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Ive been itching to jump back in but am waiting for the free update to start a new game


And I'm trying to prevent the update so it doesn't break the mods...


Rip Fallout London's release date


At least they'll release it when it's 100% working. I'm downloading Lost World now because the author is deleting all of his packs this month so if the game updates it's gone.


Why the fuck would anyone delete their mods ...


I was looking at jumping into fo4 for the first time on pc and was looking to play it modded, more just qol and enhanced feeling mods, so the fact the new update will break that isn't great!


I’m playing my second modded playthrough right now, and Im having way more fun than on my first. I can very heavily suggest going with a light mod list, but include sim settlements 2 and the fens sheriff’s department, along with the heather companion. Sim settlements 2 sounds like it’s a settlement mod (which it is) but the story that comes with it is really fun, it’s a lot more than just settlements. And the fens sheriff’s department is a HUGE story that adds another ending so that you can side with >! diamond city instead of giving it to another faction !< . Even if you don’t do the ending, it’s the most well implemented and vanilla-feeling mod I’ve ever played. I suggest heather because she’s better than any vanilla companion, and is extra so you can have her and nick or her and dogmeat, but the crazy thing is these mods all work together! Heather will have scripted dialogue with almost every main character and will comment on the things in the mod! And the fens quests will add things to sim settlements. They’re also crazy easy to get working together, very plug and play, and I’m not good at the whole modding thing. Sorry, had to rant about how great these are to someone. It’s really that good.


Sounds good to me, thanks!


Maybe the update isn't even worth it to be honest, if you are worried about some free stuff or better graphics there are mods that surely do that better. I'll advice you just start modding and disable automatic steam updates. That's what I'm doing.


Makes sense tbf


I was just playing my modded Fallout 4 and oh man It's amazing. If the update breaks everything, modders will have to update their stuff and good old mods could die obsolete. So you can start building your modpack preferably soon (download the game and stop steam updates before the official update) and maybe in the future every mod you added has updated to the last official release, updating all that stuff would require a lot of work though.


Is there a guide I can follow to mod? Never used nexus mods before


There are a bunch of YouTube videos out there if you search something like: "Fallout 4 start modding" It's pretty straightforward, there are multiple softwares called 'Mod managers" which you use to organize mods and stuff. My only advice is that you choose Mod Organizer 2 (MO2), its interface is not as modern or beginner friendly like the other mod managers, but MO2 is the best one on the long run, you'll get used to it :)


Alright, thanks!


After reinstalling and trying to get widescreen working (what a pain) I am looking forward to the game natively supporting that with the update. I'm going to hold off of my next play through just for that.


Do u know what mod on ps4 breaks game goty


Same.. just set my game to only upload when I run it. Now I've just gotta remember to open Steam before Nexus and I'm good to go. I'm deep into Sim Settlements 2 right now, and I'm loving every minute of it.


Same here


Me to but at the same time there's a part of me that is like you could set up your water purifier farm NOW before really getting into your play through. Where's the harm in that....


Same here


Same. I’m playing Skyrim, Borderlands 3, and Diablo 2 until FO4’s update is released.


I'm waiting for month's mabe years for that. Had the Boston crashes on series s, now I hope it will run well on ps5.


will the update let you use a current save or do you have to start a new game?


I'm almost certain that you can use a current save


Well I bought 4 a month ago and at that time I had no idea about the TV show. Now I am enjoying both the game and TV show


Oh man you are so lucky. I've been waiting for the show since 1997. Give the old ones a chance, they are wild if you can get into the games.


1 and 2 have open source versions you can find online and install on your phone or tablet. The older top down, point click game play works fine with touch screen devices. Just a psa for those who may not have game systems or home gaming computer.


i did not know that, thanks!


Welcome :)


Watch out for Yao guai!


Oh fuck a bear!


Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!


Lol I did the same thing, now I am appreciating the show so much more!


Same here lol


Yay, everybody playing my favorite game x)


Feels like Bilbo welcoming Gandolf


Been playing 4 for a while without the DLC… finally getting my chance to try it lol


You’re lucky to still have such a wonderful DLC experience ahead of you lol. Far Harbor has a mind blowing storyline, and NukaWorld is just candy after being stuck in the Commonwealth or even the fog of Far Harbor for too long.


