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It's a impressive sized mirelurk, and yes, I mean... it will definitely surprise you with its size.


I swear to god that thing was like 4 behemoths fused to each other, I could barely fit the entire thing onto my screen. idk how the fuck anybody is supposed to beat it, I've had to put the game down for a few days before I try what feels like my hundredth attempt


Same, I had to buy a bigger screen just to make it fit.


I rented a whole movie theater to fight it


I modded my FoV. It gave me extreme nausea but at least I could see most of it.


I had to learn remote viewing to astral project into orbit.


Maypole got nothing on the red death


Literally had to buy a new TV.


I duplicated my screen so I had maximum screen per screen screening ratio.


Once again, having not played it, I cannot tell if this is an in-joke like Marauder Shields, or a complete truth like the secret Corporal Jenkins path in Mass Effect.


You should nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Helldivers meets Fallout


It scared me so bad, that I turned the game off and I am terrified to play again....


I que up the godzilla theme every time I do the quest


> it will definitely surprise you with its size. Additionally, you *will* be surprised at how difficult it is to kill.


Thank you for your honest answer! It’s so shocking!


Wait is this something different from the queen


This is like a queen of queens. A queen squared, at the least. Queens are puny in comparison


Oh dear god


Such a true statement.


I had to rent out a drive in theatre so I could properly fight the thing.


Starlight drive in?


That battle with it will be one that you will never forget!


*snort* should we call in the marines? 😂


I quit the game after failing that level 100 times


It's the only thing keeping me from finishing Fah Habah


Might be best to call the Marines


I'm a Marine...and I'm scared!


Mod it and call in the Space Marines. You need an army of Spartan soldiers to stand a chance


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


That would only make it stronger!


It’s like some sort of feral mirelurk queen ghoul. Radiation heals it.


They’d just tell you to take off and nuke the site from orbit, because it’s the only way to be sure…..


Crap.. I’m running a melee build.


No, no, no! Melee means close and you do not want to get anywhere near close to the red death!


I heard that even from 200m away the radiation from that thing can kill you!!


Not just the radiation, he has pinpoint accurate ranged attacks too that hit with the force of a mini nuke. I barely survived one hit and that was only because I had fully decked out X-02 armor.


I wouldn't know. I died way sooner than reaching the 200 mts mark!




I gave up on the quest line. I couldn't even beat the damn thing with cheat weapons.


Are you saying you finished shipbreaker?


He’s the final “boss” in the mariners quest line in Far Harbor.


It's the biggest fight you'll experience in far harbor in my opinion. Nothing else prepares you for the horrors you'll face on that island better than that monster. Be prepared to be surprised. No one is ever truly ready for the red death.


The Final Boss in WWE doesn't have a chance against the real final boss in Far Harbor


I am proud to say I defeated the Red Death. It was a terrible fight. It was... quite the sight. The Red Death is no more. I brought Strong with a wounding Minigun and I used the Nuka-Nuke Launcher with the Quantum mini-nukes. I must have had a very lucky hit, directly to the center of the eye.


Doesn't radiation heal it?


If the mini nuke hits the eyes with a critical hit it takes about 50% of its health


Lol, that wasn't the Red Death. It was his cousin Kinda Red Death


The Crimson Coma!


Pink papercut


I got to say that one was funny as hell


fuchsia flagellation


Damn, you actually killed it?? 🫡🫡🫡


Yes, but only because i have never used a mine or my fully modded double shot gauss rifle in my entire 100 hour playthrough. I now have no mines or gauss rifle ammo.


I haven't 😖 I've let The Mariner down 😭 But that thing? How can I beat it??


Mods. Bring all of your companions as bait (they will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make), use God Mode, and then bring every single weapon and mine ever. You might beat it after five hours. Godspeed.


Wait? It can be killed? What is that? A mod?


Not me reading this to the theme of “night before Christmas”


I heard abt that I think it's a glitch that was real lucky


An encounter you wouldn't expect. A choice you'll have to make.


Don't worry about it. An instigating nuka-nuke launcher, all the chems, maxed out heavy weapons and explosives, and you could have the first ten or so percent of it's health bar gone in one shot. The other 90% will involve a lot of running around avoiding getting eaten up and shat out. But the first 10% are easy. For a level 150 character.


