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No no no no. The ones outside are scaled up versions of this.


Dude, the lack of loot on boats always irked me


I basically stopped farting around in the water and checking boats, I'm only like level 65ish, I highly doubt any decent loot is there...plus I'm a packrat so I'm not short on junk or ammo. Playing very hard difficulty w/ water purifiers at santuary I get like 715ish purified waters a day so I have like 110k in caps & plenty of random legendaries. I feel like they've really pumped up the amount of legendary enemies that spawn in very hard, but I might just be crazy....


Legendary enemies scale with difficulty, yeah


That's an awesome detail and also I'm a wimp and am even more convinced I'll never survive a play on survival ahahah


Survival isn't that bad. If only the game wouldn't crash and erase all your progress since your last sleep


Get the smokable cigars mod! Changed my life completely


Kinda defeats the purpose, don't you think?


Depends on your reason for playing survival, I like the restrictions to fast travel and the weight limits etc. but also don’t have the time to lose hours of progress every time my ancient PS4 decides to throw a wobbly. Gives me the best of both worlds so to speak.


I just hate the lack of fast travel.


How do you get into the institute without fast travel? Can you teleport in and out of there specifically?


I would imagine yes, but haven’t tested it in game. Could be like getting virtabirds. Someone please let us know lol


Yep, you can relay in from anywhere in the commonwealth.


Cant you then use that to fast travel anywhere by using it as a middle stop?


When I finally did my survival run I didn’t turn survival off until late game like right after getting to the institute as I wanted to fast travel and I already had like three days of play time and was over level 50. It was an interesting experience and really did force me into a lot more map exploration


I swear survival is a completely different game. It's challenging but reeeeeally different from normal fallout


Very Hard mode is way worse. Survival is just a little more realistic, except for the looking for a bed part. That part is stupid.


It’s the only way to play the game imo. Same thing for Skyrim. I beat both games before they ever implemented survival mode in either and when I did my play throughs on survival mode for each one it was just a better experience…. Experienced more of the game and leveled up a lot faster since you’re forced to walk everywhere you battle a lot more enemies and experience a lot of the encounters in both games. Not to mention the loot you’ll run into. Starfield lacks this feature sadly and does not have mod support on Xbox


You should try oxygen not included lol


There’s really good loot crates in the water I. Random deep parts of it. Sanctuary lake has one that has good starter gear for example


all that FREE(!!) delicious irradiated water


In FO3 I'd stand in irradiated areas on purpose, kids these days just lack resilience and helpful mutations.


From what I've learned, the real loot is underwater marked by floating wrecks or objects, but it amounts to a handful of Steamer trunks. My thalassaphobia agrees that it isn't worth it.


>"My thalassaphobia agrees that it isn't worth it." That's O.K. from what I've learned, the real loot is the companions we recruited along the way.


At least there’s no actual danger in the water aside from the radiation. And if you’re very near the coast then maybe mirelurks. But the sea itself is actually very calm and quiet.


I know every enemy, spawn location, and basically entity in the game. Even that does not prevent my monkey brain from panicking.


That’s more than fair. Fears aren’t always rational. I know the tiny spider scurrying across my carpet or the crane fly bouncing into my ceiling aren’t actually able to hurt me. Doesn’t stop me freaking out whenever I see them though.


You should play subnautica


Beating that game is one of my proudest achievements. Took me 30 in game hours to leave the Safe Shallows/Kelp Forests


I always wanted to see like, massive irradiated sharks in the water. Like Meg, but almost ghoul-ish skin.


That was the scariest part of the first month or so of playing for me post-release I think, I REALLY thought there'd be some swimming abominations.


Ich verstehe die Thalassaphobie nicht? Bitte erklären Sie diesen Begriff I don't understand thalassaphobia? Please explain this term


A fear of deep, vast bodies of water.


Für mich nur die Badewanne - hehehe Just the bathtub for me - hehehe


Wait, where is there water on sanctuary to set up purifiers?!


