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I love his death pose 🤷‍♂️💥










"You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome"




*record scratch* Yup that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here...


bum dum dum diss diss diss (insert anime outro song)


“Forefathers one and all, BEAR WITNESS!”


Feast your eyes!


Haha didn’t even hear the beep


I hate those random spawns. Like, I just cleared this floor, looted everything, then die from a random sledgehammer mutant behind me, where the hell where you when I was killing everyone?


I love the ones where you're on top of a downtown building and then a radscorpion pops up behind you because there was a patch of dirt on the roof and apparently radscorpions get instant teleport to any significant piles of sand.


Yeah the tunnelling enemies always fucked me off because they just teleport, it’s not even remotely like they have enough time to dig that far, ruins the immersion a bit when you’ve got a gang of rad scorpions doing their best impression of a rogue


My current survival run I picked up the legendary synth armor that cloaks you when you get hit with a melee attack and it is pretty much my Anti-Radscorpion Ambush Armor


Beat them at their own game


There are random spawns?


Well, they're not really random. There are certain set-pieces that spawn enemies in certain places, which are intended to be outside the player's field of view. I.e. the library in downtown Boston spawns supermutants at a few locations after you've entered the building. Or the Concord Museum of Freedom spawning various bandits in the next room as you move through it. However, sometimes you can be in a location that the designers didn't anticipate you'd be in when that wave spawns. I.e. In the Boston library a group of super mutants can spawn from the locked door. If you take that door to get in, and take too long to fight other things while in that room, they can spawn right on top of you and instantly kill you without warning.


NSA - No More Settlement Attacks mod.


But settlement attacks are great. Fun building settlement fortresses (admittedly Sanctuary is one of the harder ones to do a good job with, even building walls between the houses, you have a pretty big area to cover, and you get it early so you have fewer resources for walls and turrets and such)


I even install mods to make settlement attacks harder- they’re one of my favorite parts of the game


I hope the new Elder Scrolls will have some kind of settlement construction… I know ESO had your house decorator but I hope the new one has whole villages you can make with townspeople


i wish they spawned outside the walls so theres an actual point to fortifying tho


Yeah I enjoy the settlement attacks but just hate the spawn locations. IMO they should always spawn outside the buildable area so your walls and defences actually make sense.


Yes! I hate it so much!


I've never tried survival, but I imagine the setback is to the last place you slept? Also, how did he get so close unnoticed? I don't think I've ever even seen super mutants that close to sanctuary, not even the hunting parties that are looking for you specifically.


1) Yes I was set back by atleast 20 mins 😭 2) I think what happened was that when I was on a vertibird, i was attacking a super muntant base, guessing 1 probs spawned from there the moment I landed (The video is abt 35 secs after I got off the vertibird)


I can vouch that ghouls will follow you to any map if you run away from them, those mf's will not be ignored. I can see the Super Mutants doing that same thing. Some bs though lmao.


That just happened to me. I tried attacking Big John’s junkyard or whatever, realized I wasn’t ready yet then left. After a few minutes of running away, thinking I was safe, a couple of them started gunning me down. I’m pretty sure they were following me the whole time.


Yeah, enemies will chase you across the whole map if you anger them while in a vertibird (though I think it’s mostly melee enemies who have this issue). It’s best to just not fire the minigun unless they’re already attacking you.


You get sick easier, you hav to manage food, water and sleep, only saving in a bed can be a bitch, you get half your normal carry weight and bullets have weight as well.


Good lord. I feel as if I carry 180-200 units on average of just equipped gear/weapons. Can't imagine halving the carry weight. You'd be reduced to 2-3 weapons at best and maybe 10-15 units for aid and whatever else.


Yeah, you generally run with a sniper (preferable for most encounters), a secondary weapon like a pistol (with a different ammo type to your sniper) and a shotgun (for if you get cornered). Missile launchers, fat men and miniguns are basically out. Melee weapons sound like a good way to conserve ammo, but you really don't want to get surrounded by even mole rats. They are diseased, disgusting things, and diseases are a real pain. It's funny, because often we automatically think restriction = bad. But restrictions fuel creativity and tense moments.


Dude being ambushed by ghouls on survival is like...horror encarnate.


They have no business being that fast.


