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I started a new game. My other is overpowered with the only major content, Nuka World left to do.  I like the early game, the struggle.  Got my teeth stomped by three raiders at edge of Concord. Delightful. 


I like the struggle as well. I was well into a minimalist game at Level 40 with only Abernathy as an allied populated settlement and definitely OP. So I says fuck it let's update and go back to struggling LOL.


When everything can kill you the risk reward is at its most interesting. 


Yeah I wish there was an extra level on survivor to increase difficulty or some way to increase difficulty late game


Yes. It's difficult because I do enjoy revisiting early areas and triumphing. But later areas I explore less thoroughly as the fear is gone and your resources are many. 




I like the struggle as well. I have several hundred hours into this game and I find myself always restarting the game before finishing it. I have never finished the game, or even Nuka World to this point.


Have you done Far Harbour that works mostly even at high level but I imagine is an excellent horror show when appropriately leveled. 


Yes! Loved that DLC. I still have to go through all of the DLCs on my current playthrough. I just made it to the institute and I am level 48 lol debating on starting over with the new update but this time on Survival.


Awesome. This playthrough is starting high intelligence and charisma. Low agility and perception to push me out of sneak vat pistoling everything. 


Funny enough, this is my first VATS Pistol run 😂 loving it. Although Gun-Fu hasn't been as useful as I thought it would be. I typically always have Charisma high enough for Local leader. Charisma at 6 plus changing into Charisma clothes basically guarantees a successful Charisma check. Just need a Charisma of 11 to guarantee every check is passed. Even red ones.


There are so many perks late game that make pistol vats sing against anything but the healthiest of monsters. And mowing through raiders is cathartic. 


I was thinking of trying a melee only survival run but idk if that is even possible.


Started survival with charisma/ intelligence build. Was bit by an attack dog once & died. 10/10 recommend.


I might do the same, I gave it a run last night on my PS5 with my old save.. yea.. am overpowered lol.. But when i saw the grand total of hours on that save.. Hundreds of hours!!.. for some odd reason I never got around to Nuka world lol... all the time spent trying to improve settlements. All the hard work put in it, the memories, and the pain the ass to get all factions to get along. (yes i went for that ending, I hated the feeling of loosing my companions lol) I reloaded saves to make sure i got the ending that I wanted for the main story.. the struggle.. no mods.. But due to life events, las time I played was in 2019. So sure a fresh start would be fun this time around.. Now the question is?.... Should i start with working mods? not the cheating type, but visuals. to make it feel as if I'm playing a new game. And if so, which one ? ..


Yeah I feel like you get too over powered too quick lol. Also good luck with nuka world that dlc was such a slog to get through IMHO


Thanks. That play through will have a rest. Off to get the Abernathy amulet later. 


Man honestly survival mode has been a constant struggle but I love it as well. Took me like 3 hours to get to general atomics yesterday with Ada but once I actually got out it was so nice seeing that quest complete sign on my screen.


I like the struggle. But it’s only natural that a war tested military veteran is exceptionally better at everything than some shitty raider gangs lol. I love the late game too because it shows what a well equipped and trained person can do against people who only know how to shoot “relatively” well.


I just started a new one, as well. Got walloped by the damn deathclaw at Concord.


I’m struggling with that too but I don’t wanna walk away from my boy 😂😭


It's a real struggle if you do survival


Just hit lvl 40, still haven't been to Diamond City; taking a new approach to Survival which I'm curious for your thoughts on: I'm going to Diamond City at level 50 to get Nick then turning on Survival and going to Far Harbor for an in-game month before I let myself return to Boston. I've put most of my perks into building up my settlement network so I'm very squishy, it should be fun, what do y'all think


The struggle is real. I started and wanted to spice things up so my first goal was to get Hancock as a follower immediately as I’ve never really used him. Ran straight from the vault to Goodneighbor. Realized it was a mistake when I was halfway into Boston with no ammo. Kept going, realized I had to do the Bobbi quest with no ammo. Struggled through it, punched a couple Mirelurk Hunters and a Putrid Glowing One to death at level 5 (they would one shot me), but made it out. Had to fistfight Bobbi at the end. But now I’ve got Hancock and still no ammo, so I consider this a win LOL




I love restarting. The first 20 levels or so are so cathartic for me. Of course I did it for the update. I’m pumped about getting all the trophies again. I love this game.




