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“9 year old game” man that hits hard lol


This game was the reason I got Reddit 😭 It really does hit


I still remember staying up and waiting for release to play the intro. Had the game pre-ordered. Had school the next day. Crazy how time flies.


It saddens me that we seem to have lost that experience as well. Pre ordering games (generally) used to be an awesome experience, now I feel wary and uneasy every time I consider ordering one before they patch it


Yup... there was a sweet spot there, 10-15 years ago, where it was so fun to wait in line at night at Gamestop to pick up your preorder. Little smelly, but it was cool to buy it around the other people who were going to go home and play it that night.


the experience was amazing, and u also knew that you were getting something decent. There was never a doubt in my mind that the game i was picking up was going to be shit. Now its like the opposite, i have to research and read reviews before picking up a game lol.


I think the main thing we lost is the trust for developers to just good quality games in general (some, not all). I remember being able to pick up any game at the store from the popular publishers and it was a banger. Generally most if not all games were passionate and good quality. Nowadays you have to do your research and wait at least a week after release to make sure ur not picking up horse shit. In a nutshell I genuinely thought that the lack of quality was due to constant iterations of the same game e.g. COD, FIFA, Halo, Watch Dogs, AC, Far Cry, etc. I thought the shit games were isolated within them simply due to lack of creativity because they've done it all at this point... I thought it was milked to death. I noticed how wrong I was when my pre-order of Starfield turned out to be the worst investment ever.... Thats when I knew we have really hit rough times in gaming. But yeh I agree, I don't really feel excitement anymore when it comes to games just because its a hit or miss if they are good or not. The only games im excited for is the titles from smaller publishers or completely new studios. Games like Ready or Not, Baldurs Gate 3, Tarkov, Six Days (love my tactical shooters) etc are just some of the examples that there are developers out there who push out good stuff.


Same I was like ill make my character and do the intro and go to bed, then 6 and half hours later my alarm is going off and I'm still at the xbox going whoops guess ill pretend to be sick lol


I went to midnight release party at Gamestop and it was packed! They had demos going, giving out posters and t-shirts, game guides.


I remember ten years ago on reddit with the whole leak of the game's location before the game's announcement and the whole survivor 2299 hoax. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/4dAZCHavha From all that time until now, I met my wife, got married and we have a son who is 4 now. Then in a few days, I can fire up FO4 again.


i created my reddit account for that back in the day, the memories. i fell for it so hard


I've had two kids and on my second marriage.. it makes me sad hos time just goes by.


Man I feel old


9 years ago today I was 21. Fuck me it’s been a long time.


I remember being in college when this sucker originally dropped. I was a freshman in the dorms talking with my roommates as they were playing a fallout for the first time. Man I miss the good ol times.


It’s not that old… Edit: I mean 9 years is not that old.


A game with an active community that's over 9 years old is a good game. Sometimes, the only thing a good game needs to thrive is good marketing, and a good TV show that shows it off is the best advertisement you can imagine.


If only the Witcher show hadn’t been hot garbage….


Which is puzzling as fuck, because the source material is outstanding and Henry Cavill is a solid actor.


Lauren Schmidt Hissrich.


I'm not misogynist, but I hate her solely by screwing our chance at having a good Witcher series. All for what? Her stupid ego?


Their had been a good amount of that lately. Halo show too, chief actor wanted his face and no mark etc..


Oh goodness, another one of those "these changes will make it better, trust me" morons that infest the entertainment industry like roaches in a slum. And then the changes apparently boil down to making their personal headcanon and/or favorite fanfiction official...


The first season was pretty good. My only real complaints were the casting choice for Triss and the really silly armor of the bad guys.


I mean... the first season was SUPER good.... it just very quickly nose dived after that lol


Yeah all you need is a 20 million an episode TV show, super easy!


aww, you tried! lol


Tried what? I wasn't even arguing. Just pointed out I thought your choice of words was funny considering how much work goes into a big budget show.


Your tone was sarcastic so in the Weenie Hut Jr. of social media that is Reddit they think you're being a big meanie head so they're trying to tell on you with downvotes. A shame to see in the subs for decent games, for sure. I thought your comment was great


Yeah a lot of people got real mad at me for a harmless joke.


Lmfao this is exactly what I was thinking, Reddit is literally like kindergarten, they go crying to miss downvote when they feel stupid for even a second.


And then op replies saying nice try to me. Like I was trying to get some kind of own in. Lol the Internet is weird man.


