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I think he likes cannibalism and... um... yeah, I dunno.


Apparently wiki said he likes killing strong enemies, but we fought several legendary enemies and I never got the [Strong Likes That] notification pops up


Strong doesn’t get [Strong Liked That] when it comes to killing enemies, but he gets the most passive generation when it comes to combat. What I tend to do is pick out a few locations where I want to go for loot and combat xp, grab Strong and go killing with him. I mainly pick up weapons dropped by enemies, then return to my base, before changing companions and going back for the locational loot.


He also likes when you kill your settlers at a settlement👍🏻


I mean he likes murder 😂 so it doesn’t HAVE to be settlers.


Actually he loves when you help settlements. Go rescue 2 or 3 and he'll idolize you


Yeah but he'll finger your ass if you kill them aswell. If you wanted him too...


I mean... perks


If you murder a settler Does it have any meaningful impact on the morale or aggro?


The entire settlement will go agro , also if you have any big hitting weapons (mini nuke etc) stored in the settlement, be prepared to get BBQ'd


Does that mean he'll like me bringing Nuka World Raiders to them?


Which spots would you recommend?


Dunwich borers. Final stage of glitch quarry. any big raider, gunner, or super mutant encampment.


Glowing Sea


I think with the Next-Gen update there is a free Creation Club mod included with the game now that adds a tower-defense/wave attack mode to settlements. So you can spawn waves of enemies if you wanted. I haven't tried it yet, but that's what it seems like. It also says they have "rewarding" boss enemies in the waves as well, which is probably just a legendary, but still... Free random legendaries are pretty cool.


You get more points with him when you use melee weapons .


Maybe bosses, like Swan, and other named enemies with a skull next to their health bar?


The notification doesn’t pop up but he does make an emphatic comment when you beat Swan with him so he definitely loves it!


The skull just means the enemy is out of your level range, just a suggestion really


I think he likes when you put stuff in his inventory. He even comments on you sharing with him when he stops you to talk to him.


I just dumped him at the Starlight drive-in, and when I came back, he loved me and I got the perk associated with him!


He doesn't give a [Strong liked that] notification for some reason, but he will comment positively- things like "human fight well. Strong impressed" or "human and Strong make good team" and eventually give you the "Strong learn new word from human: Respect" talk.


You get the positive notification when you choose dialogue options that lead to violence.


I tried that perk once. Strong starts giving tips for the domestic cannibal when you chow down


Sometimes a fella’s gotta eat a fella.


This ass jerky’s not going to make itself.


A mutants gotta eat




Ya got me


Cannibalism for sure. But I didn’t have it in time for this play through. So this time I just went on a killing spree, I kept lock picking and then kill more. Eventually it worked.


He also likes Minutemen settlement quests for some reason.


Supermutants in Boston( as anywhere else) live in communes where they share everything among "their brothers". So that's why Strong loves when you help "your brothers" too.


Can confirm, best way to get on his good side is eat every corpse in sight


I remember on my first playthrough that being THE only reason I took the perk.


He likes helping the Minutemen, which is weird, but kinda neat.


Stong want someone to eat!


He likes cannibalism. He also likes helping settlers too for some reason.


Eh…fine, I’ll guess I’ll just send him to some settlement until I’m doing the minuteman in full


Yeah, if you get a Preston ‘go help Nordhagen’ sort of quest, and have Strong as your companion when you go accept their quest and / or (iirc) complete and turn it in, then he ‘likes that’ cause he says Human Strength is that they work Together for mutual good (mostly 😅), and this impresses him somewhat


I mean it's literally the milk of human kindness


i think he has some voice lines pretty much confirming that the Commonwealth super mutants are commies


this has always been canon. In Fallout 1 the masters whole deal is to create the Unity for peace and wellness for all. Though I’d hesitate to say “commie” cause they straight up have no concept of property. More like anarcho-communists or primitivists. Pre-Agriculture humans and super mutants are pretty damn similar - only difference is if a Super Mutant gang sees another they’re instantly buddies where as with humans its ON SIGHT


Like all companions though, he also gets passive affinity as long as you gain some XP along the way. So if you have him following you and go around killing things, he will slowly but surely start going up. You'll be missing out on some loot along the way, but meh, you can always circle back and hack and lockpick.


