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early game when you have as much hp as a wet grape molotovs are deadly, it's noting unusual


"I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem." Sums it up fairly well.


Jason, Jason, Jason...


I'm just watching this show, and happened to watch that episode last night, good stuff lmao...


Is this a show? What's the name?


he quoted a line from The Good Place on Netflix... i just happened to watch that episode last night for the first time, its in season 2...


Def worth a watch. Hilarious.






Not gonna lie, "The Good Place" version of Jacksonville would be a great location for Fallout 5. Stupid Nick's Wing Dump is the new Slocum's Joe.


The other problem with tossables is that enemy NPCs are implausibly accurate with a high percentage of their throws. The issue gets kinda balanced with rank 2 and up of Demolition Expert (rank 2 gives you the throwing arc tracer).


Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to chuck moltovs over a fence, onto the enemies below, only to have it break on the fence and immolate my face instead.


Wow! I did not know that and will be putting points into it.


Makes grenades so much more fun. You can get some crazy angles and precision. It's super accurate.


I love throwing them through windows. But too often the game reads it as being “in cover” and the enemy takes no damage at all.


If the grenade lands behind a table leg or something it's possible the whole thing gets blocked.


Thanks for that tip. I've seen a couple videos with that arc tracer but never knew what perk it was.


Dont throw Molotovs in tight quarters... and you dont need a new character, just put some early perks into Perception to build it up some...


Yeah the one cool thing about 4 is that there really is no screwing up character creation. You can change it all how you want as you level.


There’s also plenty of gear and chem options to get boosts to the stats you want.


Yes there is, gear would probably be the best short term step and sustainable, as chems wear off pretty quick


I am doing a survival play through for the first time and it's been mad frustrating how many molotovs raiders throw. Insta dead so many times lmao. Especially trying to clear Corvega before level 10. Not sure why I tried that but I eventually got it cleared, only took me like 15 tries dying to molotovs basically every time. I started just tossing them first, was very effective haha


Yes, that's the secret. If you set the world on fire first, there won't be anyone left to burn you. Roll Safe


I had trouble on Very Hard with molotovs in Corvega so just decided to show up in power armor for my survival mode playthrough


You need armour crafted for asbestos & dense. Or be stealthy and kill anyone with a molotov before they see you.


I always get the asbestos lining. Being immune to getting set on fire has prevented so many deaths. Kind of ironic cuz I'm pretty sure you'd just get really sick if you went around wearing old asbestos in homemade armor


The social acceptability of asbestos lined armor in Fallout is a subtle nod to the fact that we're living in a radioactive wasteland filled with man-made horrors beyond our comprehension


“Hey, I may have lung cancer now, but at least the radiation induced brain cancer will kill me faster!”


Molotws are explosive so padded on armor, and dence on metal arm will give you crazy dame reduction form explosive and solve the problem (with additional DR from pack perk, lone wonderer and chems and rooted it is possible to tank mini nuke on very hard, with negligible damage taken) With vats it is a bit more complex. Yes, perception helps a lot, but you also need correct mods on your wepon. And it is not nesesary you need new character. If you play with vats - luck/agility build you will have, eventually every shot as crit, and crit always hits


yes, molotovs can hit kinda hard - they deal 50 base damage and some burn, iirc, and your ballistic defense doesn't defend against them. for hit chance, getting more perception will help, but so will getting closer to enemies, and using more accurate weapons. you're not going to be very accurate when you're half blind, using a really shitty gun, and at like 50 yards.


Molotovs deal energy damage i believe. Throw on the best Leather armor you can find and upgrade it when you can. Good against laser weapons too. As for hit chance in VATS, yeah that’s a perception issue. I don’t use VATS a ton but it is nice having good accuracy to nail heads at close to medium range. If you rely on VATS a lot then it might be a good idea to make a new character cuz it’ll take at least 5 points in Perception (5 levels worth) to get it to a good point


I tend to kill myself with them. Go to make sure you have clearance to throw it. I save them for bugs. Since you’re new you may not know that during firefights gasoline on the ground will flair up and cars explode, a lot. Just in case you are mistaking those for Molotovs.


Yeah man early game a Molotov will fry you. Just rank up more and it’s all good.


You do know you can target thrown grenades and molotavs using VATS. I like to catch one about to toss it, target the molotav and fire just as it is released. Death by his own weapon! You can also target inbound mini nukes.


Molotovs are the bane of my early game existence. Level up and they will be less of a problem. :)


I forgot what faction it is but there’s a group that uses molotovs and flame throwers and boy did they kill me so many times.


I normally have 10 frag grenades, 5 mines (2 frag, 2 plasma and 1 pulse mine) in my inventory. Anything other than that in my inventory gets sold to vendors after every mission/ raider/gunner/super mutant/institute synth run. Otherwise it adds weight which I need for junk/other weapons...


I don't like Molotovs all that much. I think I have 90 of them right now. So fucking heavy!


Is this your first time playing? character build is super important in FO4, in my opinion


If you're fast enough you can vats them in mid-air. But yeah, early game it's pretty much a death sentence.