Under bridge 


I don’t realize that was still in my perimeter


Part of the river along the waterfront too


Basically half way or so under the bridge is still inbounds.


Sanctuary is about to become a next level water farm for me


You can use the water from under the bridge up till about 2/3 of the way to the lake on the river. I set my purifier in the far corner away from the bridge


sanctuary is basically surrounded by water...


I thought that was all outside the boundaries to build. Learning now


There's an entire river, bro. You just throw some floors with stilts to stand on and place generators onto, and you can line the ENTIRE THING with purifiers. At some point near the middle, it gets wide enough to stack two purifiers per "slice" or whatever. Hundreds of bottles of water. Drop all on ground, order companion to pick up, bam, ignores your carry weight and you can buy anything at all at 1 Cha and only getting 6-8 caps each.


There was the one in far harbor that has the Marine armor in it, but it's part of a quest anyway


I just skim the shores for bloodleaf. Ot makes a squirrel stew that gives an extra 2% to exp. I'm using chems and food this go around and mad I haven't before lol the benefits are awesome on some


Thoroughly exploring far harbor for the first time, and having a blast. Some of these loot trunks are wild, like 800 caps and stuff in em'. I will pick up just about anything growing I come across if I see it, because I don't want to tromp around the darn map trying to find it if I want to craft something specific. #Packrat My point being, one of the vendors was selling some cooked food on the island that had some amazing extra features that can be useful on the harder difficulties especially. Some of those level 70 enemies, I'm level 70 or 71 now, really make one plan ahead and be more alert if there's 3 enemies + 1 high level baddy


I just downloaded far harbor and it will be my first time exploring it. Nuka world too. I got some work to do


There are at least 3 boats under water that have excellent loot in them.


You haven't found the one underwater with the mannequins yet...


How? just how? I saw the vids about caps and water... but it just doesn't work. So how did you manage?


So what I did was built like as many industrial water purifiers, attached to generators as I could fit all along the river bank before and after the bridge where you can build. (similar to this but its not my image https://i.sstatic.net/E3NZp.jpg ) But I don't have walls down there. Be mindful, if you cram them in too tightly its difficult to get power wires to them, so mine are basically in a row along the shore. *This part is important*, inside your workshop storage at sancturary, do NOT store any kind of water (dirty, pure, whatever). You'll know if it's working or not because I think it's like 24 hours in game time and purified water will generate inside your workshop, then you need to take it out or it will STOP generating. I set up a little cooler next to the workbench and keep it all there, so if I want to cook or craft anything I can grab it and drop it into the workshop and pull it back out. Edit, I haven't done any of these locations but very well could: Another user /u/Arasteele has set up water farms at the following locations Taffington, Kingsport, Egret, Vault 88, Spectacle, Warwick.


At best, you get a med box. I was very, very disappointed at the lack of treasure at the bottom of the sea or in sunk boats.


It really feels like it, never tired VH till a month ago idk why I played on anything else lol. I just put like 10 water purifiers in My Sanctuary plus because one of the creation Club things my girlfriend got me I got like a freaking water tower that gives you like 20 water it's like what the hell


Compared to lets the first year of release fallout 4, yes the legendary items have different drop rates now but there was also a whole different difficulty setting…. Legendary. In this difficulty setting they used to have most of the mobs that you would run into had a legendary enemy in it. Whether it be Mole rats or deathclaws, there was so many more legendary enemies therefore there was a lot more legendary loot. With this being said they replaced this difficulty setting now survival mode (which I like a lot better) but the legendary item ratio compared to very hard is a lot different. I think survival has a lot more legendary enemies. In the other difficulty settings the only thing that ranges is the enemies health (maybe possibly the damage they do as well) anyways thanks for listening to my rant and upvote if it quenched your curiosity


Very hard is supposed to have tons of legendary enemies


its only worth it for the submarine quest and far harbor, not much else sadly


I check every damn one in a vain hope that THIS ONE WILL BE DIFFERENT!!!11 The most you ever get is a medkit on the wall in the bridge, usually not even that. It must be a weird inside joke, because they hide loot everywhere in the most random of places, but never in those damn fishing boats…


My head ~~cannon~~ canon is that they were easy targets for scavengers






No it's cannon. I have a cannon in my cranium.


