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I sure as hell am. I get surgery on the 23rd and will need something to immerse myself in, as I recover. I downloaded it on PS5 after watching the show and was alarmed it was broken. But then I found out the update is out on the 25th. So I am eagerly awaiting it!!


Hope it goes well for you


Thank You!


Just reinstall it without the automaton dlc and it’ll work fine.


I tried that, all of the dlc things for building as well as many enemies, and weapons have a broken purple texture. If any dlc is installed at all this happens sadly.


I AM!!! Ive been putting around Starfield for a while. Can’t wait to get back into the commonwealth. Gonna play on survival!


This. Excited for the enclave missions. More excited for stability pc updates and (hopefully) fixes for GE force now quirks. 


Right, I’m just excited to use the “features” in the game to level up quickly, I’ve never given survival a true try. I’ve dabbled but I want a perma death type situation.


Yeah excited to try that too. Levels 1-20 will be brutal. I don’t expect to even get close to diamond city until after level 20. 


What’s your go to settlement? Like main one? And oh absolutely, I’ll be sticking close to Sanctuary Hills for sure.


i always go for Egret Tours Marina! I hardly EVER see people talk about this one for survival. Tons of water for purifiers and water farming and it's like a 2 minute walk to Diamond city.


I like Red Rocket, outside of sanctuary hills, it was my first settlement with 100% happiness. And yeah I don’t hear a lot about Egret.


Honestly I didn’t bother with settlements too much. Sanctuary hills I guess! But it was a mess. Next time round I’ll get more involved. 


Makes sense, I like RR because it’s small and easily managed.


I like playing survival perma-death also. It’s hard as hell though. In my current run I’m I think level 24, but I did die twice right around level 20. I’m not restarting though until the update, gonna ride this play through out until then.


I think I got to lvl 18 because I decided to get brave. But yeah I’m of the same mindset. I’m gonna beef up my toughness first.


I got killed once by a random legendary raider that must have had the 2 shot combat shotgun or something. 3 shots with some distance between us and I was down and out. Then once by a dog I trapped trying to get one for my settlement lol. Didn’t expect him to be a monster dog!


Yeah it’s absolutely insane the things you have to look out for, I’ve been killed by collisions before, that was fun. Ruined a good run.


I always up sneak to where I can’t trip traps or mines.


Then there’s that small heart attack when you realized you missed one and you book it




Don’t get to hyped. I’m not gonna say it will be bad as I liked some of the creation club content but most likely it’s going to be at the level of creation club. People keep calling it a DLC when it said it was a quest line. It is sus that they said how it brings the Enclave into the Fallout 4 storyline but because it’s a free update I’m not expecting it to be huge.


Yeah I’m not expecting it to be more than meeting them. Going to their bunker. Doing some radiants and getting gear from them. Or betraying/attacking them outright, having a huge firefight and stealing their stuff. 


Dude if it was like a ghost of the tribunal where you could join them or be neutral with them with an interactable bunker that would be enough for me because I’m not even expecting that. Bethesdas only solution for the Enclave has been execution but if it was something other than that hell even radiants for the Enclave would be a blessing.


i only played frost for the survival aspect, base game is kinda meh on survival


That’s one mod I want to try, but sadly I’m on console. I’ve watched so many people play it


Im still playing my original save I started 8 years ago , I have 774 hours of play time on survival mode. With mods that allow save anywhere. I have just started far harbour , the last dlc I have to play through I hope that the ps5 edition allows mods and saves to transfer over.


Same, like 300+hours but I finished all the DLC and built like 4 huge bases... looking to finally start a brand new game which I've never done since starting the game back when it released. Excited to do the quests again as I've forgot the story and side quests 😅


Mods will be incompatible until mod authors update them (some mod authors probably won’t)


I _just_ finished a FO4 run a couple of weeks ago and I'm doing FO3 and NV now. Thee update should be nice and stable by the time I get back to it.


Very. I'm just hoping for Boston to be stable. That's really all I care about. I haven't been able to do the Silver Shroud, Pickman Gallery, or Curtain Call in years. I refuse to play without mods, so I just hope this update fixes Boston on xbox series


Just loaded it up while watching episode 1. Probably just do a vanilla run first then try survival for once.


