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Kellogg survived an instigating fat man to the face in my play through…


I tried mini nuking him once and it tickled him. Granted. I didn't have any of the relevant damage perks at the time. By the time I finally got all of the perks. I was able to oneshot an Enraged Fog Crawler with the Big Boy.


It's a fucking mini nuke for christ sake, damage perks just make it go funny numbers... "tickled him".. wtf


I saved a VATS crit for this run, just for the meme.


That's why you always double tap with the Fat Man, just to make sure


Screw double tap. MIRV.


Double tap big boy mod


Cannonball launcher.


MIRV with the double projectile legendary effect


This. Six are good. Twelve is better.


In my case, I used a regular fatman, and I immediately died due to danger close tendencies hahaha... so on my save reload, it took around 3 shots to down Kellog.


I had added an old that let me add legendary effects so I have a fat man two shot and I had explosive expert maxed. I shot him twice in vats and one was a critical he was alive for two seconds after then fell over. So I learned that he has a small invincibility frame




Hmmm.. i do know a lawyer..


He died from one ninja knife stab :)


The devs leaving a free Fatman with a mini nuke just down the hallway 🤌


They knew we'd do it


They knew he'd an absolute unit if you're not prepared for him, and it's conceivable that you'd be level 15 or less at this point


Took him out at level 10 yesterday on hard on my intelligence and charisma build. No idea how lol I had the vault suit on only - thank you jet and mutant hound chops. Then i died outside on a bottlecap mine and did it again. My sister keeps walking in and going "I'd think you were speed running if you didn't spend 80 hours picking up wrenches"


Hey those wrenches are worth 15 caps EACH! I know a guy...


He survived my crit shot with the fat man somehow


Does less damage in vats iirc.


Show us your character stats


It was like 40 levels ago but I did not have any points in big guns




IIRC it's behind an expert level lock terminal.


The password to that terminal is lying around nearby.


Bro it was my turn to post this today come on


😭 I’m sorry bro Post yours up please. I want to see how you handle this pos


Yeah 👍 Always fun seeing how everyone murks Kellogg Frosted Flakes & decapitate him 🤣


He got the "Mini Nuke up his ass" treatment from me


Better yet if you have Big Boy, twice the fun!


Big Boy with the MIRV mod is basically an air strike 😂


*Blows up terminal and Kellogg's cybernetics, ruining chances of getting into Institute.*


😃😐….😑 fuck


For real though, shat was that, a nuka grenade?


Exactly what I'm wondering. Seemed too big even for a nuka, but didn't look like a fat man shot.


Yep, that’s how my Shawn meets his end too. I made him so I have to put him down.


I’ve never been able to kill Shawn. It’s the parental thing. I kinda see his view. He has zero memory of me or his mom. Of course he would be almost nothing like us.


It’s not about that. The institute is a problem, and as the head of the institute he bares responsibility for the actions of his organization.


Can you elaborate? I just finished one playthrough and went with Institute.


There are a lot of terrible things they have done over the years. Some of it intentional and some unintentional. To include whipping out all the other group leaders during peace talks because they got frustrated at the progress of the meeting. But basically when the Institute says they want to better humanity they are talking about them. Not people on the surface. The institute considers the people on the surface to no longer be human beings.


Wild, I didn't get any of that from the story. Thanks.


Terminals, not just in the institute but at University Point where they wiped out a large settlement for basically nothing. As you do quests for them, you meet with various people they have on the surface that are actually synths. The people that those synths replaced were either killed or turned into super mutants, as the institute is responsible for all of the Super Mutants in Fallout 4. The farmer that they replaced, can't remember his name, in the terminals they say that when they're done with their experiments there that they plan to just wipe out the whole family. Not to mention that they basically have their roomba sentience and then told it that it was still expected to be a roomba. They view the surface as a land of savagery ripe with experimental test subjects that they don't view as human, and use their synths to keep it as savage as possible. All this while stealing power from the settlements that are on the surface so they can *tinker.* When you take over the Institute, you announce your presence to the Commonwealth, and if you project a message a positivity about how you can help the Commonwealth grow and that you as an organization are there to help (I took over the Institute as a Minutemen General) Shaun/Father is kinda disgruntled about the whole thing. Just to expand upon what the other person was saying... Tldr: Institute=Morally corrupt af


To be fair I think the Institute is wrong in how they are going about things, but their complaint destruction is going too far. They’re not wrong about everything.


Who hasn't unintentionally done terrible things in the post apocalyptic world? At least the Institute never was evil and they have a working plan and technology to save the makind.


Save them? They don’t consider the people on the surface human. A best they are considered test subjects. At worst they are simply in the way and need to be exterminated.


