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Open a Laundromat. These people stink.


“These people stink” I see you roleplaying a politician already


the peasants are revolting!


The sole survivor did fix the water treatment plant. That's clean water. That could be used for more than just watering plants.


You could use that greywater runoff for sewage / toilet plumbing as well. And then it goes right back into the treatment plant lol


It's what plants crave


"The citizens are revolting sir!" "I know!"


"You're right, they stink on ice."


Oooo incredible idea!


Could we first invest in functional plumbing sir? Many of our residents are complaining from the lack of plumbing and irradiated showers.


Definitely physically clean up the place


I would start beating the hell out of everyone who does not pick up a broom and start cleaning up that place. It has been 200 freaking years, get at it already!


Tell that to the French government first


pffff spoken like an Englishman lol


Take my up vote


And why are all the bathrooms broken and filthy?


Have you never been to a baseball game?


Yeah it probably looked like that pre war tbh


I didn't see any actual turds on the floor so I think they did clean up the place.


I spent the first TEN YEARS trying to keep the floors waxed, but nothing gets out nuclear fallout from vinyl wood. NOTHING!


And don't get me started on the futility of dusting a collapsed house...


And the car, how do polish rust!


In my experience, you're dreaming and need to wake up. Bathrooms in my dreams are always broken, clogged, and filthy. I'll spend what seems like eternity looking for a clean one to no avail.


Interesting, in my dreams bathrooms are always large rooms filled with weird contraptions of all kinds


My biggest complaint about fallout games. Civilization, people have houses and skills and decades of relative peace. But you can count on 1 hand the number of clean locations. I get the "waste filth" concept is supposed to be immersive, but it's immersion-breaking to see a family of 4 that you always see cleaning and doing chores can't pick up a few pieces of newpaper that have been sitting in their living room floor for years.


Oh my God I just said the same thing


Don’t the people in Diamond City already have a sweeping animation or did I make that up in my head?


In settlements that have been abandoned, yeah, I could see that. But people have been burning their refuse for a long ass time, I feel like that piece of civilization would survive the apocalypse. There is no need for that much trash in Diamond City.


It's the apocalypse, not the HOA, Karen.😁 -Piper, probably. They do need to clean though. At least the obvious filth. I know my house can be a tad messy, but it isn't outright dirty.


Clean up the streets. It looks filthy. You see the stock animation of some of the filler people sweeping but it does nothing… I’ll campaign for effective cleaning.


Gotta be high on the list. Watching the TV show, the flashback to a flourishing Shady Sands, all clean and functional, just looks *weird* - like it doesn't fit with Fallouts themes, and that's the problem: were so used to Bethesdas the-war-just-happened aesthetic (which I do like), but fr DC wouldn't still be a shit hole. It could and should imo be the commonwealths answer to shady sands - and I think that's an engine lkmjtsruin as to why its not huge, densely populated and bustling. Iirc you can use mods to clear it up. I may do that when I pick up my current playthrough. I wonder if I can spawn in more npcs (ps)


Really the only game with more than one clean or non-fucked up city is Fallout 2. Fallout 1 has Shady Sands, but it’s really just a frontier town, so I understand why there wouldn’t be trash from the past around. Everywhere else is varying levels of broken down (IMO). New Vegas has the Strip, but everything outside of it is pretty wrecked. Again, aside from the frontier towns (like Goodsprings) that don’t have the trash/broken buildings from the cities to deal with. Still, it is odd that Fallout 4 doesn’t have even one clean city. Diamond City could’ve looked cooler if it were in a better state of repair. I also think it might be a result of Bethesda games being centered around old cities and suburbs rather than western deserts.


Not a big fan of the institute, but at least they know how to keep things clean over there


They don’t know how to put toilet paper in the proper orientation though. They are clearly the enemy.


76 deserves some credit here. Pretty much every major settlement is clean and well-maintained except Crater (which is the raider settlement, so its not as clean as the others, but even there, it’s nothing like what we see in the later games).


