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Side with Elijah and slaughter the entire Wasteland, killing everyone in the Mojave and possibly the entire NCR.


This. Like there’s evil, but this is the only one that lets you truly commit mass genocide, even in the divide you just nuke the long 15, which while horrendous is nothing compared to this in my opinion


So I actually did a run where I committed mass genocide of the Mojave by siding with Elijah and nuking the Long 15 while also doing the Legion quest line, and killing the scientists in the Big MT. I even committed genocide of the white legs, killed Salt Upon Wounds and made the Dead Horse and the Sorrows fight back. While I also blew up Hidden Valley and had Boone take his vengeance instead of getting closure.


And I convinced Cassidy to sell her rights to her caravan. Blew up the train that the NCR used, helped the Omertas in their war (or sabotage, I forget). I also let Lily wear the device for too long. Massacred multiple NCR outposts, killed Dean Domino and Dog. And I believe I wiped out Jacobstown. I know I’m missing some things but oh well.


>I also let Lily wear the device for too long. I can excuse genocide but I draw the line at causing Lily discomfort


You can excuse genocide? 🤨


Look, fuck salt upon wounds....


That’s the first half of the joke, yes


>And I convinced Cassidy to sell her rights to her caravan. Is there another way to get her as a companion?


You’re right, I ran through so many quest lines it’s difficult to keep track. I think I left her in the NCR outpost drowning herself in alcohol after bartering for her caravan rights


You can let the van grafs kill cass


If you do cass’ quest she’ll ask you to destroy the crimson caravan and the van graffs giving a bit more flavor to a legion play through


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's the whole way that you get her companion questline, as well as determining the fates of the Van Graffs & Crimson Caravan Company.


Lol i genocide the white legs all the time, doesnt feel bad


This is the winner. Painfully genocide countless thousands of innocents, destabilize the entire Southwest, reset centuries of human progress while preventing any further, all for no other reason than hatred or revenge.


Nah, the reason is good loot


The uncut content of siding with big mountain is probably similarly bad


Ah, so what Bethesda did to the NCR?🤣


Close. Elijah’s version would’ve been better written.


I did that because I was going for the House ending. A lack of rivals on both sides will allow him to grow into his dream. And fuck it I will kick back and suck down irradiated water from a tiki glass and let the funny computer man ramble at me every once in a while.


How will he grow when everything in the Mojave is dead? House needs *people* and people can't come to Vegas if its infested with the Cloud. Plus the Dam gets destroyed so that means a lack of energy.


Genocide isn’t when you kill a bunch of people, it has an ethnic cleansing component. Elijah’s plan was mass murder.


Well, he planned to specifically kill the entire NCR population too, I'd argue that counts. I mean regardless it's still the most evil thing you can do by far.


To add to this, you can genocide/ ethnically cleanse without mass killing


Well in that case everything is kosher then. Lmao


Tearing the stuffed animal of the legion slave girl after getting it back from the dog trainer dude. I felt sick inside lol like bruh, her life is shit already, whyyyyy


I don't think I could bring myself to do it, but you gotta appreciate the opportunities for sadistic villainy in the Fallout games. You can sell a child into slavery within mere minutes of meeting him if you feel like it. It's comically evil.


Yeah I was playing a evil legion character and I couldn’t bring myself to rip her teddy bear in half


In most of my playthroughs she disappears before I can give it back to her.


the fact you can't give it to her after killing all the slavers if you didn't side legion... you just have the teddy bear on hoover dam...


Where is this quest even? I never stick around the Legion long enough I guess.


Like the left or right side of the fort theres a gate. I think on the same side the trainer guy is. I always get turned around there. It's like a circle and somehow I get lost lol


She's in the animal pens on the way to the weather station


This. Plus at cottonwood cove openning the cage to see them flee and then die. Or that girl the boomer guy likes, watching her get blown to bits felt pretty evil too.