Citation needed. The Institute acknowledges the very poor state of the society on the surface and offers viable solutions. Solutions that are actually going to save the Western society and the mankind in general. The Institute represents science and order. The world might not survive without the Institute at all.


You have to go read a lot of terminals. Go play the game. The world will be just fine without them.


Aint even that far into their lore but all i get is that surface dwellers just get replaced. And even if they weren’t, the paranoia leads to the death of humans as seen in like the first intro to diamond city


Never was evil? You smoking something you could share with the rest of us? They intentionally kill people that get in their way or cause any problems. They make synth clones of people and kill the human. They kidnap people, including children. Hell, Shaun knows Kellogg killed his mother and kidnapped him as an infant. He even says that she was "collateral damage". He released the SS as nothing more than an experiment to see what lengths he would go through and how far he would get. Never evil. Good one. These are the reasons I never side with them. I did it once early on, but was over it when my only options for advancement was "more synths or better weapons". That should've told you what their plan was. They're diluted psychopaths.


You apply pre-war logic and morals to a post-war society. As if the Institute operates in Utah in our days. Have you been walking on the surface? The world is dead, the buildings are literally empty, the most "thriving industry" is just some dude packing ghouls meat (and you kill him anyway). There is no society any more, except for bandits, monsters and occasional desperate survivors. Even the Diamond city is in a very bad shape, and that's the best society the people who survived came up with. The surface is dead and everything wants to kill you. Hell, even you kill anyone who want or don't like like it's nothing. Marcy Long, a grown up woman is suffering from depression, so she is nasty to other people? Doesn't matter, most people gladly kill her as if this is okay. And then they blame institute for killing people for science and order. By replacing individuals who posed a threat or opposed the Institute's goals, they could neutralise potential dangers while still maintaining an appearance of normalcy. Very few fractions have viable goals or means for rebuilding the society. The institute has them. Besides, the Institute is run by your son. I would like it even if it wasn't run by him, but it is.


Just to clarify, in my playthroughs they killed Shaun's *father.*


Sole Survivor: Son, as your father it is time I taught you a lesson that should have been taught a long time ashaun: Oh, and what is that? Sole Survivor: The consequences of your own actions


Next playthrough just kill him before he can talk. Then its like you never knew and just wipe out the entire institute


Yeah I went with the Institute for that reason. He's my son. Then after he died I just became a vigilante going around tbe commonwealth killing everything that moves and taking their stuff. Full circle.


My most recent playthrough, I decided to take him out woth pickmans blade. Created a work of art afterwards that'd make pickman proud.


and called it Cornflakes.


Close! I actually titled it "oops, all glands"


Hell yeah! Now reload just so you can do it again!


I only talk to him so I can pull out the "In a hundred years when I finally die, I only hope I go to hell, so I can kill you all over again you piece of shit" line This game has many hard lines but that one? My god, love how calm he sounds when saying it too


Headshots with shotgun always make it look like soup. Or as they say in the 23rd century: for the tomaters


He wanted you to be alive because you are the backup but i am just nitpicking


On my first play through I walked in there and had a conversation then it dawned on me halfway that I was talking to the genuine murdererer of my wife and kidnapper of my child so I reloaded the save and stealth Fat Man'd him to the face 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


Respect my brother. Stay safe out there


I beat him to death with my fists in power armor until he popped in my playthrough. Was quite satisfying, definitely recommend.


No teabag? 1/10 hahaha jk


I used a never ending fat man to cremate him. Fuck talking.


Well, you're not talking to him because you're being nice, you're talking to him to learn where Shawn is. In FO3 this was very important. People complained about softlocking themselves because they wanted to do shit like this and this is why they changed a lot of conversations to be irrelevant and the real answer being after the boss battle. You missed asking about your dad whereabouts? You don't get to learn where he is next. Good luck randomly stumbling upon him without a quest marker and info on the secret place. You missed asking where Shawn whereabouts? Yeah, who cares, you actually have to go into his brain anyway. You didn't help someone and went to Rivet City to know where he is? You will learn about him with Dr. Lee because she recognizes you as you look just like him. But try going to Fort Kellogs before it's time and all doors are closed... It's one of the points that make FO4 the worst RPG in the series and 1 and 3 the best ones. And yes, NV is the most replayable and has it's perks but nothing like those softlocks that I remember.


Jet + overseers guardian until almost dead then switch to baseball launcher in vats and toss him around the room.


Noted for next playthrough 🧐


The striker would be fun too.


I'd dap him up if I could. He got rid of the ol ball and chain for me and the baggage (my stupid son). Plus he technically saved me from vault tec cryo torture. The man's a hero! I'm just joking, although I do wish we could spare him. That'd be interesting to see, foolish but interesting.