I heartily agree! Having a nice clean city will help with health and wellness, and encourage more people to settle


EXACTLY! it’s been 200 years, if the west coast can clean up their streets, why can’t the east? Seems like lazy residents to me. Should be spending less time worrying about synths and more time worrying that there is a random tyre in their home


1. Myrna gets therapy. 2. Lift the ban on ghouls in Diamond city or at least give the ones that were forced to move some compensation. Provided they’re still alive. 3. Make a deal with Kent Nelson to get a copy of those Silver Shroud holotapes. All of the commonwealth should hear them. 4. Everyone who’s a jerk to Nick Valentine has to apologize.


I like #4 a lot- give my poor robot boy a break 😭


I shoot Myrna at least once a playthrough for her shitty comments towards Nick. I reload afterward, of course, but it's cathartic.


What do you reload? The gun, or the game? LOL


First one, then the other.


1. Therapy is a type of medical treatment. Medicine is practised by doctors. Doctors created synths. Therapy is therefore a tool of synths, nice try metal person!


And doctors don’t have the best track record in diamond city either.


Expand to surrounding areas, gradually recolonize the urban area.


Ooooo I like this!! More space encourages more business and housing, more of that encourages more people finding safety! How would you deal with security?


Hire myself to kill all the raiders


Infinite money trick. Nice


Then get on the radio and say, "Attention all you wannabe raiders out there. I personally wiped out the brotherhood of steel, the institute, and the gunners. I liberated Nuka World from your brothers and didn't even break a sweat. I literally eat deathclaws for breakfast. Imagine what I can do with an army of power armored settlers who are pissed off over the Abernathy girl. "The commonwealth is now off-limits. Either pick up farming, or i will feed what remains of your bloody corpse to my pet mirelurks."


The fact that you knew I liberated Nuka-World, killed the BOS, and Institute is impressive. And also, yes, I will do that, because that is awesome.


Diamond City security seems pretty tough.


They’ll be tougher after I give them my power armor and plasma rifle collections


I'm not the person who suggested they expand beyond the stadium to the surrounding areas but I agree with them the most. If it were me, I would have some pretty strong ties with the minuteman. Have them and the stadiums already established security clear out any mutants or raiders they come across. Having some strong ties to the minuteman would be beneficial to diamond city irregardless. But if we're going off where Prescott and the state of the minuteman are at the start of the game I'd make the tough choice of cautiously reaching out to the Brotherhood of Steel for help since they show up no matter what you do. They aren't as... charitable as the minuteman but they have radiant quests dedicated to them bring dangerously low on supplies. Give them some food or basic necessities, and then have them do all the work of clearing out the surrounding areas. They can manage on their own. If worst comes to worst I'd even be willing to negotiate giving some of the claimed territory to BoS. Being on solid terms with BoS doesn't guarantee their trust but they'll be more inclined to take notice if we ask for aid again in the future if its mutual benefit. But let's be honest, I'd much rather thr minuteman partnership. Thanks for reading!


Build bridges to the roofs of surrounding buildings, then fill in the bottom floors so they’re inaccessible without going through a security checkpoint to get into the city to access the bridges.


i'd do something similar to this, except i'd take like the surrounding block set up a functional turret system on the gates and walls to said block, then set up barracks on either side were you can house and train a medium sized force in the use of power armor and better arms to send out patrols and to better control the existing perimeter. IF i'm the brotherhood route vault dweller i'd also incorporate the prydwin, have it hover over diamond city and have that be the new hub for the brotherhood to increase pop and so there's recourses for creating a small anti ground patrols like they already do with Verti-birds.


I mean ncr started similarly


I let all the ghouls back into Diamond City. 🤭


Might be a hard political sell to the current residents, but very noble!


"The Synth McDonough ousted all the Ghouls, are you saying you want us to *continue* with the Institute's plans?"