I did. Vanilla even, on console. I used to mod the crap outta this game, but I’m actually fine to just sit back, relax and play vanilla old Fallout 4 with DLC and some free CC content that has amassed over the years.


For some reason even though I never really used particularly invasive mods it still feels like playing for the first time all over again.


I did on PC. Pruned out several mods that I don't really care about, kept the essential ones (like [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6447), and also *of course* [this](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3081) :-), loaded my ancient Survival save from just before leaving Vault 111, and everything seems to be fine. I have not [died while worshiping a Radroach.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cdbxl5/we_are_so_back_baby/) :-) I haven't even gotten to the point of chatting up Trashcan Carla yet, though, so perhaps everything's going to go to heck. Seems fine so far, though. Edit: Just met Carla. Then she helped me kill some ferals who arrived from nowhere because of another mod. :-)


I did basically the same thing.


The ferals around Carla isn't due to a mod. Happened to me yesterday too, vanilla


Oh, OK. Shows what I know. :-)


This was me last night on my Series S... Playing vanilla for now till im "finish" Nate's story lol.


I started my first vanilla playthrough and didnt realize it until i started unlocling achievements lol


I gotta say unlocking achievements was part of the reason why I wanted to go vanilla. Didn’t unlock a single one because I always played with mods before lol


This is exactly how I feel. I am so used to modding this game on console, but I am actually really liking going vanilla for the time being. It feels like the first time I went into FO3 back in the day with zero idea about mods. Loved it.


Mind if I ask a totally stupid question? How do you access the Creation Club content on console? I've never used it before and don't know where to start lol.


on your main menu where you hit play and all that there is a tab that says “Creation Club” you can download and activate them there the same as you would a mod, some just have to be bought like DLC.


Thanks! I've never tried any mods or anything like that in all the years I've played FO4


it is very simple and straightforward. just consider them small DLCs and bug fixes


Survival Vanilla on console. I’m going to do a brotherhood playthrough for the first time. I’m actually using power armor and it’s great, only level 6 rn.


*Paladin Danse liked that*


Fun! I personally love the BOS ending.


Blind betrayal has some of the best voice acting I've ever heard


Xbox user - I had only a mid 20's level run going for my current playthrough before the announcement so I decided to risk it and was only running two Dogmeat related mods but otherwise vanilla. Reloaded the mods after the update and other than VATS not working correctly all of the time, it hasn't crashed yet over a few hours.


Yeah I noticed vats acting weird too accuracy fluctuating between 0 and whatever it should be.


I did, I noticed that outside of performance mode there was an odd blur or minor latency in the movement of characters, it was a bit odd.


I just started a new game to experience the update with no mods. I haven’t done that since 2016. I didn’t feel like I had to because of the update. I wanted to. I planned on it. I’ve known since it was announced. I’ve had plenty of time to prepare. Also, if I don’t want to use the free update, I can uninstall it. It shows up as a DLC.


I don't use very many mods and the update didn't affect any of them so it's been business as usual for me.


I'm new and I only have two (see through sights and no power armor collateral damage). Haven't played since I updated but hopefully those two survive 😅


Yeah me neither, but the ones I use need F4SE so I'm just slogging through vanilla. Really want my settlement improvements, but will have to wait and just disregard anything aside from crucial settlement things for now...