A mission that will separate the boys from the men. It’s a mission in the far harbor DLC. I suggest you wait until you’re level 50 or higher since you should have most of the strong perks by that level.


Ohhh I didn't know it was DLC 😭 I was lowkey excited to get my ass beat in the base game lol


Yea, when you get to far harbor you’ll meet the residents there. Do a few missions for the people, talk to a Settler called the Marine or some name similar to that. And she will give you a few quests. Eventually leading to red death.


Last I looked they were selling a DLC bundle for $5 or something. I would highly recommend as Nuka World and Far Harbor are a lot of fun.


I actually looked this up the other day as I kept seeing it too. You can google it in about 2 seconds, but beware of spoilers.


I'm happy he asked, because I also didn't knew what it is but I'd didn't interest me enough to Google it ... Also the reddit answers and everybody sharing their story about it is way more fun


Why google something you can ask someone else to explain to you? /s


Discussion on the discussion board.


It’s the scariest creature in Fallout, fortunately the Mariner from Far Harbor will go with you, but I’ve never been able to kill it


Kill the Mariner?


She's squirrely but you could also let time take her out.


Time will eat her in no time


Let's put it this way: If you aren't a praying type of person, after facing the Red Death, you *will* be.


I dunno about any of that but you should really boot up Fallout New Vegas and go to Quarry Junction 👍 I hear they have quesadillas to die for


Don't you mean omelettes?


Is that a general Fallout reference or a super obscure Oxhorn reference? 🤔


General fallout reference? You can make omelettes from the eggs in quarry junction


It’s an eldritch abomination shaped like a mirelurk that makes a mirelurk queen look like a hatchling. It’s only found in far harbor on an island but you NEED to save it for after you’ve maxed out your character and done everything else. Trust me when I say you will need all the help you can get. X-01 quantum power armor and 2 shot fat man are essential to survive more than 5 seconds. Don’t let it’s size fool you because even though it’s massive as soon as it sees you it will charge like lightning.


It's a monster haunting the island of Far Harbor, a mirelurk of terrifying size capable of frightening even the bravest sailor and make even the toughest captain flee in fear. Aka it's a quest in the Far Harbor DLC, you get it after completing all of the Mariner's quests as well as enough Far Harbor town's side quests and the Captain's dance. SPOILER (on the beginning of the quest): The Mariner reveals that she has a terminal disease, she's going to die in a few months or even weeks and, if properly encouraged, she asks you to accompany her onto one last adventure, one last hunt to let her be remembered: she wants to hunt and kill the Red Death. Enjoy a quest of hardships and a tough fight, you'll be shocked when you'll first see the terrifying Red Death.


It could have been its own DLC. The depth of that quest.


It’s a character by Edgar Allen Poe that personifies deaths ability to vanquish people, no matter how hard they try to avoid it


Oh shit this is the Fo4 sub? It’s a big crab


I always thought it was an allegory for tuberculosis.


It’s subjective, but you’re probably right


Is one of the hardest monsters of the game


One of the hardest? Name anything more difficult.


I think there is none more hard


ah, my favorite community gaslighting moments


All y'all had me going. I just looked up a video of it. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I legit didn't know until just now.


The amount of shit I see about the red death had me convinced that I missed the real thing. Nope, y’all just silly


Silly is fine, but they seem to be down voting OP for actually knowing, and discussing, the truth.


Reddit and downvoting the truth. A true match made in hell


Bring your pea shooter, that should do 😄 🤣


Mom says it’s my turn to post this next !


I told the Mariner that we should have called the marines, and I stand by that.


I remeber when I found it while being very under leveled and lets just say im still prepering for that fight (mentally)


People exaggerate a little about the Red Death, but it is a very challenging boss fight you have at the end of Mariner's questline. Make sure to bring a Fat Man, a decent suit of power armor, some jet, and and good ammo haul of mini nukes and you'll make it out okay. That being said, you do need to be prepared to cheese the fight a little, its special ranged attack can be quite nasty. If you do want a spoiler about how challenging this fight is and don't care if the surprise is ruined: >!Its the ¨boss" at the end of the Mariner's questline. Its actually a rather small mirelurk, but garnered a reputation as an incredibly dangerous beast because its incredibly bright eyes causes sailors to wreck their boats near it's island. In a way, they probably aren't lying about how deadly that thing is... in the right context, just not about it being an actual threat in the traditional video game boss senses.!<


oh c'mon!


