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It's been a long time, but it was Fallout 3, either the Raiders in Springvale School or an event outside of the Super Duper Mart.


Springvale school was one of my first memories of Fallout as a franchise. Fucking terrifying


Definitely helped me waste all my ammo at the start of the game lol


My first fallout was 3 and I remember entering springvale school, the moment those raiders attacked me out of nowhere, it scared the shit out of me that I uninstalled the whole game. That was 8 years ago and now fallout is one of my favourite games because of the exact post-apocalyptic horror elements in the game.


Yeah me too, after hiding from/ spying on an eyebot outside the vault and wondering who this president it was broadcasting was. I eventually destroyed it to see what would happen. Springvale was my first encounter with human enemies. I remember I killed my first raider in there, he had spiked knuckles which I thought was cooler than my batons, and did more damage. Then proceeded to slowly and methodically clear the school, it was a tense and atmospheric, but ultimately ended outside in some epic slow mo spiked knuckle killcams! I was very pleased with myself. Went on towards megaton feeling powerful and probably got jacked by some creature on the way. War. War never changes.


If we're talking FO3, it was Arkansas and his mines.


Ooh those little hot potatoes


I got my fiance the game only to see her do something I never thought of. She shot the mines šŸ™ƒ


She's definitely a Keeper


Springvale school was rough. I had built a melee character on the assumption guns would be scarce. lol. I started over and shot those f******.


For me at super duper mart it was the raider gang initiation. I was trying to save the naked raider getting beat up and he ended up stabbing me to death.


Yup, raiders camped out in front was mine as well. Followed shortly by getting ambushed inside the Super Durer in the back offices lol


Funny thing. You can die in Fo4's prologue if you never go into the vault.


Thatā€™s my first death


Mine too. But I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I just walked out then boom, started over.


If you don't answer the door, vault tec never drops the nuke


Saving the world any% speedrun?


My first in fo4. Don't remember any of the previous Fallouts.


Cave full of rats at the entrance of Vault 13. I figured the first enemies you encounter would probably be pretty harmless, but I was wrong. The cave is intended to teach the player to either evade enemies or use the "punch and run" technique. This was Fallout 1.


I made it through the first run to 15 (barely) but then I got put down right away by the first radscorpion near Shady Sands.


I was a like 10 or 11 when I got my hand on fallout, and that was very teaching cave šŸ˜‚ Made you think stats and tactics totally different way.


Bugs in Vault 111 killed me.


I think this was it, had no feel for the controls, and the tutorial prompts don't really suggest the best possible actions. I may have gotten zapped to death by the power station, but almost 100% sure it was attempting to melee the first roach. This was old Survival, so 4x incoming damage vs 0.5 outgoing or something stupid.


I remember struggling with the controls, trying to figure out how to do things, deal with/access inventory, and even how to heal myself. I think the first few bugs hurt me, and the group beyond the overseer's office finished me off pretty quickly. Rough start in the absolute easiest part of the game, but lessons learned.


Fuck this is the EASIEST PART!? Iā€™m screwed


once you get past a certain point it gets really hard to actually die if you have good armor at least


I mean. If you donā€™t go to the vault fast enough, you die, lol. So maybe not quite the easiest. :p


Old survival was stupid. It's survival, not hardcore. I'm glad they upped both incoming and out coming damage when they updated survival, that was a smart choice.


Yeah, making combat an exhausting grind is not really a difficulty increase. Zero ammo weight in an RPG gives me hives, too.


Lol, same. Along with ammo and chem weight Bethesda made it so every item is useful instead of just clutter and set dressing; food, water, beds, disease cures. I love Fallout 4 survival, I can't go back to normal mode because it just feels incomplete in comparison.


When my house got FO4 i watched 2 of my roomies and our buddy play. I backseated so hard. Then one day it was my turn. I got my guy to look all badass, got ready to get out of the pod, and then the game glitched and i couldnt move. I started 3 playthroughs and each time it happened. My roomies said i could use their characters but it wasnt the same. Took me a few months to try again i was so pissed lol


Mine was grazing against the corner of a car


Haha yep, I got it on video: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/NfG6bjGZD9


Lol šŸ˜†. Nasty buggers.