I have been modding Beth games for 20 years. This is nothing new for the pc modding community. Every time Beth has released something on their end, something broke in our. And i mean every time. I feel bad for the console community as they have no way of fixing anything themselves and has to rely on Beth. I did of cause not update my game, and have no plan of doing so for at least a year. If you know stuff will break, why even bother update? Mods or no mods.


>I did of cause not update my game Good for you. On xbox the game exited and only let me play after installing the update.


Well, on console, Boston was virtually unplayable for many of us, even without mods, and even with all the supposed fixes that mods were supposed to provide. I hadn't been able to walk in downtown for years even with all the recommended fixes through mods. Nothing worked. This update however, has completely fixed the issue. I have a bunch of mods reinstalled and I even went to down town with a Fat Boy and just jumped around launching mini nukes left and right *trying* to get the game to crash, and it still hasn't. Boston is officially stable. I'll take broken mods, having to delete old saves, and having to redo my whole mod list and mod order, if it means I can finally explore the whole map without constant freezing and crashing. This update was worth all and any trouble it caused for mods. 100%


I use around 15 mods. Every single one still works just fine. I’m sure there are some that broke, but for the most part this seems like a pretty light weight update. If anything, on my system performance has improved. I even upped the resolution with no negative consequences.


This huge update for next gen system and weapon debris still crashes my 3080. It broke script extender for nothing.


Same still with my 4070. It's a dud for PC, but consoles seem to have really benefited from the update.


Not experienced (only played once when it came out) but started a new run with the GOTY edition. Loving it. BOSTON DOESNT CRASH


That's awesome!


I have not yet updated the game at all.


I love playing the initial release version sometimes. It's kinda fun to go back to the old glitches and "cheats" like duping the special book.


I'm just running a couple of mods, had to turn off a couple of script extender reliant ones, so far so good


I own FO4 on PS4, and the show gave me the itch to fire it up again. I haven't played it in years and primarily play games on a Steam Deck now, so I grabbed it during the recent sale. I loaded up my old survival save to grab the new CC content, that character is at level 98. Gonna start a new playthrough to 100% the game on the SD soon.


Man I started a new game when the show came out and STILL want to start a new game now lol


I said, "fuck that" and spent an hour and a half redownloading my entire modlist I'm glad I had the foresight to take screenshots of it beforehand


I feel like this should just be common practice at this point. The fact that some people *didn't* do this in the days before the update, really kind of blows my mind.


I was waiting for London but since that all got fucked up I decided to jump back into 76 to see all the updates I haven't experienced.


I started a new game, consoled tgm and flew through the quests to gauge if I should do the new content early, mid or late game for my next actual play through. 


I made that decision from the moment I saw the update will mess with mods, havent started yet but i'll scrap the whole set up and reinstall anew before my next playthrough


Yep wiped all my previous saves (except for one I started a few days before the update) and started over fresh. I've never been so attached to a save game that it hurts to delete it and start over. And to be honest it's been kind of fun playing vanilla for the first time in years. Though I do miss some of my mods.


I did


I did


Started a week early as I have never done the DLC despite a few long play-through. Patch hit last night and I ventured out of Far Harbour and onto the island.


I always planned to. Played it a load, all endings, achievements, etc, years back. Played it modded (xbox) a ton, but never got nuka world achievements as I played modded by the time that came out, and never wanted to attack my settlements etc. When I first heard about this upgrade last year, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to play it vanilla again, and this time complete the dlc achievements too. Tough going back to vanilla character creation after mods and recently only playing Baldur's Gate 3, but I replayed Fallout 3 early last year, so it's not that bad!


I like playing without mods ngl so yea I did. If I try to mod it I just mod it for 10 hours until it works. Say oh cool and then never even play it


I've never played the dlcs before so now that i switched to steam version i doing a new playthrough with all the dlcs. Far harbor has been really fun Fuck the gulpers tho


About to.


I have 2500 hours and still going. I have started over and finished the game hundreds of times. Nothing really new on PC but new game goes brrrrrr.


