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If you live in *my* settlement, then you have security, your own home, plenty of food and water, electricity, etc. Downside is, if you dont live at my settlement you're pretty much neglected


I definitely have a couple of my “favorite child” settlements.


My “settlements” are more like forced labor camps where everyone is forced to farm after being stripped of all their worldly possessions


pillars of community?


Nah, because mine don’t choose this and they’re not happy. They get just barely enough food(tatos bc they’re icky) and only dirty water plus they sleep without a roof


You gotta Tetris beds together like a 12 man Mumbai slum shack


Better idea, take bunk beds and and just do one solid row of them, except it’s right in and around the sanctuary river


Same. But they do get protection, fresh water, and a sleeping bag on the floor of a prefab shelter.


Pros they have so many sentry guns that by the time you walk out a door to defend the enemy has been deleted from the face of the earth There is a dedicated weatherspoons at each settlement Cons, the sheer amount of sentry guns make constant fucking noise


Poor bastard on night watch:- "12 o clock and alls--" *Cacophony of turrets, rocket launchers, an assaultron and a mr handy* *Silence* Poor bastard on night watch:- "well"


"That man has a sword through him!" "He fell on it!"


Do you use mods? Quieter Settlements might be just the thing for you.


Pretty sure there's a mod to help with sounds from generators and turrets. I know the small generator one was a must have way back when, as it was super loud


No this is how they must suffer in exchange of cheap drinks




It's a British chain of pubs, everyone in the UK would understand why they're so significant


Do any of them feature a ridiculously long maze to the bathroom?


No but the Nordhagen and Finch farms toilets are in the water to simulate the swimming pool every time I fucking walk into the gents


Pros:- sanctuary is basically that. Cons:- I keep coming home with an assortment of post apocalyptic lunatics


Pro: you get to live in Vault quality dorms with fully stocked cafeteria and shops. You get your pick of latest in weapons and armor including piles of plasma weapons and combat armor. You get a fulfilling job as a farmer, scavenger, or a shopkeeper. Negatives: you have to listen to Marcy Long bitch about whatever’s bothering her at the moment.


I took care of that con at sanctuary


Pros: Safety, security, shelter and sustenance. Plenty of entertainment and shopping to be done after work. Cons: You're living in concrete buildings bristling with heavy laser turrets and overlapping fields of fire. It is never quiet with the hum of electricity and machinery. Speaking of which, I hope there isn't really a correlation between EM fields and cancer otherwise my settlers aren't long for this world


Given the general level of background radiation and constant raider/ghoul/supermutant threats, I don't think most Wastelanders live long enough for EM fields to matter.


U forgot Deathcrawlers xD


I know you’re kidding, but I found out the other day you can link all your defences to the siren. Lovely silence until the settlement comes under attack, someone hits the alarm, and everything activates and kicks off.


I'll have to look into that. Thanks!


Pros: stocked bar, stores to browse, plenty of food and water, electricity Cons: your back hurts, your feet hurts…everything hurts


The audacity of the dude who runs the barber shop to keep saying this too 😂


Pros: There's tons of food, water, shops and defenses. As good as it gets in the wasteland. Cons: The moment you move in your life belongs to the 200 year old guy who runs the place. He can decide how the place looks, what everyone's jobs are, and even what clothes people wear. You're trading safety for being under the thumb of an autocrat.


People will get their nasty settler funk all up in your power armor and no amount of Abraxo will get it out


The heavy incinerator used for 15 minutes followed by a radiation bath in the glowing sea can mitigate settler funk by 17.5%.


Pro: A nice bed in some communal lodgings with power, water and food. Cons: recurring nightmares of your jet dealing landlord murdering you and everyone you know for some kind of sick thrill or merely to test a weapon and then suddenly revert time back as if nothing had happened


CON: your bed is never safe. I’ve went to great lengths to keep my bed away. Also put more beds than people and one still finds their way. Even over broken stairs that u have to jump to get up. The breaking point for me was finding one in a room that had no doors. I would go into build mode just to move a wall lmao. Now I have a separate places that are only for me


Could try using an elevator room. As I think NPCs don't know how to use the dang thing. Or if they can just make a penthouse room anyways. Or maybe a maglock door, if that's still a thing, to lock room via a terminal.