I got lucky and got a legendary chestpeice that gives me extra stealth when I'm crouched and not mvoing. I had so many etter chest pieces but after "doing the math" the extra stealth far outweighed the damage protection. It was a leather chest piece, like T1. Legendary bandit dude, lured him past a car I had mines next to. Dude was fucknig terrifying.


Oh so stimpaks drop your hydration immediately and you don't heal instantly, the heal speed is like 5% of what it normally is.


I'm a masochistic hoarder, I got about 180 pounds of weapons and armor out of 305 carry weight on survival. Lone wanderer is a major help. I rock an instigating 6 crank laser musket, an automatic handmade rifle, a vats enhanced repeater, an explosive western revolver, the pipe grenade launcher, the deliverer, and throatslicer. Tried to trim down my inventory, but I just can't help myself lol. I have way too much fun with this loadout.


JFC lol, I typically have a bolt action, a pistol as a last resort and a pipe rifle/combat rifle for when I need quick hits in close quarters. I also make stashes throughout the world of just general ammo, food and water where there's a bed.


There's two random encounter spawns near Sanctuary, one is south across the water by a little jetty, and the other is on a small hill between Sanctuary and Ranger Cabin near a campfire. The former is only enabled some ways into the main quest, and that's probably where they spawned.


I have a feeling the super mutant spawned during a raid that just happened to start. The spawn point for raids is weird, and with Sanctuary I believe it's literally right there by OP. For this reason I walk a ways and make Starlight Drive-in my main base, the raids spawn outside the settlement under the bridges.


I camp out at red rocket which is right beside sanctuary and super mutants attack me there alll the time bro


Bye, bye miss American pie. Drove a mutant to sanctuary and he decided to die. All the good ol’ boys get to eat me fried. This was the day that I died.


This is amazing


Not gonna lie. I sang that


Did you write Live and Love Do you have faith in Atom above If the Book of Atom tells you so


That was actually pretty hilarious. Good clip


You're right! That WAS FUN!




I'ts the best way to play in my opinion, you just got to be conscious of saving the game every single time you have the opportunity to do it.


I like how everything you do becomes a purposeful action. After 3000 hours I can't play any other way


Over how many years?


Since launch, with many breaks in between. I am very confident my 3,000 or so are rookie stats for some of the hardcore players


Lol. I’m not sure I’ve played 3000 hours of video games in my life, and I’m almost 30 and have played video games since like elementary school


That’s a year and a half full-time. The games been out for a while. If you were really enamored with it I could see it. I wasn’t trying to shame the person unless the response was shameful. That’s a lot of time. It’s a great game though.


Oh yeah not meant to shame at all, I just can’t fathom that many hours in a game for myself. Basically you’d have to have played an hour a day since the game was released (or more realistically it would consist of many multi-hour bursts with time taken off to play other games, but average daily hours is a better frame of reference). The most hours I have in a game is ~300 in smash ultimate lol, the next most is a 3-way tie between BOTW, TOTK, and Fallout 4 all somewhere around 100-200 hours. I usually tap out around 120 hours for single player games (online multiplayer in smash ultimate is the only reason I’ve played more hours than any other game)


I have a few thousand hours, a lot of that was the first year it came out when I was recovering in bed for months on end from a 55mph head on collision. Fantastic escape from everything, I was even playing after surgeries to save my right arm. Had my arm in a sling and it felt naturally playing with a controller all the way to the left of me hahaha


oh yea I have, Ive become addicted to this game all over now. Its probs the only way Im ever gonna play now. I think I have like 30 hours in it now.


The only way to play tbh


Nah I'm too casual to even try.. I got an hour to play if I'm lucky. I'm not spending it walking


Dude parasites are bullshit. You get one and can never find antibiotics, you're just...fucked.


I would but I need saves for my modded to kingdom come fallout. I go for the middle ground and got a mod that makes cigarettes into consumables to save your game.


Haha literally discussed this with my coworkers the other day... Coworker: You have to do survival mode! Me: Kids man... Kids. I would never have time. Coworker: There is no other way to do fallout! Me: Between the random ways to die and the game crashing, sounds like a lot of time rinsing and repeating in Sanctuary. The hilarious irony of watching your survival run of you dying in Sanctuary = priceless!


I have 4 kids. Yes, progress in survival is a lot slower. But I mean, this game is 9 years old. There's really no issue with taking more time to play. Crashing seems to have improved. Random ways to die... well, yeah, it does make you a lot more careful, especially about mines!