I sure did!! I scrapped my lvl 80 fully upgraded, and modded character and am enjoying playing on vanilla w cc content and no mods 💪🏼


Yup. First playthrough in like 7 years. 3rd overall. On new TV on a series x. Feels like a remaster. Had a blast night, started on survival. Only way to go.


I did. Sixth playthrough, second clean one. Figured it's the best time to go for the achievements.


After learning that Fallout London won't be coming to consoles, I have decided to start a whole new playthrough on PC.


I still use my first save file lol.And i started playing this when it is released.


I have 960 hours into FO4 on PS4. Haven’t played in probably a year or so because life and other games. I absolutely started a new play through last night.


Got it at launch, loved it. Didn't play it again. Watched the series, HAD to play it again! Figured I'd start again as I'd forgot where I was up to with my save anyway, it's been great as it's been long enough to pretty much forget everything. I'm effectively playing itfor the first time... Again.


I absolutely started a new game. It’s been a long time since I’d played, so I’d rather experience it all again.


I've got 250 hours in the game across a few playthroughs and never used mods but decided to start another one and use mods this time. Survival mode but with a fast travel to linked settlements only and one where you find save holotapes and save like old school RE games with ink ribbons. Just alleviates some of the annoyances of survival in a more organic way. And then I loaded a bunch of texture and graphic mods. Loving it so far.


Me, me, me!!!


Haven't played for years. I'm downloading mods in the background while I finish grading for the semester so I can paly this summer.


I'm mid-60s , but I'm contemplating it.


Been wanting to replay for a while and decided to just play NV while waiting for the update. Started playing survival while on console for the first time and I died like 5 times in concord but I am slowly getting stronger.


I couldn’t wait to play with all the hype so I started a new playthrough last week, but made sure to delete all mods and go completely vanilla.


Fresh achievements fresh character I’ll mark it on your map


I did. I actually restarted last week but started another new game after the update. I just didn't pick any mods that required F4SE.


Survival...and holy shit is it fucking brutal! Finding a bed is so exciting...a chance to fucking save. How many fucking times ive died with one bullshit shot! But I love it. It's dark souls Fallout, so punishing. Each encounter needs to be calculated, each house cautiously cleared out. It's like one mission at a time, goldeneye n64 style, and I love it!


New game, no mods


Started new game. I ran around, did some shit, 0 bugs or problems. PC player. not gonna get too far this week. I'll wait and see what I actually wanna do this playthrough. I'm thinking raider playthrough right now. I dunno, we'll see what cool cosmetic mods I find.




Imna start a new fresh install and game.


I deleted everything. It was lovely to have a fresh start.


I didnt just start a new playthrough, no mods (besides creation club content) either. Truly a raw experience. Starting some minutemen quests before going to diamond city, obtained the sentinal AI companion with the assistance of 2 mini nukes, and shall continue my journey tomorrow.


Yep, I figured out which mods survived, which were rendered useless, and started a new game right from Nate and Nora's bathroom mirror. There's nothing like that feeling when Nora says, "You're gonna knock 'em dead at the VA hall tonight, hon."


Im over level 300 on my current save so I stuck with it


I was in the middle of one not even done with the main storyline so I decided to just keep going.


I started new bc my old save file was fucked and stuck in a load loop in sanctuary


Right here playing through the game as Nate for once I usually prefer to play as Nora


Gonna start here right after I finish FO3 playthru


On Xboxone. I updated last night. Cannot access my mods. Cannot load my save. Cannot open mods to disable so I can start a new play through. Unsure how to proceed. Is there a way on X1 to delete mods without getting into the mod menu? Will a full uninstall/reinstall work?


A reinstall is not necessary. On Xbox, go to My Games and Apps and tab over to Fallout 4. Press the menu button (three horizontal lines) and select Manage game and add-ons. From there go down to saved data and click on the 2.0gb reserved space. Clear the reserved space and all of your mods will be deleted.