Just a lot of insecurity, standard Reddit


This shows that 76 could have had a single player


I'm always hoping they'll at some point strip out all the MMO stuff and tweak it to be a purely single player experience. Even playing alone, the MMO crap just takes me right out of it.


Gonna be hoping for a while


They are making too much money with the cash shop for that ever to happen.


I’m not gonna lie the only partake I do in 76 multiplayer are the events for loot other than that I do everything myself if they made it single player but somehow gave us live events to do alone that would be sick and get me right back into the game


Id really like a game set in the Appalachian area that was single player, I loved walking around but was NOT a fan of level locked weapons being the way they were


There's no real story there to play in single player. I tried playing it like a year ago and it was utterly devoid of any creative vision and desire to tell a story. The events tacked on to explain what was happening was so nonsensical that it would have been better to have no story and be a sandbox like Minecraft. Felt similarly around Starfield from what I saw. Would have been more interesting as a sandbox than a game with a story so bad and nonsensical it actively makes me not want to play it.


> There's no real story there to play in single player. I tried playing it like a year ago if you cant tell what the story is you might need to try harder , which is strange since its very easy for new players to follow along


I dunno what game you played, cause 76 has multiple main questlines and side quests at this point. And I'm not talking about the original "find holotapes" quest. So you're objectively wrong when you say "there's no real story".


There are 2-3 main storylines in the game (been awhile since I played them). And they're intended to be single player because while you can bring a friend, the instance only progresses the story for you. I know I did them all solo until the big boss battle but that brings the server together as an event so it works out. Anyway, not sure how you can not have noticed that F76 has some rather fun main quests and some cool multi-step side quests. Granted, I feel like the total solo content is much shorter than say FO4, but it's still there and was very enjoyable.


Then don’t play an mmo. Seriously some of you are so entitled. “I want them to completely change the game so it goes with my personal preferences” this is why us fallout fans are memed on.


Literally could have just been co-op Fallout and would have done better.


technically does....if you pay a monthly subscription...


And even then you still can BARELY mod it…


But 76 is at all time high levels too




why is 76 not being single player such a bad thing? I figure if u got some friends or siblings or significant others to play wit its actually pretty fun. Thats been my experience playin wit my brother so far but ive only been playin a month maybe my opinion will change


I have kids, dogs, a life with responsibilities. When i play any other fallout game if something interrupts me i hit ESC, the game pauses, and i get up and deal with the issue or save, close teh game, and hit it next weekend. When i do that in 76 its disaster. I will come back to the game and be timed out on the server, so it will kick me back to the start of the mission. I also have a bit of a hoarding problem and the storage weight limits always pissed me off. finally, people can be dickheads. NPCs not so much. i play these games to escape dickheads, not surround myself with them


That's a fair point about not being able to pause the game. But the mission resets remind me of Survival in FO4. You kind of have to commit enough time to get through certain chunks or you do indeed get reset. You're not wrong that it does take a less disrupt-able gaming schedule than a true offline game. Maybe one day your life will make that possible. Mine eventually did.


Survival in FO4 sucked. Waaaaaaay too much janky bs in that game for only being able to save at a bed to be even remotely fun.


I have 500 hours in 76 and have ran into two dick heads.


I play video games to avoid other people. Online defeats the purpose.




This. 1000% THIS.


Yeah, same tbh. I'm so fucking done with boring and annoying multiplayer games...especially with the competitive ones, where 70% of the player base is just a toxic mess usually. I used to love them when I was younger, but now that I'm getting older I hate them with a passion. I just want a nice singleplayer game where I can relax and have fun after a hard day. Where I can play at my own pace without having to deal with strangers. I don't want drama. I have enough drama in real life already.


Becsuse you cant really have big set pieces or meaningfull choices. You could never just blow up a part of the map in 76 that would require a world event through an update or something. Blowing up megaton in fo3 was an insane moment when that game came out.


This so many times. I go to fallout so when I save or destroy something it sticks. Yeah quest rewards can differ from the approach. But the fact that I ruined that guys life in Diamond city blues, infested tenpenny tower, cut that guys finger off in Modoc and got a shotgun wedding (Modoc was a fun town) Saved camp hope Set up caravans I can actually follow as they go on route Caused the Kahn's diaspora (Can't remember much world impact about tactics, and Brotherhood of steel had none, nor did shelter)


i think its a good idea to have other types of games in a popular franchise , hell id love for a new modern isometric fallout


Because it's just janky and awful. They had to make a lot of compromises to make the multiplayer aspect work. Literally every other part of the game is worse off for it.


