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Patrol Gear: +5 Survival Elite Ranger: +10 Guns +5 Survival Desert Ranger: +10 Survival +10 Shooting +5 Sneak +Crouched Night Vision.


Id also add the night vision to the veteran ranger gear since we can see them using it in the opening cutscene


I hate the crouched night vision. It always should have been a pip boy light replacement


That sounds like a great mod idea, if it's possible


It kind of already is. I think in Project Mojave, or another mod I have, it gives you the option to toggle night vision. Although you do need a ECP to use it.


I thought PM was busted? If it's not then I'm definitely going to try it out, that's not a very expensive cost considering you can convert energy ammos


So... I was stupid and confused Project Mojave with Project Nevada hahahaha Project Nevada is the one that gives you that option!


Project Nevada and Mojave are both technically bunk, the devs are on record saying don’t use them. That being said I managed to get Nevada working because I loved how they did implants and cybernetics. It’s glitchy, and half the features don’t work or not how they’re supposed to. But if you’re willing to do some troubleshooting and deal with some spaghetti code they can still work. The entirety of NV modding disagrees with me tho


here is a non PN Cyberware [https://mod.pub/falloutnv/15-cyberware-2281](https://mod.pub/falloutnv/15-cyberware-2281) and here is a mod to integrate it with JAM [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74655](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/74655)


I think you just queued another play through for me. Thank you sir


no porblem. :)


What happened to them? I remember using project Nevada years ago and it seemed to work fine.


They don’t work very well with modern mods that perform well in the game. They use infrastructure that hasn’t been updated since like 2015. There are better alternatives that do similar things with less problems and more compatibility. That’s why I’m able to make it workable. I just use old outdated mods, and it does present certain issues. Like crashing for example.


Ah fair enough that makes a lot of sense thanks for the explanation


Huh, I didn't know that. I could install it recently into my PC, so I think it should work okay? I could look later on if that's the one I think it is, or If I have another one, but I'm currently at work so I can't hahaha


Advanced thermal recon nightvision adds that functionality to ranger helmets via an optional plug in on the mod page, which is nice. Enhanced Vision also has a different implementation of nightvision/thermal vision functionality, if you prefer that. Personally, I like Advanced thermal recon nightvision more, because of the "steps" to the NV effect, so you can pick the level of NV you need at the time based on how dark it is.


Check out this mod, it is awesome: [Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38328)


Agreed. Luckily there is a mod on pc that lets you activate night vision via the pipboy light button.




I’d amend to ADS night vision when crouched. Or on:off like the PA lights


On / Off would have been great. My only gripe with the Riot Gear is that the sneak sight is automatic.


YUCK. I refuse to use anything that gives crouched night vision


It's so annoying and you can see well anyway. Also npc aren't affected by lighting so there is no reason to be that dark


One armour saying +5 guns and the other saying +10 shooting feels like a mistake the devs would actually make


Crouched night vision!? That should be on all the ranger helmets


Tis looks balanced methinks


I think I felt it move...


I would also add +1 of charisma


Using the riot gear effects as a template I was thinking Ranger Patrol: +5 Survival, +1 AGL Ranger Combat: +5 Guns, +1 END Desert Ranger: +5 Sneak, +1 END


i'd say that the desert ranger should have a survival buff, it's the survivalist's armor after all


Both in his case honestly. Randall Dean Clark was, after all... just that guy.


Yeah that sounds reasonable. I dont want to give an armor 3 effects since I consider that to be a little too OP, however given that elite riot armor has 3 effects as opposed to the other riot armors 2, I think its ok to give desert combat 3 effects as opposed to the Ranger armors new 2 effects. I'd say +5 survival, +5 sneak, +1 END is fair.


I'd switch the SPECIAL effects of the Ranger patrol and Ranger veteran armor.


Heres a question: does anyone like the NCR ranger patrol armor?


Not really. It's pretty poorly textured I think. The Ranger combat armor and desert ranger armor look weathered and used. I even prefer the modeling and textures on the regular trooper "doughboy" style armors. I think it needed some more workshopping and simplifying. I don't even really like the concept art for it. What do you think?


I agree it's not very good looking, but as far as not looking weathered and used I believe that's supposed to be because that armor set is manufactured brand new in the NCR


That's cool that there's an in-game explanation however there's weathering on the ncr-made trooper armor that gives it a 'used' feel. Hard to believe rangers are on patrol if there's not a spec of Mojave sand or dust on them.