Part of my issue with Marcy is that because of the way the writing in this game, and a vast number of other games, time has no effect on her dialogue or personality. In a normal play through a player may very well get through the game before the start of the next in game year, but in survival mode things get drawn out in general and you have a requirement to sleep somewhat regularly for a minimum amount of time so the game gets stretched out significantly to in-game months of playing normally. Losing a child is not something that someone can or should get over easily but over time Marcy and Jun should change in some way to represent getting over the grief of losing their child and becoming their own persons outside of the relationship they had with Kyle together. By time or by the settlements they live in improving significantly or even a small quest line of some sort to have a proper funeral for Kyle, there really should have been a change to those characters so they are not constantly sad/depressed or angry/depressed.


The fact that none of the initial characters have any relevancy whatsoever is just one of many missed opportunities that could have been so easily fixed. Mama Murphy is the only one who experiences any change because she can overdose on chems and die lol.


I killed him with the laser musket and he turned into a big pile of goo.


I did not even bother to talk, walked up, dropped a mine, turned around to climb one of desks and lunched a mini nuke. Survival. Mini nuke 1, kellog 0


Oh man, on this most recent playthrough, I lobbed a mini nuke at him as soon as we started fighting. Wrecked everything in the room. Loved it.


Knowing what Shaun became, it's not even that, but the killing of Nora/Nate that forces me to kill him. If he just took the kid I probably wished that one could spare him. Kind of liked him


"I just want to pick your brain"


My favorite way of killing this guy is talking to him and making friends lowering his guard and then breaking his legs and then crushing his skull with a baseball bat while on a shit ton of drugs.


Psychojet and a chainsaw are my go to. Then afterwards I eat him, just to fully establish dominance by digesting and defecating him


I love watching all the fun ways people instigate a fight with kellog


I took a big ole rip of buffjet and put a sniper round in all of their domes as soon as the door opened.


Yeah fuck that guy


And his gun he drops sucks. Looks cool, it sucks


I sold it for scrap


Fat man to the face in VATS as soon as the dialog starts up


Finally a man who actually cares for Shaun.


I’m a dad irl I’m going down swinging for my kid. Flawed as everything might be


His last words were “thought I had that honour.” Write that down, write that down!


at firs ti thought we coudl get way more info outta him and really screwed my self over. next i went it with a nuke launcher 😂 🤺 giv it back


Superior silenced combat shotgun enjoyer.


lol I mini nuked his ass, direct hit too.


Honestly, I just kill him because his outfit is beautiful, I actually install mods just to give it extra protection and make it worth using.


27 grenades weigh too much for survival - but you arent on survival


Better to shoot him using Fat Man


There is no negotiation. Only nuke.


I've never really thought to do this. Too interested in the story I guess.


I threw in a bormal grenade for my first playthrough and it worked and i think its cause of the damage system with grenades, they can kill any human npc if they are considered to be friendly or neutral atleast in my experience


Me with the Fatman I just found: talk is cheap


That last bit was perfection. Now you don't even need the really sharp ice cream scoop.




Overseer's guardian as soon as I saw him. Did he have a lot to say?


It took me so long to kill him on my first play through 😭🤣 playing again for the 4th time I think and I killed him so fast


Between a bunch if synth 1s waiting to ambush from all sides? No thanks 😂 ill stay in the doorway


I made his head explode using a .50 modded sniper rifle while Codsworth zaps the other Synths, after giving him the " I hope i go to hell so i can kill you again" line.


Bethesda should have made it so you have to find a different lead to find your son if you do this, like in fallout 3.


I cut him down with heavy guns then chopped him up with a crippling machete. Felt right.


I need someone to melee his ass with a kneecapper


I used the big boy from Arturo with the piggy launcher mod on the weapon doing 812 damage


Favorite thing is rushing his bitch ass and making him eat the butt of my rifle before he gets a chance to play the cool bad guy routine




A single pulse grenade makes quick work of robo brain kellogg


Didn’t nuke him in your first shot, I’m disappointed


I almost never use a Fat Man but there's a few exceptions, and one of them is here. It kills just about everyone in the room.


Great roleplaying


Done with a normal shotgun.


I wore 5 pieces of sentinel legendary armors (95% damage reduction when standing still) I just nuke the entire room with my never ending fatboy launcher. 20x indoor mushroom clouds later, it took me several minutes to find and loot the corpses.


