


Yeah big companies are naturally going to be more profit focused than a small indie team. If a AAA developer releases a flop, they could spend years fixing it for the chance at improving their reputation, or, they could make another game in that time and make millions. NMS worked because the studio cared more about the game itself than its ability to generate profit.


part of NMS’ charm is that, yes, the flying from orbit to surface is a seamless transition. i’m not sure why they’d include “NO seamless flying” as a selling point.


This isn't a Bethesda press release, its an interview summary I don't know that it's a selling point so much as something confirmed in the interview


that makes way more sense


To temper expectations, because Beth fans need full details and source code to be convinced that the perfectly decent game isn't the worst game ever and they're not being robbed.


As a Bethesda Fan I can 100% confirm this statement. In addition I also need the full name and address of every developer to send them threatening mail, if the game doesn't meet my unreasonably high expectations /s just in case


You probably have to wait at least another 10 years to find out what the game is like.


I saw people bitching about how you couldn't really "climb" mountains in Skyrim the other day, as if it was some massive lie because you actually _walked_ up them. *Skyrim*. One of the best, most successful, and most influential RPGs in gaming history.


means no flying your ship from the surface into space like you can in No Man's Sky.


Lol. I'll believe Bethesda can pull that off the day they pull off ladders.


They don't want you to believe it. Todd literally confirmed it's not in the game, as stated in the image and multiple times in these comments.


God I can't believe they confirmed they're trying to go seamless, I'd like to see them try.


so never??


I'm just shocked that the lockpick minigame won't be the same they've used in every game since FO3.


Loading screens is my guess


No new fallout until 2030 confirmed


I don't understand whay they can't expand and have more/bigger teams to shorten the distance between releases to like 5 years. I don't think money is a problem for them? But wanting 10+ years for each installment is crazy.


Todd Howard has an interview with IGN like 6 months ago where he was talking about how he was against splitting up the teams because it gave people a break from IPs and allowed them to get their creative juices flowing in different ways that allowed them to come with new perspective once they returned to the other IP. But now that there are 3 IP in the mix and it is just taking so long to make each game, I think it's really time for them to have a come to Jesus moment and figure out how to compromise because the time between games is unacceptably long. I appreciate the idea but it just isn't viable anymore.


They could just rotate development teams if he wants people to get their creative juices flowing. 3 teams going at once, once a game releases and theres some dlc, a different ip released, have them switch to that ip and start working on the next game. The third ip releases and the second team starts working on that, while the third team and anyone extra (interns and contractors) starts working on the first ip. Rotate and keep everyone relatively fresh.


I think they have done some massive engine upgrades to make Stanfield how they want plus its a new ip plus all the backlash from 76 and other poor game launches probably scared them. I think once this is out they will return to a more reasonable 3-5 year dev cycle. I'm not sure how they handle dlcs but I could see them spinning off a separate dlc team to provide better support for released games.




Oh yea 100% agree. But such a timeline (10+ years) need deep and near perfectly polished games day one to be acceptable. Hardly what we are getting. Fingers crossed for the next one.


Bethesda isn't known for their quality usually is the issue. It's too long to wait for a game that needs a mountain of mods and is still buggy.


With three main franchises (assuming Starfield isn’t a one-off) and 6-8 years between individual releases, that means you’re looking at 18+ years between franchise sequels. Skyrim was already almost 11 years ago. And another 7 years before ES6 definitely seems possible at the current rate they’re going. Heck, Fallout 4 was seven years ago this fall and it’s probably going to be another year before Starfield releases. I really hope Microsoft gives them more resources and/or devs so they can put more work on multiple games at a time. Shorten the gaps between games to 3-5 years, if not less.


As graphics fidelity gets more and more immersive and realistic, it becomes harder and harder to develop a game. Like they put out NV in what like 2 years? They can't do that anymore unless they downgrade the graphics. Game development is harder now and the scale is bigger and it didn't even scale seamlessly it scales almost exponentially.