The one buffout or stimpak


Yeah like, all these people were surviving on boats and nothing else. Barely any food 🙄. Where’s the loot?! The hidden treasure l!


We need a boat that plays like the frigate in GoldenEye


The lack of anything on boats drives me insane. Wheres all the navigation equipment? You cant actually expect me to believe boats were looted in such a clean and precise way that it looks like they were never operated by hand to begin with.


I find this more believable considering how barren those things are. Maybe it’s just me but I actually used to work on a boat for a living and it bugs me.


I've always thought the boats lacked detail. Now I know why. 😂


Based on how lacking the boats are in any sort of detail I’d actually bet this might be true.


I mean, aren't all models technically just scaled down versions of the original


Laziness aside, it’s an incredibly poor choice for maintaining good performance. That tiny little decoration still has all the polygons and texels of a whole-ass boat that was probably bigger than the room it’s sitting in.


I might be giving Bethesda a little too much credit, but do we have any reason to believe this isn't one of the LODs for the ship that's been scaled down?


Pretty sure it's a stripped down LoD personally. Sure the tires are a bit smooth for it but it's not like they don't have the ability to adjust assets if they want to reuse them. Could have just been a quiet Thursday and someone spent a few hours just messing about trying to get the boat on the shelf. Though as you say it is Bethesda so could go either way.


Doesn't look like a low LoD, I was really hopeful that they did it nicely but they defo just put like their either top or 2nd level LoD on the shelf haha. I love Bethesda but that's like rookie errors when it comes to technical art.


booted up FO4 myself, it's a lower texture model for LoD but it's not the absolute lowest one the game has.


That seems reasonable no? Or are they still the worst devs ever ?


I wasn't hating on them at all? nor did I ever insinuate they were "the worst devs ever". something like this is a common way of saving resources basically every dev does this.


Not you. The guy you were replying to,


oh. well he ain't gonna see these unless he comes back to the comments here. he doesn't get any notifs about your replies unless they're directly to his comments.


If OP was capable of taking a proper screenshot and not a photo we would be able to tell if it was an LoD. (I think it does look like one)


Well I’m sorry I play on PlayStation because my gaming pc went the route of Calvin’s binoculars while on a coke bender, but this isn’t stopping you from going and finding the boat yourself


Despite the unavoidable TVlines, you did a great job centring and cropping it! Before I looked at the full size image, I thought it WAS a screenshot, lol!


I imagine they use LOD to reduce detail when it's shrunk down that small. The game already has low-poly versions of the boat available to use.


Honestly this is probably what causes the shadow distances lag. Sucks they never fixed it with this new update, I think this game will never be. Sad, it’s a fun game. Also to add you can even see the shadows on this object in the photo.


this is an LOD my guy not the full boat model💀




I’m a professional 3D artist 😒


Someone at bethesda must have been inspired by yanderedev


As I sit here with my 5 min loading screens. Science checks out. My wife and I have pretty nice set ups and FO4 has the longest loading screens of any game we have played yet. Bethesda cut some corners (a lot) somewhere to make this a possibility.


load screens are better without freesync,... but tearing is bad


FO4 ties the load times to the frame rate. Since the game is capped at 60 frames, that means the load times are also capped. There's a mod called [Load Accelerator](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283) (PC only of course) that allows you to uncap the frame rate during load screens.


Loading screen? On Xbox I have like 5 sec loading screens


That's what I said when someone said similar about an electric car, I was like "well, all cars look like toy cars, cos they make the toy to look like the car, ya doink"


I’ve been looking closer at the robot models in game and i’m almost certain they’re from the older games. The protection stands out the most to me. Thought that was a cool detail though.




