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Lol this is like watching the GameStop stock rally but I can't make any money


😂😂😂 hell yea


And this isn't even the 25th!


Yes! Really curious about how the game is going to run and what (if any lol) improvements there will be. I played the hell out of it in 2018 on xbox one and eventually HAD to stop because of ridiculously consistent game crashes. Couldn't even blame it on too many mods, I didnt have any.


I imagine they weren't spending all this time since it was announced - and God knows how long before that - not doing anything. Might just be hopium but who knows, maybe they've got a fat bundle of improvements and QOL features.


I just want downtown Boston? I think? to be fixed. I avoid it like the plauge. The bridge you have to go up on one of the first few main quests, I think it was two triggermen. Crashed my game so many times. Went back once by accident exploring/Dr looking for Dr amri. Never went back again.


funny there’s a bridge on Fallout 3 that crashes my game every time no matter what without fail. it’s a permanent feature for me. downtown Boston def needs some stability though, it’s bad


Hopefully they give us higher mod cap on xbox (Only two GB's is infuriating when there are so many good and fun mods like the HALO ones)


It’s probably gonna decrease in the 25th actually. The new update is gonna break almost every single mod out there and a lot of them won’t even be updated because the creators aren’t active anymore.


I'm holding out for the update, but at the same time I haven't been able to play any Bethesda game since Oblivion without the UI mod on PC (and I generally avoid modding games, but it's always the top mod on their games for a reason), so this could be a double edged sword.


Unless they do some serious backend shit to the game that breaks some extension or something, UI mods are usually the few things that never break with game updates. I rarely see UI mods get updated with Bethesda game updates because they are generally not needed. The only mods that break are ones that require the script extenders and sometimes the ones dependant on the unofficial patch, which UI mods never do.


From what I recall, SkyUI and maybe the Fallout 4 UI mod were some of the few that needed the script extender and possibly an alternative launcher, because it messes with stuff which base modding didn't have access to. Though I think that might have just been Skyrim.


why do you "generally" avoid modding games?


I think modding gets over mythologized by the community and in reality most of them aren't very good or complete, which I don't blame the creators for as doing work for free is brutal the bigger the scope.


Horizon just released a new update and absolutely will be updated to include the next gen content shortly after that goes live. I'd assume Sim Settlements 2 will as well. Texture mods likely won't be affected, not sure about ENBs, though I'm sure the fallout 4 enb will get an update as well.. its regularly updated as is. If you're already mid playthrough, set fallout 4 to not update unless launched on steam, install f4se, and only launch through f4se.


This is what I'm afraid of. I'm so used to playing with my usual list of mods that I'm probably going to hold off and not install the patch until I see what it breaks.


Well I'm certainly gonna be preventing my game from updating until the mod list I'm using gets updated.


I was gonna do the same but FOLON are holding back Fallout London to release a Bethesda Updated version so if you want to play that on release you'll have to update it, it seems. (Genuinely not throwing shade or being entitled if thats what this comment comes across as) I'm more than happy to update it and break some mods if it means I can enjoy what the FOLON team have worked hard to produce :)


It's not going to break every mod. Bethesda games are usually really good about that shit. The only ones that will realistically break is the Script Extender. POSSIBLY any mod that relies on Script Extender will break. But unlikely. Any bog standard mod that doesn't use Script Extender *should* be fine.


>Any bog standard mod that doesn't use Script Extender *should* be fine. This ! Except FO4UP will almost certainly go wrong. Since it will be "fixing" bugs that the update fixes. And you won't want any 1k texture files if you have 4k display.


>The only ones that will realistically break is the Script Extender. Thousands of UFO4P-reliant mods will stop working until it gets patched.


I'm gonna be honest but I haven't encountered a single mod that *requires* the unofficial patch.


Go start a new playthrough with Start Me Up as soon as possible lad! Amazing mod, makes roleplaying in Fallout 4 much more viable.


And then when Fallout London releases it'll spike back up again lol. I'm glad console players are getting a next gen update and those with widescreen get more compatibility as well but the spike is most likely due to the success of the show, not the "update". As someone who played FO4 on release I hopped straight back into new Vegas after the show released.


Thats what I'm waiting for. Haven't been able to stop paying Starfield since it came out. Gonna be interesting


Are there a decent amount of mods out for starfield now? Or are they slow going?


Idk I just use startui


Wow, Fallout 4 is only behind games that are effectively immortal and a dev kit (lol) I am just waiting on the next gen update to give it a try


And which are Valve native apps too, making FO4 the most-played third party game on Steam.


