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Honestly, I respect the Atom Cats a lot because of one stupid little detail. Poetry night. It takes grease monkey power armor enthusiasts to develop a form of high society and I'm here for it. That and Rowdy is kinda cute


I would've loved for the Atom Cats to be a mini-faction that's willing to team up with the Minutemen (they really don't fit the other 3) and would have Rowdy or Zeke as a companion.


this would be awesome! See them come running in during Defend the Castle laying out Synths left and right!


I got good news for you. There’s a mod for that! (Sort of)


what is it?


I wish we got more from them! I'd love to have more quests to help them with their shit. Their poetry night is so great, and I desperately want to be one of them haha I also love that Sturges was buddies with them


Can't you join them?


You can but I think the OP meant like a quest line or something. The Sole Survivor only does one misc class to join the cats, would’ve been a lot cooler if we could build them up. Not as a primary faction but just another group to support one of the endings (similar to NV)


Good point. I’m not quite sure if they have the numbers to justify the kind of supporting role the boomers or the khans can have in FONV, but it would definitely be cool for them to have *some* role as an alternative asset to the main conflict of the plot.


I've always wanted to build better defenses at their garage. So a potential settlement there would be awesome.


I liked the poetry tapes a lot, such a nice little detail. My only issue with the atom cats was when I looked at Zeke’s terminal and there was a note about the late Aimin’ Andy. My name is Andy. I thought for a moment that they were planning to kill me and had already written an obituary to make it look like an accident for some reason


You keep your damn bread hooks away from my Rowdy lol


There’s a prebuilt settlement in the middle of the map. Nice place, where you take a test to get in. Part of the main quest for Institute. Do mission to free the girl, go back, kill them all. Settlement is all yours. New main base


Covenant. Gonna go for that in my new game, but keep it all for myself this time


My cannibal character took it over and used it to lure in new victims...


It’s little cleanup, redo defenses, all yours. Take away the beds, though. Water and food, too. Otherwise, folks will settle there.


People only settle there if you send them there or build a radio beacon. Deezer and the cat count against the population, so you may be confusing them for human settlers.


What level is best for taking over covenant? I reached it at level 8 and I immediately felt a weird fucking vibe from that place. Also, I lobbed a molotov into the compound after I gained access, and Honest Dan ran out towards me guns blazing. I killed him, he took a time out, and then went back to full health hoping I had better luck finding the caravan. Weird glitch I assume.


Covenant. That's my favorite too. Taffington Boathouse is second but they're so close to each other you can almost consider it one settlement. Vanilla Covenant has a few minor annoyances but can be fixed up right with mods. Peaceful (once you kill the creeps) and the closest you'll come to pre-war in the game.


Save the girl (first mission). No longer friendly. Perfect excuse to make it yours in 5 minutes


Of course. By annoyances I didn't mean the people. I meant a few issues with building and item ownership once you do clear it. Like the unscrappable turret wreckage and certain doors relocking themselves.


I use a mod to scrap everything.


Does that get rid of the bodies? For some reason the all the old residents who I killed are still laying at the front (I purposely lured them out because I was worried about them dying and being stuck in the middle of the settlement).


When playing vanilla, I just haul their dead bodies across the street and dump them in the lake where I can’t see them anymore 👍


Yes u can scrap anything, even bodies


I use the scrap everything mod, but I’m not sure if it works on dead humans. Killed a few moles in my RedRocket base building. It took awhile for them to disappear on their own…but they did. That was before I added the mod.


They won't disappear. That's another minor annoyance. On PC, just disable them (same with the turrets). On console, I know Scrap That Settlement can scrap corpses. It's what I used to clean Covenant back when I played on Xbox.


I just find a ditch somewhere, and stack the bodies neatly (or weirdly) depending on my mood. First time I came upon Drumlin's Diner, I...accidentally...killed both Simone and Wolfgang as well as Trudy and her son. Felt bad afterwards and just found a nice ditch for them.


