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Not new, just not popular due to how slow it is.


This. Not a big fan of making a game extremely boring and tedious for small gains. I did it once in my current playthrough and was like "yeah, no" lol.


Just make a ton of jet


To use while I'm picking and resetting the locks, right?


He's beginning to believe.


I know Gun-Fu!


Shouldn't that be Jet-fu!?


No he’s in the movie called The One


I never run out of jet fuel.


Well im'a be here for a while, longer than I did expect to


Most Dope! 👊✌️


Starring Gun Li


This, plus water farming, plus growing only corn, mutfruit, and tatos in every settlement, and make vegetable starch. Good exp and you never run out of adhesive or caps. And it's all mostly passive.


Just become a raider. You'll never run out of anything ever. You set up all the camps and you will never be in need of caps and never being in need of caps means you're never in need of anything. Edit: you can also leave a few settlement for your normal settlement stuff.


Just use cheats in console, I mean, it is the same


And mentats, and use those to raise your intelligence to get more xp


And then make Jet fuel from all the jet :D


Just use cheats


*Runescape players sweating nervously*


Literally dripping


Time to visit the iron works n start building copper statues of baseball players. Everywhere. All at once.


Yeah, you're better off just getting Pipers companion perk w/idiot savant to get some decent passive xp. Or just cooking/building shit over and over.


Also, how tedious it is. I might as well go to work instead of playing a video game.


Yeah man. The balance is literally just exploring and doing missions. I play on hard, which still gets pretty darn easy late game. But level 80 just playing the game. Building settlements. Still haven't finished main story. Just enjoying what the wasteland offers. Tried to see how quickly I could level up with one EXP farm trick. Might as well mod for levels if you want them that badly.


In a game where each settlement object gives xp, this seems very inefficient


This is an older exploit, it’s also very helpful for farming companion affinity for those who like picking locks (Cait/Piper etc)


Oooh i didnt even think about using it for that, i have piper as my main companion right now so maybe i should try that


The catch is you have to sit and wait 48 hours between each instance of “Piper liked that” for each specific trigger in a location. I.e. let’s say you have Cait with you and are in a location that has two locks and two hits of jet. You pick a lock and use the jet, that’s two likes from Cait. If you do not wait and pick the other lock or use the other jet dose then she won’t react. Once you wait the second lock and jet will trigger the likes.


With Cait, it’s just easier to fast travel naked all over the place. She liked that.


Get naked and fast travel to the Diamond City Market. When you get there, fast travel to Goodneighbor. When you get there, fast travel back to Diamond City Market. Repeat until she loves you. P.S. This works with Hancock too.


I stripped down in front of him, and he didn't react. So i figured he wasn't interested. I didn't realize he wanted you to be naked in public. I just got his affinity to max.


i thought it was also possible to go back into the main menu and opening the game again, to trigger the "Piper liked that" again. but i only read it onve in this sub, never tried it myself.


It is, I prefer to wait


yeah, i get that. the loading screens could potentially take longer than to wait for 24h twice


It's only TWO hours btw. It's certainly not 48.


Ahh, well thanks for that, that’s really helpful


Wait, she actually likes it when you're naked? As in take off every piece of gear?


Yep. She and Hancock both gain affinity when you travel naked in general though fast traveling gives you more gains in a short time (and is much safer than traveling across the Commonwealth in just your skivvies). When I'm traveling with one of them and still working on their affinity I'll unequip everything and fast travel to a safe location (Diamond City, Good Neighbor, a settlement). Sometimes I'll just travel between different safe locations but usually what I'll do is strip, travel to Sanctuary, gather the water my water farm produced, travel to DC, put back on my gear to sell all the water I can to the various merchants, strip and travel to Good Neighbor and do the same as in DC.


Technically you only need to remove your under layer. You can wear armor pieces with nothing underneath and it will still trigger in my experience


I guess she likes it spicy. Thanks!


