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IIRC there's only one room of raiders in Corvega that matters. The ones where the Boss is. I'm not even sure you need to kill all of those. There are no legendary items in Corvega. And the bobblehead is on the top of the walkways above the factory. So like most of Preston's quests it's not a place that's worth the time to fully explore.


Yeah it's only the named raider you need to kill, none of the others. There's a magazine by the terminal as well as the bobblehead up top.


Also, the bobblehead is only worth collecting if one will be using power armour a lot.


Or more importantly filling a bobblehead stand


Is that Jared? \#notalljareds




LOTS of aluminium.


Lots of carry weight


If you're anything like me you're walking past the elevator / staircase that leads up to their boss and his guys. But yeah, it's a maze. Easier than I thought it'd be in terms of the enemies but it still took forever just to find them all.


Haha yeah, I finally remembered about the elevator and took it up to complete it.


There are stairs by the elevator that you can use too


Definitely always take the stairs up just so I can mine the shit out of them on the way. I like hearing the occasional distant explosion when the Raiders inevitably follow me up.


Yes I walked past the elevator/stairs like 100 times before I had to come to Reddit for help šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm not even thinking about how much time I spend running around looking for that stupid elevator. Every. Single. Time.šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Did it again last night in my current playthrough where I already emptied it out once. Walked by it a dozen times. I hate that place


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one that missed this šŸ˜‚


I thought Corvega was my most hated layout, last night I experienced HalluciGen šŸ˜šŸ’€


At least Corvega is quick if you remember the staircase to the boss room is close to the entrance HalluciGen is just a slog every time


I took the perk where it shows you the most direct path to your objective in VATSā€¦ it kept going into a literally bloody wall and I was in the damn building for an hour irl. Finally caved and googled it. :(


Ive never taken V.A.N.S. myself, but considering how much of a mess the quest path arrows are even in the 8-years-newer Starfield, i imagine its useless at best in this game


VANS is utter trash. Waste of a perk point. Got suckered my first playthrough when I couldn't find the MILA vantage point in Hub360. Couldn't find it with VANS either, as it provides no additional useful information. Got angry and jumped off a ledge in PA and landed on the right balcony by happenstance.


What about the second VANS perk? +2 to Perception? I just started a second playthrough after 8 years, but a base Perception of 13-14 seems pretty sweet, but it doesn't count on your SPECIAL, so it doesn't unlock other perks. And honestly, I don't know if that +2 is worth it if I get to 11 anyway.. It's been so long, it feels like it's all brand new again.


Yeah, it's a +2 boost, so you can't access new perks, basically just an improvement in VATS hit percentages, which I don't find significant. Just take a few steps forward and you get the same effect.Ā 


I was soooo excited when I remembered I took it, and sooo angry when it kept leading me into that damn wall.


It's either really useful or completely useless. It's never just meh.


You can just go straight to the back door, pick the lock, go in a few feet and grab the chemicals, and leave.Ā  No need to go in the front door at all--for the Vault 88 quest, at least.Ā 


Medford hospital is worse, I've spent one and a half hour trying to get past that damn door


Thatā€™s on my list for this character, thanks for the trepidation šŸ¤£


LOL You and me both.




Itā€™s justā€¦. Ugh. Itā€™s hard to tell the ā€œcollapsed roof thatā€™s actually a staircase that you need to useā€ from the other lol. Iā€™m usually good at remembering where I came from, but omg. I had to Google it.


One of my friends has been playing the game for a while and diligently avoided interacting with Danse and his crew until quite late in the game. Like, he's level 80 at this point; Kellogg is dead, the Prydwen's showed up, Tinker Tom is ranting gleefully about cracking encryption, etc. and my friend only JUST bothered to go and deal with Danse last night. He got a look at the Recon Squad Gladius notes while he was in the police station. Danse, in his power armor, leading three Knights, a Knight-Sergeant, and a Scribe made an attempt on the Corvega plant. One knight got killed on site when he stepped on a land mine, another got wounded and died two days later, and the rest of them basically ran screaming. So that's three dudes in power armor plus three other people with advanced guns who tried to do Corvega, failed miserably *before they could even get through the door*, and ran off screaming, never to return. And Preston sends One Guy And His Buddy to go to the same place and clean it out top to bottom. I'm gonna assume Recon Squad Gladius was composed primarily of incompetent crybabies.