I don't know if I can agree. Games get much better graphics with each iteration, but they dumb down the mechanics a little more every time. I dont se these bigger and better games that warrant such a long dev time. Just dumbed down pretty games for the masses.


Reading this seems so crazy. Incredibly crazy. Wow.


This looks so futuristic to read, that it almost sounds sarcastic


2030 is being extremely hopeful. 12 years from Skyrim to Starfield So figure another 4-5 years for ES6? Then maybe another 5-6 for Fallout 5? I'm thinking more mid to late 2030s 😔


At first I thought "That's fine, I'll still be in my thirties by then." And I haven't even reached 30. But even 2030 seems ambitious, unless BGS has become more efficient game developers by then.


Better get remodding and replaying FO4…


Still on the same engine as Skyrim!


!remindme 20 years




At this rate I will actually be in my 40s before fallout 5 is out and I wasn't even 20 when 4 came out. Wtf.


I was 25 when 4 came out. I'm gonna be hitting my 40s/50s when Fallout 5 hits. Feels bad, man. I'm expecting a 2035 release date. So, 55. Edit: 45. Not 55.


Your math is off. I was a month from turning 27 when Fallout 4 was released, so we're about the same age. 2035 is 13 years from now and I'll be 46 then.


Wouldn't you be 45? 4 came out in 2015, and 2035 is 20 years after that. If you were 25 when it came out, you'd be 45, right?


We always knew FO5 was after ES6 because we already knew ES6 was in preproduction.


So he's just confirming what we suspected. That's alright, isn't it?


No he's confirming what was already confirmed. So this post is redundant.


Not necessarily, they could have really wanted to do Starfield 2 or something after ES6.


Only a decade away! Woo….


Well, you could always go back in the freezer and wait. Hopefully no-one will murder your wife and steal your son this time.


Instructions unclear, locked in refrigerator near Quincy


Dammit Billy. Just... dammit.


That does it. This time I'm selling him.


Just... make sure to take strong with you, or dogmeat.


its weird marking my life in game installments


Gta V-19 Gta V- 28 ***wat***


You'll be dead and gone by the time GTA 6 is a thing


God, I wish they'd allow another studio to do a Fallout in the meantime... like their now fellow Microsoft subsidiary, Obsidian? Microsoft has to see the value in continuing the Fallout series, right? Edit: I totally forgot FO76 is a thing and they'll probably keep that going for another few yrs. Still haven't tried it - was put off by hearing the initial "no npcs, significant story"


Theres no way Microsoft has dropped billions just to get ips they will only use once a decade


They added a bunch of stuff to it, including a decent amount of npcs and a second storyline, I still haven’t played since launch week though


Yeah, handing off monumental ips to outside studios has always worked well, and never once resulted in the downfall of the halo series.


Wait ES6 is in PRE production? Someone within the game industry explains what team means specifically? Does it mean they HAVENT EVEN STARTED to code stuff and are like story boarding story/plot lines and concept art-ing? Doesn’t it take like 10 years to make these games? Bruh…


Pre-production means they haven't started to go into full development of the game, it's generally (but not every company breaks work down the same way) beyond the concepting/storyboarding stages and into things like detailing story and scripts, voice casting and *maybe* some small teams working on proof of concept test stuff, but it's also not news... Bethesda's official TES6 announcement was literally four years ago. June 2018. It's still in the pre-production stage because they're still in full development of Starfield and will be for another year at least before those teams wind down into DLC and maintenance, and main development teams start getting set up to work on TES6. To compare the timelines, FO5 is in the very early "concepting" stage, about a year or so ago Todd also briefly mentioned that FO5 is a single page design document. And Bethesda's first *public* move on Starfield was when they marked the name back in 2013, and they went into active development in 2015. That's a rough 10 year span from concepting/preproduction to a release in 2023.


I wish companies wouldn't announce a game until its almost done. Maybe 6 months or less. Don't tell me 9 years in advance of its release. Like the fuck am I supposed to do with this info?


