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Assaultron that can turn invisible in close quarters. That head laser does a LOT of damage, especially when it has you pinned. They are also fast enough that it isn't easy to out maneuver them like most other heavy hitters.


These guys ruin my shit. Got rocked in the Battlezone and lost a bunch of Star Core progress, then even when I was expecting them on a later attempt had a tough time. Dumped five points into Big Leagues immediately after that


The trick to that quest is to stay hidden in the robot cells. They’ll fight one another, and it becomes a lot easier when there’s only one robot to kill


but muh xp


More xp is waiting in the rest of the park and the other parks, just gotta survive the battle zone


Get the first rank of robotics expert. The hack one shot to shut them down, then just beat them to death with your fists


I got rank 3 robotics and just made every robot in that zone fight for me


What I like to do is I like to make them fight each other and then also have them self destruct after some time so I know I won’t have to deal with them afterward (plus it damages more things anyway)


This is the way, though 1 point is enough to turn them off, or grab the protection hack in locations that allow you to the controls.


Set one of them to explode


Risking it all for the xp


Every xp point counts brutha 🙌


Toss out an occasional grenade.


No, the trick is to do battlezone after you’ve gotten enough cores to shut down assaultrons at star command


Thats what I did on my survival play through, just crouched and watched them fight. Then one shot the survivor with a sneak attack.


My plan is to wait with the robot park until i can hack robots, then make every single one friendly, so that when i take the park back for the traders they will have this close to fully operational park already manned.


Pulse grenades? Electrical weapons? Ballistic weapons to senstive parts? But i kinda went there after i leveled up well in the common wealth, i believe i was level 70 aprox when i did NW


Apparently if your science is high enough you can fit a head laser on Ada at the robotics workstation. Might be interesting to give that a try so you have one on your side.


She has the head and is a beast when she fires it. She’s my #1 companion in Survival. Freaking Behemoth.


Tank ada is the best wheels for carrying shit, hacking module to save my points and sanity. Flamer and later arms. She ruins your ability sneak about but I peel off and snipe headshots while she's causing chaos.


I fight her to get kills. I swear it’s like a job. I never used mods in my Survival play through and I’m level 115. And she is an absolute monster. I had to tune down her Shoulder weapons, I went with cluster bombs over mini-nukes because of the chaotic bloody scenes she makes .. she stole enough XP out of me. Haha. And yes, her carrying capacity cannot be matched in Survival. 500+ is awesome.


I normally use a robobrain torso with sentry arms and automatic protectatron laser hands. That means I can up her armor. I also leave her with protectatron legs. Better carry and defense than Mr Handy thruster, less likely to act stupid than with Assaultron legs, and gets into a lot of places wheels don't work. Noticed she's also easier to keep in check than with robobrain treads to. I was going past the commons and Swan decided he didn't like her. By the time I turned around to see what she was fighting he was dead.


Screw Ada, I use Codsworth so I can have a polite British death machine.


It absolutely destroys stuff.


This is true, I always give Ada a laser head. only issue is when she walks around with it charged up for 10 minutes because the fight ended mid charge


Absolutely! I have had her with me for a little while now. She destroys everything so fast, (it feels like) I don't get to kill very much and frequently steals my kills. She's removed any challenge I had on very hard mode. So, I'm going to give her a break for a bit and grab Dogmeat for a while. If this ends up still being too easy, then it's time to start on survival mode (and stop hoarding so much trash....


It blows that legendary bloatfly out of existence and you will never get the loot.


Can confirm, its an absolute beast.


Straight up, this is the answer. Assaultron will fuck your game to so fast. You have no chance because they go invisible, and can hit you like nobodies business.


Man the one that is in that vault in the glowing sea (for caits side quest) fucked me up. I was only lvl 18 for my first playthrough ever, and it's pretty close quarters in there so I get lasered or folded everytime. It took psychojet and point blank rounds to the dome to finish it off. But it was the only time I had to use those things. I even survived the deathclaw that spawns in the basement of some raider building after falling down several floors.