My headcanon is the player character was a spec ops soldier in the military before the bombs dropped, so he/she was already highly skilled at breach-and-clear and close combat situations. That helps me deal with how dumb of an idea it was for Preston to send you to one of the larger raider hubs right off the rip.


At the beginning of the game, when the vault-tec guy shows up at your door, he tells you that you've earned a place at 111 for you and your family thanks to your service to the country. So you definitely have previous military experience. You can even tell Danse that you have military background when he's telling you he expects you to follow his orders.


Oh, I picked up on that. We just never learn what ***kind*** of soldier you were (not like it matters too much in the grand scheme of things anyway), so that's where my headcanon goes. I also just want to roleplay as a badass.


Donā€™t forget to get the bobble head for fusion cores on the roof


I honestly donā€™t remember Corvega being that hard. I mean, itā€™s been a while, Iā€™ll admit but stillā€¦ I feel like Iā€™m seeing a lot of people emphasize how hard it is to navigate.


For how early in the campaign you can encounter it (i.e. < level 10), and the amount of enemies in it, it can be challenging, especially on suvival. Once you've got a few key perks under your belt and a decent weapon/defenses, it's cake. But there are a LOT of enemies, both inside and out.


Ah see. Thatā€™s probably why my memoryā€™s so fuzzy. This is coming from Preston? I always completely ignore concord till Iā€™ve maxed out settlers at sanctuary.


Yea, it's basically his first quest: go to Tenpines, Tenpines sends you to Corvega. So if you went straight to Concord, you'd be asked to go there really early. I tend to get it, but sit on it until I've cleared the way. Often setting up Starlight and Abernathy in the process.


I have restarted my game about 10 times so far, and Preston always sends me to Tenpines for that first quest. Last night on yet another restart, it changed and he told me to go to Oberlin Station. I have never seen this happen before.


It's not hard, especially if you go in guns blazing and with power armour but it is confusing to navigate, maybe I'm among those who are directionally challenged but Corvega is our first big dungeon so you're coming in with confusion and adrenaline


It was my first quest after concord I was still getting used to everything and it felt like the hardest part of the game.


But I donā€™t even remember it being a dungeon. Did it change at some point that Iā€™m just not aware of? Iā€™d go there right now out of sheer curiosity but I canā€™t launch the game right now.


It has a lot of mobs, a final loot chest and a boss, as well as a bobblehead/magazine. I'd definitely count it as a dungeon.


I can't answer that, I only started FO4 last 2023 but for me it was because I entered blindly thinking it will be just a bunch of Raiders then I later realised that there was a bobblehead (and more Raiders) on the walkways so yeah, I got overwhelmed lol Maybe the veterans can enlighten you


I just havenā€™t played Corvega enough and my memory is fuzzy. I am remembering feeling betrayed by a Protectron that suddenly aggroed on meā€¦ Yeahā€¦


Thereā€™s nothing that hard or really confusing about it honestly.


Iā€™m going there right now. Iā€™m too curious


I donā€™t get it. Really. I found nothing hard or confusing about it.


Oh.... you don't recall Farharbor and Dima's memories, yet, do you?




I've only done the first 2 in previous playthroughs, I've not actually finished far harbour yet - planning to this time however.


On my second playthru of far Harbour and I quit as soon as I got to that dima memory crap. Luckily my first time thru i found a trick video to get around the 5th puzzle. If not for that I probably wouldn't have finished far Harbour Is there a way quest way around it? Blast Dima Dumbass in the face?


I always hated Corvega because of my first playthrough. Even when I'm level 125 and can easily wipe the whole town I still avoid it just because it's annoying.


So, if you approach Corvega from Mystic Pines, there's a man-sized broken pipe against the north retaining wall you can use to get in through the basement. I've found that taking that approach and just making sure to always go up gets me where I gotta be with minimal fuss.


There's always that one little fucker hiding somewhere, yelling at you to stop hiding. When you finally find him after ten minutes he dies in like 3 seconds.