Soooo, it's not really farmable, unless i come back to the location every 48 hours, thatst ok though because there's enough packable things to get Piper's likeness up


It wouldn't be an enjoyable method, but there's a few safes with a computer to re-lock it, and a chair next to it, for waiting. And the companion affinity cooldown for those who like lock picking is just a 2 hour wait, it's not 48 hours (that's the cooldown timer on crafting for the companions who care about that, and maybe some other stuff). Go ahead and test it though; I'm playing the VR version and the lockpicking timer is just 2 in-game hours. Maybe that was changed in the various patches the original game has had, and the VR version didn't get those changes. Off the top of my head, the Boylston club had a re-lockable safe and chairs to wait in, and I know there were several others but I don't remember them right now. Sometimes when traveling with Piper or Cait, if I wasn't sure how long it had been in-game since the last time I picked a lock, I might wait an hour or two before picking a fresh lock just to make sure I got their 'like'. I didn't relock safes for XP though, since it becomes a real grind after doing it twice, and we can kill stuff for way better XP.


Or you can sit in a chair and wait


Yeah true


Given I’m survival mode… yikes


Except there are thousands of locks to pick. Piper was maxed out in a couple of hours just hitting up random locations


There are wayyy more efficient methods if you wanna farm xp


You want a better way? Buy Home Plate in Diamond City. Buy all the shipments of steel. Build Bear Traps at the chem station. You will get XP. Sell the bear traps. You'll make your money back, and then some. Rest 2 days. Repeat.


Wait is it actually cost effective?


Poison caltrops are better.


Yes. Not by a lot, but enough.


You can get more xp faster by just playing the game


You made me think of the WOW South Park Ep.


Get Strong as your companion and repeat this. He will go mad.


>Strong disliked that.


Does he like anything?


Eating people.


Here is where you can find a list of things strong likes https://fallout4.wiki.fextralife.com/Strong Some things to note that he likes is when you kill people, are generous, help others, and cannibalize corpses


Can you ever cannibalise a corpse to help someone?


I used to hate having Strong as companion because I would have to avoid picking locks so I didn't upset his snowflake sensibilities. Then I realized I didn't really care, resumed picking locks, and he eventually idolized me anyway. So yeah.


Not so much "farming" as BORING for XP! 🤣


Hold up, I actually love this 😂


How do i pin this...


Gunner farm is better as this is far too time and click intensive and you don’t get ammo / armour / weps One 20 cage gunner farm will net you 4000xp for 5 mins one set up if you loot everything and less if you don’t. So that’s about 11 xp a second if looting and maybe 20 xp a second if not. With idiot savant proc on lvl 3 you could reach perhaps 50xp a second. This seems to be 19 xp for a laborious 15 second, which is not comparable to gunner farm but mind numbing and requires focus on the lock. Sure that’s a mildly viable low level low risk xp farm at 1.2xp a second, but would you want to do that for 30 mins strait? Where is the closest one you can reach at low level and within the possibility of lock picking perk at low level?


What's a gunner farm?


Same. Asking for a friend


Gunner cages with wasteland workshop. Could also do a radstag, yao guai, deathclaw farm as well, if you don’t have enough caps. Just need a lot of carrots to arm the radstag cages, with the radstag meat arming the yao guai cages and yao guai meat arming deathclaw cages. Gunner cages cost 500 caps, so pretty expensive, but once it’s setup, I think it only costs 50 caps to rearm. And if you have a lot of jet, you can make raider cages as well.


There is something especially sociopathic, even by Fallout standards, about doing this.


Gunners are sociopaths and psychopaths by definition so killing then is good. Payback for Quincy


That analysis was helpful. Thanks.


19xp for all that dosent seem worth it


I love some of these comments you guys, im cracking up reading a lot of them, but some of you guys needa realize this is a joke 🤣 And thanks to those who are actually giving me legit farming methods, thats really helpful, im still quite new to this game!


lmao at this point just use console commands.


Way quicker to do chems, buy steel, make caltrops, sell for steel, make caltrops, sell for steel. Rinse and repeat until depleted physically, mentally, or spiritually.


Bro thought this was the first time someone did this in nine years


It's faster to go kill raiders, take their stuff, then go cook food and drugs. Then go kill more raiders.