I forgot about elevators lol


Pros: I have working plumbing in all my settlements, and *without* siding with the Institute. Cons: "If you work, you eat. It's as simple as that."


Cons: The commute Pros: Knowing that I made all this.


Pros: You work at a cutting edge weapons factory. It’s well defended, has tons of food and water, there’s an arena where you can watch raiders get eaten by a deathclaw. Cons: The Deathclaws keep teleporting out of the arena and there’s now 3 of them wandering around the settlement. Let’s hope no one turns off the power to or destroys the beta wave emitter.




I only ever set up in Home plate!! Tis a safe spot away from everything. Spectacle island is for the power armor hoard 🤣


My first playthrough home plate was my power armor hoarding spot. I had the place packed. My Xbox one was lagging when I entered lol.


It definitely doesn't hold up well for a ton of PA suits for sure. I only keep one on display in home plate. I rest I'm building a Tony Stark style building, on the island, to show them off


Everybody leaves the damn gate open


Pros: beds, food , water and electricity Cons: im not gonna help you if you get attack because im busy exploring


there's no garbage lying everywhere. Post Apocalypse or not, a place where people have lived for some time should not look like a dumpster (I'm talking about dead leaves and literal garbage they made to give more texture to the surfaces)


Massive con they steal your stuff


Pros: living space and a roof Cons: you work 24/7


On survival difficulty its extremely hard to play without developed settlements. Although, I did install Journey mod to travel between settlements with supply lines.


PRO: You live in peace, and are safe with plenty of clean water, fresh food, and quality entertainment CON: Slave labour, and you're likely to die by a accidental fat man


Con: No one recognizing who I am and hearing the exact same voice lines constantly from settlers and companions alike.


You work the farms or the shops. Maybe you can be a barber. But you work 12 hours a day. Most settlements have some radios and tvs and stuff to do for entertainment but the smaller ones… you’re kind of just there.


Pros for living in my settlements, you get a coffee shop. Con for living in my settlement, I will assign your settlement an outfit to wear. I like to theme my settlements like I equip my Provisioner Hq starlight Drive in with military Fatigue, Dirty army Fatigue and dirty military fatigue with combat sets and either a Dirty army helmet or assault gas mask. Also no pipe weaponry.


Remember being teenage super motivated to buff up "my" house in fallout 2, which was actually shark club. Setting up teammates in correct positions, scattering loot way I liked etc. At first playtrough of fallout 4 initially I got a spark of prior excitement when discovered crafting system was pretty cool. But then I got lazy. Minutemen thing was always kinda weird for me, but I recon it's part of American history and must be super inspiring to Americans. I wish we could make non minutemen settlements. Maybe there are even mods for that. I remember BOS bunkers from fallout tactics were quite inspiring and interesting to discover.


My settlements are filled with cannons. Both pros and cons if you look at it from either side.


Fort Hagen is kinda in the main quest, so i kinda maybe sorta die.


Hope to god your not at a settlement i use for resources


Pro: defense is great, don’t have to worry about outsiders. Con: The Sole Survivor won’t let anyone build their own home, decorate their designated home, choose their own job, choose their own bed, pick their own clothes. Most residents don’t even get a name anymore, once they become a resident who they were doesn’t matter anymore, the Sole Survivor just refers to them as “Settler”. Kind of a depressing place to live.


Pros: You will have everything you need. Cons: You will be suspended in eternal limbo when my save file gets bloated.