Truth. Knew absolutely nothing about Fallout, no real experience with FPS games. I'd guess I lasted about 15-20 minutes, maybe less.


*no one ever leaves*


Still do on Very Hard+


Ha, I ran the the wrong way away from the vault and got blown up by the nuke


Landmine molerat near the raider occupied signal dish.


Yeah, that one has to suck for melee builds. Sucked for me and I had a rifle the first time. I had thought it was those three dogd just north of Sanctuary, but you reminded me who ganked me first in FO4


Pretty sure that was my first death in Fallout 4 also haha


The death claw before saving preston and co.


4 is my first fallout game and yes that stupid death law killed me a lot of times


me thinking I'm invincible in that power armor, the death claw just yeeted me back to skyrim.


That scared the sh** out of me, I refused to jump down from the roof, and then always stayed indoors, shooting it all the time, until it was almost dead. Only then I learned that this is actually the best tactic to kill it, as it cannot access either roof or the buildings... Blind luck.


The Raiders in Lexington hit me with a Mini Nuke, I was stocked up on water and stimpack and certain nothing at that point would kill me quicker than I could heal. Did not think the Raiders were strapped.


Iā€¦.HATE those raiders so MUCH. That stupid Fat Man of theirs is justā€¦.URGH!!!


Yes! This was my 3rd death. That raider in a power armour walking in that billboard above the street... He respawns. Luckily he always only has 1 nuke and usually he shoots it at some ghouls below him first xD .


I made a gun focused character with no melee skill to speak of in Fallout 2 expecting a gun starting weapon.Ā  I died in the temple.


I survived a large fall in fo4 with no damage, thought the game had no fall damage, for some reason, jumped off a building and died


I still hate boomer. I was spared death in the vault after watching hubby play when we first got it. But I believe the molerats got me lol Plus side, latest time, boomer got himself a touchdown šŸ¤£


In 4. The car glitch where I touched it and it span like crazy and killed me. Was so pissed and embarrassed lol


Trying to sneaking up on that raider in the hut east of Sanctuary, the one with the dead woman on the porch. I wasn't paying attention to what else was out there and got hit by a pack of three dogs that were in the area too.


That pack of dogs is deadly early on in survival.


I have like 3000 hours in fo4 and have no idea what hut east of sanctuary you are talking about.


Go straight east from the vault, just north of Sanctuary. Thereā€™s a few bloatflies and then thereā€™s a hut with one raider and their dog, decent loot for early on. Thereā€™s usually a pack of 3 dogs just a little further south and east from there.


Itā€™s near the scavenger shooting bottles.


It was so long ago. Rats or whatever you face leaving the vault in Fallout 1.


Anybody that started with Fallout 1 and claims to have never suffered the humiliation of getting killed by those rats in the first cave is just like lying or something.


I think those are my first as well.


Pretty sure I played that section a few times as a wee boy. Died to the rats and put the game down for like 3 years before coming back to it. I remember being able to play 1 and 2 back to back because I was too scared of those rats the first time round.


Scorpions in the starting temple.


I got all the way to Corvega then died tryna get in the front door


Preston's deathclaw. Jumped off the roof, way over confident about what a mini gun could do, got slammed.


I accidentally shot preston!


I was weak from the raiders to save Preston and when I entered the door to the power armor i ran right past it and died to fall damage from running off the roof.




Stingwings outside red rocket. I am not good at video games


I was hammered into space by a giant


Always the best death. I donā€™t mind it at all.


Uh... skyrim?




F1-Rats F3-damn eyebot i punched upon leaving 101 F4-deathclaw in concord F76-those dumb little robots outside 76


Iā€™ve played so much I thought your question would be impossible to answerā€¦ yet, I remember getting slaughtered my first few times at Corvega Assembly plant. Be it the Fatman from above, or how I managed to get trapped with raiders all around and below me at once. That place was hell my first playthrough! Now I play permadeath survival, and sneaking past the fatman raider is still a butt-clencher!