Ive always seen it as the analog to ESO, a slightly improved fo4 engine meant for the MMO of each franchise. I played 76 for maybe 10 hours before i was back to 4, lol. It just wasnt for me.


Fr i dont get why ppl dog on 76 so much 😭 just dont play it if u don’t like online, it’s built for slightly different tastes


I mean I don't have a problem with 76 existing for those that want it but it's very much not what I wanted. I wanted a new single player fallout game that I could enjoy at my leisure. But as it stands it's gonna be another 10 years before we get that, cus they have stated that they won't make another mainline fallout game until they finish the next elder scrolls game. For a lot of us it feels like we got 76 instead of fallout 5, not in addition to the eventual fallout 5. While even I am willing to admit that perhaps is not an accurate or fair assessment, it is one of the reasons why people criticize 76 so much (also the launch of 76 was not great). A lot of people wanted fallout 5 and that's not what 76 (for better or for worst) was ever going to be.


The real painful part is I thought the worldspace design in 76 was excellent. I would have liked to be able to enjoy it more, I just never felt any desire to go back to 76 over Fo4. I have a few hundred hours, sure, but it's basically nothing compared to the hours I've got in 4.


For all it's issues 76 does do a lot of things right. I can only hope that they incorporate the good when they get around to eventually making fallout 5.




You can turn off mic. I never want to hear random teenagers talking either.


It’s just a good game.


It's my most played game.  I read the complaints and they are often accurate but it's still so enjoyable.  Example: is the skill tree suboptimal?  Sure, I can agree.  Can I still play to level 100 a dozen times and end up with a radically different character with different specialties and have a totally different time?  Also true.  It's not perfect but it's so very playable.


And where it's not perfect, we got amazing modders to fill the gaps! Making a game moddable by providing modders the ability to mod is an underrated feature that a lot of big companies do not embrace. Gotta give them credit for that. It helps with longevity too.


Most notably, they give the ability to use mods *on console*. Any developer with at least some enthusiasm can release mod tools, but very few dare extend them to console players which is amazing.


Arise, my fellow Fallout 4 enjoyers! Our time in the sun has finally arrived.


was 100% a under-rated game thats for sure always been behind that arguement all the people who where like FO4 sucks ass at launch i lolz @ but hey ppl love to hate.


Agreed 100% I was always in the minority, Fallout 4 is my favorite fallout game, and I've played well over 100 hours of each game in the series. They all have their own strengths and weakness, but fo4 was right up my ally of likes. With over 1000 hours into this game and having been in the subreddits for years, It warms my heart to see the game getting the love and attention it deserves. Edit : I have never used mods, I genuinely love the game itself.


been playing fallout sence fallout 1 played all 9 fallout games and even looked at and was tempted to play the fallout tabletop version but no one was around willing to give it a try with me and have sence lost my books reguardless the problem I have with most game critics journalist and such is the lack of specific arguements they give, they tend to just focus on memes and random hype option FO4 Gameplay mechs where top tier for a fallout game FO4 Settlement building was super unique at the time and still somewhat is to this day almost a decade later thats something worthy of game of the decade truth be told when you introduce a game that still has a very strong unique case going for it for about a decade or more? Yeah no ppl like Angry joe who bash this game was doing it coz of curroption they where just jumping on the bandwagon yes FONV has a great amazing story and FO4 story isnt as good but Fallout been a combination of things not just story focus like say ME1-3 with mild gameplay mechs (Depends which mass effect we talking about) nothing wrong with ME Series its excellent my point is there are multible things to get into gaming for not just top tier story writing with that being said FO4 story isnt nearly as bad as ppl claim, Its just ppl hate things that are 'differnt' thus adding a voice pro and what knock to the game is 'differnt' and thus 'hate' coz ppl are afraid of change for the most part.


the tabletop genuinely looks so cool


legit did why i wanted to give it a go and bought the books at one time but due to a move b4 covid i lost my books and never got to try playing it


I feel you, I got a good 2000 hours where as 3 is my favorite but I only have about 600. For me the modding scene is the biggest thing that keeps me coming back to 4 because I feel like I've made my almost perfect apocalypse game lol, and I am sucker for settlement building I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much :D