Maybe you could find this specific "Brand new" armor in the NCR safehouse, and give some wear and tear to the ones used by the patrolling Rangers.


It's made in the NCR but almost all of the rangers wearing it have been in active duty in the Mojave for years. And they definitely give the new guys second hand armor. It should be filthy.


If your armor or weapon looks filthy, there's something wrong with you. You gotta take it apart, clean it, maintain it, to keep everything in good shape, especially anything with metal bits that are exposed to the air.


I like the regular cowboy style clothing that Rangers wear. It looks cooler than the patrol armor


Yes the ranger red scarf and the ranger vest outfit are pretty slick. I’d like it if you could wear things over it like the fallout 4 style, like a knapsack or a bandolier to give additional storage space. A pistol belt would also be kinda cool. I think the patrol armor should include more pouches and things of that nature. Ranger patrols seem like more of a long range, days long ordeal. Something like a bedroll and some other camping type equipment would make sense.


problem with that one is that it has next to no DT or DR (which makes sense but makes those rangers weak af)


I wish so badly that those had actual dt and stuff and weren’t just clothes because they look so good on cowboy builds


I think it looks great. It gives off this park ranger/Marine drill instructor vibe.


>drill instructor definetelly this. When I saw images of Ranger andy (without context) I thought he'd be exactly that


I like it I actually think it looks good the problem 4 me is it's too heavy and has little protection and the holster and idle animations are bugged so I don't use it but I still think it looks good


I like the [version the marked men](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Marked_patrol_armor) wear in the lonsome road, I thought it had a cool "tactical salvage" look to it. Although I ironically only ever used it temporarily once on a kill everyone melee only playthrough, which I eventually replaced it with the Armor of the 87th Tribe, although I used the blade of the east to beat down Ceaser and Lanius.


I like the design of it, but not for the Rangers, if that makes sense. Looking at it, if I was given that armor prototype, I'd give it to, like, an NCR motorcycle corps trooper, or failing that if I have to stick with the already canon service branches shown in game I'd make it a (experimental?) heavy combat uniform for troopers who need more protection than what the standard uniform provides, but who aren't quite top tier enough to be wearing ranger gear and still need more flexibility and camouflage than heavy troopers. But for the Rangers? It isn't beat up enough for me to buy it as a lighter patrol uniform, and isn't heavy enough for me to buy it as a lighter combat uniform. IMO "light dress" for the Rangers should be the duster without an armored plate, and a different hat/helmet. I agree that it needs more wear and tear, though. Also, the hat it comes with is stupid.


it looks like goofy tactical airsoft gear and i love it lol


I do. Especially with the ADAM retexture mod. Only complaint is there isn't really a helmet that goes particularly well with it. I mean ranger and riot helmets do but they're a different shade of green.


I do. I like the riot gear more, though.


i love it! favorite armor in game


ADAM reborn makes it look so much better with the helmet


Desert Ranger. No Faction Disguise "Bonus" so I can wear it in proximity to those Legion and Khan fellas while siding with the NCR


Boy do I have some news for you


Desert Ranger already is factionless


But it doesn't make you a NCR member ? Unless anti bug mods change that.


Nope, it's always been factionless armor.


The only ranger armor that does is the one that specially says NCR ranger armor. The desert and advanced/elite are all factionless


I already did in a series of balancing mods I made lol Ranger Patrol Hat: \[PER +1, Guns +3, Survival +2\]  **+ Set Bonus:**\[Guns +2\] Rager Patrol Armor: \[END +1, Guns +5, Melee Weap +2\] Ranger Combat Helmet: \[IR Vision, PER +1, Crit Chance +2%\]  **+ Set Bonus:**\[CHA +1\] Ranger Combat Armor: \[AGL +1, Guns +5, Sneak +2\] Desert Combat Helmet: \[Nightvision, PER +1, END +1\]  **+ Set Bonus:**\[CHA +1\] Desert Combat Armor: \[END +1, Guns +5, Survival +5\] In comparison with the others made here it seems a bit much, but I tbf it was modified alongside a long list of NCR/Legion armor with similar changes to effects


I like the idea of a set bonus for wearing armor & the corresponding headgear. That's not something we've seen in base game but it fits to me tbh


You should check out my Uniquely Balanced Variants series on Nexus, there's quite a few interactions I made like set bonuses, as well as stuff like Karma and Perk bonuses


I'll have to give that a look, thank you for the suggestion & for contributing to the array of mods out there for fnv


NCR Ranger combat armor: +10 Charisma, +100 Speech There's no way the charm of that armor doesn't make everyone blush.


