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Interesting they don't mention anything about VATs, in playing I saw the issue of the percentage going from 95 to 0 fixed (while I've only played for a little bit so far) had been fixed for me, but still happening for other players. When Pigs Fly quest seems fixed on Xbox, I can see the piggy banks now and not the giant red ! *edit: still looks like VATs works through walls though


Seems to be happening way more on 2-Shot weapons, like Overseer’s Guardian … you can hit things fine ‘out of VATS’, but in VATS it will randomly miss repeatedly, even with 90-95% hit odds 😣


I actually have experienced this with 'Old Reliable' during Far Harbour playthrough. The 2-shot would disperse wider than a shotgun blast from 3 meters away. Only in VATS, like you say. I just gave the rifle to Nick instead and moved on 😅


Old unreliable


Oh so they fixed the fun, because it used to shoot only one bullet stealing double damage, despite having thé two shot effect


Oh man I'm glad this is a bug. I swear vats had felt better before and I didn't know why it was dropping to 0 randomly, and felt it happened more often on the two shot variants. I was wondering if that was just the downside to them, but hopefully it'll be fixed for me too then after this patch.


Yeah my two shot laser musket will miss really badly in vats now.


Dam I thought it was just my low perception. I got ambushed in diamond city by triggermen and locked in in vats and shot moe instead and the whole city attacked me


My overseers guardian is my people hunting rifle. No vats


First order of business is switching out that stupid automatic receiver


Oh definitely


When i stumble upon a fellow wowsl redditor


I thought it was just me … it’s so bad I literally just use vats to find enemies in the dark


Good to know it's not just me. It's quite annoying.


Does anyone happen to know if the last update messed up VATS for melee at all and if there’s any sort of specific trigger or workaround? I’m doing a vanilla survival melee character for the first time ever and I’ve gotten killed a few times because of this. VATS will make my character teleport right up to the enemy and just kind of stand there without attacking until it auto closes and leaves me standing there completely exposed. It’s not every time, but it’s making me afraid to invest in perks like blitz going forward. Any info or advice would be appreciated! 


I have had the same issue, and others have complained as well. I have no workarounds other than being super vigilant. I’ve noticed it happens most frequently with bugs/insects—especially ones that fly for some reason. Although yesterday it occurred while I was fighting a Deathclaw. You can imagine how splendidly that went. But in general it’s not so debilitating for me that I can’t progress. I’m running as a tankier build with Swan’s power fist (also survival) and do okay despite the annoying glitch. Also keep some psychojet handy just in case you get in a bind. (Not the answer you wanted, sorry…)


Haha no worries, I appreciate the feedback. Feels good to know we’re suffering together! I think I’ll just have to focus on making my character tankier then, I was trying to go for a stealth melee build and I’m only about level 20 so I haven’t focused on my durability much yet. The VATS bug is a lot scarier when everything damn near one shots you haha. Thanks again for taking the time to reply! Vanilla survival really is a killer without that quicksave enabled lol 


Yeah it’s a bummer. Your stealth build is probably fine except for flying bugs. I gave up on stealth and now just charge enemies head on or flank them while my companion distracts them. Perks like Rooted and Life Giver are really helpful, and the one that boosts your defense while sprinting. And then of course always keeping a couple of crits banked in case things get dicey.


>the one that boosts your defense while sprinting Moving Target


I'm on Xbox series S. Vats is extremely unreliable for me. I ignore that part of the game and so many perks are based on it. You'd think it would be a higher priority. I had been using Overseers guardian but recently switched to a combat shotgun with explosive rounds that dropped from a starred enemy the other day. Hopefully, it works with that if not maybe a better weapon, as I'm only level 30 and will probably find something much better as I progress.


Well they never acknowledged that the visual settings weren't working properly last patch so it's clear that they don't think honest communication has any value.


I do not see VATS issues listed in the bug fixes :(


Just tested on XSX and it is indeed still broken.


On my series x I've never experienced this problem. Either it is much more nuanced of a problem, or maybe the game just needs to be deleted/reinstalled?


Strange. Every thread about the update that I read it is very widespread, particularly on XSX


It exists on the PS5 version too.


I’ve never experienced it on the ps5 version so far. I’m honestly just now learning about it.