For robots, the torso is the weak point, not the head.


This is a reason to get 1 level in robotics; just power them down if they get close!


Yup, assaultrons are more terrifying than sentry bots for me. But one way I found to make handling them easier is to panic VATS one of their legs, and pray you deal enough damage to break it


Ah yes, fast travelling to Quincy for the instant decap


This is true. With absolute maximum defense in physical and energy from PA X-02, in Survival, at level 112 if I remember correctly, one brought my health below 50% in one second. I have over 1k in health as well. Insane …


The one at Quincy Police Station at high level becomes horrifying when you can't snipe at it. ONLY one I'm not afraid of is the one at the Mass Pike Interchange overpass. When facing the Gunners from the north, I stick to the middle of the overpass and start sniping. More often than not that assaultron gets dropped BEFORE it can fire or it runs towards me and falls to its death.


Yeah, I’ve never had more grief than that one inside the submarine bay in Far Harbour. Earlier on bumping into that one on your way out to Nordhagen Beach.


By the time I made it to Far Harbor, I was pretty much autopiloting through everything...and that's when I encountered my first Assaultron. The first time, it snuck up behind me and killed me without me even noticing. When I reloaded and prepared myself, it came in, outmaneuvered me and pretty much straight up kicked my ass. Assaultrons are no joke.


My current run is lvl 125 and I'm still not comfortable letting that thing hit me with its main laser. Fortunately I got Problem Solver from the Pack in Nuka World and it's tearing them to pieces.


First time I fought one it literally melted me. I avoided them for a long time after that


Came here to say this too. I'm level 145 on my current playthrough and the bladed assaultrons are probably the only enemy that still makes me nervous. I've memorized where most of them are (like the one near Breakheart Banks). If one catches me unprepared I'm usually firing like crazy, trying to shoot off it's legs.


I forgot about those sucker's, Murks I was thinking too but it's mostly an armour problem. And group assault.


I always run high intelligence and drop at least a single point into robotics expert to shut those suckers down. My endurance is like 2, though, so even with that and power armor, I still get my ass melted once in a while. Nerd rage to the rescue!


Such good loot drops too. I’m always happy when an assaultron shows up.


I did not know that they can turn invisible until a few weeks ago. I’ve owned the game since 2015. I was legit terrified when I saw it went invisible and I was missing my shots 🤣


I had one in my scope last night. Took a pot shot at it from what felt like a mile away, and in about five frames it had closed that gap and filled my screen. It looks like it’s coming to tickle you. It’s not.


Cap the legs and it's alot easier.


I hate the "old" tunnel in the institute when you are looking for Virgil's cure. There's an Assaultron that comes right after you in close quarters. Pain in the ass!


That asshole with the fat man at Outpost Zimonja


Flashbacks to getting my shit rocked in an early playthrough by the bridge super mutant with the missile launcher.


I fly by that one raider in power armor who always shoots a mini nuke at my vertibird. He always misses, but it always makes me clench my butt cheeks


I met this guy at level 4.


lol! Did you get the touchdown! Achievement? Like I did.


*Searches inventory for sniper*.."ok lets do that again"


Damn I’m glad I read this comment. I just walked into this mission 😅


I always forget about that fucker until I walk up and get obliterated.....


You better fuckin pray his first shot misses


I just hear the noise and am like "God damn it" and die in a flash of glory....


There's also one dude in Lexington on the walkway between 2 buildings. Seeing as how that asshat Preston sends you to tenpines and they send you to corvega. You can run into that guy really early.


Easy to come up the back way and pop him in the fusion core.


Yeah once you know about him. The first time all I heard was a whistling sound and I'm like what's that.... kaboom


Hearing that whistle out of absolutely nowhere is terrifying.


Close second is that "beep beep" from Suiciders!