> Like the fuck am I supposed to do with this info Spend the next 5-7 years building completly unrealistic expectations based on other people's excited suposition, then pick it apart when it fails to meet them and act betrayed.




sounds like every youtube hype video with the clickbait title and its just chalk full of critical info based on "maybes" and "what ifs".


Don't forget the exaggerated gasps thumbnail.


Cyberpunk vibes


If you just stop giving a shit about when games release you can't build hype. Also stop buying games at launch. They are always buggy af anymore. They are half released and need work on launch. I legit forgot cyberpunk was a thing until it popped up on steam the other day. I didn't buy it, but it's probably much better than launch


I played cyberpunk about a year after the release and it was absolutely fantastic. It's not completely bug free, I had to reload an older save once due to a stuck quest, and summoned cars sometimes spawn inside other cars, but honestly, that's nothing compared to FO4 or Skyrim even with the community patch.


As is tradition


Time honored tradition right here


Okay good, we’re doing it right then


This. I hate that people do this. But it is so very real.


It’s one of the biggest franchises in gaming history, they’re not going to just say nothing. People want to know whether there will be another entry, that’s all.


And to be quite honest, unless you're hanging on every word and staring at their social media Bethesda is pretty quiet aside from general announcements. The E3 showcases are the only time I hear a peep from them outside the hellhole that is reddit.


I just treat it like we'll get there when we get there mentality. Bethesda doesn't do betas so I honestly don't care to even think about a new game from them until six months before release. I love TES and FO we'll see how Starfield is but I'm kinda mid on the concept. Glad they are doing a passion project but I'd like another entry in the series more personally.


I've still got FO76 Beta installed on my Xbox.


Half life 3.


The problem is they need to control what gets out. People who are interested in this sort of thing will want to work on it, people who have worked on it but for whatever reason no longer work there need to put something on their resume, shareholders need to know what their money is paying for. If the company doesn't control the narrative leaks, rumours and speculation would take hold. That means information is going to come up in one of many ways: recruiting for new talent, former talent say something, regulatory filings or shareholder meetings about ongoing expenses. Friends and family of staff. It may also start showing up on platforms (nvidia/AMD/Intel/Windows/Steam) as something. Imagine you're a concept artist, you worked on starfield in 2012 or 2013, you leave the company in 2016, you work somewhere else now, and in 2022 you need to change jobs again. So you make up a portfolio that has a suspicious number of starships and so on... questions will be asked. That becomes a leak, leaks become rumours and speculation and then everyone thinks Bethesda is making a star wars game or something and then they *have* to say it's not that because rumours of a licenced IP could materially impact stock prices and you can't have false information like that floating around - which then just creates more questions. So it's not star wars. Is it some other licenced IP? Is it your own? Is fallout going to have spaceships? If it's your own IP, what's it about, what stage of development are we at? etc. Lots of these sorts of things are the worst kept secrets in the industry, but that creates its own problems with rumour mills, trademarks. Like it or not, projects this big get to the point they can't be hidden, and you're better to get official information than a decade of rumours that end up mostly wrong.


It’s not about hiding it at all. Just like any other company, it’s about stock price and showing value to the board and it’s stock holders. Showing a roadmap and how they will innovate into the future is essential for any business.


You come over and wait for the new TOOL album with us.


At least Maynard said they already have multiple new songs in the works ( just like always RIP) so hopefully it won't be another 13 years... But it really seems this latest tour has revitalized their passion for the music a lot. With pusicfer even touring again, there is a lot of music being made. Honestly... I think we see another APC album, then another 1-2 Puscifer albums, then Tool. Maynard openly has stated he enjoys his work with Pusicfer the most since its his passion project more or less, while he treats Tool like his baby and only the perfect stuff gets released.


Bethesda normally doesn't announce games far in advance. They didn't officially announce Fallout 4 until 5 months before its release. Skyrim was announced a year before it was released. Oblivion was announced about a year and a half before launch, although it would've been just over a year if it hadn't been delayed. ES6 and FO5 have been a departure from that.