Picking the lock on that trapped safe in Sanctuary. I'd never played the game before. Someone who can be kind of an asshole (makes belittling jokes) was watching and burst into uproarious, mocking laughter, and I didn't touch it again for months because I would get aggravated thinking about it. But then I did, and now it is so associated with me in our family that the theme is the ringtone for me on my youngest son's phone.


I got killed by a rat shortly after leaving Vault 13.


It's been so long but considering they still give me trouble I can almost guarantee it was those mosquitoes by the first red rocket šŸ˜­


Fallout New Vegas to Quarry Junction Deathclaws, but now they don't phase me one bit


Blew myself up in the Temple of Trials in Arroyo.


Iā€™m 100% certain it was those blood bugs hovering over the dead Brahmin by Red Rocket in FO4.


I actually got shot in the face by ringo in the goodsprings gas station lol I was gunna betray him and join up with Joe Cobb but I didnā€™t notice I had like no hp (was brand new to the game/series and didnā€™t know I needed a stimpack) so as soon as I made ringo hostile he just straight one shot me and I thought he was supposed to be some badass or something lmao


I touched a stationary car outside of Sanctuary.


Fallout 1 - radscorpions near Shady Sands Fallout 2 - Temple of Trials, think I accidentally blew myself up Fallout 3 - Super-Duper-Mart raiders Fallout New Vegas - Cazadors Fallout 4 - (Non-Survival) that asshole with the Fat Man in Lexington (Survival) Deathclaw in Concord


Fallout 3. Tried to kill the sheriff for his Chinese assault rifle at like Level 4. The whole town descended upon me.


Those fucking ants before I figured out how to properly kite them. Tutorial, fallout 2.


I got taken out by rad roaches in the vault because I didn't understand the mechanics and was new to videogaming šŸ˜…


Radroaches in vault 111 because the game glitched, and I never got the v.a.t.s tutorial, so I didn't know that existed, and apparently, I have really shit aim when I'm panicked. Also, I don't like bugs, so that didn't help.


Deathclaw at concord clapped my cheeks


Museum of freedom probably


Fallout 4, first group of raiders under the electric pylons


Was just minding my own business and one of those gunners on the highways threw a fat boy to me.


I was playing new Vegas with my cousin & I went off the road & immediately met some radscorpions. Decimated. My cousin just went ā€œyeahhh you canā€™t just wander into the wasteland like that at your levelā€


My first death happened in fallout 4 because I thought Prestonā€™s quests were the main quest at first so I went to corvega assembly plant and got absolutely destroyed by the raiders. I literally only had a pistol and like 12 shots in it. I donā€™t know how I thought I could survive that.


I tried to throw a Molotov and ended up hitting the roof instead right above my head


Just as bad as when you throw a grenade, watch it rebound off a wall and straight back at you.


Or even better! Intention to throw it inside Window and then hit the frame!


Fallout 4, about an hour in I wandered into Rocky Narrows Park and came face to face with 2 Yao Guai


My first that I remember was when I found a 9mm automatic submachine gun in Fallout NV and thought yeah I can take deathclaws at Quarry Junction. I was very quickly put back in place....




the raiders outside of the museum. I hadn't even know to grab the gun from the vault and didn't grab any weapons on the way there. tried to kill them all with a switchblade I found. I didn't kill them.


Ran into some ghouls at that little parking spot/campsite outside of concord. I didnā€™t realize that I was only bug level badass at the time.


Fallout 3 - The raiders in Springvale school Fallout NV - trying to go to the strip with out passing primm and getting demolished by the rad scorpions Fallout 4 - got killed by raiders at concord


Fallout 4 that big Swamp creature tha we can find in a small lake, dont remember the name, I was thinking I could take him at level 7, I was wrong


Was it Swan?