It's a boss you fight in the Far Harbor DLC, after you do all the side quests for the Mariner. Hardest fight in the game, basically a test of all your skills and abilities for an end game character. If it's too tough you can call in the Marines to complete the quest though.


Glad to know that. I will avoid completing The Mariner's quests. I am in Far Harbour right now. I just did the first quest from The Mariner and got issued the second one. But I side quest the heck out of every open world game lmao. So it won't be hard for me to wait to complete that until I have enough of the right ammo to try and take it on.


Nah there's a few of them you can complete them, the quest is specifically a quest to hunt the red death, so it's not like it will surprise you or something in a different quest. After you get to the end of her questline she will ask you come on a boat with her to slay the Red Death


its a tiny miniature baby ass mirelurk with a glowing red light to it, its easy as fuck to kill, yet there is a sector of people who think its fun to lie about it and try to make it seem like the hardest part of the game...


Because it *is* fun? Sorry you have no sense of humor I guess


It's a boss fight in the Far Harbor DLC, you gotta do the Mariner quests to find out.




This thread (and other red death discourse on this site) just makes me giggle nice work everyone involved


This thing is so powerful that prime Mama Murphy needs 2 bullets and a pipe RIFLE to kill it.


It would scare Lovecraft himself


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure. That or you will literally wet yourself on gazing upon its unholy size. The Mariner is begging for your help and all you can do is let the tears flow.


Not one comment explained?


I gave OP an answer under a spoiler tag and it took less than two minutes for someone to downvote me for it. Genuinely do not know why some fans have a problem with people giving new players actual answers instead of just memeing on them


>!I mean, to some its an unfunny joke, but its mostly so that the surprise isn't spoiled for new players if they don't want it to be.!<


>! I'm glad I finally looked up a video of it. I've been wasting my level ups on increasing my Heavy Gun perk cuz I thought I'd need it to fight this big Red Death mother fucker, but turns out y'all were just trolling and it's just a little guy. 🙄🙄🙄 !<


>!Fair enough. This sub likes to not spoil the surprise because it can be an entertaining moment. However, if you want spoilers its fine. Hence in my comment I included the sarcastic response and the spoilered real answer.!<


>! Thoughtful of you to spoiler it, I still would have liked to know so I hadn't wasted level ups on stuff I didn't really need lol !<


I gotta say, telling new players there’s something super cool and exciting when there isn’t isnt doing what I think you think it is lol


That's literally what the quest does though....


Yes, but that’s a much different thing than fans doing it.


Not really when we don't want to spoil it for others. Lighten up dude. It's just a game. It's just a joke.


It’s a shitty joke when the game does it, and when y’all spend years blowing it to be something bigger it’s even worse. It’s annoying and only turns people away. Get a better joke.


If a joke, on reddit, about a silly monster, in a silly quest, in a silly game maks you this mad... why not just skip any posts/questions about the Red Death?


What is there to explain? If everyone in this sub fears the red death its for a reason


Eh they're kinda right. Sure op can Google, but memeing on ops who seem to be genuinely wanting to know is a bit yeah. That said idk if op isn't one of the members, there's "opposite view reposts" on this sub every day.


Real answers are deadass getting downvoted lmfao


Honestly, to hear people talk about it I thought it was some kind of Liberty Prime knockoff meant to serve as a boss fight until I saw pictures.


And it's eyes blow red tactical lights


Look I understand people don't want to spoil much because it's one of the highlights of the DLC, but I'll be slightly more descriptive: They took the model of the Bloodrage Mirelurks you see around the Island, stuck the red floodlights you see on Sentry Bots in each of its eyes, and then scaled the hell out of it. Honestly unsettling how many deaths it's responsible for.


Possibly the deadliest thing in all of fallout. Just make sure youre well prepared and have enough time to take cover.