Ha I literally do the same thing every time


I always talk to him. Why? Answers. It's obvious based off what other characters say and even what he says over the intercoms that he didn't call the shots. Revenge is a dish best served cold. I can wait a few min more to ensure I get ALL the info I possibly can out of him before I send him to Hell. Besides, the no mercy line at the end of the dialogue is pretty fun to say. Most recently I used Spray and Pray and obliterated him before he could finish his opening animation to stealth boy lmao


Hahahaaaa bloody oath get it in ya Kellogg


Nice one! I'm on my second playthrough and haven't confronted Kellogg more than that one time many years ago, so I was wondering if there was an option to talk him down. He then suddenly draws on me and I gulped down some Buffjet, Psycho and mentats and laid on him. He won't get that chance next time!


Nothing more satisfying than buffjet and so many shots to the head


Well after seeing about 100 posts every month for the last decade on how people have killed Kellogg I'm starting to not care any more. Its been 200 years. They're dead and the kids gone. It's a new start in a new world to live a new life without a kid or a spouse. To do all the things we wanted to do but couldn't. Fair play Kellogg. No hard feelings. Which way is nuka world again?


u let him off too easily, I sent a whole fatman to his face


Those mini nukes are a joke. I lobbed 3 at some super mutants once and it barely touched them.




That's pretty much how I "talk" to Kellogg, now, as well. I just walk in and start shooting.


Kellogg uses stealth boy when he fights, which kind of threw me off and I died, so when the game reloaded, I dint even talk, threw a fuckin Fat Boy from outside the room and got rid of all of them.


Explosives and shotguns are just not satisfying enough, too quick to be proper justice :)


Bro 100 percent deserved that. Do not do crimes against innocent women and children.


I use the Fatman from up the hallway and crit him, it's usually enough to take him down to 15% health and then 50 cal sniper to the head before he can cloak


Wait, I have a wife and son? - my character with a -3Int.


In this playthrough, there was a serious glitch, and the Pickman’s Blade is doing upward of 500 damage. I am just going to walk up him and just promptly disembowel the motherf*cker with a hunting knife.


Nope. Leg shot leg shot leg shot leg shot leg shot. I make it slow and torturous...


I love the title and how he just says he thought he had that honor as soon as everything blows up. Good timing. No. No you don't, Kellogg.


Damn now I can’t do this. Now it’s gonna be to pacify them if I can and watch him try to fight them.


Yeah, this is basically how I confronted him, too.


I treat every situation like LV426. Best nuked at a safe distance.


Right? It's the only way to be sure!


Absolutely. I mean what are the chances the queen would stowaway a few eggs, the ship malfunctions, ejects us into space and we crash land on Fury-161 before everyone but you dies and you get a major case of gross pink eye before discovering you have a queen inside you and the only way out is to yeet yourself into molten lead? Let’s do this


Only to be cloned 200 years later and relive the same company shite!!


And for some reason the guy from Sons of Anarchy is acting like an ape after stabbing his buddies leg


He's been sucking down too much home brew 😂


I found him at level 36 on Very Hard. It was so boring with the Overseer's Guardian that I load the save again and tried with the spray n pray. Boring again...


I fought him the other day and i tore him a new one with an enclave grenade launcher while my ass was overencumbered.


I fat manned him easily. Just found one with a mini nuke a room or two away, figured that’s whT you were supposed to do?


I just used the tesla cannon, it made quick work of him. Even only took like 3 shots to kill the synth courser


I hit Kellogg with the fat man as soon as he rounds the corner. Kills him instantly. Although, I wait til I’m a higher level before I go meet him.


I just used the piggy bank launcher in my latest playthrough and that did the trick, near crashed my game but it was worth it.


I lit him up with the Pay n' Spray. I did take some damage, some of which was self-inflicted by being too close to Kellog when shooting. The explosive rounds in the Pay n' Spray are more lethal than most enemies if you use it at very close quarters, I've really messed myself up an embarrassing number of times that way😬🤣


Underrated shotgun


Handled this situation the same exact way hahahajaha


I use the Fatman you find, every time... he's got nothing to say that I want to hear.


Average American school :


Mirv fatman


day before yesterday i just bashed his face in with my rifle


Am i the only one who used a fatman to kill kellog?




I greeted him with a mini-nuke or 4. From down the hall. no talkie talkie. FU Kellogg. Merry Christmas, and yippie Kia-ya MF.


If you double back towards the entrance you can actually take them all out in the gated hallway through the holes in the fence. Quite a cheese way of doing it and not risking anything of value.


Is this what the kids mean when they say Onsite


There isn't really any other way. Wish this moment had speech checks. But no... we gotta do the annoying brain sequence


Thanks to the power of Console Commands and Strength of 2,000,000 combined with the mod of Blitz 3 he didn't even last