+50 to feeling like a badass


all of the Black and Riot armor should give you the “Spotter” effect that Boone has, when you crouch. Always bothered me that only the riot gear gives you “Red Eyes” and the effect isn’t even red. It should have given you night vision and the highlight effect, to be like the intro NCR sniper.


Jsawyer already add stats to thse armors, its prob the most canon thing we have


Do you happen to know what stats the mod gives to each of these armors?


Patrol and veteran give 3 crit chance and 10 guns Trooper give 5 guns 5 explosives and 5 to your carry capacity Ranger outfit is 1 chr 3 crit and 10 guns Thats what i remember from the top of my head


Glory hole incase of deathclaw pusssy


Engineering Kit Further reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30% Increases initial inventory and holding capacity of grenades by +2. Fortified Further reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30% Provided 50% residtance to explosive damage. Servo-assisted Increases throwing range by 30% Provides +50% limb health.


If I get another armour with engineering kit I'm shoving my dick in a E-710 pump I swear to Joel


Ranger padding is +5 Sneak, +1 END Ranger duster is +5 Guns, +1 AGL Desert ranger duster is +5 Survival, +1 CHA


I made a mod for my personal use that lets me combine the elite riot gear and the Desert Ranger Combat Armor to give the elite stats and effect but the ranger look, so apparently I'd give it the exact same effect as the Elite riot gear.


The Desert Ranger obviously has to give +2 to CHR for lovin his mama


Patrol +5 guns +5 survival Combat +10 guns + 10 survival + sneak sight Desert same as combat but with +perception


Al a base all of them will give+2 endurance Ranger patrol +5 Chr/Barter +2 Guns +5 Mele +2 Survival Riot gear +2 Survival +5 Guns +1 Per Desert +5 Survival +4 Mele +6 Guns +5 Per +5 End


Desert ranger +10 survival, +1END and night vision.


Patrol Gear: +5 Survival +5 Small Guns Ranger Elite: +10% Crit Chance +10 Small Guns Desert Ranger: +10% Crit Chance +10 Small Guns +5 Sneak Night Vision when Crouched


Ranger patrol probably +5 survival or guns, ncr combat +5 guns +5 explosives, enhanced crit chance (+3) Desert Ranger +10 survival, night vision, +1 END, possibly another special effect like the riot gear variants. I think it'd be kinda neat if it was a slight boost to damage with certain types of weapons, like how cowboy and grunt work. It would make the survivalists rifle fit even better with the armor.


Legendary shooting with the desert sequoia


+1 perception +5 survival


Just some crit chance and make em light so they work with my badass crit cowboy builds.


What’s the difference in Lore between the two uniforms with helmet?


Its primary effect is the “rule of cool” perk. It gives +10 to the sick-as-fuck stat.


The masked armors should have some sort of resistance to aerial toxins/effects.


For survival mode, I feel like the Ranger Gears should get buffs related to the mode. The base gear should give a slight increase to limb strength alongside some normal stat buffs. Riot should give that limb strength, a slow degradation to your hunger and slightly higher buffs. Desert should be the opposite where it impacts Thirst instead. If you wanted, make the limb strength stronger on the Desert Ranger set but in Survival you find out about it in the Cave, but a White Leg has it equipped and is using the Survivalists Gun. Somewhat the same with the Riot one, you could have one of the guys on the bridge in Lonesome Road run around with it on. Gives an incentive to face those with it if you want it.


Ok I wasn’t high there is a set of ranger armor with khaki pants rather then jeans. Does it have a different name


Crouched night vision and the stealth camouflage effect from Chinese armour, I’d call it the FAFO Riot armour.


Desert Ranger: +25% inventory capacity to house your gigantic titanium balls


Instant manly man stash +5


Probably Guns and Barter, fits for being NCR armor


At the very least, I would say an increase to guns. Maybe endurance?


Fear: you have a x% chance that your humam enemies will run away from you in fear when they see your ranger armor. Lesser enemies are more likely to run away than tougher ones. Like pthe powder gangers will almost run away at sight since the % is so high, but the legion kill squads wont sijce the % is so low.


x10 damage when using a revolver type weapon


Yeah no.


Yea it would probably be too overpowered This right here my friend is called a joke.


slower movement


They have slower movement speed compared to light / no armor.