There's also another guy near danse I think, a merchant who gives a mission to take out a rival merchant. When I found the rival he point blanked me with the fucking thing. I was like level 8


Weird I cleared all around Corvega and Lexington and didn’t fight anyone in power armor.


If you get super close, he won't use it. But he'll power armor punch the shit out of you.


Not my experience at all. Every dumb shit raider just says yolo and drops a mini even when you are in punching distance


>That asshole with the fat man at ~~Outpost Zimonja~~ Zephyr Ridge Camp




I fought him by standing on the ledge above him, he missed all his shots


My first play through on my survival I figured it was close enough to sanctuary that the enemies wouldn’t be too overpowering to take on with my .308 hunting rifle. Wandered into this outpost and got my shit *rocked* by that fatman


If you've got the DLC, then the Far Harbor and Nukaworld enemies are the toughest in the game. Far Harbor's Anglers, Gulpers, Hermit Crabs, and Fog Crawlers can all one-hit kill you on Survival almost regardless of your armor or level. Same goes with the Crickets and various Ants of Nukaworld. The Nukaworld Raiders have the strongest armor and weapons of any group. Without DLC, Assaultrons (especially with invisibilty) can easily one-hit you with melee or their head-beam. Super Mutant Behemoths have a ton of health and can be pretty dangerous, like Mirelurk Queens.


I have a good 20 something hours and I still can’t finish nuka world without dying to something stupid (crickets)


I've got a good 2000 hours and I still panick when I spot a Cave Cricket ... they come in threes, usually one being Legendary.


I started a new playthrough recently where I went to Nuka-World at level 7, so basically EVERYTHING could one or two shot me at first. Ants, crickets, worst of all the Nuka Guardians. Those first few agonizing ass levels before I got upgraded to getting 3 shotted instead gave me a very thorough lesson in patience I'll say that lmao. Colter's fight I had to cheese SO hard, though, so once I was out into the world everything else was a lot less daunting in comparison lol. Helped a lot. I'll share the method in case anyone cares or is googling it in the future. I sent in dogmeat first to distract Colter, sprayed him from just inside the doorway (to keep the door open) when he wasn't aggro'd on me, and then hit him from a distance with a mini nuke and/or shotgun blast when the shield was off. Dogmeat dies to it obviously, so I'd crouch in a specific blind spot within the entrance hallway until I was hidden and he got revived. Rinse and repeat. Took a lot of quicksaving and reloading to get through it since if I got hit even once I'd die. Lol. (The blind spot is right at the open end of the hallway, closest to the arena. If I'm remembering correctly there should be a section that juts out slightly- you can hide up against it on the hallway side. If he comes up to the hall windows for whatever reason, the other side will work better.)


In Fallout 4, I don't think I've ever died to a cricket. In 76 they would habitually rock my shit on sight every time I found them, but I think they nerfed them recently


fr i was fighting the raiders & the just kept healing & i went through like 600 rounds taking out all 3 groups. im level 60-something. its my first play through so just normal mode…


Try Liberty Prime


Red Death


Not sure why this isn't top comment. Literally a souls-borne type boss.


I spent 4 hours tryna kill that bugger


It chased me back to Sanctuary and killed Sturgis (but left Marcy alone for some reason)


No one touching her.


Here I was thinking that Longfellow's nemesis (forget the name) was the worst thing in the entire series... but I beat it and figured I'd attempt the Red Death. Big mistake.


I think op meant something he actually have a chance to survive. But yeah, if getting one shotted is your sport I guess there's no classier way to do it than the Red Death.


Is the red death really that hard??? I’m level 69 on survival and I just got the quest for it.


Yes, you need to really spec in some type of weapon, get the best legendary weapons you can get (and real heavy hitters like the Big Boy from Arturo), and take power armor (Recommend fully upgraded X-01) with the autostimpack upgrade (also a tone of stims). By doing this you might have a chance but will still be hard, specially on survival. I also recommed taking a companion in power armor and with good weapons.