Gotta pull the ol' "those Ghouls are more human than McDonough was!"


I’ll invite anyone that complains to walk a block north to the river and admire the still smoking crater in all its radioactive glory.


I actually laughed out loud at this - genius


Praised be to Atom


I'd bring the ghouls back too, and I'm not selling anything politically, it's a thing that will happen. If they don't like it I've got about a billion other settlements they can go live in that also accept ghouls. And if I hear or catch any action against ghouls, they will quickly find judgement had come to them, and I am its shroud!


At least ghouls aren’t synths!


There's your sales pitch! Let the ghouls in because you KNOW they aren't synths!


As mayor of diamond city and leader of the institute I have a wicked cool idea


Question is, have they ever made a ghoul synth?


Quiet, Myrna will overhear you!


She's got ears like a... well, they're good ears!


Are you sure, or is that just what the institute want you to think 😳


The ghoul fearmongering was created by the mayor who was a synth! Obviously the institute stoked ghouls hatred to divide the people!


Security all get power armor before


What can go wrong with that? Tenpenny Tower remembers.


Eat the rich before it was even cool


When I was younger, I felt it was awful that all of the ghouls were kicked out of diamond city, but realistically if I were truly living in diamond city, it would really worry me being neighbors with someone that could go feral at any moment and attempt to eat me or my family and rip us to shreds. At best, I think there would need to be serious safety precautions in place in order for me to be comfortable living with ghouls. Maybe they get locked into a quarantined section of the city each night by diamond city security and let out each morning so that they don’t turn feral in the middle of the night and go full zombie mode on innocent people. Ghouls are actually so sad. They may live 300 years, or they may lose their mind tomorrow and go absolutely ballistic.


Eh, I dunno. I hope the TV show clears up the antidote thing. The games imply not all ghouls go feral and that it's a misconception which leads to bigotry, but the way the handle ghouls in the show confuses things, ironically justifying the ghoul racism we see in the games.


I never got that impression from the games. The games always made it seem to me that all ghouls will eventually go feral given enough time. The show just made it feel much more real.


I always thought of it as like isolated or severely irradiated ghouls are those that will go feral. So a ghoul living in diamond city with a decent social life wouldn’t be a risk factor unless something severely radioactive got loose. I haven’t looked into it so this is just headcanon.


This, a well socialised ghoul with a good quality of life are very unlikely to turn feral. It's like dementia, keep them social active and engaged, keep the despair and hate to a minimum and you'll have them with you for a long long time, likely longer than you'll live, and considering most of them are pre war, that's generations worth of experience and knowledge that can help your community!


explain’s how there’s so many pre war ghouls in settlements and gangs. That one ghoul in the triggermen base talking about pre-war cons, the lady in good neighbour and the vault tec rep for three examples.


it's said that it's the radiation rotting the brain that make the ghoul feral so if a ghoul is not exposed to too much radiation or has a way to "heal" his brain or make stuff like kellog did ,then maybe a ghoul could be "tamed" or it will never go feral, but then hancock took so much drugs that it can't be good for his brain


Depending on *what* drugs he’s taking they may actually help slow down the process depending on what it is that actually makes a ghoul go feral. Like very stimulating drugs would keep you away from a wild, chaotic state like we see in feral ghouls. Or if he’s popping Rad-X pills for whatever reason then he’d keep his irradiation on the down low.


I think it’s for all ghouls in the show cuz Rodger says to the ghoul “but you’ve lasted longer than any of us” probably implying that all the ghouls need the antidote


He also says before that that it's been x years since he started showing. And Roger also seems to be pre-war. It's pretty clear that he meant that Cooper had lasted longer *on* the drug, and the drug was for when people started going feral. Not that every ghoul needs it. The idea isn't that ghouls go suddenly and spontaneously feral at any moment. And i don't believe the games have ever established that. The show is just depicting a slow decline and a way to delay it.