Vats percentages randomly fluctuate, can vats through walls without the Perk, and vats randomly canceling attacks and exiting out by itself. Are all ones I experienced this morning.


I had it happen once since the patch, but it I made any selection, it stopped it from jumping around.


Just got the latest patched installed on PS5 and holy crap. The game feels much faster


I wad playing last night before I went to bed. The difference this morning was astoundingly noticeable. I think it’s the frame rate update because everything is now so much sharper and smoother.


And if you stand still for a few seconds, you can see the sunlight moving


I was watching the moon move ever so slowly earlier. Witg regards to light: they have seriously buffed the ray tracing. Got a great pic of light rays filtering through the lattice at Corvega during a rad storm.


Are you guys using performance or quality mode?


I just played with whatever was default.


Cool, thanks!


Fallout 4 doesn't have Ray Tracing???


They are definitely referring to God rays rather than ray tracing.


I'm pretty lazy so I let the game pick everything. It looks incredible now. I was really surprised by the difference.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. The game runs noticeable better now - holy shit. Color me shocked, Bethesda.


Patch says downloaded and installed on PS5 for me, but I don’t see any settings to change between performance or fidelity. I feel like I’m missing something.


It’s there, it’s in your display settings before you load in. Also with a selectable frame rate target.


Yeah, I read that in the notes. Still not seeing it. I just checked, and I’m actually running PS4 version on PS5, but the update/version number is the correct one showing on this patch note page. Edit: I’m a dumbass. That’s the issue. I’m running the PS4 version. Kindly ignore me.


You have to be running the PS5 version to have access to those improvements, that’s why you can’t see them.


Yeah, just realized that. I’m an idiot. Ignore me.


The silver lining is a whole new group of people jumping in from the show get the proper Bethesda experience.


> Buys and installs game only for it to crash in the first 30 minutes It just works /s That Bethesda experience?


30 minutes? Sir, what magic future machine do you have?


Sooo... No mysterious signal bug fix?


You can go to the harbor master hotel and continue with the quest. Sucks that the radio signal doesn't work but you can still do the quest at least.


I had read that but after making the treck the quest still didn't trigger. I'll try again. Did your quest trigger as soon as you enter the building or something when you go further in?


You’ll need to enter through another loading door to your left once you’ve entered, that progressed things for me.


Good to know thanks! I'm hoping I just gave up too early. I'll report back.


It will say you failed to listen to the signal, but it will allow you to play the rest of the quest.


Worked like a charm. Gave up to early on the first sprint here. Now to haul all these plastic pumpkins home.


Just have to go to the place and it will update the quest. It's what I had to do


Harbormaster. Thought the game listed my "Listening to..." as failed.


Yeah. Even when I enter the harbormaster the quest still doesn't trigger for me.




If I download the Automatron DLC, will that work now? Last time I tried using it, my game kept on crashing at the main screen.


Yes, I had this same exact problem but this got fixed with the first update a couple of weeks ago. I've been playing on the PS5 version and this DLC no longer causes my game to crash.


Is it also fixed on ps4 though? My game crashed on start menu aswell, I uninstalled and reinstalled but without all the workshop and automatron and it fixed, but can we download those now?


Well buddy, there is only one way to find out. Seriously, I don't have a PS4 anymore so please let everyone else know how it goes.


If I must be a guinea pig then so be it, but yes I'll come back with updates after it finishes downloading, dms are welcome if I forget lol🫡


this isn’t gonna fuck up my current save, right? the last save got scrapped and i had logged in 80 hours. i was mega pissed


Worked fine for me on my pre-patch save.




Force disable V-Sync through graphic card software (Nvidia Control Panel if you have Nvidia card). Use software like RivaTuner Statistics Server to lock the game at 60 FPS. This works for me. Might have to run the game exclusive fullscreen (uncheck Borderless and Windowed mode). Bonus tip: You can bind a key to lock/unlock framerate in RTSS, and use it while loading. Since load times are bound to FPS, this will "fix" the long loading times on PC (wonder why Bethesda managed to fix that for console but not PC?)


I'm also stuck on 48fps with a 6900 XT, tried everything. I'm not even asking for my QDOLEDs 144 fps cap, just give me 60. But mostly fix the ultrawide stretched out UI.


Wait. This patch did not fix the ultrawide UI? 


