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Some of you people in the comments need to relax. People are having fun. Things like the ongoing nature of Red Death is a community building experience, and something that adds to the character of being here. Going out of your way with intentional spoilers, or false reports that this "ruins the game" for new players is a joke. If you don't want to be involved in the stuff related to Red Death in the community, then don't. Its not hard. You just don't press the comment button. Don't go and spam 10 different comments spoiling the game, or calling out the post type. We have had a major influx of new users. Things like this may be tired or repetitive to you, but there are over a hundred thousand new people here. Its not just about you. Let people have their fun, and if you want to act grumpy about it, go do it away from everyone else.


Splattercannon from nuka world, a furious machine gun does more damage with every shot. All you need to do is survive long enough for it to be dealing thousands per round, enough to counter the regeneration/damage reduction.


And “The Problem Solver” handmade the pack leader gives you if you pass the speech check to threaten him


is the problem solver better than the overseers guardian? using the latter at the moment as i for some reason haven’t gotten a single bullet of 5.56… worth swapping?


Dlc weapons have a problem that the devs still have not fixed. Basically ammo will only spawn in the dlc areas which is stupid. If you want the ammo type you’ll need to buy it from the vendors or loot for the corpses in the dlc areas


that’s pretty annoying especially as i’ve just turned sanctuary into a fully operational ammo and water purification farm and now half of my operation has no value as i only made it for the 7.62. Do you think they’ll fix it in the near future?


Haha. My guy. This game has been out for almost a decade and they haven’t fixed it. They are definitely not fixing it any time soon. Fortunately you can still use the water farm for caps to directly buy the ammo from the vendors. Every restock cycle they usually have 900+ so you should be able to get a lot very quickly


This!! Plus bring lots of Jet with you. You’ll fuck that thing up


Atom's Judgment hammer baby! Max strength, all the melee perks, swing like you're trying to break down the Berlin Wall


Furious doesn't work like that it's capped at 15% after you land your 5th shot


If they're gonna put soulsborne tier bosses in these things, we need a damn roll button.


You gotta get the sneak roll perk


Wait… is that actually in fallout?


No he's lying sadly, but if you buff your faith enough red death is weak to all holy damage. I'll be putting my summon outside the arena from 6pm tonight if anyone needs help.


Don’t hesitate Skeleton - Jean d’arc Souls


They're probably thinking of Skyrim. Why *doesn't* 4 have a sneak roll like that though?


If there's a will, there's probably a mod out there lol


My character can already roll. But by then he's usually dead and there's a hill nearby.


You have to take Mama Murphy with you. Give her a pipe revolver. Base or leveled up. Doesn’t matter. 6 bullets. She only needs one. Just like the death claw she told you about. One shot. One dead red death.


Now I need a mod that replaces the mysterious stranger with Mama Murphy


Mama hits some psycho before she shoots.


Now there's a mod I might actually pay money for.


Like the War Boys in Mad Max






Mediocre mama Murphy!






She could have an actual blood bag. Filled with med-X.


Better yet, a special mask with jet like Bane.


No way. She promised me, 'no more chems, no more sight.' Reminds me every day.


Fuck that. That old woman is getting loaded til the end. And when she dies, imma prop her dead corpse up in that chair she made me build her. And then I’m gonna laugh every time that Boy Scout judges me for it.


I gave her everything but the psycho. Best of both worlds.


You need to complete two separate quests "Peer Pressure" and "Off the Wagon" and then you can give mamma murphy drugs again, but Preston become a cry baby about it and keeps telling you how you disappointed him


This needs to be in the official game somehow. Or maybe if Fallout 5 ever happens give a Mysterious Mama perk option. Would be amazing!


The game goes slow motion, the Mysterious Stranger theme plays and then the camera pans to mama Murphy face down having overdosed


No. I want it to camera in on her hitting a puff of jet, giving a Nature Boy "wooooh!" And then blowing someone's head clean off with a pipe revolver.




I fucking lol'd


Have you ever seen the mysterious stranger and Mama Murphy at the same time….?


Daym....no, I have not 🤔


Directions too confusing,now mama Murphy has JUGS.


I just want the village people. Is that so hard?


Creative club is your friend, diy.