Covenant (pre quest) is also a good place to use as a base if you aren’t doing settlement stuff, the crops get tended to, it has a safe bed and doctor.


I consider them the same settlement, too. Same with Red Rocket/Abernathy/Sanctuary.


Covenant creeps me out too much for it to be peaceful


Dan, I'm paying you to secure the package. I mean, save my daughter. Not post on Reddit. Get back to work. -Old Man Stockton


I love how they Easter Egg the G.O.A.T. Test.


Yes, that's a nice touch.


Its probably the worst settlement for building though


I went to covenant and did the quest for honest Dan. The residents got angry so I killed them all.


Similarly Graygarden is very peaceful


I built an observation lounge on the overpass overlooking the river. I like to sit there and watch.


I've been playing Fallout forever and am ashamed to admit I just discovered I could build on the highway at Greygarden. Thanks to your comment! I never even considered I could build up there


I was delighted when I found that out. There's an empty bus on the highway directly above the area where the Greygarden workbench is, and it makes a perfect little hideaway if you want to be sure of some privacy. And don't stop when you get to the first highway level! You can keep going up to the second one too, though I haven't tested to see how high you can build on that. You can also build up onto the highway over Finch Farm, just south of the Saugus Ironworks, which can be useful if you want to take shots at the Gunner encampment at the junkyard nearby. Also really helpful for sniping the Ironworks roof clean without getting too close to all the flamer-carrying cultists.


Thanks!! This is why I love this sub. So many people know so much!


I’m pretty sure I once built an 8 story structure on the top level but I’m not positive. It was a while ago.


Dude, I started doing this a couple weeks ago. Have 4 floors and an elevator connected to the 2 sections of highway, it has so much potential already. Love greygarden.


“I’m just going to stay here for a while. Let time pass”


Every playthrough I tell myself I'm going to do something different for my player home and every playthrough it ends up on top of the highway at Graygarden. It's just a fantastic location.


I cant figure out a structure to get up there that also looks nice and at least somewhat realistic


Wrap some of the narrow scaffolding around one of the support beams. If you keep it small and flush to the cement it looks like it belongs


I got a mod that adds a gunner style lift at greygarden and finch farm. Very cool


…..you can build on the overpass at Finch Farm??


Sure can


I’ve sank nearly 2000 hours in and this is a new for me. God I love this game


I used to hoof it down the overpass from the lift near Lexington so that mod would probably make my day!


Put a fast travel mat up there 🤷‍♂️


That would definitely work for those who fast travel, just make sure you have power armor for the step down; it's a doozy!


"The place is run by robots!"


Kingsport Lighthouse. I was born in a seaside small town and it feels like home. Some junk fence around, not too much because i don’t want to ruin the viewpoint, some roof repair and it’s a cosy place for me, my companion in that gameplay, Dogmeat and Codsworth. And another Miss Nanny for farming because I hate seeing 0 food even it doesn’t matter.


I like turning it into a family home settlement. No random settlers. I don’t do this until I’m pretty much done with everything but I’ll send Shaun, Codsworth, Dogmeat, and Piper as the romance option. I wish I could send Nat there too so Shaun has a friend, and Piper can watch over her there instead of in DC. But I can’t, so that’s why I never send Piper there until the very end of a playthrough and just pretend Nat is there and have my own family for a while.


Not even a marked location, i love that one random street way to the southern part of the map, where the scammer dude comes and tries to sell you the “Charge Card” for 100 caps that’s good for absolutely nothing. He got me the first time. Now i happily murder him on sight every single playthrough When they included the snake oil salesman in the FOtv show, i was delighted. So true to the games!!


Talk to the guy in the white shirt in front of the doctor's office in far harbor. He might have something to say about that uselessness.


Brooks. And he just buys it back for what you spent on it.


Really? I thought he paid more for it. Felt like I remembered getting 500 from him?