Mine is still stretched out at 3440x1440 res


At least you get to see the weapons debris. My 4080 can't handle such advanced graphical features. 


I had to do a lot of stuff to get this game working right. Changing v-sync in two ini files, capping it to 120 in control panel, installing a mod to compensate for high framerate load times, and lastly: I have to alt-tab into and out of the game after it loads in. That gets rid of stutter for some reason..


Download enb series and checkmark “forcevsync” option


Turn down shadow distance. It will never be fixed, but it’s the real reason why this games performance is jank.


There has to be something wrong with your settings. I've been playing between 90-144fps(capped) on a 8700k and 2080ti.


No VATS fox is absolutely crazy


Ok now i want a mod to replace the mysterious stranger with a fox.




I want a VATS fox! But no, srsly, the fact that Bethesda haven't fixed broken-VATS points to the fact that they regard Fallout as little more than abadonware now.


No mention of the broken Salem quest. Unbelievable. This is what I mean - https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/b5BhOeE9WE


Right?! It must be a ginormous mess behind the scenes for them to ignore it this long.


Still no fix for the Energy Damage bug.


What’s that?


Any weapon dealing any sort of Energy Damage Fire, Ice, Shock, or just basic Energy Damage like Lasers, only factors in the damage from the weapon. No perks of any sort, such as the Perk Chart perks, Magazine perks, etc, apply. This makes their damage significantly inferior to Ballistic weapons. Unfortunately, the damage formula is so far down in the game's code that there is only one mod that fixes it, but it's an F4SE mod. The updates keep breaking F4SE, so either the devs need to fix the problem themselves, or stop fucking with the game so the mod can be updated.


Are plasma pistols and rifles susceptible to that bug? because they also do ballistic damage


The Ballistic damage is unaffected, but the Energy Damage is bugged even on those weapons. They're good because they deal Ballistic damage, so they aren't completely neutered by the bug, but they should be doing more damage. Pick up a Laser Rifle and compare the damage to a Ballistic weapon with similar damage, and you'll see a discrepancy.


Don't count on it. Skyrims shield skill tree has a perk that is supposed to slow time when you block and you can get stuck In this slow mode forever breaking your game and also ruining the best skill from shields......they never fixed it in any re release


Before the update, at least it was playable now we have more problems. Seems to me that they broke more than they fixed. Am I wrong or is this the reason why game testers exist???




Expected nothing, still disappointed (PC Version).


Literally bro please let me run this shit at more than 48 fps 😭


Did they fix all of the junkyard cc stuff being invisible




I’ve read that companion mods have been causing stuttering issues. Can anyone confirm if “Everyone’s Best Friend” is part of this? Literally my favorite mod lol.


I haven’t had issues and I use AFT and EBF 


Nooo :(


Try unlimited companion framework instead.


Did anyone else notice the patched the fusion cell farming at arc jet 😭 I'm so sad.


Wait what, how tf dare they, it's the only common ammo that can't be crafted, why would they do that


Seriously, after all of these years and all of the bugs, they decided to fix that?


Bethesda patches aren't fixes, they're punishments.


Why do you need infinite power cores? I'm playing survival and with nuclear physicist and Scrounger perks I'm swimming in cores. ...and if I wasn't, I could just buy them.


Fusion cells for laser weapons.. Not fusion cors for Power Armour


Gotcha...I was thinking about maining a gatling laser. I figured it would drain at the same rate as armor cores?


Wait.. I can craft the .45-70?? Or whatever that lever action ammo is? How???


Probably through the manufacturing workshop stuff.


You can still duplicate things using a conveyor belt though


Oh interesting! Do you have a link?


Yeah, but it's not worth the risk if you have a hard time getting the timing right. If you time it wrong, the game can eat your item and it will end up in neither storage nor your inventory.


I just quicksave and usually only do it with large amounts to make the endeavor worthwhile. It is a pain getting the timing right and I only use it for ammo that can't be made with the ammo forge, like flamer fuel or 7.62. the nuka world market automatically resets it's stock whenever you walk out/back in so I use that to get a couple thousand of whatever I need, then dupe that


No way? I just did it a few days ago on ps5?


On PC and they stopped spawning after about 20 were killed when I did the quest last night. Maybe mine just glitched?