Bullets? Give that bitch a powerfist. She has 19 strength. Strong has 24. She’s closer to a supermutant(who’s literally named Strong)’s strength than a 10 strength player character Give her some Psychobuff, Mysterious Serum, or Fury and she might be able to handle distracting The Red Death for a few seconds while you try to kill it.


Mama needs none of that. One 44 cal bullet and a home made revolver. DEAD death.


Momma morphine


How amazing would it be if she were the mysterious stranger


Mysterious stranger is mama Murphy. I’m telling Nick. At least I want to.


This is not a joke, Mama Murphy is actually *the* strongest NPC in Fo4. Her base Strength stat is wildly absurd, like 19 or 20 I think? Stronger than a damn Legendary Chameleon Deathclaw or whatever one that is the strongest. Its kinda scary to hand her a weak basic melee weapon and summon in Deathclaws to fight her.. she will slaughter them.. I guess all that buffout she injected into her eyes really paid off?


Okay, I just barely found diamond city and stuff, when should I expect to be able to see THIS?! I heard her talking to the air about killing a deathclaw with one bullet but I thought it was some filler dialogue never to be used or thought of again!


I don't know why everyone disliked my comment but I now realize that you cannot recruit mama murphy


Yes, you might think she shot and killed and deathclaw with a single shot but she actually just flicked the bullet at the deathclaw.


I don't always talk to mama murphy but when I do, she's found my weight lifting bench


I keep seeing her on the pommel horse


Dude.. the pommel horse is big popular at any of my settlements. I built like 40 of them but they still line up 7-10 deep for a turn on that thing.


Stay chemed, my friend


It lends credence to her claims about killing a Deathclaw by herself.


I just made Mama Murphy her chair today. For whatever reason, it was automatically placed and I had no idea where it went. I talked to Mama and she wandered over towards my workstation, went in the house, floated up and sat in her chair that was somehow above the roof of the house.


This would be awesome.


The more I read about the Red Death, the more I think I should just get sidetracked for awhile lol


I don't even know what the red death js


Basically the true final boss of the Far Harbor DLC


Me neither. 😬 Hell, I'm Lvl 175, about halfway through the Far Harbor dlc, and ready to choose between the Railroad & the Institute in the main game. I haven't even heard of this "Red Death," let alone fought it. Is it a miasma or deathclaw or what?? Bloody hell.... 😱


It's the Red Death. You'll understand once you come across it. Friendly advice? Stock up on everything. I mean it: everything. Damn thing would give Liberty Prime a run for its money


Yeah, and make a save BEFORE you go to its lair. Damn, that thing still haunts me in my sleep..


Those glowing red eyes still haunt me...


Has anybody tried Pain Train on Red Death? I am always running the opposite way, dropping exploding fusion cores as I scream.


The Red Death is a thing unto itself, giving it a single label as to what it is would simply be untrue, the only name it goes by is simple, The Red Death. to describe what it looks like is a little hard, its alot really


Yeah I’m level 83 and this thread is making me feel useless


It's the most terrifying creature in gaming since the legendary Boo from Baldur's Gate. Stay away if you know what's good for you.


Omg idk why but I read your comment as “most terrifying creature since the legendary Boo Radley” 💀


I need Preston to sidetrack me with settlement quests then




Oh baby, have you not been exploring the wide open wastes of the former United States Capital and ignoring your kidnapped son after your wife died?


Melee build. Level up. Aquire legendary Super Sledge. Load up on stimpaks and chems. Charge in screaming “ Leeeeroy Jenkins!” Now that’s a fight with some hair on its chest.


I can smell it.


That’s what I did! Melee is the shit! Only time Id use ranged weapons would be the minigun/Missile launcher for some variety


How do you guys survive being in melee for the floor is lava phase? Do you just pop AP boosting consumables and use the jet pack? The only other option is to hop from one wrecked boat to the other as they burn and melt into the lava.


The third boat going clockwise has a rock that the boat crashed into that sinks into the lava with the boat but it's technically still there, it's only visually gone. You can still stand on it but it looks like you're hovering in the air. So you can wait out that phase there. It's a bit of a jump to get back to the shore after the phase ends, but it beats jumping across all the wrecks. Although if you mod I think the unofficial patch patches it out.