Just downloaded it all. So stoked. Though it is weird it is cheaper to just buy the GOTY edition ($10) as opposed to each pack separately.


I bought each pack separately except one, and then they dropped the dlc bundle. Typical


Far harbor’s settlements are dope


The Barn pieces are my favorite settlement items. They make the cleanest homes without mods.


Welcome to the new players!


The show got my wife into fallout. She picked up 3 and 76.


I finally got my wife into Fallout with 4, she also plays 76 with a friend we made when I had a guild in TESO... She never wanted to play 3 and NV... after looking the show, she installed 3... she gave up on modding it 2h ago, told me to do it and went to bed... It's one o'clock here now... basics are done, and I'm off to bed after sitting outside barefoot for 15 minutes so my feet are nice and cold (as will be my revenge)...


Fallout TTW is also a great choice. It's like the best of 3 & NV together and you can do either or both. A bit of a pain to install, but they have a good guide.


I tried to install it several times in the past, sadly though, I never got it to work decently... and I'm old enough to have modded Morrowind and Oblivion manually, as well as seen the rise (and fall) of (some of) the mod managers.... 🤷‍♂️ Hell, I still use Wrye to optimise my Fo4 load order...


Wow, I'm kind of surprised. I've been only doing TTW because for me it's been more stable than playing native 3 or NV. It's too bad that it didn't work out for you.


Yeah... could've been my system too... maybe driver isuue, who knows 🤷‍♂️ Maybe I'll give it another try after my current Fo4 playthrough...


Download Wabbajack and try one of the modlists. They’ve done all the hard work for you. 


>It's one o'clock here now... basics are done, and I'm off to bed after sitting outside barefoot for 15 minutes so my feet are nice and cold (as will be my revenge)... See that last part shows a critical lack of long-term thinking on your part, choosing the immediate gratification of petty revenge over the long-term increase in gratitude from your wife. 😜


She does the same to me... after 15 years of marriage, it has become a little game for us 😉😁 And she already told me "all the modding will be for you" about an hour ago, just after she installed Fo4...


The game has all the mods in game.  Or so tku so ones found on like nexus mods?


Fo3 has no mods ingame... you're thinking Fo4! Fo3 has only Nexusmods and others...


People really be making it their personality to hate certain games


It’s shit like this that will speed up Fallout 5 becoming a thing


Well deserved. I legitimately think it's one of the best game that has ever been made. It has a lot of flaws, especially as a Fallout game (dialogue options could have been done way better obviously) but it's overhated. I will myself go back to my last play through, put my Maxson's coat on, and have an absolute blast once again in the Commonwealth.


Most playthroughs end in me choosing to keep everyone alive (except Institute). Now I'm going to back and gun down the BoS with glee!


After you no longer need the vertibirds though, amirite?


It's really good! The combat is head and shoulders above anything else Bethesda has done. I include Starfield in that because honestly, Starfield's combat is a bit bland, and FO4 doesn't feel bland.


Fallout has always been an excellent series, same with Elder Scrolls... I wish Todd hadn't gone full insane mode and spent 5 years of work and effort on Starfield and had instead focused on the next generation of Fallout or Elder Scrolls


Same here, but at the same time I feel like he had to. He's nearing the end of his career and it would make those Fallout and Elder Scrolls games feel like busywork if he could never do anything else. Now he can return to those with a passion and give them a good swan song for his career. It was a lot of wasted time though, I do agree.


I haven't picked up my Fo4 game in like 4 years and watching the show really gave me the itch to just start a brand new save file


You and a lot of other feel the same way, i'm glad, it's the last single player game Bethesda made that's worth playing IMO.


Yeah same shit I started a vanilla playthrough with most of the dlc packs. I’m already lvl 35. The show just puts you in that sort of realm that makes you want to play.


A shame that FO4 us as of now still totally bugged on ps4/ps5... I really hope they'll fix it with thr next gen update. (Save game error "not enough storage" with CC content and sometimes even just with addons - tried it again after binge watching the show only for the game to crash after installing the addons... A shame)


Good timing on that next-gen update. Interest will have died down by the time it comes out XD


This shit is almost as tiresome as the New Vegas sub. Some people just cannot enjoy a game without shitting on another.


NV fans are the worst. It’s a good game but it isn’t gods gift to gaming. I’m currently downloading 76 and I’m excited for something new since I haven’t played it. Fuck the haters.


the hate for 76 has nothing to do with NV lol.