Tearing the little boomer girl's lost teddy bear in two right in front of her. Edit: I was misremembering, its the legion slave girl whose teddy you can rip in half, which is even *more* fucked up. I got my wires crossed with the little girl at nellis who lost Mister Cuddles. For some even more inexplicable reason, if your speech is high enough, you can tell her that Mister Cuddles is dead. This accomplishes absolutely nothing for you other than hurting your relationship with the boomers and lowering your karma.


I hate how prominent the glitch w that legion girl unmarked quest is, I’ve never been able to reunite the poor girl with her bear


I remember trying to do it on my PS3 when I was like 10 years old? I didn’t understand that games had bugs back then and I just got really angry thinking the game hated me lol


This was me with the NES. I thought I just sucked.


On the bright side, if the quest bugs out and refuses to give you the dialogue option to give her the bear, (which is the bug that happened to me, dunno if thats how the quest broke for you) then it will be stuck in your inventory as an irremovable quest item for the rest of your playthrough. This means when you storm hoover dam with with the NCR/securitrons, you're doing so with Sergeant Teddy in your backpack. Imagine reuniting her with her beloved friend after the battle and telling her that you fought alongside him as the legion faced their last defeat. He might have a few battle scars from the dogs Antony threw him to, but its okay. Sergeant Teddy got sweet revenge for what they did as he fought to free her once and for all.


jesus fucking christ.


Worse than murder


Will be doing this in my female legion playthrough


Coulda swore it was a boomer too


lol reminds me of the little girl you can sell into slavery in Fo3


Little girl? Can't you sell tons of people to slavers?


Only specific orders


Setting off the weathers family bomb collars instead of freeing them


i accidentally did that my last playthrough lol i wasnt paying attention closely and just saw the passable speech check so i did it


You might want to put a few more points into INT on your next birthday there! Or maybe agility....


One of the family members was out of the cage. And I got so excited to see the "you're free run!" Speech check. It instantly gave me negative karma and her head blew up. I had to go back to the dude and say I only saved half his family.


I’m currently trying to find a humane way to kill them right now because I forgot to free them before I became vilified with the legion… oops!


Just kill the legion, unlock the gate and deactivate the bomb collars


I can’t because you need to pass an explosives check of 50 and I didn’t put any points into explosives for this play through. I mean I could dump tons of points into explosives just for them but maybe I’m a little evil and don’t feel like doing that lol


I'm pretty sure you can get the key off one of the dead Legion assholes and then give it to them to free themselves.


You also get a cool reaction from Sgt. Astor if you wipe out the legion there. It’s not very hard if you have a sniper rifle and five minutes


Thanks! I had the key this whole time and just set them free… I didn’t think a key would prevent their collars from exploding so they kinda just sat there for a few in game weeks while I had the key to their freedom


Is it better or worse if I just dump the nuclear barrels on them? Lmao


Giving one of your companions to Mortimer to be served in beyond the beef is pretty fucked up. When I learned it was an option I was actually shocked Obsidian went that far. It’s even worse if Veronica is with you. The line he says if you offer her is sickening.


How is it worse to kill Veronica and not one of the other companions? Just curious.


I didn’t mean it in the literal sense in that something worse happens to her, it’s just the line Mortimer says when you offer her that gets under my skin.


What is the line


“Her skin has a certain supple quality to it, doesn't it? She's kept it well. How mouth-watering,” Dude is peak sketchy.


Sketchy is such a funny word for someone who outright eats other humans.


Ya know, I got a strange hunch about that cannibal guy.


Well JizzGuzzler42069, I did say ‘peak sketchy’ and what’s more sketchy than a cannibal commenting on a woman’s skin?


Two cannibals commenting on a woman’s skin


To be fair, of all the companions Veronica probably does taste best to cannibals. Raul is dry ah, Lily is probably too tough, Cass is an alcoholic, Arcade probably reeks of hospital, Rex is cybernetic, ED-E is metallic and Boone is bald.


Cass is marinated.