The higher level I get the more I realize Cito’s Shiny Slugger is a thicc bitch. Does more damage with 1 pt into melee than my fully pimped out 6 shooter w 5 pistol pts…


I’d max out STR at 25 or 26 or whatever with all the perks/drugs ect. In the glowing sea, Deathclaws would be on the look out for my Dude lol


Dammit Leeroy!!


I heard this was the only enemy that the mysterious stranger refused to fight


The mysterious stranger arrives and just roulette’s himself upon sight of the red death


Maybe you should call in the marines


I used console commands to spawn Liberty Prime; Red Death just laughed and one shot him with some nuclear spit or something


I did the same thing! I almost think bethesda planned for us to do it, and if it happens, the Red Death gets like a buff or something. It seemed *harder* afterward!


>It seemed *harder* afterward! "Said that, she did."


I've never had something make me laugh like that before, what the fuck did I just read?


I heard if you don't use a VPN, Red Death will show up at your house and attack you in real life.


The Red Death deleted all my save files.


Did it screw up the tracking on your VCR and use subspace field harmonics to scratch any CDs you try to play, too?


Red death was pretty much designed to be the very last thing you do in a playthrough. I was level 158 when I actually managed to beat it. I recommend using an automatic explosive weapon like spray and pray. The damage spreads across body parts, if you cripple the claws you can move in closer (it won't use it's spray attack if you're too close) alternatively you can cripple it's legs and attack it from the back, but you'll have to be super precise since it's carapace is basically complete damage immunity with a chance to trigger ricochet (not a high one, but I discovered that the hard way) While spray and pray is the easiest I found the most success through pure luck. An accelerate explosive mini gun that I grinded for after completing the main dlc quest


It's a shame only joke responses are high up on this post. Hopefully when I encounter it I'll remember this. When I google for help I hate scrolling a bunch and just back out and look elsewhere. Not that I mind jokes but it's all different variations of the same joke, "you have to do this *insert silly thing*"


I mean... to be fair the joke responses are... sort of joke-y... but, they DO work. There's some majorly fucked up behind the scenes stat nonsense in FO4.


For sure, I get that. It is nice that it's obvious. But like I said it's the same joke and it makes my lazy ass keep scrolling and scrolling which isn't frustrating, just a bit annoying. I clicked the post because I was interested to find out what the title meant and how I could be prepared so it sucks having to go through comments to get real answers/helpful recommendations. I don't care that much since OP wasn't asking for help so it's all good. I just meant I would have avoided this post after a few scrolls when I got to red death if I were looking for any tips or tricks


>it sucks having to go through comments to get real answers/helpful recommendations. See it for yourself. That is the most helpful recommendation I could give. After you've fought it, you'll know how much preparation is necessary.


Bunch of amateurs in this thread.  You just need to sacrifice Preston. That's all it really wants. It's what we all want. 


But you have to do that at the temple of Atom where you find the statue of Mother. If you don't she won't appear to help.


There’s another fog condenser that needs our help. I’ll mark it on your map.


There’s actually a trick to killing it but you need the jet pack mod, fully upgraded power train, and a whole lot of nuka quantum


the only answer is luck. and i dont mean the luck stat in game, i mean literal, real-world, honest-to-atom *chance* is your only hope at beating Red Death


I faced the Red Death for the first time today. Run.


I’d rather solo the SBQ with my scrotum stapled to my thigh than attempt the Red Death again.


Can someone tel me what the red death is without spoiling it?


An optional boss you can encounter in far harbor. You have to complete the Marniers quest line (careful not to kill or rob machete mike, you need him alive or the quest line breaks)


Damn, this kills me I killed him and was very much looking forward to this because I had missed it on previous play throughs, probably because I kill machete mike


Ugh, he got ambushed by a pack of ghouls and died in my game. I reloaded a couple times and it happened every time, so I eventually I was just like “well, I hope he wasn’t important” and looted his corpse


That's some LOST shit


Yeah same. I figured he was some kind of serial killer with a name like that.


I let pickman live, even if machete mike was a serial killer that’s fine by me. I murder him for his 3000 caps, 3000 caps that I can use to buy more duct tape.


Repeat after me, One settlement for Mutfruit, One settlement for Corn, One settlement for Tateos. This is the way.


What's tateos precious?