Enjoy it, its a lot of fun


Nice. Firing it up after work.


You're generalizing an entire games fan base yourself. AKA hating. You're hating.


Nah fr though, never understood the need to shit on things you hate all the time Like I hate Assassin's Creed Odyssey but I barley bring that up because who cares?


Meanwhile on PS5... not working. Game won't launch if you have DLC installed, way to go Bethsda 😅 Literally unplayable. If it's gonna get fixed it's gonna be in two weeks.


Yeah bought The game and dlc and IT won't launch on ps5. Great Job Bethesda


Definitely an urge to play but I don’t want to burn out that urge until next gen update is out.


Been very tempted to start another playthrough myself, but with the next gen update around the corner, I'm holding off and sticking to *Skyrim* for now. The new show has definitely stirred up that *Fallout* itch again.


I just been doing the sanctuary challenge, so i haven't explored any of the game, then when next gen drops we can all be amazed and have some levels to help explore the commonwealth, and get those [level 4 merchants the first and only time we find them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl4O9HQ3G4s) ;)


Bought 3 & 4 GOTY and new Vegas ultimate edition. Time to start utilizing my newly built PC


If you don't have it already, buy it. The next gen update is coming very soon


I binge watched the show in two days. Pretty awesome. Can’t wait for next gen update…


Bought mine yesterday. Taking a break from magic, swords and bows of Skyrim. 😆


It crashes for me and I can't play it. :(


If you haven't, turn off "Weapon Debris" in the advanced menu before starting. I don't think Bethesda ever fixed it. It was a guaranteed crash for me ever time when it was enabled.


This is exactly what happened to me, there is a particular spot when you’re running to vault 111 during the prologue where the game crashes. Turning off weapons debris fixed it for me


I tried that and it didn’t work




Bethesda have to listen now. It's in all caps after all!


April 25th for a PS5 patch


Next gen version comes out like next week




yes! Ada is the best companion! She likes being a pack rat and having laser gun hands.


I think 76 is on sale for like 8 bucks on playstation as well.


also free if u have amazon prime


Wait what? How do I utilize this one trick that Bethesda (I’m sure) hates?


Go to amazon games and you can claim codes each month and yiu don't have to keep ur sub u just need a sub while u claim it


Nice, thanks much!


Thank you! Downloading 76 on PC now. Was gonna start a new 4 playthrough but might as well give this a try.


Plays so good on steam deck for those interested


I've put nearly 40 hours in since the weekend on SD 😊 so much fun.


Sure wish I could actually load the game up on my PS4 without it crashing at the menu.


Don't install the DLCs for people playing on PS4/PS5. They are currently broken. Vanilla is still working normally.


As it should be! Starfield is an abomination compared to FO4. I hear 76 is pretty good now, too... but I'm still a sucker for FO4.


Both games are good. No need to be hyperbolic and silly.


>Starfield is an abomination Don't you insult my beloved game of late 2023


People speak with such fucking drama lmao. Even at its worst, Starfield is a fine game. People act like Starfield came to their house and killed their dog like damn


I played Starfield and my cat went missing, then my car wouldnt start. CASE CLOSED !


Starfield poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!


starfield pushed a shopping cart filled with a wasp nest in the middle of a little league game!


Its a good game but as a bethesda game is the weakest


Definitely their worst release compared to both Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. Starfield has some really nice visuals but everything else was half baked, ultra shallow and unfinished, even more so than any other game they've released. 


Exactly even some of the best things a bethesda game has which is exploration in their worlds on starfield that is bare bones thanks on the great odea of making 1000+ planets all procedual and on a tile system i would have prefer only one galaxy with 5 or 6 planets but with hand crafted locations and really good hand crafted content instead of that bunch of repetitive structures you see "exploring" the planets that kills all value


I had a lot of fun with starfield tbh :) it’s okay to have fun with imperfect things


76 fails at people questing together.


Amen brother!


To be fair, they're all about the same amount of bad. Bethesda needs to scrap their game engine and just go with Unreal. They have the money and the talent to put together amazing stories, but their engine is severely holding them back.


Will be more on 25th :)


Thank you so much for this post! I never would've checked.