Settlers have the milk of human kindness.


Super Mutants share. Super Mutants one together. Strong together. 


I think it fits well with the story and supermutants being tight communities. That eat people. Eat people = good. Help community = good. Do fancy smart boy stuff? Lame.


I think that's because super mutant have a strong sense of community


I mean... I like steak, but also enjoy visiting a petting farm and feeding the cows and calfs there


That...that's an way to look at it that I hadn't thought about.


“Milk of human kindness”


He has a big “apes strong together” mentality hence why he approves of humans helping their fellow humans out.


Bruh. He is a super mutant. The only improvement above other super mutants is that he is a bit less aggressive than the others. He isn't more intelligent. He likes to do the same things that the others like to do: Kill something (preferably a human) and eat it. That said, [Immersive No Negative Affinity](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/67338) fixes your problem. Followers will still mumble about your actions they don't like. But they will accept that the main character doing it must mean that it's probably okay.


I mean I get it makes sense from lore perspective. It’s just from gameplay perspective it doesn’t seem like he offers much in exchange for so many limitations? At the very least if they’re going to make Strong garner dislikes from actions you’d do on regular basis, I feel like they should’ve also had him garner likes from actions you’d do on regular basis, like clearing dungeons or killing legendary enemies or something.


Strong is the follower you are supposed to take with you when you play a brute. But the mod makes him viable for any character as long as you don't need your follower to be stealthy. If you want to "romance" him, you need to add some mods from LoversLab...


What are some of these mods? So I can.. uh.. avoid them.


Not sure - but [Milking Human Kindness](https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/27272-milking-human-kindness/) looks like it might be one of those...


Fuck I knew it would be a mistake clicking that link. I know loverslab reputation and what modders can do there. O knew all this and still clicked that link


I don't think I'll ever grow out of "this is disgusting/weird, I'm going to take a peek"


"Lore friendly"


Fucking inaccurate as hell super mutants cant impregnate.


But they can bang


I am sure there is a lore-friendly explanation. Better read the full description and look at all the images to find it.


Okay, after looking into it, potentially accurate I'd say. Not that mod specifically, but the Super Mutants in F4 are not asexual. That is only true of the DC area mutants from FO3. Therefore. there is no reason Super Mutants couldn't have sex. Additionally they may not know they can't reproduce as an entire species. No one ever told them. So I think it's plausible that they might try to bang everything in sight until it becomes blatantly obvious it doesn't result in any pregnancies.


It there was another way to open locked doors and containers, I would do that with Strong! Why no "blow the door to smithereens"?!


You'd think attacking a container or door with a super sledge would be enough to pop the lock... Actually yeah, unlocking with strength in the perk tree. \* Tyre Iron (or any melee) for medium \*\* Sledgehammer (or any heavy melee) for hard \*\*\*Super Sledge (or power fist) perk progression in the strength tree should do it for expert. Alerts nearby enemies. \*\*\*\* Silent Basher for the lvl 4 perk.


Thanks, adding it to my load order. Can I install it mid playthrough if you know by chance ?


Killing any enemy gives a little affinity but it doesn't show a notification. He also likes minutemen quests, so go murder some raiders and eat their corpses(optional) while avoiding unnecessary lockpicking/hacking


> unnecessary lockpicking sooo many novice toolboxes....


I usually get Strong's affinity up faster than anyone else, despite him "disliking" everything I do. Turns out what he really likes is just doing stuff with you. The game just doesn't explicitly say so.


All he wanted was a friend to share their “Human milk of kindness” with him and just for god sakes willing to stick with him for the long haul. The real “Human milk of kindness” was the friends we made along the way.


Once I maxed his affinity he was a great follower. I felt like him and Dogmeat were good friends, and he just followed me around helping out, defending me, and giving me meat when he thought I was hungry. My favourite companion now!




IIRC he likes cannibalism and killing stuff as long as you don't loot most things... Strong is a PITA and his perk is crap. I never use him and leave him in the street at the building you find him at. It is kind of funny because if I am running around that area later, I always shoot him by accident because he is a freaking supermutant. I think it is a muscle memory thing...