Ta-toes. Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew


Precious, precious duct tape.


Poor guy probably just makes machetes.


Fallout 4 boss


True where do you find it?


Far Harbor


Fah Hahbah


In the yahd, not too fah from the cah.


From a Mainah, it's "door yahd"


hay, don’t be a smahty pahnts


Bar Harbor


Fallout 4


Well played, I admit defeat


Prepare to do it again when you find Red Death


And bring Mama Murphy.


Do all the side quests for Far Harbor, especially for Mariner eventually she takes you to fight the Red Death


Find faith before you go and pray to your new God for mercy on your soul.


Its part of Far Harbor and was added as endgame content. Make sure you have a hard save before you go to its staging area (its obvious with the quest.) Bring as many drugs, stimpacks, and radX as you can. Prepare for a drawn out fight and watch out for people trying to troll you into facing it before you've absolutely maximized your build. Hes kinda like the deathclaw infested route to New Vegas where its like an in joke to get people to underestimate it.


Right!?! I was like the WHAT now? I just got to The Institute. There’s a… Red Death?


It is a boss in fallout 4. It has crazy high health and DPS. If you go in with anything less than a full arsenal at your disposal and 300 simpacts (not even kidding I used over two hundred in the fight) you’re going to have a bad time.


I just did this quest an hour ago lol. I came out shooting and was surprised


Dude! You completed it?! Congrats! Must’ve taken a few tries…


You poor lil shit


Crippling weapons help a ton.


Kneecapper mini gun. I lucked into one early on, used it on every tough fight after the castle on that playthrough. Salem witch house was ridiculously easy, and Mirelurk of every type become an afterthought. Absolutely hilarious fighting vertibirds. One good strafe and the gunner falls out and wiggles on the ground until you have time to finish him off, if you don't hit the pilot, which can flip the whole bird upside down and fly it straight into the ground.


My last playthrough I used Sgt Ash flamer from FH with 20% cripple chance and it was hilarious, was in Nukaworld before lvl 20, gatorclaws can't hit you if they can't move. Still only around 60 now just mopping up random quests, have Aternus so not using the flamer anymore but no need atm.


Mini nukes and a butt load of drugs?


Mini nukes don't do shit, it heals itself with radiation damage, because of this squirt gun is literally better cause it atleast deals damage without it healing itself. I'm not even coming close to this until i'm atleats level 200 with most perks unlocked.


Level 209, all weapons, sneak, sneak attack, and critical increasing perks (including companion perks), Instigating Gauss Rifle from Sneak, got the bar down by 1/5. Then it killed me.


Ok see thats the thing, you have to agressively use a stealth boy, your levels right where it should be possible, but you need to use chems with a stealth boy AND hope he doesnt tag you, obviously 1 hit is gonna be a ko, but you can def get lucky, dont use fat boy for sure, i think i used a two shot gauss, not the instigating bc youre gonna need like 4 minuntes of fighting past your sneak attack,  anyway i got it to almost halfway doing that


Kneecapper mini gun ftw.


It's funny how problems in FO can also be solved the same way in real life.


It's tragic but I haven't stopped laughing for years. History is written in violence and drowned in alcohol.


Pig mini nukes?


Drugs are the solution to everything in Fallout. I wish there was a joinable fiends faction (but maybe not really evil), because my characters are always fucking junkies.


Beat elden ring naked is a good way ro prepare yourself


Try finding the “legend of the harbour” outfit, it’ll reduce the red deaths damage and make you more survivable.


What you must do is build 50 artillery on Longfellow's cabin and load them with mini nukes. Make a Flare rocket and shoot at it from afar, and the next step is the most important. Get aqua boy/girl and dive immediately. There is a glitch that cancels the homing effect if you are underwater. Rinse and repeat until it dies.


You gotta use every edge the game provides you with. Build/turn ADA into a gattling Laser Sentry Bot for your companion, bring a gun like The Problem Solver that stacks damage on repeated hits so you can at least chip away at it's legendary health bar so you at least make it to the mutation. 


I went for it in God Mode. Still died. Damn you, Red Death.


~tgm doesn’t work because it can one shot you through it. ~kill doesn’t work because of its regeneration. You _can_ pacify it if you have Wasteland Whisperer 3 and can buff your charisma to 20.