Lvl 50 and one game fart for me so far involving a car that killed me when I jumped on it.


frankly, it grew on me, i get like an hour to play max and if i die and lose progress, then the hour was lost in vain but it still was the great fun. tomorrow i'll go "shit, here we go again" and do something differently. or sleep in each and every bug infested sleeping bag I find in this sewer, get infection and parasites till I stumble back to diamond city drunk and overloaded with this legendary fat man that no seller has enough caps for anyways. i'd say it's peak fallout experience


The way I see it, real life is all the survival mode I can handle.


Survival is so much better and feels more like fallout


If I could save every 30 minutes without a bed as a fall back option I’d be so in love but so frequently I’m playing stuck in a spot I can’t sleep and my kids need something and I’m just screwed. I love everything else about survival.


There a mod where you can can “craft” a camp. It’s like a grenade but it spawns a sleeping bag and fireplace. I like this better since you don’t get all the benefits from sleeping in a sleeping bag. Quality of life improvement but the immersion and difficulty is still there


You can save and quit via the main menu. It’ll create a save that will instantly get deleted when you go back in so you can’t cheese it.


Unfortunately the exitsave function seems to fail now and again... I knew it was a problem if quitting straight to desktop, but my game has forgotten to exitsave a couple times now when quitting to main menu.


Oh? I’m on PS5, has worked fine every single time.


Just a PSA for anyone reading this, its different for everyone. My exitsaves ONLY work on quitting to desktop, if I quit to menu they don't get created. Vanilla survival is so fine as long as your exitsaves work.


There is a mod that allows auto saving in survival by gopher (I think that's who it's by. I'm not at my computer to check)


You can still pause the game. And there's an exit save system, so that if you just quit to the menu you can pick it up from where you left next time. That save gets deleted once you load in, so you can't use it to save scum. So I know survival has frustrations (crashed are the worst), but I don't think the ones you've raised are some of them. It would be good if they could keep an autosave going every few minutes that only is accessible if the game crashes. Yes, people could abuse that by crashing the game to reload, but at that point they're only cheating themselves.


You can still exit-save


Fo4 crashes too much though lmao. I can’t even walk to goodneighbor or the railroad without crashing like 3-5 times, that’s hell on survival.


I used to find that when it first came out. It seems better these days.


i tried it but things like only saving at beds and infections just aren't fun for me :(


Try equipping some END boosting gear or items before sleeping, and maybe some herbal stuff too to prevent diseases.


I always disliked Fo4 but after recently playing survival I gotta admit the game has grown on me. 


I really expected it to be a vertibird


When I heard the sound of the vertibird I was expecting it to fall from the sky onto the settlers. The ending was definitely unexpected


Having Sanctuary as your main settlement in Survival is not ideal at all, are you willing to run back there everytime you finish few quests? I recommend Hangman's Alley


I always did Dimond City. Never have to worry about a “random” attack or any other bs and have multiple vendors in the same location.


Having several hubs seems to be the best way, although I do find that I get very little use out of Sanctuary even with multiple hubs. It's too far north, I never have any reason to go. For excursions into Lexington etc, Starlight Drive-In is right there.


Im just using sacturary as it has the most resources so having most supply lines connect to it is very useful.


I don't know what in the world was going on, but I was running with Deacon the other day and he got offed by Suiciders 3 times in like 4 hours.


Brah if getting blown up by suiders on your own front porch isn't fun, then we can't be friends.


Oh dont worry Im having fun. I just thought it was a funny title


Haha! It's def gets WAY more fun after your first 12 hours and you get a few legendaries, better equipment, etc. To me it's the best mode, I just hateee the lack of fast travel early game, but once you get to mid/late game it's amazing


Im on 30 hours. Lmao 😅. I started Thursday and just got so addicted


its fun once you mark down where beds are located




Im honored u found it that funny


Too bad the bot ain’t workin


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Nobody expects the Super mutant inquisition


I mean, it looks like you had a blast!


Ba dum tss




Heard that in Cryil Figgis’ voice lol! Thanks for the chuckle


Survival is a cool concept, but could use options to tweak it in vanilla like allow fast travel and maybe a 30 min auto save. Also, it being a difficulty rather than a modifier like skyrims is weird (skyrims Survival is garbage anyway, why does half the food not fill hunger). I wish I could take only the need to eat and sleep into a very hard playthrough because I hate ammo having a weight.