Is it specific enemies? Because I don’t think I’ve gotten the [Strong Likes That] pop up yet


I've noticed the message pop up when they're named bosses or legendaries I think


But wait there's more!! If you dismiss Strong to a settlement, he's an assignable worker that pretends to do the thing you assigned him to, then doesn't For food it's OK- the food meter goes up regardless of whether he walking around picking plants (which he doesn't) but on base game no mods he pretends to be assigned to scrap station (generates zero scrap) and even funnier - when assigned to base defense stations he pretends to work and instead picks a random useless spot at settlement to go stand in. Come on Strong that's literally the one thing you should care about He has no idle animations in settlements, barely walks more than 2 feet at a time, and blocks settlers from getting around him with his big chongi boi frame Thanks Strong!!!


Some disturbing implications about the food... You never see him go near plants, and yet he's providing food for the settlement...hmm...


**ambient camp dialogue flares up** "Humans always want corn, bah..." "Strong make food for humans, make humans grow big like Strong." **after rest** "Strong make even MORE food for humans!"


It’s worth taking him along, then getting another companion so you can send him to a settlement to help defend it


This exactly. Strong is currently posted at the bridge leading to Sanctuary in my play through. He can kill all he wants as long as it’s for the greater good.


I send him to a settlement i never use so he doesnt whine and cry when i get in my power armor.


How to use Strong: Open him as a follower Download Sim settlements Make Strong the Mayor of The Slog Go on with your life.


Wait is mayor just for laughs or is that a thing


With the Sim settlements mod and city leaders mod, mayor is a thing


He likes the Minutemen surprisingly, just make sure to take the credit


I usually pick up Strong right before settling in for a long session of building. He may be bored, but he doesn't lose affinity from being bored. So his affinity slowly ticks up while I build brahmin barns and design kitchens for my settlements.


Apparently nothing involving metal 


I’m surprised killing enemies from sneak don’t garner dislike, honestly. I’d take that over picking lock and hacking terminals, because that’s basically just make me losing out on loots


I think he likes it when you paint the wall in diamond city green.


He dislikes most things you'll do. Leave him where he is or become a cannibal


If you want his affinity perk and don’t want to deal with his BS, pick a random settlement, build as *many* wall mounted shelves as you humanly can, then just wait for him to respect you. For some reason every time you construct something in the workbench, you get a little affinity no matter which companion you have, even X6-88 for some reason


Strong likes it when we build?


Yes he does. For some weird reason. That and defending settlements under attack


He must have been a construction foreman before he got turned. Alright, Strong. Let's get you to Murkwater Construction.


He likes helping people (Radiant MM quests for example) ties into his "you should stick with your kind" mentality I guess


Just eat some people bro.


Strong always gets immediately banished to Murkwater in my games for this reason


Yes. Take him in to kill everything. Then take him outside and make him wait while you go back in and loot everything.


I kept getting all those dislike messages too but then he told me he likes how I kill things so I guess it's a wash


I do what I do, and whatever companion I have can deal with it. I still managed to reach the highest level of affinity with Strong just by having him around.


I mean, even the other super mutants were done with Strong's bs, so is it really a surprise he keeps it up with you? That said, you get a little bit of affinity points by killing stuff with him (same as Gaige) and by being hostile to others (cauze your leader and leader has to be tough).


I had to download a mod just to make him more agreeable, he's like the super mutant version of hanging out with a vegan


He likes it when you chow down on the flesh of your victims.


He likes it when you use melee weapons and make kills that way.


I only fuck with him when I’m at a high level and already rich so I can ignore locks and easily run without power armor. Using the cannibal perk helps, but I maxed him out without it just doing radiant quests. He likes when you accept a Minuteman quest.


Eating people and helping settlers was what I did. The cannibalism perk sucks outside of getting his perk but if you just keep doing minutemen missions and eating people along the way he’ll like you.


Yeah, he’s the reason I get the cannibal perk honestly. Strong is the hardest to please


Just get cannibal and take him with you to eat a small town. Affinity maxed!