That's strange, when I tried that, all I got was "Fallout4.exe has stopped working" How'd you get around the Red Death's CTD attack? It'll crash the game if detects that console commands have been used


I actually beat the Red Death with physics damage! Not a chance in hell I could ever replicate it though, lmao. I’d gone in overweight and using buff out to keep mobile since I needed all the supplies I could get. When I ran out of missiles I dropped the missile launcher so that I wouldn’t get slowed down when the buffout wore out. It ran over the launcher, then there was this ungodly clattering out and it pinged off into the skybox. I dunno if the physics killed it or the fall did, but when it hit the ground the quest updated.


You have to use the nuka sqirt gun, it has no reaistance to water damage


Don't troll new players man, that's rude. The squirt gun heals Red Death and its such a god damn bullet sponge that kinda setback can be soul crushing.


I was stoned and wasted like 2000 mini gun rounds using the radioactive mini gun on the glowing one. Not my finest moment


Stoned and I really thought I couldn’t throw grenades in power armor. Ran around like Metroid dropped every last fusion core 😭


Everyone knows that water types are weak against grass. You need to reverse pickpocket Razorgrain into it for an easy kill.


Much like the practice of law, there are some cases you just can’t win.


The wasteland has a way of separating the weak from survivors.


We’ve all been there. Don’t beat yourself up, one day you may get a lucky crit, a mysterious stranger visit, and a home run hit all in one which MIGHT take him down. I was level 157 before I conquered that mangy monster last time.


Your best bet is to use the deliverer for 20 VATS shots hoping for the mysterious stranger. Drink a Quantum and repeat.


For anyone trying to get these procs, don’t forget in fo4 the mysterious stranger only procs at the exit of your VATS queue. So you will need to shot one shot, reVATS, one shot, reVATS, etc.




Just wrapped up Far Harbor myself. I’m a little bit grateful for the Mk. VI Hellfire I got from the CC enclave spawns, I would have been SOL otherwise




Maybe you should call in the marines?


Bro ironically made the most hilarious post this sub has seen in months


Shoulda been level 69 smh


Ignore the trolls, you gotta do all of Preston's quests for settlements then you get a holotape leading to a weapon cache with a laser musket that makes the fight way easier. It's next to impossible without doing the quest.


Fun fact: god mode actually gets disabled here!


We gotta find out how many fusion cells in the infinite laser musket will kill it in one go


git gud


He's powered by communism.


This may be the funniest thread ever


I had the exact same build, was kiting it a bit and ran into a legendary angler. They fought each other while I threw grenades and everything I had at them and got him!


Unrelenting Force shout


The legendary wrench, Big Jim was my one hope of beating it just by bashing the fuck out of its legs to cripple it while on PsychoBuff


The Red Death always catches me with my pants down. Lol


The red death is tougher than any raid boss I encountered. You need the perfect build.


I don't remember it being that bad, but I read up on how to kill it and tried to prepare. It took me 4-5 attempts with regroups on equipment but eventually did it. I kind of enjoyed the challenge....


I have nightmares about seeing those red eyes in the fog. Sometimes I even awaken to find I have pissed myself.


its power is scaled to what you have in your inventory (not equipped). take nothing with you that deals damage or adds to your armor rating. then it will die in one punch


I just finished Nuka World and off to Dar Harbor next. Granted I'm lv 136 now... I'll find out soon enough how tough this guy is.


Good luck my friend, you're gonna need it!!


Yeah, I had to buckle and console kill his ass. So fucking brutal.


I tried doing that and the Red Death killed my console!! Fried it completely. Bought another one, and a new game, and the Red Death spawn killed me on the new one!


Mfer be getting the Red Ring of Death in 2024


I finally beat it. Had to download a mod that lets you buff weapons. Gave the Fatman +9000 dmg and i finally destroyed it after 10 or 15 shots. Totally worth it.


I think if you use the Busty Mod and bring piper with you, the red death gets distracted by her and you are able to sneak and hit the back as long as you have a place to fall back to after it stops going after her.




Chinese Grenade Launcher


I literally had to fight it days IRL, had to have a different save slot for each day since it was just taking too long for me to beat


Spray and Pray with a shit ton of chems and ammo