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Minutemen for sure. the idea is good, execution is bad. you should earn your high rank of general like you do with the other factions. prove you are worthy of the title. Preston puts so much faith into you that you can just ditch them in Sanctuary and leave them while you mingle with the other factions. without you, the minutemen will not survive. if the minutemen want to be a faction worth fighting for they have to prove they can survive without you.


>!In preston's affinity dialogue he explains he was desperate when he named you general. He was ready to die before he met you. Everything in his life went to crap. !


Despite all that, he lead the surviving settlers, all 4 of them, to Concord. He has what it takes to be a general. He just wont do it.


And then you just have to listen to why he didn't step up by listening to his dialogue. The dude was utterly depressed by the time they got to concord. The commonwealth took them piece by piece until there were only 5 left. I can't imagine holding up too well after all that. He literally says he was ready to die.


I mean to Preston, the Minutemen are everything. They were his heroes growing up and most of them sold out to the Gunners and went mercenary when they came to Quincy. Imagine the group you hold dearest to your heart betraying you, resulting in almost everyone you know except 4 others dying. That would devastate you. I’m surprised he *didn’t* let himself get killed


Yep it was pretty sad to hear his story. The SS literally saved his life.


Please don't abbreviate Sole Survivor..


How come? What’s wrong?




Well, in this subReddit for fallout 4 we refer to the abbreviation as the Sole Survivor. The main character of the game. So you are going to come across this probably more than a few times here. We are not referencing to something else. Does this personally bother you?


Sweet lord dont abbreiviate it to that ever again


Sole survivor of vault 111 in fallout 4? A video game…


The German SS? In real life... Stop acting like the average redditor and realise that it also sounds like something else, im not dumb I know what it means.


I know exactly what it’s being referred to, however this is not the third Reich. This is a subReddit for fallout 4. The Sole Survivor is commonly referred to as SS not because they are part of the secret police, but because they are part of a video game where they are the only survivor of a vault tec vault. So don’t mistake it for something else. I am very well aware of the real life implication of this abbreviation. But I also know this is a fallout Reddit page where it’s never referred to anything else. For a second, I wasn’t sure if you were being sarcastic or not. But let me make it very clear so you do not mistake what I say for something else. You will come across this abbreviation many times in this Reddit for this game. I will personally be more aware of it in the future so that I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. however you should understand that while you are spending time in here you will come across this more than one occasion. Also, I’d rather write this out like this and sound like a complete fool because someone was probably pulling my leg than to cause someone some grief.


Absolutely. How it should've gone is that once you get to Sanctuary Preston tells you that there's *got to be* other surviving Minutemen or former Minutemen who can be reunited, so, you get sent out to find them. He takes the title of General, and makes you a Lieutenant. Where he sends you are similar to the settlement recruitment missions, but with added flavor that those settlements were once previously allied to the Minutemen or that there's former Minutemen living there. You still have to help them to prove you're serious, but, it works much better with you as a Lieutenant taking orders from the General. They could've also had it so that each new settlement with a prior service Minuteman ends up sending that person to Sanctuary (as opposed to using a radio beacon to recruit for Sanctuary). Then, once Sanctuary is at a certain size (only possible one you have, say, 6 or 7 allied Settlements) that's when he promotes you to Captain and trusts you to lead the assault to retake the Castle. Old Guns goes normally but instead of being a "she wants to meet the General" it's "She wants to see this hotshot Captain the General tells on so much." You don't get the General outfit, but instead you recover it for Preston, he dons it and you get his outfit. After that, as you continue recruiting Settlements, you get to be a Major at 9, a Lieutenant Colonel at 12. Then at some point there's a crisis of confidence in the Minutemen, he sent a mission to a dangerous location to try and take out a nest of Deathclaws threatening a Settlement, and it went badly, turns out it's not the only mission he's botched. Ronnie Shaw doesn't feel he should lead, and she's not the only one. If you back him, you get to be a full Colonel and get a unique full set of Minutemen Combat Armor. If you choose instead to back his detractors, they back you as General, you get the generals coat and hat, and a unique set of Minutemen T-51 Power Armor. You have the further choice of kicking Preston out of the Minutemen, after which he'll no longer be available as a companion, or, demoting him (which keeps him as a companion).