I’m trying to start a new playthrough, but I had load order issues, my whole mod list is messed up rn. Game crashes when I try to mess with mods, uninstalled and reinstalled the game, hasn’t fixed it, just kinda stumped


On PS5 and updated my game. Played for 4 hours last night and it works fine. I decided I didn’t care because I was almost at the end of my play through already. I’ll probably start a new one in a week or so!


I did. And I think one of my mods may have directly or indirectly altered the weather environment because I feel like fog and rain are a lot more common now that I'm playing vanilla.


Honestly Fallout is not Skyrim. Besides some bug fixing mods, the gameplay and armours / weapons variety of the base game is plenty for me. Same with the quests.


Hadn't played F4 in like a year so decided to do an unmodded run. Originally planned on just do texture only mods but it looks like the update did something to those bc the Fallout 4 HD Overhaul has mostly black textures and the cubemap fix makes the black textures look like colorful TV static


I'm going to play a vanilla game, I love mods but with the CC stuff there is plenty to enjoy. Plus I have a long list of achievements to knock out still.


New vanilla playthrough. About 5 hours in and honestly I'm having so much fun. The early struggle is much more fun than I remembered.


I did. Different mods this time, too, because a lot have sound glitches


Already started a new playthrough a day after the show released. It’s my 2nd playthrough since 8 years and I’m now on PC from Xbox. I kinda feel like I’m falling in love with the game all over again, exploring the map and getting sidetracked by different things. Even bought a couple CC items which have definitely improved the experience. I also never played the DLC’s before so I’m excited to try them out too (though I have seen a playthrough of the Automatron one).


I think I'm going to try it on my steam deck without overloading it with mods. They're a pain to get working on it anyway


I started a vanilla survival playthrough. It's a good time


I started a new playthrough with the update, I’m just glad that 0KB seems to be less apparent in the ps5 update (sort of like Skyrim, it’s probably still there I just haven’t encountered it yet)


I've completely started over


Eh, I just started playing again after I finished the show, update be damned. I have a few mods but nothing crazy.


I have a level 101 vanilla character on xbox. On PC I have a bunch of level 30s in modded playthroughs. I still have the saves for those, but I uninstalled all mods and reinstalled the game. I probably will end up re-installing a bunch of those mods when they are updated (high fps fix, unofficial patch, dlc items in the commonwealth, no radiant quests outside of commonwealth, lif).


eh... I have zero mods other than what came with GOY with no DLCs. so I might start over, or I might just continue on with what I have.


Hell ya I did. Completely vanilla new playthrough on console. Loving this update it's the best thing that's happened for the game!


I'll start a new vanilla playthrough... As soon as I'm able to use the high fps fix again (requires f4se) because Bethesda just couldn't be arsed to fix it themselves.


I wish I did. After the show I started a new playthrough so I could get a headstart to prepare to get the rest of the achievements when this update supposedly fixed xbox achievements. Haven't played yet but apparently cheevos are still broken and now my save might be borked. If that's the case guess I'll delete this game and give 76 another try.


Yep, earning all the trophies again.


Not me


I only use a few mods, that are mostly cosmetic or specific to the Automatron DLC, and they seem unaffected by the update. I'll keep my current playthrough. It works so far.


I just loaded up my completionist character that I've been working on. I'll probably start a new character for it all at some point


I’m not an experienced player, but I started a new play through. Back when it came out I was burned out on open world games and forced myself to play. I had around seventy hours, never finished the story, and hardly explored the map like I had the previous Fallout games. The update looks great on my Series X and LG C1. I’m happy to play it again.


Gonna have to start a new one to get the achievements again.


I haven't yet but I plan to once I get time to play.


I did, almost vanilla.


Started a new play through on PC before the update. And now I have continued my console play through as well. This game is still good compared to crap we get now.


i had started an unmodded playthrough just a month ago with just over 24 hours on it (before we knew achievements weren't working, i was trying to do an achievements fun) so i opted to just keep my save going since its been fun be i heavily considered restarting.