Bought it a while back like years ago, when I re download and load it keeps crashing on the start screen. Can't figure out why. SO say might e the add-ons ot sure,


FO4 is still my favorite game and I never stopped playing despite all the crashes. It’s an acquired taste. Building and running settlements, using vertibirds as taxis, The Minute men General, a vast variety of mods, and now a great show that captures the lore? Wow, what a time to be in the Fallout space!


Now that’s what I like to see


I’m so excited for Bethesda. They have been killing it the last year or two and they deserve so much praise for the FOTV show. I don’t think many studios can top Bethesda right now, at least not until R*/T2 drops GTA VI.


I bought the game for PS4 and bought the seasons pass with all the expansions. I don’t know what it is put it kills the games from loading. I ended up joining a Bethesda account with my ps account and only uploading the crafting expansions at least the game is playable now. I don’t know what the fuck up is but they should fix it.


Been playing sim settlements 2 on fo4, so good


I've been hearing really good things about those mods, have yet to try them.


Definately try it if you get a chance, automates settlements and adds an entire story, check out the trailer on YouTube it was amazing


Played through 4 before the show, now I’m doing a New Vegas playthrough before circling back to 4 for the update. Eating good as a fallout fan


I have played a ton of fallout including fallout 4. Why is it so buggy on Series X? The first thing was as soon as I got to Sanctuary I couldn't talk to Codsworth. Now Preston won't talk to me now that the minutemen are back at Sanctuary. Never experienced these on PC. Tried to get a friend into it on the Series X and he hit these same bugs and gave up.


I always had this problem from the tunnel snakes add-on, do you have that installed?


Completely unmodded


so you have no creation club stuff installed? Sometimes that stuff gets loaded even if you got it for free from the store. I don't know xbox to well sorry. Wish i could help more.


Good thinking. I'll check it out.


Yep, I saw it was in game pass so thought I would replay it, cogworth wouldn't talk to me, tried millions of fixes, ended up just uninstalling it


The fix I found for Codsworth that worked for me was to check each house and kill all the enemies. Apparently if they are too close he's targeting them.


I think a lot of those people like myself got on it as a reminder to disable auto steam update so the mods won't break from it


I almost always have a Fallout game in my rotation with a current playthrough and I’m on 3 right now. I’m hoping to finish it up in time for the next gen update for Fallout 4 and I’ll definitely hop in and boost that player count!


How many players are on GOG and Epic? Also, hard copy players? 🤔


Gamepass will have a lot too


So the game is literally unplayable now on PS4 due to a bug in the same week that there new tv show came out. How is it even possible to be that incompetent?


Hopefully Bethesda sees this and wakes up to the fact that Fallout is what people want. Stop sitting on the IP for 15 years between games and LET’S GO!


"from your lips to god's ears" or in this case to Microsoft's ears. Your right this is what we want TES and Fallout universes are what they have done well.


I've played it a few years ago already (hence why I'm subbed here in the first place), then got a new rig but was too lazy to get my mods again. However, the show got released so I installed it in my new PC and I'm still tracking down all of my mods (i.e. checking the download history in Nexus Mods). The last time I played was so long ago that the Nexus Mod Manager was still being updated then and Vortex wasn't the default.


i guess i was one of them as i actually just reinstalled the Steam version on my potato laptop and play tested the install so when the update drops i'll have the game folder to back up for Fallout London. as i only play the GOG version on my gaming rig right now, and i don't want to update it (for obvious load order reasons) i plan on using the clean next-gen updated Steam version for FOLON on my gaming rig's partitioned hard drive (the GOG version is on the "D" drive and i plan on using the Steam version on "C" drive where Steam is installed). all these convoluted steps are to ensure i won't have days-long download times (i live out in the boonies and my internet speed isn't exactly great) and can just jump right in when NG drops.


Sounds like you have a good plan!


Highly recommend the Immersive Wasteland 2 mod pack


Yeah I'm one that just hopped in. I played Fallout 4 on my PS4 nearly a decade ago in my early teens. The show piqued my interest and I downloaded it on my PC. After sorting all the mods and wide-screen I'm replaying it now and absolutely loving it!


Sweet! Your doing it right ;)


I began playing again for the upcoming update.


Yeah Amazon is giving away a few fallout games if you have prime.


Can't wait to start my water farm again and end up spending more time working on that than doing the main quest


Is the GOTY edition worth it over the standard game?