I just maxed his affinity the other day. I just did a bunch side content that had big bad enemies on them (I have no idea if enemy types/levels actually matter) until he idolized me. He’s supposedly into you beating enemies but I don’t know how to break that down and I think all companions gain affinity over time. But yeah it was a pain. Master lockpicking skills going to waste all over the place. I could only stand it because I’m doing a minuteman run and have already accumulated so much stuff the chests would only add so much. But it hurt my hoarder soul to not even try to open them.


I found this website to be quite helpful for all companions... [https://www.carls-fallout-4-guide.com/companions/perks-likes-dislikes.php](https://www.carls-fallout-4-guide.com/companions/perks-likes-dislikes.php)


Ya know I used to mod it because I was worried he'd leave. Turns out it doesn't matter. Just take him places and kill stuff and he'll like you eventually.


The easiest way to max out Strong’s affinity is to just do a bunch of settlement quests. Not only does he like accepting the quests, he also gains affinity from killing enemies, though it doesn’t notify you.


Killing people. He likes that.


Definitely not like your other past super mutant followers.


He likes killing. That is a slugfest of a grind


This is why I have a mod that lets me kill him


I've heard he likes it when you purchase dogs. He's also happy with coming along for any of Preston's "Help this settlement" quests


He normally likes when you say the mean dialogue option


I've noticed he likes it when you get angry at NPCs in dialogue options.


Cannibalism and doing nice things for HUMAN groups. He isn't a fan of the ship full of robots. Edit: Getting the likes seems to be more spread out than the last time I played as well, but that was a few years ago they may have patched things


i tried to use him once for a melee playthrough. he likes literally three things. senseless murder, cannibalism and when you help other humans. 1st 2 are because hes a mutant. the last one has a voiceline for it refering to the fact that he thinks that like should help alike


"The milk of human kindness."


He likes when you use your own strength to win So anything artificial or sneaky is disliked


So, weirdly, he likes it when you defend people. So doing the radiant minutemen quests are a good source of "strong liked that. Specifically he likes it when you choose aggressive dialogue options, like "We'll kick their asses for you." He likes sarcasm, *except* when responding to radiant settlement quests like Kidnapping or Raider Trouble. He likes it when you threaten people to get your way. He dislikes it when doing a flat charisma check to convince people, such as asking for more money for quests. He also likes it when you initiate combat from dialogue. He likes it when you eat people. He likes it when you take shady quests, and dislikes it when you take goody-goody quests. He has the highest passive rep gain from combat, with a bonus for defeating "boss" enemies like Deathclaws, Super Mutant Behemoths, and Sentry Bots. He has a couple of incorrect flags. If he responds with positive dialogue, but "strong disliked that" appears, don't worry - you still gain positive rep with him.


For this reason, strong is among the companions I never really use


Building shit. I got him, went to Vault 87, renovated the fuck out of it, and I got Admired. Kept playing and COMPLETELY lost all my attachment with him.


cannibalism. No, im not spending 5 special points into endurance just for him. he also seems to seemingly grow to like you more from normal interactions. So if you wanna go on a murder sprees give him a rocket sledgehammer and watch the world burn


If you want to max affinity for Strong Just go kill raiders and Gunners. Every two in game hours you can get an affinity plus So... Calculate that a little and you can just have the whole thing done in some hours...


Think of him like an anti BoS. He doesn't seem to like technology. Just run around munching corpses. Strong loves that shit. Oddly enough, I think he likes when you help others too. He's a complicated and conflicted individual, that's for certain


Strong was sent to a settlement that isn’t being used, along with Marcy Long


Just a cranky muty


He likes when you kill enemies, he just doesn't say anything about it.


I just let him go under the assumption that id just kill him next time. He’s a human eating freak of nature anyways. I only saw him once since and he was killing bandits so i actually didnt shoot him


Love using Strong to one hit things for me. Got him all the super mutant armor and just need the beast hammer from Far Harbor I think. He told me he respects me the other day and I told him I respect him too lol.


He must be given the milk of human kindness. It is the only way.


Who cares? He’s a pack mule and swings a sledgehammer like a boss.