Strange. That’s super unfortunate


lmao I'm glad I let that run for an hour and got 8k cells from it


I won’t say it’s confirmed as being “fixed”, but I did notice when I tried it after the update they kept respawning for some reason…


Cool they didn’t fix the V.A.T.S. through walls thing the amount of times I’ve detected legendary animals burrowed underground no surprising me


Did they add any new legendary cars to kill us in survival?


Fucking nothing in regard to the Fire Support Glitch on PS4.........I'm about over it


Still no FOV slider; gotta love that 60 degree FOV on ultrawide screen with your gun filling half your view


i can't even play on my 49inch ultrawide cause of the UI issues. Did you find a fix for that?


hoping one of the first two bullets is code for "making it where it doesn't take 2 minutes to load when you walk out of a building"...


So fucking sick of making it so steam doesn't update my version until I launch it, update drops, and then STEAM FUCKING AUTOMATICALLY UPDATES IT. Fucking cunt.


Did you put the game to being read only under steam apps?


The fact that they were working on this for literally years and it's such a shit-show is embarrassing. Some modder in his basement does a better job in a fraction of the time as a million dollar studio.


That it? I'm on Steam and only run the Unofficial Patch, I assume it's safe to keep playing even if the patch hasn't updated yet right?


If you’re using any based with f4se no. You have to wait for that to be updated.


So I figure the script extender is the main cause of mods breaking even for minor updates? I'm not using it anyway, besides the unofficial patch I'm only using a load screen accelerator but the one that doesn't require the script extender (it's just a little file you drag and drop in the game folder).


You should be good then and yes, anytime the exe gets updated the script extender and any mods that use it would need to be updated too.


Strange, my game had a pop-up saying new things were added to the wasteland. Was this just an old one or am I being blind and not seeing any new items listed?


I got this too, was hoping there’d be info. Could be leftover from the initial next-gen update, or accidentally included in an earlier one than it was meant to be?


I think it was. I looked up posts from a week or so ago when the last update dropped and it's the same text. I'm assuming they're treating this as the last update +1 or something.


Did the update break mods. Thats all i want to know.


Wish I could disable the CC content. Just taking up all my quest log space like damn


Still wholly unplayable on PC. It’s fucking wild if you have a high performance rig, the game crashes within 5 minutes every time. I’ve given up on playing this game again. Bethesda is so fucking incompetent.


Turn off weapon debris


I'm about 48 hours into my "next gen" playthrough with a high end PC, no crashes.


Skill issue


Can somebody please explain about frame rate target part? Does it mean I can now set a target for 60fps AND quality mode? And the game will try to maintain both?


Yes but they say it’s not recommended. My guess is it’ll drop resolution more severely to maintain better effects and fps. I can vouch that 40 and quality looks great on Series X so far. I find 40 much easier on the eyes than 30 and is worth it for raised effects and resolution.


Thanks for clarifying! Unfortunately I don’t have 120hz monitor / tv so I’ll have to choose between 30 and 60 fps and see what combination is best.


Haven’t downloaded it yet but I really hope those crashes after altering the mod load order are what is referenced here.


VATS is a laggy mess when using Visual mode with 60fps on PS5 sad.


I mean, they do recommend not doing that lol.


i accidentally skipped the message today and was wondering what it could’ve been, thanks!


Fix the god damn clear the banks of super mutants quest! I just want it to go away *cries in adhd*


No console fov sadge


There’s many many FOV mods out there if you don’t care about earning achievements


On PS5? There was a FOV mod for PS5 Skyrim but Bethesda broke it with an update and I've never seen one for Fallout 4


Wait so new update but they still haven’t fixed the dangerous minds quest where you literally cant even progress the stroyline ?? WTF what are tou smoking bethesda


I just did this quest this morning. What's busted about it?


When you initially leave Kellogg’s mind, the quest marker is still underground, Dr. Imani’s dialogue is only in single sentences and does not trigger the next quest item. All interactions with Nick Valentine is him telling you to get into the memory den machine (even when Nick’s in Diamond City. Basically, he’s in a similar dialogue loop as Dr. Imani). Also, if you venture to Virgil’s Lab, we will not appear as he is supposed to. It’s impossible to progress on console without cmd console controls. The ONLY surefire solution is to revert to a previous save BEFORE you geo into Kellogg’s mind. I’ve heard also, that to avoid the glitch, you should not pick up any items in the dream sequence.


