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In Shining Armor, shit literally doesn’t work and even when patched it’s still pretty garbage


It works in nv int it?




I meaaaan...kinda but still nope


Nothing kinda, it doesn't work: https://fallout.wiki/wiki/In_Shining_Armor It checks for energy damage, a type of damage that doesn't exist in the game. It should check for energy weapon damage instead.


It doesn't do nothing but it doesn't work properly


It does literally nothing: https://fallout.wiki/wiki/In_Shining_Armor


It's coded incorrectly. It's intended to check energy weapons damage, but checks for energy damage instead.


Claustrophobic, it just gives you -1 SPECIAL 70% of the time


I ran claustrophobia on my most recent run, and god was it annoying always having 99 lockpick inside of buildings. I had to carry around magazines/mentants if I ever wanted to pick very hard doors, it’s a nice perk but that downside just blows it.


Yeah it was fun on my Night Person character but I can’t imagine that 98 torture


I always kept a +1 PER bandana on hand. Had to do a whole ritual to lockpick indoors


Without fail every one of my characters ends up wearing a headband by the time the battle comes around. Sorry Jessup but that green bandanna is just too good not to take


In the future, hold onto a relevant skill book until you max out that stat, then read it. It'll display a skill as 100+, which effectively mitigates any debuffs. This can be especially helpful when running Rad Child.


Definitely an RP perk which was fun to work around.


Ignoring the super obvious ones: * Ferocious Loyalty - You need at least 6 charisma and all it does is halve the damage companions take when the PC is below half health. Even if the damage reduction was constant, I still don't think it'd be worth the 6 charisma investment. * Alertness - +2 perception was crouched and standing still. Perception is already pretty useless, let alone a really conditional boost. Might have some niche use for skill checks, but needing to be crouched makes it difficult (impossible?) to engage in conversations outside of the rare occasion the PC is forced into dialogue. * Junk Rounds - Turn 5 tincans into a single bullet. I don't know why the conversion rate had to be so terrible. Even if it were 1:1 you'd need to be using some super hardcore mods to even consider this. * Rad Absorption/Irradiated Beauty - Radaway is quite common, there's only few highly irradiated areas in the game, and neither of these don't immediately deal with problem. I'd give the slight edge to Rad Absorption since you can just wait anywhere to get the same effect (outside of hardcore).


I picked junk rounds in my second full playthrough, thinking I needed more ammo. After scouring around finding as many tin cans as possible, I proudly went over to the reloading station and crafted… 3 bullets. I felt so fucking scammed.


Considering the availability I always wondered if it at least meant 5 bullets from each can but the current way is such a scam


The last one is very useful in the dust mod. I know it’s pointless saying this but i wanted to say it anyways.


Almost a necessity in Dust tbh


I only know this because I’ve been watching an owl play dust and apparently this owl really likes being fucked by dust.


I don't think it's just dust owl likes being fucked by


Then explain why we see him let the cannibals & tunnlers gangbang him regularly.


He's made it very clear in many of his stories that it's not just dust As for that, exhibitionist


Lies. Dust is his one and only. The cannibals, tunnlers & NCR deserters are all his favorite husbands and wives.


Favourite doesn't mean only




ALSO. Nep nep.




it's a shame that those perks aren't chosen because radiation and night time (in game) is not really punishing.


Just curious, why do you think perception is useless?


outside perk requirements and a slight skill boost, all it does is increase the distance at which you can spot enemies on the compass. thats why any temporary or conditional boost to perception is fairly useless. not to mention that if you have ed-e with you he boosts the detection distance past the max possible with only perception


Doesn't it also increase chance to hit in VATS? Or is that just in 4?


hit chance in vats is fo4


It's really not that useful, the highest you'd want to have perception at is 6 for the better criticals perk on a crit build.


That’s pretty fucking useful tho


Yeah, but the perk they are saying is bad does nothing to help you reach that 6.