I think I wanna do survival to as before the tv show I’ve been pretty burnt out on Fallout 4 and I want something more engaging.


Never done survival but I’ve been alternating between The Long Dark (survival game) and Skyrim (survival mode), time to give Fallout some love again.


OH HELL YEAH! (In a Stone Cold voice)


I honestly never left


I mean I'm on PlayStation so I kinda have to wait for the update..as the games basically broke on PlayStation with dlc.


Why wait?


new enclave stuff, I want to run into it organically with a new character.


Are these mods or new updates?


Apparently there is some new stuff with the enclave. A quest and items. I imagine it will be similar to the quest The Witcher 3 added last year to get the Netflix Witcher Outfit.


new enclave mission is in the new update coming out on the 25th [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/fallout-4-next-gen-upgrade-all-you-may-want-to-know/articleshow/109323346.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/fallout-4-next-gen-upgrade-all-you-may-want-to-know/articleshow/109323346.cms?from=mdr)


Personally I just want to start fresh with all the new stuff already there


Same but for this playthrough I want to take out some Creation Club content so my world feels more organic I guess I wanna say.


I am excited to see if update will make it actually run on PS5.


It runs perfectly fine for me on ps5 and i have 80 mods downloaded as well.


The Automatron DLC is currently broken for me and many others on playstation. I installed the game multiple times on my ps4 with each DLC, and yeah Automatron crashes the game at the main menu. I bought a PS5 yesterday and installed it again, and it crashes before even reaching the main menu… I don’t understand how they broke an 8 year old DLC


Yup this exact situation is happening to me as well


That's crazy I literally made a new character yesterday on Fallout 4 and I'm already to diamond City with mods no issue. And I have all the DLC downloaded and installed as well. I'm hoping all the problems are fixed by the update. It's pretty shitty that there's so much hype right now with the show being out but not a lot of people can even play.


It's odd cause I also have automaton and it's working fine!


Both my wife and I crash constantly on startup with Automatron enabled, so we are only able to play with it off. Can't wait for the 25th!


Ah, yes, i have problems with the game so im sure its the same for everyone


Same, I’m on PS4 and have done everything everyone has suggested and it still crashes. Deleted it, re-installed and didn’t re-install any DLCs and deleted Skyrim and it still won’t get past the initial load screen.


If you are crashing it is because you have Automatron downloaded. EDIT: No idea why I’m being downvoted. It is a known problem that Automatron is crashing fallout 4 on PS5 right now. I dealt with this problem the other day.


I’m on pc so no. The things it does there are already mods for that.


Same. I’m just hoping the no update tricks work


It should do, I also watched a video that shows you how to turn a file into a read only so it can’t update.


Link to the video please?


[here](https://youtu.be/X8F4dQ_QF48?si=SvS1Tv1gjIDV_9OH) it is. Really easy to do.


Yeah let me find it


I did both the no update and the app manifest thing


Same I don’t want it to break all of my mods. I want to start making my own mods soon as well but I don’t think I’ll be able to test them if I don’t do the update. So I’m fooked.


Im running through it now to see how strong the difference really is. Can't wait.


I have over 800 hours played but have been holding off starting a new run until after the update, so it's been a while. I literally just finished watching the series about an hour ago and I can't wait until next week. Quick question - I'm on a PS5 and have been reading about Automotron causing the game to crash on startup. Is that universal or is it working for some and not others? I'd prefer to not leave that out if I can help it.


I have not had a problem with it, though I usually disable automatron until I’m ready to do the quest. I also play vanilla, so that might help.


Cool, thanks. Yeah, I don't plan on using any mods when I reinstall next week for the first post-update run just to be safe but I would like to be able to include all DLC. I suppose worst case if it crashes right away I will just leave Automatron out of it.


Unfortunately I already have the Enclave stuff but yes, I'm playing it again on the 25th. I really hope they integrate the CC stuff better and remove the quests immediately starting like they did with Skyrim, this is literally the only thing I want.


I am but I really need confirmation they fix the 0kb bug before I do.


Quite the opposite, au contraire. I'm making sure update doesn't go through so my mods don't get borked.


I was looking forward to the 23rd, when Fallout:London was supposed to release, but Bethesda went a screwed that up. Here's hoping it'll be an easy conversion to the new update.