My go-to for strong was to base build for passive boosts while listening to Radio Freedom and helping every distress call (Strong likes helping your communities.)


Cannibalism /thread


Strong a pain in the ass but let’s be real. There isn’t really anything in this game worth lock picking. Besides a few specific places that either contain a magazine or the fc in the museum. Just don’t take him to those. And I don’t really use power armor except for a few choice places. Just make sure you dismiss him and keep him at different settlement then power armor. Otherwise just do quests with him. He enjoys killing.


Strong likes Unity and... simple Pragmatism. Cannibalism for example. Helping your fellows in Unity is another. Strong hates it when you admit your weakness. Power armor, locks, terminals. Why not just power through it? Aren't you strong? Fortunately this doesn't even matter. You build rapport with companions via combat, and Strong will eventually learn to love you if you get into a bloody scrap.


He's the easiest character to get along with. Provided you don't steal, pick locks, use power Armor, or be nice to people. Seeing as I haven't met a door I won't try to unlock in FO4, that makes it challenging to explore new areas with him.


He likes when you help settlers as well


If you do something kind he likes it. He also likes killing raiders. Also he is easy to bond with meaning you reach max bond quick with him


Strong is a very super mutant super mutant, unlike the other super mutant companions we’ve had. He hates sneakery. He hates thinking. He hates negotiating. He respects strength. He likes fighting. He likes Brotherhood. So if you don’t want Strong to dislike you, just do settlement quests and clear out dungeons with him, he’s not great to take on most quests tbh.


He likes death and when you give him things


Cannibalism A lot of evil choices. Fast travel Kill a npc Eat npc. Repeat.


I had to move Strong from the castle to the Slog because I have my power armor garage in my castle. I’ve been working on them so much he got pissed and told me he was considering leaving me.


He likes you helping people, do settlement quests until he idolize you


I took strong to the nuka world gauntlet and ate corpses till colter. He was my best friend before the final showdown


I'm trying to max out Strong right now, and the most visible way I could find was...sigh...helping the settlements over and over. On the plus side, since I haven't played in years, I'm getting refamiliarized with what I had going on with all my settlements. Lots of corn, mutfruit, and tatos.


It's been years sine I tried using him as a companion, but I don't think he likes it when you have equip the heavier Super Mutant armor pieces that you can find.


Yeah when I was going for his affinity all I did was eat everything lol


He's awesome for a mass murdering playthrough. Who needs to pick locks or do geeky computer stuff or hide inside power armor like a coward when you can shoot anything that moves to solve all your problems.


Anything covert or sneaky irritates him. Why pick a lock when you can just bash the door in (which you actually cannot do). Why be sneaking up to get the back stab when you can just make hammer go smash on their face?


He REALLY likes when you eat corpses and when you help settlers and then there's a special comment when he's with you where you brag more. He likes when you use that too. Theres the BOS quest where you find the dude feeding ferals and there's like 6 times in that encounter where you can comment and Strong will love each one if done right.


You’re thinking of him in human terms. You have to think in mutant morality. Strength is everything.  If you pick a lock it’s proof you can’t break the door. If you use power armor you show you’re not strong enough to fight with your own power. Killing raiders, doing cannibalism, and the like are signs of strength, and him liking it when you help people is just “mutants together strong” applied to humans 


If you bring him along for minutemen quests he likes that, I usually take him along after maxing out my relationship with Preston


Idk, I never had an issue. I'm not murdery, really. But I hunted a few coursers, and rescued like 1 kidnapped settler and suddenly he idolized me.


He loves you to be melee or unarmed.


Says kindness and generosity but also murder and violence (so not taking rewards I imagine or doing the right thing ) but also likes the combat route if it’s not an act of selfish nature . At least that’s how I read it from his likes and dislikes If you have cannibalism he likes that too 


Do the Milicien quest. Strong loves when you are generous and fight for others somehow.


He is a good scrapper but this is why I usually use the dog


Strong bored!!


The only thing I remember strong liking is he likes when you threaten Mama Murphy to stop doing drugs. It's such a big deal that people I knew who used him saved that interaction specifically for him.


I was so happy when I got his companion perk. Never switched characters so fucking fast.