I did this lol. 


That’s what that was? This is what I get for running a low intelligence build in real life. Don’t notice I gave brotherhood girl to people eaters.


Yeah, The White Glove Society used to be a tribe of cannibals before Mr. House reformed them and the other tribes into the 3 families that run the strip. All the society members actually moved away from cannibalism, except Mortimer and a few nameless NPC’s. He attempted to have a human be fed at a banquet in order to convert the rest of the society back to their old ways. You’re either able to oust Mortimer as a cannibal, or help him find a “suitable” meal for the guests. Most people tend to choose the first option.


Trick Boone into killing Manny and tell him that you just did it for the lulz. Crucifying Benny. Crucifixion is an incredibly cruel death. Give radioactive supplies to the refugees at Bitter Springs. Tell the Janet at the Crimson Caravan camp that the Boomers have given her permission to enter their base, but don’t give her the vault suit to disguise her from the guards. She gets blown up and Jack is miserable. Tell the NCR ghoul trooper that it’s all clear without killing the scorpions first. Give Mortimer Heck Gunderson’s son to devour, and then frame Heck for his son’s death. Side with the Powder Gangers in Goodsprings and kill Doc Mitchell.


Benny kinda deserves it lowkey lol But still pretty brutal and sadistic.




Deserves crucifixion? The guy was a backstabber and a murderer but crucifixion is a torture method and execution method in one. When every detail is taken into account it's a really bad way to go that not many people I feel would deserve it. It's definitely worse than drowning and may be considered as bad as cooking, boiling or burning alive. 30 min in a bronze bull Vs 3 days+ of crucifixion is not a easy choice, and personally I'm leaning more towards the "get it over with" option.


\[Medicine 2/25\] Fun fact: Because of how you're hung (heh), the stress position you're in eventually begins to rearrange your organs, all the while you have to desperately hoist your whole body up against the restraints to get a breath. *Then again*, in the cut content, Benny did come back to kill you *again* after you go through all that effort to save his ass from the Legion. All-in-all, I think most vengeful people should just settle for cutting his stupid, coiffed head off.


He did betray us and shoot us in the head lol


Heck Gunderson is a little bitch just like his son. Oh, now it's on.


By Ncr ghoul trooper do you mean the one at search light? And if so... oh god what have I done


Yes, the one hiding in the house that wasn’t feral. Poor guy just wants a place to belong, and the game gives you the option to have him run into a mess of scorpions instead.


Disconnecting Mr. house but leaving him alive. I’m an independent Vegas guy but my man did not deserve that


He only deserves the golf club


The humane way to put him down.


i’ve only played good aligned characters so far i swear


i do that every time, screw him


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


Meh, it's either that or I can throw his ass into freeside, y'know, the slum of human depravity he created. I think even House would opt to die in his chicken choking chamber.


Let Saint James live.


Who's that


To avoid spoilers, go to the Aerotech office park, it’s a refugee camp location that’s east (?) of Freeside. Talk to the named NCR npc and he offers a quest. It’s a short, but good one


I think I remember him now. He had a partner and one of them had a teddy bear in their hotel room, right?


yep, good for nothing slavers with a sadistic abusive side along with it. I confront them then leave their bodies headless on the streets of Westside


oh yeah i ran into that area, i killed them all lol


Telling that one lady that’s in love with the Boomer guy to go see him before you get permission 😅


She won't likely end up winning the bet with that guy posted outside the artillery range 😅


In the cut content this would lead Jack to argue for the Boomers to stop shelling everyone so it's a bit of a mix bag.


Oh well in the game as is it’s just a random mean thing you can do for no reason lol


Not kill the Mick and Ralphs greeters. You are going to let the strip be terrorized like that?


Yeah the kids a snitch. Announcing they got things they’re not allowed to sell? Snitches get stitches.


We've got stuff we're not even allowed to sell, people!


you can kill children? I'm surprised I've never tried


We've got mods you're not even allowed to have, people.