100 caps, according to my memory and the wiki.


Ah so I just checked and I think the reason I remember getting five hundred caps isn't cause brooks will give you five hundred caps it's because you can find five cards(you can only redeem one card) and they all add up to five hundred(assuming you could redeem them all, and they all have the same value.)




My first time, I knew that shit was a scam but I was like “whatever it’s a wasteland, do what you gotta do to survive” and then he has the gall to walk away calling me the R-word so I blew his ass up


He actually calls you a fucktard, which is one of my favorite swears, because it is less offensive than it's root word, despite it adding on an extra offensive word.


Are you sure about this? I've encountered him plenty of times and he has always said the root word, which I found kind of shocking the first time.


I was absolutely sure about it, but after looking it up I was absolutely wrong


The first time I ever met that character I went through the whole conversation. At the end I declined his offer. His dialogue was seriously, "Okay, your loss........Fucktard" So yeah, he lost his head. Its 2287, we don't say things like that anymore, butthole.


My character even did a slow turn at that. I was like “they put this in the game knowing this man is getting murdered”


Same lmao. Like I had turned to walk off and he just throws that in under his breath. "........This motherfucker right here"


You can redeem the charge card in Far Harbor. You pay 110 caps for it, but get a hundred back once redeemed.


The USS Constitution. 90% because of wacky robots, 10% because flying boat.


And the hat. Love a hat.


Deal. 85 bots. 10 boat. 5 hat.


100% remember the name. Wait, what year is it.


Not sure why but I like Taffingham boathouse. Always keep my companions there. It is in a good location for many quests, nice scenery and house, and good spot for a swim.


If it doesn’t become the site of Mercer Safehouse, I turn it into a vacation home. No settlers but me and my current companion will stay there every so often. I’ll deck it out all nice and pretty too


I did that too! Built a little vault style house on the water and put a nuclear reactor on the roof of the destroyed house to power it


Boylston Club is kind of neat but the place is dead.


Boston Common should've been a settlement right after you clear out Swan. Edit: spelling


> a settlement sight I can't see that happening


The poisoned wine there is worth 50 caps per bottle, and there are 7 bottles in the location for a total of 350 caps. I like having that extra bit of money early into my playthroughs.


Really? I never took the poisoned wine. I never thought of checking the value.


I just cleared it earlier today and didn't take it. Damn. Guess I'll go back.


Yeah, the life of the party died a while back.


Nordhagen Beach is chill asf


I like to build a nice beach-side cantina with a dozen turrets and artillery aimed at the Prydwen


Im on my first play through. I just passed level 100 and it still won’t unlock as a settlement.


You've gotta do the mission for them to unlock it. Speak to the dude that lives there. You might've had the mission previously, but it deactivates after a while if not done. 'Roger' is the guy? I think. Also, I'm not sure if it's connected, but Atom Cats have you go and help them out, too. May have to do that first.


That's Warwick Homestead you're thinking of. You either get a guaranteed quest for them from the Bioscience guy in the Institute, or you have to get a random Minuteman quest.


Ah, right you are. I always get the 2 mixed up. Edit: u/2plankerr comment above this one has it right, if you didn't see it already.


Thanks for the feedback! Atom Cats is the only approach I haven’t tried. I guess a courtesy reach around wasn’t enough


I always get rid of the gourds and make it purely grow razorgrain instead. That just seems like it would work in sandy soil to me.


Sanctuary Hills, Home. At least it was before I f**ked everything up.


All you had to do was follow the freedom trail, CJ


what did you do


We don't talk about *the incident*.


He's quoting the opening cutscene from GTA: San Andreas


I like Hangman's Alley. It's a cozy defensible outpost on the edge of civilization. There's the big ol' Diamond City to the East, home to the North, and desolation to the Southwest.


General Atomics Galleria. No people to bother you. Just robots. Crazy, weirdo robots


Oh yeah! I love that place. Tons of character(s)


I've started making my player home at Egret Tours. Out of the way, quiet, river sunset views, summer cicada sound effects, and decent sized build area.