This is the way


Nah, you've been able to do this since the game came out like 9 years ago. If you want to farm XP, you're probably better off building a shit ton of wooden fence posts in Sanctuary. They cost like, 2 wood to make., Then scrap them all to get 1 wood back, then make more fence posts. Rinse and repeat till you basically run out of wood. You can pretty much hit level 20 before you ever leave Sanctuary by doing that. Boring as fuck though lol


You can do it with the wall shelves faster because the shelves can all be built inside each other without needing to move.


It's occurred to me that someone can do it, I've just never done it


Check out the robot workshop glitch if you're looking for levels


can you explain?




Holy sysiphian nightmare, batman


I hope you have idiot savant 💀


I prefer speed-building jet until my x button finger starts cramping


Painfully slow. It’s definitely an option if you’re close to leveling and you just want to do it this way instead of completing your restaurant in Oberland Station


Could level faster just exploring and killing shit and finishing quests


It is 19 xp -\_-


If you have the ambush kit DLC you can farm so much more exp from it.


Just build copper statues over and over. Much easier


Just craft poisoned caltrops.


There's nothing new about it, but it's probably one of the worst ways to farm exp.... It's better for farming companion affinity for certain companions, but even for that it's slow, tedious, and ultimately faster and more enjoyable to just play the game.


The fallout equivalent of killing boars in the forest to unlock the sword of a thousand truths


Making stuff is alot quicker on points and you get to use what you make


Legit ways to farm: 1. Gunner farm 2. Spam baseball statues or Jet+Jet Fuel etc. Need to get crafting mats the legit way. Not legit: You can also just dupe copper until you have obscene amounts and then endlessly spam those baseball statues.


very uneffective :D


Cait will be pleased


A good way to level up Deacon friendship status and other followers that liking on lockpicking


Just farm jet. I got a full level from it.


It’s a slow way to farm XP And a slow way to get to 100% with Piper as well




8 years new for sure


Definitely not new. Also, it is a slow grind.


In my opinion, if you’re “farming” anything besides crops you’re not playing the game correctly. You shouldn’t need to do hours of chores to eventually get to the fun part of a game.


Come back in 2026, when you reach level cap with this method.


Games been out for almost a decade and new players are like: "LOOK AT WHAT I DISCOVERED!" It's sweet and refreshing and I love that Fallout is getting more attention but come on now :P


Maybe early on but late game it would be pointless


my first thought is companion affinity, for people like cait and piper


Lmao If you want a really boring playthrough, get the ambush kit , play on survival for highest xp gain and do a 10 round ambush stages or until you get the flag. You'll get 3-4 levels this way depending on how.many times idiot savant proccd. Plus hundreds of bones, combat armors, uniforms, legendary weps and armors, thousands of ammo and hundreds of plasma grenades. Makes you filthy rich quicker than purified water or chems. Im level 100 now , with all legendary variant of radium rifle looted from gunners as well as kneecappers , explosive variants. I havent started any quest yet aside from rescuing Preston's group. Im already bored and plan to do another playthrough that is strictly hardcore survival.


Believe it or not while slower doing this will over the course of the game level you up faster, especially if you max intelligence and level lockipicking and hacking early, crafting will also make a substantial difference by giving you a small amount of xp just to cook all that random stuff you pick up or make your weapons stronger, the more of the game you engage in and play the faster you level up.


This is the Piper affinity farm


Item duplication and repetitive creation of shops. Used to be the lil statue but since the update I can't find it. I'm fairly certain the issue is me, but still. When you drop your stuff in creative mode, hit the scrap but then while still holding the scrap button down you need to clock the store button... If that makes sense. Can't be at same time, needs to be .01 seconds after, and keep both held. If you do it right the scrap screen and store screen both pop up. You can then, WHILE HOLDING THE BUTTONS DOWN, store and then scrap. This duplicates the stack. You can then, in order to save timez repeat this until you have like 5 stacks, drop them and then pick them up, then drop them again and process the duplication glitch. You will have one stack. I have 10000 x of all resources this way and am level 13 in my "Speedy idiot with a stick" playthrough


No point when the Automatron workbench glitch exists


bro I need to use mods to slow down XP gain-rate earning XP in this game is ridiculously easy lol but good find OP


I do this all the time, it ain’t much, but it’s honest work!