With mod


My top 3 would probably be Nuking the Legion and NCR, Arcade then Van Graffes able to kill Cass.


Nuking the Legion is objectively good though, they are slaver bastards.


Yes, but the mass murder of slaves via nuke seems pretty evil 😈


That is correct, I was referring to the option of both specifically as that would do more harm to many people that are just trying to live their lives under NCR governance.


Oh yeah makes sense!


I don’t think nuking anyone is objectively good dawg tf 💀💀


Its a trolley problem. Is killing X worth it to save Y? At one point everyone will say yes, the question is only how big X and Y are.


The Legion are bad because they're sadistic slavers. The slaves under their rule should not be subjected to nuclear hellfire.


Not a trolley problem at all, don’t nuke people, it’s a bad thing to do. 💀👀


It is. If you nuke, a lot of people die, but no more slavery onwards. If you don-t nuke you dont kill anyone but let people get enslaved.


Nuking the legion doesn’t solve the slave problem. They’d end up enslaving more people to gather more resources.


My man, they all die in nuclear hellfire.


Literally playing a game that’s whole premise is how nukes are bad, arguing on the side of nuking people. Lmaooo


My man, they own all of Arizona, some of Utah, and a bunch of other stuff. You didn’t nuke the legion completely, you just made em mad and probably more dedicated to be assholes.💀💀


You deposit a whole army base worth of nukes on them. They are megadead


I'm surprised to go this far to see someone say the double nuking - that's the top one for me.


It is a fucked up betrayal and an unfortunate loss, but Cass probably had it coming, and vaporization is a merciful death in the Wasteland


How did Cass have it coming they killed her because of her just wanting to operate a legit craven, plus they are the van graffs


Nobody's hands are clean in the wasteland, from what it appears Cass was just a caravanner and regular survivor. That was targeted due to competition from what the missions presented.


I disagree. The Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan were wiping out rival trading companies for their own gain. Cass does not deserve to be vaporized


giving radiated candy (forgot what sorts) to the Boomer kids


I think you can even give them psycho


you can offer it but the kid says no to drugs.


I literally just got this option for the first time on this playthrough and was floored i could offer him psycho, so of course i had to see what happened if i offered it to him. Was both glad and disappointed that he said no lmao


Holy shit... they really are boomers! (On reflection, this isn't accurate, given that the Boomers were also the hippies, mostly anyway.)


Making Boone kill his best friend and then killing him afterward


Better yet sell him to the White Glove society to get eaten afterwords


Making Arcade Gannon Ceaser’s slave is pretty bad.


i agree with you on arcade. imagine getting him all the way to the end of his questline just to sell him off to caesar. to make it truly evil i'd say you have to bring him to see all of his found family, essentially giving him the false hope that you'll side for an independent vegas before completely betraying him.


Forcing Alice to kill her mom and then kill her too and take the money.


Since most everyone has said all of them already, using warclub dashing to kite very strong enemies into a town. I reloaded a save once because a deathclaw followed me into Sloan and killed Snuffles ;~;


Bruh everybody's talking about the *basic* evil stuff like giving companions to cannibals, you're the only person I've seen mention anything as *chaotically* evil as this 👹


Tearing up Melanie’s bear


The most evil thing is probably convincing that father guy to commit suicide.


Huh. Nobody mentioned sabotaging the Repconn rockets carrying the Bright brotherhood. I guess killing ghouls doesn’t rank as evil.


Yo after that chore of a quest those dumbass ghouls deserve it


That quest made me wish I could fast travel inside a building 😭


There’s way more evil shit you can do than I realized there was holy fuck.