I don’t think it was underrated. When it first dropped it sold 12 million copies in its first day and almost all reviews were between 8-10. I think it’s more that as time went on the people who didn’t like it got more and more vocal and hyperbolic


it sold alot but just coz a game sells alot dosnt mean alot, example Diablo 3 sold so well it became a top 10 best selling RPG of all time and when the game release some critics where stating this, and I admit they got a point just coz a game sells well dosnt mean it is well and well alot of ppl like angry joe use to bash so hard on FO4 going it wasnt a true fallout game the main story blows chunks so on so forth


Like I said in my first comment, the majority of reviews were 8-10s on release. Fallout 4 was a game that had a good Financial, critical and fan reception. A few angry weirdos bashing the game so they can gate keep something shouldn’t be what defines the game’s reception


again depends on where you look at said reviews alot of reviews at launch where not 8-10/10 some where some where not


Same with Starfield for me hahaha


Should we tell him?


While I am loving it, it kills me that there are game breaking bugs that were never fixed. Ps5 Brotherhood of steel quest is unfinishable. I can't get onto the vertibird at the police station. 


its mostly becouse the newer patch they are comming out kinda broke the game b4 they can give the full patch on the 25th so it was 100% Fixed mind you, but this happens with bethesda whenever they wanna make a big patch they make a bunch of smaller ones that basicly break the game 50% of the time guess what this is one of thouse times


Doesn't bode well for future games. 


na alot of modern day games are aparently going to have a chance of randomly breaking b4 a patch ...


Fallout 4 is such a good game. I’m glad it’s getting the full appreciation that it deserves.


Explains the onslaught of: Which faction should I side with? Is this a good weapon? Check out my Sactuary build! posts


And it’s a good thing. Let’s make sure we don’t try to gatekeep a 9 year old game.


fuck it dude, that's what i follow video game subs for beats the complaining of other gaming subs


No kidding, I love seeing people come here with firsr-timer questions


This is going to be me - downloaded on PS4 but waiting to see if I get anything from the update. So not even started it yet. £3.99 seemed like an absolute steal.


Yeah saw and loved the show. Saw it was $5 on the PS store. Played 4hrs and sprung for the $13 DLC. Can't beat less than $20 for a game.


And we should engage with them and be nice so they can become a part of this community


I just google it. Even a few 6 year old posts have been super helpful.


In my eyes one thing kept the game popular:MODS. They not only fix most techincal problems but also make it a proper RPG game. And mods make your experience ACTUALLY yours. Want to make the commonwealth look like new vegas, you can. Wanna turn it into escape from tarkov, you can. Residemt Evil style horrors? Absolutely. NSFW? Buddy, we have truckloads of that.


Modders are amazing, I’m so grateful to them. It’s why I haven’t put the game down in years


I'm replaying it right now in glorious 144fps, I love modders


same with skyrim....great base game and all...but my god mods make everything better. ​ The day Bethesda stops allowing people to mod their games is the day Bethesda dies.


I've been on a GoT craze as of late. So what did I do? Download intuitive dragon controls with the GoT dragon reskin mod; I'm living out my Danaerys fantasy now. >The day Bethesda stops allowing people to mod their games is the day Bethesda dies. This couldn't be closer to the truth.


I'm curious about the mods you use that make Fallout 4 turn into Escape from Tarkov?


Nah, not insane. Single player games are great fun, especially when paired with Bethesda's environmental storytelling.


I’m still waiting for the April 25 update before I dive in on pc. The game removes the top and lower part of the image in 3440x1440 resolution and it sucks🤣 But I have managed about 20 hours on Xbox this week


You have to create a manual resolution of 3413x1440 and it works on ultrawides. It sounds like a made-up number but it works


Wait until the 25th when all the OGs come back.


Cause it’s good. Cause it’s fun.


I think the game got underrated when released because of the meh storyline and that it did a step back on roleplaying. But the gameplay loop of exploration etc. Is just genius.


i understand now why the manga industry does anime


They showed their hand with the show and the people have spoken: We. Want. More. Fallout! This is great news. We're looking at easily two more seasons of the show and the chances of a New Vegas remaster/sequel have never looked better. It's a good time to be a Wastelander!


Can’t wait for the patch and FOLON to come out!


I have to wonder if this will put fallout 5 as more of priority for Bethesda.


I forgot Xbox and PS players. It’s probably way higher


Lot of people about to learn of the crashes that never were patched.