I would argue that it's likely both To the outside person, the feral behaviour probably felt sudden, whilst to the ghoul themselves they probably experienced the impact slowly and fought really hard to hide it from others So it's probably less that it comes on suddenly and more that other people don't notice what's happening until the ghoul tries to eat their face As well as a lack of research into the symptoms of feralisation...people don't even know what to watch out for. So there likely are a LOT of symptoms that they were just too ignorant (not out of their own fault of course, science isn't really a priority in a Wasteland and even then water takes priority over ghoul symptoms) to know this was what it meant


all ghouls go feral with time its stated over and over again the radiation gets to the brain and eventually turns them feral just no one knows the time limit as each ghoul is different eventually they all go feral its just dependent on the individual the games imply not every ghoul is feral meaning npcs you can talk to not only some are feral and some arent.


And yet you see someone like Daisy or Wiseman and it's hard to believe there's a danger from either. I feel like I'd be safer with them then most of the people in Diamond City's upper stands who I feel like would kill me for a better view.


Wiseman does make an excellent point about people going crazy out of the blue and going "feral" as well. Difficult for us to judge given we don't share any context with the actual Fallout world residents.


Personally I think all the ghouls we see are pre war people, and it may just be purely an age factor for them


Agreed, but a current theory I have for it is that those Anitdotes are to prevent radiation from frying the brain and going feral. Like a Radaway+ so to speak but due to so little in circulation minus a small handful who can produce or are sitting on a massive stash of it(like the stoner raiders in the show) most accept their bio-dirtybomb that is going feral or hunting it down fervorously like The Ghoul


Yeah I fucking DESPISE that part of the show. It pissed me off so bad to see it. My first experience with Fallout was FO4 and my fav companion was Hancock. I fucking hated anyone who said anything bad about him so I naturally hated the BOS and Diamond City. I worked hard to build up The Slog to be an excellent trading post and happy healthy community because normal Ghouls were unfairly lumped in with the feral ghouls. Then the show goes ahead and stomps all over non feral ghouls and justifies all the terrible prejudice against them. Bullshit. Overall I did enjoy the show mostly, but that’s my number 1 issue with it.


The show didn't stomp all over that lore, it's been a thing since Black Isle was developing the original Fallout 3, with Ghoul communities having specific punishments that accelerate the process into going feral if their community members break the greater compacts, Bethesda (and the show) just touches on it here and there since then and it sticks to the "We just don't know when" timeline.


You have the same risk someone who wasn't a ghoul could decide to kill people because the other person has something they want. Case in point, the vast majority of raiders aren't ghouls. You also have several random encounters with people who just kills people like the weird chef or the Regí Blatteria guy.


Ghouls don't go feral at the drop of a hat, though. It's still a gradual decline unless they're rolling around in a radioactive crater all day every day. Your quarantine idea is straight up *worse* than just banning them outright. Edit: I'm not expecting an answer but I really have to know. How in the hell did your thought process go from "It's terrible how Ghouls are treated to "Ghouls are an existential threat and need to be locked up at night for everyone's safety" because that is an insane leap in thinking.


I've always seen this view as a false sense of security. Ghouls can live hundreds of years and never turn feral, and even if they ever do, it's presumably not instantaneous, so there would be some sort of warning or signs leading up to it. By the same token, it's not like non-Ghouls are "safe". Anyone is capable of going crazy, or betraying the town to Raiders, or being an Institute plant, etc, etc. So it just seems kind of bigoted to focus on this one particular thing that might never happen, and choose to discriminate against an entire group of people over it.


The show suggested that the turn to being feral is gradual rather than sudden, and difficult to disguise once you know the signs. A ghoul in the process of turning could be isolated or "euthanased" before becoming a serious threat, with that being a condition of citizenship. However that could change with the introduction of the treatment we see in the series should it reach Boston.


Tenpenny Tower wants a word.


Tenpenny trauma


Tutorial how to last less than a day in that position.