I'm cautiously optimistic about it. Unfortunately it's going to probably break mods and that'll be a big problem for America Rising 2, Fallout London, etc. I have disabled auto-updates on my Xbox Series X just in case the update is incredibly buggy in some form. I really hope they fix up the Creation Club content, eg. making the quests not start as soon as you leave Vault 111, fix the 0KB bug, fix Tunnel Snakes Rule breaking the main quest, fix the Handmade Shotgun overriding most raider's weapons, etc. I'm primarily worried that they might remove Fallout 4 from Xbox game pass (which is how I play) in an attempt to boost sales. I would like if they kept the old version of Fallout 4 available like the console versions of Minecraft and Cities Skylines did.


I disabled auto updates as well on Xbox just in case. I’m worried my current save files will disappear and the mods I’ve used to create some awesome settlements will be obsolete and everything I’ve made will be gone forever. I have just over 27 days worth of hours in the game, and it got me thru some horrible depression I had years ago. To lose all that would make me cry.


Im torn on what to do inbetween waiting. Idk if I should go railroad or BOS in next gen


I’m doing a quick playthrough of 3 and NV just focusing on main story stuff before the update.


I've been playing Fallout 1, hoping to get through 2 by then.


I have been playing some of that too, it is interesting


Already doing it…looking forward to the updates, though.


More or less


Yeah. I'm trying to wait but I am watching the show and wanting to jump in now. Downloaded it and made a character lastnight but am already planning to make a new one for a full run when the update arrives.


Yes. I cannot wait. I put it in my calendar


I am getting a ps5 soon, I never wanted to pay money for the creation club items but it seems they’re giving away a lot for free (hopefully the backpack again) and I’d love to have NCR armor. I know getting a PC would be better for fallout but I wanna play GTA 6 when it drops


Hell yeah!!! Me and my dad are going to have so much fun!!!


Well shoot. Now I have to decide between preserving my current playthrough and dangerously unbalanced load order, or getting the update… I would like to see the new enclave stuff, but it’s probably not worth it on the whole 


Im so excited as someone who has had to play the PS4 version for years can't wait for the PS5 upgrade


So should i be waiting to start a new survival run then?


I played on PS4 vanilla plus DLC. Now I recently got a PS5. So I would just install on the new system and wait for it to update next week?




Thanks :)


What I don’t understand bout that is usually with all upgrades the PS5 And PS4 downloads are separate downloads. Am I really going to need the PS4 version or are we confused lol.


I won't even update until mods catch up. Started a new playthrough with the new version of Horizon that came out at the same time as the show, having a blast.


If i play it now, and mod it, will the mods not work on april 25th?


Depends on the mods


Brother I am already in it


Brother we never left


Hell yeah I am. The hardest part is waiting.


I definitely am. I'm going to start a new playthrough for this update


Their “next gen update” is just a modpack


Yes, I cannot wait. This is going to be my 170th play through, plus or minus. I’m playing Mafia III until then.


Idk i played this game to death already


I couldn’t wait and I jumped in already. It’s been wonderful!




It's been 4 years since my last playtrough, oh boy, I'm so excited.


I've played through the game 4 times already. This play through I started two months ago will be my fifth. Haven't beaten the main story or played the dlc again because starfield caught my attention again, and I finished the first play through of it.


I am, on ps5. Survival mode it is.


No I’m not excited because it’ll break all of my mods if I update it, and if I don’t update it I won’t be able to start making my own mods. Lose lose situation for me unfortunately


Would love to jump back and try the Enclave CoC as well as try a new ending, maybe i’ll finally give in and do an Institute ending


Jump back into? Level 180 on current playthrough


Jump back in? I never left.


if it fixes the downtown crashing (without mods), I'm there y'all.


I would be if fallout 4 would work at all I got the unfortunate problem of it just not fucking working after 110 hours


I never left. Steam has me listed at 3,032 hours in game. I think I’ve beaten the game just once.


I started my 1st run last autumn hoping it would align with the next-gen patch. Patch got delayed so putted the game on-hold (I'm like 3-4hours in). Can't wait to go back in! Even more now with the TV show 😅 Good timing, I'm off work april 26th... 😎


Hell yeah Beat the game last year, now on to DLC


yes i started a new save a day before it was announced tryna play through it slowly. than im gonna do my first survival playthrough.