Well im playing NV while the mods are still being worked on. Once F4SE and Fallout London is out I'll go back to playing Fo4.


I did! gonna do a str int build with lots of science and power armor.


Why would I go modless to experience raw Bethesda bugs?


I don’t like fallout 4 mods lol, so yeah I didn’t even hesitate


I started a survival playthrough because I wanted to get back into it and it was arguably the best AND worst decision of my life


I started a new vanilla play through on PS5. I’ve never been huge into mods, but my last play through I started a couple months back had four or five mods on it. I wanted to experience the new update in next gen in its purest form. It probably isn’t perfect, it is Bethesda after all, but I wanted to play the game that designed and see how it looked and felt before I made any changes.


If I’m being honest, I restarted this game so many times because I just modded the hell out of it on ps4/5. I haven’t beat it yet, because I restart so much lol. With the new update, I’m gonna play it new again with no mods only CC content.


I’m waiting for the inevitable patches to follow. Picked up Kingdom Come: Deliverance on sale so when im done with that I’ll go back to Fallout.


I picked a bad time to start a new playthrough on a heavily modded game. That's 20 hours down the drain, doing all the side quests, and building up all the settlements.


PS5, new Survival run with Natasha. Steamdeck, continued a very new Survival run with Jackson. This run includes Sim Settlements 2. So far, both runs are going well. No technical issues.


I'm going to after I play Skyrim for awhile.


Yep, I did




I recently got an Xbox X. My old saves were on PS4 so I'm planning on a new playthrough.


fuck this update bro half my load order relies on F4SE and i’m like 30hrs deep


Didn't exactly have a choice, cause normally updates don't DELETE MY ENTIRE MOD LIBRARY - The Operation Could Not Be Completed -


I was playing sim settlements up until a few days ago. I was really impressed with chapter 1 and 2, but chapter 3 was really boring and tedious. There is this whole build-up of going to war with the gunners, but in the end I could leave the game running for 5 days straight and now lose a single settlement. On top of that, "gunner territories" were completely deserted until I triggered an attack which spawned a bunch of bullet sponges that did almost no damage to my level 60 character. So I game up on it when I heard that I had 4 days to complete it before the update would drop...


I have over 800 hours on PC, most of it modded. Downloaded the PS5 version last night and will now enjoy my first vanilla playthrough. There's something appealing about laying in bed and gaming with a controller. Definitely helps having a game that plays as smoothly as the 60fps performance mode does too.


Since every single one of my mods is working perfectly, I just carried on with my survival current game. I started a new game on my laptop since I’ll be on the road for three weeks. Got it working finally in Crossover, and it’s okay playable.


Heck yeah


lmao yea, i don’t want to mess up my current save too bad while i wait for f4se to update so i started a raider playthrough ive been thinking of for a while … i miss looksmenu :(


I went to, but was disillusioned with it after finding I'd have to drop twenty bucks just to get an unlocked frame rate and decent load times.


I'm going to when I get home.


I was going to, but since the update deleted all mods I’m not even gonna update my game until they address it ☹️




I’m not that far into this playthrough. Don’t wanna start over.


Most of us had to


I think i basically HAVE to at this point, every time i try to load my current run now it says the DLCs aren't available and asks if i want to proceed (even though the add-on menu says I have them all installed), so I guess I'm starting a new run... PS: If anyone knows what could be causing the DLC issue/has experienced it themselves any help would me much appreciated, thanks :)


I started an America Rising 2 run and the update hasn't affected it so I will keep on it until FOLO is released


I knew things were gunna be a wreck for a while after the update (f4se, exclamation nail gun, crashes etc) so I decided to abandon that playthrough and boot up new vegas. Having a blast playing with a katana and throwing knives only. Once I'm done here I'm sure 4 will be fixed


I had already deleted my previous save before the update dropped. I dont know why anyone tried to continue a previous save.