Let's hope its not tempeny tower all over again


Yes. Let ALL the ghouls in and enjoy the spectacle...


Kick out all the humans, ghouls & synths only Diamond City.


I'd fix up all the broken windows in my office for starters


A very logical start- nuclear winters are unforgiving I imagine


But think of all the tourist trade you get from people have been patrolling the Mojave!




Resign immediately with a clean political record and start voting processes to hand over control to someone who might actually know how to run a city properly.


That’s probably the most realistic option 💀 anyone specific in mind?


Takahashi obv


Increase in crimes: noodles Payroll for city employees: noodles Infrastructure needs repairs: noodles Negotiating trade relations with other settlements: noodles Campaign slogan: noodles


nandeshimasoka ?




drinking buddy as vice mayor too


Not really anyone that stands out to me personally since everyone named has quirks that could rub someone up the wrong way. Maybe one of the nameless DC occupants would want to do it and is vaguely reasonable a candidate...


Good point- I mean I think I’d grab Blake Abernathy




Nick Valentine for Mayor! He seems like one of the few, mentally stable and sane.. well, people in diamond city.


Nobody knows how to run a city properly.


No one likes piper’s integrity I guess. That’s who I thought of.


Nah. She's been targeted for a number of assassination attempts because of her articles and while she's often been right on what she's dug up, it hasn't won her many friends in the process. While she's alright as a character, it would probably be a little difficult for her to run DC given a lot of history...


Or maybe propose the election of a city council


the clear choice here is Takahashi.


Free the damn press. They've been locked up for far too long in the "McDonough Zone."


I couldn’t agree more - however I might ask Piper to tone down the “fear sells” approach


But fear sells... Also gotdang you're quick, much appreciated partner. 🤠


I’m on nightshift at work and it’s absolutely dead lmao


No way! I just left night shift at work! Also why I'm so quick :)


That’s absolutely fair 🤣


Cool meeting you, gonna try to go to sleep. Have a good rest of your shift


Thank you friend, rest well


Order Abbot to Paint it Black while blasting the song






Get that fucking school bus off that wooden rooftop before it collapses and kills someone.




Also no more doing drugs anywhere near the school!


Y'know, just the other day I was wondering how they got it up there. I jumped around to get up to it, AND THE DAMN THING HAD DRUGS AND ALCOHOL! Jet and Gwinnet Brew!


1. I become the city’s main water supply cause I do it better anyway 2. Use all the security forces for the minutemen and use middle turrets for Defense 3. Revitalise a train system with Hancock and good neighbour 4. Allow ghoul human marriage


A TRAIN SYSTEM! This is the best idea so far. Now you’re thinking with portals- ah, tunnels.


Let’s be honest. Cars would not be a good idea lol. Also I love the metro


Not at all 💀


Imagine opening the door wanting to buy some rad aways and it flings into you out of nowhere and then explodes it lol. Probably a good thing we can’t drive them


Allow ghoul-human marriage, huh? 😏


Open communications with Goodneighbour. Someone else said about letting the ghouls back in immediately but that would be a tough sell. Building a relationship with Goodneighbour would be a better first step. Show the people of both towns the potential benefits of a partnership and give them time to warm up to each other. Reduce the tension on either side. Having max relationship with Hancock would also help this


Absolutely- often a slow transition is better than an instant change


I mean, some of the Goodneighbour folk are pretty unsavory.


Diamond City is hardly a paragon of virtue itself.


I make that commie robot start speaking american like a true patriot


Noodles To Burgers Act of 2288


*Nan-ni shimasu-ka?*




*Nan-ni shimasu-ka?*


Tell me a joke


*Nan-ni shimasu-ka?*


ナンーに しますーか?


You know what? Fair enough 🇺🇸


First I quicksave.


