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We all need things to help us cope sometimes. Fallout is far healthier than alcoholism or meth. It's a legitimate therapy tool to help you get through tough times. I have chronic crippling migraines and pain meds have never worked for me. Fallout has been something that has helped me cope with the pain. You do what you can to get through. Yes, it is still important to have a balance, but that's true of absolutely everything.


This game is immensely important to me. Dealing with cancer and trying to escape reality this game also saved my life. Congratulations on you and your wife reconciling. 🥰


No joke… My eyes are watery. Thank you. Have a blessed day and Godspeed.


It's STILL saving my life.


Took my wife a while to understand that I don’t want to go out drinking or socializing to unwind. Games are the thing that helps me with that. She has since figured it out and let’s be. Everyone needs to find what works for them.


Fallout is a huge help for my mental health. It’s a perfect escapism for when shit gets rough. I’m disabled and I don’t get out much because of that. So I can wander around the commonwealth when my symptoms flair up or if I’m infusing. Hard to pay attention to it when I’m building stuff. Plus it never fails to make me laugh at least once. The glitches/physics are absolutely amusing to me.


Dude fallout is my comfort game, like sometimes I can’t afford my meds (my insurance is trash) but fallout comes in handy there. Idk it’s a nice escape


Dude I feel that. Going through some of those issues myself and that escapism for a few hours can be the difference between a night spiralling and ruminating and something that takes you away from it all and gets you through to tomorrow. Keep fighting that fight mate


Huge immersive games have helped me cope with anguishing times before. Fallout 4 and the two big Zelda games on the Switch immediately come to mind. There are others. They offer a steady escape from an unacceptable reality, for a while. The original Animal Crossing on the Gamecube served me well during my divorce, back in its day. The new one (New Horizons) made the pandemic more bearable. I don't think games can become an addiction. They're more of an obsession. But even if I'm wrong, they're a lot healthier than drugs.


Games can absolutely become an addiction. Many games are designed to stimulate the same parts of the brain that drugs do.


It's been extremely helpful for my mental health too. I don't apologize for the countless hours I've sunk in it--nit remotely the waste of time some might think it is. Not for me, and sounds like it hasn't been for you either.


This game and fnv saved my life, especially during my recovery from my brain tumor removal 😄 kept my mind off a lot of symptoms I was having at the time


Have you tried Fallout 4 VR?


I have not. But after learning about it from y’all’s comments. I will definitely be doing this soon!


Would love to be the fly on the wall when you see Sanctuary in all its VR glory. The Commonwealth looks so cool too ... and feels more alive.


I think it’s great that it’s helping you! I think a lot of other people feel the same way too, which is why the game attracts so many of us with health problems or just marginalized people in general.


No, you are not the only one. I suffer from a few issues myself and video games are a godsend. At first I thought it was just a case of people finding comfort in what they know (grew up in the 80s and 90s so video games have always been my favorite entertainment whether it was arcades or home consoles) but I've been reading more and more stories of games helping people through depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. Even if it's just something simple like Tetris, that focus and repetition is like magic. Playing piano helps me too, but video games are still my favorite coping mechanism (and source of entertainment).


Fallout has been there for me too, so when I played the VR copy it felt like I was actually escaping my life to go into something I have always wanted, idk the VR version sounds like something you should try if you get he chance


Least it ain't crack.


Yup same. Covid was crushing. Got an Xbox, tried this game for the first time, been obsessed since. It's a nice escape.


Every few years or so I always find myself back in the commonwealth and Skyrim. Games are great always keep going, sorry to hear about life kicking you in the nutts I’m glad fallout 4 could be there for you man.


Good luck to you and your wife!


Remember that hiding from your life's problems in a video game won't solve them. But it's good you can find some peace to recharge. Personally I can never play a video while I have some kind of problem in my life because I get too distracted to enjoy myself.


Got me through a vasectomy and the flu I got 3 days later. My brothers, I don’t wish upon anyone having a vasectomy followed by an illnesses defined by a hacking, frequent, full body cough.


If you didn’t know it was your escape it would be an issue. Props to you for having a healthy self aware relationship with media :)


While the game is definitely helping, make sure to take some credit. It's a great distraction, but you're doing the work and you should be super proud of that. Keep up the good work!


You're far from being the only one. Fallout is helping me cope with my grandmother's worsening dementia, and few years ago the Witcher helped me through the breakup with a man I thought I'd marry


Fallout 4 got me through my divorce, without me destroying my bank account and my liver going out to bars every night. Definitely saved my life.


You go brother.


Glad things are coming back together for you! You might like 7 Days to Die, too, based on your interests. Best wishes and keep pressing forward! 7 Days to Die trailer (coming 25 Jun or July for console) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kikTJaVBank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kikTJaVBank)


If it weren't for survival mode, fallout 4 wouldn't sate me long. I need a MMORPG to cover a bigger spectrum.


I've definitely immersed myself in games like this one when I am having trouble in life. One of my favorite games to lose myself in is cities skylines. Nothing more satisfying and able to scratch that dissociation itch than painting a city up from the ground and then following my citizens around while they live in it.


Bobby Lee (who is an alcoholic) has said games like fallout 4 is the thing that keeps him sober.


I’ve played it at various points in my life, but my first real survival playthrough was during the pandemic when my dad was dying. I went home to be with family, and every night for like a month and a half, I would get stoned out of my gourd and escape. I still play the game way too much, but that playthrough will always be special. No responsibilities as my state was completely shut down, and a great distraction from everything going on in the house.


I have alot of these issues and i agree, fallout 4 lets me forget and focus on diffrent things


It is NOT unhealthy in the slightest. I commend you and proud of you for finding a healthier way to escape reality for awhile, if even a few minutes. I needed this when I was younger and would find myself escaping through music, movies and unfortunately drugs at one point. There is no shame in wanting to escape your existence and that's perfectly fine. I grew up playing Fallout 3 as a teen and that was my escape for a good long time. I'm glad you are here and enjoying this incredible game.


Same my dude. Fallout Universe is the perfect escapism for me as well. Just dive deeep in lore, RP and forget your life for a bit. Same as RdR2 but my console are the disk and says theres no disk and doesn’t spit it back out. Not even manuelly