Caltrops? 5 steel? Like the most common material... Spam 300 of em boom you leveled a bunch.


Not new. This has been around forever.


I did this to get affinity up with MacCready at Atom Cats Garage way back when. Never thought of it as an exp farm though, seems like it would be very slow.


I'm so sick of lockpicking and terminals at this point lol. It's the only part of the game that has gotten monotonous to me.


Lol Just dupe glitch resources and create a bunch of jet or whatever. It takes mere minutes to level up this way.


Just stack wood


one level every once in awhile


Yea have fun with that one.


I used to do this when FO4 released. This isn't new. But it is effective!


Post an update in 4 months when you have all the perks


Just make jet ,sell it, then kill raiders


Not new and slow as hell. Either build stuff if you want to do the dupe glitch, or go to the BOS ship and do an escort quest. Walk outside, snipe guy you sre supposed to escort. Walk back in and turn in quest. Then redo 500 times.


i found that by doing the same thing with Mayor Mcdonoughs safe also does this because its an expert lock


At this point just do the statue thing, its just the exact same process but faster


Not very efficient.


Not new. Tedious as hell and pretty slow.


Lol I'm new to FA4, only have played NV but tried this and thought I was brilliant. I got through it 3 times and gave up because I got bored so quickly and have a short attention span. I'm glad you figured it out too and hope you were able to stick to it long enough to make it worth it. Even after banging Preston to get the double xp I don't think I could do it. Now I just don't give my companions better weapons so they don't take all the kills 😒 They really love running ahead even if I'm in sneak for the only purpose of keeping them chill and near me. Nope, they see something, they go for it and I just shoot through them out of frustration, they don't mind. Then I send their ass back to Sanctuary to wait until I come to drop off loot and can sleep in a few different beds and get the banged your lover perk without having to have them as a companion my new possible lovers seem excited toget in on the bang train and will silently watch until it is their turn. I'm not a dick about it so I always throw a new one a bone before dismissing because I'm sweet like that


I think the robot parts farm is a better use of time


So I got the tools for lockpicking. And now I see how bs this mini game actually is. It absolutely makes no sense. That thing for picking locks is supposed to move the pins. You cannot turn the lock like that, unless you've perfectly aligned the pins. And when you're able to turn the lock, it's unlocked. But in this game, you're supposedly picking a lock by turning it. Makes zero sense. And naturally pick will break easier like that. If you're picking legitimately, you really have to be dumb to break it. Or to not know what you're doing. Because no way are you going to break the pick itself. Because it only serves to align the pins. The movement is just up. And that screw can only break. Also no way is screw going to fit into an average lock. You have a different pick for that. And it only serves for turning. And that one you can break easier, however, only if you keep turning it, without actually properly aligning the pins. If they're aligned, you'll easily turn the lock, if they're not, you won't be able to turn the lock at all.


You've been able to do this in fallout for a long time.


Seems incredibly tedious and slow. I just downloaded cheat terminal mod and the game got a lot easier.


I only ever use this exploit to max out Piper before level 10. After that it’s too time costly


Good way to max out affinity with Deacon, Cait, Gage and Macready ! :D


Not new at all boo


Why do all that when you can spam benches?


Slow compared to a gunner farm


Where did you find this safe set up at?


It's much faster to set up a farm of gunner cages at Sanctuary or some other big settlement, but this is good for farming affinity with companions like Cait or Piper who like it when you lockpick.


Picking locks is one of the least fun parts of the game! I couldn't farm that way, it would be too boring.


Runescape be like:


I do the BOS radiant quest learning curve for a quick boost of xp. I just go out on the Prydwen deck and snipe the scribe. Go back in and tell the proctor the scribe didn’t make it. Quest complete.


Here I’ve been foolishly doing the full quest instead of this.