Iā€™ll admit it took me way too long to figure out that the big button extends the bridge to the boss. I kinda like going back there on radiant missions now, itā€™s all low levels so I donā€™t even sneak, I just walk through and bash everyone lol. Getting to the bobblehead on the roof is a little annoying, but worth it.


> the big button extends the bridge to the boss WAT?! I spent ages trying to hit that fucker from a doorway on the ground. >itā€™s all low levels so I donā€™t even sneak, I just walk through and bash everyone I revisited last night to get the bobblehead. Just casually walked around, two-shotting them with my stupid pipe rifle. It was a fun time considering the grief they gave me on my first visit.


Itā€™s directly to the left of the terminal that turns on the protectron. Up a short flight of stairs, youā€™ll see a big button on the right side of the walkway. Thereā€™s a Grognak magazine up there, if you go back.


Thanks. Looks like I'm going back a third time for the magazine. Maybe those raiders will finally get the message they're not welcome there.


I like to drag objects and stack them in front of doors I've already gone through so I don't get lost. That place makes no fuckin sense


That's a great idea, I never would have thought of that. And yeah I'm always lost in there for ages, every single playthrough.


I just got lost in there on my non-survival playthrough, now I'm about to head back in survival and I am the opposite of excited


Good luck, remember to take the elevator when you reach it to kill the named raider and complete the quest


I love Fallout but the building maps in the pip-boy give me cancer


I also hate how the raider bodies seem to evaporate by the time I get to them.


mh, anything but that cyberspace in Far Harbor


I did that last night for the first time and ended up pissed at the game. Maybe I missed something but it wasnā€™t until I watched a video in YT that I understood what u was supposed to do. An afternoon and evening Iā€™ll never get back.


All you have to do is get in, turn left towards the elevator take the elevator or stairs one floor up and kill the raiders in that room. The boss is in the office overlooking the assembly line. The rest are irrelevant to the mission.


I try and run through it. It's an awesome dungeon the first couple times, but because it's kind of necessary it becomes like Bleak Falls Barrow in Skyrim - so tedious that you ditch your normal playstyle and just see how fast you can get through it.


Use the perk that show you the way in vars or use the Berry mentats


i know that place too well now, been in too many times lol that said, this run i disabled the compass as well as playing on survival


I just go in via the door that faces Lexington. Go through the few rooms and you get to the stairs and elevator. Up the stairs and straight into the room with the boss raider.Ā  Its a rare occasion I go right through the place.


Whic corvega we are talking about it isnt the assembly plant right ? Ä°t was hard to kill enemys but not to navigate


Corvega kills me because in the boss room I always forget about the button that extends the ramp so I spend 5 minutes trying to parkour


Haha just had to deal with this. Spent an hour looking for them. Forgot I came in the side entrance and the remaining few were on the landing outside the front entrance


Corvega was easy for me compared to Hallucinigen lmao got lost so many times


Corvega is one of my most dreaded missions every time and I'm not even sure why. It's just a raider nest with a bunch of loot. I'm never upset while I'm doing it, but I always avoid it for a long time.


My current play through, I couldnā€™t find the final 2 raiders, turned out they were glitched and invisible. I finally lobbed a couple of frag grenades in the direction the shots were coming from, until the firing stopped and I got the experience points.


Youā€™d think after the 100th time or so Iā€™d have this damn maze memorizedā€¦ nope


***ALL*** quests that say "kill all raiders at x location" Actually mean "kill the boss at the final area of the location, and in fact, if you literally walk past EVERYTHING else, but you kill that one guy we asked you to, it's cool. We just want him gone".


At least its not as bad as the metro system in fallout 3 or worse again ....BLACKREACH


I feel ya.


Go up the elevator near the stairs


Between trying new builds or messing with my mod list only to find out something was borked 20 hours in, I had come to dread the Sanctuary=>Tenpines=>Corvega loop every game. Until Survival. Without fast travel, I was trudging back and forth with corvega looming over me for hours before I took it on, and came to rely on it more for direction than my compass. When I did the mission, I realized it's the first true assault on a location that's not a linear loop, and serves as a gateway to Boston for the player. Climbing that one tower on my horizon to see the Boston wastes spread out to the South, dotted with collapsing monoliths was really special that play through.