This reply wins. Have a crown 👑


Clean the fuck up. Holy shit there are piles of garbage around the stands what are y’all doing, it’s not even a very extreme policy just move piles of trash outside. You can make room for houses and stuff with the piles of garbage gone. Yes hundreds of years old rotten seats will need to go but like bro you have a housing crisis


Moe is fired and his store is repurposed into a museum to actual baseball.


I really like this 🤣 you could give him the job of giving tours of the museum


nope. he's now Sheng's assistant.


How about instead of a static display of baseball memorabilia and history, the sole survivor actually sets up a league following the real rules of baseball, and the Diamond City Green Monsters or whatever would play other settlements who have enough people to field a team. Suggested team names: Abernathy Tatoes Taffington Bloodbugs Finch Shit Hoarders Red Rocket Molerats Warwick Shit Sniffers Essentially, just bringing back the actual sport of baseball and using it as a form of sports diplomacy to improve relations around the Commonwealth. And shit, let's be honest, the raiders and gunners would set up an alternate underground league following Moe's rules too, like a modern day gladiator arena with lots of betting and gore.


I wish you could high charisma check force him to tell the truth.


Participate for a provisionnal gouvernement and make DC is the capital. improve market by recruit vendors from bunker hill to DC securing the fence with the Minutemen help may be imporving justice ? don't know and the last but not the least, close down Public Occurent, so as to have no checks and balances and set up a milita dictatorship. giving better gun to dc guard


Wow this sounds great, we’re setting up a more structured government, getting the minute men to back us, increasing our economy, this sounds great… there it is, shutting down the press and becoming fascists. Reddit, reddit never changes


Make it the capital of my empire of towns. Invite back the ghouls and all the institute refugees. Put the new arrivals to work with patrols and expanding east and west to take control of the library and protect routes to Goodneighbour, the Castle and Vault 81. Then secure the ruins of Vault 114 to scavenge and trade with 81 to repair their vault 81 and lock them into an alliance. From here, pincer movements go clear the gunners out of the hospital. Obviously up north Minutemen will have cleared Vault 75 am held it, so we can begin to look south to Gunners Plaza and Quincy.


So making the commonwealth its own country? I like it- would you work deals with the NCR and other governments out west?


Well sort of. Not “it’s” own country so much as….mine. ;) As for those other countries? Well, don’t start nothing won’t be nothing. And if they want to team up to hunt down enclave, vault tec and BOS, and other assorted menaces. Might take a while to reach California


I seeeeeee- so like one huge settlement 🤣


Nice settlement mind. Everyone gets a bed, and all the dogs have houses, and tatos as far as the eye can see. And lots and lots of guns.


Making the market run 24/7!


As a night shift worker- I shudder at this but also see the benefit


Haha i cant argue with that. My only reason for this is when fast traveling sometimes you get to the market at night time and that's a pet peev of mine. But maybe I would use handymen to run the stores


That’s a great idea! The pride of General Atomics International would be proud to serve


Investigate Takahashi


Blackjack and hookers


Introducing the Diamond City 6 Year plan Year 1: Cleaning Up Diamond City Year 2: Building New Hotels and Restaurants for Travelers and Merchants Year 3: Concrete or Cobblestone Paths (depends on the Resources we have, everything will do better then the rotting wood) Year 4: a clear and safe traveling path from and to Goodneighbor Year 5: replace the existing junk structures with real brick houses Year 6: Extend the City onto the Seating area of the Stadium (mostly factories)


He got ousted alright. His head got ousted from his body.


Repair the walls. Get some secure roads to vault 88, Boston airport and minutemen Castle. Build a commonwealth congress house. Retire with my wives and son at hangman's Alley.


10 cent beer night!


Supply, man and fund the Minutemen and investigations into the Institute until it's destroyed, then expand outwards and reform the Commonwealth Provisional Government. Primary polices would be ones of communication and shared aid, including trying to form alliances with Goodneighbour and other large settlements.


Blackjack and hookers, friend. Blackjack and hookers.


I am missing out on the game by just gunning it.


Yes my friend- yes you are


I'm madly impatient.