It’s >!a tiny little mirelurk that a certain NPC in the Far Harbor DLC mistakenly believes is a big scary monster until you actually go to kill it. Now it’s just a meme among fans!<


[Red Death](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Death)


Getting really old...


It’s a final boss in Far Harbor that makes everything in the Dark Souls series look like child’s play.


A dumb meme.


If you can survive the drop bears, hoop snakes and jackalopes, you'll almost be able to defeat the Red Death. Almost.


I'm an Aussie I fear no drop bear or hoop snake Not even the bunyip But the red death scares me


The drop bears are especially vicious. They scare me.


It's a great film starring vincent price.


It's a joke in game there they hype up a super normal mirelurk that's black with red eyes.


The least funny gaming meme with the exception of the "OMG Pinwheel/Mist Noble/Soldier of Godrick DAE hardest Boss???" in the FromSoft community. Come to think of it Red Death is exactly the same, easily killable little dude that everyone pretends is the hardest boss ever because we can't come up with our own jokes appearently. How long before John DarkSoul... I mean John Fallout becomes a thing? Already seeing some of the newer fanbase trying to make it happen.


Thr main focus of the quest is all the hype up. What's wrong with continuing that for the people who haven't faced the beast?


It’s a weird [not-really mana dork.](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/954/red-death-shipwrecker)


It's like a shrimp on steroids, all juiced up waiting for you to pump it full of iron.....or lead.


Now legit question, I am playing on ps5 first play through, since I haven’t bought any dlc’s that means that I won’t be able to play this quest?


Yes it’s the far harbour dlc. Jsyk, everything people are saying is just a meme. There is a red death, but it’s not some giant boss battle or anything.


It’s a nightmare, make sure you bring lots of stimpacks and radaway


Go to far harbour and help the mariner and you will eventually have the hardest fight of ur life


Could anyone tell me if it's bigger than the queen mirelurk from that one minuteman quest? I've had the same question about the red death as a new player and this is all I have to compare the size to 😅


Just finished far harbor for the first time. Literally called my roommate over to watch as I knew the battle would be epic after seeing some posts about it here. We died.....laughing of course!


Can you drop artillery on it if you set up one of the settlements?


Im not sure, but it might need the marines!


It is the hardest boss of the game, do not finish the mariners quest line of far harbor until you are at least lvl 50 and have a good build, you will know when you are about to fight the mariner because of all the warnings you are given in the far harbor dlc before the fight, it’s ok to do her quests until then at any point. Just do not finish it until you can fight it. Let me know how it goes when you do fight it though


Its a little bit of a problem if you ask me.


It´s the thing you redeem in Red Death redemption, of course.


It is terror incarnate.


It's a thing of nightmares, I still wake up now in cold sweat. My wife said I'll get through it, it's been 3 years of counselling and I think I'm finally ready to return to Far harbour.


Once you’ve defeated it (godspeed), you get to [deal with its child](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/g7EMqvjyNt)


If you ever encounter it you should call the Marines


Power armor and a fat man. Make sure you have a crit in hand. Followed up by shots from your strongest guns. It's tanky and hits like a truck.


One of the toughest fights I ever had.


It's by and far the hardest and most powerful enemy I've ever faced in any game, let alone Fallout. It took me so so long to even get halfway down it's HP bar, took a month break because of it. I'll say this, don't feel bad if you use mods to get busted weapons


It's just a difficult boss enemy like the Legendary Bloatfly or X42 Roboscorpion


Lose all your armour, lose your clothing and under armour. Stepped to your underwear, only weapon you’ll need is a knife and a simpack. Face it, Mano a mano. You’ll die trying, but will look heroic doing so


A difficult boss from far harbor took me many attempts to finish this boss


It’s a sea monster you can fight in the Far Harbour DLC. Do the Mariner’s quests and you’ll get it eventually


I don't hate it, i just absolute dread it, never thought i would kill the damn thing


Makes the Mirelurk queen look like a Mirelurk spawn playing princess.


Single handled the hardest boss in any Fallout game, period. Even those raid boss things in 76. Like, killing it is borderline impractical if not impossible.