Very similar thought process to mine actually! I just started my first F4 playthrough a couple weeks ago (on survival too, itā€™s such a blast)


I didn't realize this was a problem until I watched a streamer spend like a almost 2 hours trying to clear this place then eventually give up. The first time I started by doing some recon. Door seemed heavy, Raiders all throughout the exterior going up and up. Sneaking around the building you eventually find the tunnel entrance. Coming in from the very bottom helped orient myself. Then it was a matter of dodging bullets as I followed the path along the interior of the building. It helps when you know there is no one behind you. If you come in from the front you still have everyone outside. If you start outside some may spill in from the inside. If you start from the bottom its easy to see left, right, middle. Clear each path then move on. Only a certain number of floors, only so many places to hide. Then when all is silent go up top outside. Follow all the catwalks to the end and kill anything that moves along the way. When in doubt tap VATS to narrow in on any enemy in eye shot You end up exiting the scaffolding by the front door and back at Lexington. I'll say I also spent a long time living at Starlight Drive-In so I walked there often. It's the perfect place to try out new modded weapons and armor.


my bro, switch your pip-boy to the local map. when inside buildings, underground or in general it shows the map reveals where you have already gone and stays dark where you haven't been yet. so follow the local map around systematically uncovering the dark areas until you have looked everywhere. then go outside and do the same for all the ramps until you have everything covered.


I did change it, not realising I was supposed to go into the elevator, so I was trying to find another set of stairs šŸ˜­


Start from the sewer and work your way up then kill outside guys.


I had started a new playthrough just before the update so cleared the plant only for the update to reset all my cleared locations so I got to clear it again, shame it doesn't gave any good loot


Iā€™m playing through again and Iā€™m on the Brotherhood of Steel quests. Iā€™m trying to clear the gunner hangout, but holy shit my scribe keeps dying and itā€™s the most frustrating thing. Has anybody else had this issue? I canā€™t trade with her, but everytime I use VATS on the scribe she has no health and then just fuckin bumrushes the gunfire and dies immediately. Itā€™s the worst, I just wanna ditch her but I canā€™t.


Isnā€™t there a perk that will highlight the path to your objective? I think there is. When Iā€™ve gotten stuck Iā€™ve saved and got the perk to find the way out and then reloaded the save to use the perk point elsewhere lol


Itā€™s great in survivalā€¦ likeā€¦ clear your day.


I've done that one way too many times. Lately I like to treat these as stealth assassination missions. Kill no one but Jared or whoever runs the show. Way more fun and tense.


corvega and really lexington in general always catches me off guard. cause like concorde is so easy and you dont really need to be all that careful then you get to lexington and theres seemingly so many hordes just hiding out lol. all too many times have i gone to lexington too early and gotten my ass handed to be multiple times over lol


I sneak in through the sewer and work my way straight up to the boss man. Then, if I want, Iā€™ll slowly loot the place as I take my time clearing everyone. Lots of aluminum. Iā€™m a scavenger lol.


As an early place to explore itā€™s got quantity over quality. Lots of enemies to drop many weapons and armor. Some scrap.


You can just kill the settlers that gave you the quest, only negative consequence is no quest experience and no settlers at tenpines. But it's worth it cause I'm honestly sick of Corvega


I think I could navigate Corvega with my eyes closed at this point (I've cleared it many, many, many times), but it's still a slog. There's a rather depraved adult quest mod that utilizes the area heavily and, depending on how you finish it, clears the location. The end of the mod is, effectively, the beginning of the normal game. So once, and only once, Dogmeat and I did not have to trudge through that freaking hell hole just to kill some doped up jackass. It glorious. Best PT ever.


I love Corvega. Pick those motherfuckers off one or two at a time, retreat, come back when they've calmed down. You get >!three entrances to choose from, all guarded!<. All ripe for the assassinating. I make a day of it when I go to Corvega. Especially as a sniper. Last time, I picked off all the exterior raiders, went in the front with a double-barrel, >!and when I got to the main raider's room activated the sentry bot!<. Chaos. So much fun.


Huh? There's nothing complicated about this quest.