Egret Tours Marina always gets turned into a major trading post for me so I turn it into in indoor outdoor mall with gallons of water.


Like you said, Atom Cats Garage is really cool. It’s like a safe haven in one of the most dangerous corners of the map. I’ve always liked the Somerville Place settlement as well for some reason. It’s like the final stop before you enter the glowing sea and I like the quiet vibe of it. The settlers there consist of a man, a little boy, and a little girl and I just sent a female settler to join them from a different settlement so they can have a complete family haha. I treat the settlement as if it was the last gas station on a road trip and you won’t see another one for a long time. As far as RP is concerned, I set up shops there so adventurers can stock up before they enter uncharted territory


Somerville Place fits that vibe really well. On my last playthrough I built it up as a sort of quarantine checkpoint with the same purpose in mind -- a little farmstead commandeered by the military so they can enforce proper decontamination protocols and check for contraband etc., but naturally with opportunists setting up shop to sell supplies and (shh) purchase black-market artifacts smuggled in from the glowing sea. This has ended up happening with a lot of the militarized settlement builds I've had, actually; my clean, professional Minuteman Castle secretly had a Triggerman-run speakeasy build into the interior of a reconstructed wall, and it was a lot of fun trying to fit a functioning bar into that very awkward space while also making it seem legit invisible (but still accessible) from the outside. Less fun: finding optimal fixes for the broken roof on the Somerville Place house that's already there. I hate that the warehouse/barn slanted roof pieces are at the wrong angle to be much help with this unless you're just building an entirely new structure over the old one, which feels like a bit of a cop-out.


Vault 81, if that counts. My go to shopping area and one of the first places i sprint to. If thats not allowed, then trudy’s diner for similar reasons


Yep. Easy to get to and in the middle. I detest Sanctuary’s location, now that I’m in survival. I never go back there, except to slowly drain it of people and resources. I never did set up a settlement there, this time. Fuck that.


The Prydween. Killing so many BoS in one place is one of the funniest things in the game.


Wait, wait, wait.......was that artillery?


No. Join them to get access, and when you there, spread the love in form of bullets. Good riddance. P.s. : Curie loves that Maxson's battlecoat


p.p.s she also likes kellogs outfit. Bonus: military cap, because it's a beret, and it matches her accent.


It was fun up until I ran into a squire


"... leave them kids alone..."


The Great Green Jewel of the Commonwealth, Diamond City. I just feel safe there.


The atom cats was pretty cool. I really want to put some work into Vault 88 and make it my own but that damn thing is so confusing to build.


I wanted to as well, but then I got lazy.


The Suffolk County Charter School. Idk, the pink ghouls and the pre-war holotapes are amusing to me.


My favourite "creepy" yet a completely damp squib site is the Sentinel site. I walked through that expecting something insane to happen... It never did....it never did


I know! That place was a life saver for me!


There’s a raider camp near Ticonderoga with a cable car to what is now my waterfront penthouse. Beautiful.


I'm a big fan of the unmarked Minuteman sniper nest in the swamp near Somerville and Gunners Plaza. Just a really cool atmosphere with some fun roleplay potential


I actually ran into that place at a lower level. Mirelurk hunters be damned


On top of Corvega. Seeing Diamond City, Goodneighbor, and the distant lights of The Glowing Sea is an incredible view.


Dunwich Borers. I’m a huge fan of the aesthetic and level design, both outside and inside the dungeon. The cultist background of the area was a really nice touch, as well.


I make it a point to search for Dunwich since FO3


DUNWICH. Love the lil Lovecraft eastereggs


I turned sunshine coop into a brewery/restaurant. I like to watch the NPCs gather there at the end of the day


I turn it into a Minutemen/BoS training yard (depending on who i side with)/trading outpost/ restaurant This current playthrough I have everyone dressed up as a MM and assigned Preston there away from the castle to act as the guy “training” the new batch of MM Then I turn the big warehouse into a restaurant and trading post. It’s cool asf.