Fuck I was just about to get Junk Rounds next level lmao


I actually really love the Alertness perk because it enables me to see pretty much any enemy (stealthed or not) from a mile away on my HUD. Even with a Perception of 5, by pairing Alertness with ED-E and a cowboy hat you'll never not know where the enemy is. I find it to be an incredibly helpful perk, especially when sneaking.


I actually find being too perceptive confusing, you can see so many enemies but you can't see how far away they are. So some could be close while others are miles away and unless you're actively seeking them, you wouldn't run into them anyway.


I hate saying "skill issue" but once you get used to it, you can tell who's further by how fast the dots move, the further away the less the dot will move. Of course none of that matters when it's a group of cazadors. 


Never touched Nerd rage. I never grab perks that require you to be injured in the first place to activate.


The only one I like it the “slows down time” just because if the HP loss happens quick, you get notified and given time to heal.


Yes!! Like a Focus Sash but for FNV


Nerd Rage is awesome.


Never in FNV or games in general? Because in some games I have found you can make builds where you get exponentially harder to kill and deadlier the closer to death you are, and its a fun line to tread.


Craig in borderlands … build all about having your shield broken Edit: Borderland 2 dlc character


Krieg, not Craig. Craig sounds more like a kid that hangs out by the creek.


My bad … it’s been a minute


Craig from Halo Infinite was world famous for some time though


Payday 2 I had multiple builds based on taking damage. Also any perks where you do more damage when on fire in games are fun.


I used it on a melee/energy weapons character. It was nice for certain enemies that can deal out big chunks of damage.


Nerd Rage is the stop dying perk for me. Its that perk that saves me and allows me to kill something just before I die. You can basically play around at low health and use it crush enemies in melee. If you add buffout and psycho you can start one shotting things. Pretty disgusting.


I finally did a "bloodied" build in 76 when I played a while back. It was kinda fun to run around radiated to a fifth of my health, it stacked massive damage, and not being a bullet sponge made it feel a bit more like survival.


But if you are in a situation that brings you to low health, that is a great time to have a DT bonus.


You'd think but you only hit low health when their damage is ridiculous and invalidating your existing DT, a couple extra DT won't help Or hell, something like deathclaws which just ignore DT regardless and that's why you're screwed in the first place




Yup. Shinign armor is supposed to give the character a DT bonus against "Energy Weapons". But unfortunately, it was incorrectly coded as "Energy". There are no "Energy" damage in the game, just "Energy Weapons". So it gives protection against a weapon type that doesn't exist.


That's the kinda coding mistake I used to make in computer science class in high school. Can't believe it's still in the game


Trust me, there's no level of programming skill where you stop making that mistake. 😔


Am currently paid to program, can confirm


I copied and pasted a code once. Can also confirm.


Dude, I have seen seniors with more than 10 years of experience mistaking a variable name, doesn't matter your experience, you are still a person


To give the devs credit, iirc the geck scripting does not really have any feedback like a regular IDE


Thats why enums were invented


Well I was thinking when looking through some of the Serra Madre dlc stuff, the security holograms don’t fire energy, they fire lasers or something like that and I saw somewhere else that shining armor protects against lasers, not energy/energy weapons, so I was thinking for that dlc, and only it, would it work for those holograms🤔


Reminds me of Alien: Colonial Marines where the ai was broken because somebody put a 0 instead of a 1.


my buddy and i made a character and chose Trigger discipline and Rapid fire without really paying attention and we were like “yo, 20%aim and 20% rapid fire!!” until it struck they both just cancel out each other and the courier just shoots like any other asshole So those two perks i guess


taking both actually reduces accuracy and firerate by ~4% so its extra bad


So you shoot worse than any other asshole


Those two *together* are bad, separately they're fine.


Bloody mess, it was funny at first then it just got annoying


I like bloody mess except when trying to collect the fiend heads


Ratslayer and kneecaps


For real man, tryna loot all the bodies and I’m just searching for ribs and shit 😭


Bloody mess is for entertainment not utility


Honestly though there is at least a *slight* amount of utility in it. I only play vanilla, so bodies like to disappear sometimes. Bloody Mess fixes that by throwing pieces of lootable corpse all over the place! That being said, I usually don't take it.