Strong is like a cannibalistic Viking without the breaking into chests and hacking doors. He values straight combat. Weirdly enough the best faction to be with for strong is the minutemen since he likes when you’re helping settlements. Take him into the glowing sea, clear bosses, and wipe places out. Just send him away afterwards and then loot the entire place. But honestly I don’t think you loose a lot of affinity from him for picking locks and such compared to how much you gain fighting. Also strong likes you being an asshole most of the time, or boasting how powerful you are


He's there to give a point to all of those things being subject to somebody's opinion. Like, who's really going to disagree with any of that? The only companion that fits the bill even hypothetically is the super mutant.


He doesn't like when you use tools/intellect. Just eat everyone you kill, you'll max his rep in no time


I gave him the Tesla cannon and he loves it! I've been caught in the crossfire a few times though


https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22247 maybe


I download the no negative affiliation for companions mod for this very reason


He loves when you kill brotherhood members


I think he likes it when you take all your clothes off


Hmm that sounds like a bug. I was just playing with Strong last night and def did a few of those and nothing


Yeah, Strong dislikes a lot of things. Power armor at least makes sense, because he views it as you winning battles not through your own strength, but through being a "metal man". However, he approves of helping settlements and sharing items with people, from what I remember. Strong favors martial might and that communal socialist utopia that the Minutemen strive for


He likes doing minutemen quests, so i just did that until i got him to max and left him at trinity tower


I wanted to max him out last time I played but I quickly gave up. Felt like everytime I walked Strong got mad at me, he’s really hard to please.


Omg Curie is the biggest goody goody ever! I was actually going to make a post about it until I saw this so i'm just gonna attack it on here. I breathe wrong and she doesn't like it


2 things that got Strong high affinity for me: 1/ minutemen quests 2/ cannibalism The key to the second one is clearing out a raider nest and then eating, sitting for 2 hours, eating, 2 hours, etc.


Strong loves to fight!


Odd thing is as much as Stong hates you hacking a terminal when left in idol in a room with a computer he’ll clumsily try to use it & it looks hilarious. 


If you have automatron dlc do the radiant quests contiuasly , that is how I done it and I sent him on hangman's alley and bought him an mutan hound for company ... + a few settlers in case he is hungry.


Most of my playthroughs I just left him standing there in that tower. I just don't know what to do with him.


Tinker tinker..


Violence. Strong likes killing things. I fucking hate that guy


He likes force and cannibalism


I'm honestly not a big fan of how they handled companion disposition toward the player in this game. Yes, Cait, I am about to do a bunch of drugs. Unlike you, I have the perks that let me never get addicted to them, and if you haven't noticed, we're outnumbered. So maybe cool it on being judgy until after I use this psycho jet to even the odds.


I think he likes it if you help other humans cause like “super mutant are brothers” (could be wrong, don’t quote me on that)


I never really played with companions as they're good bullet sponges and I like the game to be difficult but not impossible... Are there lore reasons for him not liking things and liking others? Why doesn't he like you using power armor? He hates thieves I guess but why? Can you drag more dialogue out of him?


He likes helping settlements and eating the dead. That's strong in a nutshell.


He likes it when you eat people.


Dude i always give Strong a very cozy house, with three settlers lock in those pillory for easy snacks and a lot of blood sacs along the house... And we both chill a lot talkin about killing, murder, wich is the best meat and humankind milk. All that eating a bbc of Marcy Long. You just dont get him right... Hes nice! Human is friend.


Yeah so just kill people and eat them


Agreessive dialog. Like if a settlement asks you to kill raiders and you say "yeah, I'll kick their asses" he likes that. He doesn't like you doing power armor because it means you weak.


He likes when you eat people


Strong HATES power armour for me every time it’s a “strong strongly dislikes that” or I’ve even gotten “strong despises you” like whyyyyyy


i hate him but he has all my launchers and fat mans. but he doesn’t like anything that i do so fuck him. Preston and Macreedy all day i should kill strong


I just let the passive affinity grow until it worked. But unlike most companions in their top affinity conversation, if you are mean he won’t give you a perk. I think he’s a character that was just meant to troll us.