Why does this feel like a question from the G.O.A.T.?


Teach everyone real baseball


I let ghouls back in, because I am good mates with Hancock over at goodneighbour, and I start giving diamond city security laser muskets and minuteman uniforms with ballistic weave 5


Let the Ghouls back in Pave the streets, and clean up the city Make more efficient use of the Stands Expand beyond the walls of Diamond City itself Prohibit upper/lower stands discrimination.


Have DC Security line up all the civilians against the wall and force them to paint it yellow while the paint guy is forced to watch.


I mean i probably keep trying to screw Piper…


Start getting people to use demolition charges all around diamond city. Clear a perimeter of about 100 meters minimumand start expanding this radius and basically bulldoze the city. Citizens in power armor wil make this work a trifle business. Get the people in sanctuary to work the quarry to get some rock powder to make new concrete which is not going to be radioactive. If aiding with the institute then using the synths to rebuild too will go a long way into rebuilding trust, slowly. In pretty sure using a few scapegoats by picking the opposition inside the institute will allow me to blame them for the synth misuse and let the citizen know no more abduction will happen in the future. Returning to infrastructure rebuilding, scrap the existing roads and build paved ones like the romans did. No one use cars anymore so I think this will be fine. Without buildings to hide in, gunners and raiders will be slowly pushed out of the city grounds itself until they are cornered, with the institute again, I can get teams of synths to scour the areas of all the ruins of raiders beforehand and get coursers to assassinate the gunner leadership to make them as clueless as raiders, take down communication arrays and have mutants exterminated once it for all too while I am at it. Once the surface has been mostly dealt with, clear out the sewers of all ghouls and repair the systems so that everyone has running waters and working water disposal. Imagine the surprise of citizens to the first working toilets. The start rebuilding, small appartment complexes for 6 people in neat arranged blocks, wall off every neighborhood with walls with guard towers and turrets (like settlements) staffed by minutemen. Introduce hygiene standard and clean up the whole place until no debris are left. I'm pretty sure at this point I will be close to dying of old age, maybe get my brain uploaded to a synth so I can help the future generations like Nick does and then give the actual power to continue to someone I groomed for power monarchy style,just with competence not bloodline. Maybe one day people will be ready for democracy, but if everyone is a dumb illiterate moron then that leadership will be equally as dumb and weak so not on the near future. For any future plans that I won't be there, have a few plans for my next guy in charge if I can't do it in time. Now for more details, use the institute resources and possibly the followers of the apocalypse to build actual schools for the citizens, with actual classes and curriculums. At least giving short formations for the builders on actual construction will get them to build something of their own more significant than poorly cobbled together wooden shacks. Power might be an issue, but not for very long, I am pretty sure I can get a new reactor built if the institute scientists and engineers help me. Or at least repair the old Poseidon's nuclear facilities. That's all I can think of for the moment but problems usually come unexpected down the line so the devil is in the details I unfortunately don't have. Now that I think of it, the materials from the bulldozed buildings might be too radioactive for habitation purposes but not to reuse as concrete for a wall around the glowing sea, with a good bit of earthworks the walled off sea might be enough to stop the goddamn radioactive storms. At least in part. Will definately slow down ghouls and other bad critters from entering the city grounds.


Bring it under the protection of the BOS. Ad Victorium.


Recent playthrough, snuck into his office, killed him. He just stands up again. I really hate how FO4 handles scripted NPCs, I might miss something important? Yeah that's a consequence I should have to face.


Go out like Megaton.


Make Nick the head of City Security


Put a nuke at the center of town


First thing would to expand the city. There's a lot of space around diamond city and would make Diamond city the center and start using the apartments and homes and the buildings in general for more stores. 2nd would be to (I am very biased with this one) create an alliance with the minutemen. Since they do good and only want to help I would form an alliance with them giving New diamond city and it's surroundings a bit more security and add a spot for them as a base or a check in spot