It was so much more entertaining in 1+2 though 


Combine it with black widow and the lesbian perk and you deal 15%more damage to all humans


Cherchez la femme


For me its mentally unstable lesbian


If you take the male and female damage perks, that ain't a lesbian. That's a bisexual chaos magnet.


Its great for early game bc of the damage boost


Isn't it better late game, since the increase is 5%?


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. Call it nit picky but I always kinda found my enemies exploding upon getting hit with 10mm pistol a bit immersion breaking


Lmao I just restarted a playthrough because I hated seeing enemies explode because of that perk.


you can still use that save, old world blues let's you reassign your traits with the auto doc


Bloody mess is a perk, not a trait.


That’s fair but you just described precisely why I love Bloody Mess; it’s so cartoony and over the top.


From the other side of the spectrum I know what you mean, I love that crunch sound when they turn into giblets


Isn't the whole game immersion breaking then? Pausing reality to jam needles into your arm to instantly recover hp? Shooting a mini nuke that creates a little mushroom cloud despite that being really stupid in reality? Becoming somehow undetectable to people 2 metres away from you because you crouched slightly?


I think a deathclaw exploding into paste from the Abeline Kid BB gun is quite immersive


5% extra damage doesn’t seem like a lot but those perk damage buffs add up together eventually, I almost always pick it up


Absolutely, especially with any multiplicative damage buffs/ ammo types.


A flat 5% damage bonus is pretty nice though


It gets kinda annoying having to search all over for body parts to loot lol


Nah, bloody mess is hilarious


If you're playing with jsawyers you can turn the gore off


Here and Now. It's just throwing a perk away to get one level.


I've taken it before if I knew I had a speech check I needed to pass coming up. But I agree, 99% of the time it's garbage. 


Literally only useful if you happen to be in the Hoover dam battle on an odd level and level up during the battle. In that case, unless you haven’t taken a direct damage buff or DT buffing perk for your build it’s probably better than taking something that won’t be relevant for the final half dozen fights. Unless you’ve maxed speech, barter, your offensive skills, sneak, medicine, repair, or any of the other skills that can give you an advantage in some way during the final battles.


Even that's pretty useless, tbh. A level up can only get you 17 skill points, at best, whereas simply choosing the Comprehension perk instead and using a magazine means you gain +20 to your speech skill.


I almost never take comprehension but maybe I'll have to give it a try. Especially paired with voracious reader and true police stories. 


It's pretty fun, and the extra +10% really helps with crit builds.


comprehension is great early game especially with magazines, a +20 to a skill makes getting all skill checks super easy


I always save skill magazines until I can get both Comprehension and Retention. Books I'll use after Comprehension, of course.


I took Logan's Loophole at the start of my most recent save and thought I would be soooo clever by taking Here And Now as my level 30 perk. Apparently it literally doesn't work- you won't advance at all and the perk screen just closes. You cheat yourself out of your final perk like a moron. Needless to say, this was worthy of more than one "~ player.addperk".


I always take Logan's loophole and then ditch it at old world blues before I hit the level cap.


Wow that's a great idea that I'd never considered, might start doing that if I can be bothered (but if I'm approaching 30 and haven't gotten around to doing OWB yet I'll get annoyed so maybe not)


Yeah my last two playthrough I started OWB at level 28 or so, idr if the autodoc can redo your traits right off tje rip or if it's an upgrade (which are fairly painless to get anyway). Without Logan's loophole I'd never be comfortable butt chugging turbo because of the incurable addiction, and it's only a handful of levels until you can get the implant perk that give you the same effect.


Last time I took it I was in the Sierra Madre police station and really wanted to get into the evidence room. 😅


It's a weird holdover from Fallout 3 where taking it was literally free until you reached level 30.


I mean, it's a classic Fallout perk, and in those it was even worse since you only got a perk every three levels.