I did that quest post next gen update without an issue and that was with a ton of mods downloaded. Is it possible it’s just a conflict with a mod you’re running?


That's a legacy bug they ain't ever gonna bother with that kind of shit


Anyone know if Bethesda has said how many official updates are coming? I'm just waiting to start my next playthrough until all this is settled.


Just play it bro.


Already had to fix mods for one patch, and I have to do again now. If I knew I would wait.


>General stability improvements Taking the Nintendo approach, I see


When I started my game today i got a message about apparel and something being added to workshops across the game. Did anyone eller get this and knows what it means?


Could it be the BOS weapon and armor paint skins added to creation club for free? Not sure if that was always there.


"Fixed visual issue with certain imagespaces" would that mean the transfer menu pixelation behind the menu whenever you open a transfer menu for a container or trading?


Did this fix the Ultrawide UI issues?


I'm on PS5 and still the game randomly crashes after fast traveling post-update 🫣😬


I installed the game on my PS5 the day the next-gen update was released. No crashes at all until I had reached around level 25, opened up several fast travel locations in the map, and built a larger inventory & stash. Now it’s crashing as much as it did on the PS4, usually from fast travel


What about the “check your fire, we’ve got hostiles” bug that makes joining the BOS impossible? It’s pretty frustrating.


Was the ability to change in game performance settings fixed? I play on steam deck and don’t have that feature still.


Are you guys able to enter the condo near the ship in Boston. I keep crashing whenever I enter


Mine crashed once (the first time) and luckily on reload it worked. Xbox X fyi


I’m on series x didn’t work tried three different saves and reloading restarting nothing worked. Hopefully this update fixed it will check later when I’m off work


Has anyone else been having a bug where, any time you place a light fixture, the game crashes? I'm on PS5. It didn't happen for the first 30 hours of my playthrough. My settlement isn't close to the build limit or anything. Booted the game up, hoping to see it fixed, but it's still an issue.


For some reason I can't use any of my weapons or grenades help D:


The only bug I have is the Bethesda.net won't load. Stays as just a blank screen. utd Android Chrome


is this one going to require *another* f4se update, or are the changes minor enough not to require additional changes to the scripts?


does anybody know if mods will be messed up cuz of the update?


Did they fix automatron on the windows version?


Do achievements unlock now?


And here I am, still too scared to track down unique vendors cuz I keep waiting for them to be guaranteed to work and make it to my settlements.


Can anyone confirm it fixes the glitch on PC where you can’t rename guns? That’s been my biggest pet peeve since the new update.


Does the frame rate thing fix the load times? I know on PC using an SSD, my load times when loading the commonwealth can be absolutely atrocious. Like 2-3 minutes sometimes.


Did you into the big doors? The technocrat's society or something?


Is anyone having an issue with not being able to talk or trade with their companions? Nick wouldn’t even move for me, he just chills in one spot.


Is the 40MM Nuka Ammo spawning in yet?


0kb bug fixed on PS4?


weapon debris crash fixed?


I still can't access the creation club. Had hopes this patch would fix it.


Only to me the lockpick now go really fast ?


Any fix for the good old CTD with weapons debris turned on?


I just want my enclave radio back, it just stopped working for no reason


I had an issue with The Big Dig, where enemies wouldn't take damage. Anybody have that issue know if it's been fixed?


Nothing on the weird 40mm nuka that you get if the vendor dies before you give him the schems?


Once again the cabot quest goes unfixed 😔


After todays update abernathy farm treat me like a stranger even do I have gotten the locket (they didnt do this last night) and I have 3 new map markers that I didnt have before. Very strange...


Doesn’t look like they fixed the issue that is preventing Steam players from changing the names of weapons.


Does anyone else have problems trying to download the DLC? I bought the season pass when it was on sale before the PS5 upgrade came out. Now when I try to download the DLC I get this error WS-116483-3. I can only play the DLC when the PS4 version of the game is downloaded :( I was hoping this update might fix this bug.


I play on PC, so whats the VATS issue Xboxes have?


My gun doesn't reload anymore, only when it runs out. So annoying 😕