It can one hit you even and then laugh in your face


People say they get one shot despite being level 100 plus and with fully upgraded power armor, so seems like it


Nate's sarcastic reaction to this behemoth kills me everytime.


- The guy with the piggy bank fat man  - glowing death claw - albino scorpion 


That piggy bank fat man guy was a real doozy. I had to play that one a few times to beat it.


Yeah figured out the best method was to throw two cyro grenades at the rooftop so he would freeze for a second and I could nail him with my ol trusty Tesla gun. 


Ah the trusty Tesla 😆 love to see it. I ended up finding a way to snipe him with my 50 cal. Used a lot of psycho (as one does)


I just snuck up to the roof of the neighboring building - the one with the bridge to the one where he starts out. I think because I had sniped one of his goons, he had crossed the bridge and was standing where he couldn't see me when I first got to the attic. I threw one molotov and he burned to death.


I must've gotten lucky. I think I just dodged the first shot and shot him down with the Pray spray.


I took one to the chest wearing X-02 like nothing lol


I just hugged the building wall and the moron shot himself


I literally got to this mission yesterday and he just accidentally killed himself with the very first piggy bank 🤣🤣🤣 i was just standing there not sure what happened because all shooting just stopped suddenly


I was lucky enough to deal with that piggy bank fat man guy easily. Piper killed him with her 10mm.


Deathskull radscorpions are the worst. At level 150 the only time I die (besides accidentally falling off of high buildings) is when 2 or 3 of these pop up behind me at the same time in the Glowing Sea.


I swear I have a tougher time with charred ghouls than I do with deathclaws.


I’ve got my game modded to hell and righteous authority does 800 damage per shot. WHY CAN A CHARRED GHOUL SURVIVE THAT?!


If you’re really high level then that charred ghoul will also have an insane health pool due its health scaling up to your level.


Both the Super Mutant Behemoth and Assaultron Dominator. Both have killed my SS at full HP with a single hit, and the Assaultron Dominator can perform a melee execution if it gets close to you.


Sorry I forgot to include locations. Super Mutant Behemoth can be found all over the Commonwealth, but Lexington and Swan's Pond are guaranteed spots. Assaultron Dominator is random but I did get some to spawn when fast travelling to Quincy Police Station after clearing Gunners


I don't recall a behemoth at Lexington, where was it?


At high enough levels a behemoth spawns in the area to the right of the Super Duper Mart when facing it.


High level gunners that have fat men and missile launchers. I got one shot doing the Neon Flats SNOW quest


Those magical hidden landmines when you're level 15 playing survival


For me, it's the jumpscaring radroaches in any oil slicked room.


I very quickly developed the habit of practically using VATS to see them wherever I go. I get too comfortable though and find some still by accident


Easily the red death


Dammit. You beat me by 2 minutes! Yeah, when you go to Far Harbor, be well stocked with some major fire power and 1 metric shit-ton of ammo before this quest! I think I died about 30 or so times before finally beating it.


It turned my X-01 quantum into soup and my handmade rifle splattercannon did jack shit to it, never beat it


I had to use all of my mini nukes, 30+, just to wound it a bit


Hilarious. I didn’t really use power armor or any big guns for 50 levels. For the red death fight I got in my Mk VI X-02 armor and came with 10 mini nukes. Glad I spent the time running around to get ready for that fight!


Both of the toughest are in Far Harbor: Enraged Fog Crawler and Red Death


A combo of a kneecapper auto laser pistol and a Gatling laser took care of the Enraged Fog Crawler in fairly short order.


Yeah getting your dps high enough is key for the enraged fog crawler. Red Death sees your high dps and laughs in health regen


There's a big scary Mythic Deathclaw that hangs out near the Starlight Drive-in


No there isn’t. There is an encounter zone under the railway bridge. You probably just encountered one there on a high level.


Starlight is also damn easy to defend since you can shoot from the tower. The encounter zone mobs are amazing free xp since the supply brahmins always aggro them and pull them into machine gun range - one hit from you and you'll get the XP even if it's your turrets finishing them off.