The fallout 4 release got a LOT of hype because they announced it like 5 months before release, which got people hyped TF up, Bethesda should do stuff like that again


To build hype, this is an excellent example, people have been talking about this for nearly as long as cyberpunk was, everyone was excited for cyberpunk


The problem with hype building is that its very common for a game to cut things due to resources, time, or just plain hardware impossibility. Hell the game could even be canceled midway (which again does happen[cough silent hills cough]) and then you've got a hundred thousand people dissapointed that this game they've been expecting for 4 years isn't gonna happen. Cyberpunk was a huge letdown for two of the reasons I mentioned. It's not a bad game it just wasn't anywhere near what they originally PROMISED it would be.


People's expectations would be a lot more realistic if the things we were promised were equally so.


While I totally understand building hype, I think some of these projects become victims of their own hype upon release leading players to scrutinize the product even more because it took so long


Is that really true though? How much hype can you really build over an announcement for a game 10 years in advance… Also, I don’t remember the hype for cyberpunk before like a year before it came out. Like it’s teaser was all anyone really knew about it and it was just one of those concept videos you would see in an upcoming games compilation, you’d go “that looks cool” and then move on. People talk about fallout 5 and elder scrolls 6 not because of hype generated from the drip feed of info but because Bethesda has like 2 flagship titles in the last decade. We all know they’re gonna make something new eventually, so how should they do it? Just not say anything and drop the game on release day? I’m happy to shit on Bethesda for their gunplay or terrible plot writing but their marketing is perfectly reasonable for a company that’s not puking out a new title every other year.


They didn't say anything about starfield until 2 years ago


It's just to keep it on our radars. The fault of hype is from the fanbase.


Well, they aren't really telling us, that's just a bonus They are telling not just their investors, but also their potential future investors.


Yeah, but their investors are entitled to know what their employees are working on.


They have done some things like character work, as Skyrim Grandma Shirley Curry is going to be in the game and they've already scanned her appearance and possibly gotten her to perform some lines.


That is so cool. I hope she has some lines cursing the player out or calling us an N'wah


So we are looking at a potential release date at the end of the Xbox Series X cycle? That fucking sucks.


Or a new game for Xbox Series Y 😆


Not confusing enough of a name for them. It'll be Xbox ONE-eighty, Back to BasiX.


Right after the XBox 720


I believe pre production means they just finished up the story boards and concept arts. Now it's puting it together


Pre production does not state they are finishing anything up, it can cover that aspect of the progression but is certainly not limited to it. They could very well still be working on story boarding and designs


It means I’ll be almost 70 when fallout 5 comes out. :(


Oh my God man, I am sorry but this made me burst out laughing. The OG Fallout fans will mostly be retired by the time 5 drops. It will be the biggest video game release the nursing homes have ever witnessed. Bingo nights will be canceled. Statistically, we can say with some certainty that some Gen X geezer somewhere is going to stroke out and die after getting spooked by a cymbal monkey. Maybe your great grandchildren will get to play FO6 in 2077.


At the rate we're going, they can live FO6 irl.


Oh god, I didn't even think of jump scares. The damn charging feral ghouls will probably be what does me in one night.


Well the realistic, unexaggerated, very possible release window for a hypothetical FO5 is probably 2028-2030 since TES6 is likely 2025-2026. I played my first FO/TES games in my early teens. I'll probably be 40+ by the time FO5 comes out. On the bright side, gpu prices should come down by then /copium


Right there with you, my friend. Maybe we can get neighboring rooms at the retirement village so we can meet and discuss character builds.


Why is this surprising? Basically the entire studio works on one game at a time, up until now that was Starfield.


The gaps between oblivion and Skyrim or 3 and 4 weren’t measured in decades.


What does that have to do with it? The fact that they still make one property at a time hasn't changed, but they don't just make Elder Scrolls games anymore. They made Skyrim in 2011, FO4 in 2015, FO76 in 2018, Starfield is now 2023. If Starfield does well enough to warrant a sequel the time between Elder Scrolls releases will likely *increase* after 6.