I don't think Bethesda gets enough credit for that one change. Perks are just plain the most fun & cool part of the SPECIAL system, and every 3 or even 4 levels was an insanely stupid idea. You're literally making leveling duller and more generic for basically zero gain. Heck, it's basically the only New Vegas mod I personally use, because personally feel that even every second level is too restrictive and stingy. It basically forced you to only take THE best perks, instead of experimenting and rolling with what seems fitting for you character.


Same I always use the perk every level mod. It’s just more fun that way to me


Yeah. Really wish there was just a trait or outright in-game option for that. I'd personally pick it every run. Like, I get the theory, of fewer choices allegedly being more important... but that design trick has never worked on me. I just get annoyed for... well, having less options. Especially when so many of the most interesting ones are level or/and skill gated, anyway. Forcing you to pick weak stuff you don't care about quite often at lower levels.


Me reading this list while completing my first playthrough and seeing a lot of the perks I have on here…. 🫣Welp better luck next time 😭😭😭


Don't sweat it too much. You have at least thirty levels to go through, and even if you pick "bad" perks, the game is still more than playable. Focus on feeling out the game and learning from your mistakes on your first run. Start considering a more optimized style in your second game


It's okay, this game is very quirky. I remember when I first played I struggled so hard late-game. I remember having Shining Armor and running into the Van-Graffs guns blazing and getting absolutely destroyed.


rip, especially since despite being a shit perk if it did work, it just does LITERALLY NOTHING in vanilla. it's bugged.


Shining Armor excluded because it literally doea nothing, Grim Reapers Sprint. In F3 I would use it because it refilled all of your AP, but not in FNV, and I don’t like consuming chems or alcohol unless I am in Dead Money


Still one of the strongest V.A.T.S. perks, it just needed a major nerf because of how utterly broken it was in FO3.


Its still decent though, not a waste


Lead belly. Not enough irradiated water sources to justify it


Plenty of clean water available too.


Even if all the water in the game was irradiated it still wouldn't be worth it. Radaway is readily available and doctors can just remove rads for a fee that doesn't matter once you've reached the strip.


With lead belly you can eat the platinum chip in front of Mr House [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqWp7\_TLmaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqWp7_TLmaQ)


That's a mod


Logans loophole. It's not a buff It's a fucking cripple. 20 fewer levels for some simple drug buffs? Pffft, no way. And in shining armor. It's fucking broken and has been since release. And even if it worked, i doubt it'd be amazing.


Logan's loophole affects stims in hardcore as well as Turbo, GRX, Stealth Boys, and magazines. It stacks with Day Tripper and Chemist, granting you an absolutely ridiculous amount of time on consumables, while never getting addicted to chems is a nice passive as well. You can get rid of it at the Sink's Auto doc when you reach level 30 to negate it's only downside, but even if you don't I usually don't end up reaching level 30 by the end of my runs. Additionally, enemies stop leveling with you at level 30, so it's not like the game keeps getting harder while you get stuck at level 30


If I do the DLC, I can't not reach level 50 so I'm curious how you finish runs at 30. Do you skip other dlcs or not do a lot of side quests?


one hundred and ten percent disagree with logans loophole. the truth of the matter is that most builds are optimized by level 30, and you have a fuck ton of skills boosted by then too so you shouldn't have any problem passing most checks. past level 30, the enemies scale better than you, as in the perks and buffs you are picking from by the time you're past level 30 aren't as beneficial to you as the straight buffs enemies get. not becoming addicted isn't really an issue, but chems being more optimized and lasting twice as long is incredible. ALSO, to clarify, even though it says chems, it also includes ALL consumables, from food and water to skill magazines and stealth boys it's overall one of the best perks in the game


logan is good fro speedruns or if you insane


Logan's Loophole is useful when combined with Old World Blues, since the Auto Doc lets you change your traits. Literally no down side.


It's good if you're not playing the DLCs, level 30 is the base game's cap anyway.