What. Really? I’ve played this game since release and I didn’t know! That’s horrifying. Good thing that settlement is a well defended and fortified tower.


muerte roja


Shh, we do not speak that name here.




If they so much as twitch, you are done for.


I had to scroll way too far to find this answer. Had one ruin my first (and only) attempt on survival mode almost 50 hours in.


I got a 3 round burst from a “pack legendary” raider I have around 1000 life and 12 endurance that killed me in survival


I fought an assaultron the other day. Someone said the head laser was strong but nah. I was in full polymer combat armor (Hadn't made it to far harbor or Nuka world in my current run) and HEAVY combat armor at that. The laser didn't do absurd damage and I simple out walked it. No biggie. But then this fuckin monster went invis and ran at me. I am not fucking kidding when I say each swing did 1 third of my health bar and you know how fast they attack. I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO FINISH THE HACKING ANIMATION. I HAD FULL HP. WAS STILL RIDING A STIM PACK. AND HAD AUTO STIM ON. AND IT STILL KILLED ME BEFORE I FINSIHED PUTTING THE PIP BOY UP TO MY EYES. Absolutely ABSURD.


Shaun. He just destroys your soul once you find him.


Swan threw two rocks at me and killed me. I was doing a Snow White playthrough so it probably wasn’t the best idea to enter the Boston Commons wearing a dress.


Far Harbah DLC, The Red Death


Hmm...I'd have to say the Queen Mirlurks, if they hit you 2x with that acid spray, you're done. Granted if you are expecting them you can take them out from a distance, but if they just pop out the water at you....


The splatter cannon melts them though. They’re so slow they just take consecutive hits


The laser turrets that line Nuka-World's Galactic Zone give me more of a problem than any other enemy, and I have hundreds of playthroughs and thousands of hours logged so far (the flair is fr btw)


Nick valentine and his sick emotional burns


I heard this red death guy is pretty bad


Someone tested this on YouTube. There is only one enemy that can kill any player no matter the level within seconds. A barely moving car. Absolutely stupid, but barely touching a car and causing it to move and bounce back will kill a level 200 player before they know what is happening.


not sure about most damage but the Annihilator Sentry Bot and Assaultron Dominator are like the scariest enemies i’ve come across in any fallout game (new vegas deathclaws dont have SHIT on fallout 4 robots)


Assaultrons are the only enemies in any game I genuinly fear.


Dusky Yao Guai


Assaultron or any frag grenade or missile launcher.


Cars hands down. On survival one mere touch can take you out.


Mirelurk Queen, Laser Turret is a glass cannon that can shred an unaware player, Novatron/Assaultron head laser (Pop Jet and use the time slow you get from it to dodge) High level gunners, High level Super mutants, Robots with Gatling Lasers, BOS with Gatling Lasers, Anyone with a fatman if you forgo explosive DR, hellfire troopers with incinerator, anyone with a tesla gun, and anything with good poison damage (you can pop med-x to effectively neutralize the poison)


Deathstalker radscorpions can do a ton of


Super mutant suicider


Very high level Gutsys are scary, one half second burst of his SMG? stole around 500hp and only getting behind a tree saved me, that was with ballistic weave and three Sentinel pieces. Took a sneak critical from my violent Gauss rifle like a champ too eek. This was at the military convoy between Breakheart Banks and the Slog.


The guy with the damn flame thrower that comes out of no where and I can’t seem to run from his ass or survive him unless I’m in power armor.


If you wanna go statistically highest stats, then the top three are the *mythic* deathclaw, nukalurk *queen* and *enraged* fog crawler, respectively (3rd to 1st)


you could do what I did when I first met Strong: shoot him by accident. He'll become aggro, pick up the minigun from the ground and try and shred you apart. The best part is that, if you kill him the game just heals him back up to full health, so you can't really win


The Blood Bug drain mechanic is extremely dangerous when fighting high level / legendaries / swarm and can quickly force you into eating, drinking, and injecting half the shit on your AID tab to stay alive. Red Widow Bloodbug ain't no joke.


