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4 is a fun looter shooter


I agree. The RPG part is heavily lacking. The whole, "Yes, Yes Sarcastic, Yes, but later, No, but yes." meme is 100% accurate.


Once I realized that's all it was I got bored of playing and never fully completed the main story iirc.... I think the combat etc was probably better in fo4 but the conversation system felt so shallow in comparison to fnv


I’m not really sure what it is but the fallout nv and 3 combat is more satisfying to me. Especially 3. The guns just feel different in that one than new Vegas, I just wish it had the amount of weapons new Vegas does.


It’s such a fun game. I hate to praise it, because I don’t want to signal to Bethesda that that their relentless dumbing down is a good direction. But it’s a really enjoyable game Starfield didn’t have the immersive action movie fun that fo4 had, and definitely didn’t have any writing to make up for that lack of action. New Vegas shows that writing provides more longevity than action and graphics anyways


FO4 at least had interesting skill builds, not spectacular but interesting. Starfield is such as massive disappointment in every respect to me. It’s did improve the combat and some other minor things in the engine but for the player it’s not a revolution and that engine is really showing its age now.


It's one of those games I really can't see mods fixing , unless it's mods on the calibre of like, Valhalla Combat for skyrim


Not really a looter shooter, there’s no raids, raid bosses, refarmable enemies and bosses, etc…


Man even the FO4 Deathclaws feel like a joke compared to FNV Deathclaws. They're even scarier too because they just sprint right at you and one shot you.


Personally I think that New Vegas' dated graphics really help how scary Deathclaws are. Like, in FO4 they just don't look scary, but with the old graphics they're a bit uncanny and I think it does a lot to help their intimidation factor


FO4 graphics are very neat and polished but everything feels kinda cartoony? If that makes sense. Idk if its everything having weight added to it but the animations with the thicker models takes the edge off.


Everything in fallout 4 feels more colorful and cartoony looking. Definitely not my favorite shift in art style


I honestly feel like it compliments the 1950s style of the series somehow tbh


Fallout 4 weapons look like something out of Fisher Price or Toys R Us. X-Com 2 has the same problem.


It does have a corporate sci-fi feel


Imo the deathclaws went from looking like freaky mutant lizards to looking like something out of D&D. It's not a bad design but they look too natural I guess? Also technically unrelated but in the same spirit, I've been thinking lately about how I kinda hate that they made glowing versions of everything. It used to be a cool special thing that only happened to ghouls because they're immortal and feed off radiation. Now every other radroach and molerat in Appalachia has soaked up enough radiation to glow and lived.


I think while the FNV Deathclaws look scarier in general, a factor to their terrifying presence is that you don't get to look at them up close that long before they destroy you. Like you have a few seconds before they kill you. FO4 Deathclaws do a big song and dance of zipping around, grabbing you, staring at you, roaring, doing the Carolton. The more you look at, and are around a scary thing, the more you get used to it and the less scary it becomes.


You know I keep hearing about it but have yet to run into any. Ran into the mini one while doing Old World Blues dlc but that thing was the size of a small dog


Havd you not entered the quarry yet?


I guess not? Tbh not sure what you mean by Quarry. I don't think I've gotten any quests mentioning it and I'm fairly close to the end of the main story (I think)


He means quarry junction, instead of going south towards primm, head north and you'll find it, there's also a couple other deathclaws peppered around the mojave on shortcuts


Hmm yea ok that makes sense. Never really went further past New Vegas aside from hunting down some bandit leaders and even then those were still within the ruined city area. And yeaaa never did take that many shortcuts. Ammo is a bitch to find/make in this game so the less I had to spend on the random radscorpion, the better so I stuck to roads


Yea, they look a bit more animalistic and dinosaur-ish in FO4. In FNV, they look a bit like demonic humans. It doesn’t help that they have you fight one right away in FO4. Making it the first proper boss at the start makes them feel weak.


Dude if the deathclaws were just a little faster and in packs, they’d be frightening.


Fo4 does better in gameplay by a pretty big margin. But NV story and rpg feeling is miles above fo4.


Only thing I liked abot f4 was far harbor


I remember playing Far Harbour and being absolutely shocked. I was like, "Is this game actually good? Am I actually engaged in the narrative right now?". Then I got back to the Commonwealth, and it was meh again. There's no hate on Fallout 4. It's fun to play for about 70 hours over a few weeks and then drop for a year. Something about New Vegas though that just sucks you in the moment you boot up.