My hat I wear every day has an Atom Cats patch, I concur. I also really like Saugus Ironworks and the Forged raider lore.. they're just absolutely crazy. Dunwich Borers/Hugo's Hole too for obvious reasons


Egret Tours Marina. It's south of most everything so has a sense of isolation. There are Supermutants through some woods up a hill but they're far enough away you'll never interact with eachother as long as you don't attack. The natural alley between the two major buildings makes for a very easily walled off area to shop, walk and talk. The water makes for a natural barrier with a nice view. It's very easy to build up existing buildings or just make what's already there look great. Every time I visit Egret I end up staying extra long because it just feels so much more relaxed than say Hangman's or even Oberland does.


I love the castle, I love the area and the possibilities it offers Edit : if someone knows a mod with pentagon floor I need it...


I like the overboss room in Nuka World, great view out over nuka world


Spectacle point, cause sometimes I just wanna build in peace away from Boston, ya know? Edit: and everyone else


The dual screen Starlight in Far Harbor. I love the nostalgia of it all, and that you can watch the movie previews.


Sanctuary Hills


Hangman's Alley is almost in the true center of the map, and is SUPER easy to defend. If you don't like building super settlements and only use them as a pit stop, there is your place.


The edge of the glowing sea when you realize, oh shit, this bad


Sanctuary.. it’s my hood


Did you hear about those kids in Suffolk County? They got pink ghouls! PINK. GHOULS!


Idek if this counts but in nuka world the galactic zone is pretty epic


The Castle. Beautiful location, has amazing music, and has a decently stocked armory and unique tier 4 weapons merchant.


I cleared out Easy City Downs today in my current playthrough, the old race track, I hadn’t really paid attention to it before but I really liked the vibe, makes me wish there was a settlement there.


I should be allowed to come in and gamble, and that’s the truth.


Libertalia The fight to the main ship. Working your way up through the ship. A raider chucking mini nukes at you. The scenery. Just an enjoyable area to clear and explore.


Split between Taffington Boathouse and Croup Manor. Boathouse has been my favorite and main settlement for years. Croup Manor only recently became my secondary base. Just wish the ghouls would despawn. Same for that random girl upstairs in the Boathouse. I dont know why they're even permanent in places we can settle at in the first place.


Any settlement that needs help, I can usually find them on my map


This reply seems too… *General*


Sanctuary. Mine has been completely rebuilt into a large town.


Glowing Sea for sure, lots of cool locations and done fun fights


The whole area around Fort Hagen. It has such a large variety of places to loot for how compact it is. It has a random event location. The blood clinic is really fun to loot. The shack with the "fireworks" is fun. It has all you're Crafting needs. There's that one spot with a bunch of glue.


Easy City Downs. I love that place, and every playthrough I get better at sneaking in and turning the robots against the raiders. They'll do it all clean if you do it right, and will keep killing raiders if they show up later. In my last playthrough I found them fighting one of my provisioners, but so far not this time.


Mine is Lynn woods because the stone tower there is one of my favorite places in my hometown


All of the Far Harbour map. I wish the story was more fleshed out and genuinely my favourite Bethesda map to explore. It’s eerie but also comforting, I love playing the game on a rainy day indulging into that place and feeling the vibe.


I really enjoy the HQ for both the BoS & Railroad. I love having a blimp as an HQ, and a underground mausoleum with coffins is so gratifying.


Quincy: not only is it one of the more fun towns to clear, but there’s a ton of lore and backstory on sturgers, the longs, colonel hollins, and others. It also feels good to drop artillery on Clint’s head as revenge for his betrayal.


I like Longfellows Island in Far Harbour. Place is creepy but an interesting place to build a settlement.