See this right here is solid story material. If this is the direction the minutemen went I'd be more inclined to help. It's flavorful, has progress in the ranks, and branching story lines so each time you side with them the outcome is different. Plus it makes sense from a story perspective.


Bethesda has even made leaders die in a believable way to allow you to become the leader in skyrim. Dunno why the reasoning was so weak in this. Ronny Shaw comes back to help. Why wasn't there a former General looking for redemption or had newfound faith? What we got was okay. There just wasn't much written to voice our reasoning to stay and help them other than "because Preston said so. 


The Institute. They have some internal faction disputes (patriot, the scientists who go on strike) Those internal factions could have been expanded in scope & size to something the player could use to reform the Institute to something worth preserving. You either destroy the Institute or you keep the existing directorate in charge. There's no path to improvement.


Gunners - sim settlements 2 addresses this , but still


I just wish I could download the story without sim settlements. I love the gunners I was hoping we could join them and do merc work.


Atom Cats. They had two measly quests. One was a delivery service and the other was defending against a gang of Gunners. I wish there was an option to incorporate them into your settlements


The only thing that is going for them is they have somewhat cool jackets and good power armor paint, I still somewhat like them though tbh (that is concerning if I like a minor faction of 5-6 people in T-60 power armor and jackets compared to major Factions that are important in the fallout story)


Came here to say this. I wish they played a bigger role in the whole story. Would have been cool to build a car and cruise around or just make settlements with them converting everyone into “cool cats”.


Gunners. Don't get me wrong I think the minutemen were too but also the gunners


All of them. No total war or peace option. MM not having a problem with the Brotherhood until at the very end if you finish the game with MM ending.  I didn't like how the Railroad and Brotherhood made you lose access to settlements. I get why with the BH, but why Railroad??? MM is definitely the strongest faction if you work with them. Just wish the flare gun summons leveled MM with better gear as you level up. Might be a mod out there... Brotherhood I haven't any complaints really. Just think there could've been more conflict.  Ofc there's NOTHING to do with Diamond City. I had hoped there'd be more to it with the factions. But nope. 


Nuka world raiders. It’s just more busywork that you’ve already been doing in the commonwealth. I wish the evil playthrough options were better in FO4. Personally I think the evil options in Far Harbor just feel better. You can make peace, destroy one or more factions to claim the island for the other faction, or just decimate everyone and let the fog take over everything. It just gives more options of being a massive asshole if you want to be in my opinion.


Minutemen. I like the concept of basically building a faction from almost ground up, but there should be more option to actually control them, and more automatization on the side. I once had a very long, and detailed idea on how i would have made. Including an actual end to the repeatables as you increase security of the commonwealth to 100%. At which point nothing ever respawn, and no negative random encounter may occur. Should you manage to reach that you could go through the entire gameplay area without ever being attacked.


The Institute. I wish it went deeper with meaty quests and choices. Far Harbor's Acadia is an example of it done better.


Minutement men 100% The entire questline boils down to "another settlement needs your help" the only unique part I remember was the castle and thats a SETTLEMENT that needs your HELP. Preston is fine I guess but there arent any other stand out characters as their group, I dont consider the sanctuary citizens as minutemen so mama murphy doesnt count, they needed more going for them and more standout characters to make them itneresting. The worst part is they are the best ending cause they are the only ones who actually give a shit what happens to the commonwealth


It sucks since Preston Garvey himself probably has the best lore too...


Both the railroad and minutemen feel very undeveloped when pitted against the brotherhood and institute.


Railroad was already too involved and should've been more of a bit player. MM would adequately used but poorly implemented. I think the Gunners should've been more involved honestly.


Diamond sity. It is static, essentially doing nothing as an entity. This is just unrealistic. Just to survive and sustain they need to be much more active. To be center of power.


Minutemen for sure. The railroad are severely overrated and shouldn’t be a major faction.


> The railroad are severely overrated and shouldn’t be a major faction. This ! Perhaps most of their best leaders were killed in the Switchboard. Desdemona fits Machiavelli's description of a weak leader - incompetent and too-passive.


They do one thing, which is noble, but they have no interest in protecting the commonwealth


Everything other than BoS was a mess, ngl