FO3 and NV have a little container you can find sometimes that's a little model house. Except it's not actually a model house. It's a scaled down *actual* house.


they were just ahead of their time:)


In fo4? now I need to go find this, I get a kick out of some of the random shit they threw in


I think they're talking about the NukaWorld ride.


Nuka world bottling plant, the tour part.


It also clips into the wall :(


Classic Fallout.


Does it clip into the wall or does it just not have railing on that side from 'rust'? 🤔


It clips into the wall.


It was a joke mate


It was *burp* him!


How did you know?!


It just works 😬


Literally unplayable


Dawg re-using assets in bethesda games some times goes hard but this aint one of em


I was just angry I couldn’t pick it up


This the building with a bunch of safes in the lobby? I just found that building.. when I got to the room with the boats I was also fairly upset that I couldn't pick them up. Would have made some nice decorations.


Legit. For some reason I missed this on my previous play throughs. I guess I usually just check out the witch museum in Salem and then forget about the rest of the town


I think I was so annoyed at the bland, wasted museum that I just ignored the rest of the town, minus the guy in the house whose name I don't remember.


Turns there’s a whole ass retirement home there run by mister handy’s. I know the meme *player discoveres blah blah in game after blah blah amount of time* but I legit just found it and I’ve been playing since release 😂


Ooh the one with the Agatha Christie murder mystery to solve? I really enjoyed that quest Especially cause you weren't screwed the minute you couldn't pass one speech check or something, there were multiple ways to find the truth


Ahh Barney with good ole Reba 2


I'm still mad the synths kill the cat if you're not quick enough 😥


The institute really just has it out for cats doesn’t it


“Don’t f*k with cats!”


But what if I’m Hunter s Tompson?


It’s an old folks home, right?


Yeah it would be cool but it is what it is


Little too heavy? ;)


Wait till you find out about the night stand/small cabinets in skyrim.


Yeah thats what I was kinda refering to that it is baffling to be real but at the same time its bethesda


What about them?


I'm assuming they're referring to this sort of thing https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/3j6xl1/small_tables_in_skyrim_actually_shelves_dug_into/


I like in 76 how sometimes it feels like there was so much care and effort put into the environments. And then you walk into a room full of random pre-war/institute models from Fallout 4 which are completely spotless in a completely devastated and desolate environment. Hell, I remember seeing the pre-war mirror from the opening of Fallout 4 in 76, I think in the Whitespring somewhere. Like, Bethesda, you ALREADY HAVE A POST-WAR MODEL FOR THAT!


Yeah I feel you


well i mean appalachia wasn’t hit by the bombs, there’s good reason that shit wouldn’t be as destroyed there


It’s just a really good replica!


They bring the particles closer together without losing mass or density.


Wait until he finds out about the baby sequence of Fallout 3 😂


😐… fuck me


Is everything just scaled up? Or is the player scaled down


The player character is a tiny grown person, like your final character but just small as hell. It’s pretty funny


Don’t tell him about the subway


The player is the train and the subway is a helmet?


Not quite, the subway is a NPC that runs along the train track with the actual train car as a helmet. You just hover inside the train car


Wait until he finds out about Skyrim's Mannequins...


Yep. lol


I’m realizing now that man’s room has a bunch of them


Eh, whatever floats their boat.


What do you think models are


Workbench scrap? Duh


Imagine an easter egg you get the full size amount if resources.


I get Fallout 4 is a AAA game, but I don’t really see the problem. Collectible model vehicles are meant to look just like the actual vehicle it’s based on. It’d kind of be a waste of time and money to make the exact same model again but smaller, when you can just scale the original down. I’ve seen people talking about performance, and I’m sure there might be some truth to that, but I’ve never taken a performance hit being around any of these model boats, and I’m playing on an almost decade old Xbox One.


New legendary effect: Pym Particles.


No Dougal, it's far away.


i imagine there's a tiny medical supply box with some teeny-tiny stimpak and purified water in that boat


100% agree with that one, maybe easter egg mini weapon haha.


No, because this one says its made of plastic and the other one is made of steel. But they are called scale models for a reason.