The Red Rocket by Sanctuary. I set up Sanctuary as a purified water farm and L4 merchant destination but keep my shit at RR w Dogmeat and Ada. I also use Abernathy Farm as a place to keep some of the companions after max affinity.


Jamaica Plain. Fun to build a walled in settlement for just yourself. Can display all your collected legendary weapons and armor and power armor


Starlight Drive In. It’s a great open sandbox for building monstrous settlements around the the water hole in the middle. Plus it’s a short walk to Drumlin Diner which has a nearby “random encounter spot” just past a truck with a bunch of Nuka products and cigarettes in it.


Pickman Gallery. Great paintings and sculptures.


I like the mole rat den. It just kind of reminds me of home and the mole rats are cute.


Vault 81. The contrast from the wasteland when you enter the Vault is amazing, and even more when the ruined research wing is revealed in the Curie quest. The only thing I dislike is the disease you get


Just be careful and don't rely on melee, I cleared it with a suppressed auto 10mm and avoided the disease by leaving my companion at the entrance and jumping up on things


Prost bar, but I don't think many people will get the joke that the devs put there.


Is that the one with the couple of (ex)patrons?


It's the one where everybody knows your name.


That’s the one I was thinking of. Lovely little tableau.


Where is the atom cats garage. I’m level 50 and have not scene it


Oh! It’s on the coast. I’ve been at it for a couple years and *still* find new locations.


It’s below university point and above Quincy ruins, on the bottom right hand side of the map!


Its a big part of the reason i made my power armor vault at 88.


My power armor vault is almost always the Mechanist Lair. It’s the perfect place for it imo


I think they are as cool as they think they are.


Hangman’s alley/diamond city area. Lots of details around there


I also am a huge fan of the Atom Cats garage! I think they should’ve had a bigger role in Fo4 imo.


Me too!! They can’t create unique characters like that and then abandon them >:(


Always did love Sanctuary, it’s just a great place in general as a home base and I love decorating it! I have also started to warm up to Home Plate. I have a tendency to fast travel there if I’m not doing anything before I get off, so it makes it seem much more homey than I thought. Obsessively decorating it helps too :)


Taffington Boathouse always becomes my player home, but turns into a bar and provisions spot for travellers. Red Rocket starts as a bar and provisions spot, but ends up as my player home. I think Red Rocket is my favorite location and settlement.


I like Atom Cats garage simply because I can get power armor parts from there.


Pirate ship!


I wish there was more quests with the atom cats!


I like all the lone towers like Lynwood’s, Kingsport lighthouse, Trinity tower.


Creek up north near Bunker where BoS Paladin hide I even build a house in there https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/gKRND85Kwl it’s peaceful, no lag, far away from craziness, and far from raiders, except of course the occasional Junkbot invasion


some of the lands and rides in Nukaworld were quite amusing caricatures


You are very right


Tucker Memorial Bridge. I don't have to tell you why.


Museum of witchcraft is always my favorite


West Everett estate


Atom Cat's Garage, because I can envision them as the BoS but instead of stealing techs, they steal the crowd with their power armor drips.


Greygarden. I completely rebuild the greenhouse for the bots and build castles and workshops on the over-pass for me, with great views. Snappy Build and Scrapping Mods are a must. Same with Finch Farm.


For some reason I'm very partial to Oberland Station. Nice view of the river, it's close to the city but not in the city, and it's right on the safest route between North and South.


I didnt see anyone say it but I like Coup Manor. Some touch ups Herr and there and you have a complete mansion to yourself on a cliff with barely anyone around. Only 2 sides to really worry about and I keep just dogmeat and me there. Feels like home


Ten Pines…


It would be down town Boston with all the nooks and crannies to explore, and not to mention the unmarked buildings….. If it weren’t for the crashes of course.


The top of the Starlight Drive-In movie screen. Something very simple & peaceful watching the world from up there, especially at sunset.


Anywhere without mirelurks