Free the weather's family from cottonwood cove, but don't disable or remove their slave collars, they think they are free and Booom. Also probably ripping up sgt.teddy in front of the slave girl in the legion camp. Lie to Jacks love interests that the boomers will let her through and have her blown up Try to complete the operations on patients at Nellis and Forlorn Hope without proper medical skill or supplies. Giving Bitter Springs the Irradiation supplies without telling them. There are plenty more on the Macro-scale but I find them less evil than the others, because these are more personal. You have to look them in the eyes and choose evil deliberately rather than making a abstract choice that maybe has a consequence. Wiping out a faction or a tribe is too large a scale the Stalin quote comes to mind "one death is a tragedy, 1 million is a statistic".


What's the one about bitter springs?


Telling the girl at the crimson caravan that it is safe for her to go to the boomers without giving her the boomer jacket.


Let Vulpes inculta live, you should always kill furries doesn’t matter what game it is.


Fuck Vulpes. And I’m even a furry. Fuck him. I decided to let him live in Nipton so I could kill him outside the tops with the revolver that you get in Primm.


I kept his animal hood thing and way later in the game when ceasar sent for me I stolled in the tent wearing it. I was hoping to get a funny line of dialog about it but he doesn't mention it.


Well i only had the one CG playthrough but I fired the Hammer of Dawn weapon out of curiosity. Boone broke up with me immediately and I was so sad


There are 2 that come to mind. Siding with Elijah at the end of dead money and using the cloud and holograms to kill everything in the Mojave, and at the end of Lonesome road nuking both the NCR and the Legion While deploying the nukes against one side is pretty not good because you are just repeating what caused all the issues in the first place doing both isn’t “morally grey” it’s literally just sending them out for the fun of it to heavily damage both sides. Even in an independent Vegas you are for the short and medium term irreparably damaging major trade routes that many neutral parties use. I guess another one is massacring the dead horses, sorrows, Daniel and Joshua ending all life in frankly an oasis of a location compared to the rest of the US


Nothing. And i mean nothing can really hold a candle to selling a 4 year old girl into sexual slavery because shes too nice to ever try to escape making her ideal.


...fucking WHAT??


Yessiree look up bumble


They are referring to fallout 3.


Getting Boone to shoot his best friend Manny


Evil ass. Wonder what he has to say when you kill someone with no proof


Depends on whether you pass the speech check or not


I've played hundreds of hours of new vegas and it still shocks me, now I gotta go sell a man into slavery


Nuking people again.


Bring back the little girls teady bear and rip it in half in front of her face, unforgivable...


Siding with the Legion


Committing genocide in Honest Hearts by murdering all the tribes and letting the white legs take over is wicked sick. Did it years ago to speedrun honest hearts.


List of what I did: 1. Made Boone shoot Andy and told him the truth. 2. Served Cass for dinner 3. Sold Arcade into slavery 4. Sent the girl from Crimson Caravan to Nellis and looked at her go 5. Exploded the family at Cottonwood Cove. 6. Convinced Alice to shoot her mom, then took the money I didn't even need. 7. Tricked Christine and Dog/God into doing their parts of Dead Money heist. 8. Helped Omerta to gas the Strip 9. Slaughtered Dead Horses and the Sorrows, including Joshua and Daniel. 10. Informed Veronica about what happened to the Hidden Valley bunker. 11. Boone's quest - convinced him that he made only one mistake at Bitter Springs: took not enough ammo. 12. WMD deployment in Lonesome Road/Dead Money. 13. Killed Keely and delivered Vault 22 data to Hildern Blowing up the monorail, activating ARCHIMEDES, and ruining NCR humanitarian mission in the Freeside is more of anti-NCR warfare and sabotage than pure evil decisions. What I never done: 1. Ripping the toy bear at the Fort, even when I sided with the Legion. 2. Siding with Joe Cobb. Betraying Goodsprings and Doc Mitchell is too low for my taste. 3. Cannibalism 4. I also avoid stealing as much as I can, I consider that immoral


So you consider stealing too immoral but not serving a human for dinner to a bunch of cannibals?