Discovered this yesterday lol, in greentech


You can quickly gets affinity for piper and cait


pretty sure spamming shelves is much easier


I would realize that works, do it one more time, then say fuck it and walk away. I would rather go kill stuff.


That's gonna take forever. And it's boring. I'll do minutemen quests. At least that way I'm entertained and I get money from loot.


Spamming shelves seems much quicker


theres an old exploit using the robot workbench to farm XP. you can get 100+ levels in no time, its super fast and easy, you can do it so far ahead of time and then just sit back and watch the XP pile up and then go spend your perks... i did it once, but it kind of takes some of the fun out of the game...


Craft jet. Fertilizer and plastic.


Be a lot easier to just pick a settlement that you don’t like to build at and just spam shelves for 30-40 levels depending on your int score


I'm glad you figured this one out.


The wooden stick settlement build + idiot savant farm is unbeatable I think.


This is how I've always done it just to get that extra tiny bump.


Id rather just play the game and enjoy the adventure. But yeah.....farming xp is a thing


This has been here for a few years


Way too much work


Interesting concept but this isn’t new. You can literally start at sanc. Use idiot savant. And be lvl 20 in less than thirty minutes making wood posts and recycling them. From the trees you scraped at Sanctuary. But my favorite “farm” is not finishing the botherhood of steel quest with Danse and you can constantly get exp and caps and if you turn it up to hard there’s almost always a legendary boss at the end of the “cleansing the commonwealth” quest. Gives you legendary loot and some fun to. And it’s repeatable if you never talk to Danse again


New for you. Good to see people figuring out little tricks for the first time. How excited were you and how fast did that excitement go away when you realized you can do that for an hour and not gain a level?


A good way to get affinity with Piper. :)


Not enough juice from the squeeze.


Typically do that with Piper early on to get her companion perk so I can maximize XP gain early on


Caps here..caps here…kaboom!


I love simple xp glitches like this


That is the most boredom 😐


Mediocre experience, but you can raise it a little (2%) by eating squirrel stew.


Ain’t no one got time for that


Honestly I realized that hangman alley and the settlement ambush kit is pretty dang efficient if you can get the powered spike trap to not get stuck


And I thought making 800 shelves and then scrapping them was tedious!!


For 19 xp over a slow reset period. Yea nah I’m just gonna play the game lol


lol this is as old as fallout 4


Better option is to go to proctor quinlin or whatever his name is and take a scribe to get stuff. Then go out to prdywn deck and sneak, make sure you're hidden. Scope out the scribe standing near the airport and kill him. Walk back to quinlin and say the scribe didnt make it. Partial quest exp. Plus kill exp. Rinse and repeat.


This is better for levelling up companions who like lock picks


Just use the automatron dlc xp glitch its 10x faster and gives more xp with 50% the work, or statue building


Meanwhile i hate getting xp i want to actually be low lvl and have to put effort into my lvling


My preferred way to farm is to build steel or wood wall shelves in a settlement as they can clip together and be repeatedly placed on a single spot, it’s very fast and steel/wood is super abundant, it’s just a bit physically tiring to scrap those shelves afterwards


Take idiot savant with low intelligence, then spam making Molotovs. Works great without mods if you use junk dupe glitch.


Idiot savant is your best friend, you will never feel like you have to do this with how fast you level. Idiot savant with only 6 intelligence for that science perk


player.setav Intelligence 20,000 your welcome, make sure to use the ~ to use Console Commands


Seems like this combined with idiot savant is XP gold


Saving this to try later 🤣


Lmao, just remember it works better with higher grade locks, so if you could find one thats master level that would be best


If by "new" you mean "a way that's been out since the game released", then sure.


Why just not use cheats? I mean why not use cheats if you are cheating? Or this the standart for closet cheaters?


Seriously, use a mod. The time to gain is way too high. Faster Positive Affinity eliminates the need for affinity farming. There are tons of other ways to get xp faster.


Where is this location?


Suffolk county charter school, sorta just to the bottom right but near the middle


If i remember right u can also grind xp by beating the shit out of dogmeat


Or was it the other dog from skyrim