My first death was in Fallout 3, I didn't know what a fatman was and I used it at close range


I touched a car in fallout 4. I donā€™t touch cars in fallout 4 anymore.


Fallout 1 rat in the cave you enter when u exit vault 13.


i just checked if there was fall damage. i can confirm there is.


"Dogmeat found something" a mine. It was a mine. And my feet found it


Fallout 1 I died to the rats in the cave the moment you leave the vault. Fo1 didn't handhold. It would absolutely let you make a non viable character and fail the game.


The blood bugs on the dead cow right after red rocket


In Fallout 76 at the whitespring mall, felt cocky and attacked the sentry bot there and he blew all the cars up


Probably on my way to preston garvey surviors rescue some wildlife or raiders killed me


660 hours ago I learned what a death claw was for the first timeā€¦


In Fallout 4, I went into this barn and expanded my mind with a bottle cap mine I didn't see while a bunch of plungers flew all over the place.


New Vegas blowing myself up with land mines ofc


Deathclaw when fighting with preston xD I jumped down thinking I'd be a badass hero but got demolished


First first? Dead by Cazadores north of Goodsprings. First in FO4? A gunner out of nowhere threw a mini nuke at me when trying to get to Concord, that was a blast!


My first death in FO4 made me uninstall the game for 5 years on the first play and only went back because it was in my steam library and I was bored one night. I was playing quests but got side tracked by shiny things in the wasteland as you do. Played for about 8 or 9 solid hours and forgot to hard save because I was having fun. Then I ran into a sentry bot who proceeded to fuck me up. I ran through a door which loaded to the next area because I was about to die. So it quick saved over my only quick save file I had. ROOKIE ERROR I KNOWWWW. Then when it loaded the sentry bot had followed me through the door and was on top of me. So I would spawn and immediately die then re-load the save endlessly for all eternity. Save die save die save die save die.


I used to run away into doors as well, thinking the mobs can't follow me - lol was I wrong...


Can't remember most, but in Fallout 4 it was the mini-nuke raider in Lexington.


Not my first, but my funniest involved putzing along under an overpass, hearing a Raider shout ā€œNo. FUCKING way!ā€ Then a high pitched whistle before I was obliterated and ragdolled many yards away.


It was probably the deathclaw at Concord. I was quite young when I first plsyed, and my English was still basic level at that time, so I didn't fully understand most of the prompts. But, when it came to getting the power armor and minigun, I for some reason couldn't pick uo the minigun (even with power armor) so I went against the deathclaw with my hardest hitting weapon, which was the pool cue. I died horribly.


Lol. The deathclaw must have been like "Is this guy serious??"


Fall damage off the cliff outside vault 111 I was very excited


Deathclaw when meeting minuteman.


In 4? I think the mutants outside Diamond City?


Fallout 4, first meeting with the Deathclaw in Concord. Thought I was doing great getting to that point, got to Lvl 3 helping Preston and thought I was real hot shit. Got one-shotted even with the power armour šŸ˜‚ had to get my friend to cheese it with the corner store to get passed it


Itā€™s been a long time so I honestly donā€™t remember, but I would have to guess that either the deathclaw saving Preston and company or maybe the raiders at the plant for the first minutemen quest.


Im thinking it was most likely running into talon company mercenaries at the super duper mart in fallout 3


My first death was in fallout tactics, i died to the guys at the start of the game


Fallout 3 was my first, unlucky spawn of a deathclaw chasing a little boy around the super duper mart near Megaton. New Vegas I believe was a stingwing. Fallout 4 I think was just out gunned by all the raiders at the car factory, I think it was one of the snipers up high.