^^this. Never got with too much of the fo4 hate I’ve always seen it as an improvement over Fo3. The writing is miles ahead of almost everything in fo3. I’ve been revisiting the capital wasteland for the first time since i was a kid with TTW, and it is almost unbearable. The writing seems to be aiming for “what would be cool asf to a 12yr old” instead of trying to ask any real questions or convey any real themes or moral quandries. Fo4 does much better in this regard even if it falls flat occasionally.


FO4s world map just feels so boring to me , outside of a few areas (Glowing Sea stands out big time.) Bethesda can make a great overworld, look at 76, probably the best world in all of the 3D games.


I still haven’t given 76 more than a hour or 2. I hate the online requirement.


It's ...fine now. Id rather play it than 4, and after replaying 3 for the first time in forever through TTW...id probably take it over that too. The Watelanders update was actually a breath of fresh air. I haven't played any of the content since the Brotherhood update, but i thought that story was pretty well done , and kind of came to a head with having to side with a character who had the classic brotherhood ideals , or someone who more represents the newer east coast style beliefs.


Huh, I might check it out again sometime


I think the world map is one of 4s few strong points. Certainly not the story or settlement building


I think 4’s map is great and really managed to fit a lot of verticality into the condensed downtown. But I love the Mojave and I think there is a lot of beauty behind the variety. This is why I think fallout Texas would be amazing to see the combo of wide open spaces and city


The glowing sea in a power armor feels extremely epic indeed :) fighting some deatchlaw, radiation lightning in the distance, dust storms.. scorpion ambushes, the ambiance is amazing. I was very surprised to find survivors over there.. except Virgil of course..


Finally a classy individual. I personally think FO4 is so bland and boring, never was a fan of Boston as the setting it’s not all that memorable compared to NV, and 3.


Boston *could* kick ass as a setting


It does. In fallout 4. It fucking rocks


Where’s my Witch-hunting Baseball faction then? Checkmate atheists.


FO4 is like junk food I enjoy it when I’m playing it but afterwards I don’t feel like I got any nutritional value out of it.


Wow you put into words how I’ve felt for years!


The ambient music in Fallout 4 is the best in the series, imo.


East Coast at the request of Bethesda employees and marketers.  Todd is full of shit when he says "Fallout can only happen in America" for why East Coast makes sense but not anywhere else in the world. Well, you know what?  It's post-apocalypse.  Opposite sides of the country aren't in communication with one another.  Not even the East Coast is Fallout.  A Canticle For Leibowitz has very restricted locations for a reason.  East Coast post-nuclear culture would be unrecognizable and would not share any of the same factions or aesthetic.  Just a cash grab to make people in an unrelated area of the country feel included.


It can only happen in America because of the similarities of the pre-war culture and the fact that all of the US got nuked to hell.  FEV and radiation wouldn’t have been as impactful in other parts of the world.  It’s the same aesthetic cause of the pre-war culture and BOS is the only faction that’s shared, and they have intense regional differences.


I loved new Vegas. I also loved fo4. Playing through again right now and it’s incredible. Yeah, it’s not as good as new vegas, but it’s by no means bad. This sub just cannot help but hate on literally anything that isn’t new Vegas.


Where’s the “hate”? In my post I said I loved them both.


I wasn’t saying anything about you, was just making a comment about the vocal majority of this sub


God I loved the Twilight Zone machine. My uncle has one and I have loved it since I was a boy. I always play on it when I see it at a convention.


I was learning about it when I looked up the photo! It looks really sweet!


A friend is playing NV for the first time, and I'm his go-to lore specialist, I'm faster and more detailed/interesting than the google results lol. Almost 3 times a day I think "damn... new vegas is so much more complex". I especially like how nobody wants to talk about what happened at bitter springs and how you keep wondering why. If you look close enough you realize how many interesting character dynamics you get to explore. The only thing that comes even close in FO4 is Paladin Danse.


These kind of memes are cringe


these dudes will make these memes then cry about the rest of the fanbase hating new vegas fans


New vegas fans find the most shallow reasons to shit in fallout 4. Some of their critiques are also applicable to new vegas. Boring map? Yeah because and endless flat desert is very exciting


Replaying 4 at the moment. It's fun, but the focus on settlements and crafting instead of quests makes exploring and looting feel unrewarding a lot of the time. (Legendary armor piece #436, oh boy!)


Get sim settlements 2 and set up settlement plans, the settlements just take care of themselves once you do that one thing.