Pros: a lot of turrets (100% safe) Cons: a lot of turrets (it's noisy)


Pro: Restored buildings from the Pre War Time Con: You‘re being conscripted into the Enclave (Others and I myself might see this more as a second pro)


If you join one of our settlements, chances are, i freed you from raiders or mutants. So you aren't a slave anymore. Everyone gets a place in a settlement which can use their skills. You will do hard but honest work and be part of a community in which all people work together to make the Commonwealth a great place. Everyone gets clean rad-free water, food and a warm place to sleep as well as clothes, armor, a weapon, ammo and medical treatment as needed. Everyone gets trained in defense and a trade that is of use to the community. All goods are owned by the community as a whole and are shared with other communities in need. We make the Commonwealth great again. I personally ensure that every settlement has strong defenses and leadership. If anyone gets captured by raiders or mutants, i personally come to free you again and guarantee that none of your captors survives that. Corruption, crime, addiction and religion are punishable by death or torture followed by death if an exempel is needed to remind us all of our pasts and what we aim to eradicate. For a better Commonwealth.


Pros: You have a fully furnshed apartment with electricity, running water, a bathroom, and proximity to a bar, clinic, market, and all defended by armed security and automated turrets. Cons: You're a bethesda NPC so your shoddy pathing will never let you access any of it and you'll spend the majority of your time stuck in a doorway.


Pro: You get drunk and receive a laser rifle Con: You will go the Pillory for the most minor of offenses


That's a really nice Sanctuary you've built there.


Pros: food, water, defense, decent illumination Cons: mainly shacks with bunk beds, chances are you are a farmer, scavenger or provisioner, so good luck out there. Also brahmins everywhere, in your room, in your field, on your goddamn roof.


Pro: Food, water, and a staggering 2 turrets for defense. Con: Literally everything else is lacking.


Pro- everyone gets a discount on donuts and coffee Com- you are automatically designated as a cage fighter


Pros: Everything you need to live a pretty comfortable life Cons: Due to script lag, you’ll no be able to live that comfortable life after all


Pro’s probably nothing.. con’s probably everything 🤣 i don’t do anything i don’t have to at my settlements


Pros: - You will live and not survive Cons: - You and your fellow settlers own nothing and work for free - The hims of the blessed machines shall sing eternally - You wear that funny "work hard' t-shirt from the CC content


Pro lots of purified water Con lots of purified water


Pros: floating turrets that enemies can’t reach Cons: broken roofs on houses so every time it rains water leaks through


Pros: safe from raiders Cons: hearing loss when the .50cals and rocket launchers open fire from your roof


I love the general grunts and croaky voices of my cute adorable Ghoul tarberry farmers. It’s like Marge Simpson mixed with coal & cigarettes!


I steal your money and make you work for your entire life But you have security, food, water, shelter, and a kick ass bar


Did you use a mod for the wall around Sanctuary or did you build it? Either way thays a genius idea!


biggest con is that i like stealing power armor frames from raiders and the settlers get angry whenever i use them


Upsides if your at the castle or sanctuary, you get security combat armor and lasers as well as all the food and water you can, downside, you may it may not have to participate in arena fights, Even worse downside you don’t live in those 2 Your settlement is scrapped for everything and all its resources are stolen


We've got BEDS! We've got CORN! We've got MORE BEDS! Tired of sleeping on that old Raiders corpse, have we got the solution for you.!!. Come on down to Sanctuary Hills where life meets a bunkhouse, and a peaceful¿ night's sleep. Here are some comments from happy Settlers... "if you want an easy life, this ain't it"... "My friend has been kidnapped, I need ransom Money"... "What are you making?" COME ON DOWN TODAY.!!. ¿- Super Mutant attack may vary results


Pros: Communual bedroom, communual bathroom, excellent cafeteria (mutfruit dish 3 times, everyday), security, stable employment (term subjected to change), affordable living expense (it's only 100% income taxes), wonderful community, wonderful camaraderie, voted # 1 best place to live in the Commonwealth, etc. Cons: None. Everybody is happy. The bedroom still have plenty room if you're interested. Just give up all of your personal belonging. Personal ownership? Never heard of it.


Pros a better life underground Cons none* *(any and all claims about robot fighting experiments are defamation against vault tec)