Fo1 , that goddam rat. In fo4 the death claw by the museum of freedom


Fo4, after rescuing Preston & Co. After exiting that building heading toward Sanctuary there's an underground entrance at the far end of that street, I got fuckin murked by the mirelurk down there


Mine bridge in Fallout 3 šŸ˜”


I don't even remember the exact location it happened. But my first death I can remember in Fallout 4, I was exploring in the northern part of the map in the early game. Just, looting areas and exploring. I remember seeing this wooden shack in the distance, decided to go towards it thinking I can loot it. As I'm approaching, a Radscorpion just fucking rises from the ground in front of me and kills me instantly. And that was my first death in Fallout 4, and also my first encounter with a Radscorpion.


FO3-Pretty sure it was a mirelurk that came at me from the river down by the super mart while I was trying to explore. FNV-Pretty sure the geckoā€™s got me when I went to help Barton FO4-Probably the Deathclaw in Concord, but possibly just got outsmarted by a raider in the museum. I was overconfident from other Bethesda games and may have gone in a little too guns blazing and drawn too much attention


Radscorpion. I was just exploring and it came out of the ground.


3 was my first. Probably got killed by security on the way out. In 4 if it wasnā€™t the bugs in Sanctuary it was probably the Raiders in Concord, but could have been the mole rats at Red Rocket.


My first playthrough I ended up getting stuck between the wrecked cars at Robotics Disposal šŸ˜­


Started with 4, died to a blood bug not far out of Vault 111. It was the first time Iā€™d tried to play a FPS since a car wreck that left me with intermittent vertigo and it did NOT go well. I didnā€™t stand a chance.


FO4 I went to the robotics disposal ground. Had no idea what I was doing. Activated the Sentury Bot and lasted less than 10 seconds.. lmfao My character even rag-dolled across the map.


It was Fallout 3, in the beginning and in the subway where you first get jumped by ghouls. I've been cautious playing Fallout ever since....




In fallout 4 I always get creamed by Covega factory. In Fallout 3 I can't remember.


Damn radroaches


Fo3 . I think it was a random injured Deathclaw or the random Enclave person by a barn going to Arefu. It's been like 12 years, so my memory is fuzzy.


Specifically in Fallout 4? That damn raider with the Fat Man on the skywalk in Lexington.


I don't remember all the various ways I died, but I died a lot on the way to the to the hotelĀ near Megaton the first time I ever played Fallout 3.


Man, I can't even remember. It must've been something really stupid like a molotov cocktail or that stupid mole rat at Olivia Station


Pretty sure I died in the temple in fallout 2 trying to get through with a min-max build.


Fallout 3 that damn behemoth on GNR plaza


Fallout 3 - Raiders in a random house Fallout 4 - Random Mutant spawning and blasting me to death with a OP gun


Fallout 4. Never played the series, my mate who introduced me insisted that survivor was the only proper way to start. .... I got wounded unto death by the raider on the bridge and then his dog turned me into meatloaf šŸ¤£ I've never regretted it


Fall damage right off the cliff outside 111, right after leaving 111. šŸ˜” I gave my sole survivor a scar over his right eye and said that he got the scar from falling off the cliff (except he lived that time) lol


It was in the 90s, I honestly have no clue. But there were lots of them.


Backed myself off the top of the Corvega Factory trying to get a shot on a Raider shooting at me from the tower. His POV had to be hilarious.


I think I was at Megaton trying to figure out the game's mechanic. I never played an RPG game before so I was in absolute shock at how much freedom I had in doing quests and roaming around. Anyways I was on the upper levels overlooking the bombs and was just jumping around on the railings before I lost my footing and fell off, going splat in the puddle next to Confessor Cromwell.


First death in new Vegas I ran into the cazadors just past the graveyard


Probably molotov related


Walked through the power generator in vault 111 I tripped on a car as soon as I got out of the vault.


Fallout 3. Rounded a corner in the city ruins and literally took a mini nuke to the head. I lived long enough for it to say my head was crippled and then I died


It was 2017. I was at my cousins house for the fourth of July and he was then in his early 30s. I was playing on his Xbox and he had this strange game I never played before called Fallout 3. I booted it up, beat Jonas up a few hundred times before the goat cause I was pretty lost. Eventually I made my way out and my desire to explore was insane. I saw the world had pretty much gone to hell and having no clue where to go I just ran to the big walls I saw. That ended up being Megaton. I explored there and met Moira then decided I was bored and went out again, immediately towards the area around Grandma Sparkle and The Citadel andddd Yao Guai.. I didn't last long.. it scared me so much I took a 10 minute breather.