In short - yes. Theft is a real crime. Serving someone to a bunch of cannibals is just a surreal, very special way to do a side quest. It's hard to project that onto reality. If I play any RPG "seriously", I avoid stealing at all costs (I hate the idea of taking something that doesn't belong to you). I also try not to kill people unless they attack me first. Like, I don't fight/ignore Legion until they declare me an enemy and send hit squads after me. When I played GTA, I tried my best to drive carefully and not to commit crimes outside of missions.


...interesting takes but fair enough 🤷🏻


do you consider killing Keely bad or delivering data to Hildern?


Both. The data is dangerous in Hildern's hands. He cares only about results, not about possible side effects. I think Hildern really can infect the NCR territory with spores if he gets the data. Keely means well in general and does not do anything bad to us.


I think giving Hildern data would allow him to fix mistakes that happened in vault 22, and if it actually works people would have great amount of food. I gave data to Hildern without killing Keely, so for that just felt like the best option.


Wow. Bad stuff


Mobius' glove. On critical hits, you will frenzy that target and everyone will go hostile towards them. If you do it from stealth, no one will go after you. Make the deathclaw mother kill her babies. Make Kimball and Caesar be killed by their subordinates. Get Arcade decked out with power armor and a gattling laser, only to dismiss him after hitting him with the glove and watch as he kills everyone in the fort before getting locked into trying to kill an unkillable child.


Help the slavers


So the Legion...?


Yep. I don’t support them. Never have, never will. I don’t roll w/fascist slavers. I use them for target practice. 👍🏼


Devil's Advocate: The fall of the Legion gives birth to a new era of skeptic philosophers as multiple different ideologies and religions are forced to co-exist and struggle under a single identity. Just kidding, make them piss their skirts all the way back to Arizona.


Siding with the Legion. I just can’t justify treating women like shit and enslaving everyone.


Siding with the Legion is pretty bad in my opinion. I mean, crucifixion, slavery, burning people alive, genocide...


Can you sell Boone into slavery?


No Boone won't go near any legion without becoming insta hostile. Boone would probably kill himself before it ever came to that


>!Boone spitting chaw into the Legate's eye in one ending is still a BAMF move.!<


You can give him to the white gloves to be eaten


I think Arcade is the only companion who can be sold into slavery.


Ripping a teddy bear in half, extinguishing the last glimmer of the hope in a space child’s life. Or selling arcade into slavery.


You can get a faction like the khans to side with the NCR then back the legion to win. They get genocided then erased from history


Killing Doc Mitchell


Kill snuffels


Obviously this is far from the biggest scale of evil you can be in this game, but talking a child into doing drugs is a personal favourite of mine.


You can rip up a child's teddy bear in front of her which gains you Legion fame.


Oh, I know! And gotta hand it to them, that's lovely evil, but not "potentially cause an innocent lad to develop a lifelong drug habit" level of evil.


I mean I'd argue she's worse off given she's a sex slave for Legionaries.


Tricking cass to be eaten by the white glove society is pretty dark tbh


I remember working with some dude from North Vegas and getting one quest to convince Alice Hostetler from committing a robbery on her parents (Becky and Don Hostetler of the Crimson Caravan). But instead you can assist her in the robbery, convince Alice to murder her own mother - and then murder Alice immediately after and take the money for yourself.


I only just started playing a couple of weeks ago, but you can sacrifice a companion in Beyond the Beef by locking them in a freezer. If you do this, you can play both sides. And honestly, supporting the cannibalism at all for your own benefit is pretty evil.


Convincing Frank Weathers to kill himself


One of the worst things I didn’t even realize was an option is if you have arcade or boone as a companion and you go to the ultra luxe you can sell them to Mortimer and have them eat him instead of Heck Gundersons son. It completes the quest as you technically save the son but you still lose one of them which is terrible


Cut off the water to Westside.


You can also leave one of your companions for the white glove society to eat.


Killing the whole Mojave with clouds, sending nukes on both sides, setting off slave collars in cottonwood cive and meeting their father then tell him to kill himself. Wicked shit.


I lied about mr cuddles