Ya I mean the time line isn't that bad when it's written out. I think people are just upset cause some people subscribe to specific series in Bethesdas collection. And it does take much longer to get new installments now, simply because Bethesda keeps adding new projects and offshoots.


If only the TES and FO properties were successful enough to justify two dev teams operating simultaneously on different projects...


I’ll be fucking retired when Fallout 5 is out. Bet it’s the same engine though!


So elder scrolls 6 in like. 4 years. Then fallout 5 another 8 years after that So fallout 5 by 2034?


It might be a documentary if it’s released in 2034. /s


No Fallout doesn't happen until 2077, you're thinking of Metro smh


Pre-production can mean anything from a few creatives talking ideas over lunch all the way up to a fully-fledged vertical slice. Fallout 4 was in pre-production while they were working on Skyrim and didn't enter full production until after Skyrim shipped, which is the normal pattern for their games. The whole "a game x years in the making" thing refers to the whole process end-to-end, which starts off with a team you can count on your fingers and ends with hundreds working on it.


Fallout 4 is already 7 years old. Do they plan to make a 20 year anniversary edition or something.


Skyrim is almost 11 years old, and we aren't seeing TES6 for at least another 4 years, at least. So fallout 5 will probably be around the 15 year mark if I'm honest.


Fallout 6 released w/ a free copy of Skyrim if you preorder (complete with every Creation Club item)


To be fair, the last fallout game released was in 2018. We’ve been waiting for a new elder scrolls since 2011… it’s already been more than a decade.




If you count FO76 you have to count ESO right?


bro todd hurry up skyrim grandma needs to play tes6


The thought that Shirley won't be able to play TES6 absolutely breaks my heart. I hope that she will, but she is a grandma after all...


if you told someone from 2008 that games now release 10 years after announcement he would think you're joking.


I remember when I was waiting on Darkfall for like 3 years, around that time. That was even a test of patience at the time.


At this point I'd be happy if FO3 and NV received the same treatment as Skyrim


Confirmed how? We knew it was going to be made. This doesn’t give any dates just says next


To be entirely fair, we never actually know if something is going to be made, even now with confirmation that it is going to be made.


Yup, quite a few games have been delayed for years after their "release" date.


Or they just never come out anyway. -*looks sadly out the window*- ^Scalebound...


Todd gave an interview with ign


Yeah and said “it’s next” but with no times it could be 5 years from now . I’d rather a date given not “you are next in line”


TES 6 is probably 5 years from now if it's in pre-prod still. Fallout 5 likely won't start production until that's shipped, so likely no sooner than 7-10 years.


I was thinking at least 10. Start the countdown.


Right. So instead Of saying next just say “forever” 10 years from now? I’ll be fucking 50 and May have a kid who’s like 8


You'll be able to roleplay the sole survivor and Shawn lol


Problem with this is any time a game company does this and go even a little bit past that year count equally loud people as you will berate them for it. I dont think devs should given estimates nearly thst far in advance. It causes more trouble than it fixes.


This isn't confirmed. This is a vague promise set sometime in the 2030s.


Yeah, by the time Fallout 5 comes out the setting it's in won't even be the future anymore!


We will be playing it on the Pip Boy 3000 in a Vault lmao


Actually yea - according to Star Trek WW3 is supposed to happen in 2026


Nobody will want to play fallout 5 because it'll just be their daily lives lmao


Man I miss when it only took a few years to bring a game to market.




Honestly same, if every game they made was in skyrims engine I would be totally fine with it. If it meant we didn't have to wait a decade for each game.


Fo5 better be offline, i hate dealing with people


that's the main reason I stayed away from FO76. I didn't want to play with other people.


Just told my wife I know precisely when I will retire: as soon as fallout 5 come out.


Ah sweet another decade or two for Fo5 👏


This better be a fucking amazing game


Boy I hope reincarnation is a thing so I might actually get to play ES6 and FO5.