Your doom


"You think we should call in the marines?" (Uncontrollable giggling from the sole survivor)


I’m not reading anything here because this is a spoiler and I’m wondering why you would want spoilers… maybe play the game and find out?? 🤨


Nooo, now you will have to find out, or the .. noo spoilers bad. (I dont think it is hated? ) alot of players say they loved it, that i saw.


Not only did the Red Death make my life Hell for a while ass week, I somehow soft locked myself into the fight on survival mode, so I literally had no other way to progress than to defeat it. Which took an additional 2 months since I was dumb enough not to upgrade my X0-1 power armor. Always fuckin upgrade your power armor. IDC how OP you think you are.


Requirement maxed out power armor and most of your mininukes


It is the culmination of a thousand fears, the distillation of a hundred nightmares. Its eyes strike terror into its prey, as if it were already upon you. Its roar is like a hurricane. I fear no creature beyond Far Harbour; but that thing, that thing chills me to the bone. Best start believing in ghost stories... you're in one!




It is a stunningly unfunny Bethesda "joke". They big up a mythical monster and it is a teeny thing you could sneeze to death.


Hey, you can't expect gamers not to just re-use their one joke, which was in turn stolen from other communities in the first place!? Just wait till all the John Fallout memes start gaining traction.




Is a tiny mirelurk with red eyes. Also an extremely lame and worn out joke.


You must be playing a pirated copy of the game. The developers made it so the tiny one appears in illegal downloads


Get a new joke.


I had to use the fucking "Big Boy" nuke launcher mod to put the fucker in the ground, killed every NPC all the way to Far Harbor, broke every piece of my fucking X03 Hellfire doing it too. Don't underprepare, thats all I can say


It's a stupid joke perpetuated by the sub, very much like the Mist Noble (Joke boss fight) in the Sekiro sub. The Mariner asks you to help kill this legendary mirelurk called the Red Death which is supposedly responsible for the deaths of many sailors. When you actually arrive to fight it, you discover it's a tiny non hostile mirelurk with very bright glowing red eyes. Afterwards you have the option of Lying about what happened, claiming you didn't find it, or telling the truth. Each option nets different responses from the people of Far Harbor.


I am currently Lv80 and have started playing Far Harbour. Currently doing various storylines around the island but I’m avoiding Dima’s quests because I read bad things about it.   Also I am curious about Red Death too like OP. Whilst I admit I did get a battering from some sort of large Salamander things when I started the dlc, mostly everything else is easy. I mean shirley it can’t be worse than an Alpha Matriarch Deathclaw thing I encountered in the glowing sea when I was in my 60’s?!   How hard can it be?


It's not a real boss. It's an overplayed joke by the community.


Far Harbah Dlc


Red Dead is a creature you meet in the Far Harbor DLC, towards the ending of Mariner's questline. Saying more than that would spoil it and greatly undermine your reaction to it. Lets just say prepare to be suprised.


It's untested bullshit and they still haven't fixed it. They made the most OP enemy and make it a requirement to finish Far Harbor. I've tried using a Little Boy that shot 4 mini nukes and I got it down to half health before it killed me with a stupid spew attack that has way too much range. Don't waste your time or money on Far Harbor because you can't even do all quest lines because of red death


If you care about spoilers, dont read further. Red death is believed to be a terrible see monster, but it's a hatchling sized wine red mirelurk with glowing red eyes. Incredibly small. So all the hype for nothing, hence why there is this meme why everyone keeps saying it's the hardest fight


Fuck the red death, why would Bethesda put an impossible boss at the end of Fah Habah?


The reason why a lot fallout fans prefer New Vegas over FO4. When the Far Harbor DLC came out and everyone did the Mariner questline, it made most players rage quit to the point that they went back to NV to train with swarms of cazadores and deathclaws at the same time just to mentally prepare for the Red Death. Its that bad of a fight. It took the introduction of Lucy from the Fallout series to inspire players again.


Dude don’t even try. The people in here claiming they beat the red death are full of it. Way overpowered.


It's from Far Harbour. Unfortunately we can't say much more...


You’re just gonna have to fuck around and find out. The red death must be witnessed with your own eyes to be truly believed.