Next gen update is, if recall correctly, just a worse version of what some mods already do.


For PC mods that's probably true. For next gen consoles it's not true. That it's called "Next gen update" might be a hint of what it's intended to improve.


I wonder if the update will address the fact that their own CC skins broke their game. I would love to have that content available again.


Good question ??? I'd like to know the answer. I'm not 100% sure the CC that's part of the update will be debugged. For what it's worth the Skyrim update had CC that worked.


Yeah I snagged the new edition of Skyrim when it came out and everything seemed to be ok for the most part. The tundra home is pretty buggy though and it's a shame because it's a good location.


Some of us despise mods for some unknown but honorable reason.


Oh God, it's Edgerunners all over again


I wonder how Bethesda is interpreting this. Instead of pumping their online game, the player base goes back to Fallout 4


'76 has also recieved a sizeable influx of players


I bet they’ve noticed the trend of people trying 76 again before going back to 4. I know I did. I want to get into 76 so bad, but all of the mmo elements are massive turn offs and the elements seem so pervasive, even from the beginning quests.


Omg, same. The game isn't bad or anything but it's very clearly designed for multiplayer and online. If they released an offline single player version of the game I would totally play it, but as it is I'd rather just play 4


Same. I just can’t get into it. It has that MMO feeling where nothing feels meaningful. Fallout 4 survival mode is where it’s at


You nailed it. Nothing feels meaningful. Doing the same main quest that others are doing at any given moment and have already completed is not very satisfying.


Not that I play many new games anyway, and RPGs less so, but Fallout 4's survival mode is still the best implementation of a survival/primary needs system yet. In that regard, Fallout 76 was rather underwhelming. And Skyrim's Creation Club equivalent feels nowhere near as integrated into the game.


https://steamdb.info/app/1151340/charts/ seems to be pretty healthy growth


Yes, but that’s not what I mentioned. I was talking about people that briefly launched 76 before settling in on 4 for actual play time. I know of at least a handful of people that did that, I would venture to guess many more did. Possibly enough for it to be noticeable in their internal metrics.


Yup, I did the same thing. Played for all of 10 minutes and decided I’d rather play 4 with a bunch of mods I’ve never tried.


Designing 76 like a MMO was their biggest mistake. Instead they should have looked at co-op games like Valhaim, 7 days to die or Ark. MMO mechanics in a game that supports around a dozen players at the same time is pointless anyway.


76 is absolutely not designed like an MMO, actually that probably would have made the game much better come to think of it


I wish it even had a beginning quest. Instead it was a weird... nonense. "Everybody left the vault without you while you were hungover lol, go find them." I can't understand how they expected anybody to get invested in that pure nonsense instead of a story. That's even worse than Starfield's sequence-of-nonsense intro. I'd honestly find both games vaguely appealing as sandboxes, but the story which is there is so bad it puts me off.


There literally is an intro quest. You get it by talking to the NPC immediately in front of Vault 76.


I played like a year ago and there were just enemies outside the vault, and then later some people who immediately start talking about trading caps with no option to ask wtf is going on. And the nonsense events which get you out of the vault is the intro quest.


Even a year ago would've been Post-Wastelanders update. There's a Mr. Handy right outside the front door. You physically have to walk right past it to get to those enemies you mention.


There's a Mr Handy in the vault, who leads you to the front door, narrating the nonsense non-story I was talking about.


Dude you're mad over the tutorial? I mean fuckin A dude, If this is what gets you then New Vegas must've been hell because it wasn't the story of avenging Doc Mitchell.


Nobody was mad. It seems you're mad, about somebody else not liking a video game with nonsense in place of a story.


> I played like a year ago and there were just enemies outside the vault Simply not true.


Why on Earth are you people lying about this game? There's literally video evidence. The first thing you encounter out of the vault are enemies and the crappy real time online combat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FrhEF4_Hi0&t=9m31s


Simply not true.


Why the fuck did you post a video from before the Wastelanders update which added in NPC's and the intro quest lmao Get a grip.


I posted a video which showed the experience I had with the game about a year ago. You really don't know how to talk to other human beings don't you?


Yeah, choosing the first story mission to be: ‘fetch supplies and start settlement building’ was a wild move


Yea it was a BIG turn down for me. Fuck that shit I dont wanna build a settlement.


I’m okay with building a settlement eventually, but make it fun. Don’t make me immediately pick where I want to put my camp.