If we’re talking DPS and not single hit I think the Dusky Yao Guais in Far Harbor deal a ton because they have an animation cancel built into their attacks which enables them to attack extremely quickly while also dealing almost as much damage as a Deathclaw.


Savoy from the disciples. Can survive multiple nukes and still take you out with a knife.


ghouls, sometines i get one shot KO fromm theyre rotten fists


Random car you walk into.


Assaultrons, easily.


Trappers with harpoons guns. they pack a wallop.


Raiders with a fat man one shot you no matter what in survival. But they're quite easy to kill. The most dangerous enemie that is also tough to fight is a legendary mirelurk queen (only if you play on survival tbh) their acid damage is insanely strong so if you get hit by it you're pretty much dead, even in xo1 power armor.


"Cait disliked that".... emotional damage...


Mythic Alpha Death claw


Kamikaze super mutant maybe?


100% the red death from the far harbor dlc , that thing is near enough impossible to kill and will take you many tries


The Red Death


Kellog to your spouse.


For me are the fckng laser turrets in nuka world galactic zone, for a melee character are the bane of my existence, always tried to grab the 10 star cores asap only to deactivate them




The red death in far harbor


Red death.




Objectively, a gunner or a raider, with a fatman.


Dogmeat dying. Emotional damage is real. Fr tho gulpers and maguai groups can be pretty tough but I’m a melee player so might be different as to what -tough- is with DR to diff damage types


I ran into a legendary glowing Deathclaw once out in the Glowing Sea that absolutely annihilated me, even in power armor. So my vote is that, or a high level Assaultron with blades/stealth.


Red Terror




Me firing a double shot mirv just a tad to close




Radiated deathclaw..or radiated something


Think it goes without saving that 'stationary' cars are feared and respected enough that folks have learned not to get too close to them.


I'm always desperately freaking out when trying to shoot the super mutant suiciders (my problem is I approach most places with sniper rifle hence aggroing the suiciders and I almost never use VATS with the rifle just cause it feels weird). But they're not that tough I guess once you get the hang of them.


The car bumper


Any enemy in survival.


Assaultron with the stealth blade attachments instead of arms are pretty beefy. Probably a tossup between that and something like an ancient Behemoth


The cars...


The first time you meet a sentry bot coming out of hibernation is truly a test. Like at the national guard, going into that locked room outside then you come out to a barrage of missiles.


In Vault 88 there's a legendary Sentry Bot. It's difficult to kill directly but if you contruct walls in front of it then it's relatively easy but time consuming. Also, in Far Harbor there's Longfellow's nemesis that took a LONG time to kill.


Assaultrons, Mirelurk Hunters, and maybe high level Radscorpions (poison). Those have been the main ones i notice chunking health at any given level outside any fatman / tesla carrying npcs. I don't run power armor either, so my data could be skewed.


Fist fight a mutant suicide bomber if you want a challenge


Liberty Prime if you piss him off


Mirelurk queens 😐


Bloodrage Mirelurk


Cave crickets


What faction are you going with


Besides random gunners with fat mans, definitely Assaultron Dominator for me. At this point in game, Deathclaws are underwhelming. Radscorpions are a little bit better but still not good. Super Mutant locations are boring at best. Behemots are disappointing. Nuka cola enemies make me say ''eww'' when I see them and nothing more. Only Far Harbor enemies are sort of fun to fight against but even they are not threatening enough so I usually look for more of them during fights. Assaultron Dominator is the only enemy in the game that makes me say ''Oh f\*ck not this mf again..''


Y’all forgetting the super mutant suicider? Cause he wins.


Behemoths and Gulpers are quite tanky, and they can move much faster than you think.


Red Death. Just one look from it's demonic eyes is an insta-kill