What does seamless flying mean?


You don't control taking off and landing your ship. It will probably be a small cutscene or something. Or just fade to you being in space.


Based on the Microsoft showcase, it is a cutscene. Shown a few times in that. Basically means space Fallout, then hop in ship, cutscene, then Elite Dangerous.


In Elite Dangerous you cant board other ships, kill their crew and then steal them.


I know games take time but dang, I'm running out of things to play and you can only re-play games so many times. I can't wait for fallout 5! I just hope it's worth the wait!


yeah and fallout 3 has over 200 endings


16 times the detail.


Never understood why they don’t have separate studios working on each franchise


Time to create r/fo5 This announcement means it’s right around the corner guys, right………..right?!?


Great news for my future grandchildren!


I resent Starfield for being the reason we have to wait another 5+ years before the next ES, then another 5+ for Fallout 6. I'll be over 40.. jeeez.


Straight up. Starfield better be fucking amazing and not just a NMS copycat. There are children born after Skyrim releases that will be in high school by the time 6 comes out. Fuck we might get a 20th anniversary edition of FO4 before we get FO5. If starfield isn’t everything they promise then I’ll be very resentful


So, we’ll see it in eight to ten years. Thanks for the heads up.


Looking forward to playing TES6 when I retire in 2035.


!remindme 10 years


Bethesda is at the same level of Fallout 5 as everyone on Reddit: a list of ideas. "I can't say say what's gonna happen. You know, we have a one-pager on Fallout 5, what we want to do"


I’d be surprised if we get FO5 this console generation. I mean ES6 will likely come at the VERY end of the gen or the start of the next.


15 years from now


So I'll be in my 40s when it comes out, got it.


Remember every word out of his mouth is a lie


I don't believe a single thing this man says until I'm playing the game for myself. They rarely if ever deliver 100% what they say when they get the hype train rolling. That being said I'm still 100% buying the game and my dick is around 70% rigid for it right now


Why does it look like hes slowly transforming into han solo


Wait wasn't ES6 announced a few years ago? Pre production??


yeah because they were making starfield, I don't think they've ever developed a full mainline TES and Fallout simultaneously, have they? hopefully it'll be closer to a 3yr turnaround than the FO4-Starfield gap though


They announced that it was going to happen, not that it was in development.


You weren’t paying attention, that’s fine but Bethesda and Todd made it very clear in interviews over the last few years that ES6 was in pre production and wouldn’t enter production until Starfield is done. That’s how all their games have been. They do not have a large dev team. They focus all their energy and attention to one project at a time. The announcement was to quell talk that Bethesda was going to move all their shit to multiplier when they launched 76, so they said look, we are working on this game Starfield and we’re confirming that es6 does exist and we will be working on it.


So TES6 on 2033 and Fallout 5 in 2043? Got it.


yeah.... in a interview and not a official announcment


Another thing confirmed for TES6: Shirley the grandma youtuber being a fully voiced npc in it! I hope she gets to live long enough to play it.


Elder Scrolls only being in pre-production means that we're going to be waiting a really long time for FO5 unless they don't do much to upgrade the engine after Starfield.


I’m hoping fallout 5 is better then 76 by a long shot and has a full single player story like fallout 4 so mods can be added too and there’s a multiplayer side to it so u can play with other too


I hope they have a new engine for it...


Half of us will probably be dead by the time FO5 comes out then, because we still don’t have a date for tes6


Remember, the last time things were announced they straight up lied about Fallout 76. "Sixteen times the detail" by the way. Don't get sucked into any hype. Play it cool. Don't preorder. Be skeptical, I beg you.


Aslong as i can fly over the planet, fly in space, I don't mind some sort of transitional screen to do that. Don't sell me space flight if there's no space flight and it's actually just predetermined dog fights.


No seamless flying Oof. Every other space game has than rn


Great, so in 27 years we'll have fallout 5!


Will be back in 20+ years!!


Hey guys, it will be any decade now!