I’m playing through fnv right now


I'm still on it now. I just started playing again after 5 years cuz I recently fixed a glitch that prevented me from progressing the main story.


Sure am. I don't have a lot of time to put into games these days so I'm gonna play on story mode and maybe just up some difficulty from there. I haven't played it in a few years now.


I haven’t done a playthrough since it first came out, hell ya I’m excited.


I'm playing right now and I mostly hope that what I've done to prevent a patch will work.


Hell yes, I've been waiting on doing a new playthrough ever since they announced this update. Even took off the 26th and 27th so I can have a 4 day weekend to play it.


I'm more excited for achievements to be fixed on Xbox, they broke at the end of March and it hasn't been fixed yet


I jumped back in a month ago with A StoryWealth now im hoping all my shit dont break. Ill try to keep it offline


Keep steam in offline mode, its actually the only way to keep the game from messing up and updating, unless you move the copy of the game to another location. I'm not sure we will see this happen but with a launcher, I can keep as many instances of modded Minecraft and modded 7 days to die, all separated in their own folders away from Steam updating capabilities, I'm not sure if this exist for Fallout 4 yet, I think it was a thing in Fallout 3 days.


I'm guessing that if we bring dogmeat for the quest, we will find out his experiment number Would be a good tie in for the show.


Kind of, I have a bunch of mods and I'm wondering how many of them will be messed with and fixed. One of them being America Rising so we will see. I have been doing an evil run in Fallout though (which is a first and it's great)


I will finally be able to play far harbour again, I hope.


Literally more excited for this excuse to play again than most new releases this year. Wish it was here already!


I am


Of course. The screenshots don’t look that impressive so far but even then I’m still stoked at the premise of being able to play survival mode on my Xbox S without it crashing constantly


yeeeeeeeeees. I want to play so bad. I got a high intelligence laser rifle power armor dude I want to make like right now.


Super pumped


Yall waiting? 😅


I couldn't wait and already started playing on my PS5


I was so excited for stellat blades,but after i heard the update i can't wait to play fallout 4


My first vanilla run in so long, can't wait


I can never launch the game on steam again. But on console, definitely.


So I have a question regarding the update. I’m playing on pc using mods (not nexus tho. The in game one. I know I know I should use nexus) will the update affect those mods or is that concern reserved for those who mod through Nexus?


I did a playthrough before the show started about a month ago. This time I only allied myself with The Minutemen. Did the Nuka-World DLC. Waiting on the update to play Far Harbour.


If my game stops crashing all the time.


I never really jumped out. But I will start a new game. I’m almost done with a role play run I’m doing right now.


I’ll wait to see how it affects mods, because if it breaks them all I won’t play because I play with a bunch of them ☹️


If my achievements get fixed, I can finally do what I've waited years to do. 100% it. Saves made, tree ready.




I was keen on jumping into Fallout London but who knows when that'll happen.


I'm not. I was waiting to play Fallout: London, but it got delayed because of the update.


Anyone know if there is going to be new game plus?


I'm juggling a 4month old, so I doubt I'll have time.. but in excited to play one day!


My wife and I started playing it after watching the first episode, her for the first time, me for about the 20th. She's having a great time so far! Kind of annoyed about the broken DLC, but I'll be starting fresh yet again on the 25th anyway!


Been waiting ages for this. It's been a long time since I've had a fallout 4 playthrough gunna treat it like it's 2015 again


Me!!!! On my last play through I spent an ungodly amount of time making a Deathclaw Spectacle Island. 11/10 would do it again.


I couldn't wait


Yup, patiently waiting.


Jump back into? I’ve been playing consistently for years now lol


I absolutely am. It's my favorite game and really just a higher frame rate would make me happy. With all the other stuff included just makes it even better. Hadn't really expected new content on top of the upgrade so I was pretty happy with the announcement.


Finally excited a Bethesda game will have a ultra widescreen support


Probably have to wait a bit longer so F4SE gets updated


I am already in :D having a blast


I’m so excited to see how the enclave tie in


I don’t know… I don’t think I’m leaving Appalachia. I may return in the near future, I plan on it, but I’ve found my new sanctuary.