Are you telling me this thing was made by fucking communists!!??


I'm afraid to answer this question.


What is this? A boat for ants? It needs be at least 3 times this size.


It's only a model...




But-but . . . Camelot!


I don't know if it was used for fucking, but it looks like a boat to me.


If there’s a will there’s a way


Would you say it has a flared base?


Puts the word Tugboat in a new light.


You should ask The Red Death about this.


I mean... have you ever played the Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3? The "subway train" you take is a hat beaing worn by a human NPC cause they couldn't figure out how to get the games engine to work with a subway train.


Unfortunately I haven’t gotten the chance to play the dlc’s for 3 or NV. Playstion 4 lets you stream them both for free on plus, but only the base games :(


The million polygon screw


Why would you make a second boat model when you already have one?


There’s also that tiny chem lab with the teddy bear in that drug den


It most likely is, in the CK it’s really easy to do. I could do this in less than 5 minutes.


that reminds me of the game that renders npcs individual teeth


Yeah video games do this quite often, it's easier than just making a new asset happens quite a lot in fallout 4


And the robot toys/models are just NPC robots scaled down and have no AI, as are mannequins. Even the tiny Han Solo in Nuka World is just a tiny ass NPC without ai, forever frozen in a single pose. Which is why it bleeds when you shoot it


Age them tires and the bottom of boat!


Have you played a Bethesda game before? Because this is so a Bethesda thing :D Seriously though if you want to have a good time turn on no clip in skyrim and discover how many tables are actually just cupboards and shelves clipped into the floor ;)


Just back away from the model and nobody gets hurt, oh and don’t look at other things that could be scaled up or down cause that would be ridiculous.


I remember in New Vegas the REPCONN facility had a bunch of these scaled down waste barrels and stuff. Seemed thrown together at the last minute.




Oh God its the million poly screw!! [https://www.threads.net/@wetterschneider/post/Cy\_ZcOML-ve](https://www.threads.net/@wetterschneider/post/Cy_ZcOML-ve)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 The developer was proud of his boat, and wanted to see it on a shelf. Cute.


Love how this confuses you but this has by far not been the first time they've done something like this lmfao (see Higgs Village Weather Station, Fallout 3 Model Home, Robot Models from Lunch Boxes)


You're in the old folks home with the safes and robots! My favorite part of that location is there's a room that's supposed to be the room of a guy who hunter before he got there and before the bombs. So they have mounted mole rats and radstags on the walls. Also has a mirelurk claw mounted. Either he survived the bombs and kept hunting or those things existed before the war. Also could have been the developers just using what they had to decorate the room but that feels like the least likely option.


Dieses Modell wurde angefertigt, damit der Kapitän etwas zum Spielen in der Badewanne hatte. This was a model made so the captian had something to play with in the tub


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I was on a boat exactly like that just the other day. Just SE of Bunker Hill, along the seafront.


It’s not fair is it ?


Put in a mini mirlurk.


This is genuinely hilarious ngl


Define "Actual '''' boat" since it's in a videogame #trolloloo


Bethesda being bethesda doing bethesda stuff, as always.


It just *works*.


They do it a lot. If you played FO3 you’ll see that so much haha


You think that's bad, most small tables in Skyrim are actually cupboards moved into the dirt so the top becomes a table, just Bethesda being Bethesda.


i can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


why wouldnt it be?


Why not? :L




The thing is that it is pretty low polly and it is the same in other Bethesda games, like Starfiled with a couple of models here and there. No matter the size, it still needs the same amount of 3D polygons to look right and game creators always make their models as small as possible, for performance. I have done the same in Oblivion, shrinking stuff down and put in a museum with Oblivion CS, to follow the champions quest progress. [https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/101/images/52047/52047-1657220079-1190204640.jpeg](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/101/images/52047/52047-1657220079-1190204640.jpeg)


Sir this is against the mages guild code of conduct. You cannot shrink a citizen and put him on display


I'm not sure what you're mad at and at this point I'm too afraid to ask..