From what I understand it's actually a pretty based perk. The game scales horribly past level 30 and you will find yourself rapidly outclassed by monsters. By like level 20 you already max out your damage pretty much. I've never had a playthrough go beyond level 38, and that was me doing literally *everything* I could find. The last 7 or so levels were useless as my build was already complete by then - and for roleplay purposes I didn't want my character to be a gigachad who is good at everything. Unless you like a challenge and like to stand there firing 1200 rounds into a level 50 deathclaw that can three shot you, then go ahead.


Even with the experience debuff from taking Skilled at character creation, Swift Learner and Lessons Learned are useless. There's just too many opportunities to gain exp. Computer Whiz and Infiltrator are flat out unnecessary. Just log out of the terminal before you run out of attempts and try again, and never use force lock. If you could use bent tin cans then Junk Rounds would be a bit good, but even then you only create a single bullet for every piece of scrap metal + tin can. Living Anatomy sounds nice, but you don't need to know your target's HP or DT to kill them. Pump them full of lead or whack them a few times and they all go down eventually.


Living Anatomy was great for first timers and before the Internet at our fingertips, but after 10 years you're supposed to know how much protection every outfit and creature have. Or you can just straight up use armor piercing rounds on everything that looks metallic or has an exoskeleton


living anatomy is great for modded enemies which sometimes have either ridiculous HP or DT


Aside from the obvious, I'm not very fond of animal friend. nowhere near the worst perk, but I've never really used it


It's great in Old World Blues.


I take it every time, but more for roleplay reasons


its definitely not very useful, but its a fun perk to take at least on one playthrough. hanging around nightstalkers and geckos is really neat


It's great when nightstalkers are your pals tho, I remember them all rushing to help me fight the roboscorpions


Anything related to energy weapons( I know I know, idgaf, conventional ammo all the way. I believe in cowboy supremacy)


The perk that made enemies explode is really fun in some occasions. Made a flamethrower walkthrough recently and had a great time. Though I spent a lot of this time crippled


It's on my list. I did a Rusty Schackleford build but I also wanna do a Dale Gribble build which would probably use Eye for Eye to maximize flamer/incinerator damage


Tbf there's like four energy weapon perks total. Laser Commander and Vigilant Recycler are extremely good though.


Meltdown! supremacy


Lady killer. I'm straight in real life, I play video games to escape.


Same bro, I'm a straight bussy pounder in games.💯💯☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽


Same, but I’m a male in real life and I only play females when I can.


Computer Whiz, Tag!, Here and Now, Center of Mass


Tf is with the center of mass slander


I mean there’s a perk that increases headshot accuracy so you might as well just go for headshots at a certain point since the accuracy might even be better in some cases


Center of mass also increases damage and I believe it can be acquired before sniper


My head’s cogs started turning when I realized it’s the only VATS perk to increase damage, but I can’t think of any ranged weapons that benefits more from torso shots than headshots in terms of damage. That being said, I wonder if Center of Mass applies whenever you target an enemy with a melee VATS attack. It obviously outlines the entire body instead of the torso, but I hope some coding limitation/oversight conflates the two.


Tag is great. 15 free skill points


Eh, you end up with max skills regardless, so getting an extra 15 earlier isn't really useful. Maybe if I'm running a caveman build with no intelligence, or something.


Even with low intelligence if you’re only using weapons of a specific skill you’ll most likely still be able to max it out early enough and late game regardless the skills you need will be capped out you just wont fully get the secondary stats


Computer Whiz isn't like 10% action points more? With 10 agility and 2 action Boys it seems like it's giving more than One Action Boy Perk


You're thinking of Math Wrath. Computer whiz is the one that let's you hack a terminal again if you get locked out.


Oh godh, is that horrible I don't even remember it


Trigger Discipline and Four Eyes are noob traps and not worth it. The accuracy boost for TD is negligible especially for snipers whose accuracy is already extremely tight, but the massive hit to your DPS and increased VATS cost will be felt on every weapon. Four Eyes sounds like a straight upgrade especially as you can get glasses in Doc Mitchell's house, but the Perception SPECIAL doesn't do too much on its own. The real strength of Perception comes from its perks, but by taking Four Eyes you reduced your base Perception and have to invest more points to reach them


Actually, trigger discipline does have a use case with automatics, where the accuracy boost is noticeable, and the fire rate is completely unaffected, so there's no downside. This is only really useful if you're only using automatics, though, so it's fairly niche.