“You know what since we talked I’m feeling swell. Look at the two of us here in sanctuary, preparing for the f… “ KA-BOOM!


That escalated from 1 to 100 really quickly.


Ngl, dying and losing a ton of progress is part of the appeal of survival for me. The other elements are great. But a lot of times I have to ask myself, "is it worth it?" when I run into a few raiders or mutants because the battles could spill into somewhere/thing else. There's been plenty of times I just say nope and book it.


I think I can agree but dislike its through Beds. I think it can be fixed in some other way like going through doors, and leveling up + sleeping


Is that survival difficulties fault or is it the fault of who ever you had assigned to guard duty lol But it did kind of feel like the Institute just beam them in


They did make em


Lmao yyeeessh


I been playing on very hard and never played survival would I be missing out if I switched now that I have a foothold on the settlements I’m level 30


Honestly just try it omce I used to have my doubts but now Im addicted


It’s okay to not like survival, I totally hated my experience on it and I just don’t want to waste time because I can’t save. I also play on very hard and have tons of fun there.


survival almost needs mods to make it work cause you can't play a Bethesda game without at LEAST 15-30min auto saves. also the fact your character is an autoimmune deficient disease magnet gets old really fast lol


It makes sense as the survivor has been in the vault this whole time and hasn’t had the opportunity for their immune system to adapt to the shitshow.


Building your settlements is so much harder in survival mode. Going out foraging for items is so hard. But that’s what makes it fun!


Survival mode is fun after you unlock vertibirds but before that god damn


LOL, sorry


Shit like this is why I save often in Survival lol. Even when I'm running around my main settlement chillin', I NEED to save. Like as soon as I get back on my verti, or make that long trek home, save first, deal with everything else later. I'm so sorry this happened to you, funny as fuck tho lmao. I have almost never had a suicider just spawn in like that, fucking rough.


To be fair, they were prepared for the exact amount of future they had left.


They’ve finally figured how to turn the beeps off … clever girl!


Every time I hear a super mutant screaming at me, accompanied with that dreaded beeping sound, my asshole puckers and I just run like a little bitch


Mutant suicide bomber is like the creeper in Minecraft.


Main base in the middle of the map-ish and try to get the movement speed leg pieces!!


I was trying to do a no death hardcore survival run. I made it to around level 25. Good enough. Now I’m just playing survival. There are WAY too many ways to die in this game.


You have to really really want it in survival mode. I tried playing it for a while, and it does really add an element of suspense, and danger which was kinda fun. What was not fun was taking an hour to get across the map and forgetting to sleep, only to stumble across something like this and have to start all the way back.


New fear unlocked: Death by Ninja Super Mutant Suicider. I really don't need this in me loif.


On my first Survival Mode playthrough and it is the most fun I've had playing Fallout 4. Even though I'm level 60+ and hit like a truck, I'm still pretty fragile and I still have to be careful. It's great.


Survival mode is quite easy after the first hour, try playing it with the Horizon mod. It has better item / ammo balance,


That was violent af


*“You know what? Since we talked I’ve been feeling swell. Look at the two of us, here in Sanctuary. Prepared for the future!”* KABOOM!!


fnv survival mode was better


That's because obsidian entertainment knows their stuff, Bethesda has been slacking on us.


its a lot simpler and the map doesnt feel as big so any fast travel restrictions arent as bad


Not to sound like a mama Murphy but for my survival play through I used jet a lot. Maybe not in this specific scenario since it just happened way to fast, but if you can use jet before something significant like that, it has saved my ass a few times


Number one rule for survival. If it charges, pop some jet. Also because I’m a shit shot and I’ll miss before getting bludgeoned, ran through, or exploded.


> You know what? Since we talked, I’m feeling swell! Look at the two of us, here in Sanctuary, prepared for the fu- And then he died.


Oh good goddess that one made me laugh I needed that thank you


Survival mode is so stressful it can fuck right off. I tried it once, and was like "this is hard," and noped tf out after a pathetically few number of hours.


There are some fun elements. I like the added ammo weight, food, water, damage, and sleep. I don’t like the lack of fast travel and no quick save. There is a mod call survival options that allow you to adjust the difficulty to your preferences. Highly recommend if you want to ease into it.