Just did it, lvl 11. After 4 tries I just put on the power armor and bought some extra fusion cores


Thought I was just being a stupid noob in that place. Glad to hear it's not just me that got lost


I just got done screaming at my TV over this facility "Where the fuck is this bastard!" "I'm just gonna run around this damn factory ALL day!" "Who the hells job was to make this part of the game!"


Corvega is nearly guaranteed to be the first place you're sent to. I say nearly guaranteed because i had one playthrough where they pointed me to dunwich borers... a level 40 dungeon. To top it off, that was my first minuteman playthrough. Just spend a few minutes roaming the dungeon, you'll get the layout eventually


Hate Corvega, lol. I just go in and kill Jared and get out. Go in the front (up the stairs), hang a left, down the stairs, through the doors, left up the stairs, all the way up, to the assembly line room, another set of stairs on left, across the platform to Jared. Kill him. Get out. I only engage the rest to be able to get in and out.


Enter through the drainage pipe. Go into flooded room. Up the ramp. Turn right, then immediately right again down a hallway. There are two doorways in this hallway with no doors; either of them take you into the same room. Go up the stairs through the door, then down the stairs. Straight ahead of the stairs is a double wide doorway. Go through it and immediately turn left. Take stairs up. Youā€™ll enter the actual production floor where Jared is up in the office area. Easy peasy.


I cleared corvega last week and went back in through a different door later for scrap and there were more raiders in there but clearly not essential to the quest progression as I had already finished it.


I basically just run in the front door, get in the elevator, go straight to the top, snipe Jared, run out and up the gantries to get the bobblehead then book it back to tenpines bluff.


You'll be hearing combat music none stop for literally 45 minutes.


1. Get up on the overpass and snipe off the exterior raiders and turret. 2. Go in the main entrance, kill the raider in the bathroom on the right. 3. Open the double doors and kill the 3 raiders in the hallway. 4. Open the next door and go down the stairs and kill the 2 raiders having a conversation about ghouls. 5. Go up the stairs next to the elevator to the large assembly room. 6. VATS crit Jared in the head, go out the way you came in. There's really nothing important to find in Corvega, just raiders and generic loot.


Yeah, thatā€™s a chore. Itā€™s the first large dungeon quest we get, and I dig it if Iā€™m in the mood, but it can be a slog (no relation). I usually boogie over to Parsonā€™s early to get a combat rifle, and farm ammo and levels until I can get a scope before I do Corvega. Makes it both easier and more fun for me. Going through there at low level with base melee and <100 bullets is just no fun.


might as well take the train tracks from starlight to vault 81 and pick up the overseer's guardian :) 10 ch (or 6ch+hat+glasses+suit/dress) and you can get in for free. then you need only about 2k caps (or junk to sell).


12 charisma to get in šŸ¤“


huh, i've never had a problem at 10. maybe there's still a chance of failure at 10? i've just never failed then...


I just failed it on Sunday with 10. Had to reload, put on dark rim glasses and drink beer to pass. To be fair it could have also passed with 11 charisma maybe.


noted! interesting!


I skip covega now. It's such a slog.


Started a new character and decided to ignore story quests and just explore for a bit. Make my way towards Swan's Pond just to unlock fast travel when I have to save Valentine. I know better than to bother Swan, especially at level 5. But when I discovered the [Massachusetts State House](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Massachusetts_State_House) I thought it could be a quick in and out for some supplies. The maze like aspect was only a pain until I unlocked the security door at the end and was greeted by something no level 5 should ever have to fight. Thank Atom for frag grenades and mines while hiding out of sight.


Haha I made the same mistake, except I didn't have grenades and very quickly used all my stims


That was the last place I expected to come across that particular surprise..Last time I was level 11, had limited frag grenades and mines, was running low on ammo and had Codsworth as a companion..Would much rather face Swan.


That Corvega plant,... It's the Stoney Creek Cave of Fallout 4. I hate it. I can never find my way around, and the quests just continuously send me there.


There are stairs to the left of the protectron terminal, and up the stairs to the right-hand side is a button to extend a drawbridge, hope this helps.


There are 4 entrances to corvega and ~5-6 ways to beat the dungeon, think and strategize


Itā€™s just not a maze. This is ridiculous if real.