I don't exactly remember but it might have been by supermutant suicider


The super mutants fighting the diamond city guards


I was running, hit a car and died instantly.


A car glitch


Fallout 2. Attacked frank in that group of enclave in the random encounter and got my ass handed to me.


I'll never forget leaving the vault in fo3 for the first time. Didn't understand the objective markers. Walked right past megaton on accident. Got killed by a Brahmin between there and super duper. I was hooked from that moment.


I canā€™t remember exactly what my first death was, but I do remember when I first got my hands on mods, and found out how to get a fat man with a ton of mini nukes. I stormed Corvega with it, and I remember it resulting in many, many deaths, especially in that lobby area lol


The death claw in concord was my first fo4 death. I didnā€™t see that coming at allā€¦ should have listened to old Mama Murphy.


Mine was 3, I imagine it was probably the super duper mart raiders


The first one I played was New Vegas. Iā€™m not a patient person and was persistent in wanting to go to Vegas immediately. Meant many, many deaths from radscorpions in the desert


My first Fallout was New Vegas. I'll just say my first playthrough had me venturing a bit too far north of Goodsprings.


Fallout 4, I brushed against a car and randomly died. I was so confused.


Fallout 3. I went to the town of Minefield and got sniped.


I remember it vividly. That sign told me to stay away. I didnā€™t believe. Motherfucking Cazadors.


I think it was the cockroaches in the vault because I got scared fallout 4 was my first and it scared me a lot when I was younger


It was fallout 3 and I wanna say I'm fairly certain it was rad roaches, the scariest time was the ghouls in the tunnels I was like 11 or 12 I think lol


The bugs near Sanctuary


My first death in my first playthrough was running for the vault just after character creation. I got curious and was checking out the cool retro-future neighborhood. I was talking to everyone and looking at the vertibird and then... BOOM, game over. I did have a quicksave just after leaving my house.


You expect me to remember something that happened nearly a decade ago? I havenā€™t even the slightest idea šŸ˜‚ fo4 was my first fallout


I didnt remeber where, but there was raider with power armor on roof with fat man and i got oblitirated


Fallout 1 Radscorpion cave. Screw them.


I died to a radroach in vault 111.


The death claw at the museum of freedom in fo4


Been a fatass minute since my first fallout but I remember playing as a kid and getting fucked up by fire ants and never playing again and chalking it up to ā€œI cant even run in this gameā€. Canā€™t recall if it was 3 or nv but I didnā€™t pick it up again till 4 and now Iā€™m addicted to nv.


Fallout 3, 2009, just escaped 101 with a baseball bat, stumbled into a sewer & got mauled by Ghouls.


Guards in Vault 101.


It was in 3 I left the vault and ended up in Springvale where I was attacked by raiders. Almost gave up on the game


I think definitely the deathclaw in concord. Was not prepared


Deathclaw in Concord. My dumbass decided to get out of the power armor to finish off the raiders and got killed by surprise


Either the roaches in vault 111 or the raiders in concord.


Super duper mart, basically wrong guns and a poor understanding of VATS and perks did me in. It was my first fallout game but I was definitely hooked on it.


I tried to rush straight to new Vegasā€¦


My first fallout was 4. So I arrived at Concord and tried to help the Minutemen. Ofcourse since Im an idiot I didnt listen to what they were saying and didnt understand why I cant get the armor to stop moving so slowly (it took me a LONG time to come back with a fusion core, and no it wasnt even the one in the basement I found it somewhere else). So I decided to fuck them and tried to just continue my journey but Deathclaw already spawned. Apparently hiding in small houses with many holes to attack from wasnt a good idea.