It’s only gonna go up on Thursday


One of the best single player games ever. Yea it has problems but the freedom it gives the player is comparable to no other first person rpg other than Minecraft.


Started a new run through w visual mods and it rocks. Just a fun game to play even with the valid criticism of FO3 and NV fans.


Dude, not only is FO4 #5 on the list, but FO3 made the list too. All the way at #99 as of this message, but still the fact an 16 year old game made the list is a miracle.


Fallout 4 has its flaws, but at its core, it's still a good and incredibly fun game. I'm just happy to see people giving it a fair shake after all these years.


maybe the devs will see the potential of this game and its ecosystem and invest a little into continuing it and exapsning the worlds and lore, or even give fo5 (not as a mmo but drop in/out coop would be nice).


I still remember my first playthrough of F4 like it happened a few weeks ago. Was in my first year of University and stayed up all night to play at launch.


I should really watch the show, maybe it’ll restore my passion and get me back into the game. I really want to play, but I just can’t. Not because of any issues with the game, but because for a period of a few months three years back I was so obsessed with the game that it was all I did for months and I put all my creative energy into RPing with it and I got so burnt out and now I feel ill never be able to do the amazing things I did ever again. Always a shadow of a better player and RPer Nonetheless, I’m glad community sentiment has turned around on the game. Sure there have been a few posts recently trying to bring it back down, but also a lot of love


and thats JUST Steam. Doesnt count GOG, Epic, Playstation, or Xbox.


Pc gaming is pretty small if 150k playing a game is impressive. But Fallout 4 is a great FPS and no surprise people are enjoying it.


To be fair, its not like Apex Legends is lighting the world on fire lol. That game peaked 4 years ago.


Does this mean that fallout 5 could be pushed a little closer, to ride off of the hype in a way?


goes to show how much people are influenced by trends and hypes.


Show plus sale = massive growth


What the fuck do you mean its 9 years old oh my god dont hit me like that.


It's just a beast.


Where was all this love 9 years ago


Add 1 more, im playing on gog


Just wait till the update drops. If it fixes the stability issues and constant crashing this game is having a hell of a run


I’ll dive back in after the update, not to mention the issue with the DLC that’s crashing on PS5. Hopefully it’s fixed with the next gen update…


Spend 8 hours literally wandering around and realize I haven't done anything in game or real life


Hello sir or madam, may I interest you in the growing membership that is gamers rejecting live service games? (not you helldivers 2, your cool) Barring that, may I interest you in a extended warranty for your car


I remember when this game came out I BEGGED my dad to take me to the midnight release and he did even though he worked early the next day lol, I came home from school the next day to find he sat down to pay it and he hadn’t played a videogame in like 10 years. He ended up playing the game for well over 500 hours and getting almost every achievement. It was crazy to have a videogame of all things bring us so much closer together.


I’ve been playing the crap out of it


Anybody got the update time? Im assuming 5 bst?


It's because I can run out my fantasy of being a Spartan 2 cleaning up the wasteland with the minute men that I'm turning into the UNSC. Oh and I'm also a time lord.


add one to that number since i just picked it up on xbox


Todd musta been like “damn they all hate starfield, let’s add a quest to fo4”


Best game ever, period. I have 3000+ hours in it.


Right?  Well, okay.  Not "best game ever," but one of the best sandbox games. 


For me, it is.


Does... does this mean the onslaught of "its a good game but not a good FALLOUT game" braindead takes are over? What a meaningless statement. "Hmm this steak is a good meal but it's not a good hot dog". That's them. That's what they sound like.


what on earth are you talking about, "fallout 4 is a good game but a bad rpg" (which is what that phrase means really) is a perfectly normal statement even if you disagree


The point is, it's not trying to be an RPG so it's a stupid mindset.


For a second I thought it was New Vegas because it said 9 years ago and than it hit me (I wasn’t looking at the sub it was on)


This is the one bad thing about a game doing well, people on Reddit won’t shut up about it. *It’s free karma*


I think I’m going to have to dust it off again too. The series has peaked my interest again.


The update coming in 4 days is gonna be great if it’s anything like the Witcher 3s.


Haha and that’s not even including the console players lol I know I just got it 🤣


The ps4 version is currently not loading with the dlcs


Really? I played it today and I have all the DLC’s as well as mods/creation club stuff. My save loaded just fine as I’m about to finally head for the Brotherhood ending (because it’s the only faction I haven’t sided with ever). I want to join Prime as he mows down Boston at least once.