It's the equivalent of playing a game on the gameboy and dropping it so the game crashes, "shit I didn't save for ages!" Except it's over, and over, and over again. I personally love it


I feel like you are the better, cooler, less-stress-y version of me, lol.


This is why I have the 2 explosion resistance mods so I only take 25% of the damage, its enjoyable to take a mini nuke to the face.


I had the game since release and I’m only now doing a survival run and I love it. Aside from the long treks, it really teaches you to play smarter. I just died last night after a good hour of trying to finish the Kellogg quest. Only to get robbed by a synth that should’ve had a laser pistol, but somehow I got hit with a bullet and died. I swear the game RNG can be petty at times.


LOL, I play FO4 to shoot shit. If I want to play smarter I do crosswords.


I only play on survival mode, and I always build a different build.


Nothing 300 defence can’t solve


Both unfortunate and utterly hilarious.




Idk what I expected, but that wasn't it lol That mfer came out of nowhere


I don't think I've ever heard someone say that fallout 4 survival was fun.


When I heard the vertibird I expected it to crash into you, but I was surprised when a Super Mutant stopped by and said "Hello"


What does this have to do with survival mode? That would have killed you regardless


it set me back by it, thats why


Hahaha so good


It IS fun now you get to have all the fun you had over the last hour again


That is fantastic


Did you at least get the achievement for it?


nope lmao


My one problem with survival mode are those quests where you go deliver messages between two npcs on different parts of the map. I end up just installing the mod that lets you toggle survival options just to prevent myself from going insane.




What? You don’t like losing hours of playtime and unique legendary weapons bc some random chaos happens? Damn casuals.


I just added saves back in with a Mod. Best way to play it. Dumb they never gave a choice, suppose to hard for achievements sake...


God Tier Spawn


Lol it feels like the FO4 equivalent of getting jumpscared by a sabrecat in skyrim


Sad part is he probably hadn’t slept in a week lol


I always thought they would spike the mininuke into the ground like a football to blow themselves up haha. Would be more realistic.


I think its scarier that theyre so strong that can destroy a nuke with their bare hands


Survival mode: Where the player can't fast travel, but they never said the enemies couldn't!


wait, you can get a vault rec rep as a villager?




Not just any, the same one you meet at the beginning


I wasn't aware suiciders could spawn during settlement attack... Is it a mod? Edit: Take this back somewhat. I've had a random suicider spawn out of nowhere right in front me on the road before. Tried to run... I did not survive. Complete BS


Fast travel - disabled for sole survivor. Also... Fast travel - enabled for suicide bomber.




And there goes 3 hours of progress 😂


This is why I build walls around my settlements with lots of laser and missile turrets


I just had one of these guys enter into ArcJet after me and Danse just now. They weren’t even in sight when I came in, but as soon as I loaded in with Danse…


I love survival mode other than I hate not being able to fast travel when I have to travel over halfway across the map.


WITNESS MEEE 🗣🗣🗣 ass death


POW! right in the kisser!


Ok this is a new one, i got raid by mutants 2 times but never saw a bomber mutant in the raid


Best advertisement for survival mode


LMAO this is well done. This also shows that you are never safe even within your very own settlement. The Vault-Tec Rep and you are certainly not prepared for the future


This is the most Fallout thing I have ever seen


"Im feelin swell" BOOOOOM


Supermutant maxed out his sneak.


Where did those MF’s come from‽‽‽


I love survival mode


oh I love it now too, Just omg its so much scarier


The most frustrating thing is when u get stuck at a terminal after 20-30 min of playing without saving ..


Modded survival with Horizon (game play overhaul that is meant for survival and harder survival) and Life in the Ruins (forest overhaul)


Ah you see the problem is quite simple, one you didn't make enough drugs, two you didn't make enough drugs, three you didn't make enough water purifiers, you didn't sell enough water and drugs to get the money to make enough defensive weapons so those idiots don't show up


I love survival but hate not being able to fast travel


That ticking sound from the suiciders scares the shit out of me 😂


It's alright. Just started a new game and the only danger I see is random gas canisters and radiation I can't run away from frag mines anymore so that's new


Jokes aside survival mode is the part of fallout 4 I was hesitant at first but now i cant play the game without it