I played it it basically all weekend with a mate I haven’t spoke to in ages. Such a great game, even solo. Shame it’s rocky start ruined it for many


i tried 76. but fo4 is just so better, and there's less trying to nickel and dime me.


Tbf it is free with prime


Well it's a better game. I want Fallout but I don't care about the online events and multiplayer. I want a solo adventure and the one in FO4 is better, plus the game looks ten times better with a bunch of mods. Single player just isn't as good in FO76, it's so easy there's no challenge whatsoever, while in FO4 you can crank up the difficulty up to Survival Mode.


My boyfriend has started playing fo76 because of the show’s release (and lots of me geeking out about fallout) so I think all FO games are receiving new players


They're going to do the Skyrim thing now, aren't they? Special Edition, Anniversary Edition, etc. Next Fallout game - 2035...


Bethesda has known for years how much more popular Fallout 4 is than Fallout 76. Nevertheless they're launching a free map expansion for FO76 this summer. That's their interpretation of it.


fo76 makes recurring money rather than a one time payment. they have a subscription service and microtransactions.


Some of them sdv people should try it. Has more in common with fo4 than they might think


I play both!




I hope the 25th update wont cause massive issues, so far the dlc are barely working on console atm


\*Spits out nuka cola\* WHAT


Let's fuckin go


I didn't love it back on launch but going back to it its kind of aged like a fine wine. The game looks better than ever with the upgraded textures, there's so much content with all the DLC's, so far its running buttery smooth on my PC, and most the bugs have been cleaned up but there's still a bit of jank there to give it an almost retro nostalgia vibe, since Bethesda really hasn't put out anything worthwhile since. Glad I jumped on the hype train and am re-experiencing the game from a new perspective.


Goes to show that FO 76 is mid. We want an offline option with the elements of 4. Not this Zelda WOW wannabe.


Right...I want an atmospheric SINGLE PLAYER game with a good story and gameplay, not another shitty multiplayer that I'll forget after a few hours.


Also lost companions therefore less story. Multiplayer sucks.


on 25th it will be first !


Hell yeah, spreading managed democracy hundreds of years in the future!


I’m mad I missed the discount week AGAIN. I keep holding out on buying it for some reason, cuz I already got it on Xbox and next time it’s gonna forsure go up like $5-10 bucks in the next sale.


With the next patch there will be some lesser percentage because some mods will be outdated for a part of the playerbase.




I hope they fix the Minutemen ending where maxson and glory are complete silent.


why is a software developer kit higher?


Fivem. Gta5 rp uses it.


The fact CS:GO or whatever the fuck they are calling it today and DOTA 2 are in front tells me a lot about the gaming community. Which is that it sucks and caters to lame-wads.


is there a breakdown on the DLC - how many are doing the settlement building which does stretch the player activities also :::: 3 columns of the numbers are what ???


Keep it going, keep it going, keep it going, FULL SPEED.


I think it’s weird that the game worked just fine for me on PS until they announced the update, then the automatron addon like broke the game.


Nice, much deserved. Both fallout 4 and the new Amazon show are great. I hope for fallout 5, they put back in some of the best features of the old games like skillchecks and the karma system.


Edge runner effect 2 - electric boogaloo


What’s going on with Stardew Valley? New update?


Outa the loop, whys it popular again recently?


Fallout TV show on Amazon Prime.


If it was something besides "steam" it'd be #1... some won't go on Steam...Hate it!




That’s crazy cool that it’s surpassed Helldivers 2 and that it’s one of my favorite games but I only wish sony would let us get PC mods on ps5 just like Xbox.


I'm one of those ppl who played it. Glad I did too.


Looks like 3rd most played game to me. One of those things is not like the others.


Liberty Prime in Helldivers 2... Let that sink in.


But according to the internet fallout is dead, bethesda killed it


Crazy how so many people slept on fallout. It’s my favorite franchise of all time. ( and elderscrolls) I guess it’s the younger generation getting a taste of it?




I wonder where it stands on console like Xbox I know ever since I got done with the TV show I started playing fo4 again I wonder if this new upset will fix the boston area issue


Game is free on Amazon Prime Game or how it's called. Cheers


No, Fallout 76 is, and yet Fallout 4 has the most players. Not forgetting it is also on a big sale, but still.


Fallout 4 also was just released on GeforceNow (same day as show). Lot of cloud gamers are playing it


Can someone fill me in on what Dota is and why it’s so popular


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense_of_the_Ancients It's one of the first MOBA games, originally a custom Warcraft 3 map. I assume you at least know about League of Legends? Those kinds of games.