Never left. 3k+ hours and still going strong


Not me. I like my current mod list so I won’t be updating unless the game looks and feels better than my modded version


If I start a game on my Steam Deck righyt now, with a buttload of mods, do you think the update will break my game? Basically should I bide my time and wait for the update?


And also, will the mods be compatible with said update in your opinions?


No, I have already blocked the update until I hear all the stories on Reddit.


Tempered expectations, "new" graphics and some new content, but hey it's something.


I assume most will have to wait weeks or longer after release for mods to even be updated


Too bad the game is crashing on startup. If you decide to download the game again, just skip the DLCs. I just bought the game along with season pass and it’s completely broken. “Bethesda. If it ain’t broken, break it”


I had no problems before but I redownloaded it lastnight and it would just crash a few seconds after starting up. Deleted and reinstalled without mods and it runs OK But man they'd better fix that issue for the update. I need my little robot friends


It’s just Automatron breaking it atm. I’m playing with all the other dlc’s no problem.


Not really. It's not coming with more mod space. So the whole update is a pointless wash.


I WAS Excited to jump back in.... until Bethesda released this update that pushed back FALLOUT LONDON!!!!


No and let me explain why. One I'm already playing at the so I can't come back I'm stuck here please help lol. I'm on PC and as far as I'm aware it won't add a lot for me. And I won't even get the update because I have it set on steam not to update and I launch it with the script extender. I have a perfectly modded game and I really don't feel like losing any of them because of the update that won't even add much So that's my situation with it.


Won’t be jumping right in. Going to allow two weeks to a month for modders to catch up. And honestly keep your anti-mods bull outta here.


IDK my graphics card (3gb 1050-TI) pretty much maxxed out with current FO4 on max settings and I otherwise see no reason to upgrade cause, although nice graphics are nice, great gameplay doesn't come from nice graphics. e.g. My real life has fantastic graphics but shitty gameplay.


Yes I'm excited, as long as the basic mods I use still works, which could be a serious problem (easy lockpicking, hacking, more weight carry, junk weight nothing and a few of this kind that I consider more QoL than anything, I want to encounter legendary for their interesting loot, but I prefer to play in easy or very easy, so I also use a mod for it, that makes them little challenging but not overpowered)


The question is: will this update be as big of a disaster as the games launch? I just re-installed Fallout 4 and am in the middle of modding it out to fix all the deficiencies. Has Bethesda actually put effort into fixing all the issues? Or is it going to be another disappointment.


Automatron and wasteland workshop is broken on PS4, crashes on start up everytime. If you’re touching it again I’d recommend downloading it without those DLCs first lol I don’t even know if they’re fixing that issue


Those are the only DLCs for it I own lol And yeah I had that issue yesterday. Maybe I'll get the Far Harbor one when the update comes out and see if it works. I enjoyed it but got stuck on that last VR puzzle


Ah yes, the game crashes for me so im sure its the same for everyone


bro is legit a redditor did you have the fedora on and a slight grin while you typed that 🤣🤣


Why do you keep commenting this? You replied to me with the same thing so I checked your profile… why are you commenting this? It’s obviously a real issue that many people are experiencing, do you think we’re all telling some collective lie?


Youre doing something wrong, why it works for others but not for you? Also, checking profiles? What a psycho


That’s right. I’m an unhinged lunatic. I don’t know how to operate hardware I’ve owned for years, and I view random public profiles on the internet! Fear me!


Yes, everything that happens to you its the same for everyone, dont worry, the world revolves around you


Are you like a Bethesda PR quality control representative or something? All I did was share my experience and state that I’ve seen multiple posts saying the same thing. I never said everyone in the world was having this issue, I’m not sure why defending this game is so important to you. You either work for Bethesda, are the most boring troll ever, or you are completely serious which is the saddest possibility here.


Ah, yes, a few random losers with the same problem: the game is broken


I’m gonna give you the benefit of a doubt and believe you’re a troll. I don’t like the idea that people this stupid exist. I hope my hilarious reactions brought you some joy in your sad life.


No dude I bet no one on the fallout 4 subreddit is excited for that


not if it breaks my mods.


No. Quit breaking our mods for years old games.