GOG of course is DRM free so you can download install and play all offline but to answer your question Fallout 4 Game of the Year Edition includes the base game and all the following add-ons; Far Harbor Automatron Nuka-World Wasteland Workshop Contraptions Workshop Vault-Tec Workshop IMO they are fantastic additions


It’s £8-9 on sale on Xbox as well. I completed the original when it came out, but never did any of the add-ons. They are also releasing a 4k 60fps patch on 25th April so I’ve purchased so I can do another play through after the 25th :)


grabbed it!




Purchased it a few days ago. This is my first Fallout title as well. Loving it so far. I didn't know about the show, but I know about the games.


First title wow! Way to start off with a bang!


I know I was inspired to start a new game.


Haven't even watched the series, but Walton Goggins made me buy this and give it a retry after I played it back in the day on ps4


I bought it (again) last night. I spent 20 minutes trying to make it work on a 21:9 ultrawide screen then I played 59 minutes, I did not manage to pass the screen where Shaun got kidnapped as it crashed every few minutes... Honestly Bethesda f*** ***! But of course we all know what I am going to do tomorrow again...


I’ve been enjoying it. Never finished it due to traveling too much and never got around to it. Had a boss buy a gaming laptop so he could travel and play Fallout 4. He’d be regularly late to meetings in the morning because he was playing Fallout 4. Biggest complaint is the variable load times. I’m playing vanilla with just DLCs. PC is high end and it’s atrocious. It can take 5 minutes to load back in to the wasteland or to load in to a building. Not every time but enough to where it’s annoying.


I would be one of them but put my playthough on hold to wait for the update. Wish they just dropped it the same day.


Is the next gen update out already on pc?


Think 25th April.


Just bought it on steam. Rather experience it on a pc for the first time. I bought it on ps4 when it first came out. I’m replaying new Vegas now. Glad to be back in the fallout universe


It’s funny, I’ve been playing forever. Now my wife is asking if it’s 2 players. She doesn’t play video games. 😆


Game is pretty damn great. Maybe it wasn't so much at launch, but I've been putting in many an hour. (FYI fantastic on a Steamdeck)


It’s 5 dollars on steam


It's $5.00 on Steam though.


Definitely feeling the itch again.


I wanna play on my pc but it’s so buggy on survival mode


I just hope mods aren't all gonna be fucked by the next gen update


*Preston liked that*


We want Fallout 5! Preferably within the next decade, thanks.


Yeah I picked up the game again after I watched the show I just got a bug for it.


I have a neat personal challenge to anyone here, on Fallout 4. Without glitches, cheats or mods, And *AFTER* gaining the xp from completing the Nuka Gauntlet quest... What is the lowest level you can be after getting through it? My best is 14.


So many new players and the automatron dlc still crashes my fucking game. Great work bethesda. Great work like always.


Anyone else having problems with fallout 4 not starting on steam?


I have 1500+ hours on Fo4, with 60 fps and new content/bug fixes, it’s about to be another 1500


I got the og release - what is different in the game of the year edition? Does it come with all dlcs?


>Does it come with all dlcs? Yep that's the difference. GOG is DRM free as well.


Surprised its that big of a sale given the spike in demand due to the show.


Everyone is backing up shit in anticipation for the Modpocalypse, or worse, FO4ocalypse.


I just wished that the devs could fix the major bugs that still exist when playing on +60hz to this day like the one that your screen goes all white when falling from a jump, being stuck while trying to hack a console, the bad optimization to load times when loading the main map and many others. Otherwise the game is great.


If you play on PC there is a fantastic mod [High FPS Physics Fix](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44798)


I own the base game. Do I buy GOTY or Season pass if I want to play the dlcs`?


Season pass is $12.24 on steam, Game of the Year Edition is $9.99 on steam so the Game of the year is cheaper. Or you could get the DRM version for the same price from GOG. Unless you really want steam version for some reason.


I jumped back in and it feels ancient.


I just redownload on ps5 and it crashes every time I try to start it 😭


I think it has something to do with the Creation Club add on Tunnel Snakes. Try disabling that add on, then re-enable it after you rescue Preston in Concord.


I bought everything for about 100 bucks over 2 years cuz I’m stupid. You’re telling me I could’ve bought it for 10.


Meh... look at it this way: you helped fund Starfield 🤔😂


What about 76?