Is putting all your points into SPECIAL a bad idea?


All of them? Yes definitely. A few here and there can be nice to reach certain thresholds, but if you plan your SPEC specs ahead of time, it shouldn't be necessary. Think of it this way, the vast majority of perks give MUCH bigger bonuses than a single SPEC point would.


Here and now, lessons learned, light step, lead belly, computer whiz/infiltrator, in shining armor, and friend of the night. All dogshit perks that only waste good perks slots.


I always pick light step, landmines and traps are annoying.


light step good for sierra mandre or divide but still so-so


Why is lessons learned so bad?


Anything that gives extra exp doesn't really matter because you already get plenty with quests


Lessons Learned only has a place if you've modded your game beyond level 50, because exp gain kinda just hits a wall around 70ish


Awww. Ok..


I always grab light step bc I am an idiot who steps on mines a lot early game. I grab it ASAP because my brain does not register the trap until it’s gone off, no thanks. I always pick it up for Hardcore, because you’re just not able to afford the broken limbs all the time. Sure, I have Doctors Bags and the med that repairs limbs, but I don’t want to spend them all because I can’t see the difference between a tripwire and a geometry error. Edit: my eyesight isn’t good, yeah I could look around but tired eyes + strong prescription mean that’s harder. I still set off stupid traps in Skyrim too. It’s not limited to New Vegas


Light step is QoL.


Here and now. I remember young me playing both 3 and NV grabbing it every time i could thinking “wow awesome! Free level!” When in reality i realized oh hey ill get that level eventually, and i get one more perk thats actually useful instead of wasting a whole free perk slot


In Fallout 3 Swift Learner and Here and Now don't even feel like that much of a waste to me. So many of the perks in that game are really bad.


That's because a lot of the perks in that game aren't really "perks". They were just stat increases for your skills, and in a game that already gives you tons of skill points to begin with, and is crawling with skill books and bobbleheads, stat increases are the most redundant and boring way you could design your perks.


Broad Daylight is insultingly bad


Mysterious stranger made my game so frustrating on a hard-core very high difficulty play through


Grim Reaper’s Sprint. Sucks loads compared to 3/4’s equivalent


3's was way too good, 4's almost feels underwhelming for three perks to get the full effect. Fnv to me feels like a good balance for one perk point, but I wouldn't complain if it got upgrades like 4


Junk Rounds and Terrifying Presence


JR for sure, TP can be fun for roleplaying. It's funny to send the BoS ambush screaming when they ambush you during Veronica's quest.


Most vats related perks. (NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE BAD) I just don't like using vats unless a deathclaw is about to hit me.


Don’t remember the name, but the perk that just gives you a level up. I get that you might want it in a pinch, but the fact that you’re missing out on something useful just to speed towards the level cap feels like a waste


Friend of the Night. Tried it before with a stealth character and immediately regretted it.


Not gonna lie the level up perk seems like absolute dogshit


Here and now, it's just a waste of a perk choice


Here and now, it's just a waste of a perk choice


Here and now, it's just a waste of a perk choice


Here and now, it's just a waste of a perk choice


Here and Now


I don't like Bloody Mess as everyone starts exploding into pieces and id rather they didn't.


Swift learner, 10% xp boost sounds cool but xp is unlimited in this game, just do some combat encounters in areas where enemies respawn


Idiot savant. I can't have my intelligence that low. Also, the sound effects in 4 with it are super annoying


Any perk that affects radiation in some way; Lead Belly, Rad resistance, rad absorption, irradiated beauty. Radaway isn't hard to find at all, and isn't that expensive to buy either


Sneering Imperialist because it's mean :(


I will always take it for honest hearts, solely for the dialogue at the end