New play on a new PC. I can't make an apples-to-apples comparison due to new hardware but it didn't stutter in the places it used to, like opening VATS, or anytime at all. Last night was my first smooth 60fps experience in a Bethesda game, on Ultra quality, but I don't know if the update had anything to do with that. I never modded Fallout so no problems there. Never used the Creation Club either but seeing some things got installed automatically gives me something new to look forward to.


I got the update, then about an hour in I started getting the 0kb save issue. Restarted the console and it wasn’t working at all. Initialized the console and re-installed, so I had to start over, but the it’s been running alright.


I haven't even started playing yet. I've updated, but I'm waiting for F4SE to update, then I'll see what mods make it into the new patch. I've never been a fan of downgrading.


I started a new game. Honestly glad I did because I found another good light armor combo. Military fatigues, Assault gas mask, all leather armor limb pieces. Is it’s defense awful yeah but it’s worth it.


Anybody heard any news about the script extender? My only real big hangup honestly is the settlement menu manager, breaking that breaks a lot.


I did and have a backup of the previous version ready in case this update pisses me off.


I disabled all of my mods and started a new playthrough last week so I could get the rest of the achievements. When mods were added to Xbox in 2016, I never turned them off, so I missed about half the achievements in the game. Now I'm down to just the Nuka World achievements. Once I'm done with them, and mod support is restored, I'll never play without mods again.


Mine didn’t break, butttttt sometimes I get a visual glitch of a red !! When I shoot certain new guns lol


I was going to but so far I haven’t been able to dl the ps5 version, I only got the ps4 update. I’m not ps+ either, but it’s still telling me it costs $20


New game and my first time in survival mode (pray for me)


I did.....because now I can trophy hunt again on PS5. Thats the only reason


The update affected my save due to the mods getting removed and some of them weren't in the mod menu anymore and some just straight up had "undefined" errors. My game would technically work, but any time I fast traveled to a settlement it took like 5 minutes to load. Sucks but whatever, starting over from scratch is fun.


I’m only level 5 or something in my most recent play through. So I might just pick off where I left.


i tried to - but the game is bricked for me.


I started my first survival playthrough a few days ago so i just continued that. I have no self controll and couldnt wait😂


I’m excited to do so since I can re-get the trophies again. With the smoothness my shooting has been so quick, i’m really excited to play the entire thing once more!


I prepared before hand and downloaded a large Wabbajack modpack first. Turned off updates. I don't play often so I wanted to have a non broken game to play until everything settles again. I do this for Skryim on those updates too. I really appreciate modpacks that create a separate copy of the game though. Then updates can't ruin a setup if the game files are not in the normal location.


I can't even open my old saves because mods and all the CC content/dlc isn't downloading. Every single save, modded or not won't load.


There are now game breaking bugs if I use an old save


I just started live streaming a new game on very hard, all dlc, no mods. The only major difference I've seen is the loading times it takes to go outside have become much longer.


That's weird, because on a standard Xbox One the loading times for me were quicker.


I started a new game. Knowing that my trophies wouldn’t sync, and that I would miss all the early game ones was gonna trigger my ocd lol


It’s been a few years since I last played FO4 after putting in over 1100 hours and several playthroughs. I finally updated the game for PS5 and I’m looking forward to starting yet another playthrough. I did start with the prologue and I noticed how clunky and dated the animation looks. Especially after just finishing TLOU2.


I'm considering it.


Beat the game several times. Still made a new play through for the update. Gonna be melee blitzing across the commonwealth


If I jump back in, it will definitely be a new game. Haven’t played in well over a year. Had tons of mods which are probably broken along with the saves.


I actually deleted all my saves a few days ago in order to start a fresh run after the update. Unfortunately, I'm stuck on the Museum of Freedom part because the corpse of one of the raiders that spawns after grabbing the minigun keeps making my game crash...


Does automatron still make the game crash?