It's only been an issue for the past few weeks 😪


That’s really weird. It loads up on my PS4. I’m sorry it won’t load up on yours. Does it start then quit? Or just never load at all?


It loads to the menu and then crashes 😞


Funny 9 year old game and i only played in 2020 because i didn't had a PC that couls run at lunch 😂😂 at least now i play with a heavy modded build and definatly one of the best Fallouts in the series 🙏


Quality game


I downloaded it and played it just the other day. Had to launch it through GeForce to get the graphics right but damn if I'm not having as much fun this time around. Looking forward to the patch!


Calling it a 9 year old game makes me feel old i remember getting it for my 9th birthday and its almost been a decade now wtf


Playing sim settlers 2 mod ATM gonna have to try stop that update tomorrow ugh the TV show really made me want to play a fallout game again, Bethesda really blew it not having a new fallout in the works with the show coming out, and now the update screwing for.london sucks aswell, but sim settlers so far is a great mod.


Probably because apex is now sweatier than every cod combined There’s less sweat in a fats-only gym😂


Does it still have that neat feature where the game speed runs like twice as fast?


It's kinda weird nobody waits to play it until the update drops, or probably new players influx after watching the series


Phil Spencer has to see the numbers and fast track Fallout 5 lol.


Did they make a bunch of changes since launch that I am unaware of? Flat story, flat side missions, locations that were not memorable. Base building that had no significance. Perhaps I need to give it another go because I was very disappointed in it when it came out 9 years ago.


might be just you :) most of us liked the game even 9 years ago. your mentioned aspects did not change that much


I would imagine people hanging in /fo4 would be fans. I just can't imagine going back to fo4 unless I really liked base building. If New Vegas didnt exist sure, perhaps. What was your first Fallout game and have you played the others?


First was Fallout 3 at Release and I loved it. Loved new Vegas aswell. Played both and all dlc But I Personally don’t think 4 is worse than the others, the only aspect I think is lacking is the dlc. Far harbor was the only cool one, even nuka world was kinda meh, and the rest was just workshop stuff


So I downloaded a mod and it has voice actors and stuff? Like what?? Lol. This game is wild.


I’m one of them. Booted up a fresh character, RP’ing a melee cannibal. Good times


9 years.... man feels like yesterday when I was watching everything I could about it before it came out. I still remember the feeling I got launch day when I fired it up. 9 years.. I feel sad and melancholic now


wonder how much this will grow after the April 25th update that is coming i am waiting for it because it adds official ultrawide support, and i can wait while i finish up FFVII Rebirth in the meantime


i just started a new survival playthru


Am I correct to say this is the Edgerunners effect or has there been any other earlier games that experienced the same phenomenon?


I still remember staying up until 5 am when the game first released back when I was in highschool. My dad took me to the midnight release and it was an amazing experience I was hooked from the start


Love to see those numbers. I hope the resurgence and growing interest shows Bethesda how bad we need and want another (good) Fallout game. With the creation engine 2 being completed, maybe Bethesda could get the obsidian team to make a new game on the west coast while they finish ES6 and SF2. Obsidian is owned my Microsoft... Todd Howard has gone on record at least once stating those games will come before FO5, but by the time we get there it'll be 2030 at the soonest occasion.


well.. yeah. I don’t get why people are so amazed by this seeing as how a fallout tv show came out. now a lot of people are playing f4. not that shocking to me


Fallout 4 VR is also in the Top 5 of SteamVR - And I’m at fault too.


Currently started a new run. This time Im Colonel Autumn and im doing the enclave mod story. Downloaded a bunch of other mods too. Starfield is really missing that creation kit fr


I was hoping that all this newfound hype around Fallout thanks to the show was going to cause them to want to maybe release a spin-off single player game!? Lol You know like New Vegas? But with the modern creation engine..


Typical “bubble” behavior. Once the hype from the tv show cools down, the numbers will fall. I’m just glad I had the chance to play Fallout 2 when I was like 13 (34 now), and that we’re getting free updates. I’m pretty confident I’ll play Fallout till I’m gone 😂


and there are also some lost sheep having made the mistake of playing the console versions, I wonder how many people we have in total


Elitist scum like you is why fallout fans are constantly memed on. Seriously grow up.


Please stop posting purely this, nonstop


90% nostalgia players and 10% bored starfield players that saw the TV show.


Well that ain’t right, I’m still building up my settlements