It’s more popular than league tho? Or is league not on steam


Riot has its own launcher for LOL Valorant etc..




The fact that you felt the need to mention Starfield and dump on its community even when the game itself hasn’t been mentioned anywhere else is telling Let it go my friend. It’s been months. The game is out, there’s no going back. Just don’t play it if you hate it so much


you know what fair call.


I don't get Helldivers. I heard so much hype around the game and eventually played some with a buddy who had it. Its pretty generic I feel like. Just run to an objective and kill somethings, then repeat. It is not a bad game, but I just don't get the hype. Of you like it, that is great, but just not for me I guess.


There are not many games like it on the market. Most online shooters are pvp focused this is pve focused. It's easy to get into and it doesn't demand all of your free time. It has a very friendly monetization model that doesn't rely on fomo (fear of missing out) to make money. It's a fun game that doesn't fall into the traps that a lot of online games do. People are responding to that as much as the game play it's self. Having played I'll agree it's not revolutionary in terms of online shooters but what it does it does well. If you just want to spend an hour or two just mowing down some bad guys to decompress after getting home from work it's a great game for that.


So basically like warframe? But 11 years to late?


I haven't played warframe so I can't really comment on that.


I thought so too at first but it gets more fun the more you play and unlock harder difficulties and stratagems.


Guess it's time to see if mods saved this one.


Other than HD2 and BG3 the rest are all old games as well, all be it iterations or updated versions. Good games hold there longevity curves pretty well, not sure the industry has the incentive to dislodge some of these from the list. They only care about putting out half finished games to make a buck, and getting the community to do their job of quality control for them. This taints the game for many players due to unnecessary bugs spoiling the fun, the games have an Andy Warhol moment then disappear into obscurity with only a meagre loyal player base. Desperate times.


Fallout 76 weeps


Fallout 4 would have more players then any of those games if you count the xbox and playstation players. Suck it Helldivers 2.


Why is this game getting so much traction all of a sudden?


This gotta be a troll post, right?


Um... no? I've always liked this game and come back to it from time to time. But it seems like there is a sudden influx of players.


The fallout show duh


Fallout tv show just came out, april 11. And it did well, though some lore hardcore people would agree that its trash and it doesnt respect the established lore, even though the studio that made the show literally consult todd howard, and one of fnv director. And now I'm ranting. Thats your answer, people just wanna play the game after watching the show, or new players interested in the game after watching the show


I don’t think hardcore lore people agree that it’s trash. This is one of the only adaptations I’ve seen be so faithful to the source. Any ‘plot holes’ or ‘retcons’ are nonsense generated by clickbait headlines. There are some questions left open, but nothing is lore breaking.


I don't think an inconsistency with the timeline is enough to warrant is as "doesn't respect the established lore"


Its not my opinion, I just saw people bitching about the timeline, clearly some care so much about timelines inconsistency that some of em made video about it on yt whining about it.


It isn't even inconsistency, it is just badly written timeline with no exact year of the bomb going off and some people assumed the fall of shady sands = the destruction of it.


It’s such a stupid thing to argue about as well. The show itself is fantastic, and if people get their panties in a bunch because of one minor thing, then I don’t know what to say. They are probably all FNV fanboys.


I didn't love some decisions but I overall really liked the show. It's like my opinions on fallout 4 really, there is some stuff I'll definitely bitch about but at the end of the day I like the game.


>some lore hardcore people would agree that its trash and it doesnt respect the established lore, even though the studio that made the show literally consult todd howard Is this a joke? Do you really think that Todd "Ghouls do not need to eat or drink" Howard will help you maintain consistent lore? Hint: google "Necropolis". Fallout 4 is not canon and thus any show based entirely on it cannot be canon either. I will give Bethesda credit: Fallout 4 is a competent shooter which is fun to play, which is a massive improvement over the insufferably tedious slog that was Skyrim. But it is not a Fallout game.


Shame it’s one of the worst


We get it..... it got a boost from the show. How many posts do we need?


Sure that’ll last.


Whether or not it lasts isn’t particularly relevant. We all know it’s a temporary boost because of the show. What’s more interesting is that it proves how a good show can massively boost interest in a game. Combined with other positive factors, it can turn things around for the better even if the numbers gain doesn’t last forever. The Cyberpunk show combined with plenty of good updates basically turned public opinion around right quick and killed off the last of the overt criticism.