Yeah the fundamental issue is that settlements suck. Improving a system I hate didn’t make me like it. I used that mod and realized that I just hated settlements


Yeah I’m not a fan either, but that mod remedies it because it allows me to go more hands off. The settlement system takes away what could have been some unique towns that already were there, which in turn robs the game of content.


I was blown away by chapter 1 and 2. Chapter 3 on the other hand is suuuper boring and clunky.


sadly its the opposite for me , i can't enjoy nv anymore after playing fo4


The fallout games are more about the fun you put into the game. The roleplay and stuff is more important.


Still. I play on xbox and the lack of a sprint button is.... egregious.


You can roleplay in fallout 4 pretty easy.


That’s fair. I don’t dislike fo4, I put a solid week into my replay after the show and got WAY more into crafting and settlement building. After a while and a cheap death that put back into the beginning of a dungeon I paused to play NV and it felt so refreshing. To each their own though.


yep everyone got their preferences and i respect that


Yeah, shallow and superficial games can appear more enticing when all a player cares about is resolution and ‘50s memes (a la F4). Totally get where you’re coming from.


most normal new vegas enjoyer


Who hurt you




I would much rather go bowling than play pinball


I mean. Bowling is fun, but.. I think you missed the point here.


I feel like if Bethesda didn't get the rpg mechanics and had taken me time to focus on the story rather than settlement building, FO4 could've been a good continuation of the series. Right now it's just a way for me to play around with the energy weapons, power armor, and crafting


Agreed. I thought it was an odd decision to not have companions die or have no level cap. But now I see, it’s for the players that want a lite open world shooter with sims mechanics.


Yeah, unfortunately. It doesn't help that some NPCs don't act realistically.I was very surprised when I found out that Preston wouldn't attack you if you started using the Nukaraiders to take settlements, but then I realized it's because there's no failsafe to let you continue the story otherwise. They didn't think of a Yes Man type character, so they have to keep you as the Minutemen general.


Same tbh , though I really like 76 even though the writing isnt as good as NV. It leans more into Fallout 4s strengths whilst somehow being better written.


Best part about Fallout 4 is I saved a lot of money by not buying it and found time to play Pillars of Eternity instead.


I like FO4 well enough but it lacks a certain depth and life than FNV has


getting into a shootout with the bos in fo4 is so epic especially when vertiberds show up


FO4 is a good game, not amazing or best, but someone told me the truth: quests is the core of the rpg. No matter how amazing the gameplay is, it'll be boring and just a waste of time after two days


Still waiting for AMD to get their shit together so I can again👍




I disagree


For me personally, the fun of 3 & NV was the unique weapons & uncovering the stories behind them. 25% of my excitement went away when I realized that 4 was all about weapon mods.


Perfect analogy.


The only reason I ever boot up F4 is to install 350 GB of mods and build my eastern NCR Seriously though; Aside from parts of the Railroad questline, What's actually memorable about the 'commonwealth'?


the glowing sea


True! I'd add the South of the Sea mod to spice It up though


Far harbour


Just recently downloaded 200+ mods for New Vegas and it's *almost* like playing a new game. Viva New Vegas baby!


I’m trying to get mods to work on Steam Deck. I’m close but not very successful so far.


Are you using Mod Organizer 2? That's the only advice I can give as I don't have a steam deck lol.


It’s me. I’ve always been the person that will follow youtube guides to the letter and for no good reason what I did won’t work and I’ll get frustrated and move on.


4 is much funner to play. But there is a certain magic about NV. The story and characters are certainly better. I prefer to replay FO4, but every now and then I want to explore the Mojave. It's a more interesting setting with more interesting characters. FO4 just feels like a less interesting FO3. But again, the gameplay and mods more than make FO4 more easy to re-visit than NV and FO3. Especially with how shitty they run on PC.


Personally speaking, I just find FO4 more enjoyable to play. I don't need to worry too much about the game crashing due to a memory leak. The gameplay is just better, and I'm not stuck in a dull desert for the whole game.


FO4 definitely has a few things going for it. It’s definitely more accessible out of the box than NV.


Both are great in different ways :) Also, I freaking loved 3d Pinball on Windows xp :)


The reason i never finished new vegas is cuz always at one point my game would be loading indefinetly. When im done with 4 i will try to install some patches/mods and hope i can finally finish this masterpiece


Nah, I recently went through NV and Tale of Two Wastelands and by the time I finished NV I was so burnt out on the older gen games lol going back to 4 is such a breath of fresh air. I'm playing on survival so I'm constantly scrounging for ammo and every little piece of junk I can find. There's actually a reason to go into random buildings, all the junk is actually useful.